Our Town Our Town St James

Page created by Ronnie Ellis
Our Town Our Town St James
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Our Town
S •T   •   J •A •M •E •S
                                                                          & PEOPLE
                                                                                     Volume 33
                                                                                     Number 11

                                                                          Keeping you up to date on
                                                                          SALES, HAPPENINGS

                                                                          In Our Town - St. James
                                                                          PUBLISHED MONTHLY
Our Town Our Town St James

         Celebrating 38 Years of Business in 3 Locations

                         Dance Friends Make The Best Friends!

 Beginner through                    SPECIAL                   Professional Staff
Advanced Classes                   PROMOTION                of Dedicated Teachers
Jazz • Tap • Ballet
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      Hip Hop                          and
    Pre-School                                                  Recreational and
   Kindergarten                   1 Month                       Competition Team
      Tiny Tots                   of Dance
    Family and                        FREE                          Owner &
                                                                Executive Director
   Multiple Class                 3-6 YEAR OLD
     Discounts                  NEW STUDENTS ONLY                 Marissa Puleio

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                         Including New Air Filtration Systems
                     Both In-Person and Virtual Classes Available

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631-584-7575                     631-543-7575                        631-821-9575
       Information and Registration Available at www. Choruslinedance.com
               or email questions to mpuleio@choruslinedance.com
                              OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
Our Town Our Town St James

Our Town
                                                                             I N            T H I S                  I S S U E

                                                                                          MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT
                                                                                          Scientific Pest Management
S• T • J •A •M •E •S                                                                        Exterminating Services ..................................4
                                                                                          AROUND TOWN
                    STAFF                                                                  A Visit to the St. James General Store ........ 6
Ruth Garthe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor                                             St. James Lutheran Church
                                                                                            Hosts “GriefShare” ........................................8
Robin Clark . . . . . .Associate Editor
                                                           IN THE NEWS
Debbi Spiegel . . . . . Feature Writer
                                                            Suffolk County Early Voting .......................................................... 10
William Garthe . . . . . . . Advertising                    Blood Bank at Stony Brook University Blood Drive ...................... 12
                                  Sales                     Outdoor Movie Night at Temple Beth Chai ................................ 14
                                                            Smithtown Animal Shelter Seeks Short Term Foster Homes ........ 14

         OUR TOWN                                           Smithtown Bay Constables Rescue Distressed Fishermen .......... 16
                                                           HISTORICALLY SPEAKING ........................................................ 18-20
          – ST. JAMES –                                    ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
 is a monthly publication produced                          “Wild and Wonderful”
     exclusively for the people of                           the Art of Vicki Sawyer and Joseph Reboli .............................. 22
     St. James, Nissequogue and                             Contemporary Realism Juried Fine Art Showcase
     Head of the Harbor, L.I., N.Y.                          at the Mills Pond Gallery .............................................................. 24
                                                            Gallery North Hosts Farmer’s and Maker’s Market .................... 26
       Call 631-862-9849 for
                                                            Smithtown Historical Society Happenings .............................. 28-30
    Advertising & Copy Deadline
                                                            Long Island Museum Reopens to the Public .......................... 32-34
   OUR TOWN is mailed directly to                           Smithtown Library 2021 Budget Vote and Trustee Election ...... 36
  every residence & business in the                         Programs Offered at Your Library ............................................ 38-48
        11780 zip code area
                                                           THE WINE DOWN: If Anyone Orders Merlot, I’m Leaving........ 52-54
     (6559 total copies mailed)
     St. James Post Office Permit #10                      SOCIAL SECURITY Q&A:
           St. James, NY 11780                               At What Age Should You Take Social Security?.................... 50-51

           Published by                                    FINANCIAL FOCUS:
       Graphics du jour, Ltd.                               How Can You Prepare for the “New Retirement”? .............. 56-57
359 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780
                                                           DESIGN IDEAS: A Designer’s View of Fall 2020 .............................. 58
 631-862-9849 / Fax: 631-862-9839
  email: ourtown@optonline.net                             NATURE PAGES: Changes .............................................................. 59
website: www.ourtownstjames.com
                                                           CELEBRATIONS ............................................................................ 66-68
      Not responsible for typographical errors.
 We reserve the right at our sole discretion to edit or
                                                           HEALTH NOTES
   refuse to print editorial or advertising material        Guard Your Happiness, Treat Hearing Loss .................................. 60
 deemed detrimental to Our Town’s public image
             or unsuitable for its readers.
                                                            Ask Ron Villano ................................................................................ 62
                                                            Empowered Living: Managing Pain... Naturally .................... 64-65
          Copyright © 2020
         Graphics du jour, Ltd.                            POET’S CORNER ................................................................................ 64
          All Rights Reserved                              CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .............................................................. 72
                                                           DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS .................................................. 74-75

                                                           PLEASE NOTE:
                                                           Advertising & Editorial Deadline
                                                           for the OCTOBER edition of OUR TOWN • ST. JAMES is
                                                           THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2020 - 12 NOON.

                                                           Distribution takes place on Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

                                                          OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
Our Town Our Town St James
                         M E R C H A N T                S P O T L I G H T

