Coláiste Muire Cobh April 2021 - Colaiste Muire Cobh

Page created by Mary Richardson
Coláiste Muire Cobh April 2021 - Colaiste Muire Cobh
Coláiste Muire Cobh
         April 2021
Coláiste Muire Cobh April 2021 - Colaiste Muire Cobh
   April– This presentation to parents/guardians. Text out
    of VSware login.
   15th April to 23rd April- online input of choice
    subjects. Office closed for Easter. Textback to
   Assessment Morning- Cannot hold in school until the
    new school year
   4th June- remainder of contribution (€60) due to the
    office by this date
   Mid-June - confirmation of choice subjects
   August (week of 16th) - Collection of rental books
    scheme from school...texting no need to queue
   End of August 2021 - First Day: get timetables,
    meeting class teachers, organising books, meeting
    their class and Meitheal Team, code of behaviour,.
    Lockers available for all 1st Years
Coláiste Muire Cobh April 2021 - Colaiste Muire Cobh
    Psychological Assessment reports-please make
    appointment with Aine Finn ASAP
    Exemptions from Irish -hand in ASAP
Coláiste Muire Cobh April 2021 - Colaiste Muire Cobh
   The purpose of the assessment is to assess your child’s
    verbal, numerical and abstract ability. It does not
    decide class placement

   With this information we will be better equipped to
    help your son/daughter reach his/her potential by
    focusing on his/her strengths and assisting him/her
    where there may be any learning difficulties.
 During   Adolescence
  Physical
  Emotional
  Psychological
 Change  may bring with it insecurities – shift from
  comfort zone.
 Anxieties for 1st years
     Getting Lost
     Will I be with my friends?
     Will I be able for the schoolwork?
     Will I be able to make new friends?
     Embarrassment around boys/girls
     Bullying
 As   an opportunity
    To grow
    To experience new things
    To develop new friendships
    To challenge ourselves personally and
    To know ourselves better
    An opportunity to live our values
 How      can we help?
    Communication
        Negotiation
        Responsibility
    Support
        Understanding
        Problem Solving
        Consequences
    Direction
        Listening
        Modeling
 How      we try to help
    Communication Skills
        SPHE Teacher as facilitator
    Support
        Class teachers, Year Head, Counsellor, Meitheal Team
    Direction
        Rules
        Homework – what to learn
        Study Skills/Patterns
        Wellbeing –Areas of Learning (400hrs) –SPHE, CSPE, PE,
         Digital safety, Exercise and Mental Health, looking at
         Nutrition, Resilience, Digital Literacy Skills
 Irish
 English
 Mathematics
 History
 Geography
 Science
 Religious   Education
 Wellbeing
 PE
 Pick 3
 One language from
    German, French,Spanish

