From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...

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From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...

       Defender of Rights

TSA 90716 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07

     +33 (0)9 69 39 00 00

                                                From collective

                                            mobilisation to the
                                       recognition of systemic
                                          discrimination in law
                                                                         STUDY DAY 24 NOVEMBER 2021

                                        In the eyes of the law, we are all equal

      © 03-2022 | Defender of Rights
From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

    Summary                                           05

    Claire Hédon                                      06

                                                           II· THE TRANSLATION INTO
                                                             LAW OF DISCRIMINATION:
      COLLECTIVE DISCRIMINATION                       10
                                                             PROVING DISCRIMINATION                        20
    · Foreword
     Liora Israël                                     10   · Foreword
                                                            Sarah Benichou                                 20
    · How do we become aware that we have been,
      individually and collectively, the victims           · Undignified working conditions, mafia
      of discriminatory differential treatment?              and trafficking: the role of the labour
      The case of chambermaids at the Ibis                   inspectorate in action.
      Batignolles hotel.                                    Marilyne Poulain                               21
     Rachel Kéké, Sylvie Kimissa                      11
                                                           · Indirect discrimination and shift
    · The mobilisation of young people in a district         of the burden of proof.
      of the 12th arrondissement of Paris in the face       Mathilde Zylberberg                            24
      of illegal police practices.
     Omer Mas Capitolin                               12   · The interest of situation testing to combat
    · From construction of the collective                   Patrick Charlier                               28
      to construction of legal action.
     Savine Bernard                                   14

    · Action by Moroccan railway workers against
      SNCF. From social struggle to legal battle.
     Vincent-Arnaud Chappe, Narguesse
     Keyhani                                          16

    · The ordeals of the collective in legal
     Clara Gandin                                     18

From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

                                                      IV · SANCTIONING AND CORRECTING STRUCTURAL
                                                         DISCRIMINATION. THE COLLECTIVE ACTION
                                                         OF THE FUTURE                                    48
                                                      · Foreword
                                                       Gwénaële Calvès                                    48
    AND LAW                                      32
                                                      · Group action: a future solution to repair harm
· Foreword                                              caused by discrimination?
 Marie Mercat-Bruns                              32    Frédéric Guiomard                                  48

· The contribution of social sciences: the case       · Predictive machines and social justice
  of discriminatory identity checks.                    in the US police.
 Slim Ben Achour                                 34    Bilel Benbouzid                                    51

· The case of Malian construction workers:            · Taking action against systemic
  a workplace sociologist called as a witness.          discrimination: the example of Quebec.
 Nicolas Jounin                                  38    Philippe-André Tessier,
                                                       Geneviève St-Laurent                               52
· Gare du Nord cleaning staff: systemic
  discrimination based on vulnerability
  and gender-based dominance.
 Sandra Bouchon                                  41
                                                      Claudine Jacob                                      62
· Highlighting systemic discrimination before
  European courts and UN committees:
                                                      Bibliographic entries and main publications
  the role of social sciences.
                                                      of the authors                              64
 Isabelle Rorive                                 43
                                                      Detailed agenda for the study day                   72

                                                      Notes                                               74

From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

                                                 Rachel Kéké, representative of the chambermaids at the Ibis Batignolles hotel
From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

In the last twenty years or so, legal action against discriminatory situations has developed
under the influence of European law and the mobilisation of stakeholders (unions, associations,
citizens' groups, etc.). Despite the undeniable advances to which the HALDE and then the Defender
of Rights have contributed, litigation remains largely pegged to an individualist and restorative
vision of the law.
Although we are seeing signs of a shift in paradigm with a growing number of trials involving
multiple plaintiffs, focused on challenging discriminatory systems anchored in the very functioning
of organisations, this progress remains fragile.
On the basis of the challenges raised by research supported by the Defender of Rights following
the proceedings of immigrant railway workers against SNCF and the presentation of other collective
action, the idea behind this study day was to contribute to shared reflection on the future of non-
discrimination law, in light of its ability to act at collective and corrective level, and not simply
at individual and restorative level.

From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

    CLAIRE HÉDON                                        recourse on behalf of victims in the event
    The Defender of Rights                              of discrimination; acceptance of situation
                                                        testing as evidence before civil and criminal
    We are particularly pleased to be able              courts, or the protection of employees against
    to present the proceedings of the Study Day         retaliation after they have reported a situation
    From collective action to the recognition           of discrimination2.
    of systemic discrimination in law.                  Despite the legal developments noted,
    This multidisciplinary study day was held           redress through the courts remains onerous
    on 24 November 2021 in Paris and was                and painful for victims and is not always
    organised by the Defender of Rights.                effective. The rate of non-recourse remains
                                                        very high: for example, of those who reported
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank
                                                        having experienced discrimination
    everyone who contributed to this event,
                                                        in employment on the grounds of their origin,
    in particular our foreign counterparts, Patrick
                                                        only about 12% started legal proceedings
    Charlier, Director of Unia, an independent
                                                        according to the 14th survey of discrimination
    anti-discrimination organisation in Belgium,
                                                        in employment3.
    and Philippe-André Tessier, President of the
    Commission des droits de la personne et des         In order to listen to victims better, raise
    droits de la jeunesse of Quebec, who had            awareness of the Defender of Rights
    travelled for the occasion.                         and encourage use of the law, a discrimination
                                                        whistleblowing platform, announced by the
    Like previous scientific events – I am
                                                        President of the Republic in December 2020
    thinking here of the 2018 symposium on the
                                                        and organised by the Defender of Rights,
    multiplication of discrimination criteria1 – this
                                                        was launched on 12 February 2021. Entitled
    new Defender of Rights study day illustrates
                                                        3928 -, this system
    our desire to encourage dialogue between
                                                        is a reporting service and provides support
    the field of legal science and social sciences
                                                        to victims of discrimination. In one year,
    research and all legal professionals and our
                                                        over 11,000 calls were recorded. The vast
    commitment to deepening collective reflection
                                                        majority concern discrimination in the field
    on non-discrimination law.
                                                        of employment, but the finger is also pointed
    The effectiveness of non-discrimination             at public services. The two main discrimination
    law is at the heart of what the Defender            criteria cited are origin and disability. It goes
    of Rights does.                                     to show how much this new doorway,
                                                        in making discrimination visible and offering
    For 20 years, French non-discrimination law
                                                        recourse to those who feel they are victims,
    has undergone many improvements such
                                                        meets a great need.
    as the integration of definitions of direct
    discrimination and indirect discrimination,         The Defender of Rights’ investigative powers
    understood in the light of their discriminatory     and the solutions it proposes must help victims
    effects rather than their intention; the shift      to recognise their rights but must also advance
    of the burden of proof for the benefit of victims   case law. In this regard, criminal justice
    before civil courts; recognition of the ability     remains a particularly arduous path: often
    of trade unions and associations to initiate        victims cannot meet the very high demands