Scientific Pest Management • Exterminating Services
599 Lake Avenue                      minate pests and safeguard your      and they heal in a few days. Un-
534 North Country Road               home.                                fortunately, a small percentage of
St. James NY 11780                       Scientific Exterminating Serv-   people can suffer a severe aller-
631-265-5252                         ices’ trained technicians begin      gic reaction to bee/vespid venom
www.termitesonli.com                 with a thorough inspection of        and may require medical atten-
www.scientificext.com                your property, locating entry        tion if stung! Some studies show
                                     points of pests, nesting sites of    that the memory from the pain of
bby Debbi Spiegel                    ants, mice, roaches, crickets,       a bee sting as a child, carries into
   Scientific Exterminating Serv-    ticks and the incredibly damag-      adulthood. Propelling the queen
ices is a family run business that   ing termites. When the pests are     bee (or ants) from your property
has been protecting homes and        identified, technicians work with    with a Spring Spray will help to
businesses from pests since          you to select the most effective     avoid new hives or nests from
1957. Scientific is proudly ded-     materials for targeting and recti-   forming on your property.
icated to customer service; with     fying your problem.                     Termites can be a home-
four generations of experience           Climate change has prolonged     owner’s worst nightmare. They
protecting health and property.      the warm weather season and          consume wood and can cause
   While exterminating has           consequently has affected in-        significant property damage.
evolved over the past 63 years,      sects. Bugs are appearing earlier    Scientific’s subterranean termite
Scientific’s commitment to cus-      and hibernating later. The Scien-    baiting programs have been per-
tomer satisfaction has always        tific philosophy is “Ecological      fected after their decades of ex-
been their guiding principle.        protection with both ecology         perience working with termite
They understand the need for         and economy in mind.” It is less                  continued on page 70
pest control and termite services    expensive to prevent
that is sensitive to people, pets,   than it is to treat.
and the environment. Their eco-          Bees nests form in
friendly Ecological Pest Control     March and April, as the
services are “cleaner, greener       bees multiply the nests
and smarter.” 90% of the pro-        grow, resulting in thou-
ducts used are natural and or-       sands in a few short
ganic.                               months. Preventing a
   The Covid-19 pandemic has         queen bee, wasp or
created a “new normal.” We           hornet from multiply-
spend more time at home, work-       ing can help to
ing from home and many stayca-       eliminate a painful
tioning from home. Protecting        situation. For such a
your home from unwanted              small insect, the pain
guests is more important now         of its sting can linger
than ever. Scientific uses the       for days. Fortunately,
most advanced equipment and          most suffer only a mild
innovative techniques to exter-      reaction to the sting,

                                        OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
Our Town Our Town St James


OLD FIELD | $1,249,000                                                            ST. JAMES | $1,199,000
Waterfront. 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, steps to beach, updated                    IG Pool and cabana. 6 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, guest quarters.

ST. JAMES | $1,050,000                                                            ST. JAMES | $1,150,000
IG Pool and restored barn. 5 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, 2 half                   IG Pool and cabana. 5 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, 2 half bath‐
bathrooms, guest quarters.                                                        rooms, updated kitchen.

HEAD OF HARBOR | $1,799,000                                                       NISSEQUOGUE | $1,650,000
IG Pool and pool house. 5 bedrooms, 4 full bathroooms, golf                       IG Pool and new paver pato, new driveway, 5 bedrooms, 3 full
course and putting green.                                                         bathrooms, 2 half bathrooms.

                               AT D O U G L A S E L L I M A N R E A L E S TAT E

                           MARIA ORLANDI Lic. Assoc. R. E. Broker
                           O: 631.543.9400 | M: 631.697.0474

                                                         OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
Our Town Our Town St James
                         A R O U N D           T O W N

      Chase and
Zachary Kastan,
   ages 9 and 7,
  are excited to
         visit the
        St. James
  General Store
     to get some
delicious candy.

                      ITALIAN KITCHEN & LOUNGE

                      Live Outdoor Music

                                      Friday and
                                    Saturday Night                          Follow Us On

                                     Inside & Outside Seating
                                                         CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEDSITE:
  823 Middle Country Road • St. James • 631‐265‐9865 • www.villasorrento.com
                             OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
Our Town Our Town St James


          Investment Management • Mutual Funds
        Insurance • Retirement & Financial Planning

                      BRANCH FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.
                      Integrity • Insight • Independence
                      21 BENNETTS ROAD, SUITE 201 / SETAUKET, NEW YORK 11733
                      631-979-6000 / FAX 631-979-6023
                      YOU CAN’T HUG AN 800 NUMBER™
                      HARLAN J. FISCHER, PRESIDENT
                                       A BROKER/DEALER AND A REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR.

                  SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1974
                                            OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
Our Town Our Town St James
                                   A R O U N D           T O W N

            St. James Lutheran Church Hosts “GriefShare”
   For those seeking help and                                            support – a warm and caring
encouragement after the death                                            group “oasis” during their long
of a spouse, child, family                                               journeys through grief. It is
member or close friend, St.                                              completely underwritten by a
James Lutheran Church an-                                                generous grant from St. James
nounces GriefShare – a 13-ses-                                           Funeral Home, owned and op-
sion program that will be                                                erated with love by the Maher
offered at 9:30 a.m. on Wed-                                             family.
nesdays through December 2,                                                 During the sessions, social
2020 in the multi-purpose                                                distancing will be observed
room of the church office                                                and all participants will be re-
building.                                                                quired to wear masks.
   GriefShare is a weekly sup-                                              St. James Lutheran Church is
port group that will be hosted                                           located at the corner of Wood-
by Deacon James Lundgren and                                             lawn and Second Avenues in
Bonnie Spiegel, Care Giver, at                                           St. James. Please contact the
St. James Lutheran Church.                                               church office – 631-584-5212
Each session will include an                                             – for reservations. Complete
encouraging, information-                                                program information is avail-
packed video featuring leading                                           able online at www.grief-
grief recovery experts, a group                                          share.org.
discussion about the video          session topics.                         For additional information,
content and a workbook for jour-      GriefShare is offered FREE of   contact: Deacon James Lund-
naling and personal study exer-     charge to all members of the      gren; Bonnie Spiegel, Care Giver
cises that reinforce the weekly     community seeking bereavement     at 631-584-5212.


