Obituaries - MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA - 2021 / N - Mafrome

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Obituaries - MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA - 2021 / N - Mafrome
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               2021 / N                                    SPECIAL


                      MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA
Obituaries - MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA - 2021 / N - Mafrome
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                                                              EDITOR’S WORD
                SINCE DECEMBER 1912
                   PETIT ECHO                        Harvest time
                    Society of the
                 Missionaries of Africa              There are always limits to any image
           2021/N    n° SPECIAL                  used in expressing a reality; the same is
                10 ISSUES YEARLY
                     PUBLISHED BY
                                                 true of the Sower’s image who, by planting
          Editorial Board                        the seed, was already anticipating the time
          Francis Barnes, Asst. Gen.             of harvest. The Sower knows when to sow
          André Simonart, Sec. Gen.
          Patient Bahati                         his seed; he knows the alternation of seasons.
          Freddy Kyombo                              On the other hand, the seed has no choice
          Freddy Kyombo                          but to trust the one who planted it. It has no
                  idea what the future holds for it, what trans-
          Translations                           formations it will have to undergo; it does
          Jean-Paul Guibila
          Steve Ofonikot                         not know what the season will be like, it
          Jean-Pierre Sauge                      does not even know what it will be used
          Administrative Secretary               for. It has a vocation that it will discover in
          Addresses and Dispatch
          Odon Kipili                            time: bearing fruit, fruits that will delight
                   the Sower and all his family.
          Editorial Services
          Guy Theunis
                                                     And when it has borne fruit, and the
          Dominique Arnauld                      Sower judges that the time for harvest has
          Correspondents                         come, he will help the little seed to fulfill
          Provincial/Sector Secretaries
          Msola, Rome                            its vocation by offering all that it has pro-
          Internet                               duced as fruit, in a “generous gathering”,
          Philippe Docq

                                                 like in the refrain: “To love is to offer eve-
                                                 rything and to offer oneself”.
          Photographs provided by the                Let us live each day as a time of harvest,
          M.Afr Archives are subject to
          permission for any public use
                                                 as the day when I must offer everything
          Postal Address                         and offer myself totally.
          Padri Bianchi, Via Aurelia 269,
          00165 Roma, Italia
                                                                               Freddy Kyombo
          Phone **39 06 3936 34211
          Stampa Istituto Salesiano Pio XI      Cover:
          E-mail:          A Easter Cross
          Finito di stampare marzo 2021                                                   IMAGE

              “And if the law of death afflicts us, the promise of immortality
           brings us consolation.” “Indeed for your faithful, Lord, life is
           changed but not ended.”
                                                           (Preface of the deceased I)

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            Over the years I often noticed how some of the elderly confreres al-
         ways start reading the latest copy of the Petit Echo by going through the
         obituaries, no doubt because they would know some of those that had
         died and whose lives were being remembered. Of late I have been truly
         struck by the amazing lives of some of our missionaries. Many of them
         started their missionary journey some 60 years ago or more finding
         themselves in very difficult conditions and facing real hardships as they
         adapted to culture, climate and languages that seemed at first so foreign.
         Indeed, they, like Abraham before them, took the risk to set out on jour-
         ney to a land that the Lord would show them. Today we talk about our
         charism and all that it entails and yet, without maybe such a notion in
         their minds, so many of our confreres lived gospel filled lives reaching
         out not merely through their preaching and sacramental ministry but
         were very much concerned to help the populations they served to
         improve their standard of living, their education, their agriculture, their
         very way of life. Today we would talk about development, of justice and
         peace and dialogue and yet, without necessarily using those terms, they
         truly lived those beautiful aspects of our charism.

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            In fact, reading through some of these obituaries I personally have
         been very inspired and almost in awe at the sheer depth of encounter so
         many of our confreres had. They truly identified with their people, a
         people they loved and cared for and in fact gave their lives for. Some of
         our confreres knew personal suffering in their lives and yet no doubt
         this is what made them even more powerful witnesses of the gospel. Yes,
         the obituaries are indeed the footprint of our confreres life stories, they
         help us remember what could so easily be neglected and thus we cele-
         brate their achievements which provide us with a sense of comfort and
         community. Of course these are merely snapshots of a life given and
         will of course be incomplete. At times such accounts of their lives are
         framed in a favourable light without dwelling too much on their foibles
         and inconsistencies.
            Having said all that I hope it is not just our elderly confreres who
         read the obituaries of our departed confreres. Their lives and their mis-
         sionary adventure remain inspiring for us all today. Some of them are
         well worth printing out and could well be used for a day of recollection
         especially in some of our communities or formation houses.
                                                 Francis Barnes, 1st Assistant General

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                  The Martyrs of Uganda: They gave it all

Obituaries - MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA - 2021 / N - Mafrome
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                                         Paul Zeller
                                         1922 - 2020

                   aul     was                                      his teaching career,
                   born on 26                                       first at Widnau, then
                   July 1922,                                       in 1964 at the Afri-
         in the village of Ko-                                      canum in Fribourg
         belwald (Canton St.                                        and at the Collège
         Gallen). He comple-                                        St-Michel. In 1967,
         ted his secondary                                          he became boarding
         education at the se-                                       school director at
         condary school of                                          this college.
         Saint-Maurice (Can-                                           On 26 January
         ton of Valais). He                                         1970, he left for Bu-
         started his theologi-                                      rundi as a teacher at
         cal studies at the                                         the Minor Seminary
         University of Fribourg in 1943. In          of Mugera, at the same time su-
         December 1945, he joined the                pervising the financing, provided
         White Fathers in Algeria and conti-         by the Swiss Cooperation and Mi-
         nued his theological studies in Thi-        sereor, of the Teacher Training
         bar (Tunisia). He took his missio-          College in Gitega. In September
         nary oath on 29 June 1948, and              1972, he was appointed to the Se-
         was ordained priest on 1 February           minary for late vocations in Giheta,
         1949, also in Thibar.                       before being transferred the follo-
            In August of the same year, he           wing year to the Teachers Training
         began literary studies at the Uni-          College (for girls and boys) in Gi-
         versity of Fribourg. In July 1953,          tega. He was superior at the Afri-
         he was appointed professor in Wid-          canum in Friburg from September
         nau (canton of St. Gallen); then in         1975 to November 1976, and then
         September 1955, he returned to              he left for Algeria where he un-
         the University to complete his writ-        dertook to teach German for a year
         ten thesis and prepare for oral exa-        at the University of Constantine.
         minations for a Doctorate-ès-lettres,          On his return to Switzerland,
         which he obtained on 23 May                 he taught at the Heerbrugg Cantonal
         1956. He then went on to pursue             School and in July 1978, became

