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             Vol. 3 - Summer Edition                   MAGAZINE

News Bites
Technology                                           Shifting Patterns
3 New Covid                                                 Safety and
Tech Gadgets                                          Social Exclusion
                                                      - Interview with
                                                        Jennifer Terry
                                                       Assoc. Director
                                                          Amnick, USA

                                                              Bill Gates’
                                                        How-to Guide
                                                         for fixing the
The Future of Jobs                                      Climate Crisis
New Jobs We Can
Expect in Next
20 years
                           Microsoft Azure Cloud
                           For Smart and Sustainable Cities
                           - Interview with Jose Ondiviela
                           Western Europe Director
                           Microsoft, Spain
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                      Amnick International                                                             EDITOR’S
                      Collaboration Team
Our group is made up of City leaders, Mayors,                                                          Welcome to our latest edition of
110 tech companies– including Microsoft, Cisco,                                                        City Pulse Magazine
IBM, Universities, etc.
We have come together under this umbrella
to collaborate jointly with cities, businesses,
municipal authorities. Through this arrangement,
we are now meeting 3 times a year to address
a range of city issues we have commonly:                                                               John David
                                                                                                       CEO and Founder of Amnick Social Enterprise
•   Environment                                                                              
•   Technologies
•   Smart Cities
•   Economic growth                                This means, using our International Team we can     The focus of our magazine is Smart Cities,                 The impact of Covid-19 has affected all
•   Transportation                                 immediately provide you the following services      Environment, Technologies (AI, IoT, Digital),              above areas. We need to start to develop
                                                   commercially:                                       Innovation, Transportation, Cyber Security.                a new normal, readjust our previous
With these amazing resources at our disposal,                                                                                                                     thinking, forecasts, and expectations.
we now have specialist teams to support your        •   Strategy                                       Our magazine is primarily a community-based                We are now starting to see new
needs in the above areas.                           •   Sustainability                                 magazine, written largely by ordinary people               behaviours in travel, work environment,
                                                    •   Productivity/Performance                       from across the world and with input from:                 the way we interact with each other.
                                                    •   Social Innovation
                                                    •   Future proofing                                •    Research Institutes                                   This edition also features great interviews
                                                    •   Technologies (AI, IoT, IIoT, 5G, Blockchain)   •    Book writers                                          from our International Collaboration leaders
                                                    •   Commercialisation                              •    Universities                                          including Jennifer Terry, Pam Turton and Jose
                                                    •   Reduce costs                                   •    Industry experts                                      Antonio Ondiviela.
                                                    •   Efficiencies                                   •    Politicians
                                                                                                       •    City leaders                                          Our International Collaboration Team are made
                                                    We specialise in: Technologies (AI, Cyber, IoT,                                                               up of city leaders, mayors, tech companies,
                                                    Digital Transformation), Education, Housing,       In this edition we cover:                                  universities, and businesses globally. And
                                                    Health, Transportation, Environment and                                                                       through this amazing team, we can offer
                                                    Smart Cities.                                      •    Interviews                                            following services:
                                                                                                       •    Articles
                                                                                                       •    News stories                                          •   Consultancy
                                                                                                       •    Features                                              •   Training
                                                                                                                                                                  •   Project and Programme Management
                                                                                                       We are keen to feature issues, challenges,                 •   We can fix your challenging projects
                                                                                                       opportunities, and challenges facing cities,               •   Investment
                                                                                                       communities, businesses, and individuals
                                                                                                       globally.                                    In the areas covered in this edition.

                                                                                                       SMART CITIES   ENVIRONMENT   TECHNOLOGY   CYBER SECYRITY       TRANSPORT   INNOVATION
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C O                                                   N                        T                        E                      N                          T                         S

CYBER SECURITY                                                            INNOVATION                                                                         TECHNOLOGY
5 Exploiting the System:                                                  37 The Stanford Innovation Lab                                                     59 No Parking Podcast: Dyslexia,
   How We Are Learning From Our                                              - Podcast Review                                                                   Reading Difficulties, and the
   Malware Mistakes                                                       39 Robotic Teachers: Here to help                                                     Reoccurring Coincidence of
 7 News Bites: Cyber Security                                                not take over                                                                      Success
 9 Podcast Review - The 433       ENVIRONMENT                             41 Innovation News                         SMART CITIES                            61 News Bites: Technology             TRANSPORTATION
   Security Simplified                                                     43 The Future of Jobs                                                              63 Investment: Brain Implants
11 Blockchain Technology:         15 “GCA China”: How it shares           45 Emperor’s Renewable Clothes:            47 Microsoft Azure Cloud for Smart         Shift Science Fiction Into         73 Shifting patterns, Safety and
   Foreshadowing the impending       expertise to adapt to climate                                                      and sustainable Cities - Interview      Science Fact                          Social Exclusion - Interview
                                                                             From plant-based to spider DNA,
                                     change                                                                             with Jose Antonio Ondiviela                                                   with Jennifer Terry
   cyber defence?                                                            this is the fabric of our future                                                65 Future Thinkers Podcast
13 The InSecurity Podcast         19 Environmentalist Agenda Hopes                                                   49 Feminist City - Podcast Review          Review: Episode 32 - Aric          77 Intelligent Transport Podcast
                                     For Future Prospects - Interview                                                51 Smart Homes: What's in it               Dromi – Smart                         - Episode 13
                                     With Bob Massey                                                                    for us?                                 Cities of the Future               79 News Bites: Transportation
                                  21 Emergency on Planet Earth?                                                      53 Smart Cities: Emerging               67 Survival of the Fittest            81 Co-mobility Hubs: Sharing
                                  25 The One Doughnut That's Actually                                                   Technologies, Trends and             69 Direct Energy Weapons,                is Caring for a Carbon-neutral
                                     Good For Us                                                                        Innovations                             Leading Battlefield Science            World
                                  29 Bill Gates' How-to Guide for fixing                                              55 News Bites: Smart Cities                into the Next Century              83 Efficient, Safe, Reliable Buses
                                     the Climate Crisis                                                              57 Singapore - The Emergence            71 The Rise of the Human                 Keep the Doctor Away
                                  31 Smart Cars: Some Heroes Come                                                       of a Smart City                         Microchip
                                     With Four Wheels, Not Capes
                                  33 News: Changes In Energy
                                     Importation And Creation Will
                                     Change Our Generation
                                                                                     KEY ICONS
                                  35 Copenhagen Solutions Lab:                                                                                                               76 VU.City
                                     Where Green is Good and                            News                    Review                    Feature                            87 Call for Contributions: Corporate Social Responsibility
                                     Solutions are Always Creative                      Podcast                 Interview                 Guest Feature                         and Covid-19 Pandemic in Global Health Services
                                                                                                                                                                             89 Adverts
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    Exploiting the System:
                                                                                                                          Thirdly, and most importantly, is the application of        Although it protects against a large amount of phishing       B
                                                                                                                          microsegmentation, which is a security feature whereby      software, its chief difficulties come from its application    E
                                                                                                                          a cluster of relevant data is separated into files that     by users – human error from not applying DMARC to

    How We Are Learning
                                                                                                                          require separate authorisation to access (think of it       subdomain emails or simple failures to apply DKIM
                                                                                                                          like one of those decompression chambers in sci-fi          measures. The list goes on. Therefore, although it is an
                                                                                                                          movies). In professional terms, these last two points are   additional security device, it is a basic one that requires   S
                                                                                                                          collectively defined as a Software-Defined Perimeter        scrutiny.

