Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper

Page created by Virgil Ryan
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
Vol. 128 No. 41   Davisclipper.com   Friday, June 5, 2020

                  Inside:                        Roger V. Tuttle

   2020 Utah Primary Election guide 
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
2   Friday, June 5, 2020                                                          NEWS                                                             the davis clipper

     Local lawmakers host town hall with candidates
         by Becky Ginos                  COVID. “We loved your dad. In the               a warchest of funds and after they     that campaign money,” said Weiler.
       bginos@davisclipper.com           latest version there is an emphasis             retire they get to keep it. It’s not   “We can’t accept anything but a
                                         on those high risk people. For every            appropriate. I won’t take a single     lunch,” said Ballard. “We can’t accept
    BOUNTIFUL — With the primary         year over 65 the risk goes up. Those            penny if I have anything left over.    anything over $10. We don’t get a lot
elections right around the corner,       with underlying conditions have a               There’s a lot of back scratching in    of things in our pocket.”
local legislators held a virtual         much greater chance of hospitaliza-             the state legislature.”                    “For all our flaws, Utah has a
Town Hall last week to talk about        tion from the illness.”                             Weiler and Ballard took issue
the issues with those running for            It’s great to see Utahns back out           with the comment. “You can’t keep                       see town hall     »9
governor.                                recreating, said Cox. “But I want
    Rep. Ray Ward, R-Bountiful was       to remind Utahns it’s still here.
fielding questions from viewers          Take precautions to protect the
along with Sen. Todd Weiler,             vulnerable.”
R- Woods Cross and Rep. Melissa              Another viewer asked about
Ballard, R-North Salt Lake.              medical cannabis, Ward said. “That’s
    “Out of the ashes will come          something we’ve been working on
opportunities,” said Lt. Gov. Spencer    for many, many years,” Cox said. “The
Cox when asked about COVID               compromise that came out of that
response. “Utah is one of eight states   initiative is solid. If they’re using it
that will lead the nation in recovery.   under the watchful eye of trained
We’re resilient in Utah. It’s long-      physicians then I’m supportive of
term resiliency, we’re not relying on    this. It’s very early. We need more

                                                                       Roger V. Tuttle
 Rep. Melissa Ballard with her father Robert Garff on the first day of the 2020
           Legislative Session. Garff passed away from COVID-19 in March.

other sources. Productivity is up by     evaluation and reevaluation. I’m
22 percent among telecommuters.          cautiously optimistic about where
It allows people more flexibility,       we’re headed.”
especially women. We’ve been                 Democratic candidate Chris
through tough times before and           Peterson also took part and started
we’re going to do it again. Utah will    off with education funding. “We
lead the way.”                           need to be able to recruit and
    Cox said the governor meets with     retain top quality teachers,” he said.
other governors across the country       “Funding should be our top priority.
on COVID response. “Utah has the         It’s a critical challenge. It takes some
best response. We have other states      grain to make some bread. We need
asking if they can use our model.        to pay more attention to spending
Some took our Utah Leads Together        but there are loopholes with tax
Plan and just changed the cover          incentives and I do not support a flat
page.”                                   tax. People who have the most need
    No one has been more impacted        to give to others.”
by the virus than you, he said to            There are no contribution caps,
Ballard, who lost her father to          said Peterson. “Candidates can build
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
The Davis Clipper                                                                  News                                                            Friday, June 5, 2020         3

 Cannabis pharmacy wants to set up shop
        in Carr Printing building
          by Becky Ginos                   facts about that. I can understand the
          bginos@davisclipper.com          new owner is trying to make money on
                                           the building and chomping at the bit to
    WEST BOUNTIFUL — After                 make money on his investment. But I’m
being named by the state as one of a       not sure it’s the best use of the building.
handful of pharmacies allowed to sell      It doesn’t really fit in here.”
medical cannabis, Wholesome Therapy            Some of the surrounding busi-
petitioned West Bountiful City to open nesses are uneasy with the proposal
its shop in the Carr Printing building     as well. “More and more major tenants
at 580 W. 100 North. The company also like clothing and grocery stores are
applied for a permit for the cultivation expressing concern for these types of
and processing of cannabis for medici- uses,” said John Thackeray, owner of
nal purposes in the same location.         Thackeray Company who developed
    “The Carr building was grandfa-        and manages the Gateway Crossing
thered into a commercial district,” said project that borders the Carr building.
West Bountiful City Administrator          “Major retailers that we lease to are in
Duane Huffman. “Utah code allows for opposition to expanded uses. I think
a pharmacy to be in any zone as long       we could lose tenants.”
as it is not primarily residential.”           Thackeray said he doesn’t neces-
    However, the building is currently     sarily understand their reasoning but           The Carr Printing building sits behind Deseret Book and next to Costco. Some
in the C-G zone that would require an national chains like Ross and T.J. Maxx               retailers have expressed concern about having a medical cannabis pharmacy there.
amendment to that zone’s conditional are starting to put it in their lease that

uses to allow processing                                  prohibits these kind of
and growing, he said.
“The city only has 45 days
                                     It’s a               uses in their shopping
                                                          centers. “I don’t know if
to make a decision so
the applicant withdrew
                                      new                 Costco and Deseret Book
                                                          would renew their lease
the petition for now to
give the city more time.
                                    world                 with CBD right by their
                                                          store. I don’t know but I’m
They’ll go ahead with              but it’s               worried about it. I’ve been
the pharmacy. There was
some clarification on the           been                  in stores in California
                                                          and I didn’t see anything
hours of operation.”
    There was also the              a fun                 real objectionable but
                                                          my attitude has changed
question of parking. “They
(applicant) said it’s not
                                  process                 the more I’ve talked to
                                                          people. If a retailer says
suitable for other busi-
nesses because there’s
                                   so far.”               they won’t go in there it
                                                          gets my attention.”
not enough parking but             » Duane Huffman             The community has                                                                            Photos by Roger V. Tuttle

there’s plenty for what                                   accepted liquor stores
they want to do for a small pharmacy       but people seem to have a different
and production,” said Huffman. “We’re      attitude about cannabis, he said. “It
working at getting answers as well         gets lumped into vaping and drugs.
as talking to neighboring property         That’s the perception people have
owners.”                                   with that they’re viewed differently.
    Lloyd Carr, president of Carr          The uses are very valid. Our opinion
Printing no longer owns the building       is strictly based on what retailers are
but is still leasing space there. “We lost telling us.”
big contracts with schools and a lot           “There are a lot of things in ques-
of printing for events, programs and       tion,” said Huffman of the application.
mailers that were all cancelled due to     “We understand there is a strong odor
COVID,” he said. “It wiped out a large     with cultivation and harvesting the
portion of our business but we’re still    cannabis product. Also, will there be
in the majority (of space) here. We        chemical processes, fuel and machines
sold off some of the equipment we          within the building that could pose a
don’t have enough volume for but
we’re still in business.”
                                           higher risk for explosions and fires? We
                                           just don’t know. It’s a new world but
    Carr said he is concerned about the it’s been a fun process so far.”
                                                                                         Q:    How many names can be on the Veterans Wall?

proposed cannabis operation. “They say         The city council approved the
there’ll be high security and nobody can application for a pharmacy at                   A:     e’ll have room for over 14,000 names, recognizing past, present and
                                                                                               future veterans.
get access but I don’t know about odor Tuesday night’s meeting but with
or what it will attract. I don’t have any  limited hours from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
4       Friday, June 5, 2020                                                            NEWS                                                                   the davis clipper

       The Davis

          R. Gail Stahle                Predicting a                                                                                 To the Editor
                                   post-pandemic world
                                                                                                                            Dear Editor:
              ext. 114                                                                                                          Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer should
          Lorie Matern                                                                                                      be the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice
         Office Manager                                                                                                     president in 2020. Whitmer gives Democrats their
      lmatern@davisclipper.com       The opinions stated in this article are   time employees with work-from-home           best chance of winning nationally on Nov. 3.
              ext. 115               solely those of the author and not of     contract workers at less pay and no              Personally, I’m partial to Elizabeth Warren and
                                               The Davis Clipper.              benefits, driving up profits but hurting     Kamala Harris, but I would honestly prefer to have

                                                                               average workers and the economy. For         Senator Warren as Treasury Secretary and Senator
          Brad Roghaar                    ace masks, social distancing,        instance, why should an advertising          Harris as U.S. Attorney General in an overwhelm-
      Sales Representative                working remotely from home,          agency hire a copywriter when it can         ingly victorious Biden/Whitmer Administration.
     broghaar@davisclipper.com            a reduction in social visiting…      choose from hundreds of online gig               Former Vice President Joe Biden has already
              ext. 135
                                   Will this be the “new normal” or just       writers at a fraction of the cost?           promised to choose a woman to be his vice
         Richard Stahle            the “new now?” Will we ever be able             The current partisanship and             president and specifically an African-American
      Sales Representative
                                   to shake hands without grimacing            self-isolation may make some less            woman to be Biden’s judicial nominee to the U.S.
              ext. 137             and immediately start searching for         interested in social interaction. A neigh-   Supreme Court.
                                   hand sanitizer?                             bor has a NO SOLICITING sign on their            Biden will win in Pennsylvania big time.
          Editorial                    Most people think we will return to     door that whimsically reads “We’re           Considering Vice President Biden’s lifelong
                                   normalcy after an effective COVID-19        broke, so we can’t buy anything. We’ve       personal ties to the Keystone State (he’s from
         Tom Haraldsen             vaccine is produced, but that could be      already found Jesus. We know whom
        Managing Editor                                                                                                     Scranton after all) Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral
     tharaldsen@davisclipper.com   scuttled if, as current polls show, some    we are voting for. So don’t knock on our     votes are a relatively easy pickup for the
               ext. 126            20% of Americans (and some 26% of           door unless you are bringing free beer!”     Democrats.
           Becky Ginos
                                   Republicans) say that they will refuse      Another neighbor near them posts a               Securing Michigan’s 16 electoral votes is an
        Associate Editor           the vaccination.                                                                         urgent priority for the Biden campaign. Therefore,
      bginos@davisclipper.com          Here are a few of my                                                                 putting popular political rising star Governor
             ext. 118              observations about the                                                                   Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan on the Democratic
                                   near future:                                                                             ticket would clearly be of great benefit to the