                  FALL IS THE TIME
                   GIVE US A CALL
               FOR A BEAUTIFUL LAWN
                                     PATRICK JOHNSTON

                              PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE
                           LICENSED & INSURED • LICENSE #42485

                                       OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
Our Town Our Town St James

                        CT                                                                                                            T
                                                                                                                           A    RKE
             CO                                                                                                        TOM
        ER                                                                                                           W
  UND                                                                                                             NE

  St. James: 13.46 Acres on Nissequogue River!            St. James: “Damin Park” Desirable 5BR 3.5Bath        Nissequogue: Meticulously Maintained Custom
  Expansive All Brick Estate w/ Old World Details,        Colonial w/ 1st Floor Guest Qtrs, Freshly Painted,   Built 4BR 2.5Bth Colonial Set on 2 Private Level
  6BR, 6.5 Baths, Large Formal Rms, 3 Fireplaces, 6       CAC, Full Bsmt, Updt Cherry Kit, Updt Windows,       Acres! Spacious Formal Rms, CAC, Many Updts, 2
  Car Det Garage, Full Basement $1,299,000                Level Fenced .54 Acre w/IGP & Deck $739,900          Lush Level Acres on Quiet Culdesac $869,000

                  TR   ACT
               ON                                                                                                            LD
         R   C                                                                                                          SO
   U NDE

St. James: Under Contract in 2 Weeks! Sprawling           Head of Harbor: Charming Country Home Set in         Nissequogue: Listed & Just Sold! Horse Property
Ranch on Park Like Se ng! 3BR, Updated EIK &              a Quiet Culdesac! Tradi琀onal Styling, Quality        on 2 Level Acres w/ Barn, Paddock & IGP! Stately
Baths, Andersen Windows, Updated: Wood Flrs,              Construc琀on, Large Flowing Rms, 2 Private Acres      Tradi琀onal 5BR 3.5 Bath Colonial w/ Many Lovely
CAC, Roof & More! Level .51 Acre w/IGP $589,000           w/ Gorgeous IGP & Bluestone Pa琀os! $825,000          Updates, Mins to Beach. Must See! $789,000

        R                                                                                                                          R
      DE CT
   UN TRA                                      L      D                                   L   D                                  DE CT
                                                                                                                              UN TRA
     N                                      SO                                         SO                                    CO

Nesconset: Listed & Under Contract      St. James: Buying Side! 15 Great Oak         St. James: 306 Bentley Ct.           St. James: Fair昀eld: Under Contract!

                                                              OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
Our Town Our Town St James
– 10 –
                                                                        I N               T H E                     N E W S

                                                         Suffolk County Early Voting
                                                                    2020 GENERAL ELECTION
  Any registered voter in Suffolk                                           Saturday                                     October 24                               10 a.m.-3 p.m.
County can vote during the early
voting dates – October 24                                                   Sunday                                       October 25                               10 a.m.-3 p.m.
through November 1, 2020.                                                   Monday                                       October 26                               7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
NOTE: If you cast a ballot during
early voting, you may NOT vote                                              Tuesday                                      October. 27                              12 noon-8 p.m.
again on Election Day,
November 3, 2020.
                                                                            Wednesday                                    October 28                               8 a.m.-4 p.m.
  Early voting for the Town of                                              Thursday                                     October 29                               8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Smithtown will be held at the
Nesconset Elementary School,                                                Friday                                       October 30                               12 noon-8 p.m.
29 Gibbs Pond Road, Nesconset,                                              Saturday                                     October 31                               10 a.m.-3 p.m.
NY 11767 (use the Browns Road
entrance). Dates and times:                                                 Sunday                                       November 1                               10 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                      General Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
                                                                   at your regular polling location. All voting locations are accessible to voters
                                                                   with physical disabilities.

                                                                     For additional information contact the Board of Elections, at
                                                                   631-852-4500 or visit

                                     YOUR LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD EXPERT

               ST. JAMES | $899,000                                                   ST. JAMES | $824,999                                              NISSEQUOGUE | $764,000
     This 5 BR, 3.5 BA Contemporary home is one of                         Nestled on over 2 acres, this 5 BR, 3 BA                                Spacious 4 BR, 2.5 BA Ranch boasts soaring
     the largest in the desirable Mills Pond Estates.                      Victorian is a perfect blend of rustic elegance.                        vaulted ceilings and a wide open 昀oor plan.

                ST. JAMES | $830,000                                                   ST. JAMES | $517,500                                                  NESCONSET | $510,101
     This stately 6 BR, 3.5 BA Colonial boasts an                           Located in the heart of St. James, this totally                        Bright, sunny and totally renovated 4 BR, 3
     open 昀oor plan perfect for entertaining.                               updated 5 BR, 3 BA is move-in ready!                                   BA is in perfect and pristine condition.

                                                 robin rosenberg
                                                 Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
                                                 C: 631.379.8636 | O: 631.360.2800
                                                                                                                                      7 W. Main Street | Smithtown, NY 11787
      *Some properties shown may have been listed and/or sold while the agent was a liated with another brokerage.
      *If your property is currently listed with another brokerage, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the listings of other brokerages.

                                                                                OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 11 –

– 12 –
                                       I N      T H E          N E W S

                                    WE’RE BACK!
                          Well, We Never Really Went Away!
   The Blood Bank at Stony                                                        • The Donor Room is spacious
Brook University Hospital would                                                     and comfortable; chairs are
like to thank the Community for                                                     positioned with regard to pro-
supporting them during the coro-                                                    moting personal space.
navirus pandemic. Not only
were they able to maintain a                                                      • You receive one-on-one indi-
stable blood supply but they pro-                                                   vidual care from a registered
vided the necessary resources to                                                    nurse for your entire visit.
conduct a study of convalescent
plasma as well.                                                                     Please share this message with
   You don’t have to look any                                                     your family and friends.
further than our own community          and platelets. Please spare some            For appointments call 631-
for proof that there is good in the     time to save a life, schedule an          444-DONATE (3662)
world.                                  appointment to donate blood or            Online - donateblood.stony-
   They are pleased to announce         platelets.                                brookmedicine.edu
that donors may now go online              Donating blood at the Stony            Monday - Friday 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
again to schedule their own ap-         Brook University Hospital Blood           Saturday - 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
pointments to donate blood or           Bank is safe.                               Walk-ins welcome, but ap-
platelets.                                                                        pointments are strongly encour-
   Blood product inventories ac-        • The staff maintains strict adher-       aged. On weekends, holidays
ross the country decrease during          ence to policies instituted to          and after 4 p.m. on weekdays
the summer, creating an in-               prevent the spread of infec-            call 631-444-2634 as hours may
creased need for whole blood              tious agents.                           vary.

