Elementary Curriculum Services Action Plan 2018-2019

Page created by Diane Simmons
Elementary Curriculum
Services Action Plan
Elementary Curriculum Department Plans for 2018-2019 school year

             Initiative             Goal / Objective                  Action / Strategy                         Monitoring/Measurement                               Timeline             Evaluation / Results
      Math Focus               ... by improving school-     Schools will set rigourous goals for    Short term outcomes: School SIPSAWs reflect             Initial completion November
                               based improvement            improvement in Grade 6 math, and        rigorous mathematics goals that are specific and        2018; SIPSAW moderation
                               planning and                 will engage in school based             measurable. Actions and professional learning in        and feedback ongoing
                               implementation in            monitoring of progress towards goals.   SIPSAWs align with the achievement of goals.
                               mathematics                                                          SIPSAWS include how schools intend to monitor
      Overall Goal: Increase
      grade 6 Math                                                                                  Mid term outcomes: Schools engage in changes to
      understanding (skills                                                                         teacher practice in relation to SIPSAW focus.
      and knowledge) to                                                                             Schools monitor changes to teacher practice and
      better prepare studens                                                                        impact on student learning. (Captured by: SIPSAW
      for subsequent                                                                                related documentation and tools, superintendent
      mathematics studies,                                                                          visits, use of EQAO practice assessments).
      and to improve future
      career options.                                                                               Long term outcomes: Increased student learning
                                                                                                    and achievement (Captured by: monitoring tools as
                                                                                                    outlined in the SIPSAW, including classroom
      Overall Long Term                                                                             assessments, school-created tools, and an increase
      Outcomes: increase in                                                                         in board EQAO scores from 37% to 47%); increased
      student achievment in                                                                         collective efficacy (Captured by: efficacy surveys in
      mathematics as                                                                                cornerstone schools).
      measured by an                                        Identify what the fundamentals are      Scope and sequence document reflects focus on           Cornerstone Schools ongoing
      increase in board EQAO                                and where they lie in the               Measurement strand. A common language for
      scores from 37% to 47%                                Measurement strand across grades.       students and educators is established.
                                                            Connect competencies to learning
                                                            through professional development.       Use of Curriculum Documents, Guide to Effective
                                                                                                    Instruction: Measurement, and where appropriate,
                                                                                                    the Ministry of Education Measurement Content
                                                                                                    Modules, during PLCs. Impact measured by student
                                                                                                    achievement, mid year assessment, superintendent
                               .. by creating common        Define a balanced math block of 100     Short term outcomes: Increase educator and leader November, 2018
                               understanding of effective   minutes and establish key               understanding of effective math programming and
                               mathematics instruction      instructional strategies connected to   board direction on components of math block.
                                                            measurement and the fundamentals        (Captured by: feedback from professional learning
                                                            in math.                                and/or in response to messaging)

                                                                                                    Mid term outcomes: Classroom practice shifts to
                                                                                                    reflect defined criteria (Captured by: observations
                                                                                                    from administrators, anecdotal records, etc. in
                                                                                                    comparison to initial survey of teache current

Elementary Curriculum Department Plans for 2018-2019 school year

             Initiative        Goal / Objective                   Action / Strategy                          Monitoring/Measurement                               Timeline             Evaluation / Results
                                                        Engage schools in teaching-learning      Short term outcomes: school teams will select a     October-November 2018
                                                        cycle where teams determine areas of     category of fundamental concepts and skills and a
                                                        need, implement specific practice to     teaching practice to address need, and will engage
                                                        address that need, and then reflect on   in cycle (Captured by: PA day Administrator survey;
                                                        the impact of practice/instruction on    superintendent visits, Google Meet support sessions
                                                        student learning                         for select schools).

