Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American

Page created by Leo Griffin
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
Finding the best Belgian chocolates —   Thassos: Not your typical Greek island,   Plovdiv, Bulgaria: Ancient city on the   Northern Wales: Small place, big
  A beautiful mystery, Page 3             Page 4                                    rise, Page 8                             adventure, Page 12

April 19, 2019 | Volume 43, Number 15                                                      Read the KA also online at KaiserslauternAmerican.com

 Spring Special Edition
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
Page 2                                                                                                          Kaiserslautern American                                                                                                   April 19, 2019

                                                                                                                                Spring festivals
    TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                            by Leonie Milde
                                                                                                                                                                                 contributing writer

                                                                                                                                                                                    Spring is the season for getting out of your
                                                                                                                                                                                 house, enjoying a glass of regional wine in the
                                                                                                                                                                                 sunshine and discovering new corners of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 state. Though spring festivals may be sneakily
                                                                                                                                                                                 disguised as Weinfest, Stadtfest, Frühlingsfest,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Frühlingsmesse and other blossoming terms, we
                                                                                                                                                                                 have uncovered their true identities: delicious
                                                                                                                                                                                 outdoor fun for the whole family inviting you
                                                                                                                                                                                 to enjoy culinary delicacies, family entertain-
                                                                                                                                                                                 ment, live music and, of course, wine in charm-
                                                                                                                                                                                 ing towns and cities surrounding Kaiserslautern.

   Spring Festivals ...............................................................................................2                                                             • KALLSTADT, Fest of 100 Wines. April 26 to 29.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • WEISENHEIM AM SAND, Spring Fair and hike.
   Finding the best Belgian chocolates — A beautiful mystery ......................3                                                                                               April 26 to 28.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • LACHENSPEYERDORF, Wine and Frog Fair.
   Thassos: Not your typical Greek island .......................................................... 4-5                                                                           April 26 to 20.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • MECKENHEIM, 5th WeinTestival Auf der Höhe.
   Puck hunt competition...................................................................................6                                                                       April 27 to 28.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • BAD DÜRKHEIM, May Wine Fair at Weingut
   Plovdiv, Bulgaria: Ancient city on the rise ................................................... 8-9                                                                             Rasskopf-Hofmann. Saturday, Sunday,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Tuesday and Wednesday from
   Trier to Koblenz: Eco biking adventure ..........................................................10                                                                             April 27 to May 5.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • BAD DÜRKHEIM, Spring Market: first wines,
   Northern Wales: Small place, big adventure............................................ 12-13                                                                                    sunflower sale and more. April 28.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • WACHENHEIM AN DER WEINSTRASSE, May Fair:
   Hiking & backpacking in Switzerland .................................................. 14-15                                                                                    culinary delights with midnight witch dance
                                                                                                                                                                                   and white sausage breakfast. April 30 to May 1.
   Skydiving .................................................................................................. 16-17                                                            • DACKENHEIM, May Pole Setup Celebration.
                                                                                                                                                                                   May 1.
   Special Spring offers ............................................................................... 18-19                                                                   • NEUSTADT AN DER WEINSTRASSE, Andergasser
                                                                                                                                                                                   Fest. May 1 to 6.
   Easter egg hunt .............................................................................................20                                                               • BAD DÜRKHEIM, Grethen-Hausen Fair: carnival
                                                                                                                                                                                   rides and more. May 3 to 7.
   Celebrate Easter — the German way ........................................................21                                                                                  • BOBENHEIM AM BERG, Tarte Flambé Fair.
                                                                                                                                                                                   May 18.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • HASSLOCH, Leisböhler Wine Days on
   Easter Recipe: Easter lamb cake .................................................................22
                                                                                                                                                                                   Rathausplatz. May 17 to 19.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • NEUSTADTGEINSHEIM, Wine and Asparagus
   Was ist los? Cultural highlights .......................................................................23
                                                                                                                                                                                   Fair. May 17 to 19.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • MECKENHEIM, 43rd Gässelweinkerwe: live
   At the movies ..................................................................................................24
                                                                                                                                                                                   music and culinary specialities. May 24 to 27.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • BOBENHEIM AM BERG, 4th Brewery Fair.
   Ad pages ................................................................................................... 25-36
                                                                                                                                                                                   May 25.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Photo by iravgustin/Shutterstock.com
                                                                                                                                                                                 • NEUSTADTHAARDT, Wine Fair on the Street.
                                                                                                                                                                                   May 24 to 30.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • BAD DÜRKHEIM, City Fair. May 29 to June 2.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • FREINSHEIM, Old City Center Fair.
                                                                                                                                                                                   May 30 to June 2.

                                                                                              Photo by Dominik Hladik / Shutterstock.com

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Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
April 19, 2019                                                                                                                  Kaiserslautern American                                                                                                                                 Page 3

                                                                 by Nate Cairney                      with a chocolatier (which is
                                                                 contributing writer                  encouraged — you’re guaran-
                                                                                                      teed a lively discussion), then
                                                                      The words “Belgian              you may have to rely on the third,

                                                                   chocolate” stir the imagi-         and perhaps most important, indica-

                                                                   nation in a way that few           tor of quality: whether or not you’re
                                                                   other phrases do. You pic-         buying from an individual artisan.
                                                           ture rows of delicate pralines and                                                           While nearly all Belgian chocolate
                                                           truffles behind pristine glass, and        The power of fabricants                    shops carry caramels, chocolate-covered
                                                           lose yourself in the idea that bliss            Individual fabricants — prefer-       fruits, and molded chocolates (think choco-
                                                           lies inside each one of those small,
                                                           delicious pieces.
                                                               It’s not a distant dream. Belgian
                                                                                                       ably master chocolatiers with only
                                                                                                      one shop — are acutely aware of the
                                                                                                      tradeoffs between growth and quality,
                                                                                                                                                 late eggs at Easter), the two traditional
                                                                                                                                                 powerhouses are pralines and truffles.                                 Truffles
                                                           chocolates are world-renowned, and         and often choose to focus on the latter.   Pralines                                                             Truffles
                                                           have been for years. Strict quality            For fabricants, chocolate-making       Though “pralines” the world over contain                             Typically round in shape, truffles are often
                                                           standards and unique production            is not a growth business. It’s a life’s    nuts (often hazelnuts) and sugar, Belgian                            made without nuts, are chocolate-forward
                                                           processes have helped create a bril-       work. Doutrelepont told me it took         pralines are chocolate-covered and avail-                            in taste, and are usually filled with a deli-
                                                           liant chocolate culture throughout         him five years to get the blends,          able in an array of shapes, fillings, and                            cious ganache (whipped filling of chocolate
                                                           the country.                               ingredients, sources, and process-         flavors.                                                             and cream).
                                                               But with hundreds of chocolat-         es just right. He likens chocolate-
                                                           iers and thousands of shops across         making to athletic endeavors — it
                                                           Belgium, how do you know which             requires agility (as anyone who has
                                                           one to pick? As with most things, the      ever tried to make chocolate at home
                                                           answer isn’t necessarily simple. What      knows) and a level of precision that
                                                           better mystery to unravel, however,        can be breathtaking when done cor-
                                                           than one involving chocolate?              rectly.
                                                                                                          And while hand-crafted chocolates      Belgian pralines in a shop by Elena Kharichkina / Shutterstock.com   Belgian truffels in a shop by Elena Pominova / Shutterstock.com

