Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University

Page created by Miguel Pierce
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia,
persone, processi
Carlo Iantorno
National Technology Officer
Microsoft Italia
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
New Innovation, New Opportunities
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
Le molte sfide delle città di oggi
In un mondo che è sempre più complesso e interconnesso…

Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
Smart City = “value proposition” di una città
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
Real Impact Requires A Holistic Approach
                              PUBLIC PRIVATE

    LOCAL & GLOBAL                         THOUGHT
      PROGRAMS                             LEADERSHIP
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
Real Impact for Better Cities
Connected & Efficient: The Cloud                                                                           Insight & Intelligence: View the
is changing the economics of                                                                               city as a holistic system
what’s possible

                                                                  Education                          Health &
                                    Development                                                       Human
                                    & Opportunity                                                    Services

                  Transportation,                                                                                        Public
                     Planning &                                                                                         Safety &
                   Infrastructure                        Effective City                                                  Justice
                                                  Governance & Administration
                                           Through shared services (Tax/Finance, HR, Fac., Procurement, etc.)
                                               --Informed Decision Making & Resource Mgt
                                            --Efficient Citizen Service Delivery & Engagement
                                           --The right tools make city workers highly effective                               Tourism,
               & Energy                            Foundation for Future Innovation                                            Culture
                                    Privacy, Security, Interoperability, Accessibility, Data Sovereignty

            An optimized Connected City Framework that drives efficiency and provides holistic insight
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
Il contributo delle aziende globali
Microsoft National Plan
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
National Plan Vision statement
   Re-ignite national competitiveness and build a sustainable
  socio-economic foundation through technology and innovation
      Microsoft’s technology, competencies, international
        experience, partnerships are an asset for Italy.
• To help accelerate innovation in private and public organizations
• To close digital gap in population and ensure digital inclusion, focusing on
  youth, disadvantaged people, small businesses, women and seniors.
• To support the cultural, legislative, regulatory changes needed to migrate
  to a modern information society.
• To drive a full ecosystem of alliances to participate to the modernization
  project and to the dream of a new country
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
Social commitment: Microsoft YouthSpark

  Transforming        Imagine:            Realize:
  Education &         Unleashing Future   Increasing
  Expanding Digital   Innovators          Employability &
  Inclusion                               Entrepreneurship
Città Intelligenti: tecnologia, persone, processi - Carlo Iantorno - Bocconi University
Microsoft case studies
4/19/2013   12
Udine - Non-emergency service: crowdsourcing solution –
ePart (Posytron)

City of Vancouver
 Open Data Catalogue
Golden Ice: Being Smart….with social impact (measurable)
  Optimizing the winter services on the roads (salt-spreading and snow plough)
  making use of leading edge ICT, including

                   Spreading Parameters
   Maps view

                                             Spreading Group

                                    Dedicated CAN Bus                       Disk

  Controls                                                     Power Pack
Enercloud: efficiency of light poles
Cost reduction and improved management for public lighting
            •   Service delivered as SaaS
            •   Easy to use and without infrastructure

                  •     Cooperation with TELCO provider
                  •     Use of the USSD channel

                                              GSM Network
                                                                              SIM        Power
                                                                             m-to-m       lines
                                                            •   Low cost embedded terminals
   Enercloud Server                                         •   M2M communications
                          •     Flexibility                 •   Dismiss light sensors and
                          •     Cost reduction                  meccanic clocks
                          •     Centralized control         •   Remote control
Culture & Arts
Bringing digital experience to artwork

                                                     Musei senesi

                                  •   Interactive system for the 44 museums in the
                                      province of Siena.
                                  •   Organized by the «Foundation dei Musei Senesi»
                                  •   Touch screen table and application
                                  •   HTML5 and «Deep Zoom» technologies
Training courses for disadvantaged                                             Activities to increase
youth promoting to help them get     Technology and social innovation   employability & entrepreneurship
               a job                    courses, assisting youth in       skills among youth: trainings,
                                      approaching the working world     contests, hands on lab, University
                                                                           IT camps, mentorship, etc.
Le sfide delle città e come
Un punto di vista
Portare innovazione nelle città: prerequisiti

      Risorse – partnership              Coinvolgimento dei
           finanziarie                        cittadini

                                          Capacità realizzativa e
La città diventa un service provider
       Questioni tecnologiche
       • Cavalcare l’evoluzione tecnologica
       • Architetture, non solo progetti

       Aspetti organizzativi
       • Trasformazione dei processi
       • Coinvolgimento dei cittadini

       Tematiche di business
       • Ecosistema di sviluppo applicativo
       • Partnership con il mondo privato

Architettura Concettuale
                              Citizen & Government Outcomes & Aspirations
                    Public           Health &                                Transportation,    Economic
 Quality                                                       Community,
                                                                                Planning &     Development         Environment
                   Safety &           Human                    Recreation,        Public            &                & Energy
Education           Justice          Services                    Culture      Infrastructure   Opportunity

                    Government Processes and Services that drive Outcomes
                             Manage Finances and               Make Informed                          Collaborate with
   Provide Essential                   Resources                   Decisions                           Stakeholders
Services to Constituents     (collect taxes, manage financial
                                                              (Policy, Budget, etc.)               (Govs, Business, NGOs, etc.)
                                   and capital assets, etc.)

                       Solution Areas to enable Processes and Services

Built on the Connected Government Framework: A scalable, efficient ICT Infrastructure
Architettura tecnologica di Smart city di Microsoft
Per sostenere una piattaforma aperta e interoperabile
                                                           Education              Health &
                            Transit,     Development
                          Planning &
            Energy &                                                                            Safety &
           Environment                                                                          Justice

       Exec. Admin.                                                                                Tourism,
      (City Hall, Tax                                                                             Culture &
          & Rev,                                                                                  Recreation
      Oversight, etc)


Oltre la tecnologia – la forza della partnership
                                   Programmi Microsoft
Raccomandazioni per un’efficace politica di innovazione nelle città e la
                     realizzazione delle Smart Cities

            Rafforzare la capacità tecnologica dei comuni con una struttura informatica “state
                                                of the art”.

                                Aprire i dati della pubblica amministrazione.

                   Accelerare la realizzazione dei servizi digitali e della “e-participation”.

            Diffondere il valore del digitale nell’istruzione, università e imprenditoria giovanile.

                                  Realizzare infomobilità e smart logistics.

                       Valorizzare cultura e arti e supportare la crescita del turismo.

                        Rafforzare l’inclusione digitale e l’efficacia del terzo settore.

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