                                       Between retail                                                                       cause of reaching the 270 electoral vote total
           Devin Christ            bankruptcies (JC Penney,                                                                 needed to win the presidency.
       Creative Director           J Crew, Neiman Marcus,                                                                       Another potential candidate being considered
                                   Tuesday Morning, etc.)                                                                   by Vice President Biden is Georgia’s legitimate
       Rebecca Jamieson            and the surge of Amazon                                                                  Governor Stacey Abrams who is currently heading
                                                                                              by Bryan GRAY
       Classifieds/legals          deliveries, there will be                                                                the Fair Fight organization working to end the
              ext. 124
                                   more vacancies at malls                                        Columnist
                                                                                                                            Republican Party’s illegal and unconstitutional
                                   and retail strip centers.                                                                nationwide voter suppression schemes. Abrams
        Circulation                Roughly 100,000 stores are expected to      sign asking religious representatives to     would be a charismatic pick for V.P.; however,
                                   close over the next five years – more       stop bothering them and littering their      winning officially in gerrymandered, jury rigged
           Cindi Scott             than triple than during the 2007-2009       porch with “church materials.”
       cscott@davisclipper.com                                                                                              Georgia at this particular point in time is probably
              ext. 119             recession – creating a loss of property          Democracy is strengthened when          not a realistic goal. And, therefore, choosing
                                   tax and sales tax revenues to local         we interact with people, especially          Abrams would likely be a wasted choice in terms
  Clipper Publishing Co., Inc.     and state governments. Congress and         those of different faiths and political      of securing electoral votes.
        Circulation Dept.          legislators will need to fill the empty     opinions. The pandemic hasn’t                    None of the other potential vice presidential
   801-295-2251 ext 119 or 120
                                   coffers with a sales tax on e-com-          helped when wearing a face mask to           nominees are likely to actually add to the
    Volume 128 Number 41
      Friday, June 5, 2020         merce. The easy method is to institute      protect another person’s health has          Democrats’ electoral college vote total, with the
                                   a fixed national e-commerce sales tax       become politicized.                          possible exception of Florida Congresswoman Val
 (ISSN 1061-1223) is published     on all online purchases. Americans               The stock market will continue          Demings who should be Biden’s backup choice for
     once weekly, on Friday,       would accept that better than sharp         its rebound. Despite all the bad news,
   for $35 per year by Clipper                                                                                              vice president.
   Publishing Co., 1370 South      tax increases, and in many cases the        the top 500 stocks in the U.S. have,
    500 West, Btfl, UT 84010-      online sales tax would be less than the     of this writing, only dropped about          Jake Pickering, Arcata, CA
    8141. Periodicals Postage
  Paid at Bountiful, UT and at     tax on in-store purchases.                  7% since the beginning of the year.
   additional mailing offi ces.        While still leery of cruise ships,      Those investors who stuck it out and
  POSTMASTER: Send address
 changes to The Davis Clipper,     Americans will begin traveling again,       continued periodic investing are even
 Circulation Dept. P.O. Box No.
                                   but large-scale conventions will lag        now being rewarded.
                                                                                                                                           of the Week
 267, Bountiful, UT 84011-0267.
                                   as companies pinch their pennies.                Young adults, impacted by
                                   While most people I’ve talked to find       furloughs and reduced pay, will shy
          1370 S 500 W             virtual Zoom meetings less productive
       Bountiful, UT 84010
                                                                               away from buying a home, a boon for                 from the desk of R. Gail Stahle, publisher
        Ph: 801-295-2251           than face-to-face meetings, corporate       apartment developers and auto sales
        Fax: 801-295-3181          travel will take many years to come         will remain sluggish.                         “If you are insecure, guess what?
                                   back to 2019 levels.                             Things will never be exactly the           The rest of the world is, too. Do
 on the cover: Bountiful
                                       Companies will also examine the         same, but I predict we will soon be           not overestimate the competition
  City employees Kayleigh          results of remote working. Some             able to shake hands instead of bump-          and underestimate yourself. You
Hammond, left, and Natasha         firms will become more flexible with        ing elbows, and spend money at a
  Schouten, have cleaned                                                                                                          are better than you think.”
  off many of the drinking         employees desiring to work from             great steakhouse instead of budgeting
 fountains on Main Street.         home; others will use it to replace full-   for a Lysol purchase.                                       » Timothy Ferriss
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
The Davis Clipper                                                                          News                                                                            Friday, June 5, 2020         5

    Safety First                                                                                    Crime Briefs
   Monthly safety tips for everyone                Bomb making                                                                 rifle. They also found gas masks and “some material that could be
                                                                                                                               used to make explosive devices,” the affidavit states.
          in Davis County.
                                                   materials found                                                                  The FBI will handle the investigation separately, according to
                                                                                                                               the affidavit.
           Hiking                                  during arrest
                                                                                                                               Man arrested for
         Safety Tips                                    BOUNTIFUL — Federal authorities
                                                   are considering possible charges after                                      child porn
                                                   evidence of bomb making materials,
        courtesy of Davis Count y                  drugs and guns were found in a                                                  WOODS CROSS — A Woods Cross
            Sheriff's Office                       home where two Bountiful men were                                           man was arrested last week for allegedly
                                                   arrested for allegedly possessing child                                     being an administrator for multiple
    As temperatures rise, so does the              pornography.                                                                online child pornography groups.
number of people enjoying the outdoors                  Michael Swen Bergdorf, 40 and             Courtesy Davis County Jail
                                                                                                                                   Landon Curtis Germaine, 31, was
and, subsequently, call outs for Davis             Benjamin Lothar Bergdorf, 37 were each       Michael Bergdorf               booked into the Davis County Jail on
County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue          arrested and booked into the Davis                                          seven counts of sexual exploitation of a
also rise. Below are a few tips to help keep       County Jail on eight counts of sexual                                       minor.
your hike enjoyable and safe:                      exploitation of a minor.                                                        According to a police affidavit,
                                                        According to the police affidavit,                                     agents with the FBI Child Exploitation
                                                   the investigation began Aug. 23 after                                                                                       Courtesy Davis County Jail
                                                                                                                               task force executed a search warrant on
» Timing is everything                             the National Center for Missing and                                         Germaine’s home after getting a tip that      Landon      Germaine
   • Schedule your hike for appropriate            Exploited Children filed a complaint on                                     he received sexually explicit images of
                                                   behalf of Microsoft saying someone                                          an 11-year-old girl on a mobile app.
                                                   uploaded or downloaded suspected child                                          The FBI allegedly found numerous sexually explicit and nude
» Check the weather before you go –                pornography through Bing images.                                            images and videos of prepubescent and pubescent age children on
springtime storms are very common in Utah               The FBI Child Exploitation task force                                  digital devices that belonged to Germaine, the affidavit said.
» Know your limits before you go                   along with the Internet Crimes Against                                          Germaine allegedly told investigators he enticed young girls
                                                   Children task force served a search                                         including the 11-year-old to “send him sexually explicit videos/
   • Plan your trail/hike and familiarize
                                                   warrant on the Bergdorfs’ home last                                         images and of other young girls,” the affidavit states.
   yourself with the area ahead of time            week.                                          Courtesy Davis County Jail       Police said Germaine also allegedly said “he was a member
» Hydration is critical                                 In addition to the pornography,               Benjamin                 and administrator for numerous other known child pornography
   • Hydrate the night before a long hike          investigators allegedly found several              Bergdorf                 groups on social media applications and on the Internet.”
                                                   firearms, cash and a short-barrel AK-47
   • Take plenty of water with you
   • If you are in absolute need of water
   while hiking, look for a nearby running

                                                    Deputies save
   water source (do not drink standing
   • Pack a life straw

                                                     inmate from
» Wear appropriate clothing and footwear
   • Sun shirts are a great option for warm
   and cool weather
» Take proper light gear with you
• Don’t rely on your cell phone light to
safely get you off the trail
» Make sure you have a fully charged cell
phone battery and take a charger pack
                                                  attempted suicide
» Hike with others                                   FARMINGTON — An                     medical personnel started
   • If you hike alone, let others know where    inmate at the Davis County              life-saving efforts immedi-
   you’re going, when you’ll return, and let
   them know when you've returned
                                                 Jail is in critical condition           ately and were assisted by
                                                 after an attempted suicide              one of the deputy/paramed-
» Pack snacks
                                                 Sunday.                                 ics who was in the facility.
» Take a small first aid kit                         Corrections deputies                They were able to revive his
» If you are coming from lower elevations,       found the man about 2:30                pulse and he was transported
be aware of the altitude change and
acclimate to the area prior to going
                                                 p.m. May 31 during security             to the hospital, according to
                                                 rounds. The deputies and                the Davis County Sheriff’s

   • Be aware of snakes – if you see them
   on the trails, don’t poke them
» If you need help, call 911 before calling
others and stay put after you call
                                                       …their                                “Our hearts and thoughts
                                                                                         are with this man’s family at
   • 911 can ping your phone, which helps us
   locate you
                                                        swift                            this time and we are hopeful
                                                                                         his condition will improve,”
   • Calling family and friends, and having
   them call 911, uses valuable cell battery          actions                            Sheriff Kelly V. Sparks said in
                                                                                         a statement. “We are grateful
   and doesn’t provide responders your
   exact location                                   gave him                             for the attentive work of our
                                                                                         deputies and for the skill and
    When in doubt, call us out – the sooner
the better if you need help.
                                                      another                            professionalism of all per-
                                                                                         sonnel who provided medical

    More info: nps.gov/subjects/trails/             chance at                            care – their swift actions gave
                                                                                         him another chance at life.”