From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

of judges in terms of proof of intent and come       RECOGNITION BY JUDGES OF THE DISCRIMINATORY NATURE
up against the opposition to change of the           OF IDENTITY CHECKS
public prosecutors. Nevertheless, the expertise
of the Defender of Rights’ lawyers has helped        Doubly competent, on the one hand in the
move litigation and non-discrimination law           fight against discrimination, and on the other
in civil matters forward through the                 in respect for the ethics of the security forces,
observations that the institution can submit         the Defender of Rights has invested in this
when claimants bring matters before                  subject for many years.
the judge.                                           First of all, in 2016, it published the results
                                                     of an unprecedented investigation into
AS A RESULT, THE INSTITUTION HAS ADVANCED CASE LAW   police-citizen relations that made it possible
ON HARASSMENT BASED ON A DISCRIMINATION CRITERION    to objectify identity check practices in the
                                                     absence of official activity data and to highlight
The institution has helped a broader                 discriminatory checks6. It put forward its
interpretation of sexual harassment                  recommendations on this issue in numerous
to be recognised: according to our analyses          opinions on proposals or draft laws7.
and observations, sexual harassment
                                                     Above all, the observations submitted
should not be restricted solely to direct
                                                     by the Defender of Rights contributed to the
sexual acts on the victim. The Orléans Court
                                                     unprecedented sanction of discriminatory
of Appeal, in a ruling of 7 February 2017,
                                                     checks by judges in 2015 and 2016, showing
followed our reasoning by considering that
                                                     how non-discrimination law, and in particular
“sexual harassment may consist of hostile
                                                     the shift of the burden of proof, should apply
environment harassment, whereby,
                                                     to identity checks8. The Court of Cassation
without being directly targeted, the victim
                                                     took on board the Defender of Rights’ analyses
suffers obscene and vulgar provocations
                                                     on the lack of traceability as an obstacle
and jokes that become unbearable”.
                                                     to effective recourse, stressing that identity
And the employer was condemned for
                                                     checks “are not registered”9.
not protecting its employees against this
“hostile environment harassment”4.                   The Defender of Rights also presented
                                                     its observations following the referral
The Defender’s legal investigations
                                                     and recourse of a group of college students
and analyses have also characterised
                                                     stopped at the Gare du Nord upon their return
the concept of discriminatory harassment
                                                     from a school trip10. In its judgment of 8 June
and obtained judicial sanctions for such
                                                     2021, the Paris Court of Appeal followed our
behaviour and for inaction by employers.
                                                     observations and condemned the State due
The Defender of Rights has also enabled              to the discriminatory nature of the identity
such harassment to be characterised on the           checks of these three high school students
basis of a single serious act: the actions           of foreign origin11.
do not need to be repeated for a situation
                                                     In addition to sometimes particularly serious
to be qualified as discriminatory harassment,
                                                     individual situations of discrimination,
which the Rennes Court of Appeal confirmed
                                                     the institution is therefore interested
in an innovative decision of 10 December 20145.
                                                     in discrimination in its collective dimension,
Since then, the Defender has helped                  and in its prevention and correction.
other forms of discriminatory harassment
                                                     Discrimination is not only the product
to be recognised in other cases.
                                                     of individual acts, it is also the result
                                                     of a number of factors weighing on the
                                                     behaviours of each individual. They combine

From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

    in the areas of daily life and are accentuated.     the Defender of Rights highlighted the
    That is why the institution uses the concept        existence of systemic discrimination based
    of systemic discrimination.                         on origin and nationality against a group
                                                        of 25 Malian construction workers17.
    In opinion No. 20-11 of 11 December 202012,
    we recalled that in certain situations, it may      HALDE and then the Defender of Rights
    be useful to consider certain discrimination        contributed to the movement of appropriation
    “from a systemic perspective, in other words        of non-discrimination law by both applicants
    in a broader context that takes into account:       and judges. Of course, litigation is still widely
    - stigmatising representations (stereotypes         linked to an individualist and restorative
    and prejudices); - interaction between the          vision of the law: it is used first and foremost
    different types of discrimination suffered;         to restore the rights of a singular victim
    - the broader socio-economic inequalities           of discrimination. But we are seeing signs
    that structure society; - and the substantial       of a shift in paradigm, with a growing number
    part played by institutions in producing these      of trials involving multiple plaintiffs, seeking
    discriminations.”                                   to challenge discriminatory systems anchored
                                                        in the very functioning of organisations.
    This concept makes it possible to better
    understand the reasons why a group                  This study day aims to show these advances,
    of individuals may be particularly                  which are the result of the commitment
    disadvantaged compared to another, since            of many stakeholders, but primarily victims,
    differences in treatment often result from          who have rallied to successfully exercise their
    historical and social inequalities based            right to recourse before the courts, despite the
    on deep-seated and recurring stereotypes.           onerousness and length of the proceedings.
    In our latest report on the implementation          The recognition by civil courts of situations
    of the International Convention on the Rights       of systemic discrimination within certain
    of Persons with Disabilities by France13,           working organisations constitutes a major
    as in the Discriminations et origines : l’urgence   step forward in non-discrimination law, such
    d’agir report published in June 202014 or in our    as the introduction of class action into our
    recent contribution on Travellers in October        legislation. The work or cases presented here
    202115, the institution reiterated the magnitude    will help to deepen the necessary dialogue
    of the cumulative and systemic discrimination       between law and social sciences. The work
    facing these populations in France.                 done in the world of research provides key
                                                        points of support for lawyers, including
    We also pointed out the risk of this systemic
                                                        the Defender of Rights, to contextualise
    discrimination becoming automatic with the
                                                        discrimination, convince the judge and
    deployment of algorithms and other artificial
                                                        highlight their systemic dimension. The new
    intelligence tools that tend to integrate
                                                        forms of litigation have thus benefited from
    discriminatory biases and amplify systemic
                                                        socio-legal reflections on the concept of
                                                        systemic discrimination.
    Structural discrimination can also be
                                                        However, this progress remains fragile given
    identified within organisations. The Defender
                                                        the obstacles: proving collective unequal
    of Rights has been contacted regarding,
                                                        treatment remains difficult, collective action
    and has investigated and updated,
                                                        on discrimination requires a great deal of
    collective discrimination situations in some
                                                        resources, the procedure for class action
    organisations. Our analysis of systemic
                                                        remains difficult to access and limited in its
    discrimination has helped to introduce this
                                                        effects, and the judge’s recognition of massive
    concept into case law. As part of the study day,
                                                        or even systemic discrimination within
    you will revisit this 2019 case in which

