Upper Hutt Leader - Neighbourly

Page created by Jeffrey Norris
‘Under the radar’                                           Are we too
environmental                                               relaxed about
lessons P8                                                  killer flu? P7

        Upper Hutt Leader
Wednesday, May 29, 2019      Serving your community since 1939


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‘Under the radar’                                             Are we too
environmental                                                 relaxed about
lessons P8                                                    killer flu? P7

        Upper Hutt Leader
Wednesday, May 29, 2019        Serving your community since 1939

Making friends
Renowned conservationist
Dame Jane Goodall took
time out from her speaking
tour of New Zealand to visit
the HUHA animal sanctuary
in Kaitoke.
See pictures, page 18.

                                                                               PHOTO: JO MOORE
4   UPPER HUTT LEADER, MAY 29, 2019                                                                                                                        neighbourly.co.nz

                                                                                                                      alleged abusers had been
                                                                                                                      democratically elected appeared
GORDON                                                                                                                to carry undue weight. All too
CAMPBELL                                                                                                              often, the complainant became
                                                                                                                      the headache that needed fixing.
                                                                                                                          Francis tackled this issue by
                                                                                                                      urging that parliamentary HR be
OPINION: By accident last                                                                                             consolidated, upskilled, and
week, the handling of a                                                                                               tasked with truly mediating
parliamentary report eloquently                                                                                       future disputes. To that end, she
illustrated the problems that had                                                                                     was critical of the current
generated the inquiry in the first                                                                                    ‘‘triangular’’ model whereby
place.                                                                                                                Parliamentary Services/
    Ironically, the release of the                                                                                    Department of Internal Affairs,
Debbie Francis report into                                                                                            MPs/ministers and staff
bullying and harassment of staff                                                                                      function as separate entities,
around Parliament culminated                                                                                          despite staff being in no doubt
with politicians barrelling over                                                                                      that MPs and ministers were
the top of the report to try to                                                                                       really their ‘‘employers’’ and the
score political points from its            dysfunctional workplace. Long        adversarial climate exists, any       main determinants of their
findings.                                  ago, politics got defined as a       reform of work practices around       workplace culture.
    Unfortunately, the whole               blood sport, and many MPs still      Parliament might well seem                Therefore, Francis
sorry episode was likely to                take pride in their take-no-         destined to be only palliative, at    recommended a unitary
confirm staff in their fears that          prisoners approach in the House.     best. Yet if enacted, Francis’ raft   structure for handling
their complaints would probably            As a result, the debating            of over 80 recommendations            workplace operations,
not be handled competently by              chamber often resembles a            would eventually make                 improving managerial expertise
their political overlords. In quick        verbal version of Mixed Martial      Parliament a safer place to work.     and genuinely mediating the
succession, the gratuitous                 Arts, with the apparent aim              One of her report’s most          disputes that arise. Also, she
opinion offered by Speaker                 being to damage one’s opponents      interesting passages described        urged that incoming MPs and
Trevor Mallard that the report’s           by any means available, while        how staff interact with an HR         ministers receive training in
serious sexual allegations                 protecting one’s own vital parts     section widely seen as ill-           modern workplace practices,
constituted ‘‘rape’’ was only              as best one can.                     equipped (or disinclined) to          and that complainants should
compounded by National MP                     At the same time, each            pursue their complaints.              have expert counselling
Paula Bennett demanding that               political party locked in combat         Reportedly, the HR default        available to them at short notice.
the police be immediately called           also contains members jostling       position would often be to                As Francis said at one point:
in, regardless of the wishes of the        within their own ranks for           suggest that the victims weren’t      ‘‘Parliament should surely
victim (or victims) who had                power and influence. All too         personally ‘‘suited’’ to the          model modern, caring and
volunteered the initial                    readily, these festering tensions    parliamentary environment, and        flexible employment practices,
information on a promise of                get vented on the (disposable)       should perhaps consider               rather being the only workplace
confidentiality.                           staff who occupy the bottom          triggering the ‘‘breakdown            in the country where employees
    To pessimists of course,               rungs of the hierarchies of          clause’’ in their contracts, and      perceive – rightly or wrongly –
Parliament always has been a               power. As long as this               resign. The fact that some            that they can be fired at will.’’

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neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                                                            MAY 29, 2019, UPPER HUTT LEADER                     5

Link delay risks ‘catastrophe’
Government accused of playing ‘Russian roulette’ with lives and livelihoods after putting the brakes on Melling Link.
NICHOLAS BOYACK                                                                                                                                                                              The message he wants NZTA
                                                                                                                                                                                          to take on board is that Melling
Delaying the Melling Link risks                                                                                                                                                           Link is more than just a roading
a ‘‘catastrophe’’ that threatens                                                                                                                                                          project. It has benefits that go
the future of Lower Hutt’s cen-                                                                                                                                                           well beyond easing congestion
tral business district.                                                                                                                                                                   on State Highway 2 and is vitally
    That was the blunt message                                                                                                                                                            important for the future econ-
from Prue Lamason, a regional                                                                                                                                                             omic viability of the city, Bishop
councillor from the Lower Hutt                                                                                                                                                            said.
ward, to a meeting on Monday                                                                                                                                                                 If NZTA had attended the
night on the future of the                                                                                                                                                                meeting, he would have asked
proposed interchange on State                                                                                                                                                             why there was no money for
Highway 2.                                                                                                                                                                                such an important project.
    The New Zealand Transport                                                                                                                                                                ‘‘People want to know why no
Agency recently announced that                                                                                                                                                            money has been approved for
a decision on funding the                                                                                                                                                                 this.’’
Melling Link was delayed until                                                                                                                                                               Mayor Ray Wallace said he
at least 2028.                                                                                                                                                                            was ‘‘frustrated’’ that Melling
    Lamason told the meeting,                                                                                                                                                             had no funding but he would
organised by National’s Hutt                                                                                                                                                              continue to fight to see to see it
South MP Chris Bishop, that the                                                                                                                                                           built.
real purpose of the project was                                                                                                                                                              He noted that the NZTA
in danger of being lost.                                                                                                                                                                  board supported the project and
    ‘‘We are forgetting that the                                                                                                                                                          Transport      Minister       Phil
RiverLink project is first and                                                                                                                                                            Twyford has said it ‘‘ticked all
foremost all about public                                                                                                                                                                 the boxes’’ on a number of
safety,’’ she said.                                                                                                                                                                       occasions.
    RiverLink is Greater Wel-                                                                                                                                                                Wallace urged those at the
lington’s plan to upgrade the                                                                                                                                                             meeting to put pressure on the
Hutt River stopbanks in the cen-                                                                                                                                                          Government to force it to find
tral city to withstand a one-in-                                                                                                                                                          the funding.
440-year flood.                                                                                                                                                                              Hutt Valley Chamber of Com-
    The cost of the Hutt River        Nearly 300 residents attended Monday night’s meeting to discuss the Melling Link project.                                      ROSS GIBLIN/STUFF    merce chief executive Helen
breaching the stopbank is                                                                                                                                                                 Down said Melling and other
estimated at $2 billion, and to get      ‘‘What is at stake is a poten-       assets from the increasing likeli-                    committed to improving flood                          roading projects like Petone-
the maximum flood protection          tial catastrophe,’’ Lamason said.       hood of flooding driven by more                       protection but without a new                          Grenada Link and Cross Valley
the regional council needs               ‘‘Greater Wellington and, I          and more volatile weather.’’                          bridge the project is significantly                   Link are critical to the local
NZTA to build a new Melling           believe, the Government must               Lamason said the Govern-                           compromised.                                          economy.
Bridge.                               honour the promise that has             ment was playing ‘‘Russian rou-                          Bishop said he was delighted                          Businesses are being hurt by
    Without a new bridge,             been made to the people of Hutt         lette’’ with the lives and                            by the turnout of nearly 300 but                      congestion and the Government
RiverLink can only deliver pro-       City, which is that we will pro-        livelihoods of Hutt residents.                        he was ‘‘annoyed’’ that NZTA did                      had to show leadership and find
tection to a one-in-200-year flood.   vide for the safety of people and          Greater Wellington remains                         not attend.                                           a way to fund Melling.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Image: ©IWM (B5218)