               Organic Landscape Specialists
                 with that Personal Touch
                  “We Create Park-like Settings!”
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                   • Landscape Renovation / Transplanting

                                 Call 631-265-5276
     Locally                   Ask for Eric for a Free Consultation
     Owned                            100% Organic
       &                         We take care of your property
    Operated                   100% Organically from start to finish!

               Over 30 Years                                             www.grokind.com
               of Experience
                   Serving                                                     Licensed
                Long Island                                                   and Insured

                                           OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 13 –

             DeBarbieri Associates, Inc.
                          Your Real Estate Professionals Since 1960
       406 NO. COUNTRY RD.
       ST. JAMES, NY 11780                                                      631-862-7447
                         VIEW US AT: WWW.DEBARB.COM
                                   NISSEQUOGUE “HORSE LOVER’S PROPERTY”

Level 4.8 acres w/8 stall horse barn, corral & paddock, Backs to Nissequogue River Estuary. Mint 6 BR, 3.5 bath Colonial, Dramatic entry foyer,
formal LR & DR, large EIK, office, free form saltwater gunite IGP. Large covered bluestone patio. 2 car attached garage. Must see! $1,235,000.

                                         NISSEQUOGUE “BEACHFRONT HOME”

Custom built Colonial w/200’ of usable sandy beachfront on LI Sound. Located on 2.2+/- level acres w/panoramic waterviews and sunsets. 4 BRs,
2.5 baths. CAC, HW floors, wood burning fireplace, radiant & hydronic heat. Custom amenities thru-out, 2 car garage, 3 decks, auto whole house
generator. Abuts 6 +/- acres of protected land. A gem!                                                                             $1,599,000.

           ST. JAMES “NORTH OF 25A”                                                               ST. JAMES
                “NEW TO MARKET”                                                                 “JUST LISTED”
Cul-de-sac. Gorgeous                                                       Mint Ranch features 3
Center Hall Post Mod-                                                      BRs, 2.5 baths, formal
ern w/soaring ceilings,                                                    LR & FDR, den. HW
HW floors, crown mold-                                                     floors thru-out. Updated
ings, gourmet granite                                                      EIK w/shaker cabs &
EIK, huge master suite                                                     granite tops. CAC, fin.
w/full bath, 4 add’l BRs                                                   bsmnt w/wet bar. Side
& 2 full baths. Country                                                    entry 1 car garage. .55
club yard w/heated IGP,                                                    level acre, Beautiful
patios, rockwalls. Full                                                    rear yard, brick patio.
fin. bsmnt. 2 car side entry gar. A must see! $1,399,000.                  Arch. roof. Generator hook-up. $539,000.

                      LAKE GROVE                                                        SMITHTOWN
                     “NEW LISTING”                                            “HIDDEN POND WATERVIEW CONDO”
Well built vinyl sided                                                     New to market! Pri-
Cape on .65 acre. 4                                                        vate gated community.
BRs, 2 full baths. FLR,                                                    Beautiful 2 BR, 1.5 bath
FDR, hardwood floors,                                                      two story unit on the
updated gas HW heat.                                                       pond. Updated EIK
Deck on roof of 1 car                                                      w/granite & SS appls.
garage, full bsmnt                                                         Large LR. Pergo floors
w/ose.     Ideal    M/D                                                    & new w/w carpet, New
w/proper permits. Smithtown Township & School District. Adjacent           large rear deck. Excel-
Smithaven Mall, Lake Grove Post Office.                $429,000.           lent waterview of pond. Pride of ownership.               $425,000.

                               CALL FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS
                                                        OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 14 –
                                             I N          T H E            N E W S

Outdoor Movie Night at Temple Beth Chai
  On Saturday, September 26,                    at 8 p.m.
2020 Temple Beth Chai, located at                  Tickets, at $25 per vehicle, must
870 Townline Road in Haup-                      be purchased in advance. Please
pauge, will screen “Keeping Up                  call Penny at 631-724-5807 or
with the Steins” on a giant out-                send an e-mail to bethchai@op-
door screen. Gates will open at                 tonline.net for additional infor-
7:45 p.m.; the movie will begin                 mation.

          Smithtown Animal Shelter is Looking for
 Short Term Foster Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
   Due to the COVID-19 out-                   animals need as little as two                        mal rescue only. Hours at the
break, the Smithtown Animal                   weeks of care, while others may                      Smithtown Animal Shelter are
Shelter has had to restrict public            need care for extended periods                       currently Monday - Saturday 10
access, including our loyal vol-              of time.                                             a.m. - 3 p.m. (Sundays and Wed-
unteers. If you have no other pets               Download the Foster Applica-                      nesday evenings: by appointment
or young children at home, and                tion at: https://www.smith-                          only).
are looking for a way to serve                townny.gov/
your community in this time of                DocumentCenter/View/4325/                              For additional information call
crisis, please consider signing up            Foster-Application                                   631-360-7575 or email animal-
to be a foster.                                  During the COVID-19 pan-                          shelter@tosgov.com. The Smith-
   Foster parents provide tempo-              demic, public access is restricted                   town Animal Shelter is located at
rary care for cats, kittens, and              to confirmed adoption appoint-                       410 East Main Street, Smithtown.
dogs in their own homes. Some                 ments and wildlife/domestic ani-


Old Field, East Setauket – This property was owned by the same family for over a century . . . at one time they owned
the entire 500‐acre peninsula of Crane Neck. And it was on this site that their summer home once stood – a testament
to this land’s unrivaled quality. Now this blank canvas is teed up for a heavy‐hitter who wants to create a one‐of‐a‐kind
waterfront estate. Natural grade allows for a walk‐out lower level with gorgeous water views. ML# 3240742. $3,800,000.