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         superior of the community of Wid-              And here is what two of Paul’s
         nau again. He was appointed parish          former fellow students had to say:
         priest of Heerbrugg (Canton of St.          “I was a young student at the time
         Gallen) in June 1983 and remained           and Paul was the rector. I think
         there until June 1992. In 2001, he          that without him I certainly
         joined the community of Lucerne.            wouldn’t be WF now... His attention
         Upon the sale of the house in Lu-           and advice helped me a lot. He
         cerne in 2010, he moved to Fri-             really cared about people. When
         bourg. He relocated to Roggwil              he saw someone who was discou-
         (Canton Bern) on 12 December                raged, he would invite them for a
         2014 to stay with Dr. Jörg Michel.          discussion to listen to them, en-
         He moved to the home of the Good            courage them and eventually make
         Shepherd Sisters in Schönberg,              a decision. ”
         Fribourg, in August 2015.                       Another confrere, a brother, had
            Paul Zeller died on February             this to say: “I first met Paul in
         10, 2020. His entire life was dedi-         1966. I had come to Fribourg to
         cated to the formation of young             learn French with the Assimil me-
         people, both in Africa and in Swit-         thod. He, Pater Dr. Paul Zeller was
         zerland. His vast culture and affa-         teaching at the University. What a
         bility contributed to making him            surprise to have met a highly qua-
         an example of a missionary who              lified man who was able to converse
         had his feet firmly on the ground,          with a young printer like me, wi-
         for whom any development requires           thout any reserve. Years later, I
         in-depth education.                         had the opportunity of visiting Paul
             A confrere testified: “An ener-         when he was living in Berikon. In
         getic person, Paul already demons-          spite of (or because of) the many
         trated this in his simple approach          experiences which life offered him,
         by his way of walking to the Col-           he always gave me the impression
         lège Saint Michel. I remember him           of an honest, frank and very simple
         as a very intelligent person who            man. To tell the truth, I met in
         liked to make his teaching some-            Paul one of those rare fellow priests
         thing more than merely passing              who never show their superiority
         exams. Very open-minded, he                 through a certain clericalism. ”
         greatly appreciated the spirit of re-           Father Paul had requested a re-
         newal manifested during the Chap-           ligious celebration in the Africanum
         ter that followed the Council. ”            chapel. Many confreres from Fri-

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         bourg and Veyras and friends,               moving Eucharist of the Resur-
         among them the White Sisters, at-           rection. The prayerful farewell at
         tended in large numbers.                    the cemetery was presided over
             His funeral was held in Die-            by the dean of the Pastoral Unit. A
         poldsau (canton of St. Gallen), a           meal in a restaurant in the village
         parish in his native region, on Sa-         finally brought together all his re-
         turday 22 February 2020. The beau-          latives and friends.
         tiful round church brought together            “Father Paul, you have been a
         many friends with one heart for a           blessing to us” said one parishioner.

                                                                   Jean-Marie Gabioud

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                                     Robert Laberge
                                      1936 - 2020

                    obert was                                       wever, he showed
                    born on                                         good judgement.
                    April 4,                                        Throughout that pe-
         1936, in Ste-Made-                                         riod, he proved to
         leine Parish in Ou-                                        be a cheerful and
         tremont, Montreal.                                         very good compa-
         He was the youngest                                        nion, very helpful
         son of Raoul La-                                           and dedicated. His
         berge and Isabelle                                         sound piety was ba-
         Lapointe. He was                                           sed on deep convic-
         cherished by his                                           tions.
         parents since his
         early childhood. His                                            At the end of his
         mother overprotected him. She was           eight years of secondary school,
         the one who took the decisions for          to the surprise of many, he took
         him until he was a teenager.                the decision to join the White Fa-
                                                     thers at the Novitiate of St-Martin
             Robert did his elementary studies       de Laval. This was in August 1956.
         at the Académie St-Germain d’Ou-            At the end of that year, his formators
         tremont. He then began his classical        concluded that he had fully grasped
         studies at the Collège Jean-de-Bré-         the meaning of his vocation and
         beuf. As he had to repeat his last          the demands of the apostolate but
         year, he went to the Externat Clas-         that he would need to be guided,
         sique St-Viateur to do his two years        encouraged and supported in his
         of philosophy. And he succeeded.            efforts. He continued his missionary
                                                     formation at the White Fathers’
            During his high school studies,          Scholasticate in Eastview on the
         after much hard work, determina-            outskirts of Ottawa studying theo-
         tion and tenacity, he obtained his          logy. On January 28, 1961, he
         bachelor’s degree in art. He was            was ordained priest. In September
         slow, very slow in his studies as in        of the same year, he was sent to
         everything else. He had difficulty          London for studies at Goldsmith’s
         presenting his ideas clearly. Ho-           College. In fact, in directing him

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         there, the desire of his superiors          These three years also included
         was to help him to further deepen           pastoral and catechetical animation.
         what he had been taught at the              Following these successful studies,
         Scholasticate. Unfortunately, at            he asked to teach catechesis in a
         the end of the first year, it was           school, and became a teacher in
         realized that he was incapable of           Ville St-Laurent, where he lived
         undertaking further studies at this         outside community.
         level. He was much too slow and
                                                        He returned to Laval University
         his ideas were lacking in depth.
                                                     in Quebec City from 1971 to 1972.
         Therefore, his superiors asked that
                                                     Thereafter, he went back to Ville
         he should stop his studies and leave
                                                     St-Laurent where he taught moral
         for Tanzania in December 1962.
                                                     science (?) and Scripture.
            Robert was sent to the Diocese
                                                        During the years he was tea-
         of Kigoma. He spent five years in
                                                     ching, from 1972 to 1996, Robert
         this Diocese, working in six diffe-
                                                     kept in touch with his confrères,
         rent parishes, from December 1962
                                                     but this was rather sporadic. Ho-
         to December 1967: first in Kabanga,
                                                     wever, he did write now and then
         then in Kipalapala, again in Ka-
                                                     to his Provincial to update him on
         banga, and then in Kasumo, in
                                                     his work.
         Muhinda and finally in Mabamba
         in 1966. From there, he returned               In the early 1990s, he expe-
         to Canada for home-leave. At the            rienced serious personal difficulties.
         end of his holidays, he was asked           He even spent some time at the
         to take a course in Tanzania to             “Second départ” nursing home. In
         prepare him for teaching, but he            1992, those in charge of the school
         would rather study in Quebec. His           where he taught were disappointed
         point of view was however accepted          by some of his attitudes and ex-
         after dialogue.                             pressed their intention to discharge
            He attended Laval University
         in Quebec City from September                  He took a sick leave between
         1968 to May 1970 for catechetical           1993 and 1995. He went through a
         studies. He said he needed some             deep depression: he didn’t eat nor
         ongoing formation and asked to              sleep. He even spent some time
         be accompanied to better integrate          in the psychiatric unit of the Ste-
         the Church’s renewal in his life.           Agathe Hospital for observation.