    Plus Two subjects from:-
    Visual Art
    Wood Technology
    Business Studies
    Home Economics
    Music
    Graphics
 A Catholic School for all run in accordance with
  Catholic ideals and the philosophy of the
 A Christian school is not only the RE class but the
  overall Christian atmosphere, evident in all
 A Caring School, which strives for academic
  excellence, combined with a caring and pastoral
 A Collaborative School which works with Parents
  to support students
 A Community Based School which caters for the
  students of Great Island
 The Trustees are the Presentation Brothers
  Schools Trust (PBST). CEO is Michael Sexton.
 Responsible for determining school spirit and
  vision. Owners of the buildings and grounds
 Responsible for long term major decisions e.g.
  Appointment of Principal and Deputy Principal
 Ultimately responsible for school finances
 Composed of 4 Trustee nominees, 2 Parent
  Nominees, 2 Teacher Nominees.
 The Principal acts as Secretary. The Deputy
  Principal acts as Minutes Secretary
 Board ensures that the school is run in
  accordance with the philosophy of the Trustees
  and in accordance with the rules and regulations
  of the Department of Education & Skills.
  Chairperson is Sean Culhane.
 Makes decisions re enrolments and expulsions.
  Delegates power of suspension to Principal- up to
  5 days
 Develops policies
 Employs teachers, SNAs and support staff
 Responsible to the Trustees for finance
 Meets each month during term,
 Involved in policies, advise Principal,
 support and organise school events,
 assist with fundraising, practice LC
 orals etc.
 Chairperson is Paul Mulcahy
 Parents are partners with teachers and support is
  appreciated and needed.
 Annual meeting with subject teachers at the
  Parent/Teacher Meeting
 Individual appointments may be made with any
  teacher through the School Office, office hours
 Year Heads have time assigned and are available
  to meet parents by appointment.
 Parents should check Student Journal to ensure
  homework is being noted.
 Parents are responsible for ensuring students
  attend on time, in uniform and with all required
  books and equipment
 The  effort at all times is to resolve
  difficulties at the lowest level
 Initially, the difficulty should be
  discussed at an arranged meeting
  with the subject teacher
  concerned, but not at PTM
 Advice may be sought from the
  Year Head
 If matter remains unsolved, bring
  the matter to the attention of the
  Principal/Deputy Principal
 Agreed complaints procedure
 Membership of School Book Rental Scheme-
  only extras are workbooks, copies, maths
  instruments, paints for art, equipment for
  material technology (woodwork), technical
  graphics and home economics, all available
  in shop
 Student Personal Insurance scheme, 24h,
  excess of €200 on claims
 Hardback Student Journal
 Locker
 Photocopying and most activities
 To date €130- Final contribution is €60 – by
  4th June please
   4 Core Class Groups - average 25 per class
   Each core class will be mixed ability, girls/boys, and
    Primary Schools teacher recommendation.
   Every student has at least one pupil from their primary
    school class in their 1st Year core class. Recommendations
    from 6th class teacher followed.
   Students are also divided according to subject choice for
    the 3 optional choices (Lang +2)
   Students are divided by gender for PE, CSPE and SPHE
   Class groups finalised during the summer.
   Impossible to entertain requests for changes after lists
    announced. Students need to settle.
 Classes start at 8.50am
 Class period length is 40 minutes, some
  subjects i.e. Science, PE have a double
 Morning break is 10.50 to 11.05 am
 Lunch break is 1.05 to 2.00 pm, Fridays
  1.05 to 1.45pm
 42 periods 9/day 6 on Wednesdays
 Classes finish at 1.05pm Wednesday and
  4pm every other day, Fridays 3.45pm
 Ensure  your child is in school by 8.40am.
 Ensure your child is in school by 1.55pm
  for periods 7,8,9. Dining Assembly Vs ‘Top
  of the Hill.’
 Most punctuality issues are occasional and
  can be explained. Chronic lateness is a
  different issue.
 Sign in main office if late, notes are
  checked, Year head will be in office
 Please write a note in the Journal
  explaining lateness if you are responsible.
   Subject teachers who each specialise in their own
   Class teachers, who take special care of their class
    group. They also have an important contact role for
    parents and a role in discipline and pastoral care.
   Year Heads who liaise with class teachers and who have
    special responsibility for pastoral care, academic
    progress and discipline in their year group. Double as
    class teachers.
   Deputy Principal and Principal, – Immediate
    Responsibility. DP concentrates on issues regarding
    discipline, curriculum. Principal may suspend- very
    unusual in 1st Yr.
 School tests are held twice a year, Christmas and
  Summer. Formal written reports are posted home
  to parents.
 Exam classes have an extra exam in February,
  called “the Pres” Subject teachers give class
  tests on a regular basis
 Homework is given each night- should take 1.5
  hours for 1st Years. Homework is a combination
  of learning, revision of work done in class and
  written work.
A  wide variety of sports
 TY Musical, choir for School Mass and
  other celebrations
 STEM club, Debating Club
 Students’ Council, Meitheal, Green
  Schools, Social Justice Committee
 School Library available to subject
 School trips/outings
 Maths Quiz, Young Scientists
   Christian values…love thy neighbour.
   For Health and Safety…. 666 teenagers on one campus, up
    to 9 room changes per day.
   Respect for all….allows informal relations to develop…huge
    change in Irish education.
   Our spirit…..holistic approach by all staff……..discipline as
    personal growth.
   Because its agreed by all the stakeholders
   Cooperation with home.
   Communication when difficulties arise. Journal, phone
    class teacher, year head, DP.
   Code to be co-signed by students and parents in the
    journal at the start of each year
 Binds our school together as a community.
 Advertises how your child feels about the
 Spare uniform. Shoes –flat, black, plain,
 Notes in the journal explaining missing
  shoes, ties, jumpers important.
 School Uniform and jackets purchased
  from Ryngs/Keen House. Fleeces now
 LOST JACKETS!!!!! Initials on sleeve
 School is a public building, your child is
  responsible for their property.
 Hoop earrings, shoes with a logo,runners,
  piercings, forbidden
 Regular attendance expected
 Is monitored every 40 min. NEWB obligations.
  15 days, 20 days.
 Absences must be explained by a signed dated
  note in the journal. Presented to class teacher
  upon return at assembly.
 Phoning in absences in lieu of note awkward.
 Leaving school grounds, must have parental
 Fall ill in school, pink slip system. Parents
  always contacted. Regular ‘patients’
 School text to check some absences every day
 Notes  of explanation..absence, uniform,
  homework, lateness…teachers really do
  appreciate them
 Journal is not a private diary….scan for
  feedback from teachers
 Failure to take correction, escalation
  biggest reason pupils end up in DP office
 Contact numbers update…mobile, work
 Mobile phones, policy is robust
 Supervised  study vs ‘frees’
 ‘Lock’ers need locks, locks regularly cut as
  keys are lost, locks need to be replaced
 Locker organisation
 Variety of teachers…variety of teaching
   Students experience a broad and balanced
   Standards and expectations remain high
   Subjects continue to play an important role in the
    Junior Cycle
   The Department of Education and Skills will
    monitor quality across all schools
   The State Examinations Commission will continue
    to be involved in assessment for certification
 A better and a more engaging learning experience for
  your child
 Updated subject specifications

 Quality reporting back to parents and students

 Assessment to support learning
 An emphasis on Key Skills and preparation for life

 A sound preparation for learning at Senior Cycle and
Reports on:
• State Exams
• Class based assessments
• Wellbeing
• Other Areas of Learning
   2nd and 3rd
   Snapshot in time of students work
   Timetable is issued in September
   Students need to be in school to complete the assessment
   Students receive a descriptor
       -   Exceptional
       -   Above expectations
       -   In line with expectations
       -   Yet to achieve expectations
   Completed after CBA 2
   10% of final subject grade

New Subject Grade Descriptors
   Distinction              90-100
   Higher Merit             75-89
   Merit                    55-74
   Achieved                 40-54
   Partially Achieved       20-39
   Not graded               0-19
 Be familiar with school procedures, and talk to
  your child about them in a positive way.
  Encourage your child to enjoy school.
 Provide a place for study where the student can
  concentrate and be supervised doing homework.
 Limit screen time at home. Research apps that
  can control access- biggest change in teenage
  life in 20 years
 Have 2 sets of uniform
 The Colaiste Muire App for information
 Notify the school of any concerns you have at
  the earliest possible opportunity.
 There are two sides to every story.
 Support us!
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