                       Inquiries: Rich Masino | Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
                       Direct: 631‐584‐2283 or Text/Email: RICH@RMASINO.COM
                       255 Executive Drive, Suite 208, Plainview, NY 11803 | 516-575-7500
                       All information is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Price is subject to change.

                                                   OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 15 –

                                                                         autonomousdesign, ltd.
                                                                                specializing in green design since 1973
                            design          new homes   constr. management       kitchens                bathrooms           development   alternations   historical restorations
                            roofing         siding      construction             landscape design        swimming pools      decks         patios         office interiors

                            stephen cinco                                         22 stonegate, st. james, new york 11780                                       (631) 767-9228
                                                                       email: scinco5@yahoo.com • web: www.autonomousdesignltd.com
– 16 –
                                         I N      T H E         N E W S

                          Smithtown Bay Constables Rescue
                             Two Distressed Fishermen
   Two friends are lucky to be
alive after a fun day of fishing, in
the Long Island Sound, that went
terribly wrong. On Tuesday, Au-
gust 18, at approximately 7 p.m.,
Smithtown Public Safety Bay
Constables David Rosenberg,
Blake Gifford and Carmine Aro
were on patrol, exiting the
mouth of the Nissequogue River,
when B.C. Rosenberg noticed
what appeared to be two individ-
uals floating at least a mile off
the shore of Sunken Meadow
State Park. As the airboat got
closer, the Bay Constables could
see two gentlemen waving and
yelling for help next to an over-
turned canoe.
   Jose Flores and Franklin Bon-
illa , were pulled aboard the air-
boat by Bay Constables Gifford            anchor. About an hour into fish-     swim. Luckily, they were both
and Aro, where they were                  ing, they realized that the make-    wearing personal floatation de-
quickly evaluated for injuries.           shift anchor had broken from the     vices.
The Bay Constables then re-               canoe, and they had drifted a          The Smithtown Bay Constables
moved the submerged canoe                 great distance from the shore.       safely returned Flores, Bonilla
from the Long Island Sound.               The two friends flipped the vessel   and their canoe to Sunken
   Flores informed his rescuers           in the process of attempting to      Meadow State Park. There were
that he and his friend were fish-         paddle back to Sunken Meadow.        no reported injuries.
ing, using an old car part for an         Neither gentlemen knew how to

  ITCHENS    &M     ATHS               ORE,    LLC              NKBA
                                                                               Soon to be Married?
DESIGNED & INSTALLED                                            Designer

                                       Enjoy a
                                       Dinner for 2
                                       on us,
                                       while we are creating
                                       your new kitchen.
                                                                                 Email Your Announcement & Photo to
                                                                                             or mail to
                                                                                      Our Town • St. James
                                                                                         359 Lake Avenue
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                                             OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 17 –

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                                                           OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 18 –
                        H I S T O R I C A L L Y                         S P E A K I N G

          Willie Collier’s Villa, the Heart of the Actors’ Colony
                                in St. James
by Bradley Harris,                          actors and actresses, come-                  as Collierville. They knew it as
Smithtown Historian                         diennes, dancers, singers, jug-              Collierville because of its associ-
                                            glers, acrobats, vaudevillians,              ation with “Willie” Collier, an
   Especially for Our Town, I               and managers – were making a                 actor, playwright, and comedian,
   am writing a series of short             pilgrimage to St. James to spend             who had made St. James his
   stories about people who                 a few months of relaxation in the            summer residence in 1889. “Wil-
   made St. James their home                sunlight. In St. James, this assem-          lie” Collier was the son of Hattie
   not so long ago. I hope that             blage of performers gathered in              and Edmund Collier. Edmund
   these stories will add to                an area they called “Collierville,”          Collier was at one time one of
   your knowledge and appre-                a little community that was lo-              the best-known actors in the
   ciation for the wonderful                cated in the wooded hollow                   country and he married Hattie
   history of our town, St.                 where Three Sisters Road and                 Engel after meeting her when she
   James.                                   Harbor Hill Road intersect in                was performing as a dancer on
                                            today’s incorporated village of              stage. This marriage of theatrical
   At the turn of the last century,         Head-of-the Harbor. It was here              greats produced a family of the-
the little country village of St.           that Willie Collier’s villa was to           atrical greats. There were four
James became a favored spot                 be found, on the northeast cor-              children: “Willie” who became
where many theatrical personal-             ner of Three Sisters Road and                famous, Helena Collier Garrick
ities of the day gathered to frolic         Harbor Hill Road.                            who was an actress, John Collier
and gambol their summers away.                 To the theatrical folk who                who did not pursue a career in
By the summer of 1903, over                 flocked to St. James for summer              theater, and Catherine Collier
100 theatrical performers –                 relaxation, St. James was known                       continued on facing page

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                                               OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 19 –
                      H I S T O R I C A L L Y                     S P E A K I N G