  Non-emergency Dispatch: 801-451-4150
                                                         life.”                              The Farmington Police
                                                                                         Department is conducting
                                                                                         the investigation of the
 Stop a crime, report a fire, save a life: 911   » Sheriff Kelly V. Sparks               attempted suicide.
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
6   Friday, June 5, 2020                                                     NEWS                                                                  the davis clipper

  Lawmakers, public health groups                                                                               Deseret Industries
decry rollback of clean car standards                                                                            stores to reopen
       by Becky Ginos              said Dr. Brian Moench, Board            American drivers have
                                                                                                                    on June 5
     bginos@davisclipper.com       President of Utah Physicians        saved more than $107 billion                 Deseret Industries, a nonprofit work training
                                   for a Healthy Environment.          since implementation of the              business owned and operated by The Church of
    SALT LAKE CITY —               “The clean car standards            standards and Utahns have                Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will reopen its
Inversions – Utahns are used       provide irreplaceable public        saved $270 million to date,              stores in Centerville and Layton on Friday, June
to seeing that mucky haze          health protections by reducing      according to the group. If the           5. These and additional reopenings in the coming
blanket the valley but who         community wide pollution.           standards stay in place, Utah            weeks will strictly follow local government safety
wants to breathe that air?         They literally save lives, create   families would save an average           guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Members of the legislature and     jobs and save families money at     of $3,050 at the pump and                    Stores will have reduced hours to allow for
public health experts came         the pump. There is absolutely       expect 4,700 new jobs by 2030.           restocking and sanitization. In general, most stores
together last week to speak out    no reason why every layer of            “With something so critical          will be open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m.
against the Trump rollback of      Utah state government and           to the health and vitality of our        to 5 p.m.
America’s clean car standards      every Utah elected official         state, why would we want to
in the midst of a pandemic.                                                                                     What to expect when donating used items
    Environmental Protection                                                                 Tailpipe              Deseret Industries stores are well-known for
Agency (EPA) Administrator                                                                exhaust has           accepting donated items, which are then sold in
Andrew Wheeler along with                                                                  a big impact
                                                                                                                the stores at low prices. Those preparing to donate
the National Highway Traffic                                                              on air quality
                                                                                             in Utah.           should consider the following information:
Safety Administration (NHTSA)
finalized the Trump adminis-                                                                                         » Stores will accept donations by appointment
tration's rollback on March 31,                                                                                 only. Visit deseretindustries.org/reopen to schedule
according to Utah Physicians                                                                                    a time.
for a Healthy Environment who                                                                                        » Donations of mattresses and box springs are
hosted the event.                                                                                               no longer accepted. See a full list of prohibited
    “As a member of the Utah                                                                                    items at deseretindustries.org/donate.
Legislature I’ve tried to tackle                                                                                     » Deseret Industries will quarantine donations.
issues around clean air,” said                                                                                  This will limit the number of items that can be
Rep. Steve Handy, R-Layton,                                                                                     accepted during the initial reopening period.
co-chair of the Clean Air                                                                                            » Donation drop-off operations may close early
Caucus. “It’s important to my                                                                                   because of increased demand and the time required
constituents, to my family and                                                                                  to quarantine each donation.
my grandchildren. It’s critical                                                                                      » Donors are asked to wait in their vehicle until
that we each take respon-                                                                                       it is their turn to donate. Once they have reached
sibility by doing less idling,                                                                                  the drop-off area, donors can remove items from
less driving, etc. This recent                                                                                  their car and place them in the designated bins or
adjustment by the EPA is so                                                                                     carts.
concerning to me. Now is not                                                                                         » Donors are encouraged to wear masks.
the time to relax the standard.
Utahns deserve clean air. It’s                                                                                  In-store safety measures
the state’s right to protect our                                                                                    » The number of people in each store will be
own residents.”                                                                                                 limited to allow for proper social distancing.
    The clean car standards                                                                                         » All associates and staff will wear gloves and
have been successful in                                                                                         masks. Shoppers are encouraged to wear masks.
protecting Utahn’s health                                                                                           » Carts will be sanitized between customers.
and saving families money at                                                                                        » Stores will be cleaned more frequently.
the pump for many years, the                                                                                        » Signage and floor stickers will help customers
group said. “I’m a practicing                                                                 Roger V. Tuttle   and staff follow social distancing guidelines.
medical doctor,” said Rep.                                                                                          » Fitting rooms, restrooms, and drinking foun-
Suzanne Harrison, R-Sandy,         shouldn’t follow Senator            take a step back?” said Handy.           tains will be temporarily closed.
co-chair of the Clean Air          Romney and Congressman              “Jobs will add to our economy                » The sales floor will be restocked only while the
Caucus. “But I’m also a mom        McAdams in supporting these         during the worst economic                store is closed.
of three kids. They deserve to     important protections. But          situation we’ve seen in decades.             » Customers should avoid sitting on furniture or
breathe clean air. My patients     unfortunately, Attorney General     I’ve lived with inversions my            loitering.
survive radiation, chemo and       Sean Reyes is not standing with     whole life but I never under-
cancer but they can’t beat our     the people of Utah when it          stood it until now. Air quality               All Deseret Industries locations closed on March
air quality. We’ve made signif-    comes to supporting clean car       is always in the top three               17, 2020. Although closed to the public, the stores
icant progress but we’re far       standards and state authority.      concerns. When I think about             have continued to provide goods and commodities
from done. Abandoning clean        So, I call on the AG and all        what kind of legacy I’ll leave           for bishops’ orders and community grants. Deseret
car standards will hurt our        Utah’s elected officials to         when I walk away maybe I did             Industries provides employment and job training
health and our wallets.”           support reducing air pollution      some good with this because              for individuals in the community. All Deseret
    Air quality is among the top   by opposing the rollback of the     nothing is more important than           Industries staff and associates have continued to be
three concerns for Utah voters,    clean car standards.”               the health of our citizens.”             paid during the pandemic.
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
The Davis Clipper   News   Friday, June 5, 2020   7
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
8   Friday, June 5, 2020                                         NEWS                                                                  the davis clipper

                                                                                                                    South Davis Metro Fire displays
                                                                                                                     a flag on an overpass to honor
                                                                                                                   fallen Ogden Police Officer Nate Lyday.
                                                                                                                                                 Courtesy SDMF

                   Above, Jackson
               Swain and Brooklyn
             Vaughn posted Veteran
                                                                        (Above) Centerville Police Chief Paul Child assembles a face shield as
             signs, while below, Morgan
                                                                        part of a Centerville-Farmington Rotary Club project. (Below) Rotary member Rick
              Farr remembers her father,
                                                                        Martin models a completed face shield. Club members made 750 face shields to be
                Jared Paul Farr, during
                                                                                                   donated to first responders.
                 a display and tribute
                   at Station Park in

                                           photos by Roger V. Yuttle                                                                       photos by Becky Ginos
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
The Davis Clipper                                                                News                                                                  Friday, June 5, 2020    9

          Travel is rebounding amid pandemic
          by Becky Ginos                                                                                                                 Bermuda and roundtrip tickets to
       bginos@davisclipper.com                                                                                                           Honolulu for $250. “That’s abso-
                                                                                                                                         lutely crazy. You won’t see those
    BOUNTIFUL — Travel came to                                                                                                           next year. They’re going to use
a screeching halt as the pandemic                                                                                                        price as an incentive. Prices will go
spread across the world but as                                                                                                           up so now’s the time to give serious
restrictions losen, more people are                                                                                                      thought to travel.”
willing to get back on the road.                                                                                                             Cruise lines are also very flexible
    “People have a pent up desire to                                                                                                     on cancellations right now, he said.
travel,” said Larry Gelwix, co-owner                                                                                                     “Most you can cancel for any reason
of Columbus Travel. “But they                                                                                                            up to 48 hours for a full refund to
want to do it in a healthy and safe                                                                                                      use on another one in the future. Or
manner.”                                                                                                                                 they’re offering a full refund if you
    Columbus Travel conducted                                                                                                            cancel within four months. They’re
a survey of their customers and                                                                                                          making it really easy to book.”
listeners of his radio show and                                                                                                              Gelwix predicts travel will pick
found that 61 percent would                                                                                                              up later in the summer. “People
consider traveling in the fall or late                                                                                                   would love to go to California
summer, said Gelwix. “We asked                                                                                                           but everything is closed,” he said.
when they felt like they’d be ready                                                                                                      “You’ll see more road trips in June
to travel and when they do travel                                                                                                        and July. People will be looking at
                                                                                                              Courtesy Columbus Travel
again, what kind of vacation would                                                                                                       longer distances in August. There’ll
                                              Cruise lines are offering deep discounts for travel in 2020. People are
they take. The number one answer               interested in taking vacations again according to a survey by Columbus Travel.            be more travel in North America
was a beach vacation. Who doesn’t                                                                                                        this fall instead of internationally.
want to go to the beach?”                you’ll catch it at the grocery store         Bookings for spring 2021 are ahead                 They’ll stay closer to home. When
    The second was a cruise.             than a cruise.”                              of bookings during 2019. But the                   things open up in the winter they’ll
“They’ve gotten a bad rap,” he said.        The third question asked survey           best travel deals of a lifetime will               start going overseas.”
“They’ve gone to great lengths with      participants when countries reopen           be in 2020 – not 2021. Hotels and                      National parks are opening back
social distancing and cleaning. An       how likely they are to travel over-          cruise lines are using price to get                up too, he said. “The overall feeling,
article in the Miami Herald said         seas. “Fifty-one percent said likely         customers this fall.”                              at least in Utah, is they’re tired of this
your chances of getting the virus is     or very likely,” he said. “Locally and          Gelwix said he saw prices as                    lockdown. Don’t be reckless, be safe –
pretty low. There’s a greater chance     nationally cruise bookings are up.           low as $199 for a six-day cruise to                but people are ready to go again.”