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6              UPPER HUTT LEADER, MAY 29, 2019                                                                                                                            neighbourly.co.nz


              inter is coming, and
              petrol prices have
              been marching
   AA petrol spokesman Mark
                                                    How the price
Stockdale said the increase was
due to market jitters affecting the
international oil price.
   ‘‘What’s happening at the
moment is that commodity
                                                   of petrol works
prices have been rising, and
they’re a bit volatile at the                                                                                                             Gull led fuel prices
moment due to geopolitical                                                                                                                down in the North
issues like the Iran sanctions and                                                                                                        Island at every
there’s also tensions in Iraq,                                                                                                            location it opened
                                                                                                                                          a service station.
which does produce a small
volume of oil,’’ Stockdale said.
   ‘‘The market is nervous and
so the commodity price is being
talked up, and we’re wearing the
brunt of that at the pump.’’
   Geopolitical uncertainty and
exchange rates frequently drive            The cost of the actual fuel                                            frills set up, has slowly spread        paying much more for fuel than
the price of petrol up and down.        makes up 33 per cent of the total                                         across the country providing a          much of the North Island.
                                        price. The fuel companies add an                                          cheaper option.                            Both Gull and Waitomo have
HERE’S WHAT GOES INTO                   18 per cent ‘‘importer margin’’                                               Typically when Gull sets up         announced plans to expand in
THE PRICE WE PAY AT THE                 which covers their overheads,                                             shop in an area, the surrounding        Wellington and the South Island.
PUMP:                                   including things like                                                             majors drop their prices to        Last year a leaked email
The AA says about half of a litre       transporting the fuel from the          Join the                                    compete. Other cut-price      revealed the industry’s pricing
of petrol is tax.                       ports to the service stations,                                                        fuel companies like         behaviour, showing that BP
    This includes a 31 per cent         wages, marketing and a profit           conversation                                   Waitomo in the North       planned to stem its losses at its
excise (a dedicated tax on fuel),       margin. Shipping the fuel to New        Either post a                                   Island, or Nelson         Otaki station, hoping rivals
and a 3 per cent levy for an            Zealand is just 2 per cent of the       comment on our                                  Petroleum and             would follow suit.
emissions trading scheme. In            total cost.                             Neighbourly page or                            McKeown in the South          It appeared that South Island
Auckland, there is also a 10 cent                                               send us a letter to the                       Island, have a similar      and Wellington prices were being
regional fuel tax.                      SO WHY DOES THE PRICE OF                editor. Just go to our                       effect on prices in areas    pumped up to subsidise losses
    The fuel excise goes into the       PETROL CHANGE DEPENDING                 page on Neighbourly,                      where they compete.             from the effect of no-frills
National Transport Fund, which          ON WHERE YOU ARE?                       then select letters under the         But Gull and Waitomo, the           competitors elsewhere.
pays for things like roads and          The price of petrol can vary by as      Contact menu.                     two largest no-frills petrol               In December, the Government
policing.                               much as 20c a litre, even in the                                          brands, only operate in the North       decided the retail fuel market’s
    GST is added to the price of        same city. This is sometimes                                              Island to date, and until Waitomo       competitiveness should be
petrol, after the excise, which the     called the Gull effect. Here’s why.                                       opened in Upper Hutt in May,            investigated by the Commerce
AA argues is a tax on tax.                 Petrol is dominated by four        But Gull, an Australian-owned       were not operating in Wellington        Commission over fears that
    That adds 10c to the price of a     big fuel companies, BP, Mobil, Z      fuel retailer that sells through    either. This has led to Wellington      motorists were being ‘‘fleeced’’ at
litre of petrol.                        and Caltex, which is owned by Z.      unmanned stations with a no-        and the South Island generally          the pump.

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neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                                MAY 29, 2019, UPPER HUTT LEADER                   7


Too relaxed about flu
CAROLINE WILLIAMS                                   ‘‘It causes a huge number of                                                However, he
                                                hospitalisations every year.’’                                            expected about only

         he influenza virus kills more              It is estimated flu kills about 500                                1 in 20 flu deaths were
         people in New Zealand than the         people a year in New Zealand, which is                               recorded correctly as
         road toll and Kiwis need to take it    about 2 per cent of all deaths.                                   some flu deaths present
         more seriously, an expert has              ‘‘It’s a bigger killer than the road toll.                  other symptoms, such as
warned.                                         It’s amongst our most lethal infectious                       sudden heart attacks not long      ‘‘It’s a bigger killer than
   The warning comes as 26 Australians          diseases, based on sheer number of                         after having the virus.
in the state of Victoria have died of the flu   fatalities each year.’’                                      High risk groups include those      the road toll.’’
so far this year, including three children                                                             over the age of 65, young children,       Public health professor Michael Baker
under the age of 11. The number of flu                                                              pregnant women and people with
cases across the state is already nearing                                                        chronic illnesses.                              categories and that’s why there is more
the total number recorded last season.                                                               However, mortality rates are high for       interest in vaccinating children who are
   Each year, about one in four people                                                           those of Māori and Pacific descent aged in     amplifiers of infection.’’
are infected with influenza in New                                                               their 50s and 60s.                                  The most recent flu intelligence report
Zealand.                                                                                             Baker also said it was easy for people to   by the Institute of Environmental Science
   Professor Michael Baker,                                                                      self-diagnose the flu when suffering a cold,    and Research for the week ending May 19
from the University of Otago                                                                     which was a ‘‘completely different entity’’.    shows, ‘‘low but steadily increasing levels
department of public                                                                                 ‘‘There are 100-plus illnesses than can     of community influenza-like illness
health in Wellington                                                                             give cold symptoms. People can have mild        activity’’ at rates that were expected for
said Kiwis were ‘‘far                                                                            flu, it does exist, but with full flu illness   this time of year. However, more than 40
too relaxed’’ about                                                                              you know all about it. Some people              per cent of hospital and GP-tested samples
the flu.                                                                                         describe it as their first brush with           were positive for influenza, one of the
   ‘‘The disease                                                                                 mortality, they’re so ill.’’                    highest numbers of confirmed cases for
needs to be                                                                                          He said most people would be off work       the period in recent years. The flu
taken very                                                                                       with the flu for a week, but would become       vaccination reduces the risk of getting the
seriously.                                                                                       infectious a day or two before feeling          flu by around 60 per cent.
                                                                                                 really ill.
                                                                                                     ‘‘You can be busy giving it to people at
                                                                                                 work before you feel it and then take the
                                                                                                 day off. That’s why it’s hard to control
                                                                                                     Baker believed people were becoming
                                                                                                 more conscious of their responsibility to
                                                                                                 vaccinate, to protect themselves and those      Join the conversation
                                                                                                 vulnerable around them. The current
                                                                                                                                                 Either post a comment on our Neighbourly
                                                                                                 vaccination focuses on high-risk groups,
                                                                                                                                                 page or send us a letter to the editor. Just go
                                                                                                 who could receive free vaccinations.
                                                                                                                                                 to our page on Neighbourly, then select
                                                                                                     ‘‘We have to do more to protect people
                                                                                                                                                 letters under the Contact menu.
                                                                                                 who don’t fall into those [high risk]