                                                           Choosing the best chocolate                in and of themselves don’t guarantee
                                                              According          to      Georges      anything, passionate
                                                           Doutrelepont, a Nimy, Belgium-             Belgian fabricants
                                                           based master chocolatier who has           often produce excel-
                                                           honed his craft for 17 years, there are    lence. I’ve conducted
                                                           a few key items to consider in choos-      taste tests — admit-
                                                           ing the best chocolate.                    tedly unscientific —
                                                              The first, he says, is freshness.       that bear this out.
                                                           Chocolate oxidates, so the quality         There is a significant
                                                           of chocolate treats declines quickly.      positive difference
                                                           Ideally, you would buy and con-            between fabricant
                                                           sume them within 10 days. So if you        chocolates and all
                                                           can’t access artisan chocolates, it is     others.
                                                           important to find a chocolatier that           But we’re still
                                                           moves a lot of product. My favor-          talking about choco-
                                                           ite Leonidas shop, for example, is         late. Trying a little
                                                           the often-crowded kiosk at the mall.       bit of everything
                                                           Even then, I take care to select my        and seeing what
                                                           own chocolates and avoid buying            you like is part of
                                                           pre-packaged boxes.                        the fun. However,
                                                              The second consideration has to         if you’re searching
                                                           do with the quality and origin of          for quality, remem-
                                                           the ingredients. Doutrelepont, for         ber Doutrelepont’s
                                                           instance, chooses his ingredients          advice, “A (good)
Background photo by Anna_Pustynnikova / Shutterstock.com

                                                           carefully, as they are an essential part   chocolatier is like an
                                                           of creating masterful chocolates. For      artist,” he says. “It’s
                                                           example, his hazelnuts come from           not so easy to find.”
                                                           the Piedmont region of Italy and               Looking for one,
                                                           his almonds are from Portugal —            however, is definitely
                                                           among the world’s best.                    worth the effort.
                                                              But unless you are inclined to start
                                                           up an ingredient origin conversation
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
Page 4                                                          Kaiserslautern American                                     April 19, 2019

     Not your typical Greek island

                                                                                                     Photo by Calin Stan / Shutterstock.com

  Story and photos by Nate Cairney     hotels. Instead, there are long
  contributing writer                  stretches of remote coastline and
                                       mountains — big ones — in the
     Thassos, a Greek island in the    island’s interior. A few hours after
  north Aegean Sea, is like some-      Paradise Beach, I am standing on
  thing from a dream. It is April,     a rugged peak. A verdant valley,
  and the sea is warm enough for       filled with olive trees and wander-
  swimming. We are on Paradise         ing goats, lies far below. Beyond
  Beach, standing on a vast swath      the island, the sea sparkles in the
  of white sand lapped by tur-         late afternoon sun. Were it not for
  quoise water. Our children race      the sound of tinkling bells drift-
  into the surf and giggle with        ing up from the distant goat herd,
  excitement. I swivel my head in      I might have thought I had the
  both directions. We are alone.       entire island to myself.
  On a beautiful beach in Europe?
  A miracle.                              In the scheme of things, I
                                       kind of did. Thassos in spring is
     But Thassos isn’t your typi-      a sparsely populated revelation,
  cal Greek island. There are few      which means it is fantastic for
  blue roofs, suntanning glitterati,   visitors who are seeking adventure
                                                                                          Photo by Lucian Bolca
  or towering rectangular seaside      spiced with a bit of solitude.                                             / Shutterstock.com
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
April 19, 2019                                                        Kaiserslautern American                                                                                    Page 5

   From then
   until now
       Accessible by ferry and locat-
   ed a short drive from Thessaloniki,
   Thassos’ distinct feel begins with its
   fascinating history. The island has
   been famous for millennia for its
   pure white marble, which was used
   by many ancient cultures — includ-
   ing Greeks and Romans — to build
   statues and monuments throughout
   the region. Today, visitors can see
   white marble literally everywhere.
   Huge slabs lie along coastlines, in
   mountainside quarries, and along
       Through virtue of its position
   near the European mainland, the
   island has seen a myriad of cul-
   tures and conquerors during the
   past 2,000 years. As a result, most
   century-ago residents of Thassos
   chose to live inland, far from the
   coast, where they could farm and
   herd in relative peace from maraud-
   ing maritime visitors.
       Nowadays, that historical lack
   of coastal development means that
   Thassos has a wealth of charm.
   Gorgeous, remote beaches can be
   found at various points around the
   island. Cozy coastal cottages can
   be had for great bargains, especially
   outside of the summer high season.
   Rugged trekking is available: Mount
   Ypsarion towers nearly 4,000 feet
   above sea level and offers views to
   Turkey on clear days. Other than
   having to occasionally dodge very
   aggressive small trucks, the driving
   is fantastic — twisty narrow roads,
   impossibly located mountain villages,
   and beautiful views of mountains,
   forests, monasteries, and the sea.
       One of the best parts of Thassos,
   though, is knowing you are on an
   island. When you sit on a boulder
   overlooking the sea and watch the
   sun set on the mainland, it is good
   to know you are a world away from
   regular life and responsibility. For
   me, Thassos wasn’t just a place to
   find adventure. It was just plain
   good for the soul.