    From Our Malware Mistakes
                                                                                                                                                                                      Another thing that has been suggested is Domain based         C
                                                                                                                          SDPs have been on the cards for a long time. Indeed, it     Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (or           U
                                                                                                                          was designed 14 years ago by the Defence Information        DMARC for short). How this works is that it demands
                                                                                                                          Systems Agency. It hosts a lot of positives, most notably   that emails pass two email authentication checks (SPF         R
                                                                                                                          the fact that access is guaranteed on a userto-user         and DKIM). If it doesn’t pass these authentications, then     I

         ou know what malware is, right? For most of us, it     One of them is implementing a “zero trust” system         basis, not on a system’s access to a network. Secondly,     the email is either quarantined, rejected, or let free.       T
         manifests as the kind of bad day that starts with      in enterprises. This would mean that every device         its setup ensures that it is essentially hidden from the
         clicking a hyperlink we shouldn’t have. Sometimes      that accesses a system is immediately treated as a        Internet and so impossible to attack from DDoS or           In conclusion, the SolarWind scandal has revealed             Y
    we have money stolen; in other cases, governments           foreign entity and must provide extra verification on     Ransomware attacks – part of criminal hacking that          many deep flaws in the software that we use on a
    have data robbed.                                           top of a password (you may notice this via 2-factor       accounted for 45% of all data breaches in 2020.             day-to-day basis. Everyone, whether they be a person
                                                                authorisation, where a number is texted to your phone                                                                 or a corporation, is left open to attack due to the
    On the 8th of December 2020, the software company           after you input your password).                                                                                       inefficiencies of our cyber security systems. If security
    SolarWinds was revealed to have been hacked, a                                                                                                                                    is to be promised to us in an increasingly computerised
    breach that had occurred as early as September 2019.        Secondly, each user is given access to information on                                                                 world, then we first have to promise to cyber security
    Malicious code, or malware, had been put in place           a least-privilege basis. Put simply, you work with data                                                               that we are who we say we are.
    for months, undetected in software updates that had         that is on your paygrade.
    infiltrated some 18,000 customers – ranging from large
    businesses to the US Department of Homeland Security.
5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   6
    The blowback was astronomical. Nobody knows how
    much data was stolen; nobody knows how much money           ‘At this point,
    could be sold down the line. At this point, no-one knows
    how it got into SolarWinds’ systems. The question           no-one knows
                                                                how it got into
    is this: How can we work in a digitalised world when
    leading companies are oblivious to the dangerous
    waters they swim in? Many answers have been set up,
    a large majority of them reactionary – but perhaps the
    most revolutionary comes from the oldest source.
    Greg Touhill saw the writing on the wall for a long time.
    He was the U.S government’s first Chief Information
    Security Officer (CISO) and had been pushing for a
    massive overhaul of the cyber system. When the breach
    was reported, he was not surprised unlike US Cyber
    Command – he was ahead of the curve. Now that such
    a breach has occurred, his suggestions are now on the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Written by: Angus Harker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Title: Writer, Amnick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Designed by: Clare E Gibson
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7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8

    News Bites: CYBER SECURITY
    23andMe Data Fears After Partnership with Richard Branson        Not only has Microsoft addressed concerns that their own          NHS Digital, COVID-19 and Cyber Threats                          English School Children’s Brush with Malware
                                                                     products such as Microsoft Office were breached as part of
    Users of the popular ancestry and DNA testing website            the attacks, the company has also called for “unified response    The NHS has released online support documents, highlighting      The English government’s initiative to provide children
    23andMe have expressed concerns over their data’s privacy        of defenders across public and private sectors” in order to       the rise in cyber security attacks pretending to be the NHS in   with laptops for home-schooling during lockdown has hit
    after the company went into a public partnership with            prevent similar cyber security breaches happening in the          relation to Covid-19 vaccines. These documents include how       a roadblock. A number of laptops have been found to be
    Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Groups. Fears over            future.                                                           they plan to combat those exploiting the pandemic for their      infected with malware that were given out to schools to help
    users’ information being accessed by Virgin, sold on to other                                                                      own malicious gain.                                              children who suffer from the digital divide. How, why and
    companies or being breached in a cyber security attack are       Myanmar, Cyber Security and Human Rights Violations                                                                                how many have been affected are questions that have still
    worries that are yet to be addressed by the company.                                                                               Rangers Partner with NordVPN                                     not been addressed by the English government.
                                                                     There have been growing concerns nationally and
    Microsoft Calls For Global Initiative to Deal with Cyber         internationally following the Myanmar junta’s proposal of a       NordVPN, the private network service provider, is now a
    Attacks                                                          new cyber security bill. If imposed, the junta will have strict   partner for the Scottish team during the 2021-2022 season.
                                                                     control over its citizens; internet and security details.         With joint aims from NordVPN and Rangers to “bring about
    Microsoft’s security team have issued a Q&A in relation to the   Outside sources have questioned the legitimacy of the bill and    more awareness of cyber security and its importance”, the
    company’s objectives following the widespread cyber security     its implications on the citizens of Myanmar’s human rights.       goal is that fans can watch games without worrying about
    attacks, often referred to as ‘Solarigate’, last year (2020).                                                                      how their internet data is used.                                                            Written by: Ellen Lamb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Title: Writer, Amnick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Designed by: Jonathan Oke
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    Podcast Review


    The 433 Security Simplified                                                                                                                           R

                                               he 433 Security Simplified podcast is brought      “The practical tip” as Nachreiner puts it, is to read   S
                                               to you by Watchguard. Found on their               the fine print, be aware of the permissions you are     E
                                               Secplicity site, it looks to offer information     giving to these pieces of software and save yourself
                                          and solutions to its users in an entertaining, easily   from a lot of trouble.
                                          digestible form, that they can make use of in the                                                               U
                                          real world. With a new episode each week these          The second part discusses the steps that                R
                                          expert white-hat hackers’, the good guys of the         “statebacked entities” had taken in their attempts      I
                                          hacking world, will help you make the best choices      to hack western cyber security organisations.
                                          on your digital journey.                                Through the use of fake Twitter accounts they were
                                                                                                  able to hoodwink some of these organisations and        Y
                                          The latest episode brought to you by Marc Liberte       hack them. Not even the professionals are safe, it
                                          and Corey Nachreiner covers two areas. The first        seems.
                                          part covers research from Avast, looking into
                                          malicious Chrome extensions and the nefarious           This was a fascinating podcast. While it may become
                                          things they get up to. They discuss the dangers that    a little jargon heavy at points, it is presented in a
                                          people expose themselves to by granting certain         way that makes it understandable, offering key
                                          permissions to the extensions without actually          takeaways for its listeners. I’ll definitely keep an
                                          taking time so see what they are.                       eye on the permissions that software asks for when
                                                                                                  I download something and you should too.
                                          By doing this, the malware can cause all sorts of
9                                         havoc such as controlling other extensions, forging     If you want to delve deeper and get more detail         10
                                          results in google searches, and creating requests       then you can find the episode HERE
                                          for personal information. These all happen without
                                          you knowing.