                                                                          +&' )'".
                                                                        (-".!%'$" *$'
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8   UPPER HUTT LEADER, MAY 29, 2019                                                                                                  neighbourly.co.nz

‘Under the radar’ environmental lessons
                                                            BRITTNEY DEGUARA                              what’s happening in the environment,
                                                                                                          [but] we could do it in Spanish.’’
                                                            Long before Greta Thunberg and New                Taylor even took her cause to the Min-
                                                            Zealand’s young climate change activists      ister for Education Chris Hipkins,
                                                            were even born, Mary Beth Taylor was          detailing her concerns about the lack of
                                                            fighting for the environment.                 environmental studies in the curriculum
                                                                A Greenpeace member since the 1970s,      and her methods she enacted in the class-
                                                            a lover of the outdoors, and an               room.
A Greenpeace                                                environmentalist, the Upper Hutt woman            She told Stuff, she explained to
member since the                                            has continuously found ways to incorpor-      Hipkins in a recent meeting, ‘‘this is not
1970s, a lover of the                                       ate her passion into her life.                right that you have to hide this infor-
outdoors, and an                                                A former Spanish teacher, the 67-year-    mation within another subject’’.
Mary Beth Taylor
                                                            old explained how she regularly taught a          Her lessons weren’t the only spaces
has continuously                                            ‘‘hidden curriculum’’ to her students.        she snuck in environmental studies. As
found ways to                                                   ‘‘I taught Spanish to NCEA level three,   an NZQA examiner, she explained, the
incorporate her                                             but also taught a hidden curriculum,          exams she produced often had an overall
passion into her life                                       which was environmental studies, under        environmental tone.
and lessons. STUFF                                          the radar.                                        Though now retired and living on a 3.5
                                                                ‘‘All discussions would be about          acre farm in Upper Hutt, Taylor is still
                                                                                                          passionate about the incorporation of
                                                                                                          environmental studies into the current
                                                                                                              ‘‘The whole curriculum has to be
                                                                                                          aligned with the environment that we
                                                                                                          live in. Environmental studies would go a
                                                                                                          long way,’’ she said.
                                                                                                              Her passion stems from her own edu-
                                                                                                              Taylor grew up in the US during John
                                                                                                          F Kennedy’s presidency, and spoke about
                                                                                                          how two educational initiatives he
                                                                                                          launched - learning Spanish or French,
                                                                                                          and learning about conservation - ‘‘got
                                                                                                          me thinking outside the country’’.
                                                                                                              The lessons ignited a fire within her
                                                                                                          from a young age as she found the lessons
                                                                                                          simply ‘‘fascinating’’.
                                                                                                              Watching kids across New Zealand

                                                                                                          stand up for their future is inspiring, she
                                                                                                          explained. But the fact they have to do
                                                                                                          that when the majority of her generation
                                                                                                          are sitting back and doing nothing is
                                                                                                              ‘‘I feel like I need to apologise for a lot

     Your thing?                                                                                          of the people in my generation.’’
                                                                                                              She wants to apologise to the younger
                                                                                                          generation on behalf of her peers because
                                                                                                          ‘‘the adults are behaving badly’’.
                                                                                                              ‘‘Kids are starting to behave like real
                                                                                                          adults prematurely [and are] having to
                                                                                                          take on this climate change issue.
                                                                                                              But she’s not mad or annoyed at those
                                                                                                          who are opposing the fight for climate
                                                                                                          change action, instead she understands
                                                                                                          their stance stems from fear.
                                                                                                              ‘‘What the young people have to under-
                                                                                                          stand is the high level of fear that the
                                                                                                          older people have. They haven’t lived
                                                                                                          another way.’’
                                                                                                              News of a second strike planned for
                                                                                                          students across New Zealand was music
                                                                                                          to her ears. ‘‘I support them 100 per cent.
                                                                                                          [I] just want to give them all a big hug,

                                        It’s our thing, too.                                              they’re fantastic.’’
                                                                                                              But she explained, they need to do
                                                                                                          more to get the attention of local councils
                                                                                                          and the government, including voting
                                                                                                          and running for office, when they’re old
                                                                                                              For now, they need to start
                                                                                                          ‘‘photobombing’’ council meetings to
                                                                                                          have their voices heard, she thinks.
                                                                                                              ‘‘Give them a piece of their mind, but
                                                                                                          they have to be professional, have their
                                                                                                          facts, do everything the adults are not
                                                                                                          doing and they have to be calm.’’
                                                                                                              Taylor definitely practices what she
                                                                                                          preaches. She’s a regular attendee at
                                                          whitireia.ac.nz        weltec .ac.nz            council meetings, submits on policies
                                                          0800 944 847           0800 935 832             that support or harm the environment,
                                                                                                          and she avoids institutions that support
                                                                                                          harmful environmental practices.
                                                                                                              Her lifestyle has also had a makeover
                                                                                                          in favour of the environment. With her
                                                                                                          partner, Tony Chad, she has given up red
                                                                                                          meat, planted around 800 trees on their
                                                                                                          farm, grows her own organic vegetables,
                                                                                                          and previously switched to solar power.
                                                                                                              All of the changes enacted in her life
                                                                                                          weren’t to do with health or money

                    Enrol now         Find out about programme options starting in July
                                                                                                          issues, but for the environment, and she
                                                                                                          thinks this is something most people can
                                                                                                          and should do.
                                                                                                              ‘‘You [need to] audit everything you do
                                          studybusiness .ac.nz                                            during the day and start making changes,
                                                                                                          but [don’t change] everything at once.’’
                                                                                                          ■ This article was commissioned by
                                                                                                          Stuff guest editor Mia Sutherland as
                                                                                                          part of the Quick! Save the Planet
neighbourly.co.nz                                     MAY 29, 2019, UPPER HUTT LEADER   9

                             GET THE
                                  KIWI EXPERIENCE




10   UPPER HUTT LEADER, MAY 29, 2019                                                                                                                                         neighbourly.co.nz


Consensus on measles vaccine – do it!
OPINION: With the current measles outbreak, there have been calls to make vaccination compulsory. Is there ever a case for compulsory
vaccination and what can be done to reduce outbreaks of dangerous diseases like measles? An MP from each side of the house gives their views.