continued                             James. (“Blissful Summer Life of            Collier Collection of the New
Campbell who was also an ac-          Colony of Clever Men and                    York Public Library on 42nd St.
tress. From this theatrical family,   Handsome Women Who Have                     and 5th Avenue.)
Willie Collier got an “itch” to be    Solved The Problem of Social                  The original farmhouse on the
in the theater. (“Mrs. Collier Died   Contentment,” un-attributed                 property was small and Willie
Yesterday,” New York Telegraph,       newspaper article from 1902                 “spent considerable money im-
July 2, 1898.)                        contained in the Willie Collier             proving his place” and gradually
   Born on Nov. 12, 1864 on Var-      scrapbook on file in the Willie                         continued on page 20
ick Street in Manhattan, Willie
headed for “the stage as soon as
he was old enough to know the
location of the neighborhood
theater.” Starting as a youngster,          o s her                                                Natio Ship
                                          K er y                                                        nwid
he worked as a “call boy” for Au-
                                           Bak                                                               e
gustin Daly’s theater company
and was given minor parts in
several theater productions.
Shortly after leaving Daly’s the-
ater, Collier appeared as a star
on Broadway. At the age of 22,
he co-starred with the famous
actor Charles Reed and, in his
thirties, he appeared as the lead
                                                                       Happy Rosh Hashannah
in “The Man From Mexico,” “On                                            Come in for your Holiday Favorites:
the Quiet,” “The Diplomat,”
“Twirly, Whirly,” “Are You My                                            • Round Challah • Raisin Challah
Father?,” “The Dictator,” “A Fool         PUMPKIN                          • Babka • Rugelach • Teiglach
and His Money,” and many other
light comedies. His prominence
                                        CHEESECAKE                     • Jelly Rolls • Mandel Bread & More!
on the stage brought him into as-             is back!
sociation with another famous                                        GLUTEN FREE DESSERTS
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actor of his day, George M.
Cohan. Collier and Cohan be-             COOKIES &                             #1 In            Pumpkin
came fond friends and the fore-          BROWNIES                  Children’s Cakes             Cakepops
most actors of their day. (This
information about Willie Collier
came from an undated, un-attrib-
uted newspaper article that is
part of a scrapbook on file in the
William Collier collection of the
New York Public Library on 42st
and 5th Avenue.)                        Gourmet Cupcakes, Cakepops
   Fame brought fortune to Willie
Collier, and in 1889, using his
                                            & French Macarons
                                                                                 CURB SIDE PICK UP
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new found wealth, he purchased
a small farmhouse on 15 acres of
land on the northeast corner of                                                     AVAILABLE
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summers there with his father.
“He became so infatuated” with
the area that when he became a                      59 Rt. 111, Smithtown (Village Center)
successful actor, he returned and
purchased the farm so his family
could enjoy summers in St.                                alpinepastryshop.com
                                         OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 20 –
                                H I S T O R I C A L L Y                      S P E A K I N G

               Willie Collier’s Villa, the Heart of the Actors’ Colony
  continued from page 19
   extended the house into a hand-
  some villa, “surrounded by ex-
  tensive and well cared for
  grounds.” The house as it looks
  today is considerably changed
  since at one time it had three
  stories with an attached turret
  and a porch that ran across the
  full front of the house. It was said
  that the house contained a “bil-
  liard room” and “all the appoint-
  ments of a country gentleman’s                  which could be found grazing             newspaper article from 1902
  establishment.” In this house,                  the Collier meadow. The cow              contained in the Willie Collier
  Willie Collier and his wife Louise              supplied the family and friends          scrapbook on file in the William
  Allen, and numerous guests,                     with fresh milk. In the stables,         Collier Collection of the New
  spent their summers from 1895-                  Willie had two horses. One was           York Public Library on 42nd St.
  1905. (“Stage Favorites Loaf the                Louise Allen’s “saddle horse, a          and 5th Avenue.)
  Summer Away,” The Morning                       blue ribbon animal,” and the                The Collier villa became the
  Telegraph, July 13, 1903.)                      other horse was a “thorough-             heart of the actors colony. It was
      Willie purchased a farm and                 bred” named “Bunker” that Wil-           here that one could find other
  he continued to run it as a farm.               lie Collier occasionally raced.          actors and discover what was
  On the property he had a vege-                  The menagerie would not have             happening in the community.
  table garden, two stables, with                 been complete without the six            Because of this, many actors
  associated outbuildings, three                  fine English setters that were           rented houses nearby and the
  pig pens, a hen roost, an ice-                  housed in the farm’s kennel. Wil-        Collier villa became the geo-
  house and a windmill. The pride                 lie Collier had almost every             graphic center of the colony that
  of the farm was a prize-winning                 appliance needed to run a well-          the theater people called “Col-
  Yorkshire pig named “Willie”                    regulated farm and he had even           lierville.” This was the place to
  who was kept in the pig pen                     gone so far as to install “a main        be while enjoying the summer in
  along with “Mrs. Pig and a lot of               for acetylene gas and a waters           St. James.
  little porkers.” Apparently noth-               system.” All this made the Collier
  ing delighted “’Farmer’ Collier so              farm one of the finest properties        Editor’s Note: Brad Harris is the Town of
                                                                                           Smithtown’s official Historian. Brad was a
  much as to lean over his pig pen                owned by any member of the ac-           High School Social Studies teacher who
  and talk” to his favorite pig “Wil-             tors colony, and the Colliers wel-       spent 30 years teaching in Commack. As
  lie.” The hen roost with its “big               comed many of their friends to           Historian he has written many newspaper
  cackling aggregation of                         the their villa. (“Blissful Summer       articles on the history of our town, he has
                                                  Life of Colony of Clever Men and         published pamphlets and written histories
  chickens” was located near the                                                           of Commack, Nesconset, St. James,
  windmill and the hens were                      Handsome Women Who Have                  Kings Park, Hauppauge and Smithtown
  carefully tended by Mrs. Collier.               Solved the Problem of Social             Branch. He resides in St. James.
  The Colliers also kept a milk cow               Contentment,” un-attributed

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                                                     OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 21 –

– 22 –
                        A R T S        &      E N T E R T A I N M E N T

   The Party Bus is one of 25 paintings that will be on display at the Vicki Sawyer show at The Reboli Center.