town hall
« Continued from page 2

good reporting system,” added Ward. “I hope
people pay attention to that.”
    “I don’t have any baggage with education,”
said Thomas Wright who is also running. “I can
bring all the shareholders together and focus on
creating the best outcomes for students. We get
bogged down in the process. We need to solve the
teacher shortage and get better pay for teachers
but be careful not to raise taxes. We want to
make it more enjoyable to teach. We need to
allow teachers to teach and get out of their way.”
    Wright said he will bring a fresh perspective.
“When you’ve been involved for a long time you
can lose perspective. I’ll come in and give it a new
look. I’ll see it through a new and different lens.”
    The legislature is also expected to consider
deep budget cuts before a special session slated
for later this month. “We have over 200 items to
consider,” said Ward. “There will be some serious
reductions in very needed services.”
    “It’ll be cutting to the bone,” said Weiler. “One
of the nice things about a recession is we can
take a step back and look at some of can the fat.
Not that we don’t look at that every year because
we do. But I do think we’ll emerge from this
recession leaner and meaner and better prepared
for the future.”
Spring Cleaning InsIde: 2020 utah Primary electioN guide - The Davis Clipper
10    Friday, June 5, 2020                                                        NEWS                                                                        the davis clipper

       DTC partners with WGU to                                                                                                                    The following is a list of

      create new career pathways
                                                                                                                                                 bookings with total fines and/
                                                                                                                                                   or bail exceeding $1,000.
                                                                                                                                                 Mon, May 25
                                                                                                                                                 Zachary Peterson, 33, Clearfield PD,
            by Becky Ginos                     their resume they might say they are               DTC also has partnerships with                 violation of pretrial court order.
         bginos@davisclipper.com               proficient in Word, Phillips said. “But        Weber State, Utah State and Salt Lake
                                                                                                                                                 Tues, May 26
                                               what does that mean? At DTC we offer a         Community College. “It’s so awesome
                                                                                                                                                 Taya Beuermann, 22, Clinton PD,
     KAYSVILLE — There are many roads          Microsoft credentialled certificate so it is   when a student realizes ‘I’ve saved                marijuana possession.
a student can take to a career and Davis       recognized across industry that a student      so much money,’” Phillips said. “High              Jerry Xayaso, 31, Clinton PD,
Technical College (DTC) wants to make          has those skills.”                             schoolers can come out of the program              controlled substances.
it a little simpler to find the right one.        DTC students can take that certificate      and have their first year done. It’s pro-          Renee Archuleta, 28, Bountiful PD,
Recently, they announced a partnership         on to the university. “It could come as        gram specific so they don’t really go into         false police report.
with Western Governors University to           a chunk of hours or course to course,          college as a sophomore or junior, they             William Cochran, 29, Layton PD,
                                                                                                                                                 obstructing justice.
                                                                                                                                                 David Montgomery, 25, North Salt
                                                                                                                                                 Lake PD, burglary.
                                                                                                                                                 Robert Servin, 24, North Salt Lake
                                                                                                                                                 PD, theft.
                                                                                                                                                 Randy Boone, 26, Layton PD,
                                                                                                                      Students in the
                                                                                                                       cybersecurity             Wed, May 27
                                                                                                                   program at DTC can            Andrew Harewood, 26, Layton PD,
                                                                                                                  take the skills they learn     theft, criminal trespass, robbery.
                                                                                                                   to work in the industry       Lucie Aiello, DCSO, marijuana
                                                                                                                     while finishing their       possession, narcotic equipment
                                                                                                                       degree at WGU.            possession.
                                                                                                                                                 Michael Hernandez, 64, DCSO,
                                                                                                                                                 no proof of insurance, driving on
                                                                                                                                                 suspension, narcotic equipment
                                                                                                                                                 possession, controlled substances.
                                                                                                                                                 Kade Peterson, 22, DCSO, sexual
                                                                                                                                                 Joshua Christensen, 23, Bountiful
                                                                                                                                                 PD, assault, narcotic equipment
                                                                                                                                                 possession, family offenses.
                                                                                                                                                 Derrick Adams, 38, Layton
                                                                                                                                                 PD,marijuana possession, traffic
                                                                                                                                                 Daniel Ball, 35, Layton PD, driving
                                                                                                                                                 on denied license, violation of
                                                                                                                                                 pretrial court order.

                                                                                                                                                 Fri, May 29
                                                                                                                                                 Troy Sandberg, 37, Syracuse PD,
                                                                                                                                                 assault, family offenses, property
                                                                                                                                                 damage, obstructing justice,
                                                                                                                                                 Scott Cardenas, 48, AP&P
                                                                                                                                  Courtesy DTC   Farmington, violation of pretrial
                                                                                                                                                 court order, family offenses.
increase access to high demand univer-         program to program,” she said. “It’s           still have to take generals but when they          Brandi Holmes, 54, Clearfield PD,
                                                                                                                                                 violation of pretrial court order.
sity degrees.                                  mostly course to course with WGU. We           get into course specific work they already
                                                                                                                                                 Shane Pierce, 55, DCSO, violation
    “Our strategic goal was to improve         spent a lot of time actually aligning our      have those done.”                                  of pretrial court order.
and expand our pathway to a degree,”           programs. Students can get up to 30                 The power comes when we see
said Kari Philips, training division project   credit hours which is about one year at        ourselves as educational partners, not             Sat, May 30
manager for DTC. “In order to progress in      the university.”                               competitors, she said. “We’re maximizing           Michael Lobato, 42, Sunset PD,
a career it becomes critical so we wanted           There are 21 pathways right now, said     what we each do really well. When we               flight/escape, violation of pretrial
                                                                                                                                                 court order.
to offer a more clear path. We recognize       Phillips. “We have information technology,     feed students in seamlessly the student            Michael Thomas, 42, Bountiful PD,
not all students have the same path. We        software development and cybersecurity.        wins every time.”                                  narcotic equipment possession,
wanted to create a way where they can          WGU has seven bachelor’s degree                     DTC uses a competency based                   assault, property damage.
get on and get off as many times as they       pathways into every one of those. There’s      education model. “Students move as                 Sun, May 31
need to until they reach their goal.”          still some crossover so we look at the         slowly or quickly as they can,” Phillips
                                                                                                                                                 Zachary Julius, 25, DCSO, disorderly
    Some teachers from DTC had con-            maximum number of credits. The idea is         said. “IT’s very self driven and WGU also          conduct, narcotic equipment
tacts with the IT department at WGU,           we want them to complete our program,          uses a competency based model that our             possession, controlled substances.
she said. “We could see the possibility        go out and get a job and while they’re         students are already used to so they do            Bret Uzelac, 48, North Salt Lake
of partnering with UGU so we reached           working continue on for that bachelor’s        well at WGU.”                                      PD, violation of pretrial court
out to see how we could meet that. It          degree.”                                            It’s such a great opportunity for our         Jennifer Williams, 42, Clearfield
takes the whole college to get this done.           It helps students save time and           students, she said. “We plan to expand.            PD, property damage.
We thought there had to be some way            money, she said. “Now they have experi-        We’re looking at our health programs to            Deirdre Burge, 27, Bountiful PD,
students could come to school and not          ence aligned with the degree. It makes it      see what other connections there are and           violation of pretrial court order.
lose all the training they’ve had here.”       so much easier to progress and get those       where we’re a good fit. It has been really,        Travis Carlson, 40,North Salt Lake
                                                                                                                                                 PD, amphetamine possession.
    When applicants list credentials on        promotions.”                                   really fun to work with WGU.”
 The Davis Clipper
 Friday, June 5, 2020
                                                      life                                            Friday, June 5, 2020          11
                                                                & Personal
                                                                Interest in
                                                              Davis County

          New Kind of Camp
                         Benefit works to help children of military families

                                                                  With the help
                                                               from vendors like                        photos Courtesy of Brittany Butler