                                                  with two doses of the MMR vaccine. This                                                            I could go on. However, I believe
                 In the                           is a high rate of vaccination. However we
                                                  must not be complacent and we must
                                                                                                                  In the                          compulsory vaccination is a challenge that
                                                                                                                                                  would need significant public consultation
                 red                              continue to strive to do better.                                blue                            and deliberation.
                                                      We have actually managed to achieve                                                            Vaccinating is a matter of choice, and
                 corner                           high national vaccination rates without
                                                                                                                  corner                          New Zealanders like that they have the
 Priyanca Radhakrishnan                           compulsion – and I must admit that I’m          Stuart Smith                                    freedom to. If they were to lose that choice I
 List MP, Labour                                  uncomfortable with making vaccination           Kaikoura MP, National                           expect there would be a serious backlash
                                                  compulsory. Under Section 11 of the Bill of                                                     and we may see an even further reduction in

M                                                                                                N
          easles is a serious and virulent        Rights Act people have the right to refuse              ew Zealand has kept many serious        the number of people who receive
          disease. It is one of the most easily   medical treatment. It is also important to              diseases in check because of            vaccinations.
          spread diseases and the recent          ensure that children are not discriminated              vaccines.                                  What is important, as we deal with yet
outbreaks highlight the importance of             against or stigmatised because of the              It’s a fact that is undeniable. I’m sure     another measles outbreak, is that we learn
vaccination. Parents who choose not to            decisions of their parents.                    many people reading this will recall the         exactly why people are not being vaccinated.
vaccinate their children are not only                 While the Medical Officer of Health has    polio epidemic that swept the country but        The ‘anti-vacc’ movement forms just one
putting their children at risk of                 the power to direct that children be           which was completely wiped out from the          portion of this issue – and we need to
contracting horrible diseases, but are            excluded from school in serious cases, it is   Western Pacific by 2000, thanks entirely to      respond appropriately to address these
putting others at risk too. I strongly            still important that children have access      the polio vaccine which arrived here in 1961.    communities - while the other is that some
believe that is unethical.                        to school to have the opportunity to learn         The same can be said for many other          people simply aren’t accessing these
    So imagine my shock, when I scrolled          about the importance of vaccination.           preventable diseases but now, as the             vaccinations, for a variety of reasons.
through my newsfeed a few months back                 Immunisation rates vary between            percentage of the population who choose to          To address this, we need to know exactly
and discovered that a few of my Facebook          regions and so different DHBs take             receive vaccinations drops, some of these        which people are missing out and why, and
‘friends’ – none of whom I’ve met in real         different measures to encourage higher         diseases have crept back in to become a          then find a way to increase families’
life – are anti-vaxxers or anti-vaccination       vaccination rates. Northland in particular     public health issue again.                       engagement with, and access to, available
campaigners. Needless to say, I                   has lower vaccination rates. The                   This is why I strongly urge those who do     health services and correct information.
‘unfriended’ them immediately.                    Northland DHB has taken the step of            not choose to vaccinate to read proper              In this respect, immunisation targets
    They were (and probably still are)            suggesting that schools ask the parents of     science-based evidence to back up their          were a great tool because, if you can’t
spreading the same old myth that has well         unvaccinated children to consider              reasoning.                                       measure it you can’t manage it. However,
and truly been debunked – that                    keeping their children at home, for their          To base their decision on random             the current government cancelled this
vaccinations cause autism. The evidence           own safety and the safety of others.           hearsay and rumour – such as the popular         target last year along with several other
tells us that is just not true.                       Northland has also been a particular       myth that vaccinations cause autism, which       national health targets.
    While we do have a small but vocal            target of anti-vaccination campaigners         has been firmly debunked by real scientific         I would support reinstating these targets.
anti-vaxxer presence in real life and             and social media has played a central role     research – is dangerous.                         The health sector’s commitment to them,
online and this presents some challenges,         in the spreading of false information. One         This ill-founded so-called ‘knowledge’ can   including the immunisation programme,
the vast majority of New Zealanders               question that deserves consideration is        mean they are putting entire communities         had been showing significant improvement
understand the importance of vaccination.         whether government and tech companies          at risk, in particular our most vulnerable       until it was scrapped.
    Approximately 90 per cent of children         have a responsibility to regulate this type    citizens whose immune systems are                   It is imperative that New Zealand’s
under 13 years of age are fully immunised         of harmful content.                            compromised for any number of reasons.           vaccination rates improve.

             FOLLOW THE
         METRE RULE’                                                                    KEEP ANYTHING THAT CAN
                                                                                        CATCH FIRE AT LEAST ONE
                                            AT LEAST                                    METRE AWAY FROM HEATERS
                                            1 METRE
                                                                                        AND FIREPLACES
neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                             MAY 29, 2019, UPPER HUTT LEADER                    11

Your culture,
your money
                                        GOLDEN RULES:
STOCK                                   ■ Live your culture
MONEY MATTERS                           ■ Seek to prosper
                                        ■ Use the tools available to you

