ESG Real Estate Insights 2021 | Article #8 ESG criteria in real estate - Deloitte

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ESG Real Estate Insights 2021 | Article #8 ESG criteria in real estate - Deloitte
ESG Real Estate Insights 2021 | Article #8
ESG criteria in real estate
ESG Real Estate Insights 2021 | Article #8 ESG criteria in real estate - Deloitte
ESG criteria in real estate | ESG Real Estate Insights 2021

Do not forget “S” and “G” – a holistic approach
to ESG is required

ESG criteria in real estate | ESG Real Estate Insights 2021

                                      Real estate companies consider “S”                      Concerning funding opportunities, the
Environmental, social, and            and “G” as crucial                                      aforementioned CFO Survey points out
governance (ESG) considerations       Undoubtedly, ESG is increasingly turning                that a better disclosure of environmental
have become increasingly              into an important impact factor in the                  issues is perceived as the most promising
important across the real estate      real estate industry. According to the                  aspect to enable companies a better
sector. Yet, awareness regarding      2020 spring edition of Deloitte’s European              access to the capital market. Nevertheless,
the three ESG aspects seems           CFO Survey, most companies already                      30% of financial services and real estate
to differ across “E”, “S”, and “G”.   incorporate ESG criteria into their                     companies – 9% more than the cross-
Since buildings are considered as     business strategy. About half of the 114                industry average – also consider social and
one of the key factors in climate     CFOs surveyed from the financial services               governance elements as crucial (see fig. 2).
protection, unsurprisingly, there     and real estate industry – a share well
is often greater emphasis on the      above the cross-industry average – stated
“E”. Social as well as governance     that even all three of the following aspects
elements tend to receive less         apply to their company (see fig. 1).
attention in the public debate.
However, it turns out that both
“S” and “G” are also of particular    Fig. 1 – Share of CFOs reporting that all of the three given ESG considerations
relevance for real estate             apply to their company
                                                                                             My company includes ESG considerations in the
                                                                                                         definition of its strategy

                                                        51%                              2
                                                 address all three                              The case for our long term performance is
                                                    ESG issues                                  also communicated through ESG indicators

                                                     average: 44%
                                                                                             We have a good understanding of the ESG disclosures
                                                                                              that matter most to our investors and lenders

                                      Source: European CFO Survey Spring 2020 – only financial services and real estate companies.

                                      Fig. 2 – Share of CFOs reporting in which aspect of ESG they see disclosure improve-
                                      ments as an opportunity for their company to gain better access to capital markets

                                                          average: 47%
                                                                                 30%                                  30%

                                                                                               Cross-industry                        Cross-industry
                                                                                               average: 21%                          average: 21%

                                      Environmental                            Social                            Governance

                                      Source: European CFO Survey Spring 2020 – only financial services and real estate companies.

ESG criteria in real estate | ESG Real Estate Insights 2021

The observed differences across “E”,                     Social aspects in real estate include, for     Your Contact
“S” and “G” are not as pronounced as                     example, participation in the rehabilitation
one might assume given the public                        of public spaces, affordable housing,          Dr. Corinna Woyand
debate about ESG issues. So, aside                       social housing or care centers as well         Associate Manager | Research
from fostering eco-friendly buildings,                   as ensuring security in buildings and          Deloitte Germany
increasing the amount of green space or                  assuring human rights. From an internal
using environmentally compatible energy                  perspective, social elements may also
sources, there are also several critical                 comprise ensuring workplace safety,
social and governance impacts in the real                fostering high standards in labor practices,
estate sector.                                           responsible marketing, and promoting
                                                         diversity across the company.
Governance factors in real estate
Regarding the “G” in ESG, governance                     Incorporating social considerations can
scrutiny is central to companies’ ability                increase companies’ ability to attract
to continue business operations. While                   talent – especially among millennials. The
promoting corporate governance can                       risk of neglecting social elements can lead
present an opportunity for real estate                   to a lack of reputation, lost work, higher
companies in order to drive long-term                    employee turnover, increased operating
value, not addressing governance                         costs, and may threaten the ability to
considerations carries high risks –                      operate.
reaching from penalties and fines to a loss
of reputation and market penetration.                    Implications for real estate companies
                                                         Although environmental issues are of
Governance elements include, among                       particular importance in the real estate
others, compliance with governance rules                 sector, ESG goes beyond an isolated
and guidelines, ensuring adequate and                    consideration of “E”. As described
transparent remuneration, promoting                      above, the role of social and governance
transparent disclosure of governance                     elements should not be underestimated,
issues, taking action against corruption,                and low awareness regarding “S” and “G”
fostering diversity in management and                    elements may result in high risks – not
governing bodies, as well as establishing                only penalties and fines, but also loss
and communicating organizational values.                 of reputation and market penetration.
A corporate culture of ethics, compliance,               Real estate companies need to adapt
and integrity is the foundation to create a              to changing investor, consumer and
positive long-term impact.                               commercial expectations – ensuring the
                                                         acceptance of their business practices and
Social factors in real estate                            operating procedures by its stakeholders
Recently, the “S” in ESG has received                    and the public. A holistic approach to
growing attention as the COVID-19                        ESG is required in order to establish a
pandemic put greater emphasis on the                     successful “ESG-proof” business. This can
social factor. Since real estate companies               lead to a greater ability to attract talent,
have a significant social impact, they                   enable reputation gains, and may ensure
should consider the “S” as a value driver.               the social license to operate.

ESG criteria in real estate | ESG Real Estate Insights 2021

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Published 07/2021
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