                                                              Lowes in Riverdale,
              by Tom Haraldsen                               and donations from the           She said these summer camp care
            thar aldsen@davisclipper.com                     public, Brittany Butler is   packages will be sent to military
                                                               gathering supplies for     bases around the world, as well as
    There are scores of young children of fam-                the children of military   supporting local military kids. From
                                                                 families overseas.
ilies serving in military who are without many                                          now through June 30, Butler and
options this summer. Camps have been canceled                                        her group are collecting donations of
in many places, schools are not in session, and                                   craft kits, supplies, kids sewing kits, wood
for those serving in some countries overseas,                               building kits, sports equipment, yard games, and
books and craft supplies are often not available,                           youth paperback books. They are also gratefully
and perhaps written in languages the kids                                   accepting monetary donations to help with
cannot read.                                                                shipping costs for the packages.
    That’s why “The Camp Stay At Home Project”                                  “This project is an easy way to send some
was created, to provide some of the items these                             summertime activities to help our military
kids need.                                                                  families out,” she said. “We’ve reached out to a
    “I’m working along with the Battling Betties, a                         few businesses for assistance, and for example
non-profit organization, to collect donated items                           the Lowes store in Riverdale offered our first
we can send to some of these families,” said                                donation.”
Brittany Butler, reigning USOA Mrs. Davis County                                Butler said she is happy to answer questions
and a resident of Layton. “The Battling Betties                             and provide more information on how to make
is an auxiliary of pinups supporting our nation’s                           donations to the project. You can contact her
veterans and first responders and raising aware-                            at 916-759-2675, or via email at Britt.butler85@
ness of PTSD. I’m with the Utah platoon.”                                   gmail.com.
12   Friday, June 5, 2020                                                        life                                                                   The Davis Clipper

 Om is where the heart is                                                                        Rec Center Opens
    n a subtle attempt to calm me         face-first onto a wooden stair, nearly
    down, my husband enrolled me in       breaking my nose and spending the
    a meditation course. I love med-      rest of the weekend with a bruised
itation, in theory, and had a random      and swollen face. If I’d been sitting
practice that included meditating in      on a beautiful cushion instead of
bed, grocery store lines and during       the ground, my inner being wouldn’t
TV commercials, but I didn’t have an      have been pissed off and try to kill
actual sit-down meditation practice.      me. Fact.
    Now I do. Twice a day I sit for           Meditation in nature is supposed
20 minutes and watch the thoughts         to be super-relaxing, but right when
in my brain battle to the death.          I close my eyes I feel an ant crawl
According to Instagram, nothing           across my foot and I have to look
                                                         to make sure it isn’t a
                                                         spider because then I
                                                         have to jump up and

                              Life &
                                                              The only reason
                                                         to meditate outside
                          Laughter                       is so people can see
                                                         you meditate and
                                                         understand you’re a
                              by Peri Kinder
                                                         super-spiritual person.
                                  Columnist                   I’m teaching my
                                                         puppy to meditate
proves to the world how spiritual you with me, hoping my calm energy
are more than sitting for a long time will soothe her. After 10 minutes of
in silence. The longer you sit, the       getting her to settle down, I’ll place
                                                                                                                                                                  Roger V. Tuttle
better a person you are. Fact.            my hand on her back, syncing our
                                                                                         Future Certified Life Guards practice their CPR skills. Prior to the COVID
    So now I’m a super-spiritual Zen      breath and heart rate. Just as I create        shutdown they only had one week left to finish their certification. They completed
person. I make sure I talk about my       an intense connection to her heart                             the final week when the Rec Center reopened.
meditation practice all the time.         chakra, she jumps in my lap to lick
The more you talk about how you’ve        my face and ruins everything. She’ll
merged with your inner self, the          never be as spiritual as me. Fact.

more interested people around you             People ask what I do when
become. They could                                         meditating. First, I sit
listen to you talk
about your meditation
                                If there’s                 quietly on my expen-
                                                           sive cushion, noticing
practice for hours.
    You also need an
                                      one                  the thoughts running
                                                           across my mind. I
expensive meditation
cushion. Here’s a
                                    thing                  spend several minutes
                                                           trying not to notice
conversation I had
with my husband, who
                              I excel at                   the thoughts running
                                                           across my mind. I
just couldn’t under-
stand the complexities
                              it’s doing                   achieve two seconds
                                                           of stillness before
of meditation.               absolutely                    the thoughts start up
    Husband: Can’t you                                     again.
just sit in a chair?           nothing.                         Soon I become
    Me: To be
uber-spiritual, I need              Fact.”                 numb from the waist
                                                           down. The more
an $80 meditation                                          numb you feel, the
cushion so I’m closer to Mother           more spiritual you are and the
Earth.                                    more disconnected from those
    Husband: Why don’t you just sit       pesky thoughts you become. Soon,
on the floor?                             I can’t feel my toes and my knees
    Me: Don’t be crass.                   are screaming for help. But that
    I tried sitting on the ground to      just proves to the Universe that I’m
meditate. I was in San Luis Obispo at dedicated to my meditation practice.
a conference, and I went to the beach Sometimes I fall asleep and jerk
early in the morning. I listened to       awake before I hit the floor.
the waves, communed with my inner             I expect I’ll achieve enlighten-
being and radiated calm as I left the     ment any day now since I’m so good
beach to go back to the hotel.            at meditating. If there’s one thing I
    As I ran up the trail from the        excel at it’s doing absolutely nothing.
beach, I tripped on a rock and fell       Fact.
The Davis Clipper                                                               life                                                       Friday, June 5, 2020      13

  Mental health                                                Coronavirus precautions
and remembering
 that life is good                                             more important than ever
                                                                          by Jonathan Swinton                         To make a slow opening across the state
        y now, everyone has become acquainted with                      Utah State Universit y Extension          feasible, we must be diligent in our efforts

        information on the coronavirus. We know some                                                              when we are out. We should wear masks, which
        of the basics, but we still may feel vulnerable,              s the government encourages business        prevents unintended particulates from your
uncertain, or fearful. And rightly so. The coronavirus                openings, we must not end the preven-       mouth and nose from landing on surfaces oth-
is scary. It hurts the weakest and the strongest. Maybe               tative measures we each take to limit the   ers will touch, thus spreading the virus if you
no one is immune because everyone has been affected            spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately, behavior in     are a carrier. We should not shake hands, hug or
emotionally, psychologically, socially, financially, and       communities since May 1 suggests that many         physically touch others (except those you live
spiritually. And some have experienced the ultimate            think we are past the threat – fewer people        with). We should maintain 6 feet of distance
loss of friends or family.                                     are wearing masks, people are going out in           from everyone around us, which prevents
    So, what are we to do? Maybe one solution is to            groups, children are playing in parks,                        airborne spread. We should frequently
feel the feelings and replace the scary thoughts. With         sharing toys, etc.                                               wash our hands or sanitize when
time, our wounds will be converted into wisdom, and                In my professional opinion as                                   touching things others may have
                                                               a health and wellness professor,                                      touched, such as doorknobs,
our pain into power. Apparently, we’ve made it through
the challenges in life so far, not because we’re perfect,      the reason COVID-19 has
                                                               not spread in Utah the way
                                                                                                            Ask                       shopping carts and credit card
                                                                                                                                       machines, and if we touch our
but because God is. Our faith may seem to come and
go since we don’t have all the answers. But faith is a         it has in places such as New                — an —                      own faces, as we might be a

funny thing. Our faith doesn’t have to move mountains          York or Europe is because we                                            carrier of the virus and not
or change the course of mighty rivers in order to be of        have sheltered in our homes.                                            know it.
benefit to us. Instead, we simply need to be willing to        We were able to intervene                                                  If you have COVID-19
have enough confidence to let God have control.                and close down early before                                           symptoms (cough, shortness of
    I don’t think God wants us                                 the virus spread like it did in                                     breath, difficulty breathing, fever,
to take a passive approach to                                  other places. Our distance from                                  chills, shaking, muscle pain, head-
managing this period of life,                                  urban centers has simply delayed the                          ache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell),
even when we decide to turn                                    hit to our community, not made us immune            stay home. If you are in a high-risk group or
things over to Him. We need to                                 from its spread. Despite extreme measures of       around someone who has asthma, lung disease,
remember that everything in life                               staying home across Utah, we have continued        diabetes, heart conditions, kidney disease,
will pass, so don’t be afraid to                               to average just below 200 new cases per day        obesity, high blood pressure, liver disease, are
take an active role as we enter                                across the state. Had we not closed most places    immunocompromised, living in a care facility or
into this next phase. Good things                              down, it likely would have been significantly      65+ in age, be extremely cautious.
take time, so be patient. Good                                 worse, and it is far from over.                        If we are reckless now, we may be forced
things, good times, and good                                       The fact that we are opening busi-                    into another shutdown. We cannot
people are on the way. Remember                John            nesses, parks and other locations                           maintain a permanent shutdown and
the two rules in life: Rule #1 is:         Waterbury           does not mean we have suddenly                              survive economically, nor can we return
Don’t quit. Rule #2 is: Remember             contributer       reached a point where the virus is                         to business as usual without causing
Rule #1. Live life as if you expect a                          no longer a risk or is no longer contagious.              significant increases in COVID-19 cases
happy ending. Use all of your accumulated wisdom as            Based on scientific data, simply opening                 and deaths.
you move beyond your fears. When you get a chance,             everything back up and returning to                             So, let’s all be diligent to prevent
take it. If it changes your life in a good way, let it. It’s   normal life will likely result in the spread                 the spread as we go out so we can
OK to make mistakes in growing stronger. It’s OK to            of the virus like we have yet to see in                      avoid a COVID-19 surge and another
have bad days, just don’t define yourself by them. Get         Utah. We cannot assume everything is                              government-required shutdown.
up one more time than you fall. You don’t have to be           normal until we have a vaccine and/                                  The lives and economic needs
perfect, but do what works for you. Move at a pace             or guaranteed treatment for the                                      of our community depend upon
that you decide upon. Create your new definition               masses, and estimates are 2021.                                      each of us practicing responsible
of normal. It was Vincent Van Gogh who wrote:                  Until that time, the virus will                                      preventative measures.
Normality is a paved road that is comfortable to walk,         likely continue to spread.
but no flowers grow there. With that in mind, look
for opportunities to make a difference, and decide
to plant lots of flowers along the way. Natural laws
seem to indicate that whatever we apply our energy
to, either positive or negative, it will grow. Dreams are
good, but converting them into memories is better.
Dream it, do it, live it. The poet Maya Angelou wrote:
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. And Nelson
Mandela wrote: May your choices reflect your hopes,
not your fears.
    May we always remember, life is good.
Undoubtedly, this world is accomplishing the purpose
for which it was created, and each of us is part of that
Plan. Search for the essence of your life, for as you
do so, you will find that your life has meaning and
purpose beyond what you can envision.                                                                                                                        courtesy photo
14     Friday, June 5, 2020                                                                        life                                                                The Davis Clipper