                                          Furthermore, if you are a little bit more tech savvy
                                          and notice some odd things happening, the malware
                                          can now take steps to evade your investigations.

                                                                                                                        Written by: Kyle Wilson
                                                                                                                        Title: Writer, Amnick
                                                                                                                        Designed by: Toby Boyd
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                                                                                                                                                                                             Blockchain services can ensure the protection of
                                                                                                                                                                                             sensitive data by enacting a decentralised form of data
                                                                                                                                                                                             storage. In addition, blockchains can be utilised as a
                                                                                                                                                                                             standard security protocol which will ensure safer
                                                                                                                                                                                             private messaging and manage data security. On the
                                                                                                                                                                                             other hand, for the IoT security blockchains can secure
                                                                                                                                                                                             the patterns of these technologies by making it smarter
                                                                                                                                                                                             as well as enabling a decentralised system which the
                                                                                                                                                                                             hackers can find difficult to crack and take control of.
11                                                                                                                                                                                           Currently, many countries are focusing on blockchain
                                                                                                                                                                                             technologies for conducting different day to day
                                                                                                                                                                                             tasks. For instance, the Philippines and Australia are
     2021 started with a remarkable upswing for the                                                                                                                                          considering blockchain for their cloud data management;
     cryptocurrency market. The momentum has been drawn                                                                                                                                      with Japan and Malta utilising it for their educational
     out after it was revealed that Tesla Inc. bought 1.5 billion                                                                                                                            certificate management. Moreover, Malaysia is enacting
     in bitcoin as well as the company’s Chief Executive Elon                                                                                                                                a Blockchain City focusing on cryptocurrency and data
     Musk’s preoccupation with cryptocurrency technologies.                                                                                                                                  management. It is also being used for medical purposes,
     From a historical standpoint, cryptocurrencies which           Quite recently, Blockchain obtained a noteworthy             Apart from these institutional overviews, recent reports    financial applications, supply chain management, and
     do not require a particular midway for any transaction         approval for its unique feature to provide assurance on      proclaim that cyber attackers are more interested in        asset management by countries such as the USA, China,
     between a sender and the receiver have been                    information integrity issues. It’s decentralised structure   cloud storage hacking since the cloud storage provides      Switzerland, South Korea, Brazil, Japan and many more.
     controversial for several reasons.                             which manages the information gathered on the                them access to billions of customer data. Seeing that,
                                                                    blockchain is unchangeable and secured from attacks,         the cloud providers (i.e. the organisations delivering      The hasty rise of cyber attacks has increased the
     For instance, Bitcoin, which is considered to be the           crashes etc. has garnered an ubiquitous appraisal that       the cloud storage to their customers) only maintain the     urgency to eradicate the risks with feasible technological
     leading cryptocurrency, has been witnessing rapid              assimilates with the ongoing trend amongst the internet      security of the cloud platform. Here, the safety of the     solutions. In this regard, blockchain attains the primacy
     economic bubbles and inconsistency in its market price         users to securitise their digital identity.                  customer data totally depends on the maintenance by         to stimulate itself as the forerunner of cyber security.
     since its outset. It also has been noted as a medium that                                                                   the customers themselves. So, human errors seem to be       It needs further exploration that seems missing to
     provides a safer passage to criminal payouts.                  During the course of the ongoing lockdown, the issues of     the factual reason for data breaching. Thus, blockchain     this day since it gets less attention than Bitcoin. With
                                                                    cyber attacks elevated at a bewildering pace. The recent     takes up eminence in order to strike out these human        broader exploration, blockchains could generate a safer
     Therefore, to this day cryptocurrencies have been              key findings by IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index        errors by providing many-sided features to counter the      cyberspace with lasting invulnerability.
     a complex issue that seems to need more time to                postulates that the most significant type of cyber threat,   cyber threats.
     obtain acknowledgement from all sections. However,             approximately 23% in the year 2020, were commenced
     Blockchain Technology which is arguably the pathfinder         by ransomware attacks. The report also states that 35%       There are many aspects of cyberspace where blockchains
     of the virtual transaction processes has always remained       of the initial procedure of hacking was through scan and     can be utilised to prevent any unanticipated threats. Its
     unnoticed and a subordinate issue next to Bitcoins.            exploit arrangement. Moreover, Europe is considered to       decentralised system enables it to offer safety on the
                                                                    be the worst victim of cyber attacks in 2020.                DNS and DDOs platforms which can guarantee safer
                                                                                                                                 browsing.                                                                    Written by: Mashrik Farhan Zaman
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Title: Writer, Amnick
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Designed by: Lena Privalenko
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               RE                                                                                                         Y




13                                                                                                                        14

        nSecurity is a podcast run by Matt Stephenson,         Bill subsequently expresses individuality by
        a host who has spent the past decade running           referring to the history of occurrences like
        the broadcast team at Blackberry (previously           GameStop, such as Jonathan Lebed who used
     Cylance). This podcast is intriguing by the topics        Yahoo! Finance boards to influence stocks – much
     it covers, as Matt himself specialises in the data        like Redditors used rocket emojis and phrases like
     protection part of cyber security, yet is not above       “To the Moon!” to increase demand. Matt brings up
     delving into broader topics. For example, his recent      the tulip crisis in the 17th century to accentuate this
     episode, “Bill Hunter: Hacking the Stock Market           repetition through history; this is not the first time,
     with Emojis and Catch Phrases” takes on a theme           nor will it be the last.
     less to do with cyber security and more with the
     online framework of the stock market – and how it         Why does this happen so often? Bill explains:
     can be broken.                                            “People want to believe it this time – and because
                                                               they have more disposable income, they are more
     Matt’s discussion with Bill uses a mix of humour and      willing to believe than ever before”.
     pop culture references to keep the tone light and
     accessible. However, Matt’s ability to suddenly tone      The podcast is informative without being technical,
     down his approach flows successfully by linking           and informal without being tedious. A must-listen
     them to the broader point of the episode.                 for any occasion.

     For example, this podcast centres on the GameStop
                                                                        To listen to the Podcast, please click HERE
     event that saw Redditors inflate the stock price
     of GameStop by artificial interest. By referring to
     movies like Margin Call and the Big Short, Matt
     can discuss with Bill the intricacies of the situation.                          Written by: Angus Harker
                                                                                            Written by: Angus Harker
     Bill dismisses the claim that the event marks the                                Title:Designed
                                                                                             Writer, by:
                                                                                                         Alina Sazonova
     ‘democratisation of Wall Street’ and instead uses                                Designed by: Alina Sazonova
CITY PULSE - Amnick Social ...
     “GCA China”: How it Shares Expertise to Adapt to                                                                                                                   N
     Climate Change.                                                                                             As articulated by Patrick V. Verkooijen, CEO of        I
                                                                                                                 the GCA: “They [China] have recognised that            R
                                                                                                                 while mitigation alone is not enough, the costs of     O
                                                                                                                 adaptation are less than the costs of doing business   N
                                                                                                                 as usual.”
                                                                                                                 On 6th November 2019, in Beijing, GCA China            E
                                                                                                                 convened an expert consultation, the first in an       N
                                                                                                                 expected series of workshops and applied research      T
                                                                                                                 initiatives, to share international advances for
                                                                                                                 supporting an update of China’s adaptation strategy
                                                                                                                 – for the water sector on that occasion.