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            In 1995, he resumed teaching                  In March 2020, the coordinator
         at l’École St-Germain de la                   of the Provincial House attempted
         Commission Scolaire Ste-Croix in              a few times to speak to him on the
         Ville St-Laurent. He continued to             phone, but no one responded. On
         teach religion and personal and               April 4, the tenant answered the
         social training at the secondary              phone and told him that Robert
         school level. In 1999, he stopped             had passed away. Robert died at
         teaching. He left his flat in Montreal        the hospital in Ste-Agathe-des-
         and moved to St-Adèle, where he               Monts, in the Laurentians, on March
         lived in a cottage-style house. He            18, 2020, at the age of 83. He had
         had a tenant living in the basement           already been cremated.
         and every day he got help from
         outside.                                         His family had previously told
                                                       the White Fathers that they were
            As from 2016 the Provincial                taking care of Robert and that they
         visited him every year. In one of             didn’t rely for this at all on the
         these visits, he invited Robert to            White Fathers. That was probably
         get closer to his confreres because           the reason why the White Fathers
         his health was failing. But Robert            were not informed that Robert had
         would rather stay in Ste-Adèle be-            been taken to the hospital and that
         cause, he said, he was in good                he had died there. May Robert
         company.                                      rest in peace!

                                                                        Jacques Charron

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                                       Pierre Landry
                                        1927 - 2020

                  ierre was                                          positively to God’s
                  born on                                            call. The courage of
                  October                                            this bishop was for
         18, 1927 in Carle-                                          him the grace from
         ton-sur-mer, Baie-                                          God which finally
         des-Chaleurs. His                                           allowed him to ans-
         parents, Émile Lan-                                         wer “yes” to the call
         dry and Anna-Marie                                          he felt. After four
         Allard, had thirteen                                        years of theology at
         children; Pierre was                                        Eastview, he was
         the youngest. It was                                        ordained Priest on
         from his mother that                                        January 30, 1954.
         he first came into                                          One of his teachers
         contact with the idea of missionary         remarked about him at the end
         life. When he was very young, he            of his third year: “Excellent student.
         prayed with her in the evenings             He will do well on the missions
         for the missionaries.                       no matter what work he might
            After his primary school studies         be given. ”
         in Carleton, he entered the Gaspé              He was sent to London to study
         Seminary in 1941 to begin his clas-         education after his ordination. Two
         sical studies. These eight years            years later, in August 1956, he left
         spent under the direction of the            London by ship for Uganda. There
         Clerics of Saint-Viateur were filled        he was in Entebbe, more precisely
         with various activities. But he ad-         in Bugonga, for the initiation into
         mitted himself that he preferred            his pastoral work. The following
         team sports to Greek and Latin.             year, he became director of a Tea-
         Then he decided to join the White           chers’ College in Busubizi where
         Fathers and entered the novitiate           he trained young teachers.
         at Saint-Martin de Laval. The wit-             In 1961, he returned to Canada
         ness of a bishop of the Priests of          for a rest and was then appointed
         the Foreign Missions leaving for            head of the procure in Moncton.
         China greatly helped him to respond         He would then visit parishes and

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         schools in the Maritime Provinces.          He was good and generous. He
         He even travelled as far as New-            was welcoming and liked to meet
         foundland. Four years later, he re-         people. He was a good pastor, at
         turned to Busubizi College in               the service of his parishioners, and
         Uganda as Chaplain to the Students          they liked him”.
         and Tutor in Religious Education
                                                        After his 30-day retreat in Je-
         until 1970. He had excellent me-
                                                     rusalem in 1990, he returned to
         mories of those five years.
                                                     Uganda until 1998. He was at times
             He then went back to pastoral           parish priest and sometimes curate
         ministry in Nnaluggi for four years.        in different parishes in the dioceses
         In 1975, he arrived in Bukalagi, a          of Kampala and Kiyinda. He wor-
         larger and more populous mission            ked on the launching of small
         where he stayed for 14 years until          Christian communities. The Chris-
         1989. It was during this period             tians jointly learnt how to defend
         that leaders and catechists took on         their rights, to solve their commu-
         more and more responsibility in             nity problems and to pray with the
         the Church. It was also the time            Word of God.
         when small Christian Communities
         emerged. These years, he later                 He returned to Canada in 1998,
         wrote, “were among the most en-             and was reappointed to Moncton.
         riching moments of my missionary            He did missionary animation and
         life”. Let us not forget that it was        also accepted to become bursar.
         also during these years that Uganda         In 2001, he expressed the desire
         experienced political turmoil; five         to return to Quebec because of his
         years of civil war with Obote fol-          health.
         lowed the eight years of terror                He was then appointed to Len-
         under Amin.                                 noxville, where he revealed his
            A confrere who knew him well             beautiful personality. He showed
         in Uganda said of him: “Pierre              good judgement; many asked him
         had a frank and direct way of spea-         for advice and trusted his opinions.
         king. There was no pretense in              As usual, he read a lot and was up
         him. He was real. When he decided           to date on everything that was hap-
         to do something, one could be sure          pening in the world. He was always
         that it would be done and that it           of service to the community. He
         would be well done. He had quali-           visited the sick. He enjoyed ac-
         ties that tempered his personality.         companying the confreres to their

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         medical appointments. He enjoyed              mobility he had left, he still liked
         tending the lawn in front of the              to move around with his walker or
         house. He was also an artist, and             with his two canes. As from the
         emphasized both the liturgical times          beginning of 2020 he needed help
         and the birthdays of the confreres            to get around. He remained in his
         with drawings on the refectory no-            room from 15 June onwards and
         tice board.                                   had to ask for help to get from his
            But the last years of his life were        wheelchair to his bed. Such de-
         difficult. A confrere noted: “His             pendency was painful for him; it
         physical strength was failing him,            was difficult for him to accept that
         his legs could barely support him,            he had to rely on others all the
         and his movements became increa-              time.
         singly difficult. At one point he                On June 25, he was taken to
         suffered a stroke. His speech was             the emergency unit of the “Hôtel
         greatly impaired so that any conver-          Dieu” in Sherbrooke. On July 13,
         sation became difficult. It was as if         he died in hospital. He was 92
         misfortune was raining down on                years old.
         him, but he accepted this new suf-               His funeral took place in Len-
         fering with courage and without               noxville on July 24th, surrounded
         complaint. With his usual determi-            by his confreres. The next after-
         nation, Pierre did not give up. ”             noon, the 25th, a liturgy of the
            Pierre began to show signs of              Word was celebrated with his fa-
         great fatigue from 2018. However,             mily at the Elkias Funeral Home
         in order to maintain what little              in Sherbrooke.
                                                                         Jacques Charron