   Thassos Essentials
   Ferry Services:                 are not available: tickets may   When to Go:                  blend of fewer tourists and     which offers fantastic
      Daily ferry services are     only be purchased on site.         According to locals,       excellent weather. Bonus        opportunities to celebrate
   available from Kavala and       See go-thassos.gr for more       April, May, September        points if you’re there during   the biggest holiday of the
   Keramoti. Advance tickets       information.                     and October bring an ideal   Greek Orthodox Easter,          Greek year with locals.
                                                                                                                                     Background photo by Lucian Bolca / Shutterstock.com
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
Page 6                                    Kaiserslautern American                                                                              April 19, 2019

  Count & WIN!
  Just count the pucks in this week’s Special Edition

  a Team USA
  Ice Hockey Jersey OR WIN
                                          5 x 2 tickets
                                              2019 Ice Hockey
                                          to the
                                          World Championship
                                          match Germany vs USA

                                                                      on May 7

                                            Submit your answer to

                                            CONTEST RULES:                                        Winners who do not respond to the email
                                            Flip through the newspaper and count the number       notification will forfeit their winnings and another
                                            of pucks you find hiding throughout the pages.        winner will be selected. Entries will be accepted
                                            This page has an example of what the puck looks       until midnight April 23. Send your answer with
                                            like, and it also counts as one of the pucks in the   the subject Puck Hunt, your name and phone
                                            hunt. Winners’ names will be published in the next    number to ads@kaiserslauternamerican.com. Those
                                            edition of the Kaiserslautern American newspaper      contestants with the correct number of pucks will be
                                            and will be contacted by email with instructions on   entered into a drawing and have a chance at winning
                                            how to collect prizes.                                a Team USA jersey or two tickets to the game!
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
April 19, 2019   Kaiserslautern American   Page 7
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
Page 8                                         Kaiserslautern American                                April 19, 2019

                                            Ancient city on the rise

    by Nate Cairney
    contributing writer

        It is rare — and kind of awe-
    some — to be in the presence of
    something truly ancient like the
    Egyptian pyramids or millennia-
    old yew trees in random rural
    Scottish churchyards. It is rarer
    still to be somewhere that has
    been continuously inhabited for
    more than 6,000 years, where
    diverse cultures have blended
    over time into something truly
    unique. It is invigorating to
    immerse yourself in a place where
    new, old, and really, really old nes-
    tle comfortably side by side. It’s                                   everywhere. Morning art markets blos-
    even cooler when this is located                                     som outside the city’s central park
    somewhere unexpected — and a                                         and the sweet scent of banitsa — a
    two-hour plane ride from where                                       tasty Bulgarian pastry — fills the air.
    you live. Welcome to the world of                                    Ancient wooden Orthodox churches,
    Plovdiv, Bulgaria.                                                   museums, and a beautiful mosque, all
        As the 2019 European                                             within close proximity to one another,
    Culture Capital, a designation                                       testify to the city’s diverse population.
    given to one city each year to                                           Boasting one of the longest pedes-
    showcase outstanding cultural life                                   trian plazas in Europe, Plovdiv also
    and development, Plovdiv is a                                        offers excellent shops, restaurants, bars,
    place on the rise. A university                                      and gelaterias. All are great deals for
    city, Plovdiv bustles with a youth-                                  budget travelers. Though Bulgaria is
    ful energy and is reminiscent of                                     part of the European Union, it has yet
    Prague 20 years ago or Ljubljana                                     to adopt the euro. This means that your
    a decade ago: it feels like Europe’s                                 dollar (or euro) will go about twice as
    next big thing. Modern art and                                       far when you’re using the Bulgarian lev.
    exotic architecture can be found                                         The city’s history, however, is where
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
April 19, 2019                           Kaiserslautern American                                                                                    Page 9

                 Plovdiv really shines. Situated           Bulgaria’s Cold War past is evi-
                 in a valley and surrounded by          dent, as well. One can find concrete
                 beautiful mountains, the location      block buildings and anodyne cul-
                 attracted ancient Thracians, who       tural monstrosities. But you for-
                 settled there thousands of years       get them almost as quickly as you
                 ago and never left. Over time,         notice them. The life and color that
                 the city had a lot of visitors/con-    streams through the city captures
                 querors, including Macedonians,        your attention instead.
                 Romans, and Turks. Each culture           If you want an amazing, authen-
                 left its mark, and the results are     tic cultural experience without hav-
                 fascinating.                           ing to travel too far, Plovdiv is a
                     The Roman ruins are particu-       strong choice. It is also a really good
                 larly wonderful. The ancient sta-      jumping-off point to explore the rest
                 dium of Philippopolis lies in the      of Bulgaria — which has adventure
                 heart of the city and is beautifully   to spare.
                 illuminated at night. Perhaps the
                 most impressive piece of archi-
                 tecture, however, is the Roman
                 Theater, which was accidentally
                 unearthed less than a half-centu-
                 ry ago by a landslide. In pristine
                 condition, the theater seats nearly
                 7,000 spectators and is still used
                 for concerts today.

                                                                                             Banitsa, a spiral filo pie with cheese, is a traditional
                                                                                             Bulgarian food. Photo by Kremena Ruseva/Shutterstock.com

                                                                                                                    Beautiful painted wooden house
                                                                                                                    facade decorated with tradi-
                                                                                                                    tional Bulgarian ornaments in
                                                                                                                    Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
                                                                                                                    Photo by mehdi33300/Shutterstock.com
Sprin Speci Editio - Kaiserslautern American
Page 10                                                                                                Kaiserslautern American                                                                        April 19, 2019

   Trier to Koblenz: Eco biking adventure

 Photo by saiko3p / Shutterstock.com

by Ronnie Juhans                              begin at or near the train stops,                                                       If you fancy water sports      ended up staying in a small village way
contributing writer                           and also have connecting trans-                                                       many of the villages offer       too long because of a local fest that
                                              portation such as shuttle buses,                                                      canoe and kayak rental           lasted until every beer keg and wine
   Eco adventures are the combina-            trollies, etc. to get you back                                                           with endpoints that have      bottle was empty, every wurst and
tion of adventurous activities with           and forth.                                                                                  return public trans-       steak was eaten, and fun was had until
environmentally responsible aware-                One of my favorite                                                                          portation     back     the rise of the sun.
ness. Destinations and activities vary        eco adventures is tak-                                                                            to your starting         If you become too tired and weary

widely and can be anything from               ing the train to the                                                                                point.             along the route, you can cheat a bit

floating on a raging river in South           Mosel River with                                                                                         There is      and give yourself a break by boarding