From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

an organisation remains rare. Finally, sanctions
in the event of victory do not serve as much
of a deterrent.
The study day From collective action to the
recognition of systemic discrimination in law
aims to build reflection on the future of non-
discrimination law, on the ability of the law
to act at the collective and corrective
level, rather than simply at the individual
and restorative level.
On the basis of research supported by the
Defender of Rights on the proceedings
by immigrant railway workers against SNCF
and the presentation of other mobilisations
and cases18, the four round tables planned
constitute spaces for exchange and debate on
these issues with the various parties involved.
The files show that it is essential to deepen
collaboration between stakeholders, lawyers
and sociologists in particular, with a view
to using the law as a deterrent and a lever
for structural change within organisations.
I hope that these contributions will provide
a useful foundation for achieving this
shared objective.

                                    CLAIRE HÉDON

                                                              Claire Hédon, Defender of Rights
From collective mobilisation to the recognition of systemic discrimination in law - Défenseur des ...
Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

                                                          PART I

                     TIME FOR MOBILISATION:
                    RECOGNISING COLLECTIVE
     FOREWORD                                                      How do we become aware that we have
                                                                   been, individually and collectively, the victims
     LIORA ISRAËL                                                  of discriminatory differential treatment?
     Sociologist of Law and Justice,                               How can we make the shift from the individual
     Director of Studies, EHESS                                    case to the collective? How can the group take
                                                                   advantage of the law? What people and what
     I would like to thank the Defender of Rights’                 support are needed? So many questions that
     teams for organising this event and Claire                    have been addressed by the social sciences
     Hédon as the Defender of Rights for her                       in recent years, but to which there are still
     introduction. As a sociologist of law and justice,            too few answers.
     I had the opportunity and great pleasure,
                                                                   The “ordeals of the collective” should therefore
     together with students from the EHESS’s
                                                                   be mentioned in this round table: under
     Potential Social Sciences Workroom (OuSciPo),
                                                                   what conditions and with what material
     of working with the Defender’s teams
                                                                   and symbolic resources does a group
     in 2018-2019. This collective investigation
                                                                   of people wanting to make a complaint form
     concerned the handling of claims filed with
                                                                   and manage to keep going in time, despite
     the institution, via the delegates of the
                                                                   the length of the procedure, the difficulties
     Defender of Rights or in writing, and partly
                                                                   encountered and any conflicting interests
     concerned the specificities of identifying
                                                                   within the group, so that one day, perhaps,
     and monitoring cases of discrimination.
                                                                   a court decision might be reached that
     Based on specific cases, this round table                     actualises the validity of a claim.
     covers the conditions, steps and people
     necessary for the constitution of collectives.
     Nothing less obvious, in fact, than the
     constitution of collective action on the basis
     of discrimination, awareness of which often
     starts with a feeling, a sense of self.

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

HOW DO WE BECOME AWARE THAT WE HAVE BEEN,            are interested in is money. They couldn’t care
INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY, THE VICTIMS           less about your way of life.
                                                     At one point, the managers wanted to transfer
                                                     employees who were part-time for health
RACHEL KÉKÉ, SYLVIE KIMISSA                          reasons, considering them to be no longer
                                                     effective. This decision is what triggered our
Representatives of the chambermaids
                                                     movement, in light of the furious pace at which
at the Ibis Batignolles hotel
                                                     we had to work.
First of all, we would like to thank you for         We stood up and said “no more!”. Just because
inviting us. We are really happy to be able          we work, because we need this job to feed our
to talk to you about the fight we have been          children, we shouldn’t be “enslaved”. When we
through.                                             went on strike, it was to denounce this system
                                                     so that people could hear about what we
The action by the chambermaids at the Ibis
                                                     experienced in this hotel.
Batignolles hotel lasted almost two years,
and they were on strike for eight months.            We decided to set up a work collective
                                                     and approached the CGT HPE union,
The Ibis Batignolles hotel belongs to the Accor
                                                     which informed us about our rights.
Group. There were 19 of us chambermaids
employed by an agency. We did not have               We found a lawyer to defend us and explain
the same rights as our colleagues from the           our rights and what we were and weren’t
Accor Group, even though we worked on the            able to do. At the beginning, the Group said:
same site. We could not eat at the same table        “They’re not our employees, they’re employed
as Accor Group employees, we could not               by the agency”, but we continued to point the
hang around together even though we worked           finger at the Accor Group as the principal.
together. Only Accor employees received              Faced with the intervention of the lawyer
a meal allowance. Everyone else had to spend         and the Defender of Rights, the Accor Group
their own money to eat in the canteen,               backed down.
and even to buy a bottle of water.
                                                     The movement lasted 22 months. We fought
The chambermaid profession is a tough job            and succeeded in winning most of our claims.
and the Accor Group has put in place a system
                                                     Our main demand was to be brought into
that exploits the women who work there.
                                                     the Accor Group, to bring agency work,
Most of the women are immigrants. They
                                                     in our opinion a form of abuse, to an end.
are trapped, raped, humiliated. When guests
                                                     Unfortunately we did not succeed with this.
go to the hotel to sleep, their room is clean and
                                                     But we did manage to get the meal allowance,
well prepared, but behind the scenes, there
                                                     the clothing allowance and a decrease in our
is a great deal of suffering and misery. Some
                                                     work rate.
women were crying because they had 40
to 50 rooms a day to clean, they were unable         It pays to fight. There’s no denying it was
to work and they were told: “You don’t want          hard work, the struggle was not easy, we were
to work, you’re fired, you can always go and         insulted, people even told us: “Go home!”.
find another job!”. We suffered terrible threats     People threw bottles of water, cans and
and went to work with a deep sense of dread:         buckets of water at us in the middle of winter,
“What guests will I find? How will the day go?       we stood out in the rain and snow.
Am I going to be attacked?...”. The work is so
difficult, it damages a woman’s body, breaks
your knees and back, but the agency and the
boss say: “You’ve got to work anyway”. All they