                                                                                                                 Chinese experts from leading hydrologic and
                                                                                                                 engineering research institutes joined with
                                                                                                                 international experts with the aim of exchanging
                                                                                                                 knowledge on state-of-the-art water systems
                                                                                                                 resilience planning.

15                                                                                                                                                                      16

                                                          n recent years, China has become the victim of
                                                          frequent extreme weather events. Torn by floods,
                                                          burned by heat waves, starved by droughts,
                                                        smothered by dust storms, the changing climate is
                                                        causing great harm to its nation’s health - and by
                                                        extension, society.

                                                        The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is the Global
                                                        Commission on Adaptation’s managing partner.
                                                        The Commission was launched in The Hague on
                                                        16th October 2018 by the 8th UN Secretary General
                                                        Ban Ki-moon with the support of 23 convening
                                                        countries – including China – and has the mandate
                                                        to encourage the development of measures to
                                                        combat the effects of climate change (adaptation)
                                                        by the international community via elevating the
                                                        political visibility of this necessity and focusing on
                                                        concrete solutions.

                                                        In contrast, the GCA engages through an evolving
                                                        network of offices in: Innovative solutions to
                                                        drive adaptation at scale; high-level policy
                                                        development; new research contributions;
                                                        advocacy; communications; and to work with
                                                        its partners to deliver action on the ground.
CITY PULSE - Amnick Social ...
     China gets inspiration from the                          The CWRA is a five-step approach:                                                            N
     global expertise
                                                              1. Understanding the system – focus is on:                                                   R
                                                              Who the stakeholders and what their features                                                 O
     The Room for the River Programme – Started in 2007
                                                              and interdependencies are; what the relevant
     by the Dutch Government, this consists of over 30                                                                                                     N
                                                              infrastructure is.
     projects. The main programme features: Managing
     higher water levels in the rivers by lowering the
                                                              2. Assessing resilience – it foresees working out                                            E
     levels of flood plains and restoring the natural ones
                                                              how current strengths can be built on and                                                    N
     in places where it is least harmful; relocating levees
                                                              weaknesses overcome.
     further inland; increasing the depth of side channels;                                                                                                T
     and constructing flood bypasses.
                                                              3. Developing an action plan that strengthens a
                                                              city’s water resilience, anticipating benefits and
     The World Bank’s Resilience initiatives – Among
                                                              costs, then prioritising key projects.
     the works financed in various countries, consisting
     of community capacity building and hydraulic
                                                              4. Implementing the action plan, monitoring
     engineering works, the Water Conservation Project
                                                              progress as the overall intervention goes.
     II in China, tackling water scarcity issues in the
     provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, and Ningxia, can be
                                                              5. Evaluating, learning and adapting, based on
     cited. To cut down net water consumption, the
                                                              assessing the results, and how the stakeholders are
     project reduced water withdrawal for irrigated
     agriculture in Ningxia and Shanxi Provinces, and
     groundwater overdraft in Hebei Province. New or
17   improved irrigation and drainage services reached                                                                                                     18
     594,200 beneficiaries.                                   What expertise China can make
     City Water Resilience Approach and
     the “Sponge Cities” programme                            The Loess plateau, to quote Anthony Mills: “Its
                                                              rehabilitation is recognised as one of the largest
                                                              and most successful erosion-control and adaptation
                                                              initiatives in the world. Grain and fruit production
     The Chinese government started this programme in
                                                              have increased considerably. Sediment loss into the
     2014 to address the problem of flooding in urban
                                                              Yellow River has been reduced by tens of millions of
     areas, for enabling cities to soak up and reuse 70%
                                                              tonnes a year.” This shows very clearly the success
     of the rainwater. This is achieved through rainwater
                                                              of China’s policy of absorbing expert advice from
     harvesting, obtained by building permeable roads
                                                              around the world and implementing it on a huge
     and “green and blue infrastructures” such as low
     carbon buildings, rooftop gardens, wetlands, ponds,
     lakes and marshy depressions called “swales”.
                                                              Ecological conservation red line, this Chinese
                                                              initiative coupled with incentives for both public and
     The “Sponge Cities” model – in which China is the
                                                              private actors, aims to protect rare and endangered
     leading country – is based on global advances such
                                                              species and their habitats in more than one quarter
     as the City Water Resilience Approach (CWRA),
                                                              of the Chinese mainland.                                 Written by: Federico Lovo
     developed by the engineering firm Arup and the                                                                          Written by: Federico Lovo
     Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) to                                                                 Designed  by:Writer,
                                                                                                                             Title: Tarek ElSabagh
     “help cities improve the way they plan, manage and                                                                      Designed by: Tarek ElSabagh
     maintain their water systems”.
                                                                                                                                Woodham Fen                                                                                                           N
                                                                                                                           is a site of special                                                                                                       V
                                                                                                                           scientific interest and                                                                                                    I
                                                                                                                           Essex County Council                                                                                                       R
                                                                                                                           manages Marsh                                                                                                              O
                                                                                                                           Farm Country Park                                                                                                          N
                                                                                                                           and actively employs                                                                                                       M
                                                                                                                           environmentally                                                                                                            E

                                                                                                                           friendly policies.

                                                                                                                           Since 2012, an agreement has been made to protect the        He wants to reassure the public that funds will be spent
     Environmentalist Agenda                                                                                               original landscape of environmental areas, involving the
                                                                                                                           County Council’s Country Parks and council’s wooded
                                                                                                                           estates. The policy’s intention is to provide management
                                                                                                                           of up to 32 sites of environmental areas, estimated to
                                                                                                                                                                                        appropriately in relation to environmental policy and
                                                                                                                                                                                        investment. He emphasised the money would be spent
                                                                                                                                                                                        towards green spaces in the north of the town, which
                                                                                                                                                                                        he seems to be focused on. Regarding businesses

     Hopes For Future Prospects                                                                                            include 300 hectares (units per area) for as much as up
                                                                                                                           to 5 years.