Africa to soaring through the tree            my bike and spend-                                                                                     no need to      one of the inexpensive cruise ships
                                                                                   at / S
                                                                            aron Am

canopy in the Ozarks! One thing all           ing three days rid-                                                                                     weigh your-    with your bike and gear. They offer
eco adventures have in common is              ing from Trier                                                                                           self down     the best Riesling wines and local food
                                                                 Photo by A

the goal of appreciating and enjoying         to Koblenz. This                                                                                          with too     specialties so that you can sit back
natural beauty with minimal physical          126-km ride is                                                                                            m a n y      and enjoy the views of the steep
impact to the area.                           amazing and can                                                                                           supplies     vineyards, half-timbered houses, and
   There are hundreds of packages             be a bit rough to                                                                                       as    there    castles along the route.
offered for destinations all over the         do in one day if                                                                                   are ample stores,       Reaching Koblenz at the Deutsches
world with a lot of traveling, and very       you have spent the                                                                              markets, wineries,     Eck, where the Mosel joins the Rhein,
steep price tags. However, being an           winter indoors and are                                                                           restaurants and       was an incredible end to this eco adven-
eco adventurer is very easy to do on          not prepared. The most                                                                           bistros along the     ture. The water where the rivers inter-
your own without wasting the green            prominent villages along                                                                         route to get what     sect change from green to blue and the
things in our wallet.                         the route are Bernkastel-                                                                        you need for every    city of Koblenz is a must visit while in
   Spending years as a backpacker             Kues, Traben-Trarbach,                                                                          stop. Do keep in       Germany. Be sure to cross the river to
taught me a lot about saving money            and Cochem. However,                                                                           mind that plastic is    visit Ehrenbreitstein Fortress.
on gas, wear and tear on my car,              most of my best rest stops                                                                  not accepted every-            After an overnight stay in Koblenz
decreasing pollution and avoiding the         were in the tiny villages                                                                 where and you should         with an amazing breakfast or a tradi-
stress of chaos on the roads during           that you can ride through                                                                 have some euro cash on       tional afternoon cake and coffee con-
peak seasons.                                 in only a couple of min-                                                                  hand, and an EC card,        tinue the journey via train back to
   German public transportation is            utes.                                                                                     or ATM card, which you       Kaiserslautern which takes approxi-
an amazing way to go hiking, biking,              This adventure is full of                                                             can use at local banks.      mately 1.2 hours. Connections to local
climbing and more. The German rail            opportunities such as pitching                                                                From spring to late      areas like Ramstein, Landstuhl, and
system Deutsche Bahn (DB) has cars            a small tent at one of the many                                                           fall you will come upon      Kusel run frequently and can be found
that allow bikes, enough room for             campgrounds or a bike and bed so                                                          banners along the ride       on the DB site at https://www.bahn.
your equipment, and provide a variety         that you can spend a day exploring the                                                    promoting village fes-       com/en/view/index.shtml
of options for one-day or weekend             villages, as well as the biking and hik-                                                  tivals. I highly suggest
adventures.                                   ing trails through the vineyards over-                                                    stopping to check one        For more information, please visit
   There are countless adventures that        looking the Mosel River valley.                                                           out. Over the years I’ve     https://www.mosel.de/startseite/

                                                                                                                                                      Do                              Don’t
                                                                                                                      » research your route and public               » expect that everyone speaks English
                                                                                                                        transportation options                       » expect that plastic for payment will be
                                                                                                                      » plan ahead and make reservations               accepted everywhere
                                                                                                                      » pack lightly, only what you need for 1 day   » disrespect your surroundings by leaving
                                                                                                                        at a time                                      your trash
                                                                                                                      » have a first aid kit, phone and ability to   » disregard quiet hours. The only exception
                                                                                                                        contact EMS                                    is during festivals that go way beyond the
                                                                                                                      » have all-weather clothing, and euro cash       10 p.m. hour rule
                                                                                                                        for expenses

 Photo by Elena Klippert / Shutterstock.com                                                                         Photo by S-F / Shutterstock.com
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Page 12                                                                                     Kaiserslautern American                                                                     April 19, 2019

      Small place,
      big adventure

  Aerial view of the Snowdonia National Park close to the historic Dolbadarn Castle in Llanberis, Snowdonia,
  Wales, United Kingdom.                                                    Photo by Lukassek/ Shutterstock.com

  by Nate Cairney                                            Take the mountains. They’re                          in from the sea: they
  contributing writer                                     everywhere, and are remarkable in                       are strong enough to
                                                          their diversity. Jagged peaks loom                      topple me. I crouch
      Let’s begin in the ivy-shrouded                     in the heart of Snowdonia National                      behind an ancient
  tea room at river’s edge. Located                       Park. Wild moors, golden and wind-                      stone wall and register
  near one end of the ancient stone                       swept, cover treeless hills as far as the               the brilliant colors —
  bridge that spans the river from the                    eye can see. Emerald forests swallow                    golds, greens, whites,
  valley village of Llanwrst, it looks                    valleys and stretch along ridges. In                    and blues. I would
  like a hobbit house or something                        Wales, one doesn’t hike these hills.                    love to linger, but the
  from a fairy tale. But this place —                     One walks them. And they make for                       wind has no inten-
  the Tu-Hwnt-I’r Bont tea room —                         quite the walk.                                         tion of relenting. It is
  is sturdy and real. We duck through                        On a March morning at dawn,                          time to descend.
  solid wooden stable doors and nestle                    for instance, an hour of lung-bust-                         Then there is the
  up to a worn table near a crackling                     ing uphill walking has brought me                       sea, which is never
  fire. Biting rain swirls outside, and                   to the top of Ro Wen, a bold, bald                      far from even the
  no matter. Here, in the coziest spot                    ridge that towers above the village                     most hidden moun-
  in northern Wales, we take a cup                        of Dolwyddelan. The sky is clear and                    tain valley. This proximity to the water   tains multitudes. There’s Conwy, for
  of tea, a warm plate of bread and                       snow covers distant peaks, testament                    is a feature that makes northern Wales     example, a safe harbor that is home
  melted cheese known as Welsh rare-                      to last night’s weather. I can’t admire                 special, locals say: you can find so       to a magnificent castle and the UK’s
  bit, and get down to discussing the                     the view for long, though. Hundred-                     much natural beauty in one com-            smallest house. Less than an hour to
  wonders that surround us.                               kilometer-per-hour winds scream                         pressed spot. The Welsh coast con-         the west, one can visit the wild, steep
April 19, 2019                                                                              Kaiserslautern American                                                                                  Page 13

                                                                                                                       by Inigo
                                                                      eval stone bridge across the river Conwy, built
                      Children playing under Pont Fawr, a famous medi                               s in Llanr wst, Caern arfon,                          View from Bryn Alyn to Moel Famau near Mold,
                                                                   cottage covered with  vine leave
                      Jones, and Tu-Hwnt-l’r Bont Tea Room, an old                                                                                        North Wales. Photo by Henrykc /Shutterstock.com
                                                                                      Photo by Milosz Maslanka/Shutterstock.com
                      North Wales, United Kingdom.