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

     Guests mocked us through the windows. But           been in the habit of touching the genitals of
     we kept our dignity. We stood our ground and        these young people for years. As it concerned
     we can now walk with our heads held high.           their bodies and was a subject that was
     The struggle continues, we will stay strong.        difficult to talk about, these young people
     Thank you very much.                                had not even told their own parents.
                                                         In view of these observations, solutions were
     THE MOBILISATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN A DISTRICT      sought to address this problem. We tried to
     OF THE 12 TH ARRONDISSEMENT OF PARIS IN THE FACE    mobilise the law by appealing to two lawyers.
     OF ILLEGAL POLICE PRACTICES.                        Discussions took place between the young
                                                         people, the victims, their parents and the
                                                         lawyers. The lawyers were able to explain what
     Community Worker, Maison communautaire              the law states, what could be done by taking
     pour un développement solidaire (MCDS19)            legal action, and from there the entire
                                                         mobilisation took place.
     I’m going to illustrate a mobilisation using
     a case concerning young people from                 As well as the competence of the lawyer,
     the 12th arrondissement of Paris between            it should be noted that the individual’s own
     2013 and 2015.                                      commitment is essential. In mobilising with
                                                         young people, the whole dynamic was
     A group of around twenty young people
                                                         maintained because the lawyer went
     complained about the highly inappropriate
                                                         to them. This was essential, to go further
     behaviour and attitudes of a gendarmerie
                                                         than educational work, to obtain awareness
     brigade. They were subject to repeated
                                                         and to enable victims to understand that they
     checks, were victims of racist insults, and were
                                                         could use the law. How can the law be made
     regularly victims of particularly humiliating
                                                         accessible to young people? How can we make
     behaviour such as touching of their genitals.
                                                         them understand that the process is most
     They were forced to endure real “degradation
                                                         likely going to be a long one?
     ceremonies”. The events were happening
     in police stations or in public spaces where        Thanks to important media coverage
     there were no cameras.                              (Médiapart and Le Monde), we were able
                                                         to mobilise more widely, beyond just the
     At that time, I was asked by a team of local
                                                         victims and their families. A part of the
     educators who had already tried in vain several
                                                         population, not affected by these checks,
     times to enter into discussions with the local
                                                         discovered what was happening on their
     police forces. My contribution consisted of
                                                         doorstep. The significant mobilisation has
     working with these young people to try to
                                                         made it possible to organise exchanges with
     equip them with the tools and skills they
                                                         inhabitants and families, public debates, etc.
     needed to enter into discussions with the
     authorities, the police, the town hall and so on.   Discussions with lawyers, professionals
                                                         and families have enabled the development
     One day, I witnessed a police check in the
                                                         of a strategy around legal proceedings.
     middle of the afternoon, during which the
                                                         A joint complaint of “aggravated violence”,
     police officer slipped his hand inside a young
                                                         “aggravated sexual assault”, “arbitrary
     man’s tracksuit bottoms. I saw and understood
                                                         detention and arrest” and “discrimination”
     what was going on.
                                                         against the police officers was filed.
     When the young person came in, I asked him          Inhabitants then summonsed the state
     to talk about what had happened. His voice          for “gross negligence” and for acts of
     was liberated. After talking to several young       “discriminatory harassment”. It is in the
     people, we learned that police officers had         context of this summons that the Defender