                                                                                                                           The Mayor shed light on the fact that the council is not
                                                                                                                                                                                        and investment; it would be spent on employment

                                                                                                                                                                                        He states that Chelmsford City Council has initiated
                     Shifting focus from the general to the minutiae, City Pulse                                           seeking to invest in companies, but rather to establish      a climate change emergency, and a group has been
                                                                                                                           secure relationships with countryside home-owners in         formed to deal with carbon emissions due to it being a
                     interviews Chelmsford mayor Bob Massey regarding                                                      order to create homes that are carbon neutral, have gas      crucial part of the national, and international, situation.
                     environmentalist hopes and developments in the town of                                                free heating, electric car charging points and access to
                                                                                                                           recreational facilities. The development will start within   Overall, Mr Massey is determined to invest in producing
                     South Woodham Ferrers.                                                                                the next 12 months and take 5 to 10 years.                   more homes that are environmentally friendly, as well
                                                                                                                                                                                        as managing Marsh Farm to create policies that maintain

           ne established policy is to involve various          My establishing question to the mayor was if any bylaws    Mr Massey’s policies seem to bind together environmental     the local environment, and build facilities for older
           councils throughout Essex who will prioritise the    were to be drawn to create a more environmentally          issues with local, generational ones. My next question       residents.
           protection of 1600 wildlife sites. While regarding   friendly environment in the surrounding community.         was asking what he would do if he had received a
     many of the sites that are owned privately, there may      “We haven’t introduced any local bylaws as such, but       sudden £100,000 increase in funds. He responded: “I          This will provide the public with some reassurance that
     be no direct legal protection, although many of the        Woodham Fen is a site of special scientific interest and   would contribute towards community facilities in an          the best decisions are being made for environmental
     sites are recognised by the National Planning Policy       Essex County Council manages Marsh Farm Country            attempt to benefit residents - in particular, the rapidly    prosperity and the health of the public - and what is
     Framework (NPPF). This provides protection from being      Park and actively employs environmentally friendly         ageing population which has largely increased between        more, that neither one can be sacrificed for the other.
     construction works, or just being directly removed.        policies.”                                                 1970-90.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Interviewer: Harley Nieslony
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Title: Writer, Amnick
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Designed by: Katie Peat
                                                                                                                              GUEST FEATURE                                                                                                               M

           ver the past year or so, we have been hearing         This is an alliance bill that has been written by                                                                                                                                        N
           more and more about the ‘Climate and Ecological       scientists, lawyers and activists; it is gathering support                                                                                                                               T
           Emergency’. On 1 May 2019, the UK parliament          from a broad range of campaign groups, businesses,
     became the world’s first national Parliament to declare     charities and individuals. The bill has the potential to
     a climate and ecological emergency. Earlier, the Welsh      become the most significant move forward since the
     Parliament and the Scottish First Minister had joined       Climate Change Act 2008.”
     90 councils around the country to declare a climate

     Universities and colleges around the globe have             Is our situation actually catastrophic?
     been declaring climate emergencies as well. Over
     7,000 further and higher education institutians have
     come together for the first time to declare a climate       In a nutshell, the answer is YES - emphatically!
     emergency. In an open letter, the group commits to
     undertake a three-point plan to address the crisis          The figure opposite illustrates the magnitude of the
21   through work with students:                                 challenge. In 2017, Christiana Figueres and a number                                                                                                                                     22
                                                                 of eminent scientists warned that we have ‘three years             The problem arises because organisations and              3. Reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030, reach net
         Committing to going cartion-neutral by 2030, or         to safeguard our climate’. Not only do we have to                  scientific reports tend to report on emissions while      zero 2033, and stay at zero.
         2050 at the very latest.                                bend the emissions curve down, but we must also                    ignoring the need for Carbon Capture and Storage
                                                                 draw down vast quantities of CO2 that has already                  (CCS) and Carbon Capture Utilisation (CCU). For           We do not have a coherent plan to achieve this. A key
         Mobilising more resources for action-oriented           (and is still being) emitted.                                      example, a report published in September 2020 by          point is that the general public are largely unaware of
         climate change research and skills creation.                                                                               Science Based Targets (a group that includes the          the scale of the challenges we face, and of the extent of
                                                                                                                                    Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations       the changes to lifestyle· that we must adopt.
         Increasing the delivery of environmental and
         sustainability education across curriculums,
                                                                 But the UK Government is working to                                Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and
                                                                                                                                    the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and one of the
         campuses, and community outreach programmes.            bring all greenhouse gas emissions to                              We Mean Business Coalition commitments) states in
                                                                 net zero by 2050, so surely there isn’t                            the executive summary that:                               Finding out more about the Climate
     Organised by the EUAC, The Alliance for Sustainability
     Leadership in Education, US-based HE climate action         a problem?                                                         “[IPCC] confirmed that in order to limit global warming   and Ecological Emergency
     organisation Second Nature, and the UN Environment’s                                                                           to 1.5°C, the world needs to halve CO2 emissions by
     Youth and Action Allliance. The letter has been signed by                                                                      around 2030 and reach net-zero CO2 emissions by
     universities from six continents, and was presented to      Wrong!                                                             mid-century.”                                             We have an Emergency on Planet Earth, an
     ministers meeting in New York at the Higher Education                                                                                                                                    emergency that is affecting many already and one
     Sustainability Initiative last year.                        The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change                      Emissions are of course important, but they are only a    that WILL impact those of us in the Global North.
                                                                 (IPCC), widely seen as the leading authority on the                part of the story. Any notion that we can work towards    One of the UK’s leading science communicators, Dr
     The UK Government announced it will legislate for Net       climate crisis, notes in its 2018 report: “All pathways            our net zero 2050 target and do little about the carbon   Emily Grossman, has just written a free, online book
     Zero carbon emissions by 2050 by amending the UK’s          that limit global warming to 1.5°C with limited or no              already emitted is a mistake. There are arguabty three    entitled “Emergency on Planet Earth”.
     Climate Change Act. On the 12 August 2020, a new group      overshoot project the use of carbon dioxide removal                possible scenarios for achieving 1.5°C:
     launched the campaign for the Climate and Ecological        (CDR) on the order of 100-1000 GtCO2 over the 21st                                                                           The book can be accessed via the Features page at
     Emergency (OEE) bill.                                       century”.                                                          1. Reduce CO2 emissions by -50% by 2030, reach net        Scientists Warning, and you can watch my interview
                                                                                                                                    zero by 2050, AND REMOVE ~10-100 GtCO2 before 2100.       with Emily Grossman HERE.
     To quote the website: “This is a Private Members’ Bill,     Let’s just consider that for a moment. All pathways
     and taking it through parliament will be a hard-fought      require colossal amounts of CO2 removal, if we are to              2. Reduce CO2 emissions by 80% by 2030, reach net
     process but it has been done before with major climate      keep within the guardrail of 1.5°C warming. And we are             zero 2050, and stay at zero.
     legislation.                                                not on track to achieve this. We are not even close.
     The book begins boldly with the following message:            Last year she was chosen as spokesperson for               Finding out what I needed to know from each different                                                                 M
     “The science is clear. We are facing an unprecedented         The Daily Mirror’s Climate Issue (the first ever paper     field in order to get a complete and up to date                                                                       E
     global emergency. We must act now.” It then goes              to produce an entire issue on the subject), spoke          picture felt like an almost impossible task, but
     on to answer every question you could have, from              at The Guardian Live’s first ever panel event on           fortunately I was joined by an expert team of volunteer
     how we can be sure that humans are causing climate            Climate Change, interviewed Sadiq Khan for Time Out        scientists and we brought together information from                                                                   T
     change, to how it is already affecting us right now,          magazine challenging him on London’s emissions,            every relevant field. Sometimes a single sentence
     to what might happen in the future depending on               co-wrote and presented a Radio 4 documentary               crossed many different disciplines and the review
     what action we take. The book also addresses the              on James Hansen - the father of climate change             process took many, many months - but I can now put
     arguments made by climate sceptics and looks at               awareness - and co-founded Scientists for Extinction       my hand on my heart and say that this is a book you
     how global governments are responding to the crisis,          Rebellion (now XR Scientists). Yet, according to Dr        can really trust to tell you the truth.”
     continually returning to its core truth that: “Humanity is    Grossman, this still wasn’t enough because when
     facing a crisis unprecedented in its history... This crisis   people told her they wanted to find out more about
     has been caused by human activities and we have to stop       what’s going on our planet, she couldn’t point them        Are Governments doing enough?                                  Safeguard and
     making it worse or we will face catastrophe that we           towards an easy-to-read resource that told them
                                                                                                                                                                                             protect democracy.
     cannot think our way out of, invent our way out of            everything they needed to know, all in one place.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Design climate policies
     or buy our way out of. In one way or another, it will                                                                    As the scale and severity of the crisis becomes more
                                                                                                                                                                                             that protect workers and
     affect every one of us and everything we love.”               Dr Grossman added: “It’s not really surprising that        apparent, more and more organisations and individuals
                                                                                                                                                                                             the most vulnerable and reduce
                                                                   a simple guide like this didn’t already exist, as the      are calling on governments to take proportionate
                                                                                                                                                                                             all forms of inequality: economic, racial
23   The launch of Emergency on Planet Earth is far from           changes that are happening to our climate impact           action, and to do so with urgency. Recently, Greta
                                                                                                                                                                                             and gender.
     being Dr Grossman’s only work towards informing the           almost everything under the Sun, from changes to our       Thunberg and Fridays4Future called on global leaders
                                                                                                                                                                                             Treat the climate and ecological emergency like an
     public about the issues our planet faces.                     weather to melting sea ice to wildlife loss to declining   to Face the Climate Emergency.
                                                                   crop yields to increased spread of diseases.
                                                                                                                              Informed by science, the letter calls for the
                                                                                                                              following action:
                                                                                                                                                                                         We have all the resources we need to deal with
                                                                                                                                                                                         this. There is nothing magical about the concept of
                                                                                                                                  Effective immediately, halt all investments in         reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There
                                                                                                                                  fossil fuel exploration and extraction, immediately    is nothing magical about the greenhouse effect. The
                                                                                                                                  end all fossil fuel subsidies and immediately and      science is accepted and understood. We know exactly
                                                                                                                                  completely divest from fossil fuels.                   how to deal with it. We just don’t have the political
                                                                                                                                  EU member states must advocate to make ecocide         or economic will to do this. And a large part of the
                                                                                                                                  an international crime at the International Criminal   problem is that those of us contributing the most to
                                                                                                                                  Court.                                                 the problem – those of us consuming the most – are
                                                                                                                                  Include total emissions in all figures and targets,    either unaware of our contribution to this crisis, in
                                                                                                                                  including consumption index, international aviation    denial of the crisis, or unwilling to take the necessary
                                                                                                                                  and shipping.                                          action to address it.
                                                                                                                                  Starting today – establish annual, binding carbon
                                                                                                                                  budgets based on the current best available            As American novelist and playwright James Baldwin
                                                                                                                                  science and the IPCC’s budget which gives us a         said: “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but
                                                                                                                                  66% chance of limiting the global temperature rise     nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
                                                                                                                                  to below 1.5°C. They need to include the global
                                                                                                                                  aspect of equity, tipping points and feedback loops
                                                                                                                                  and shouldn’t depend on assumptions of possible
                                                                                                                                  future negative emissions technologies.
                                                                                                                                  Safeguard and protect democracy.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Written by: Dr Alison Green
                                                                                                                                  Design climate policies that protect workers and             Title: Executive Director, Scientists Warning
                                                                                                                                  the most vulnerable and reduce all forms of                  Designed by: Charlotte Wilson
                                                                                                                                  inequality: economic, racial and gender.