                 Famous Conwy Castle in Wales,
                                                United Kingdom.
                                   Photo by Samot/Shutterstock.com

                                                                                                                                                                              If you need a short break
                                                                                                                                                          from outdoor activities, check out Bounce
                                                                                                                                                          Below, a multi-story trampoline park
                                                                                                                                                          located inside an old slate mine. Incredibly
                                                                                                                                                          structured, it features bouncy nets the size
                                                                                                                                                          of basketball courts, tunnels, slides, and
                                                                                                                                                          an otherworldy ambiance. Learn more at

                                                                      Finally, and naturally,                 fortable as coming in from the wild.          No matter your preference —
                                                                   northern Wales is a place                  Some of the best tea rooms in the         comfort or the wilds — you can find
                                                                   of good cheer. Cozy cot-                   world are found in northern Wales, like   it in northern Wales, where the food
cliffs near Trefor, which offer spec-                              tages, warm pubs, fire-                    Tu-Hwnt-I’r Bont or Ty Hyll, located      is hearty, the tea is grand, and the
tacular sea views as well as narrow                   places, and friendly people can be                      in the woods near Betws-y-Coed and        scones with jam and cream are sub-
sheep trails that lead to smooth stone                found everywhere. Shelter is an art                     now known by English speakers as the      lime. Adventure beckons. Answer the
beaches and hidden coves.                             form here, and few things are so com-                   (very inaptly named) Ugly House.          call. You won’t be disappointed.
Page 14                                                               Kaiserslautern American                                                                                                       April 19, 2019

                    a ck p a ck i n g
                & b
    H i k i n g
                          inre land
                             S w i t z                                                      Photo by Sergey Kilin / Shutterstock.com

  by Ronnie Juhans                                             The Harder Kulm (pictured below) is con-                                    Schynige Platte (pictured above) was just a few
  contributing writer                                      sidered the top of Interlaken. It is over 1,300                              minutes away from our hostel located in Matten,
                                                           meters high with a view overlooking much of                                  Switzerland. We took the city bus to Wilderswil and
     Backpacking during spring and summer breaks           the region to include Interlaken, the Thuner                                 the historic cog train up the mountain where there
  is a great way to experience Europe on a budget          See (lake) and Lake Brienz which flank the                                   were stunning views of the region in every direction.
  for many students around the world. Staying at           city below. The ascent upwards is not an easy                                After about 45-50 minutes we arrived at the top and
  hostels or campgrounds with the ability to prepare       trek with a large backpack and can be difficult                              decided to take the long hike to the village of First.
  your own meals versus expensive hotels allows you        when the trails are wet. There are several resting                           Before hitting the trail we stopped at the LOWA
  to cut down on major expenses and use the extra          spots along the way with overlooks equipped                                  hiking boot center where you can demo their boots
  cash for self-led adventures with the added benefit      with benches and tables to take a break before                               for free and return them to a location at the end of
  of meeting other people from a multitude of back-        reaching the top. Once you arrive at the top of                              your journey. This hike is not for inexperienced hik-
  grounds and cultures.                                    the Harder Kulm not only are you taken away                                  ers or kids. Although it was mid July we stumbled
     Out of all the years spent trekking around            by the view of the Jungfrau, Monk, and Eiger                                 across rocky terrain with patches of ice, and took
  Europe and Asia, backpacking through the Swiss           peaks, but you can relax and enjoy the views at                              time out for a snowball fight while crossing some
  Alpine regions has always been my favorite. To           its high altitude restaurant that offers local food                          of the meadows at 3,400 feet before stopping at an
  me there is nothing better than arriving in the          and wine specialties. If you bring the kids along                            alpine cabin for a much needed bowl of goulash soup
  Bernese Oberland and being welcomed by some              keep in mind that there is also a funicular that                             and some pear schnapps. The final descent took us to
  of the most amazing scenery, welcoming locals,           takes only 8 minutes to reach the top.                                       the village of First four hours later where we made
  low-cost accommodation, and the ability to take                                                                                       our way back to Interlaken to barbeque, reflect on
  day trips and go on outdoor adventures.                                                                                               the journey and plan our next adventure.
     My favorite start point has always been
  Interlaken, Switzerland. After arriving by train,                                                                                     For more information, please visit
  there are many hostels and campgrounds within                                                                                         https://www.jungfrau.ch/en-gb/schynige-platte/
  hiking distance from the two main stations. The                                                                                       mountain-hike-schynige-platte-faulhorn-first/
  facilities are above and beyond what most travelers
  think of a hostel and include ammenities such as
  communal kitchens stocked with utensils, cook-
  ware and appliances, movie rooms, reading and
  meditation rooms, pools, spas, recreation activi-
  ties as well as laundry facilities, coffee shops, area
  information kiosk, and a place to enjoy nightlife.
     Within a short walking distance are various
  outdoor adventure facilities where you can book
  the adventure of your choice which can be a bit
  pricy, shop for souvenirs, groceries, or spend the
                                                                                 Photo by Discovering Destinations / Shutterstock.com
  day exploring the village. Instead of spending lots
  of euro on booking trips and shopping we decided
  to go low budget and high yield. Below are a cou-        For more information, please visit
  ple of suggestions that will make your backpack-         http://www.jungfrau.ch/sommer/tourismus/
  ing adventure an experience of a lifetime.               ausflugsziele/harder-kulm/erlebnisse/

                                                                                                                                                                Background graphic by Juliana Brykova / Shutterstock.com
April 19, 2019                                                              Kaiserslautern American                                                                                              Page 15

                                                                                                                                                           h a t t o b r i n g :
                                                                                                                                                           Sturdy hiking shoes or boots, all-weath-
                                                                                                                                                        er clothing that includes layers, phones,
                                                                                                                                                        water, snacks, first aid kit, toilet paper,
                                                                                                                                                        sunscreen, insect repellant and euro. Most
                                                                                                                                                        remote huts and mountain areas do not
                                                                                                                                                        accept plastic.