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

of Rights was called upon to make its               negligence. In addition, the Defender
observations before the courts20.                   of Rights has highlighted these systemic
Beyond the legal aspects, this case has helped
us to reflect on interactions between the           I would like to quickly mention the new
police and citizens and alternative solutions       mobilisation of the “Mums’ Brigades” in the
to improve the relationship between these           Belleville neighbourhood. They are fighting
two communities. Thus, as justice can take          a new weapon widely used by the police,
a particularly long time, this made it possible     that of fines21. Fines become automated with
to use the skills of a social sciences researcher   reasons that vary between “disturbance”,
to document police-citizen relations and have       “breaking the curfew” when one was
materials, tools, etc.                              in place, “failure to wear a mask” when it was
                                                    mandatory, “consumption of alcohol on the
For example, the police officers said: “We get
                                                    streets” and “littering”.
a lot of calls from people saying that young
people are making a lot of noise”. “Exploratory     This phenomenon is the cause of the over-
walks” were then organised to objectify these       indebtedness of already vulnerable families
phenomena, to understand why young people           and results in delinquency.
were hanging around their estates, and to
                                                    To the fines and unpaid debts are added
find alternative solutions so that these young
                                                    possible visits by bailiffs, bank charges,
people had secure places to meet, without
                                                    strategies to prevent the income of young
causing a nuisance for local residents.
                                                    workers being directly hoovered up
To accompany the procedure, tools were              by the Treasury. Some young minors
needed, as was great creativity and fluidity        are in a considerable amount of debt. The only
in the exchanges between the lawyer, the            solution for them is to turn to drug dealing:
inhabitants and the professionals. Collective       “Asking for gear and selling it in the street”.
construction was needed at every stage.
                                                    Faced with this situation, women are rallying
A blog was set up to keep the population
                                                    in the neighbourhood. They head onto the
informed throughout the procedure.
                                                    streets to observe, to try to put pressure on the
This mobilisation proved to be very beneficial      police so that they know that adults are there
and its action went beyond the police-citizen       and are keeping an eye on what is going on.
problems that led to the mobilisation: locals       Legal clinics are organised to welcome young
have used their contacts to help young              people and their families.
people look for work placements, for example,
                                                    Documenting this reality has highlighted the
and work has been undertaken with young
                                                    large number of minors who are involved and
people in this neighbourhood to make them
                                                    find themselves before the courts as a result
feel more like they belong. Illegal police
                                                    of these problems. Mobilisation is important
practices also disrupted the dynamics
                                                    to raise awareness among inhabitants,
of intrafamily education as fathers could not
                                                    to put in place a pressure strategy so that
go to the police station to fetch their child
                                                    police officers know that they can no longer
or complain without fear of suffering the same
                                                    act with impunity.
degrading treatment. This jeopardised
the feeling of authority they could have,           But there is something missing in our country.
hence the strong mobilisation of mothers            It is said that the law is accessible to all,
and women in the neighbourhood.                     but how can vulnerable young people
                                                    and families finance such burdensome
In conclusion, the police were condemned
                                                    proceedings, which require significant work
at the first hearing, but acquitted on appeal.
                                                    by many parties, over a long time? This is a key
In civil law, the State was convicted of gross

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

     issue, especially when dealing with systemic        of 194823, two class actions ahead of their
     discrimination and racism. In the United            time, as well as the Safran case24 and the
     States, the mobilisation of a number                Caisse d'Épargne Ile-de-France (CEIDF) case25,
     of important figures on these issues can            two formal class actions pending before the
     be one solution. This does not exist in France.     courts. A common point in these cases is that
     There is no denying that lawyers who take           when plaintiffs arrive at the lawyer’s office,
     on this type of case put their own firms            there is a significant past history of claims.
     on the line.                                        In the Peugeot case, for example, individual
                                                         cases of discrimination were brought,
     Support for mobilisation is also essential.
                                                         successfully, but in the end nothing changed
     In our case, it was essential to organise the
                                                         within the company. In the case of the miners
     neighbourhood, to work in the local community
                                                         of 1948, there was a history of claims,
     to reassure victims because retaliation against
                                                         but of a political nature, because the miners
     complainants was known. The complaint was
                                                         considered that it was the State that was
     filed and the same police officers were still on
                                                         responsible for their dismissal by Charbonnage
     duty in the neighbourhood. They continued
                                                         de France. Thus, they had referred to the
     to monitor the complainants on a regular basis,
                                                         parliamentarians, the President of the Republic
     threatening them: “Nobody is going to listen to
                                                         and other representatives of the State. In the
     you anyway…”. It is essential to think about the
                                                         Safran case, there are a lot of past individual
     type of mobilisation that is required and not
                                                         cases. The Group’s employees were among
     approach mobilisation as something empirical
                                                         the first to take advantage of the right
     and linear. People should be encouraged to join
                                                         to build cases on trade union discrimination.
     the solidarity effort and they should be made
                                                         In November 2004, 168 cases were filed
     aware that these are issues of societal
                                                         against six group companies (Snecma
                                                         at the time). These involved the accumulation
                                                         of individual cases, grouped together with
     FROM CONSTRUCTION OF THE COLLECTIVE                 a view to constructing collective action.
     TO CONSTRUCTION OF LEGAL ACTION.                    For Safran, the only company concerned
                                                         by the class action, this resulted in damages
                                                         of €3.5 million in the context of a global
     Lawyer, Paris Bar, 1948 Avocats                     transaction for 86 employees. Finally, in the
                                                         CEIDF case, there was also a history of annual
     The intervention concerns the interference
                                                         declarations by the CGT during the analysis
     between the construction of the collective and
                                                         of the comparative situation report, but here
     the construction of legal action in the context
                                                         again with the feeling for the CGT that nothing
     of class action. There are two steps to tackle:
                                                         changed over the years.
     • Analysis of the situations and choice of legal
                                                         Furthermore, it should be noted that in
                                                         three out of the four cases (Peugeot, Safran
     • The hardships faced by the collective when        and CEIDF), the claims were filed through
       an action is decided.                             trade union representatives. For the case
                                                         of the miners of 1948, this was not the case,
     I will look at the analysis of the situations and
                                                         but we can note, however, the leading role
     in part the choice of legal action. Clara Gandin
                                                         of a former trade unionist, Mr Carbonnier.
     will deal with the second part of the subject.
                                                         Another essential element in the construction
     The intervention is carried out on the basis
                                                         of the collective is that each case has
     of my experience in four actions which can
                                                         a “leader” who organises the separate
     be considered as class actions: the Peugeot
                                                         individuals and brings the matter to the law.
     case22 and the case of the French miners
                                                         This facilitator is essential throughout the