     The One Doughnet That's
                                           Interlay the foundations of a completely new economy;       Economies require a certain amount of economic
                                           an economy that lives within the planet’s natural limits,   and social/political development to ensure citizens   V
                                           emphasises human well-being and all life support            live a good and healthy life. The model encourages    I
                               FEATURING   systems”. - George Monbiot                                  countries to pursue development paths that equally    R

     Actually Good For Us!
                                                                                                       respect economic productivity, social wellbeing and

                                                or cities who want to thrive in the 21st century,      environmental protection.                             O
                                                there needs to be a rewrite of the rules! Reforming                                                          N
                                                the political-economic agenda, at both the local                                                             M
                                           and national level, has never been more important The
                                           21st century has begun with repeated global shocks; a                                                             E
                                           boomand-bust cycle, or just a bust-and-bust?                                                                      N
                                           From the 2008 global financial crisis accompanied
                                           with rocketing food prices, to the existential climate
                                           meltdown and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                           These shocks have exacerbated global inequalities,
                                           both north and south - of race, of gender, of wealth
                                           and of power. If one conclusion is to be drawn, it is the
                                           deep interconnectedness of people and the rest of the
                                           living world; and that these crises are a result of man-
                                           made systems and human activity. Revisioning how we
                                           measure progress and strive for development needed
                                           to be amended, to address the growing needs of the
                                           21st century!

                                           Doughnut economics is a framework inspired by the
25                                         UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Developed by Dr
                                           Kate Raworth, an economist, ecologist, social activist,
                                           and altogether - a humanitarian who has encompassed
                                           all these disciplines. The framework is an intuitive
                                           rethink of how we measure development and address
                                           inequality - a model that allows us, humanity, to thrive
                                           whilst saving the planet.

                                           The inherent flaws within the traditional metrics
                                           for development - economic growth, have become
                                           unapologetically highlighted since the late 20th
                                           century. The exacerbation of social and environmental
                                           issues, such as climate change and famine on both a
                                           global and national scale, demonstrates the blatant.
                                           Failures of policymakers pursuing growth at all costs.
                                           Proving “trickle-down economics” is not all what it was
                                           promised to be. As humanity becomes more value-
                                           driven, a desperate plea for the adoption of a new
                                           political-economic framework, that addresses the social
                                           and environmental remit, may be on the horizon for
                                           many cities and countries across the world.