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                                    Eugenio Bacaicoa
                                      1941 - 2020

                  ugenio                                             metown: a compul-
                  was born                                           sory stopover on
                  in Puente                                          the Camino of St.
         la Reina (Navarre)                                          James, with its an-
         on 15 November                                              cient churches and
         1941. His parents,                                          convents, and its
         Higínio and Jesusa,                                         beautiful Roman
         had nine children,                                          Bridge which is the
         he was the fourth.                                          gateway to Santiago
                                                                     de Compostela.
             Eugenio liked to
         remember and re-                                              A priest from
         peat, with a mischie-                                      Burkina Faso, whom
         vous smile, the classic words of             Eugenio had encouraged to go to
         all the grandmothers in the world:           the seminary in his youth, also re-
         “My grandson is the most hand-               membered him: “Father Bacaicoa
         some of all and the most intelligent         was a great missionary in my dio-
         in his class at school”. The truth is        cese, an animator of Christian
         that all of us who had been fortunate        communities, close to the people,
         enough to live with him in Africa            a shepherd of young people, a gui-
         or Spain can say that Eugenio was            tarist and singer, a courageous
         a great confrere and friend, opti-           apostle”.
         mistic and always in good spirits,
         a solid pillar in community life,               Eugenio had followed the clas-
         which we could affectionately de-            sical formation of the White Fathers
         fine as “un fanfarrón humilde”,              at the time: The Minor Seminary
         that is to say, a humble boaster. It         and Philosophy, at the Seminary
         is no wonder that he was born in             of Pamplona; the Novitiate in Gap,
         Puente la Reina! If you didn’t               France, (1963-1964) and Theology,
         know it, you would quickly find              in Heverlee, Belgium. After his
         out the moment you greeted him               ordination to the priesthood on
         for the first time, because he was           June 29, 1968, he went to Upper
         so proud of his family and his ho-           Volta, now known as Burkina Faso,

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         in the Diocese of Diebougou, where          (1999-2005), in a large territory
         he worked with the Lobis and Da-            extending as far as Zinder in Niger.
         garas. His first missionary years           For this new mission, he had to
         were in the parishes of Kampti,             travel many kilometers to visit and
         Niego and Batie.                            animate the communities of
                                                     confreres, which were still nume-
            In 1972, Eugenio was appointed
                                                     rous at the time. The current Pro-
         Provincial Councilor. Shortly af-
                                                     vincial of the PAO (Francophone
         terwards he was appointed parish
                                                     West African Province), Fr. Luc
         priest and, much later, he was part
                                                     Kola, remembers him in these
         of the last community of White
                                                     terms: “We can say that the mis-
         Fathers in the Diocese of Diebou-
         gou. Eugenio often recounted that           sionary life of our confrere Eugène
         after the holidays, when returning          Bacaicoa was very rich and full of
         to Africa, he would leave the family        important responsibilities in terms
         home early in the morning to avoid          of formation, parish ministry, and
         making his elderly parents suffer           in the tasks of running the Society,
         a painful separation!                       both in Spain and in Chad and
                                                     Burkina Faso”.
            In 1977, Eugenio was appointed
         to missionary animation in Spain,              During all these years, Eugenio
         more precisely in Bilbao. The Spa-          kept a secret that only his friends
         nish province would later ask him           knew: on Sunday afternoons, he
         for his services again in 1987, as          would isolate himself in his room
         confrere in charge of the “Africa-          to follow the sports news on the
         num” and of the small group of              Spanish National Radio. With him,
         students at the formation center.           we had to celebrate or be sad, de-
                                                     pending on the results of his two
            In 1993, Eugenio returned with           favourite football teams: Osasuna
         other confreres to Africa, with a           and Barça.
         new mission in another country,
         Chad: he was assigned to a school              In 2005, Eugenio returned to
         for catechists in Bendone, in the           Spain for good because of his fra-
         diocese of Doba. When his contract          gile skin, which compelled him to
         with this diocese for this work ex-         stay away from the African sun.
         pired, Eugenio returned to Burkina          From his residence at the “Africa-
         Faso. There he was appointed Re-            num” in Madrid, now without stu-
         gional Superior of Burkina Faso             dents, he was helping out with the

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         various missionary animation ser-                 The last post in his missionary
         vices of the Spanish Province,                life was Pamplona, in 2017. It is
         mainly in collaboration with the              said that “Elephants go back to
         SCAM (Servicio Conjunto de Ani-               die where they were born”. Euge-
         mación Misionera) and the ani-                nio’s state of health had gradually
         mation of prayer groups of young              deteriorated over the last few
         people with a missionary spirit and           months, and as a result, he was
         an interest in Africa.                        admitted to the “Beloso Alto”
                                                       convalescent home in Pamplona
             Eugenio also offered his pastoral         on the 26th of June.
         services to the Archdiocese of Ma-
         drid, as Coordinator of the Mis-                 However, he was not able to
         sionary Service of Vicariate nº I             return to his normal life despite
         of Madrid, and from 2013 to 2017,             the good treatment he received.
         as parish priest of “El Berrueco”             He quietly returned to the Father’s
         and two other neighbouring villages           home on the 21st of July 2020. In
         in the mountains of Madrid. He                accordance with his wish, he was
         lived there happily during these              buried with his parents in the family
         years of apostolate, a time of silence        vault at the cemetery in his home-
         and prayer. It was perhaps dreaming           town, Puente la Reina.
         of one of the other charisms of the
         monks that led him to produce a                  Eugenio, our memory and our
         liqueur of Navarrese origin: “Pa-             fraternal prayer accompany you.
         charán”. He said it was the best of           Rest in the eternal Peace of the
         all liqueurs and he kept it for his           Lord!
         visitors and friends...                                           Juan José Osés

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                               Jean-Bernard Delannoy
                                     1945 - 2020

                 ean-Bernard                                           Sacred Heart School
                 was not in                                            in Halluin before
                 the chapel on                                         completing a mo-
         Wednesday 29 July                                             dern sixth form in
         2020, when we star-                                           Etaimpuis at St Jean
         ted Morning Prayers                                           Baptiste de la Salle
         at 7.40 am. This was                                          College. He then
         not normal because                                            went to Bonnelles
         every morning just                                            to study classics in
         one minute after he                                           the sixth form up to
         arrived in the chapel                                         the baccalaureate,
         we would start the                                            but he did not
         prayer: he was set to                                         complete the second
         the minute! When the prayer was               part of his studies: Philosophy. He
         over, one of us went to his room              entered the Postulancy in September
         and found him dying. We imme-                 1964 and was at the novitiate in
         diately called the Ambulance Ser-             Gap from 1965 to 1967. It was
         vice. They arrived promptly, but it           there that he took his first temporary
         was too late. He was already dead.            Oath on 24/06/1967 as a brother.
         The efforts to resuscitate him did
         not succeed. Jean-Bernard died                   He was sent to Mours for tech-
         while his community was celebrating           nical and pastoral training: and
         the Eucharist: it was he who, as sa-          was assigned to the locksmith’s
         cristan, had prepared everything,             workshop. The instructor noted:
         as usual, the evening before.                 “good and precise work, calm and
                                                       orderly, regular at work, with good
             Jean-Bernard was born on 15               qualities as a fitter”. Besides he
         September 1945 in Halluin into a              put his qualities as a musician at
         family of chocolate manufacturers.            his brothers’ service by leading
         He had two brothers and four sis-             the songs and joined a YCW group
         ters. They were a Christian family            for his apostolate, where he was
         in a bourgeois style, yet very simple.        very well accepted and esteemed
         He did his primary studies at the             by his companions.