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

proceedings. It is a pivotal and essential           In the Safran case, the final straw occurred
role, often performed by women, even in              on one of its sites, the Le Creusot site.
environments where there is a majority               Eleven employees referred the matter to the
of men, such as Safran.                              employment tribunal in summary proceedings
                                                     which, by order of 26 April 2016, ordered the
Finally, each action is initiated by a trigger.
                                                     communication of information to their panel
In the Peugeot case, there was an
                                                     which showed that unionised CGT employees
unsubstantiated closing of the report of the
                                                     were paid less than the others. The question
labour inspectorate for discrimination
                                                     was then asked about repeating individual
against 21 employees, drawn up following
                                                     actions. Of the 11 victims, 5 had already
the discovery of the Nathan-Hudson report
                                                     received compensation as part of the first
on the company’s human resources policy.
                                                     wave of mobilisation. The introduction of these
It referred to a method of classification
                                                     new interlocutory proceedings showed them
of employees distinguishing between good
                                                     that the discriminatory processes continued
employees (allies) and other employees
                                                     without any change despite the first individual
(revolutionaries). This tool revealed the policy
                                                     reparations obtained.
of systemic discrimination established within
Peugeot. Another trigger is the question             At the Caisse d'Épargne, there was a very
of “transmission”. The trade unionists               interesting action, brought by 28 employees
considered the fact of being discriminated           including 26 women, which gave rise
against as inherent in the mandate (a unionist       to a judgment on 18 December 2014.
is only good if he is discriminated against),        The company had denounced a company
but, as they aged, they saw that the issue           agreement and, following this denunciation,
of succession was being raised and that young        maintained the payment of a bonus but
people would not invest in the union if they did     prorated it for part-time employees. Action
not end the discrimination they were subjected       was then taken but the discrimination card
to. They therefore had to fight against their        was not played. While the case could have
apprehension to bring an action to defend            been handled from the perspective of indirect
their own interests and to claim financial           discrimination, it was not handled from this
compensation in this respect.                        perspective but with the tools of “classical”
                                                     employment law on the consequences
In the case of the miners of 1948, two triggers
                                                     of a termination of an agreement. The women
are identified: the first emerges, again, through
                                                     were successful. It was thus possible to win the
the concept of transmission. The victims were
                                                     case without playing the discrimination card.
disappearing and the miners realised that
despite the fact that they felt ashamed about        This latter illustration shows that there
having been dismissed, they were passing this        is another trigger for class action, the meeting
story on to their children. It was a question        between the collective and a lawyer who
of regaining their dignity by fighting before they   meets three criteria for this mobilisation
disappeared (the ‘fight of the Mohicans’ that        to become an anti-discrimination class action:
Tiennot Grumbach talks about26). Thus, the
case was brought before the employment               1/ a lawyer specialising in employment law
tribunal 60 years later. The second trigger
is the creation of the HALDE, which made             2/ who uses the tools to combat discrimination
it possible to identify somebody likely to play
a role in the fight against the discrimination       3/ who is a militant lawyer, in the sense that
to which they had been subject and to generate          he also sees the law as a tool for combating
a mediation procedure. It was following                 systemic dysfunction.
the failure of this mediation that they referred
the matter to the courts.

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

     Talking to the lawyer will allow an action             ACTION BY MOROCCAN RAILWAY WORKERS AGAINST SNCF.
     to be constructed from a collective/class              FROM SOCIAL STRUGGLE TO LEGAL BATTLE.
     action perspective, the purpose of which is not
     only to obtain compensation for all members            VINCENT-ARNAUD CHAPPE
     of the group discriminated against but also            Sociologist, CNRS, CEMS-EHESS
     to obtain the necessary measures to put
     an end to the failures.                                NARGUESSE KEYHANI
     Often, it would be simpler for lawyers                 Lecturer in Political Science, Université
     to add together individual cases before the            Lyon 2, Triangle, IC Migrations
     employment tribunals, rather than taking the
     class action. In this case, however, systemic          We are going to talk about the action taken
     discrimination continues. Class action is new          by Moroccan railway workers against
     and is therefore complicated and onerous               SNCF, which led to SNCF being convicted
     to implement. This means departing from                for discrimination on grounds of nationality.
     an individual logic, including procedurally,           We observed this action as social science
     which is currently very complex given the              researchers.
     novelty of the tool for everyone, including            In the 1970s, nearly 2,000 Moroccan railway
     the judge. The employee whose case is used             workers were recruited by SNCF, most of the
     to illustrate the class action may feel that the       time directly on site in Morocco. They were
     procedure is slower than if he or she had acted        then “shipped” to France and distributed
     alone in an industrial dispute.                        between different stations to work on the
     But we see the collective being built because          rails. From the outset, due to the existence
     employees get several advantages with class            of a nationality clause, they are recruited with
     action, besides the fact that it is not them who       a status other than that of the permanent
     has to take action, but the union, they work           framework. This status thus implies less
     collectively and for the others, the group.            favourable working conditions, particularly
                                                            with regard to career development, salary,
     They know that although they dared to bring            entitlement to occupational health, etc.28
     their case to illustrate the action taken by the
     union, others do not: they therefore work              From the outset, the situation was unfair due to
     for their colleagues and have a real sense             the conditions for recruitment of non-nationals
     of pride in choosing this action. This is also the     and the existence of a nationality clause within
     reason for class action: to allow access to the        the company. The first claims, identified
     judge when employees do not dare individually          as a result of interviews and work on archives,
     to take action27 against the discrimination they       were brought in the 1970s. Some railway
     are subjected to. Another key aspect is that           workers asked their station manager,
     they know that with class action they are using         a French colleague, a union colleague,
     a tool that attacks the causes to stop failures        and so on, to try to understand why their
     in the future, rather than just compensating           situation was different.
     them. They are having an influence on the              It was especially at the end of the 1990s that,
     company of tomorrow, a company that                    through a local association (Ismaïlia) that
     no longer discriminates.                               brings together Moroccan railway workers
     Trade unionists on the ground also want                in the north-east of Ile-de-France for other
     to take advantage of the tool of class action,         purposes (help with homework for children,
     to bring it to life and to make it part of the legal   for example), collective claims would be
     culture. It is also a trade union policy tool.         formulated. The members of the association
                                                            questioned the Minister of Transport in the
                                                            early 2000s when the first of them came