                              “Wild and Wonderful”
                   the Art of Vicki Sawyer and Joseph Reboli
    The Reboli Center for Art &        creatures with hats, necklaces         places and resources needed for
 History, located at 64 Main           and other decorative accessories.      today and tomorrow. Their pho-
 Street in Stony Brook, is pleased     Her paintings are definitely one       tographs will showcase the
 to present “Wild and Wonderful”       of a kind.                             beauty of Long Island and its
 the Art of Vicki Sawyer and Jo-          In 2015, a set of Sawyer’s ap-      wildlife.
 seph Reboli through November          petizer plates was included on            Pandemic Precautions will be
 1, 2020.                              Oprah Winfrey’s “Favorite              taken during the COVID 19 pan-
    Internationally celebrated for     Things” list – and the world took      demic, The Reboli Center is ad-
 her incredibly imaginative and        notice! Through licensing agree-       hering to the CDC and NYS
 whimsical art, Vicki Sawyer,          ments, today her images appear         coronavirus guidelines, which
 former Stony Brook artist and de-     on greeting cards, placemats,          limits the number of attendees at
 signer, has a return engagement       napkins, mugs, kitchen towels,         one time and requires all visitors
 at The Reboli Center. “Vicki’s        pillows and many more house-           to wear a mask and socially dis-
 unique and magical work is            hold and fashionable items and         tance. Unfortunately, the rest-
 loved throughout the world –          are featured at the Reboli             room will not be available
 and we are thrilled that we are       Center’s Design Shop.                  during this time.
 launching our new season with            Most people think of Joseph            The Reboli Center’s mission is
 her return to The Reboli Center,”     Reboli’s work as depicting             to preserve the legacy of local
 said Lois Reboli, a founder of The    scenes, flowers, doorways, street-     artist Joseph Reboli and to foster
 Center and wife of the late artist,   scapes, still life, landscapes and     a meaningful understanding and
 Joseph Reboli.                        buildings, but there was also a        appreciation for the arts and his-
    Growing up in farm country,        mysterious side to his work. This      tory through exhibitions and
 Vicki spent years studying and        exhibit will also feature paintings    educational programs.
 admiring birds and animals up         by Reboli of pumpkins, vege-              The Reboli Center is open
 close and personal, and one day       tables and other unique com-           Tuesday-Saturday from 11 a.m.-
 asked herself: “If birds could        positions.                             5 p.m. and Sunday from 1-5 p.m.
 build nests, then what if they           In addition, the Four Harbors       There is no fee to visit The Reboli
 could make hats?” It was this         Audubon Society will have pho-         Center.
 idea that inspired her unique         tographs highlighting their activ-        For additional information
 paintings of animals and birds.       ities on Long Island on display in     call 631-751-7707 or email
 She works in acrylic and incor-       The Center’s History Gallery.          rebolicenter@gmail.com
 porates vegetables, twigs and         Their mission is to preserve and
 flowers to adorn her whimsical        protect birds, wildlife and the

OUR TOWN                                        • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 23 –

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             OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 24 –
                      A R T S      &     E N T E R T A I N M E N T

           Contemporary Realism Juried Fine Art Showcase
                       at Mills Pond Gallery
   The Smithtown Township Arts     lected by juror Max Ginsburg.
Council is pleased to announce     The exhibition will run through
Contemporary Realism a juried      October 16, 2020 at Mills Pond
fine art exhibition featuring 66   Gallery, 660 Route 25A in St.
works in oils by 46 artists se-    James. Regular Gallery hours are
                                   Wednesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-
                                   4 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday,
                                   12-4 p.m. Visit millspondgal-
                                   lery.org or call 631-862-6575 for
                                   directions or additional infor-
                                   mation. Admission to the gallery
                                   is always FREE. Please use the
                                   rear parking lot off Mills Pond
                                   Road, directly across from the
                                   two white stone pillars at
                                   Flowerfield Celebrations,
                                   199 Mills Pond Rd.
                                      Juror Max Ginsburg selected
                                   artists from 11 states …CT, FL,
                                   GA, MD, MN, NC, NH,NJ, NY,
                                   OR and PA. Exhibiting Long
                                   Island artists represent 18 Long
                                   Island communities from             John Fitzsimmons, Four Woman
 Alberto Carol, In The Frontline
                                                continued on page 70

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                                       OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 25 –


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                       OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 26 –
                       A R T S       &     E N T E R T A I N M E N T

          Gallery North Hosts Farmer’s and Maker’s Market
   Gallery North, located at 90                                           art and craft. Established in
North Country Road in Setauket,                                           1965, Gallery North focuses on
will host the Farmer’s and                                                contemporary art in a variety of
Maker’s Market of local artists                                           disciplines, including painting,
and artisans alongside the Three                                          drawing, printmaking, ceramics,
Village Artisan Farmer’s Market                                           sculpture, digital art and film.
on Friday evenings from 3-7 p.m.                                          Exhibits explore the diversity and
through September 2020.                                                   vitality of the arts on Long Island,
   The Farmer’s and Maker’s                                               while classes, workshops, excur-
Market is a series of new art fair                                        sions, talks and annual festivals
events showcasing the works of                                            involve community members in
local, Long Island artists and                                            the lively process of art making.
makers. In lieu of cancelling                                             With the addition of The Studio
their 55th Outdoor Art Show and                                           at Gallery North, the community
Music Festival, a long-standing                                           is provided with a diverse
and esteemed event, the Farmer’s                                          selection of educational
and Maker’s Market will allow        photography, ceramics and pot-       programming.
many artists a similar opportunity   tery, wood work, jewelry, glass-        For more information call
to showcase their works to the       ware, and more.                      631-751-2676 or visit:
public in a safe and socially dis-                                        www.gallerynorth.org
tant setting.                        About Gallery North
   Along the campus at Gallery         Gallery North, located at 90
North one will find hand-crafted     North Country Road, Setauket, is
works from a variety of artists in   a not-for-profit gallery promoting
a range of categories: fine art,     the finest contemporary regional

                                         OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 27 –

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                                             OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 28 –
                       A R T S          &     E N T E R T A I N M E N T

