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 BA Primary Teaching with Qualified
 Teacher Status (QTS) Fact File
 Faculty:                                              and Literacy Skills Tests as part of the
                                                       application process. You must ensure you
                                                       have passed them both before the start of
 Campus Location:                                      the course.
 Hope Park                                             Duration:
 Entry Requirements:                                   Four years
 The standard offer level is between 260               You may also be interested in:
 - 300 UCAS points from A2 Levels or
 equivalent. In addition applicants will require       • Childhood and Youth
 a GCSE Grade C or above (or equivalent)               • Early Childhood
 in English, Mathematics and Science.                  • Education
 Applicants must have undertaken recent                • Special Educational Needs
 school experience in a primary school. Offers         Contact Details:
 will be subject to a successful interview, as
                                                       Student Recruitment
 well as a Health Check Statement and an
 Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure               +44 (0) 151 291 3111
 Barring Service. It is also a government    
 requirement that you take the Numeracy

  Course Combinations:
  Primary Teaching with Biology                                            UCAS code XC1C
  Primary Teaching with Christian Theology                                 UCAS code XV61
  Primary Teaching with Early Childhood                                    UCAS code X1XH
  Primary Teaching with English Language                                   UCAS code X1QJ
  Primary Teaching with English Literature                                 UCAS code X1QH
  Primary Teaching with Geography                                          UCAS code X1L7
  Primary Teaching with History                                            UCAS code X1VD
  Primary Teaching with Information Technology                             UCAS code X1GM
  Primary Teaching with Mathematics                                        UCAS code X1GD
  Primary Teaching with Modern Foreign Languages                           UCAS code X1R9
  Primary Teaching with Music                                              UCAS code X1WJ
  Primary Teaching with Special Educational Needs                          UCAS code X190
  Primary Teaching with Sport and Physical Education                       UCAS code X1CP
  Primary Teaching with World Religions                                    UCAS code XV1P
Course Introduction

Our unique four year degree equips you with         There are opportunities for you to travel to
the depth of knowledge, skills and                  North America or Europe as part of our
understanding required to become an                 Student Teacher Exchange Programme and
outstanding Primary Teacher. You will be            short two week placements organised by the
given a range of opportunities to gain              Faculty of Education.
significant experience teaching in a wide
                                                    The Faculty is based in the custom-designed
range of our partner schools.
                                                    EDEN Building, which offers the latest in
The course allows you to combine your               teaching technologies.
teacher training with two years of study of a
                                                    This is now the third century in which
specialist subject, such as Special
                                                    Liverpool Hope has been educating and
Educational Needs or Mathematics. This
                                                    training teachers. Its founding colleges were
enables you to develop the knowledge and
                                                    among the first in the country to educate
understanding of a particular subject at
                                                    elementary school mistresses. Initial teacher
undergraduate level.
                                                    education and training continues to be
Alongside Professional Placement Learning           central to Liverpool Hope’s mission and the
in schools, you will study two strands that         formation of the ‘Hope Teacher’ has been
run parallel throughout each year of the            celebrated in our latest OFSTED report.
degree programme:
• Initial Professional Development: based
   around the four themes of Holistic
   Learning and Development; Inclusion and
   Diversity; The Child in Society; and
   Leadership and Management
• Subject Knowledge, Curriculum and
   Pedagogy: includes training on how to
   plan and teach all subjects in the
   Primary Curriculum

What you will study

Level C (Year One)                                   Level I (Year Two)
Initial Professional Development                     Initial Professional Development
Theme: Holistic Learning and Development             Theme: Holistic Learning and Development
• Key theories of child development                  • Effective learning environments
• Predominant theories of learning in the           Theme: The Child in Society
   21st Century                                      • The role of the teacher in a historical
Theme: Inclusion and Diversity                          context, changing ideas of childhood
• Contemporary perspectives on Special              Theme: Leadership and Management
   Education Needs / Disability                      • Theories of effective classroom and
Theme: The Child in Society                             behaviour management
• Themes and concepts in the sociology of           Subject Knowledge, Curriculum
   education such as race, class, gender and         and Pedagogy
   the hidden curriculum
                                                     • English, Mathematics, Science and
Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy                          Computing for Primary Teaching
• English, Mathematics, Science and                 • Primary Teaching of Foundation Subjects,
   Computing for Primary Teaching                       MFL and RE
• Primary Teaching of Foundation Subjects,          • Identifying and planning to address
   Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) and                   children’s misconceptions
   Religious Education (RE)                          • Short and medium term planning
• Introduction to the requirements of the           • Assessment for Learning (AfL)
   Primary Curriculum from the Foundation
                                                     Subject Specialism
   Stage through to the beginning of Key
   Stage Three.                                      • Explorations in your subject
• Subject knowledge and skills in all subjects          specialism (see subject information
                                                        for further details)
Subject Specialism
• Foundations in your subject
   specialism (see subject information
   for further details)