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

to retire and discovered the extent of the            to the meeting of some of the Moroccan
inequalities. These first retirements were            railway workers and the professor of law, also
thus a turning point in awareness and thus            Moroccan, Bendali. He helped to relaunch
in mobilisation. The association, created for         the case before the courts, more precisely
other reasons originally, provided support for        before the employment tribunals, highlighting
the preliminary questioning of political figures.     the issue of the loss of monetary gain due
                                                      to discrimination. The fight would last ten
However, it should be reiterated that since
                                                      years, with an intermediate victory in 2015,
the 1980s and 1990s there had been a timid
                                                      and final victory in 2018, which recognised
but existing trade union takeover by CFDT
                                                      discrimination on the grounds of nationality
Cheminots, which then looked at these cases,
                                                      and demanded financial compensation
not in relation to nationality, but rather in terms
                                                      calculated according to each of the railway
of the statutory and contractual inequalities.
                                                      workers’ careers.
The claims were more related to non-access
to the status. One possible solution then             This mobilisation involved a configuration
consisted of encouraging the railway workers          of different players:
to apply for citizenship to open negotiations
                                                      • Professor Bendali, the central figure and
on an ad hoc basis and to allow tenure of those
                                                        resource, who built the entire strategy;
who had been naturalised.
                                                      • The lawyers who succeeded one another,
At the beginning of the 2000s, the chairman
                                                        with a difficult place in this case, because
of the Ismaïlia association, a former Moroccan
                                                        they were often restricted to pleading before
rail worker with trade union experience, with
                                                        the judges, without the possibility of changing
another statutory railway worker, was then
                                                        the strategy;
going to engage in information work at national
level. This “station tour” seems to have been         • The association Ismaïlia, which acted as
fundamental. It provided a lot of information           an intermediary and sometimes as a buffer
and a census of the persons concerned.                  between the railway workers and the legal
It was carried out with the support of several          professionals. It organised legal clinics and
Sud-Rail trade union activists who played               collected documents to constitute the files;
a central role.                                       • The Sud-Rail trade unionists, who continued
The railway workers met at the labour                   to provide remote support by making material
exchange on a regular basis for information             support available, but who doubted the
purposes, but also to take heed of the size             “political” meaning of this case.
of the group and its ability to mobilise.             Mobilisation also faces constraints related
This mobilisation led to the opening                  to the judicial process: length of the procedure
of negotiations in 2004.                              (although the health of the railway workers is
In the mid-2000s, there was a total shift from        poor), the highly technical nature of the judicial
social struggle to legal battle. This refocusing      processes that causes a lot of misunderstanding
can be explained by the disappointment                and/or miscommunication amongst the railway
of some railway workers in the context of the         workers. Within this framework, the fight
agreement negotiated in 2004: it regulated            is largely delegated to the legal professionals
a number of pension issues, but said nothing          who know how to move within this complex
about discrimination. Some of the railway             arena, while the railway workers are kept away.
workers thus remained dissatisfied with the           In this climate, the collective will experience
results of the union mobilisation.                    many tensions that will weaken it, testifying
                                                      to how difficult it is to mobilise a group
However, legal action would take time to
                                                      of 800 people over the long time.
organise. It started in an ad hoc manner thanks

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

     The central issue of money is an additional            not only for them to become aware of what has
     complexity factor. This involves both the              happened, but to highlight common problems,
     issue of compensation for victims and the              and to document and dissect structural
     remuneration of the legal professionals                discriminatory processes. Lawyers, with
     accompanying them. The group faced major               their expertise, seek to understand what the
     conflicts, which went as far as breaking it in         discrimination involves, in order to tackle its
     2018, on the question of the fair recognition          causes. Class action aims to stop the failure29:
     and remuneration of each individual’s work.            it is a question of identifying discriminatory
     These conflicts are in contrast with the first         processes for the judge to put in place actions
     phase of mobilisation and the voluntary                to eliminate them.
     engagement of the trade unions.
                                                            The purpose of the meetings is to
     Despite these difficulties, the impact of this         gather stories and evidence. This is not
     mobilisation must not be underestimated.               straightforward because the work involves
     It allowed the construction of collective              a lot of spoken word, regardless of the
     and political meaning, which emerged in the            company, and there is a lack of data on HR
     interstices of the trial, in the corridors, in front   processes that are not necessarily transparent.
     of the cameras, in the relations forged with
                                                            On the other hand, we are often faced with
     anti-racism associations.
                                                            indirect discrimination, of which it is not
     Even though this mobilisation was painful              easy to raise awareness. Thus, it is through
     in some respects, it allowed a story to be             numerous exchanges with and above all
     written that was common at two levels: around          between clients that some have become
     a narrative shared by all these railway workers        aware that the refusal by their employer
     of institutional discrimination experienced            of their request for mobility, the absence
     in a similar way for everyone, and also around         of progression, the fact that on returning from
     the narrative of pride, victory, a collective          maternity leave they are in branches where
     fight for official recognition and redress             there is no possibility of progression, etc.
     for discrimination. This makes it an important         were linked to the fact that they were women.
     step in the history of post-colonial struggles         It is by exposing their experiences that these
     in France.                                             collective treatments and their discriminatory
                                                            roots emerged.
     THE ORDEALS OF THE COLLECTIVE IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS.    This stage also requires an analysis
                                                            of agreements, social data, social analyses and
     CLARA GANDIN                                           comparative status reports, making it possible
     Lawyer, Paris Bar, 1948 Avocats                        to compare access to training courses,
                                                            calculate wage and progression differences.
     Making legal work accessible to all is                 It is a question of using all the available figures
     complicated. Legal professionals have a dry            to reveal how women, or trade unionists,
     grammar and complex procedures. The work               are treated less well than others. The study of
     of the lawyers consists of building a case with        equal opportunities agreements in a company,
     the clients, but also managing the hardships           for example, makes it possible to see to what
     generated by the action, which itself cements          extent the company is actually invested in the
     the group.                                             fight against discrimination against women.
     The construction of the file with the clients          As regards the construction of the collective,
     obviously involves, first and foremost,                it seems preferable to rely on a single trade
     meetings with all those involved. Exchanges            union organisation. This choice, which
     with clients and between clients are essential,        was ours, is questionable but it has proved