                                           The Doughnut model measures not how fast or
                                           aggressive economic growth, but rather how well
                                           it has been created and if the benefits are shared
                                           equally across society. Pursuing unlimited growth is
                                           unsustainable and will eventually lead to burnout.
Envisioning an ‘original-glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut’,      The greater cause for concern is the efficient, socially-   Post-COVID, Building Back, Better!                           of Amsterdam’s desired outcomes against statistical
     the goal for humanity is to remain within the sweet spot     just allocation of existing resources to ensure we are                                                                   snapshots of its current performance. The conclusions       E
     - the “safe and just space for humanity” where we can        not moving beyond the ecological ceiling (outer-ring),      “Within a democracy; it is our responsibility to hold our    drawn are used as a starting point, to be used in           N
     thrive. The inner ring represents the social foundations     causing climate and environmental degradation.              government to accountable and to break the link              insightful workshops aiming to bring about
     of human wellbeing i.e. economic and social free-fall.                                                                   between them and self-serving powerful interest that         transformative action.                                      V
     Whilst the outer ring represents the ecological ceiling      The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is commonly           surrounds them, replace the power of money, with the                                                                     I
     of planetary pressure i.e. unsustainable impact on the       used in environmental policy literature to illustrate the   power of citizens”. - George Monbiot                         The Amsterdam Donut Coalition has developed a
     environment. To fall short on any of the metrics, means      trade-off between economic growth and environmental                                                                      four-lens system, analysing the city from a social,
     society is falling short on life essentials, such as food,   quality. The EKC hypothesised as an inverted-U relation     In practice, policymakers should be pursuing                 ecological, local and global perspective - referred to as   O
     education or housing (inner ring) and to overshoot is        between growth and environmental degradation.               sustainable growth strategies, compatible with the           a “city portrait”.                                          N
     the creation of unacceptable environmental degradation       Suggesting economic development is a precondition for       parameters of the planet, or to lower the “turning
     and potential tipping points in Earth systems like ocean     environment conservation. During the early stages of
                                                                                                                              point” is extremely complex. For many governments,
     acidification or biodiversity loss.                          growth, environmental damage is considerably higher.        who are already influenced and heavily lobbied by                                                                        E
                                                                  As development accelerates, a ‘turning point’ is met        “deep-pocketed” stakeholders (internal and external),                                                                    N
     Conceptually, the model is intuitive and simple to           where there is an appreciation towards environmental        it is difficult to introduce and commit to green
     comprehend; yet practically is challenging to execute.       protection, hence the reduction in environmental            proposals, legislation and programmes.
     The successful balancing between the twenty-one              damage. Inherently the EKC hypothesis suggests
     dimensions is the ultimate destination – the development     prioritising development, and in due course                 “Post pandemic, we need to switch to a system of private
     of a better, more socially-just and environmentally          conservation will follow suit, although this is not a       sufficiency and public luxury” - George Monbiot
     responsible city or country.                                 given.
                                                                                                                              While 2020 has been very unprecedented, and
     Environmental Kuznets Curve                                  While the EKC does hold some merit, there is concern        the COVID-19 pandemic horrendous… there is a
                                                                  that the so-called “turning point” arrives far later than   silver-lining to every cloud. The pandemic has               Considering Amsterdam’s current targets for the local
     “It is possible to ‘grow out of’ some environmental          necessary, causing irreversible ecological damage.          proven the ‘unimaginable’, possible. For instance,           lenses, the SDGs and global planetary boundaries; the
     problems, but there is nothing automatic about doing         The economy and environment should not be thought           the government “shook their magic money tree” and            coalition drew comparisons of Amsterdam’s desired
     so. Action tends to be taken where there are generalised     of as dichotomous concepts – owing to the leading           miraculously found funding and housing to support the        outcomes against statistical snapshots of its current
     local costs and substantial private and social benefits”.    limitation of the EKC - accounting for the importance of    most disadvantaged members of society (homeless),            performance. The conclusions drawn are used as a
     - Shafik & Bandyopadhyay                                     each concept in the advancement of the other. Hence,        in an attempt to curb the virus. People have reformed        starting point, to be used in insightful workshops aiming
                                                                  the model’s usefulness is limited in the prospect of        their way of living; from working conditions to              to bring about transformative action.
27   The challenge of remaining on the doughnut revolves          policy development as in an extreme perspective, it         restricting international travel, and social gatherings.                                                                 28
     more around the idea of equal distribution, rather           would encourage omitting environment policies at            If anything is clear, the 2020 pandemic has to be a          “A wellbeing economy is about people feeling connected
     than resource scarcity. As a discipline, traditional         early stages as it would be counterproductive for           tipping point. This has to be a point of transformation      and in control.” - Katherine Trebeck
     economics looks at society’s ability to allocate scarce      growth. But rather, it should be understood that the        where we move from one system, an exploitative
     resources. Although, most developed nations use or are       economy is embedded within and dependent upon               political and economic system, to a completely               Amsterdam initiative has the chance to inspire many
     endowedwith enough resources to ensure citizens are          society and the living world; this is the underlying        different one which will be key to building back,            more – from neighbourhoods, villages, towns, cities,
     not left within the doughnut hole.                           teaching of Doughnut Economics.                             better.                                                      nations and regions. All to approach regenerative
                                                                                                                                                                                           development with a holistic approach, as they begin
                                                                                                                                                                                           to reimagine and remake their own futures. A little
                                                                                                                              The Doughnut in Action
                                                                                                                                                                                           closer to home, DEAL is working with CIVIC SQUARE
                                                                                                                                                                                           based in Birmingham to apply a further downscaled
                                                                                                                              “When a bird builds a nest in a tree, it takes care not to
                                                                                                                                                                                           doughnut at a neighbourhood scale. Exploring working
                                                                                                                              destroy the surrounding forest in the process”.
                                                                                                                                                                                           with residents, neighbours and a range of actors
                                                                                                                              - George Monbiot
                                                                                                                                                                                           across a neighbourhood to embedded doughnut
                                                                                                                                                                                           principles to support an equitable transition to more
                                                                                                                              Amsterdam is the first city to embrace and embed
                                                                                                                                                                                           regenerative places.
                                                                                                                              a scaleddown doughnut. Working with Doughnut
                                                                                                                              Economics Action Lab (DEAL), they are able to
                                                                                                                              incorporate the Doughnut framework into their
                                                                                                                              long-term and transformative policy vision. “How can
                                                                                                                              our city be a home to thriving people in a thriving
                                                                                                                              place, while respecting the wellbeing of all people
                                                                                                                              and the health of the whole planet?”.

                                                                                                                              The Amsterdam Donut Coalition has developed a
                                                                                                                              four-lens system, analysing the city from a social,
                                                                                                                              ecological, local and global perspective - referred to                              Written by: Samlia Miah
                                                                                                                              as a “city portrait”. Considering Amsterdam’s current                               Title: Writer, Amnick
                                                                                                                              targets for the local lenses, the SDGs and g lobal                                  Designed by: Lena Privalenko
                                                                                                                              planetary boundaries; the coalition drew comparisons
Bill Gates’ How-To Guide



     for Fixing Climate Change                                                                                          I

           ill Gates and his wife Melinda are well known    While Gates shines a favourably, optimistic light           M
           for their exceeding philanthropic ventures.      on the climate crisis, he also emphasises that
           Their eponymous Gates Foundation continues       he is under no illusion that this is a situation
     to do immense work to improve health and tackle        with a quick-fix, which makes his book a                    N
     diseases prevalent in poverty-stricken countries.      thought-provoking, practical and responsible read           T
     There is concern growing globally within our           for all concerned with the climate crisis.
     society. Vulnerability and the impact of climate
     change on impoverished nations have resulted in        How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions
     Gates’ taking action on the current climate solution   We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need was
     in his latest book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster:   released 16 February 2021.
     The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We
                                                                                 Written by: Eleanor Merry
     The tech magnates’ expertise in energy and                       Written by:Title:
                                                                                  Elly Writer,
                                                                                        Merry Amnick
     philanthropy creates a compelling exploration.                   Designed by:  Stuart by:
                                                                                 Designed  Kinnear
                                                                                               Stuart Kinnear
     The importance of improving the resilience of both
     rich and developing countries (in their response
29   to climate change) means that they will combat                                                                     30
     future unavoidable consequences of the issue.
     Gates’ strategy is to replace emission-driving
     fossil fuels with renewable energy sources for
     zero-carbon power. They rely on expert groups in
     science, engineering and public policy to flesh out
     the details.