   Marjean Fackrell Cook                                Pauline Anne (Polly)
                             1928 - 2020
                               Our angel
                            mother, grand-                                        1931~ 2020
                            mother, and                                             Pauline Anne
                            great-grandmother,                                  (Polly) Haslam, our
                            Marjean Fackrell                                    sweet angel Mom,
                            Cook, slipped                                       passed away in
                            through the veil                                    Bountiful, Utah on
                            to join our father,                                 May 30, 2020. Polly
                            on Sunday, May 24,                                  was born in Salt
                            2020. She is dearly                                 Lake City, Utah
                            loved, and will be                                  to Samuel C. and
                            missed by all who                                   Annette Nelson
                            know her.                                           Peeples on Dec.
   Marjean was born July 25, 1928, the first of                                 1,1930. She gradu-
five children to Delbert Hoyt Fackrell and Eva                                  ated from South
May Dutson. She married the love of her life,                                   High and attended
Carl Willis Cook, on Nov. 2, 1951 in the Salt                                   the University of
Lake Temple.                                                                    Utah. On Feb. 3, 1950,
   Marjean raised seven children with love,                                     she married her
teaching them the same principles and values                                    sweetheart, Thomas
she was taught as a child. She was a valiant                                    J. (Tom) Haslam.
daughter of our Heavenly Father her entire                                      They led a very
life. She loved her sweetheart, Carl, and her                                   adventurous life
family more than anything else in life, and                                     traveling to many
she always lived as an example for them.                                        parts of the world
   She loved genealogy and temple work and                                      including Europe,
enjoyed working at the Genealogical library in                                  China, Greenland,
her early years as well as later in life.                                       Central and South
   She will always be remembered for the                                        America.
talents she possessed as she square danced           She had a very keen mind, was a great
with Carl. They enjoyed many wonderful            listener and quietly showed her kindness to
experiences together as they shared this          everyone she met. She was an avid reader,
hobby.                                            loved a challenging crossword puzzle, was
   Mom loved the special time she spent with      a beautiful seamstress, gourmet cook and
her brothers and sisters. She loved going out     gardener. She was a talented homemaker and
to lunch with them and camping together.          everyone loved going to Grandma Polly’s lovely
                                                                                                                                                                                courtesy photo
She especially loved to quilt with her sisters.   abode! She loved her children, grandchildren
                                                  and great grandchildren and they adored her.             Farmington City Fire Department and American Legion Post 27 members
With their help, she created many beautiful                                                                  team up to fold the flag flown by the Farmington City Fire Department at the
quilts for her children and grandchildren.           She was preceded in death by her husband
                                                  Tom, her daughter Angela (Angi) Haslam,                                Farmington Cemetery during a Memorial Day service.
   She had a passion for reading and passed
this love on to her children and grandchildren.   two granddaughters, Ashlee Thompson and
   Mom loved handiwork. She loved to knit,        Kiara Haslam, two brothers, Richard and
crochet, and made porcelain ceramics. She         Bruce Peeples and a sister, Audrey Vern. She
will always be remembered for having a            is survived by her children, Rebecca Odoardi
puzzle set up, so when anyone came to             (Andrew), Kathleen Murray, Thomas J. Haslam II
visit, they could sit with her, and create a      (Willi), Cynthia Harris (Bob), 10 grandchildren, 17
masterpiece while they talked.                    great grandchildren with two on the way, and
   Whenever children and grandchildren            many nieces and nephews.
dropped by Mom's house, they knew they               Our heartfelt love and gratitude to her
were always in for a treat of ice cream.          caregiver and friend, Rosie Kendall, who
Chocolate Gelato was her favorite.                treated Mom like a queen. Thank you to the
   Mom had a talent of making friends             wonderful staff at Welcome Home Assisted
wherever she went. She was a friend to all        Living and Utah Home Health and Hospice who
who needed one.                                   cared for her with loving hands and hearts. A
   She truly exemplified the scripture “Who       private graveside service and celebration of her
can find a virtuous woman? For her price is       life will be held at a later date. RIP Mom, you
far above rubies." Proverbs 31:10. Mom was        will be in our hearts forever.
that virtuous woman spoken of.                       In lieu of flowers, the family requests
   She is preceded in death by her parents,       donations be made to Welcome Home Assisted
her sweetheart Carl, and a precious               Living or Utah Home Health and Hospice.
granddaughter, Brittney. She is survived by       Online guestbook at www.russonmortuary.com
two brothers Mel (Delora) Fackrell, Wendall
(Bonita) Fackrell, two sisters, Mickie (Jimmy)
Mannos, Lani Young, and brother-in-law Farrol

                                                        visit us
   Children: Carolyn (Paul) Oborn, Carl
(Susan) Cook, Raymond Cook, Kathryn
(Donald) Gore, Ellen (Dave) Pratt, Marvin

(Bonnie) Cook, Russell (Natalie) Cook, 34
grandchildren, 84 great-grandchildren, and
one great-great-grandchild.
   Viewing and graveside service will be held
privately for the family.

   The family would like to thank Inspiration
Hospice and Legacy House of Bountiful for
their exceptional care.
The Davis Clipper                                                                                                                      life                                                                                               Friday, June 5, 2020                  15