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

to be effective, and made it possible to avoid        In addition to these tests, the collective must
the union divisions that the employer could           face adverse strategies the sole purpose
use to harm the action. In order to solidify          of which is to make them fall, such as:
this support, several levels of the trade union       • Stigmatisation of the union: this involves
organisation need to be brought together:               pitting the other trade unions against the
trade union, federation, etc. The aim is for            union behind the action. It is a strategy that
trade unions to strengthen each other in the            can be effective against the employees at the
face of pressures, in the company, outside the          origin of the action, and it can deter other
company and at confederal level.                        employees from joining it;
Finally, financial support for victims and/or the     • Alienation of lawyers by accusing them
financing of actions remains a crucial point            of exploiting the trade unions. This strategy
that the union cannot assume alone.                     can be extremely sound. The company ended
Faced with the hardships resulting from                 up refusing to allow the presence of lawyers
collective action, it is essential to have a strong     in the discussions;
collective, because this collective will have         • Denial of the collective aspect and will
to face a triple dispossession:                         to systematically bring the discussion back
• Individual dispossession of the file: from            to individual cases. In the Safran case,
                                                        this worked because the judge considered
  individual cases, a process is illustrated that
                                                        that the class action was an accumulation of
  is intended to be collective. The individual
                                                        individual cases and he did not once mention
  narrative is then lost in the crowd and
                                                        the thirty pages on the discriminatory
  becomes one example among others.
                                                        collective processes.
  All the more so since during the hearing
  there is no room for clients, the employees.        The lawyer is there to reassure clients, clarify
  These are proceedings before the court,             the complex terms and procedures, manage
  written, sometimes before a judge who is not        the discomfort of the collective, the anger
  interested in the human aspect of the case.         generated by the adverse defence strategies…
  The lawyer is a facilitator so that all the         The hearings, which consist of defending
  victims can speak through him;                      in 15 minutes a file that has taken months
                                                      or even years to build, which concerns more
• Dispossession in terms of schedule.                 than 30 or 40 people, can be extremely
  The Safran case, for example, took a year           frustrating for the collective.
  and a half for exchanges, conclusions and
  arguments between lawyers. The exchanges            Finally, it must be noted that creation of the
  dragged on. A year and a half of preparations,      collective also has positive aspects. As well as
  plus delays in the event of appeals,                the feeling of being listened to and recognised,
  is particularly long. Class action must             victims who decide to mobilise collectively
  be maintained despite this temporality,             take on active roles in the fight against
                                                      discrimination. Class action involves working
  which may be a source of discouragement;
                                                      for others, taking back some control and
• Dispossession of the decision-making                reversing the balance of power. It is important
  process insofar as decisions need to be taken       for the victims to be aware of this.
  together, respecting the rules and processes
                                                      Class action allows the collective to become
  of all stakeholders. For example, trade unions
                                                      part of a broader, national, societal and global
  are used to voting “by majority”. This calls
                                                      political struggle. Media coverage plays
  for a great deal of trust between clients,
                                                      an important role here, as it confirms the
  unions and lawyers.
                                                      merits of the struggle and consecrates the
                                                      commitment and the justice of the cause.

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

                                                       PART II

                OF DISCRIMINATION:

     FOREWORD                                                This is a major tool for victims, because,
                                                             from the moment they have a bundle
     SARAH BENICHOU                                          of evidence, the respondent must justify
     Assistant to the Director, “Promotion                   the measures that they have taken objectively
     of Equality and Access to Rights” Department,           and, if they fail to do so, discrimination will be
     Defender of Rights                                      characterised.
                                                             Over the years, the evidence mobilised has
     While the first round table was devoted to the
                                                             evolved. Alongside conventional means
     people involved in collective action, this second
                                                             (testimony, writings, etc.), new tools such
     round table addresses the stage of proof, of the
                                                             as testing or statistical comparisons
     characterisation of discrimination in law. This
                                                             have emerged, which reveal differences
     process sometimes reveals, from individual
                                                             in treatment and their discriminatory basis.
     reports, collective discrimination.
                                                             These tools have also revealed more collective
     Gathering evidence remains a difficult step,            or systematic discrimination based on trade
     one that is not always successful.                      union membership, gender or origin.
     Before the criminal courts, it is always                The situation testing technique, used twenty
     difficult and complicated to demonstrate                years ago to highlight discrimination based
     discrimination, due to the level of evidence            on origin on the doors of nightclubs, is now
     required, particularly with regard to the               used in a much broader manner, to reveal
     intentional nature of discrimination, by criminal       discrimination in recruitment, housing
     law and also by judges. However, there have             or access to care for a number of criteria31.
     been significant advances before the civil and
                                                             Anti-discrimination protagonists have also
     administrative courts, with victims benefiting
                                                             been able to take advantage of the panel
     from the shift of the burden of proof30. This
                                                             comparison method to update career
     arrangement, which does not constitute
                                                             discrimination. Created at the outset
     a reversal of the burden of proof, has been
                                                             to demonstrate trade union discrimination
     in force for twenty years: the applicant must
                                                             by François Clerc of CGT, this method is now
     first present facts allowing for the presumption
                                                             also used to demonstrate gender-based
     of discrimination.
                                                             However, it has not always been easy to have
                                                             these new tools and their probative value

Proceedings | Study day 24 November 2021 · 2022

recognised by the courts. The Defender
of Rights participates in this legal education
by mobilising a variety of legal evidence
and analysis in its files.
All those involved in the fight against
discrimination, such as trade unions, labour
inspectorates, but also, of course, lawyers,
researchers and equality promotion bodies,
such as the Defender of Rights, have specific
roles and specific skills to mobilise for
this fight.
The challenge is to combine, with all
of these players, all these levers to build
the body of evidence, particularly for cases
of collective or even systemic discrimination,
and to construct the litigation strategy.


CGT Trade Unionist, UD Paris

Since 2007-2008, I have been one of the CGT
activists who have accompanied the struggles
and strikes of undocumented workers.
The CGT and other organisations have
mobilised for these strikes.
The first objective of these strikes was
to denounce the working conditions
of these workers and to enable them to find
solutions to leave a complex and precarious
administrative situation behind.
The mobilisations carried out in 2007, 2008
and 2009 led to circulars and texts, which
are certainly imperfect, but which allowed the
regularisation of workers without residence
permits. One can cite in particular the circular
of November 201232, which governs the
exceptional approval for a residence permit           Maryline Poulain, CGT trade unionist, UD Paris

through work but also specifies the power that
is given to the employer to regularise or not its
employees without a work permit.

You can also read