     Put simply, Gates’ intended strategy is to replace
     emission-driving fossil fuels with renewable energy
     sources for zero-carbon power with a reliance on
     expert groups in science, engineering and pulic
     policy to flesh out the details.

     Gates focuses on five major emission-generating
     processes: making things, plugging in, growing
     things, keeping warm and cool and getting around.
     Gates applies his zero-emissions by 2050 goal to
     more developed countries such as the USA and
     UK, which he stresses should be the first to take
     action, with other countries following suit as soon
     as reasonably possible.

     How to Avoid a Climate Disaster is an accessible
     dive into the issue of climate change and includes
     advice on ways everyone can help - from political
     leaders to members of the public.

31   Smart Cars: Some Heroes Come with Four Wheels not Capes                                                                                                                                                                           32

             elting ice, rising seas, extreme weather,          At this point it is apparent that we do not have much    Unlike traditional cars, electric cars consume          earth warming has brought more investment
             shifting rainfall, wildfires and diminishing       time left if nothing changes.                            energy from batteries and can partially or              into its development in recent years notably with
             forests are some of the occurrences on the                                                                  completely drive themselves. While they run on          the advent of electric car manufacturer Tesla.
     rise in recent years caused predominantly by the           The UN Secretary General, Antònio Guterres, was          lithium-ion batteries, these cars interact with users   Traditional car manufacturers like BMW,
     emission of carbon dioxide (CO2). According to             right: “If we do not urgently change our life, we        for destination instructions, journey preferences       Volkswagen, Volvo, Mercedes Benz, etc., are
     National Geographic, global average temperatures           jeopardise life itself.”                                 and communicate with other electric cars on the         investing in the research and development of
     have stayed fairly constant over that time—until                                                                    road through the use of artificial intelligence. The    electric cars to produce them in mass quantities
     the past 150 years. Through the burning of fossil          Today, car emissions are one of the leading causes       environmental impact of smart cars is highlighted       and at affordable prices.
     fuels and other activities that have emitted large         of global warming and environmental pollution.           by the production of little or no harmful emissions
     amounts of greenhouse gases to run our modern              Cars emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse            to cause environmental pollution or damage              Going forward, the advent of smart cars promises
     lives (particularly over the past few decades), the        gases in the atmosphere, which at normal levels          to the ozone layer. While some smart cars are           a lot of benefits, more than just environmental
     greenhouse effect has been enhanced by humans.             will keep some of the sun’s heat in the atmosphere       powered partially by gasoline, completely electric      sustainability. The smart car technology provides
                                                                and help warm Earth. However, these emissions            cars release zero emissions to the atmosphere.          the chance of a great decrease in the present large
     This is the grotesque truth - more than 100 million        from cars have exceeded environmentally friendly         In addition, electric cars that run on gasoline         carbon footprint with the possibility that all cars
     people could return to extreme poverty by 2030,            limits, to the extent of becoming a significant source   consume enough to make them more fuel efficient         of the future will run on batteries or have
     climate change is also closely linked with increased       of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.                     and environmentally friendly than traditional cars.     energy-storing body panels in place of fuel or
     incidence of dengue – a mosquito-borne disease                                                                      This suggests that a significant number of electric     diesel, while simultaneously capable of driving
     whose transmissibility has increased significantly         The idea of electric cars originated around 1832         cars on roads will reduce a substantial amount of       themselves.
     due to climate change since 1990. The direct               by Robert Anderson but was not practical until the       carbon emissions emitted into the atmosphere per
     costs from damage to health (excluding costs in            late 1870s. In recent times, Tesla pioneered the         annum.
     healthdetermining sectors such as agriculture,             invention of electric sport cars emphasising fuel
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Written by: Ponmile Lawal
     water, and sanitation) could reach between $2              efficiency and environmental sustainability, paving      Although the development of electric cars is still
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Title: Writer, Amnick
     billion and $4 billion per year by 2030. It gets gorier,   way for extensive research and development of            relatively novel compared to that of traditional
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Designed by: Stuart Kinnear
     too; these disasters result in over 60,000 deaths          electric cars by other automakers.                       cars, the positive effect it promises in terms of
     annually, mainly in developing countries.                                                                           cleaner air to improve quality of life and reduce

33                                                                                                                                                                                                                          34

     News: Changes In Energy Importation And Creation                                                           For the future, the government intends to
                                                                                                                create a 10-point plan for a green industrial
                                                                                                                                                                     It seems the government is likely to stay on track
                                                                                                                                                                     in regards to environmental and energy policy. As

     Will Change Our Generation
                                                                                                                revolution.   From      creating    emission-free    the trend of renewable energy usage is increasing,
                                                                                                                vehicles and greener energy efficient buildings,     in production as well as importation, we can see a
                                                                                                                to advance offshore wind technologies and jet        shift for better resources and greener energy in the
                                                                                                                zero emission ships. These include improvements      years to come.

                                                                                                                in energy standard and creation; sticking to a
           urrently, 44% of energy used throughout the     From government statistics with regards to           proposal of generating 40GW (gigawatts) by 2030
           United Kingdom, is created through the use of   energy resources, between July and September         from offshore wind energy (1GW = 1 billion watts).
           petroleum, a naturally occurring liquid found   2020 total energy production was recorded as
     in algae, and 33% with natural gas. In relation to    being 9% lower than the previous record in 2019,     To put this into perspective, 1.21 gigawatts would
     importation of gas, which represents 40.7% of         and according to the same report, importation for    power up to 10 million light bulbs. As a result
     the gas used in 2018, it is estimated the amount      any type of energy is lower than 19%. However, the   of government policy, renewable energy usage
     imported in 2019 was 290TWh (‘terawatt hour’), with   demand for energy has lowered by only 13% with a                                                                                 Written by: Harley Nieslony
                                                                                                                has risen by 40.2%, a significant increase from                            Written by: Harley Nieslony
     the majority imported from pipelines in Norway.       6% widened gap between importation and demand.                                                                                   Title: Writer, Amnick
                                                                                                                8.2% generated in the first quarter a decade ago.                          Designed by: Jonathan Oke
                                                                                                                                                                                            Designed by: Jonathan Oke
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