                                                                                              television guide
WEEKDAY MORNINGS                                                                                                                              SATURDAY MORNING                                                                                               JUNE 6, 2020
           6:00      6:30      7:00       7:30      8:00       8:30      9:00       9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30                                        6:00      6:30       7:00      7:30       8:00       8:30      9:00       9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
^   KUTV 2News               CBS This Morning                         Let’s Make a Deal Young & Restless The Price Is Right               ^       KUTV CBS This Morning 2News                  Lucky     Innova    Mission Pet Vet Hope-          Kds       Paid Prg. 60
$   KTVX Good Morning Utah Good Morning America                       Good Things Utah The View                 ABC4 News                 $       KTVX Good Morning        Good Morning        Hanna     Ocean     Hearts of Rock-     Good       Paid Prg. Paid Prg. PRO
%    KSL KSL 5 News Today Today                                       Today 3rd Hour       Today-Hoda           Brooke Walker             %        KSL (5:30) Today (N) ’ Earth      Earth     Con       Vets-     Roots     Cham      Paid Prg. Paid Prg. French Open
_   KUED Hero      Molly     Xavier    Go Luna Tiger       Tiger      Drive Thr Prime      Dinosaur Cat in      Sesame Pink               _       KUED Pink      Molly     Xavier    Go Luna Old         House     Woods. Simply       100 Days Milk        Kevin      Jamie
)   KUEN Varied Programs     Newsline  Varied    Classical Be  Fit    Varied Programs                           Beyond Number             )       KUEN Quilt Art Quilting  Knit      Sew       Trails    Journeys  Saman     Fishing   Airpower Autoline Find It, Fix It
`   KSTU News                News                News                 Fox13 News:          Kelly and Ryan       News                      `       KSTU Space     Good      Good Day Utah Weekend Edition           Feel      DIY Sci Planet       To Be Announced
.   KJZZ 2News This          2News This          2 News at 8          Dateline             Access Daily         Jerry      Jerry          .       KJZZ Vitamin MyDest. 2News                   Big       Rescue Think        Holly     Sports     Dog Tale Heart       Paid Prg.
0   KUPX Listener Varied     Listener Varied     Law & Order          Law & Order          Law & Order          Varied Programs           0       KUPX Paid Prg. LifeLock Paid Prg. Cancer? Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
8   KPNZ Venga la Varied     Ya Cayó Renovado Hechos AM                                                         Bajo el Alma              8       KPNZ Venga la alegría    Ya Cayó Renovado El Súper El Súper El Súper Tu Salud H engarzadas                Historia Detrás
>  KUWB King       Paid Prg. Minute    Minute    King      Paid Prg. Jerry Springer        Mel Robbins          Tamron Hall               >      KUWB Legs,      House     oh baby! oh baby! Into Wild Into Wild Into Wild This Old Animal Invention Paid Prg. Paid Prg.
P  KBYW  Devo      BYU  Dv.  Highway  to Heaven  Lark Rise            Heartland            BYU  Sports   Nation Movie      Varied         P      KBYW  Bryan     Food      Deadly    Adven.    DIY  Sci  Tricked   Show      Studio C  Dinner  Takes  All   Inspec     Inspec
 A&E     Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Joyce M. Varied Programs       The First 48         The First 48         The First 48                   A&E     Paid Prg. Hempva Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Flipping Vegas ’       Flipping Vegas ’    Zombie Flip          Zombie Flip
 AMC Paid Prg. Varied Programs                                                                                                                 AMC ›‡ “Vegas Vacation” (1997)                  Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men
 DISC Varied Programs                                                                                                                          DISC Back         Martin    The Di    Sport     Road      UnWater The         Chasin’ Expedition Un.         Expedition Un.
 DISN Bunk’d Big City Mickey Mickey Puppy                  Puppy      Puppy      Mira      T.O.T.S. T.O.T.S. Ladybug Ladybug                   DISN Bunk’d Big City Ladybug Ladybug Big City Amphibia Owl Hse. Big City Big City Ladybug Ladybug Bunk’d
 ESPN Baseball Get Up                            Varied    First Take                      Varied     SportCtr Varied Programs                 ESPN SportsCenter (N)       SportsCenter (N)    SportsCenter (N)    SportsCenter (N)    Johnsonville ACL Cornhole
 FREE Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Melissa Melissa Melissa Melissa Melissa 700 Club The 700 Club                                    FREE Paid Prg. Makeup! Paid Prg. Paid Prg. ›› “The Break-Up” (2006) Vince Vaughn. ’                “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” ’
   FX    Paid Prg. Varied    Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Movie     Varied Programs                 Mike       Varied Programs                            FX    Paid Prg. BISSELL Total       Paid Prg. Mike      Mike      Mike      ››‡ “Mission: Impossible” (1996) Tom Cruise.
 HBO     (5:45) Movie        Varied Programs                                                          (10:20) Movie        Varied              HBO     “Madagascar” ‘PG’ Sesame Sesame “Detective Pikachu”                   (9:45) ›››‡ “Ray” (2004) Jamie Foxx. ‘PG-13’
 LIFE    King      King      King      King      King      King       King       King      King       King      King       King                LIFE    Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Easy      Paid Prg. Hempva Paid Prg. Married-Sight          “Lethal Admirer” (2018, Suspense)
 NICK Bubble Bubble Blue               PAW       PAW       PAW        PAW        Sponge. Loud         It’s Pony Sponge. Sponge.                NICK PAW          PAW       Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. SpongeBob                   Group      Sponge. Sponge. Sponge.
PARMT Bar Rescue             Bar Rescue          Bar Rescue           Bar Rescue           Bar Rescue           Bar Rescue                    PARMT ››‡ “Beverly Hills Cop II” (1987) ’        (8:15) ››› “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984) ’            ››› “Coming to America”
 PLEX Movie        Varied Programs                                                                                                             PLEX Balto ’ “Scoot and Kassie’s”               Cutting Edge: Movie Editing ›‡ “The Haunting” (1999) ’                  FriedGrn
ROOT Varied Programs         Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Varied      To Be Announced                                    ROOT Paid Prg. Outdoor BISSELL Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Cooking Chess                Sporting Rod.
SHOW Movie         Varied Programs                                                                                                            SHOW “A Dog’s Journey” ››› “Under the Tuscan Sun” (2003)             ››› “The Birdcage” (1996) ‘R’            Penny Dreadful
STARZ (5:28) Movie                     Movie     Varied Programs                 (9:19) Movie         Varied Programs                         STARZ (5:24) ›› “Superfly” (2018)      (7:23) ››› “The Game” (1997) ’          “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” Da Vinci
  TNT    Charmed             Charmed             Supernatural         Supernatural         Supernatural         Supernatural                    TNT    NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans “Transformers”
 USA     Varied Programs     CSI: Crime Scene NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS                       Varied Programs                                     USA     Dateline            CSI: Crime Scene Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. BISSELL Chicago P.D. ’            Chicago P.D. ’
WTBS Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends                                      WTBS Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond ›‡ “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry”                       ›‡ “Unfinished Business”

WEEKDAY AFTERNOONS                                                                                                                            SATURDAY EVENING                                                                                               JUNE 6, 2020
          12:00 12:30 1:00                1:30      2:00       2:30      3:00       3:30      4:00       4:30      5:00       5:30                      6:00      6:30       7:00      7:30       8:00       8:30      9:00       9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
^   KUTV 2 News at Noon     Fresh     Bold        The Talk             Ellen DeGeneres    News         News      2 News     CBS           ^     KUTV Paid Prg. TALCUM Bull ’                    NCIS: Los Angeles     48 Hours (N)       News       Spo        Hooked ROH
$   KTVX Pandemic-You       General Hospital      Wendy Williams       Tamron Hall        News         News      News       ABC           $     KTVX Paid Prg. Larry    The Last Dance ’        The Last Dance ’      (9:02) The Rookie News        Leisure County Holly
%    KSL KSL 5 News         Hot       Hot         Rachael Ray          Kelly Clarkson     Dr. Phil               News       News          %      KSL IndyCar Racing Genesys 300. (N)            Sports     Outdoors   Sat. Night Live    News       (10:29) Saturday Night Live
_   KUED Hero      Go Luna Nature     Wild        Molly    Xavier      Odd        Arthur  Splash       Peg       Cyber      News          _     KUED Red, White         Death in Paradise       The Bletchley         Shakespeare        Grantchester          Austin City Limits
)   KUEN Learn to Varied Programs                                      Biz Kid$ Varied Programs                                           )     KUEN Discov    Outside Report      Museum       Omaha Beach           Pointe-du-Hoc      On Story Film-Mak Between Road
`   KSTU News               The       Friends     The Dr. Oz Show      Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News          News      News    News             `     KSTU Bowling            LEGO Masters ’          Simpson Mod           FOX13 News         Mod        Ultimate Tag          Simpson
.   KJZZ The People’s Court Judge Mathis          Divorce Court        Paternity Fresh    25           Funny     FamFeud FamFeud          .     KJZZ Wheel     Jeopardy Ent. Tonight            Dateline ’            Dateline ’         Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Crime
0   KUPX Varied Programs                                                                                                                  0     KUPX Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU          Law & Order: SVU      Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
8   KPNZ Ventaneando        Venga la alegría                                                Lo que callamos      Lo que callamos          8     KPNZ Escape perfecto    Escape perfecto         Al Extremo: Fin       “Reventón en Acapulco” (1982)            Lo mejor
>   KUWB Protec    Protec   Justice Justice       Jerry Springer       The Doctors          Gold       Gold      Last Man Last Man        >     KUWB Big Bang Big Bang Gold        Gold         Mom ’ Mom ’           Two Men Two Men Last Man Last Man Raw               King
L   KBYU Movie     Studio C Food      Inspec      Hway.      Heart     Varied   Heart       (4:15) Heartland     Varied Programs          P     KBYU Pride & Prejudice  “Flicka 2” (2010) ’                Tricked    ››‡ “Heaven Is for Real”      Studio C “Flicka 2” (2010)
 A&E     First 48 Varied     First 48 Varied     First 48 Varied Programs                                                                      A&E    Live PD “Live PD -- 05.22.20” ’                                  Live PD: Rewind     Live PD “Live PD -- 06.06.20” ’
 AMC     Movie     Varied Programs                                                                                                             AMC    ›››‡ “American Sniper” (2014) Bradley Cooper.                    Line of Duty                   (10:25) “American Sniper”
 DISC    Varied Programs                                                                                                                       DISC   Expedition Un.        Expedition Un.        Expedition Un.       Expedition Un.      Expedition Un.        Treasure Island
 DISN    Big City Amphibia Big City Gabby        Raven     Raven     Sydney Sydney          Bunk’d Big City      Big City Big City             DISN   Jessie     Jessie     Jessie     Jessie     Big City Big City Big City Amphibia Owl Hse. Amphibia Big City Big City
 ESPN    NFL Live Varied     The       First     Varied Programs     SportsCenter           SportsCenter         Varied Programs               ESPN   UFC 250: Nunes vs. Spencer - Prelims        SportsCenter (N)     SportsCenter        SportsCenter (N)      Korean Baseball
 FREE    Movie                                   Varied    Middle    Middle   Middle        Middle   Middle      Simpson Simpson               FREE   (5:40) ››› “Easy A” (2010) (7:45) ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Anna Kendrick. ’                   (10:25) “The Hangover”
   FX    (11:30) Movie       Varied Programs                                                                                                     FX   ››‡ “Red Sparrow” (2018) Jennifer Lawrence. ’                    ›› “Pitch Perfect 3” (2017) ’             ››› “Girls Trip”
 HBO     Movie     Movie               Varied Programs                                                                                         HBO    ››› “Ad Astra” (2019) Brad Pitt.            Yvonne Orji          Insecure Insecure Yvonne Orji: Momma                 We’re
 LIFE    King      King      King      King      King      King      King     King          Varied Programs                                    LIFE   “Psycho Yoga Instructor” (2020)             (8:03) “My Husband’s Deadly Past”        (10:01) “Psycho Yoga Instructor” (2020)
 NICK    Loud      Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Loud            Sponge. Loud       Loud          Casa      Loud     Sponge. Sponge.                 NICK   Bloopers Group        All That Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Mom ’ Mom ’ Mom ’
PARMT    Mom       Mom       Mom       Mom       Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men            Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men                   PARMT   (5:15) “Coming to America”       ››› “Trading Places” (1983) Dan Aykroyd. ’          (9:55) ››‡ “Beverly Hills Cop II” ’
 PLEX    Movie     Varied Programs                         (2:37) Movie       Varied        (3:46) Movie                                       PLEX   ›››‡ “Fried Green Tomatoes” ’               (8:12) ›‡ “The Haunting” (1999) ’        (10:06) “Big Fish & Begonia” (2016) ’
ROOT     TBA       Varied Programs                                                          College Basketball           Varied               ROOT    Rockies Rockies Colorado Rockies Classics                                            Rockies Rockies World Poker
SHOW     Movie     Varied Programs                                                          (4:15) Movie                                      SHOW    “Peppermint” ‘R’      “Official Secrets” (2019) Keira Knightley. ››› “Clear and Present Danger” (1994) ‘PG-13’        Billions
STARZ    Movie     Varied Programs                                                                             (4:58) Movie                   STARZ   “Beautiful Day”       (7:08) ›› “Colombiana” (2011) ’            Hightown ’          Hightown ’            (10:58) Hightown
  TNT    Supernatural        Movie               Varied Programs                                                                                TNT   (5:30) ››› “Ready Player One” (2018) (8:15) ›› “Battleship” (2012) Taylor Kitsch.               Wres       “Braveheart”
 USA     Varied Programs                                                                                                                       USA    (6:05) ››› “Doctor Strange” (2016) (DVS)               ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017)         “Guardians 2”
WTBS     Friends Friends Friends Friends Amer.             Amer.     Amer.    Amer.         Fam Guy Fam Guy Big Bang Big Bang                 WTBS    “Game Night”          Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full             Last      “Austin Powers: Man of Mystery”