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             After his military service in Ja-        ternal activities in Bobo, hosting
         nuary 1970, he joined the Neuwiller          groups from outside, such as the
         students’ hostel in Strasbourg. He           JEC”. His questions about his mis-
         did an internship to prepare for a           sionary life as a “brother” remained:
         “brevet de dessinateur en technique          he recounted his last insertions in
         de bâtiment” at the C.F.P.A. in              France “with some young YCW
         Metz. It was towards the end of              workers, military service with young
         this internship that he received his         people, and professional training
         first appointment to Africa. He              course: with them I had a desire to
         was stunned, as there was nothing            experience Jesus Christ. ”
         at all in line with the training he
         was completing: he was appointed                 After a year as bursar of the
         bursar at the Major Seminary of              Seminary, Jean Bernard moved to
         Koumi in Upper Volta (Burkina                another region to work in the ‘Cen-
         Faso). It came as a great shock to           tre d’animation rurale’ of Tominian
         him. He explained how he unders-             community in Zoura in the diocese
         tood the vocation of a brother to            of San (Mali), he became involved
         which he decided to commit him-              in development work and took part
         self: “the role of the brother in            in the language course. There, he
         Africa is to penetrate and perfect           developed a taste for his work as a
         the temporal order with the spirit           rural animator. He made his final
         of the Gospel. The brother conse-            commitment to the Society during
         crates his life by working more              his first home leave in France
         directly with the people so that             through the Perpetual Oath, which
         they can live in more humane                 he took in his home parish on 11
         conditions, and this is develop-             January 1976.
         ment”, he wrote.
                                                         Upon his return to Mali, he re-
            Despite his apprehensions, he             sumed his work in rural animation
         arrived in Koumi at the beginning            before responding to a request from
         of November, having passed his               the bishop of San to take over on
         final exam, and he set to work. Gra-         two occasions as bursar at the
         dually, he discovered the complexity         Minor Seminary of Togo and to
         of his work as a bursar and life in          become the diocesan treasurer. Be-
         the seminary: “quite traditional, but        sides helping with improving
         very open; formation of committees           Togo’s premises, he gave several
         among the seminarians, various ex-           lessons and spiritual talks.

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            In 1991, he took part in the ses-             In 2016, he returned to Mours
         sion retreat in Jerusalem: it was            where he looked after various ser-
         an intense moment to reflect on              vices in the community: he was al-
         his life and his commitment to               ways regular when he was on duty
         Mali. He was highly appreciated              at the reception desk and very tho-
         during his time in Africa for his            rough in maintaining the premises
         participation in community life,             for the scouts who would come to
         his openness and pleasant rela-              camp for the weekend. Everything
         tionships where he would joke as             was always ready on time when he
         well as engage in serious conver-            took charge of the sacristy. He
         sation and contribute his point of           knew how to adorn the chapel, re-
         view. He was deeply spiritual and            ceive or prepare beautiful bouquets,
         wanted to remain so. In his work,            water them and collect fallen petals
         he often gave the impression of a            or leaves. It seemed that even the
         lack of self-confidence, and the             flowers were shocked at his sudden
         responsibilities weighed heavily             departure: there was a whole flo-
         on him.                                      werbed of petals at the foot of the
             The return to France in 1993             statues of St Joseph and the Virgin
         marked the beginning of a new                Mary the day after his death!
         chapter in his life: he became in-              Jean Bernard was always ready
         volved in several communities,               to help with the singing or anima-
         looking after the finances and at            tion of the office. He was appre-
         the same time taking care of his             ciated and trusted in the community
         health. He was in Billère, Toulouse,         and was chosen to be a member of
         Paris-Printemps, Saint Gratien,              the house’s select council; he was
         Mours and Paris-Verlomme. He                 a good counsellor who never criti-
         sought always some sort of social            cized. He always had a big smile
         commitment wherever possible,                as he carried out his various tasks
         particularly with the Secours Ca-            and the many small services he
         tholique. Jean-Bernard was very              offered to everyone.
         conscientious, humble and discreet
         in his work as a bursar. He was                 In addition to his participation
         someone you could count on. Jean-            in community life, Jean Bernard
         Bernard liked to work in the sacristy        volunteered to continue his service
         and was ready to participate in the          with the local branch of Secours
         liturgy and share in it if asked.            Catholique in Persan and twice a

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         week, he went out on his bicycle            he would never talk about it in pu-
         to assure the reception of migrants         blic and always tried to play things
         or the needy. There were several            down. And he was a man of great
         members of the Secours Catholique           faith, who lived it. He took part in
         team present at his funeral.                the small Bible-sharing group or-
                                                     ganized in the community with the
            He died on the feast day of St           lay people of neighbourhood.
         Martha. He was a man of service,
         like her, attentive to many small              The Christian community that
         things. He would never have had             used to meet in our chapel, two of
         the reflection of Jesus to Martha,          his sisters, and several confreres
         “you worry, and you get agitated            from the Paris area were able to
         about many things”, because he              join the community to celebrate
         was a calm and attentive man. If            his entry into the Father’s house.
         someone encroached on his res-              His smile and life-giving example
         ponsibilities without telling him,          remain engraved in our hearts.
                                                                           Jean Chaptal

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                                        René Ledeul
                                        1935 - 2020

            FAMILY                                                   was his vocation and

                     ené was                                         in 1951, at the age
                     born on                                         of 16, he asked to
                     the 10th                                        go to the Brothers’
         January 1935, in the                                        postulancy in Antilly
         municipality of                                             where he received a
         Cuillé, in the depart-                                      different kind of spi-
         ment of Mayenne.                                            ritual and practical
         He was the second                                           training. He spent a
         in a family of nine                                         year there before
         children, the last                                          being admitted to
         were triplets. His fa-                                      the Brothers’ novi-
         ther was a butcher and his mother                           tiate in Bonnelles.
         helped him out. The family was              He received the habit on the 10th
         deeply Christian and the children           September 1952. At that time the
         were sent to the Catholic school            Brothers had their own novitiate
         in Combré. René had difficulties            which lasted two years. They were
         with his studies as he later confes-        given a ‘religious name’ and René
         sed. He did not see himself em-             was known as ‘Brother Irenaeus’
         bracing an academic career. He              (he would say that he simply added
         thought instead of a missionary             the letter ‘i’ before his baptismal
         vocation.                                   name!). The novice master, Father
                                                     Leduc, stressed his good health,
            FORMATION                                balance and common sense. Ire-
            He went to the Minor Seminary            naeus stood out both for his piety
         of the White Fathers in Altkirch,           and his practical sense, managing
         in Alsace. There too, studying was          to learn the trades of shoemaker,
         difficult for him. He was impressed         cook, carpenter and mechanic in
         by the example of the old Brother           just a few months. One sees in
         Rodolphe and he had the opportu-            him a “soul capable of becoming
         nity to read a brochure on the Mis-         a brother of great resourcefulness”.
         sionary Brothers. He felt that this         He was therefore sent to Mours to