                                                                                                  Photo by pongpinun traisrisilp / Shutterstock.com

      Our next adventure was exploring the
   Lauterbrunnen valley, land of 72 waterfalls.
   This is a totally flat hike that takes you from                                                                                                              Dos and Don’ts:
   the train station in the middle of the village
   towards the Trummelbach Falls. Although you                                                                                                          • Take plenty of breaks
   are in a valley, the surrounding views are aston-                                                                                                      if you are not used
   ishing. The trail begins at the parking lot behind                                                                                                     to being in high
   the church and just below the largest water-                                                                                                           elevations.
   fall in the valley. It is surrounded by fields of                                                                                                    • Check weather
   wildflowers and flanked by high peaks where                                                                                                            conditions as they
   you will often see base jumpers freefall and fly                                                                                                       can change rapidly.
   over the fields in squirrel suits. The sound of                                                                                                      • Stay on the trails
   cowbells and the glacier-fed swift water in the                                                                                                        to avoid disturbing
   stream along the route were enchanting enough                                                                                                          wildlife and eco
   to make everyone in the group put away their                                                                                                           systems.
   earphones for the entire hike. The photo oppor-                                                                                                      • Don’t leave any trash
   tunities are spectacular because you also have a                                                                                                       behind. Find a place
   clear view of the snowcapped Jungfrau in the                                                                                                           in your pack for it.
   distance. A must-see natural wonder along this
   trek are the Trummelbach Falls. These waterfalls
   are the world’s only glacier waterfalls that you                                                                                                   For more information on the region:
   can access via an underground lift taking you to                                                                                                   Accommodation
                                                         Photo by PawelKusek / Shutterstock.com
   a series of tunnels, paths and viewing platforms.                                                                                                  • https://www.famoushostels.com/
   The falls are fed from the melting glaciers of                                                                                                     • https://www.campingjungfrau.swiss/
   the Jungfrau and flow at up to 20,000 liters per     For more information, visit
   second. If you plan on spending the night in         http://www.lauterbrunnen.ch/portal/                                                           Ground Transportation
   the Lauterbrunnen valley, there is a hostel and a    https://www.myswitzerland.com/en/truemmelbach-                                                • https://www.jungfrau.ch/en-gb/prices-and-
   campground along the route.                          falls-water-in-a-corset-of-stone.html                                                           brochures/

 Illustrations by Kamieshkova / Shutterstock.com
Page 16                                                              Kaiserslautern American                                April 19, 2019

                                                                          S k y d i v i n g
     by Ronnie Juhans                         equipment instructions, what to        fall
     contributing writer                      expect and what it really feels like   your
                                              to skydive.                            instruc-
         With all of the bucket list things      After we boarded the plane          tor taps your

     to do in our lives skydiving is rated    and settled in there was feeling       o u t s t re t c h e d

     amongst the top 10. Many rea-            of uneasiness with everyone that       hands and lets

     sons include the adrenaline rush,        quickly switched to excitement         you know that

                                                                                                                                           na /
     adventure, a dare, bragging rights       as we looked out the windows           the chute is going

     or to be like the Jones.’ However,       and took in the scenery of snow-       to be deployed. Once

     when reality sets in many people         capped alpine peaks in every direc-    the chute is deployed you
     opt out for something they con-          tion as well as lakes, rivers, farm-   have an even better view
     sider less insane and safer to do.       land and villages below.               of the Alps and surroundings
         This is one of my favorite out-         Once the plane leveled off and      because you are descending at a
     door adventures that will not only       our instructors started double-        slower speed while gliding back to
     accomplish the above reasons to          checking equipment and moving          the landing zone.
     jump from a small plane, but can         the first jumper to the door, the          Another great experience was
     also be very addictive.                  mood again became a bit somber         my tandem instructor allowing
         My first jump was over               knowing that you would be next.        me to take the toggles and get
     Interlaken, Switzerland, several         “Time to fly, ready mate,” was the     the feeling of steering the chute
     years ago while on a pick-your-          last thing you heard at the door       before taking over again and guid-
     adventure weekend camping trip.          before spilling out of the plane       ing us onto the landing zone. The
     Our small group sat around the           with your instructor and freefall-     landing was excellent and required
     fire until the wee hours of the          ing at over 100mph.                    us to trot a few meters before the
     morning discussing other options            Hearing the ‘yeehaw’ in the dis-    chute dropped behind us and we
     such as white water rafting, can-        tance cranked everyone up in the       came to a stop.
     yoning and a few more. The con-          group to jump next and fly like an         Once we were all back on the
     sensus was to go big and not go          eagle at 14,000 feet.                  ground and gathered as a group
     home without checking skydiving             Contrary to what you would          with our instructors for a quick
     off the list with the added bonus of     anticipate, the free fall was not a    reflection of the experience, we
     flying over the Swiss Alps.              sick feeling of falling uncontrol-     turned in our gear and headed
         After signing up at the camp-        lably but was a very exhilarating      back to the campground for a
     ground adventure center there            feeling like floating on water with    bucket list party and barbeque
     were a couple of folks suffer-           your hand stretched out in front       that lasted so long that we had to
     ing from buyer’s remorse but the         of you which is beyond fun and         forgo anything other the next day
     group as a whole kept everyone’s         feels very safe. The view was crazy    besides making a very unhealthy
     spirits uplifted until it was time       amazing and the instructors took       breakfast, sleeping in hammocks
     to board the van and head for the        us on a couple of spins allowing an    till the later afternoon and another
     airfield. Once we arrived we were        amazing real-life 360-degree view      barbeque while showing our pics
     met by the tandem instructors who        of the Swiss Alps that you can only    and videos of this epic outdoor
     kept us motivated by talking about       get while skydiving.                   adventure. Do not put this one off,
     the safety of the sport, safety and         Just before the end of the free     get out there and do it.
April 19, 2019                                                    Kaiserslautern American                                                                                Page 17