Level H (Year Three)                                  Level H (Year Four)
Initial Professional Development                      Initial Professional Development
Theme: Holistic Learning and Development              • Current issues, pertinent to initial and
• Different notions / purposes of education              continuing professional development eg using
                                                         data on pupils progress to inform planning
Theme: Leadership and Management
• Action planning for improving teaching,            Subject Knowledge, Curriculum
   assessment and achievement for                     and Pedagogy
   individuals and groups
                                                      • English, Mathematics, Science and
Subject Knowledge, Curriculum                            Computing for Primary Teaching
and Pedagogy                                          • Outstanding teaching, learning
• English, Mathematics, Science and                     and assessment
   Computing for Primary Teaching                     • Theoretical underpinning and associated
• Critical reflection on key                            national policy and guidelines. Education
   theories, associated research and                     Theory and Practice
   teaching strategies                                • The nature and evolving purposes of
• Planning for personalising learning                   teaching and learning in the 21st Century
   and progression                                    • Historical development of key
                                                         learning theories
Wider Perspectives in Education
                                                      • Theoretical foundations of contemporary
• Global citizenship and international                  teaching and learning initiatives
   education, global learning,
   comparative education                              Subject Leader
• Factors that affect learning processes             • Case studies of teaching and learning
   including learners’ social, cultural,                 initiatives from local, national and
   linguistic, religious and ethnic backgrounds          international contexts
• Teaching pupils with English as an                 • Learning theories and their application in
   Additional Language                                   practice relevant to their subject specialism
Creativity in the Curriculum
• Developing creativity in the Primary
   Curriculum across the Foundation
   Subjects, MFL and RE
• Strategies for developing children’s
   creative thinking
• Innovative practice including use of ICT

Employability and Career Opportunities

88% of Primary Teaching with QTS Liverpool              application of the specialist subject through
Hope students graduating in 2014 are                    other components of the degree (including
currently in teaching positions.                        professional placement learning) and how this
                                                        can be applied to meet the learning needs
‘Headteachers recognise ‘the Hope Teacher’
                                                        of children across the primary age range.
as one who shows resilience, resolve, works
                                                        The degree includes 60 credits at Masters
hard and gives of themselves to help others’
                                                        level – this is one third of a Masters degree.
               OFSTED Report (January 2014)             A newly validated MEd/MA in Professional
                                                        Practice offers the opportunity to continue
You will complete placements in each year
                                                        studying during the NQT year and beyond,
of study. This enables you to gain broad
                                                        well supported by tutors and drawing on your
experience teaching across the Primary age
                                                        teaching experiences.
range. Following successful completion of the
programme, you will be recommended for                  All of our graduates are enrolled upon a
Qualified Teacher Status. Students become               Newly Qualified Teachers (NQT) Professional
teachers in a variety of school settings, ranging       Development Programme that includes a
from those within our local partnerships to             series of NQT Professional Development
International Schools abroad. The final year            Days, and will support you through the first
of the degree includes a ‘Subject Leader’               year of teaching.
qualification that enables you to draw upon
your specialist subject to inform your role as
future leaders in the Primary School. Indeed,
you will have the opportunity to consider the

Why study this subject at Liverpool Hope?