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         complete his training as a brother.           He will stay there for ten years.
         At the school for the older Brothers,         He followed in the footsteps of
         he broadened his skills: carpentry,           his predecessors, brothers Joseph
         industrial drawing, car mechanics,            and Menu. A perfect dream for
         welding, electricity, building... This        him! Using an old truck, he would
         was the model of the traditional              travel the Sahara in all directions,
         Brother who was expected to be                from south to north, transporting
         polyvalent. He deepened his vo-               gravel, cement, metal frames and
         cation and took his first temporary           windows for the works undertaken
         oaths.                                        by his confreres priests. The ALN
                                                       soldiers across the country knew
                                                       him well, with his unique style.
             He then interrupted his training          The Arabic language barely entered
         to do his military service as sergeant        his head. He used to relax in the
         in charge of looking after the rail           swimming pool of the Foreign Le-
         transport for the army. This was              gion still present at that time. He
         his first contact with Algeria, which         pretended to be the Chaplain of
         was then fighting for its indepen-            the Legion (A Holy lie!). He was
         dence. In 1958 he returned to spend           a man of all trades: welder, elec-
         a few months in Mours before re-              trician, painter, plumber, transpor-
         ceiving his first appointment.                ter... He was called everywhere:
                                                       at the service of schools, profes-
             He was able to put his skills at
                                                       sional training centers, Caritas...,
         the service of the Novitiate which
                                                       and he knew the desert, loving its
         had just moved from Maison Carrée
                                                       solitude, its beauty, its silence
         to Gap. While helping to set up
                                                       which brought him closer to God,
         the house, he was given the res-
                                                       because the Eucharist was as far
         ponsibility of instructor of the Bro-
                                                       away as his confreres. Some eve-
         ther novices. The atmosphere of
                                                       nings he slept under his truck, kee-
         the novitiate was a little austere
                                                       ping the scorpions away and
         for a young Brother, and he found
                                                       contemplating the marvelous starry
         entertainment by taking up cycling
                                                       sky. René was all imbued with
         in the surrounding Alps.
                                                       God in his hours of contemplation.
            Finally, in 1962, having taken             He especially appreciated the sto-
         his perpetual oath, René was ap-              povers at Tibhirine which were
         pointed to Laghouat when Algeria              moments of spiritual intensity and
         had just gained its independence.             fraternity with the monks. He yiel-

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         ded to their life of prayer, their            this huge task. His masterpiece
         great closeness to the Algerians,             was the restoration and the restruc-
         especially the youngest, without              turing of the farmhouse, which
         proselytism.                                  he organized to receive families
            BURKINA FASO                               of his confrères. He enjoyed the
                                                       atmosphere of the community
             In 1972 his services were re-             where he had his place. At week-
         quired in Burkina Faso, he first              ends he went on long bike rides.
         worked in the garage of the diocese           He claimed to have travelled more
         of Koupela for two years, before              than 100,000 km!
         being appointed to the garage in
         Ouagadougou where all the                        HAPPY END
         confreres appreciated his dedication              But the years advanced. Tassy
         and competence. However, with                 was now managed by la FED’ES.
         his independent nature, he found              René found he was idle. Little by
         it difficult to work with the diocesan        little the number of confreres dimi-
         leaders and he decided to return to           nished and René asked to be ap-
         France.                                       pointed to Billère, where he arrived
            RETURN TO FRANCE                           in 2010, at the age of 75. He still
                                                       rendered a few services, and above
            In 1976 he returned to France              all he discovered the region of Pau,
         for good. He first attended the               first by bicycle, then by tricycle,
         Bible session in Jerusalem and                then on foot with Nordic walking
         made his great retreat at Villa Ca-           sticks. Walking had become his
         valetti in Rome. He became the                passion. Early in the morning, his
         ‘universal brother’ who put his               silhouette was back on the pave-
         kindness and his talents at the ser-          ments of Pau. Sometimes he would
         vice of the communities of the                fall... finding a good soul, the Samu
         Province: in Lyon, Strasbourg,                (fast medical intervention service)
         Marseille, Toulouse, and Angers...            or the firemen to bring him back to
            But he needed stability. So he             his base, frightening again the nur-
         was appointed to Tassy to take                sing staff of l’Ehpad so committed
         care of the maintenance. He would             to taking care of his confrères. But
         remain there for 32 years. He equip-          this did not disturb him. Until the
         ped himself with all the necessary            end René remained a happy man,
         tools for his different jobs, and             faithful to his commitment as a
         he didn’t give up in the face of              Missionary of Africa.

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             On August 19, 2020, he sud-                René had given his body to
         denly collapsed in the dining room,         science, but the conditions of
         in front of everyone. The inexhaus-         Covid-19 and the very great heat
         tible walker would present himself          imposed cremation. His ashes were
         before the Great Walker in whose            buried in the cemetery California
         footsteps he had put his own, his           in Pau, near to his confrère, Maurice
         Lord who was waiting for him in             Gruffat, who died the next day.
                                                                         Michel Dubois

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                                     Maurice Gruffat
                                      1926 - 2020

                   ather Mau-                                        him which enabled
                   rice Gruf-                                        him to attend the
                   fat was                                           college in Thônes
         born in Annecy                                              from 1938 to 1945,
         (Haute Savoie) on                                           where he passed the
         September 18, 1926.                                         two A & B bacca-
         Maurice didn’t talk                                         laureats. Thônes is
         much (or so little)                                         a town in the heart
         about his childhood                                         of the Savoyard
         and youth. What he                                          Mountains. Maurice
         told us about them                                          witnessed and saw
         in the summary of                                           much of the drama
         his life shows that                                         caused by the war.
         they were difficult times. His father            In November 1945, Maurice
         was an invalid from the Great War            joined the Missionaries of Africa
         of 14-18. He was a postman by                at the philosophy seminary in Ker-
         trade, a job he could carry out to           lois, Morbihan. Through Abbé Bir-
         the end even though he had only              raux, a curate in his parish, brother
         one arm. His mother died in 1932,            of Mgr Birraux, then Superior Ge-
         leaving him at 6 years of age and            neral of the White Fathers, Maurice
         his 11-year-old older brother in             became acquainted with the Mis-
         the care of a disabled father. Since         sionaries of Africa, their mission
         he could not take care of even a             and their way of life. Shortly after
         modest household, Maurice was                his philosophy at Kerlois, Maurice
         placed in an orphanage run by the            was sent to Maison-Carrée (1947-
         Sisters of the Immaculate Concep-            1948) to do his novitiate under the
         tion in Annecy. His elder brother            direction of Father Blin. Who wrote
         was taken in by an uncle named               this about him: “Such as he is, he
         Séraphin. Maurice’s father died              can go on and become a sufficiently
         accidentally in 1937. Another uncle,         serious and virtuous missionary,
         who became his guardian, succee-             who will render service.” Serious,
         ded in obtaining a scholarship for           helpful, conscientious – this is Fa-