        ndrew and Julie Tasipale
        were kind enough to host        ethnicities New Zealand now
        me in their new Auckland        boasts.
home last week.                             Cultures are developed
    They had become homeowners          generation after generation by
through a shared equity scheme          people striving to make their way
run by the Housing Foundation           in the world in their own
charity, and the Tamaki                 authentic ways. It’s not easy,
Regeneration Company, which             especially if elements of your                                                                                                             Julie and
has been redeveloping the whole         culture emphasise communal, or                                                                                                             Andrew Tasipale
area.                                   wider family wealth, over                                                                                                                  in their new
    They told me about their            individual wealth, or the wealth                                                                                                           home.       STUFF
inspiring five-year journey from        of the ‘‘nuclear’’ family, as mum,
state house tenants to                  dad and pre-adult children used to   preserve it. All over the country      wealthy churches, for example, or     CALL TO ACTION
homeowners. And, my perception          be called.                           there are families using               young people being expected to go     Got a question for Rob or an issue
is, they did it while staying true to       I can’t count the number of      mainstream financial tools of          into debt to fund family              you want him to tackle? Contact
their Samoan/Niuean cultures.           times I have used the term           mortgages, trusts and banking          obligations, can blight their         Rob by going online to Neighbourly
    Your culture and your money         ‘‘personal finance’’, not family     services in a bid to live lives that   futures.                              and type the name of our
life have to work together, or          finance, or whānau finance.         express the essential parts of their       Over the years, I have met        newspaper into the search bar.
there’s a fair chance you’ll end up         The Tasipales told me they       cultures.                              people who have broken with           Click our name and select Contact
miserable, or poor, or both.            wanted ‘‘What Palangis have’’,          It can be hard.                     their churches or community           from the menu bar and ‘‘message
    We developed our economy            but I’m not sure that was entirely      Muslims, for instance, have to      because of excessive demands.         our reporter’’ from the drop-down
along Western lines, and it             true.                                take standard mortgages because            It can be easy to over-           menu.
delivered all sorts of great things,        When they spoke of the house     there are no Islam-friendly Sharia     emphasise differences between
including an overall standard of        they were now paying off, they       mortgages.                             cultures, and miss the
living and health that would be         spoke of it as a ‘‘family’’ asset.      And, nearly 180 years after the     similarities.                         generations in a single
envied by the majority of people            They expected Julie’s mother     signing of the Treaty of Waitangi,         While Pākehā money culture is   household), after all, is Pākehā.
who’ve ever lived.                      to move in. It’s the home base for   our banking system is based on         centred on personal responsi-            The Tasipales speak of
    But even setting aside              their schoolteacher daughter,        lending secured against assets,        bility, we often underestimate the    changing their family culture, so
historical causes of ethnic             who helps pay the mortgage.          and no iwi is going to risk their      obligations honoured within           that each coming generation is
economic inequalities, I’d have to      Andrew and Julie’s son in            communally owned land being            Pākehā families, and the inter-     brought up learning about how
have rocks in my head not to see        Australia chips in too.              taken by a bank for mortgagee          family flows of money and             successful money lives work.
that the way our economy works              To recognise this is a family    sale.                                  support within them. The most            They are an example to other
isn’t a perfect fit with cultures of    asset, not personal wealth, the         There can be tensions.              common ethnicity for multi-           families looking for ways to live
every one of the roughly 200            house has been put into a trust to   Excessive tithing to already           generation living (three              prosperous, authentic lives.

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12   UPPER HUTT LEADER, MAY 29, 2019                                                                                                                                                                              neighbourly.co.nz

Parenting                                                                                                                   WITH AUTHOR AND MOTHER OF FOUR BOYS MARY-ANNE SCOTT

How to deal with difficult relatives
Q: I have a half-sister from my                                                                                                                                   But I’d like to suggest that    you only communicate on social
mother’s side who I have had                                                                                                                                  there’s more than rudeness          media (and then it appears there
little to do with.                                                                                                                                            going on when your sister           was a two-year drought?), then
    I was brought up by my                                                                                                                                    doesn’t give you the thanks         one would have to doubt your
father (and step-mother) since                                                                                                                                you’re searching for. I think she   motives in all this. If you
their divorce. I have been in                                                                                                                                 withholds her appreciation          genuinely cherish this woman,
New Zealand for 20 years and                                                                                                                                  because she knows how               then stop tipping your actions so
am originally from China.                                                                                                                                     desperately you want to be          that you are the generous, lucky
    A few years ago, my mother                                                                                                                                thanked. Your whole                 one.
came to help me for six                                                                                                                                       relationship seems out of kilter.       I don’t profess to be a
months with my second son,                                                                                                                                        You assume she wants your       relationship expert, but
following his birth. It was the                                                                                                                               life. You have two children, you    common-sense tells me you both
first time in 25 years that we                                                                                                                                live here in New Zealand, you       have stuff to work through. Is it
had lived together.                                                                                                                                           clearly have money. You’re both     worth it? This is about family so
    My half-sister and her                If you only communicate on social media, then all the demons between                                                adults now, you’ve probably both    I’d say it’s worth heaps; way
husband came to join us too               family members are unlikely to be properly worked through.                                                    TNS   missed out on family stuff with     more than a new refrigerator, or
for a month for their                                                                                                                                         your parents’ divorce and you       any number of gifts.
honeymoon. We not only paid                  Recently, we have planned                                           wants to carry on as normal.                 being taken off to another
for everything, but also gifted           to go back to China to visit                                           But the other part is very hurt              country. It makes me wonder         Mary-anne Scott has raised four
them money and trips. Last                family and I realised that she                                         and just wants to cut her off.               what your sister has that you       boys and written three novels for
time I went back to China I               has blocked me on social                                                                                            will always crave?                  young adults, all of which have
even bought them a                        media for at least one or two                                          A: There’s two sides to this, of                 Perhaps it’s the love and       been shortlisted for the NZ Book
refrigerator – I have been                years. I know she has been                                             course. Your half-sister clearly             affection of your mother.           Awards for children and young
nothing but nice.                         struggling to get pregnant,                                            has some issues and you’ve                   Perhaps it’s the very fact that     adults. As one of seven sisters,
    So I was a bit hurt when I            whereas I have two children.                                           littered your letter with clues as           she’s had her whole life with       there aren’t many parenting
heard very little from my half-           Perhaps she is jealous and                                             to why this may be.                          your mother and you’ve only         problems she hasn’t talked over.
sister after they visited – she           can’t stand my posts of the                                                Money can’t buy love, money              had time with your mother           Please note that Mary-anne is not
made her husband write an                 children?                                                              can’t buy happiness – we all                 latterly when your second son       a trained counsellor. Her advice is
email to say thank you after                 I asked her what she would                                          know this to be true and yet                 was born. I think that must have    not intended to replace that of
they left. Since then, she has            like me to bring, even after                                           you’re lavishly bestowing gifts              been hard for you, but it seems     professional counsellor or
never contacted me. Most of               bringing up (innocently) the                                           and trips and wanting gratitude              you’re determined not to show       psychologist.
the time she just ignores me or           fact that I was blocked (and                                           in return. When your half-sister             any vulnerability to your           To send Mary-anne a question
my questions (for example,                she unblocked me without any                                           doesn’t thank you (she made her              younger half-sister.                email life.style@stuff.co.nz with
asking how she was when she               explanation) and bought the                                            husband write the email), you                    You probably both have          Dear Mary-anne in the subject
was not well) on social media.            stuff she was after. Part of me                                        are confused and disappointed.               demons you need to air, but if      line. Your anonymity is assured.

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         Upper Hutt Musical Theatre
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                                                                                                                                             Year 8 students are invited to attend the Upper Hutt College Open Day on
             Celebrating 80 years                                                                                                            Wednesday 5 June 2019. This year, we have two visit times (9:00am or
                                                                               Artery Conditions                                             12:00pm), both which will start off in our College Hall. The Open Day is an
                                                                                                                                             opportunity for your child to have a hands-on experience showing what Upper
                                                                               Spider & Facial                                               Hutt College has to offer, ranging from Science and Languages to Technology
         30 May -                                                              Vein Treatment                                                and the Creative Arts.