• In an exit-survey of our students                • Our partner schools are involved with the
   graduating in 2014:                                 training at the University, for example
                                                       children come to our Hope Park campus
  - 99% of students said the overall quality
                                                       for ‘micro-teaching’ sessions in English and
     of their teacher training at Liverpool
                                                       Mathematics led by BA QTS students.
     Hope was very good or good
                                                    • Students are encouraged to participate
  - 96% of students said the Primary English
                                                       in short two-week placements in schools
     training was very good or good
                                                       in a range of countries including Norway,
  - 98% felt confident to teach reading in            France, Spain and the USA. Students
     primary school                                    learn not only about the education
                                                       system in the country of study but are
  - 98% of students said the Primary
                                                       also able to compare this to the English
     Mathematics training was very good
                                                       education system. Some students may
     or good
                                                       elect to spend half of their third year in a
• ‘Retention, completion and employment               higher educational institution abroad. For
   rates have risen to above average and               example, students can elect to study in
   trainees’ confidence in their training is           America where Liverpool Hope has several
   at an all-time high’ (OFSTED Report,                long-established relationships, or through
   January 2014).                                      the ERASMUS programme.

Graduate and Student Feedback

Danielle Kavanagh                                    Laura Tilsley
“I chose to study at Liverpool Hope because          “The support I received not just from
of the great facilities on campus and the            the class teacher and mentor, but from
fantastic opportunities the course has to            the whole staff, helped me to progress
offer. Whilst completing my degree in                into a newly qualified teacher. They all
Primary Teaching with QTS, I have had many           wanted me to succeed in my final placement.
successful teaching placements. This has             I am very grateful that the school has now
provided me with further opportunities such          offered me my first teaching position.”
as supply work in partner schools and a
teaching job in my subject specialism                Kellie Williams
beginning in September.”                             “The course at Liverpool Hope laid the
                                                     foundations that have helped shape me into
Roger Watson
                                                     the teacher that I am today. The University
“I am a mature student who has studied at            had extremely high standards in us as
university before. The main distinction              students and I feel that it equipped me so
between Hope and my previous university              well for life as a professional teacher. Hope
experience is that the tutors here really care       helped me prepare for interview processes
about their students and do their utmost to          and also organising a professional portfolio,
support you in achieving your degree. I have         all of which stood me in good stead for
thoroughly enjoyed my time here studying             getting a job in a fantastic school back
and I am glad I made the right choice.”              home in Wales.”

Academic Staff Profiles

Michelle Pearson, Head of Primary                                 Colin Wong,
Initial Teacher Education                                         Senior Lecturer
Michelle Pearson is currently the Curriculum                       Colin is currently working at
Co-ordinator and Subject Leader for Primary                        Liverpool Hope University
English, teaching many aspects of the                              as a Senior Lecturer with
undergraduate curriculum and Postgraduate                          additional responsibility as
Certificate in Education. She is an expert                         Programme Manager for the
in Phonics and assessment in English with          part-time Primary PGCE course; Faculty
her research into ‘subject knowledge and           Senior Academic Adviser; and Head of Final
pedagogy in phonics’ and ‘the teaching of          Year Undergraduate Initial Teacher Education
early Reading.’ Her other research interests       (Professional Placements).
are ’tablet technology and Standard
                                                   He has wide teaching experience covering
English.’ She has a wide range of teaching
                                                   Foundation Stage, Key Stage One-Two,
experience, across a number of education
                                                   Foundation Degree, Undergraduate,
sectors, is a qualified Head Teacher and is
                                                   Postgraduate and Continuing Professional
a member of the United Kingdom Literacy
                                                   Development. Previous commitments
                                                   have included experience as an External
               Yvonne Ward,                        Consultant to Edge Hill University, Ormskirk;
                                                   Newman University College, Birmingham;
               Senior Professional
                                                   University of Cumbria, Lancaster and
               Tutor                               University of Derby. He has also participated
                Yvonne Ward is a Senior            international education-related activities
                Professional Tutor (Primary        in Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai
                Mathematics); she co-              and Milwaukee. Colin first trained as an
                ordinates the BA QTS               Additional Inspector for Ofsted inspections
Primary Mathematics Team, teaching on              of schools in 2004. He is currently
both the undergraduate and postgraduate            undertaking doctoral studies at MMU.
programmes. Yvonne is a recent primary
Deputy Head Teacher having many years’
experience teaching in both community and
faith schools. During her career Yvonne
was a Local Authority Advisory Teacher
and also a Leading Mathematics Teacher.
She is a marker for the Key Stage Two
National Curriculum Mathematics tests and
is also a community governor. She holds an
MA in Education and Leadership, NCSL’s
Leadership Pathways and the CCCRS
Mahnaz Siddiqui,                       staff development programmes for Liverpool
                Lecturer                               secondary schools.