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         ther Gruffat as he would be known            country). He spent 17 years there
         and appreciated in his country of            in turn as a teacher, bursar and
         adoption in Africa. After his two            rector. “We combined functions
         years of compulsory military service         because we were working with our
         (1948-1949), with his well-known             backs to the wall due to lack of
         frankness, Maurice wrote that he             staff and lack of funds. Eight to
         was sent “ex officio without consul-         ten hours of work a day, seven
         tation” to ‘s-Heerenberg, at the             days a week, was the normal regime
         English-language scholasticate in            for me in Lubushi”. Despite this
         the Netherlands. He spent three              busy schedule, Maurice still found
         years studying theology; it was              enough time to take a correspon-
         there that he took his missionary            dence course to obtain a teaching
         oath on July 25, 1952; it was then           diploma. He confessed that he
         written of him: “a man of heart,             didn’t believe much in the fashion-
         fully given, despite a certain rough         able idea that one should take time
         exterior”. He finished his scholas-          to relax.
         ticate with a year in Monteviot,                 From 1971 to 1996, he worked
         Scotland, where he was ordained              in a parish where he became suffi-
         a priest on June 11, 1953. From              ciently familiar with the local lan-
         Monteviot, Father Moorman rightly            guage, Chibemba. His appointments
         wrote: “A man of responsibility              were as follows: vicar in the
         and order, a hard worker”. Ap-               parishes of Nsombo, Luwingu,
         pointed to Northern Rhodesia (now            Chilubula, Lwena; parish priest in
         Zambia), he arrived there on                 Chilubula, Kapatu, Ipusukilo. Then
         October 1953, and never left (except         the 30 day retreat in Marseilles in
         for the duration of his holidays)            1972, retreat session in Jerusalem
         until his definitive return to France        in 1987, session of the seniors in
         at the time of his retirement                Rome in 1998. In the meantime,
         in October 2006, fifty-three years           in 1974, he had served as secretary
         later.                                       to the Archbishop of Kasama. He
             Maurice first appointment was            spent the last period of his life in
         to the parish of Kalabwe, in the             Zambia (1996-2006) at the pro-
         north of the archdiocese of Kasama.          vincial house in Lusaka where he
         Six months later he was appointed            was asked to take care of the ar-
         to the Minor Seminary of Lubushi             chives, and his main work consisted
         (the oldest secondary school in the          in translating into English the first

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         “diaries” of our communities in             us. As soon as he was in contact
         Zambia (these were in French). It           with them, there were only “Tata”
         should be noted that although he            and “Mama”. It seems that Maurice
         was of good health, he often suf-           found in all the fathers and mothers
         fered from bouts of malaria. In             of the Zambian parishes the parents
         1991, he had a severe motorbike             he had lost in his childhood. He
         accident which forced him to stay           had a significant commitment to
         in hospital in Chilonga for a long          the local Sisters communities, the
         time, followed by rehabilitation in         Sisters of the Child Jesus. He was
         France. But Maurice was a tough             always attentive to their needs,
         guy; we did not often hear complai-         ready to help them. Only they
         ning about anything.                        could tell of all the services he
             It would be not easy to make a          rendered them.
         profile of Father Gruffat without               Father Gruffat was undoubtedly
         mentioning his personality, which           faithful to his prayer life, but he
         could be said to be quite striking.         did not feel the need to demonstrate
         As stated above, Maurice was a              it. We remember that he rebelled
         tough, hard-working, somewhat               against the hymn “Who is God to
         boorish looking man, rough at               love us like this?”. He didn’t un-
         times, but always welcoming and             derstand how anyone could ask
         ready to serve. His English know-           “Who is God?” For him, his God
         ledge and mastery were remarkable,          corresponded to a definite idea. At
         which explained his taste for trans-        a meeting of Missionaries of Africa,
         lation work and his great use of            when a member of the regional
         words when he needed to give his            team tried to get the group to reflect
         opinion or narrate some event.              more about justice, as demanded
         Maurice was deeply charitable. He           in a 1980 chapter document, Mau-
         was a gentleman in the community.           rice interrupted the session and
         At times expressing his convictions         shouted to the group leader by
         and appreciations forcefully,               saying, “Enough with your quest
         confreres willingly forgave him             for justice! I did not come here
         because he was quite brave without          (iZambia!) to work on justice but
         a hint of malice. No matter how             to teach the Catholic faith! »...
         rough he was, Maurice always                Maurice belonged a bit to the world
         wore his heart on his sleeve. His           of the recalcitrant; he did not
         kindness with people always struck          compromise with what seemed to

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         him to be the truth. In many things             He took his turn when they sang
         he had strong ideas and no one               to him: “In a remote corner of the
         could change them!                           mountain, a little Savoyard boy...”
            On December 16 2006, he arrived           He had a smile on his face when
         in Pau-Billère, his home and retire-         he was told about the meals he
         ment community. Even before lea-             had at home, such as fondues. He
         ving Zambia, he had written to the           would talk with Paul Muyard about
         Archivist of the Society in Rome,            the experiences they had in college.
         offering his services for French-            About his work in Zambia, he
         English translations of the Society’s        mainly answered questions about
         texts. “Service” and “fraternity”            nature: its rivers and lakes. But he
         was how Maurice had conceived                didn’t want to talk about his mis-
         his whole missionary life.                   sionary activities.

            At Billère, Maurice was discreet.            Maurice passed away on August
         He did not talk much about his               21, 2020, 2 days after the return
         missionary past. We had to question          of Brother René Ledeul to the
         him to get him to tell us about his          Lord. They were both buried on
         memories. He spoke fleetingly                August 25, 2020, at the “California”
         about his childhood and often men-           Cemetery in Billère.
         tioned the help he had received                 J.-P. Sauge, m.afr. with the parti-
         from his compatriot family and               cipation of Jean-Baptiste Marchais
         confrere René Fournier.                      de Billère.