                                                                                                 Long term outcomes: Refinement of teacher
                                                                                                 practices leading student learning (Captured by:
                                                                                                 end-of-cycle documentation & sharing of impact);
                                                                                                 increased teacher efficacy (Captured by: YTD tool to
                                                                                                 record increase of understanding of cause-and-
                                                                                                 effect relationship between shifts in teaching
                                                                                                 practice and shifts in learning).
                          ... by strategic creatiing and Create a repositiory of curated         Short term outcomes: teachers will made aware of,      Creation of resource
                          curating of resources          resources for teachers to use to        and then access and use resource document              document: Sept 2018
                                                         support the development of              (Captured by: inclusion of document in PA Day
                                                         fundamental concepts and skills         materials, google analytics, anecdotal evidence of     Revising & improving content
                                                                                                 use)                                                   and structure of resource
                                                                                                                                                        document: Ongoing
                                                        Create a mid-year EQAO-like practice EQAO practice assessment will be created and               Tool creation & iniital
                                                        assessment to illustrate student      implemented.                                              implementation Jan/Feb,
                                                        growth in math strands with a focus                                                             2019
                                                        on measurement, and including
                                                        observation of key student behaviours
                                                        such as perseverence, confidence,
                                                        focus, etc.
                                                        Investigate a scope and sequence      Student achievement, superintendent visits                Cornerstone Schools Nov.,
                                                        chart in Cornerstone Schools to                                                                 2018, all other schools may
                                                        support teaching of math strands with                                                           choose to participate on an
                                                        a focus on measurement over the                                                                 optional basis.
                                                        course of the school year.
                          ... by leveraging human       Use of ILs in a focused manner to        Principal participation in monitoring the work of      Ongoing
                          resources                     support defined actions/strategies in    school improvement, Superintendent visits
                                                        math including manipulative and
                                                        technology use in classrooms.
      Early Years         Connect how Kindergarten      Develop a chart that outlines where      Student achievement, superintendent visits,            October, 2018
                          math aligns with the          critical expectations lie in the         common language for students and educators.
                          Fundaments in Math            Kindergarten Document                    Evidence of student learning, evidence of educator
                          Document                                                               references to the content in planning and

Elementary Curriculum Department Plans for 2018-2019 school year

             Initiative        Goal / Objective                    Action / Strategy                            Monitoring/Measurement                                   Timeline               Evaluation / Results
                          Provide examples of how        Capture examples of students              Supported by IL's, Consultants, Admin and                   Subpage created with a
                          the Fundamentals in Math       exploring Fundamental concepts and        Superintendents through reflecting on how the               deadline of Jan. 2019 Check
                          can be planned for with        skills in various contexts. Build a       instructional approach addresses the fundamental            in with schools with Itinerant
                          intention in                   comprehensive subpage on ourdock.         skill/concept and naming, with evidence, the impact         Early Years Educators for
                          developmentally                ca to outline what the skill or concept   on student achievement as a result                          feedback on effectiveness
                          appropriate ways in the        means, what it looks like with kids,
                          Early Years, including         and ways we can teach it across K-3
                          explicit instruction and
                          playful exploration
                          Support the improvement        Build understanding and capacity          IL's, Consultants, Admin and Superintendents will  Check in with focus schools -
                          of literacy outcomes by        around phonological awareness as an       support educators to be able to articulate which   Nov. 2019
                          looking closely at how we      important piece of literacy               skills students have acquired and which skills are
                          know our learners through      understanding for reading and writing     still needed with percision, and make programming
                          the 9 areas of deep learning   using the new TLDSB phonological          decisions to reflect this
                                                         awareness inventory
      The Arts            Increase teacher knowledge     Intentionally demonstrate the direct      Educator use of Our Dock. Visible sharing of                Ongoing with schools.
                          in ways arts and and other     connections between the arts and          educator learning at schools, Twitter & through             November - math/art
                          subjects are interconnected    other subjects to build knowledge &       conversations. Feedback from PLCS and PD.                   workshop Lindsay.
                          through the curriculum,        understanding.Uitilizing teachers with    Increase collaborations with integrations. Increased        Music/Math coding
                          with a focus on math.          strong math content knowledgeto           visible initiatives of classes and schools in relation to   workshop in October.
                                                         develop explicitly linked math            the arts. Increased content understanding and               December - linking math
                                                         connections to share. Place examples      confidence of educators & students in integrating           mentor texts to the 5
                                                         of interwoven arts and math lessons       subjects.                                                   fundamentals & to art
                                                         on OurDock. PLCs and PD integrating                                                                   provocations, pairing with
                                                         the arts to support other subjects.                                                                   examplary math teachers to
                                                         Continue to Intergrate arts learning                                                                  develop direct Math/Music
                                                         through STEAM opportunities.                                                                          collaborations to share.
                                                         Develop partnerships with ARTSECO                                                                     February - Our dock
                                                         members to share and enhance                                                                          math/arts lessons April -
                                                         math/arts resources.                                                                                  linking the arts to EQAO
                                                                                                                                                               prompts. May- TLLP looking
                                                                                                                                                               at arts/executive functioning
                                                                                                                                                               and direct correlations to
                                                                                                                                                               academic (math)
                                                         Co-planning with educators to utilize     Educators and students using content specific               Ongoing with schools.
                          Support educators in           these processes in creating qualtity      vocabulary in the arts. Quality of tasks                    February - Arts PD workhop
                          deepening their content        tasks. Collaborative teaching and co-     demonstrating students' creative process.                   afterschool March -
                          learning in the arts           reflecting with educators. Providing      Increased efficacy and confidence of educators in           Drama/dance workshops for
                          connected to the Creative &    PD for educators through PLCs,            implementing their arts programs. Visable learning          educators & students. May -
                          Critical Analysis Processes    workshops, our Dock and Twitter           sharing through Twitter, schools & initiatives.             linking TLAC arts camp
                          in creating quality tasks                                                Reflections & feedback forms from educators and             learning to the classroom.
                                                                                                   students. Increased active engagement of students.          Board wide music festival -