FRIDAY EVENING                                                                                                 JUNE 5, 2020                   SUNDAY EVENING                                                                                                 JUNE 7, 2020
           6:00      6:30      7:00       7:30      8:00       8:30      9:00       9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30                                        6:00      6:30       7:00      7:30       8:00       8:30      9:00       9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
^   KUTV News       ET       MacGyver ’          Magnum P.I.        Blue Bloods ’      News       Late Show-Colbert Corden                ^     KUTV 60 Minutes (N) ’      60 Min. ››› “Grease Sing-Along” (1978) John Travolta.           News      Talkin’ Sports (N) America
$   KTVX News       Inside   Shark Tank ’        (8:01) 20/20 (N) ’                    News       Kimmel Nightline Kimmel                 $     KTVX Funny Videos          Celebrity Fam      Press Your Luck      Match Game (N) ’        News      Real      Inside   Paid Prg.
%    KSL News       News     World of Dance ’ The Wall ’            Dateline NBC (N)   News       Tonight Show        Meyers              %      KSL Game Night            The Titan Games    America’s Got Talent “Auditions 2” ’         News      News      Sports   Elmntry
_   KUED PBS NewsHour (N) Wash          Utah Ins Magic Moments: The Best of 50s Pop    Bee Gees: One Night Only ’ Unforgt                 _     KUED Les Misérables        Unforgotten on Masterpiece    Unforgotten on Masterpiece        Unforgotten on Masterpiece   Tango
)   KUEN Roadtrip Start Up News         Asia     Recovery Ageless ›› “Quicksand” (1950) ’         Ameri     McLaug. Blacka                )     KUEN Darley    Two         Art Con Articu     The Art Detectives Song of Mountains         GZERO Closer        Over     Asia
`   KSTU Simpson Mod         WWE Friday Night SmackDown ’           News               Mod        Seinfeld Seinfeld Simpson               `     KSTU Last Man Duncan       Simpson Bless      Burgers Fam Guy FOX13 News                   Sports    Seinfeld Seinfeld Carbon
.   KJZZ Wheel      Jeopardy 2 News FamFeud FamFeud Jeopardy 2 News DailyMail Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers                             .     KJZZ FamFeud FamFeud       Extra (N) ’        Dateline ’           Dateline ’              Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Crime
0   KUPX NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles                      0     KUPX NCIS: Los Angeles     NCIS: Los Angeles Chicago P.D.          Chicago P.D.            Chicago P.D.        Chicago P.D.
8   KPNZ Mi pareja puede     Dificil de Hechos Escape perfecto      Ponle de noche     Al extremo           Al Extremo                    8     KPNZ El obscuro paseo      Mi pareja puede                         Al Extremo: Fin         Ritual    Ritual    Asesinos Seriales
>   KUWB Big Bang Big Bang Masters Masters Whose? Whose? News                 Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mom ’ Mom ’                        >     KUWB Big Bang Big Bang     DC’s Stargirl      Supergirl ’          Two Men Two Men         Mother    Mother    Edition King
P   KBYU ›› “Max” (2015) Josh Wiggins. ’         Inspec     Inspec  ›› “Max” (2015) Josh Wiggins. ’         Heart     Heart               P     KBYU Hetty     Ran.        ›››‡ “Little Women” (1994) ’            Pride & Prejudice       The Fixers ’        Welcome The
 A&E     Live PD “Live PD -- 05.23.20” ’                                Live PD: Rewind      Live PD “Live PD -- 06.05.20” ’                   A&E    “Baby Mama” ’       ››› “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (2005)      ›› “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” (2016) ’             Court
 AMC     ››‡ “National Lampoon’s Vacation”        Friday      “National-European”                       “National Lamp. Christmas”             AMC    “Ocean’s Thirteen” Quiz (N)              (8:05) Quiz         (9:10) ››› “Ocean’s Twelve” (2004) George Clooney.
 DISC    Bering Sea Gold       Bering Sea Gold    Bering Sea Gold       Bering Sea Gold “Miner Combat” (N) ’       (11:11) Gold Rush           DISC   Naked and Afraid XL (N) ’                Naked and           Naked and Afraid XL (N) ’                  Naked and Afraid:
 DISN    Jessie     Jessie     Jessie    Raven    Raven       Sydney Sydney Coop             Sydney Bunk’d Bunk’d Gabby                        DISN   Gabby      Gabby    Gabby      Gabby     Raven      Raven    Bunk’d Bunk’d Big City Raven               Raven      Gabby
 ESPN    ››‡ “Air Bud” (1997) Michael Jeter.      SportsCenter          SportsCenter (N)     SportsCenter          SportsCenter                ESPN   Boxing              30 for 30 (N)                            SportsCenter (N)    SportsCenter           SportsCenter
 FREE    Simpson Simpson Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy ››› “Easy A” (2010) Emma Stone.                                       FREE   (5:00) ››› “Pitch Perfect”     (7:40) ›› “How to Be Single” (2016) ’             (10:15) ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990)
   FX    (5:00) ›››‡ “Hidden Figures” ’           ›››‡ “Avatar” (2009, Science Fiction) Sam Worthington. ’                   Avatar              FX   (4:30) “Girls Trip” ›› “Pitch Perfect 3” (2017) ’            ››‡ “The Greatest Showman” ’               “Greatest Show”
 HBO     (5:55) ››› “The Nice Guys” (2016)        Real, Bill Maher      Betty ’ Real, Bill Maher        We’re Here           Betty ’           HBO    (4:50) “Ad Astra”   I Know This Much Insecure I May          Last      I May     I Know This Much Insecure Last
 LIFE    “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail”       (8:03) ›› “Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds” “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail”                      LIFE   “Is My Daughter Really Dead?” (2019)     (8:03) “Seduced by My Neighbor”         (10:01) “Is My Daughter Really Dead?”
 NICK    The SpongeBob Musical           Group    Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends                              NICK   ›‡ “Yogi Bear” (2010) ’        Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Mom ’ Mom ’ Mom ’
PARMT    ››‡ “Addams Family Values”               ››› “Kung Fu Panda”             (9:45) ››‡ “Addams Family Values”          KF               PARMT   Bar Rescue          Bar Rescue           Bar Rescue (N) ’    Bar Rescue          (9:59) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue
 PLEX    “The Addams Family” (1991) (7:41) ›››‡ “Cinderella Man” (2005) ’                    (10:07) ››‡ “Effie Gray” (2014) ’                 PLEX   ›‡ “Problem Child” (1990)      (7:22) › “Cannonball Run II” (9:12) “Head Over Heels” ’       (10:40) “The Lady in the Van”
ROOT     Rockies Run           Colorado Rockies Classics                                     Rockies Rockies United Fight                     ROOT    Rockies Run         Colorado Rockies Classics                                    Rockies Rockies World Poker
SHOW     ›››‡ “Hustlers” (2019) ’ ‘R’             Boxing ’              SCB30 ’              Billions “Contract”   Penny Dreadful             SHOW    VICE (N) VICE (N) Billions (N)           Penny Dreadful      Penny Dreadful      Billions ’             Penny Dreadful
STARZ    (4:58) “Forrest Gump” (1994) “(500) Days of Summer”            “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” (10:51) Hightown                STARZ   (6:06) ›› “Venom” (2018) Tom Hardy.      (8:01) Hightown ’ Hightown “B.F.O.” (10:01) Hightown           (11:02) Hightown
  TNT    ››› “Transformers” (2007) Shia LaBeouf. (DVS)                  (8:55) ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009)                  TNT   “Justice League”    Snowpiercer (N)      Snowpiercer         ›› “Divergent” (2014) Shailene Woodley. (DVS)
 USA     Chicago P.D. ’        Chicago P.D. ’     Chicago P.D. ’        Chicago (9:44) Chicago P.D. Chicago Chicago P.D. ’                     USA    Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
WTBS     (5:30) ››‡ “Rampage”            (7:45) ››‡ “Rampage” (2018) (DVS)                   Super Punch           “Game Night”               WTBS    ››› “Beauty and the Beast” (2017) (DVS)             ››› “Beauty and the Beast” (2017) (DVS)             ››› “Shrek 2”
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