Photos by Sky Antonio / Shutterstock.com

                                           Going as a small group:                ing a busy street while walking to    What to bring:
                                              In my experience going with a       work during rush hour. There is       • Food, water and snacks or
                                           small group that you get to know       always an element of risk when it       you can eat at the bistro.
                                           instead of booking for yourself        comes to high-adventure activi-       • All equipment will be
                                           increases your level of confidence      ties. However, it is vital to check     provided on-site.
                                           and decreases your fear and appre-     an organization’s safety records,
                                           hensions. This is a great team-        certifications, training programs,     Test yourself first:
                                           building bucket list adventure that    as well as reviews from former           Indoor skydiving in a wind
                                           will not only allow you to be moti-    participants.                         tunnel is an excellent way to
                                           vated by others but will also give                                           try out how skydiving feels
                                           you peace of mind. Skydiving with      Health, level of fitness and age:     beforehand and get yourself
                                           a group that you know or get to           As with any outdoor activity       ready for this sport. The wind
                                           know during an adventure trip will     these are issues that haunt so many   tunnel airflow simulates the
                                           decrease your doubts and fears.        adventurous people and stop them      realistic freefall portion of a
                                                                                  in their tracks without knowing       skydive as well as allowing you
                                           Anticipation:                          what they are actually capable of     to do turns, go forward, back-
                                              Anticipating that sick stomach-     doing. When in doubt consult with     ward, slow down and speed up
                                           drop feeling is one of the major       your doctor in order to get a green   your fall rate all of which build
                                           fears of this sport. The reality is    light to take that jump. These days   your precision levels and con-
                                           that you are in an airplane flying      skydivers upwards of 90 years jump    fidence. The indoor flights are
                                           at approximately 100mph so that        out of airplanes around the world     actually longer than outdoor
                                           when you jump, there is a quick        while laughing at Millennials who     flights. Not only was it fun
                                           transition from flying to dropping      are hyperventilating before their     and gave me that adrenalin
                                           at 120mph which alleviates that        jump and stressing out all the way    junky fix, it is also very safe
                                           sickening feeling because you are      to the drop zone. Body weight can     and can be done with a group
                                           riding on air molecules which feels    also be an issue. Make sure that      of friends or the whole family
                                           like floating in water or flying.        you discuss this with the skydiving   at one time.
                                                                                  company prior to booking. Most
                                           Safety:                                issues can be addressed and cor-      For more information on
                                              Of course, the question of how      rected based on conditions and        skydiving check out the
                                           safe skydiving is in comparison to     available equipment.                  following links:
                                           other outdoor activities, will cross                                         www.skydiveinterlaken.ch/
                                           your mind. Do your research ahead      Seasonal opportunities:               index.php/en/
                                           of time, and you will find that sky-       Skydiving like many other          www.indoor-skydiving.com
                                           diving can be safer than everyday      adventures is seasonal because of     www.firebird-skydiving.de
                                           activities such as driving a car,      weather conditions. End of March      www.dropzone.com/dropzone/
                                           riding a motorcycle, or even cross-    through October is prime season.      Europe/Germany/

                                                                                                                                     Background photo by siro46 / Shutterstock.com
Page 18                                                                                 Kaiserslautern American                                                                        April 19, 2019

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Photo by javarman / Shutterstock.com

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                                                                                          and 3 beds apartments on                            in the heart of K-Town city, 1 bd,
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zy Town Home Available Now!, 2                                                                                                                67655 Kaiserslautern Germany,
bd, 2 bth, 125 sq meters, 37 Kai-                                                                                                             pubs, restaurants right outside of Temporary Housing in Stuttgart -
                                                                                                             Country Style TLA, fully furnis-
serstrasse 66849 Landstuhl Ger-                                                                                                               your door, €TLA Rate per diem, Fully furnished apartments with 1,
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many, €900, 06371 594 5194, geor                                                                                                              01702003862 or 063715951077, in 2 or 3 bedrooms located Down-
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                                   mail: info@prem-realestate.com.                                           Entirely renovated 4 bed family
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                                   um properties www.prem-reale                                              Ramstein US Air Base), 4 bd, 2.5
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stein/Mackenbach/Bruck      muhl-                                                                            bach Germany, ALL UTILITIES IN-                        Newly built TLA in Landstuhl city
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ped, TV, AFN, English satellite,                                                                             go.com because the price will de-                      Germany, TLA Rate per diem,
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welcome.Off street secured par-                                                                                                                                                                        TLA / TDF / TDY Ramstein! Cozy
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                                   dern TLA in K-Town, 2 bd, 1.5                                                                                                    ge, 2 bd, 1 bth, 130 sq meters, stein@gmail.com
3 BR APT Ramstein 5 min from bth, 105 sq meters, Schulstrasse                                                                                                       Muehleckerstrasse 22 67734 Katz-
RAB, 3 bd, 2 bth, 86 sq meters, Kaiserslautern Germany, €TLA Ra-                                                                                                    weiler Germany, €1,250, wilfried@
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senbach Germany, €130, +49 state.com
17624687550, info@expatngo.com                                                                                                                                      Perfectly situated TLA in Kaisers-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OFFICE SPACE
                                   Best Located TLA TLF Appart-                                                                                                     lautern, 2 bd, 1 bth, 70 sq meters,
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Obere Steige 19A 67685 Schwe- drooms, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 70 sq me-                                               Great TLA / TDY apartment in                           lautern Germany, TLA Rate per
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                                   Entirely renovated 2 bed apart-                                           immobilien@t-online.de                                 TLA / TDY in Mackenbach, 1 bd, Landstuhl Germany, €96,000,
4 BDRM House Ramstein, 4 bd, ment in Ramstein, 2 bd, 1 bth, 75                                                                                                      1 bth, 60 sq meters, Beethoven- 0172 68 55 976, mre.kmc@ic
2.5 bth, 129 sq meters, Jahnstras- sq meters, Weilerbacher Str. 1,                                           TEMPORARY LODGING, 1 bd, 1                             weg 18 67686 Mackenbach Ger- loud.com
se 12A 66877 Ramstein-Miesen- 67686 Mackenbach, Germany,                                                     bth, 60 sq meters, 67724 Hoerin- many, € 850 / month; 48 € / day
bach Germany, €150, 06371- €130 /night, +49 17624687550, in                                                  gen Germany, €800, ute-harris@t- +4915732414957, georg.winter@
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  All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or
  discrimination. The publisher will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
April 19-25

         Preparing your garden for Spring
          By FindItGuide.com

             While driving around lately, you may have noticed the German road crews giving anything
          and everything a crew cut. They have all sorts of cool connectors that go on their work vehicles
          that trim, cut and shave off just about any type of vegetation in its path. There are even trimmers
          that rotate around the road markers like magic while the maintenance truck cruises next to it. You
          should take this as a sign it is time to get your own bushes, grass and garden areas ready for spring.