Elementary Curriculum Department Plans for 2018-2019 school year

             Initiative         Goal / Objective                    Action / Strategy                          Monitoring/Measurement                               Timeline              Evaluation / Results
                                                          Introduce teachers to online tools:      A 4 week initial pilot will take place with select     Pilot begins November 1st
                                                          Flat and Soundtrap, where they can       schools who will then continue to build capacity       for 4 weeks with the
                          Connect teachers with on-       bring music composition alive in there   with other schools and teachers, followed by           developers of soundtrap.
                          line tools that will help       classrooms and develop knowledge of      strategic updates throughout the year. Teachers will   Monitoring of sharing will be
                          them to develop                 rhyhmic patterns and elements of         be able to share their use of the program and infuse   continuous throughout the
                          composition opportunities       music. Pilot schools without an          increased music into intermediate grades. Data will    year.
                          and work with Creative          instrumental program will be selected    be taken to see if the program has spread to other
                          Process in music                to pilot SoundTrap.                      areas of the school.
                          In correlation with the 1       Select 3 pilot schools (ASES, Central, Develop Instrument inventory feedback form to            Board Refurbishment grant
                          million dollar MusicCanada      Lady Mac) as recipients who will        recieve data on what instruments our school             and MusicCanada Grant both
                          instrument repair initiative,   guide this project for other schools in has/uses board wide.                                    come to fruition in
                          working with                    the province. Educate all music                                                                 November. Inventory
                          instrumentalist teachers to     teachers on inventory and repair and                                                            completed by April.
                          have their inventory            raise awareness in the application and
                          overhauled/repaired/refurb      grant available from MusicCanada for
                          ished                           2018.
      Literacy            Improve Literacy outcomes Use TLDSB Reading Research for                 Class and School data to be used by classroom          Identify Cornerstone schools
                          as reflected by school    Decision Making tool to focus data             educators to identify and close gaps, and              and monitor checkpoints 3
                          Reading assessments       collection and inform school decisions         achievement compared to exit targets are               times per year (Fall, Feb and
                          (Fountas and Pinnell                                                     monitored by Prinicpals and Superintendents.           June)
                          Benchmark) and exit
                                                          Enusre system wide understanding of      Prinicpal and Superintendent visits, common            After school workshops
                                                          Fountas and Pinnell text gradients       language for students and educators - Evidence of      offered during Nov and Dec
                                                          (levels) and 12 Strategic Actions for    student learning, evidence of educator references      in both North & South
                                                          developing common language for           to the content in planning and assessments             locations. Learning also
                                                          both assessment and instruction                                                                 offered several times
                                                                                                                                                          throughout the year

                                                          Ground work in Literacy Profile and in Use Google Analytics to analyze how TLDSB                Collect data in Dec, March
                                                          content on Our Dock to support         educators are using Our Dock and in feedback from        and June
                                                          professional learning during PLCs      PLCs
                                                          Knowing our learners through             IL's, Consultants, Admin and Superintendents will      After school workshops
                                                          ongoing formative assessment and         support educators to be able to articulate which       offered during Nov and Dec
                                                          selecting appropriate strategies from    skills students have acquired and which skills are     in both North & South
                                                          the Literacy Continuum to set precise    still needed with percision, and make programming      locations. Learning also
                                                          student learning goals.                  decisions to reflect this                              offered several times
                                                                                                                                                          throughout the year
                          Continue to support             Use of materials in Literacy Profile     Observations during classroom walk throughs by      After school workshops
                          gradual release of              and on Our Dock to support               Principals and Superintendents and in conversations offered during Nov and Dec
                          responsibility in Literacy      conversations and learning               during PLCs with consultants and ILs                in both North & South
                          instruction                                                                                                                  locations