                   Smithtown Historical Society Happenings
    Since 1955 the Smithtown            events during the year.            laptops and more. Meets ever
 Historical Society has worked to       For further information about      other Friday. Call to see what the
 ensure that the history of Smith-      any of their programs call         next meeting will focus on.
 town Township and our Long             631-265-6768.
 Island heritage are preserved and
 interpreted for the education and
 enjoyment of current and future        Hooked on Crochet
 generations.                           Mondays, 10 a.m.- 12 noon
    Their mission is carried out        239 E. Main St. Pavilion
 through collection, conservation       Smithtown | 631-265-6768
 and preservation, research,              Every Monday you can join in
 exhibitions, publications, educa-      with the Crochet Club to help
 tional programs, support of            beautify the grounds at the His-
 regional heritage organizations,       torical Society. All levels are    Heritage Country Fair
 living history events, community       welcome.                           Sunday, September 20
 library and archives.                                                     10 a.m.-6 p.m.
    The Historical Society main-                                           Tickets available exclusively
 tains six houses and eight out-                                           through Eventbrite
 buildings at three locations:                                             Admission:
 Obadiah Smith House, Caleb             Technology Savvy Seniors           $5 for a 2-hr. time slot
 Smith House and their 22-acre          Friday, September 18, 10 a.m.      239 Middle Country Rd.
 Village of the Branch Historic         239 Middle Country Rd.             Smithtown | 631-265-6788
 District Site.                         Smithtown | 631-265-6768             Fun for the whole family.
    The Smithtown Historical               FREE technology workshop...     Trucks on display, traditional
 Society, holds a number of             help with cell phones, tablets,                continued on page 30

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– 29 –

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           OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 30 –
                        A R T S     &     E N T E R T A I N M E N T

                   Smithtown Historical Society Happenings
continued from page 28              Drive-In Movie Night                 order. First come, first parked.
music, spinning and weaving,        Monday, September 28, 7 p.m.         Tickets are available through
historic flyover, axe throwing,     239 Middle Country Rd.               Eventbrite.com
Atlantic Baseball Club, Island      Main Lawn, Smithtown
                                                                                 TALES FOR TOTS
Long Riders, and a petting zoo.     $15 per car | 631-265-6768
This is a limited admission           Back to the Future (1985) will               631-360-2480
event... you must attend on the     be shown. Gates open at 6 p.m.        Smithtown Historical Society’s
time slot printed on your ticket.   Snack Packs are available for pre-           Roseneath Cottage
                                                                             239 Middle Country Road
                                                                            Storytime for children 3-5
                                                                         years with caregiver. 2nd Friday
                                                                         of each month at 11 a.m.
                                                                            Discover a new theme through
                                                                         reading each month. Register by
                                                                         calling the Smithtown Library at
                                                                                  October 9 –
                                                                            Boo! Halloween Storytime
                                                                                  November 13 –
                                                                                 Leaves are Falling
                                                                          December 11 – Bedtime Stories

                                                                         We are a St. James Business
                                        OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 31 –

                                            348 LAKE AVE., ST. JAMES

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Coupon must be present • Expires 10/13/20      Coupon must be present • Expires 10/13/20   Coupon must be present • Expires 10/13/20

                                                 OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 32 –
                       A R T S            &      E N T E R T A I N M E N T

            The Long Island Museum Reopens to the Public
                          on September 25
                     The Museum Will Offer FREE Admission, Limited Capacity,
                               and Enhanced Safety Precautions
   After being temporarily closed
since March due to the coronavi-
rus pandemic, The Long Island
Museum (LIM) has announced
that it will begin to welcome
back the general public on Fri-
day, September 25, 2020. As a
gift to the community the LIM is
offering FREE admission for the
remainder of the year.
   “Closing our doors to our
community over five months ago
was a difficult moment,” said
Neil Watson, Executive Director
of the Long Island Museum. “The
Long Island Museum thrives on
bringing music, art and history to        itors. While we are excited to        Visitors are welcome to ex-
our surrounding neighbors and             welcome back our community,         plore the Carriage Museum and
we have missed sharing and con-           we do so with the utmost cau-       Art Museum however the History
necting with our schools and vis-         tion, safety and responsibility.”               continued on page 34


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                                              OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 33 –


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                                                                         rnedvin@gmail.com • davidnedvin@gmail.com
                                                   OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 34 –
                           A R T S     &     E N T E R T A I N M E N T

                              The Long Island Museum Reopens
continued from page 32                                                          more than 500 paintings and
Museum will remain closed.                                                      2,000 works on paper.
To help ensure public safety                                                       Visitors can find a full list
and limited capacity, the                                                       of available Museum experi-
LIM will require timed ticket                                                   ences and learn more about
registration. Visitors must                                                     what to expect during a visit
register for Museum admis-                                                      by visiting the Museum’s
sion online in advance.                                                         website at: https://long-
Timed admission will be                                                         islandmuseum.org or by
available for: Friday - Sunday                                                  clicking the LIM’s Visitor
12-2 p.m. and 3-5 p.m. To                                                       Guide.
register online click long-
   The LIM will reopen with
modified hours; Friday - Sun-          Carriage Museum, which in-           About The
day 12 to 5 p.m. Physical dis-         cludes eight renovated galleries     Long Island Museum:
tancing will be required and all       that tell the story of transporta-   Located at 1200 Route 25A in
visitors and staff must wear face      tion before the automobile, vis-     Stony Brook, the Long Island
masks at all times while on site.      itors can also explore the Art       Museum is a Smithsonian Affili-
The LIM follows CDC-prescribed         Museum where the exhibition          ate dedicated to enhancing the
cleaning protocols for all build-      Off the Rack: Building and Pre-      lives of adults and children with
ings and will clean bathrooms          serving LIM’s Art Treasures is on    an understanding of Long Is-
and high-touch surfaces after          display. This exhibition features    land’s rich history and diverse
each visitation session.               highlights from the Museum’s art     cultures. For more information
   In addition to exploring The        collection which consists of         visit: longislandmuseum.org.

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                                           OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
– 35 –

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                      OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2020
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