             Generally, when it comes to bushes and hedges, you should not be afraid of cutting off too much (better to
          cut off too much than too little). In a lush growing area like Germany, where moisture is aplenty, if you are not
          aggressively cutting back, you can quickly get overrun. Weeding and clearing dead leaves is also a must. Here
          are five tips to help you get your garden in shape.

           • Get rid of the dead perennial leaves.                       will make the work easier because                          in the season as the EU has laws regulating
             Clearing away the foliage that is still there,              the ground is soft from the winter.                        what can be used. If you PCSed over with
             promotes growth to flowers and grass. If                                                                               products purchased in the U.S., be sure to
             any perennials have pushed their way up                  • Prune shrubs that flower. Now is the time                   see if they are approved for use in Germany.
             out of the ground due to the recent frost,                 to prune shrubs that bloom late in the
             push them back in so they will prosper.                    summer. Shrubs have flowers that bloom                  • Look for broken limbs and branches.
                                                                        from wood, so if you prune them now,                      Winter storms can result in trees and bushes
           • Pull those weeds. Probably the least                       you will not risk cutting off the buds.                   that have broken or splintered due to high

                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo by Krawczyk-A-Foto / Shutterstock.com
             favorite job to do for everyone, weed                                                                                winds, snow, ice, rain and anything else the
             pulling can get rid of those nasty crit-                 • Don’t forget to fertilize. Now that the                   German winters can throw at you. Cut off
             ters that choke out the development                        ground is fully thawed (we hope!), spread                 just before the broken area to help the veg-
             of all the beautiful plants you actu-                      fertilizers around shrubs, trees and perenni-             etation regrow. If your evergreens suffered
             ally want to grow. Pulling them now                        als. Be careful when using weedkillers later              any dead ends from winter, cut off the tips.

  Real Estate Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front!

                                                                               Brandnew 2 BR Apartment in K-                                                 WIESBADEN: lovely apartment
                                                                               Town, 2 bd, 1 bth, 1290 sqft,                                                 in historical, well-kept house, fully
         APTS FOR RENT                                                         67663 Kaiserslautern Germany,                                                 furnished and ready to move in.
       1 BEDROOM                                                               €980, scampi_52@t-online.de                                                   Located in great neighborhood
                                                                                                                                                             with great views over Wiesbaden
                                                                                                                                                             and Mainz. Enjoy swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                             & sauna. Available from April 1,
1 bedroom apartment in Ram-                                                    Kindsbach, 130sqm, 2BR, liv/                                                  2019. Monthly rent 2200 Euro all-
stein city incl. all utilities, 1 bd, 1                                        dinrm, BIK, 1,5baths, 1 baserm,                                               in. Video of apartment available.
bth, 80 sq meters, 21 Landstuhler         Modern apartment 72sqm with terr, car parking, €750+utl, 0162- Newly built and very modern                         Cleaning lady possible. For more
Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach            large rooftop terrace for grilling. 1730740                               apartment in the heart of Land-          information, pls contact: us-reloca
Germany, €1,150, 0173 497 51              Conveniently located close to                                             stuhl, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, Kaiserstrasse      tion-wi@web.de. My name is Jes-
71, ken-immobilien@t-online.de            Clay and Hainerberg and across                                            2 66849 Landstuhl Germany, Rent          sica, I am a local free-lance con-
                                          from large shopping place. Month-                                         €1,570, phone: 0170 2003862, E-          sultant at USAREUR
                                          ly rent is 1300 Euro incl. utilities                                      Mail: info@prem-realestate.com.
                                          and 2x parking lot. Available from Mackenbach, big nice Apart- Website:                     www.prem-reale
                                          May 1, 2019. Cleaning lady possi- ment, ca. 130sqm, 2 bed, 2 bath, state.com
Apt in K'town 65sqm, 1BR, 2rms,
                                          ble. Please contact: us-relocation- BiK, close to the Airbase, quiet re-                                               APTS FOR RENT
BIK, bath, fully furn, €430+utl. Per-
fect for 1-2pers. Avail May, 0631-
                                          wi@web.de. My name is Jessica, I sidential area in a 2 Family-Home.
                                          am a local free-lance consultant Perfect for one or two persons.No
                                                                                                                                                                   3 BEDROOMS
73485                                                                          pets. Monthly rent 750€ + util. Lis-
                                          at USAREUR
                                                                               ted by Housing. Avail start April
                                                                               2019. Call Ado on 01726801258                                            3 Bedroom Ground floor Apart-
                                                                               or email on rmimmobilien@t-onli
                                                   APTS FOR RENT               ne.de
                                                                                                                                                        ment, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 123 sq me-
Tiny at only 28sqm but cozy, mo-                                                                                                                        ters, Erfenbach 67659 Kaiserslau-
dern and FULLY FURNISHED in                    2 BEDROOMS                                                                                               tern Germany, €1,170, twildego@
exclusive & central area of Wies-
baden. Apt. rents out for 650 Euro/
month incl. utilities and wifi. Your      Apartment For Rent, newly reno-      Nice apartment in Ramstein for         Stylish 3-room Maisonette Apart-
new place? For more information           vated, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 140 sq me-     Rent, 2 bd, 1 bth, 72 sq meters,       ment, 2 bd, 2 bth, 99 sq meters,
and photos, please contact me:            ters, fireplace, basement, separa-   21 Landstuhler Str. 66877 Ram-         Im Reil 4 55262 Heidesheim am
us-relocation-wi@web.de. My na-           te entrance, 67657 Kaiserslautern    stein-Miesenbach       Germany,        Rhein Germany, €1,700, +49 (0)
me is Jessica, I am a local free-         Germany, €900, 01703444521,          €750, 0173 497 51 71, ken-immo         176 - 785 - 89798, kimberly.sulli        FIND YOUR NEW HOME HERE:
lance consultant at USAREUR               kerstefke@t-online.de                bilien@t-online.de                     van@century21.de                                         PROPERTIES
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