Elementary Curriculum Department Plans for 2018-2019 school year

            Initiative          Goal / Objective                  Action / Strategy                         Monitoring/Measurement                             Timeline             Evaluation / Results
                         Support the improvement        Build understanding and capacity        IL's, Consultants, Admin and Superintendents will  Feedback from educators
                         of Early Literacy outcomes     around phonological awareness as an     support educators to be able to articulate which   with Google Form in Dec and
                         by looking closely at how      important piece of literacy             skills students have acquired and which skills are May
                         we know our learners           understanding for reading and writing   still needed with percision, and make programming
                         through the 9 areas of deep    using the new TLDSB phonological        decisions to reflect this
                         learning                       awareness inventory. Make content
                                                        accessible to educators by working in
                                                        partnership with the Speech and
                                                        Language Pathologists to add pieces
                                                        to Our Dock to support students with
      FSL                Connect the Fundamentals       Identify where the fundamentals are     -School Observations/ Conversations Monitoring       Ongoing
                         in Math to math teaching       in the grades 1-3 curriculum through    through conversation with Admin, teachers and
                         and learning in grades 1-3.    PD.                                     students.
                         Provide a Math Grade 1 kit     Explore how to use this teaching tool   Provide ongoing support through PLC's/ classroom     Google form to be reviewed
                         (Mathology) as a Pilot to      in the classroom to increase student    visits/google meets                                  in January and June to track
                         increase student               acheivement while using higher                                                               impact of learning.
                         achievement in math            expectations with our students
                         (Grade 2 kit Feb 2019,
                         Grade 3 kit Fall 2020)
                         Implement a tiered and         Explore the Access to Success tiered    - Qualitative data from PD (October 2018)            Google form to be reviewed
                         responsive approach to         approach to being responsive to         - Monthly Google meets with each school team         in January and June to track
                         Second Language                Second Language learners in all         - Google Form to track:                              impact of learning.
                         acquisition and all learning   subject areas.                          Where do you feel your learning is at prior and post
                         in a Second Language                                                   ‘Class Act’
                         environment.                                                           “What are your students able to do differently now
                                                                                                because of your learning?”
                                                                                                -School Observations/Conversations
                                                                                                Monitoring through conversation with Admin,
                                                                                                teachers and students.
                                                                                                Voluntary educators sharing their growth in learning
                                                                                                on our FSL Spec Ed resource site.
                                                        Continue to be responsive to the       - Monthly Google meets with each school team          https://drive.google.
                                                        reading gaps in our Second Language                                                          com/open?
                                                        learners by continuing to promote the                                                        id=1PmN8Fu9Ok5KzQ1zQU0
                                                        use of the Class Act phonological tool                                                       SLj6R7r_nY-vUx-rQTg9ljtns
                                                        kit and the promotion and importance
                                                        of phonological awareness.

                         DELF                           Increase the amount of students that    - Student exam results                               Data collection by May 2019.
                                                        can access the grade 12 DELF exam       - Student retention data
                                                        from 55-75