                 Mahnaz Siddiqui is currently          Sarah holds Charted Science Teacher
                 a Lecturer in Education               status (CSciTeach) and is a member of the
                 (Primary Mathematics).                Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors
                 She has been teaching on              (CIEA); the Association for Achievement and
                 Teacher Education courses             Improvement through Assessment (AAIA);
at Liverpool Hope for ten years, and                   Association for Science Education (ASE);
previously taught in the primary sector for            and the National Advisors and Inspectors
nine years. Mahnaz’s expertise in primary              Group for Science (NAIGS).
mathematics developed as a co-ordinator                               Anne James, Lecturer
in school and she continues to engage in
mathematics research as part of her CPD                               Anne is Co-ordinator of
and EdD study. Mahnaz has had a variety                               Arts and Humanities and a
of roles including: Year Head for final year                          Lecturer in Music Education
students, Lead Member of the primary                                  in the Education Faculty.
mathematics team, and Seminar Tutor                                     Before coming to Hope
for all year groups. This year Mahnaz has                               she was a music teacher in
led and managed a final year curriculum                a variety of settings including a grammar
element, mathematics provision for PGCEs               school, large comprehensive school and
and undergraduates Levels C and I, and                 Young Offenders Institute. She was also
been responsible for Levels I and H seminar            Head of Music and Director for Learning
groups. She is a member of the FHEA                    in Expressive Arts in two North West
and studying for a Doctorate in Education              secondary schools. Anne is a member of the
(Mathematics Education Research).                      National Association of Music Educators and
                Dr Sarah Askey,                        a committee member of BASBWE (British
                                                       Association of Symphonic Bands and Wind
                Lecturer                               Ensembles) and she conducts the Liverpool
                 Sarah has 13 years teaching           Hope University Concert Band. Anne is
                 and leadership experience             currently researching into Primary music
                 in secondary schools and              education for her Educational Doctorate.
                 before joining Hope in March
                 2012, she was a Teaching
and Learning Adviser for Trafford. She has
a keen interest in assessment and was
involved in the development of Assessing
Pupils’ Progress materials for the National
Strategies. Sarah is lead science and
chemistry subject expert for the qualifications
regulator Ofqual, and is currently advising
on the new GCSE and A Level reforms.
She teaches across both Primary and
Secondary courses and provides bespoke

Dr Bernie Hughes,                                 Felicity Ackroyd, PGCE
                Lecturer                                          Lead and Primary
                  Dr Bernie Hughes is a                           Mathematics Tutor
                  Lecturer in Education                            Felicity has taught as a
                  (Modern Foreign Languages).                      primary school teacher
                  She is currently the Co-                         for 13 years with senior
                  ordinator of MFL, teaching                       management experience
many aspects of the undergraduate                 as Deputy Head and KS2 Leader, as
curriculum and postgraduate courses               well as curriculum leadership expertise in
in Education. She is a specialist in both         Mathematics and History. She has taught
languages and theatre and also has Masters        in both the mainstream and independent
degrees in both Theatre Studies and               sectors, including boarding, faith and single
Screenwriting. Her research has been in the       sex schools, and is a very creative teacher.
use of audiovisual media in language learning,    She is a SATs marker and a School Governor
creativity and drama in teaching and learning     of a large primary school. More recently,
and she has published in relation to students’    Felicity has worked at Liverpool Hope as a
learning experiences abroad. She is also a        Professional Tutor in Primary Education and is
writer, including foreign language shows for      a member of the Primary Mathematics team.
the primary setting. She has collaborated with    She is interested in educational management
outside organisations, including the Royal        and leadership and is currently the PGCE
College of Surgeons, on dramatic scenarios        Primary Lead.
for use in training. She has a wide range of
MFL and related teaching experience, in
Secondary School, Primary School and
Higher Education.

                Liz Parr, School Direct
                 Liz Parr is the School Direct
                 Lead and co-ordinates
                 the academic training
                 programme for our School
                 Direct Partners. Liz is a
recent primary school teacher joining the
team in April 2013 after teaching in a variety
of schools in Manchester and Europe. Liz is
an eminent researcher engaged in research
around professional perceptions towards
community-oriented schools. Liz supports the
development and delivery of the BA (QTS)
English curriculum.

Liverpool Hope University
Hope Park
Liverpool L16 9JD
t: 0151 291 3111

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