        8 June 2019                                                            Non invasive and                                                                    Open Evening:
                                                                               minimal pain                                                                    Wednesday 19 June 2019
      Up-Stage Theatre                                               Call 0800 834 643                                                                              6:00pm Start
                                                                     to make an appointment                                                  All prospective students interested in attending Upper Hutt College in 2020 and
            26A Moonshine Road                                                                                                               their parents/caregivers are invited to attend the Upper Hutt College
                                                                                                                                             Open Evening on Wednesday 19 June 2019.
                Upper Hutt
                                                                                                                                             The evening will commence in the College Hall at 6:00pm with a brief welcome.
                                                                          Wellington - Lower Hutt
                                                                                                                                             Students and their parents/caregivers will then be given a tour of the school,
                                                                         Kapiti - Palmerston North
             Tickets $20                                                           Nelson
                                                                                                                                             escorted by our senior students. Various subject areas highlighting courses,
                                                                                                                                             student learning and achievement information will be on display.
           From Expressions Arts &                                            reception@svh.co.nz                                                       For more information, please contact the College on 527 8749
             Entertainment Centre                                             www.svh.co.nz                                                                           email office@upperhutt.school.nz
       04 527 2168 - expressions.org.nz                                                                                                                               website www.upperhutt.school.nz

                                                                                                                                                    Upper Hutt College is a community, passionate about learning,

                                                                     Southern Cross Health Society
                                                                                                                                                        that encourages pride, participation and excellence.
                                                                     Affiliated Providers. Criteria may apply.
neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                    MAY 29, 2019, UPPER HUTT LEADER          13

More is less in third instalment
                                                                                                                                                  By this point, I wouldn’t
Review                                                                                                            Halle Berry is among the    really have cared if Reeves was
                                                                                                                  newcomers joining           getting about the place using
John Wick 3: Parabellum                                                                                           Keanu Reeves in John        enchanted fireplaces, magic
(R16, 130 mins)                                                                                                   Wick 3: Parabellum.         wardrobes or riding a sodding
Directed by Chad Stahelski
                                                                                                                                              unicorn, so complete is the
Reviewed by Graeme Tuckett
                                                                                                                                              franchise’s descent into fantasy.
                                                                                                                                                  The film even cracks a couple
                                                                                                                                              of Matrix in-jokes – one visual,
The 2014 John Wick was a blast                                                                                                                one a line – just so we know that
of inventive and often hilarious                                                                                                              Reeves and co are in on the gag
brutality that stripped the man-                                                                                                              and winking at us to let us know.
alone-seeks-revenge trope down                                                                                                                    Ian McShane (Deadwood) and
to its absolute essentials and                                                                                                                Lance Reddick (The Wire) return
didn’t waste a second or a pixel                                                                                                              in support, as the manager and
on anything that wasn’t                                                                                                                       concierge of the mythical
propelling the action to ever                                                                                                                 Continental Hotel, while
more ludicrous and loveable                                                                                                                   Anjelica Huston, Halle Barry
heights.                                                                                                                                      and Asia Kate Dillon (Orange is
    The role was written for                                                                                                                  the New Black) are all reliably
Keanu Reeves and it’s                                                                                                                         excellent in support.
impossible now to imagine                                                                                                                         John Wick 3 is maybe the
anyone else playing Wick, the                                                                                                                 most spectacular of the series,
ultimate cartel hitman, dragged                                                                                                               but it’s also the weakest.
out of retirement when he’s                                                                                                                       Just as The Matrix
attacked in his own home.                                                                                                                     irrevocably jumped-the-shark in
    Wick’s sign-off line – ‘‘You                                                                                                              the third instalment, so this film
killed my dog’’ – is a classic of                                                                                                             goes tap-dancing across the roof
perfectly rendered schlock.                                                                                                                   of the aquarium at least once too
    John Wick followed Reeves,                                                                                                                often.
almost video-game style, through                                                                                                                  Hoping for the final chapter of
an escalating series of gun, knife                                                                                                            a bloody good trilogy, instead –
and fist fights – punctuated by an                                                                                                            spoiler alert – I got the third
absolute bare minimum of                 John Wick 3 picks up exactly   ideas. John Wick took place in a    instalment, the series has gone   episode in what looks like a
exposition – until he finally        where 2 left off. Wick is on the   universe that didn’t seem too       from likeably deranged to         series that is running out of
catches and dispatches the men       run and about to be hunted down    different from our own.             Matrix-like levels of parallel-   ideas. I still enjoyed pretty much
responsible for the canine’s         by every assassin in New York          It’s very easy to believe,      universe dementedness.            every minute of John Wick 3, but
demise.                              City for the $14m bounty now on    wandering around New York’s            For a brief second-act, the    there are enough fumbles here to
    John Wick is a lean and          his head.                          Lower East Side and Chinatown,      action goes global, with Wick     suggest a franchise that is
basically perfect film.                  Wick has breached the rules    that there really is a secret       travelling to North Africa by     cashing in, when it should know
    Along with the sequel John       of ‘‘The Table’’’ – the shadowy    behind every door and forces at     unexplained means to meet with    when to quit.
Wick 2 and 2011’s The Raid, it’s     crime syndicate who seem to run    work you will never know of.        a man who apparently runs the         Strangely, I mostly remain
about as good as the genre ever      the world – and now he must die.       John Wick 2 raised the stakes   entire planet from a tent         invested and happily along for
needs to get.                            Wick, of course, has other     a little, but with this third       reachable only by camel.          the ride.
14              UPPER HUTT LEADER, MAY 29, 2019                                                                                                                                                    neighbourly.co.nz

What’s On                                                                                                    What’s
                                                                                                             on near