Elementary Curriculum Department Plans for 2018-2019 school year

             Initiative               Goal / Objective                  Action / Strategy                          Monitoring/Measurement                             Timeline              Evaluation / Results
                                                              Offer the DELF training to TLDSB staff   Increase number of Correcteurs to 35. Increase of    Correcteur training - Jan.
                                                              to increase the amount of                students involved in DELF in grade 8 and increased   2019
                                                              correcteurs. We currently have 15        opportunties for students in grade 12.               Grade 8 students - June 2019
                                                              members from the North and 7                                                                  Grade 12 students - May
                                                              members from the South whom are                                                               2019
                                                              trained. By increasing these numbers
                                                              we will have more opportunities to
                                                              offer the exam as well as a larger
                                                              knowledge base of the program.
                                                              Pilot a French Immersion grade 8       - Student exam results                                 Data collection by June 2019.
                                                              DELF ‘faux’ exam. Include all 6 French - Student retention data
                                                              Immersion Elementary schools.
                                                              Monitor those students as they
                                                              continue through to grade 12 for
                                                              student retention in FSL.
                               CEFR                           Continue to engage students in FSL by Provide ongoing support through Family of School        Google form to be reviewed
                                                              using the CEFR model. CEFR is a           PLC's & classroom visits                            in June to track impact of
                                                              proven framework and tool as part of                                                          learning.
                                                              the European French language
                                                              instruction. It is the anchor to building
                                                              confidence in students. CEFR
                                                              encourages a natural development of
                                                              language and is based on student
                                                              voice, student interest, and authentic
      ESL                      Contiued development and Completion of modules                          Feedback from participants regarding:                Ongoing
                               delivery of an online course                                            Content of online course. Participants can be asked:
                               for Tutors and Teachers                                                 What was most useful?
                                                                                                       What was the least useful?
                                                                                                       What is missing?
                                                                                                       Are the resources easily accessible? (e.g., the
                                                                                                       documents in the shared Google Folder?)
                                                                                                       Any other thoughts/ideas.
                                                                                                       Tutor course participation throughout the 2018/19
                                                                                                       school year can be closely monitored.

      Experiential Education   Provide authentic              Liaise with (1) Fleming, Georgian &      Use a tracking system to ensure that experiential    Tracking system is as
                               experiential learning          Durham College to expose students to     opportunities can be anticipated and are equitably   complete as currently
                               opportunities, with an         post-secondary trades opportunities,     distributed. When possible, manifest new             possible, updated as
                               intentional initial focus on   (2) Outdoor Education Partners to        opportunities.                                       opportunities emerge.
                               grade 7-8 students.            expose students to Outdoor                                                                    Manifestation of
                                                              Education opportunities, and (3)                                                              opportunities is ongoing.
                                                              Community partners to cultivate
                                                              student/teacher training, excursion
                                                              and funding opportunities

Elementary Curriculum Department Plans for 2018-2019 school year

            Initiative      Goal / Objective             Action / Strategy                          Monitoring/Measurement                                  Timeline            Evaluation / Results
                                               Provide Experiential Education           Use Google Analytics to monitor engagement on            Google Community &
                                               programming initiatives (ie. Grade 4-8   Our Dock, Google Community & Twitter. Measure            monthly newsletter in place.
                                               Tool Kits, Cardboard Boat Races) and     interest through response to initiatives (eg.            Our Dock space established
                                               support (ie. Our Dock resource page,     requests to participate in initiatives, photo evidence   (though responsively
                                               Google Community, monthly                through social media, interest in competing at Skills    evolving to contain improved
                                               newsletter) that make Experiential       Ontario).                                                ideas, materials and
                                               Education ideas and materials                                                                     support).
                                               accessible. Establish periodic
                                               challenges that connect math &
                                               science curriculum with kit contents.
                                               Establish a K-8 curriculum-based         Consult with curriculum, technology and pathways         Data collection on grade 7-8
                                               Experiential Learning scope and          teams to make clear connections between                  activities by February 2019.
                                               sequence that increases the use of       curriculum expectations and experiential initiatives     Scope & sequence by June
                                               the Experiential Education Cycle (ie.    and opportunities in order to establish a responsive     2019, to use as a guiding
                                               robust school-community                  scope and sequence document. Collect data from           document in the 2019/2020
                                               connections, awareness of highly         CTs, Ps and ILs on grade 7-8 activities occurring        school year. Support
                                               skilled workforce pathways,              within TLDSB. Provide support to ensure that             responsive and ongoing.
                                               purposeful inquiry-driven                activities are connected to curriculum. Track
                                               instructional design, embedded           teacher participation in PD/PLC/shoulder-to-
                                               reflection). This document will          shoulder support EE opportunities.
                                               support teachers in integrating
                                               curricular content in a cross-
                                               disciplinary approach, especially
                                               through contextual content that
                                               connects student learning to the
                                               "real" math embedded in STEM and
                                               Skilled Trades career pathways.
                                               Provide individualized programming       Work with school (Student/CT/P/SERT/Parent) and          Ongoing.
                                               support for at-risk intermediate         Special Education/BIRT teams to establish goal-
                                               learners to increase engagement and      based programs for individual students. Use the
                                               understanding of how the skills and      goals to track student skill development, curricular
                                               knowledge developed in school            achievement, and overall engagement.
                                               support the individual in her/his
                                               career & life pathway.

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