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                                       Jean Chardin
                                       (1924 - 2020)

                     n August                                          In 1957, he left
                     26 2020,                                      for Africa and went
                     o u r                                         to Bamako in Mali,
         confrere Jean Char-                                       where he was curate
         din passed away at                                        at the cathedral. Five
         the Saint Joseph                                          years later, he was
         Moscati Hospital in                                       appointed to Oué-
         Ya m o u s s o u k r o ,                                  lessebougou, still in
         Ivory Coast. He was                                       the Archdiocese of
         96 years old, inclu-                                      Bamako, where he
         ding 70 years of                                          was curate at the
         missionary life in                                        parish of Saint Fran-
         Lebanon,        Mali,                                     cis Xavier.
         Ivory Coast and France. He pro-
                                                        In 1967, the Province of France
         nounced his Missionary Oath on
                                                     called on him for missionary and
         June 27, 1950, in Thibar, Tunisia
                                                     vocational animation work in
         and was ordained a priest the fol-
                                                     Nancy. He knew the region well
         lowing year, on March 24, 1951,
                                                     since he was born in this diocese,
         in Carthage, Tunisia. He was born
                                                     and he would render great service
         on December 5 1924, in Avricourt
                                                     during that time.
         in the diocese of Nancy in France.
             He began his missionary life in             When he finished his service in
         Lebanon in September 1950, in               missionary animation in 1973, he
         Rayak, and would spend four years           asked for an appointment to Ivory
         there. He taught French and ma-             Coast, where he had been several
         thematics in the seminary entrusted         times before. He was appointed to
         to the Missionaries of Africa.              the diocese of Bouaké, and after a
                                                     few years, he founded the first
            From 1955 to 1957, he was ap-            parish of Ahougnansou and became
         pointed bursar at the Provincial            its first parish priest. He was ap-
         House of the Missionaries of Africa         preciated for his pastoral work,
         in Paris.                                   and in 1978, he asked to learn

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         Baoulé and went to Ouellé for the             hind the President. The President
         course.                                       turned to him and said in a low
                                                       voice: “Father, pray. I need a bil-
            He was appointed to the diocese
                                                       lion”. He was preparing to build
         of Yamoussoukro in 1979, where
                                                       the famous basilica of Our Lady
         he started as a curate and was ap-
                                                       of Peace.
         pointed parish priest of the cathedral
         of Yamoussoukro after a few                      Jean noted with admiration:
         months. He remained in this posi-             There was only one parish here
         tion for three years. Saint Augustin’s        twenty years ago, and no diocese.
         parish was the parish of President            But today, in 1980, there is a bishop
         Félix Houphouët Boigny. The Pre-              in Yamoussoukro and six establi-
         sident had chosen to make Ya-                 shed parishes.
         moussoukro the capital of Ivory                  During the years he was a pastor
         Coast. There were more than 30                in Yamoussoukro, Jean gave him-
         families in the presidential neigh-           self selflessly. He took care of the
         bourhood, about 500 people, and               Baoule people, whose language he
         a chaplain was required for all               spoke quite well. He also visited
         these families.                               the surrounding villages and ani-
             According to Jean, manna was              mated the numerous Burkinabé
         coming from the presidency, and it            communities in the region.
         contributed significantly to parish              He acknowledged his deep ad-
         life. He was often in frequent contact        miration for President Houphouët
         with President Houphouët and em-              because he knew his heart and
         phasised that the latter never                soul. He considered it an honour
         commented on the homilies, which              to have worked with him.
         he always listened to attentively.
                                                           In 1992, he was sent to M’Batto,
         The day after his sister’s funeral,
                                                       in the tropical forest near Dimbokro,
         Mamie Adjoua, the President made
                                                       still in the diocese of Yamoussou-
         this remark to Jean: “Father, people
                                                       kro. He founded this parish and
         took me for a fool when I built this
                                                       became its parish priest. He spent
         church. Look at this crowd. My
                                                       about ten years in M’Batto where
         Baule people will be converted.”
                                                       he was also much appreciated. The
            Jean had a sense of humour.                Agnis who live in the parish are
         He recounted that one day while               cousins of the Baoulés and are
         he was praying, a few benches be-             part of the great Akan people from

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         Ghana. Jean managed to cope with               since it was with them that he
         the language, although he had to               founded the Catholic community
         do a lot of work. There were 30                in the Zinzibo district of Yamous-
         villages with fairly vibrant Christian         soukro. Their friendship would fa-
         communities in the parish. M’Batto,            cilitate his integration into the cen-
         the largest parish in the diocese,             tre, where he would spend more
         had 21,000 baptised at the time.               than 16 years. He had a room and
         John animated this Christianity                an office where he could work and
         with the help of a curate and several          receive guests. While he lived at
         catechists. The religious celebra-             the centre, especially during his
         tions were neat, beautiful and lively          first years there, he designed nu-
         and had an extraordinary impact                merous drawings of buildings,
         on the young people. There was                 churches, chapels and presbyteries
         singing and dancing by everyone.                  He was the one who designed
         He confessed that he learned this              the roof of the Agoua Chapel in
         approach from Father Michonneau,               M’Batto. He also enjoyed perfecting
         one of the great artisans of liturgical        computer software for accounting
         renewal in France, at the time of              and parish management and offered
         the Second Vatican Council.                    accounting training to those who
             When he approached the age                 ask him for services in this field.
         of 80 in 2002, he chose to semi-                   He worked from his office at
         retirement in Toumodi, a town near             the Diocesan Centre in Yamous-
         Yamoussoukro, where he lived at                soukro until 2014, when he cele-
         the Toumodi Youth Centre where                 brated his 90th birthday. It was
         he felt at ease. The youth appre-              then that his health began to fail
         ciated his presence.                           and he was hospitalized several
             In 2004 he celebrated his 80th             times in Abidjan. His former pari-
         birthday, although he was still solid.         shioners, with great generosity,
         However, he decided to reside at               took turns to help him in his old
         the Yamoussoukro Diocesan Centre.              age. Some even slept close to his
                                                        room to take care of him at night.
            This centre, in particular, is used         The Missionaries of Africa autho-
         for the accommodation of visiting              rities visited him regularly and
         priests as well as all kinds of mee-           proposed that he return to France
         tings and festivities.                         to receive appropriate care, but he
            He knew the managers well                   categorically refused. He wanted

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         to spend the last years of his life         Kola, the provincial, came from
         in Ivory Coast.                             Burkina Faso when the borders
             As his condition worsened at            were partly closed. A huge crowd
         the beginning of August 2020, he            followed the funeral mass. Jean
         was admitted to the Saint Joseph            had planned what was to be written
         Moscati Hospital in Yamoussoukro,           on his tombstone, and he even had
         a hospital next to the Notre Dame           a small plaque engraved with this
         de la Paix Basilica in Yamoussou-           epitaph: “Here lies the one who
         kro. Jean died there on the morning         baptised me”. It was a way of un-
         of August 26, 2020. The emotion             derlining the fact that he had been
         was great in Yamoussoukro and               a priest and missionary among the
         throughout Côte d’Ivoire, where             people of Yamoussoukro and the
         he was known and appreciated.               surrounding dioceses. Jean had also
         The diocese organised his funeral.          worked and administered the sa-
         Jean Chardin had wished to die in           craments so often. He enjoyed his
         Yamoussoukro and be laid to rest            priesthood. Before the final commit-
         in the cathedral’s courtyard, where         tal all the confreres and students
         he had long served as curate and            from Abidjan who had come for
         parish priest. His wish would be            the funeral surrounded his coffin
         respected and Jean was indeed laid          and sang the Sancta Maria.
         to rest in the courtyard of the ca-            Rest in peace, Jean, and accor-
         thedral of Yamoussoukro.                    ding to the formula often used here
            Many confreres from Côte                 in such circumstances, “May the
         d’Ivoire (Abidjan and Korhogo)              earth be light on you! ”
         came to his funeral. Father Luc                    Luc Kola and Alain Fontaine

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