FAMILY &                                Avenue/Fergusson Drive,
                                        Wallaceville.                                                                                                                         GET LISTED
COMMUNITY                               Korokoro Dam Family Walk: The
                                                                                                                                                                              Want to see your event in this list?
Artificial Intelligence, Trust and      Friends of Belmont Regional Park
                                                                                                                                                                              Visit nbly.nz/hut and fill out the
Society: Digital innovation             invite you on a Queen’s Birthday
                                                                                                                                                                              online form with your event details.
surrounding big data, AI, machine       weekend walk to Korokoro Dam.
                                                                                                                                                                              Make sure you do this at least one
learning and predictive data            Family friendly, back by noon. Bring
                                                                                                                                                                              week before your event. Inclusion is
modelling is advancing rapidly          sensible shoes and snack. Details
                                                                                                                                                                              at the editor’s discretion.
largely unchecked. Dr Steve             on Neighbourly. June 2, 10:30am,
McKinlay looks at the implications.     Belmont Regional Park, Oakleigh St
May 30, 6:30pm, War Memorial            entrance, Maungaraki.                                                                                                                 Wine Society.
Library, 2 Queens Drive, Lower          Lions Mini Market: Lion Hall, King                                                                                                    www.westernhillswinesociety.nz.
Hutt.                                   St, Upper Hutt, a Mini Market is held                                                                                                 June 5, 8pm, Maungaraki
Bird Show: A variety of birds will      on the last Saturday every month,                                                                                                     Community Centre supper room,
be on show. Sales bench and             8am-11.30am, tables $5 each,                                                                                                          135 Dowse Drive, Maungaraki
associated equipment also               inquiries to 526 4059.                                                                                                                WPRR Writing Group: Meets
available. Show concludes at 12         Naenae Market: Is now on                                                                                                              every 3rd Saturday from 11am to
noon. June 30, 9am, St. Davids          Saturdays. Fresh Fruit & Veges,                                                                                                       12.30pm at Writers Plot Readers
Wesley Centre, Cnr Fergusson Dr &       Coffee, Food, Games, Local                                                                                                            Read Bookshop, 2/893 Fergusson
Benzie Ave, Upper Hutt.                 Businesses and more. If you would                                                                                                     Dr, Upper Hutt (opposite the
Character Make Up                       like a stall contact Christine on       Bird Show: See listing this page.                                                    STUFF    Railway station). $5 with
Demonstration: 75th Anniversary         0210746062. 11am, Hillary Court,                                                                                                      refreshments provided. Further
event - professional character          Naenae.                                 Vivien 5603526 or Craig 5602978.            7:30pm, Riding for the Disabled,                  details phone 5284549.
make up demonstration by                Naenae Knitting Natters: Meet           Soroptimist International                   County Lane, Silverstream, Upper
professional make up artist. $5 per     every Wednesday from 10am to 12         Lower Hutt: A Women’s Service               Hutt.                                             SPORT, EXERCISE &
person. Spaces strictly limited.        noon. Come and join others who          club which supports our local               Upper Hutt Save the Children:                     OUTDOORS
Registration essential at               enjoying knitting. Donations of         community. Club meetings are held           Wesley Centre, 1 Benzie Ave, meets
www.huttrep.co.nz/events. June 16,      wool Welcome. Team Naenae               on 3rd Wednesday of each month.             for morning tea and a speaker,                    Arthritis Exercise Group: Upper
2:30pm, Hutt Repertory Theatre,         Trust. Ph 021 0746062 for more          Contact Jenny: 9383145 or Laxmi:            every second Tuesday of the                       Hutt Cossie Club, gentle exercises
108 Oxford Terrace, Lower Hutt.         details. Treadwell St Hall, Naenae.     0210493187/5694505. 6pm, Petone             month, 10am, cost $5, phone                       specifically designed for people
Fairfield Women’s Institute:            New Settlers Women’s Group:             Working Men’s club, Udy St, Lower           Jeanette 528-2750.                                with arthritis, meets on the second
Welcoming new members to come           Every Friday morning (school term)      Hutt.                                       Upper Hutt Spinners &                             and fourth Thursday each month,
along and join us on the first          for fellowship and craft from           Upper Hutt Chess Club: Meet at              Weavers: Share knowledge and a                    10.30-11.30am, $3 per session,
Tuesday of every month at 1pm,          10.00am to 12.30pm at Family            Hapai Building, Fergusson Drive,            cuppa. Meets Tuesdays 9:30am-                     contact
Knox Church hall, High St. Contact      Works, 4 Exchange St, Upper Hutt.       every Monday at 7.30pm. Enquiries           12pm, Wednesdays 7-9pm, Sundays                   irene.e.james45@gmail.com.
president Yvonne King on 938 4821       Any enquiries phone 04 5284 164.        contact Roger Smith 9716528.                1-3pm. Trentham Railway Station.                  Free Community Workout: Jens
for more information.                   REBUS Club Petone: New                  F&B Upper Hutt Monthly                      Western Hills Wine Society:                       Bootcamp has teamed up with HCC
Crafters Market: Home and hand-         members welcome for 2019 - if           Meeting: Come and hear about                Wooing Tree, a family-owned single                to bring a free fitness workout to
produced arts and crafts, plants,       you’re retired and seeking              Barry & Rosemary Wards walking              vineyard near Cromwell                            your community. June 1, 8:15am,
produce & Devonshire teas. June 1,      friendship, outings and interesting     Cape Reinga to Wellington - Te              specialising in pinot noir, will be               Treadwell Street Hall, 31 Treadwell
9am, Wesley Centre, Benzie              speakers at monthly meetings call       Aroroa, NZ. All welcome. May 28,            guest presenter at the Western Hills              Street, Naenae.

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neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                                  MAY 29, 2019, UPPER HUTT LEADER                            15

What’s On
NZ Sport Aerobics & Fitness
Open: National and international
                                             Classic West Side Story at Opera House
level athletes compete for                   Straight from a successful season
national titles. Tickets $3-$25.             in Melbourne, Opera Australia is                                                                                              WIN TICKETS
Book at www.expressions.org.nz.              bringing West Side Story to
                                                                                                                                                                           We have two tickets to
June 8, 9am, Expressions                     Wellington.
                                                                                                                                                                           giveaway to the Friday, June
Whirinaki Arts & Entertainment                    The musical, first staged on
                                                                                                                                                                           7, 7.30pm performance of
Centre, 836 Ferguss Drive, Upper             Broadway in 1957, tracks the tale
                                                                                                                                                                           West Side Story at the
Hutt.                                        of Tony and Maria who fall in
                                                                                                                                                                           Wellington Opera House. To
Upper Hutt Walking and                       love at a chance encounter but
                                                                                                                                                                           enter email editor@huttnews.
Tramping Club: Welcomes new                  are kept apart by ethnic
                                                                                                                                                                           co.nz with West Side Story in
members of all fitness levels.               differences - Tony an all-
                                                                                                                                                                           the subject line. Please include
Keep fit exploring tracks in Hutt            American boy and Maria a
                                                                                                                                                                           your name, address and
Valley and neighbouring regions.             Puerto Rican immigrant.
                                                                                                                                                                           telephone number. Entries
Meets weekly Sunday AM. Trip                      Sixty-two years later racism,
                                                                                                                                                                           close on Friday, May 31 at
list available on                            ethnic tensions and sexism are
www.uhwtc.org.nz OR phone                    still prevalent, making the show
Helen 9702046.                               just as relevant today.
Walking Group: Petone                             Donald Chan, who is based in
Community House, 6 Britannia St,             Miami, has conducted more than
mainly flat walks for the over 60s,          3000 performances of this show
Thursdays, twice monthly, info:              around the world and will be              Kirsten Mason, the general        the music and positioning in the                                 NZ -Made
                                                                                                                                                                      made the score his own         stron
Shirley, 589-8917.                           leading Orchestra Wellington for      manager of Orchestra Wellington,      pit.                                         ■ West Side Story. Wellington
Walking Group: Open to all                   the June season at the Opera          says Chan has been very involved           ‘‘We’re very excited about              Opera House, June 6-16.
ages. For information contact                House.                                in the leadup - with the musicians,   playing with a conductor who has             Bookings: ticketmaster.
Richard 0275661335. Saturday
morning 7.30am meet at the
Melling train station, Wednesday           book visit www.expressions.org.nz      (04)5272168. June 20, 8pm, The         Workshop: Work with artist                    $45. Book now at
nights 6pm Meet at The River Of            or phone (04) 5272168. Up-Stage        Studio, Ward Street, Upper Hutt.       Sarah Hudson (Ngāti Awa, Ngāi               www.expressions.org.nz. June 2,
Life Church car park Lincoln Ave.          Theatre, 26A Moonshine Road,           EXHIBITIONS,                           Tūhoe) to create head wear that              8pm, Expressions Whirinaki Arts &
THEATRE, FILM                              Upper Hutt.                                                                   protects you from surveillance                Entertainment Centre, 836
                                           Strictly Sex Factor (On Ice): The      MUSIC AND                              and facial recognition                        Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt.
AND DANCE                                  Heretaunga Players presents            COMEDY                                 technology. June 8, 2pm, The
                                                                                                                                                                       Upper Hutt Country Music Club:
55 Musicals Abridged: Upper                Strictly Sex Factor (On Ice). This                                            Dowse Art Museum, 45 Laings
Hutt Musical Theatre presents 55           performance runs from 20 - 29          Hutt Valley Ukulele Orchestra:         Road, Lower Hutt.                             Masonic Hall 27 Islington Street,
Musicals Abridged (Celebrating             June. Tickets are $18 per person.      Petone Working Men’s Club on           The Topp Twins: Queen’s                       Trentham, all welcome, meets
80 Years). Show runs from May              To book visit                          Thursdays, 7-8.30pm.                   Birthday Music Festival 2019                  every second Sunday from 6.30pm.
30-June 8. All tickets $20. To             www.expressions.org.nz or phone        Sarah Hudson: Headwear                 presents The Topp Twins. Tickets              Enquiries contact Yvonne 528 2793.

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Beat birds to your persimmons
SHERYN DEAN                                                                                                        DIG A HOLE                             hole big enough for the roots and
                                                                                                                   New fruit trees are best               add some more to bring it all up
The glowing orange globes                                                                                          transplanted in June or July           to ground level before replacing
among colourful autumn leaves                                                                                      when they are dormant and to           the mulch.
make the persimmon worthy as                                                                                       give them time to get established
an ornamental plant – but the                                                                                      before spring. They are best           LEAVE ROOT VEGETABLES
fruit is its crowning glory.                                                                                       planted in a good-sized hole filled    UNDERGROUND
   Most persimmons are the non-                                                                                    with quality compost and well-         Yacon, Jerusalem artichokes and
astringent variety, ‘Fuyu’, which                                                                                  rotted manure. Preparing that          yams (known as oca to the rest of
can be eaten while still firm. I                                                                                   compost and planting hole now          the world) will sweeten as the
prefer to leave them until they                                                                                    while it’s still nice outside is       cold turns their starch into
turn a slightly darker orange but                                           GET GROWING                            much more pleasant, gives              sugar, so leave them in the
unfortunately the wax-eyes don’t                                                                                   everything time to rot down and        garden as winter takes hold.
                                                                            This column is adapted from the
share my restraint.                                                                                                means when you do get your tree,       They’ll also store much better
                                                                            weekly e-zine, get growing, from
   At least they finish a fruit                                                                                    you can pop it in immediately          underground than anywhere else
                                                                            New Zealand Gardener magazine.
before starting the next one, so I                                                                                 and quickly, no matter what the        unless you have particularly wet
                                                                            For gardening advice delivered to
leave the fruit that’s hard to                                                                                     weather.                               soil.
                                                                            your inbox every Friday, sign up for
reach, and anything that’s                                                                                            How big a hole depends on              Above ground, yacons will die
                                                                            Get Growing at: getgrowing.co.nz
overripe or damaged, for them —                                                                                    your soil type. If you are in          down to waist-high sticks, which
and if I harvest mine each                                                                                         metre-deep loam in Taranaki,           will mark their place, but yams
morning, as soon as the colour        insulate it and supply a heat sink    stews. Any clear plastic will do       you’re lucky but if your soil is       and Jerusalem artichokes can get
turns, I can get my share without     to radiate warmth into the air.       (even bubble wrap) or ask at your      sand or clay, preparing a 1m x 1m      lost in autumn clean-ups – note
needing to net the tree.              Anything that holds the heat can      local furniture shop if they want      area with optimum growing              their location with a stick or
   Peeled and sliced, they are        be used as a heat sink: a rock, a     to recycle any mattress bags.          medium will mean your tree will        marker so you can scratch out
delicious fresh with a glass of       bucket of water or a 20-litre         Make some supports to keep             grow better, fruit earlier and be      and harvest them as needed.
wine but my favourite way to use      container of used oil. Set it up      them off your plants. Use bent         more able to resist pests and             If you have excess, you can
them is dried and saved for           close, on the south side of the       pieces of old alkathene pipe or        diseases. Dig your hole, backfill it   use the tops as stock food before
winter or baking.                     plant.                                bamboo, if you can bend it, or         with a mix of soil,                          the cold kills it off. Cows
                                          The coldest frosts are when       you can buy flexible fibreglass        compost, seaweed                                love yacon leaves and a
RUG UP PLANTS FOR WINTER              the sky is clear. But a sunny day     rods. Cover all with the plastic       and manure,                                        friend is currently
Winter is coming but our soils        will warm the sink, which will        and throw some dirt on the edges       cover it with                                        trialling making
are still holding the warmth of       then gently radiate heat at night.    to anchor it down.                     mulch to                                              silage from
summer, and while leaves can          For added protection, drape a             Open your cover occasionally       insulate the                                           Jerusalem
freeze in subzero temperatures it     frost cloth over all at dusk.         on a warm, wet day, not just to        soil life and                                          artichoke leaves.
is the soil temperature that                                                check for weeds and pests but to       leave till                                              Young yam shoots
affects how a plant grows.            WARM UP WINTER VEGES                  refresh the air and ensure             planting                                               are also edible for
Common advice is to have bare         It is a long, dark winter for         moisture is getting in to the          time.                                                  humans and can be
soil around frost-tender plants, as   brassicas sitting dormant till        roots. Even if it is pouring with         By then,                                           eaten as a green
the soil radiates heat up into the    spring but a simple tent of clear     rain, that moisture is not             the soil may                                         vegetable and the
foliage, but this exposes soil to     plastic will have them                necessarily getting under the          have settled a                                     mature stems can be
the cold. I mulch the soil to         flourishing in time for winter        plastic tent.                          bit, so scrape out a                            treated like rhubarb.

       Heretaunga College

       Tuesday 11 June 2019, 6.30pm

       We Warmly Invite
       all prospective students and
       parents to our Open Evening
       The Evening will commence at 6.30pm with an Address by
       our Senior Leadership Team in the School Hall

       Ward Street, Wallaceville, Upper Hutt
       info@heretaunga.school.nz | www.heretaunga.school.nz

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