Page created by Hector Elliott

                                                                                                      Summer Issue 001 / 2021
                            PLACE        Lifestyle Magazine

                                                              Place Shopping
                                                              For all the top shopping brands
                                                              and restaurants in St Albans.

Christopher Place is located in the historic quarter           Featuring quality stores like French
of St Albans just a short stroll from St Albans                Connection, The White Company,
Abbey. Our open air centre is the perfect place to             Honest Burger, Wagamamas and
shop or relax with family and friends.                         many more.

                                       Interview with Rishi       4-5

                                       Whistles                   6-7
                                                                         To Our New
                                       Pluto                      8-9    Welcome to the first
                                                                         edition of our seasonal
                                                                         magazine, showcasing
                                                                         the fantastic things we
                                       Leafy                     10-11   have to offer St Albans
                                                                         here in the heart of our

                                                                         We are absolutely thrilled
                                       Hobbs                     12-13
                                                                         to open our doors again
                                                                         after what has been a
                                                                         long and challenging
                                                                         lockdown period.
                                       Tomoka Spirits Boutique   14-15
                                                                         Both our long-standing
                                                                         retailers and our exciting
                                                                         new tenants have been
                                       Honest Burgers            16-17   flattered by the support
                                                                         and kind words from the
                                                                         people of St Albans and
                                                                         are delighted to be able
                                       Wagamama Vegan Menu       18-19   to bring life back to our
                                                                         historic city centre.

                                                                         We look forward to
                                       Zizzi                     20-21   welcoming even more of
                                                                         you back to the centre
Top Left Image: Hobbs                                                    particularly now the sun
                                                                         is shining!
Top Right Image: Zizzi                 Flying Tiger              22-23
Bottom Left Image: Honest Burger                                         C Morris
Right Image: Tomoka Spirits Boutique                                     CATHERINE MORRIS,
- Fine Spirits and Champagne.          Fitness First             24-25   CENTRE MANAGER.
Image: Hobbs
                                       I really love the shopping centre and of
                                       course the customers. It’s a fairly small site
                                       so it’s usually easy to keep on top of things    An
                                       and feel orderly.

                                       I love working with everyone in the team,
                                       especially the very friendly and welcoming
                                       Centre Manager, Catherine Morris.

                                                                                        with Rishi
                                       Image: Tomoka Spirits                            To give some insight into the             Have you faced any challenges?
                                                                                        people behind the scenes                  As it is quite an old centre there has been a few
                                                                                                                                  leaks in the loading area over the years and there
                                                                                        here at Christopher Place,
                                                                                                                                  is lots to keep on top of. It is a constant battle of
                                                                                        we are going to be speaking
                                                                                                                                  spotting problems before they occur!
                                                                                        with members of our fantastic
                                                                                        team; starting with Operations            Any surprises?
                                                                                        Manager and Head of Security,             I have been extremely happy to have some
                                                                                        Rishi Balgobin.                           renovations around the centre over the years that
                                                                                                                                  really brought the site back to life.

                                                                                                                                  What do you like about St Albans?
                                                                                                                                  St Albans is of course a very historic and touristy
                                                                                        When did you start working at             city which I enjoy, the Cathedral is my favourite
                                                                                        Christopher Place?                        part of St Albans, with the clock tower coming in
                                                                                        Way back in the year 2000!                at a close second. I love how Christopher Place
                                                                                                                                  is situated in the heart of the city and the city’s
                                                                                        What is your job role here at             layout makes it very easy to explore all the great
                                                                                        Christopher Place?                        local businesses.
                                                                                        I work as the Head of Operations
                                                                                        and as the overall Site Manager.          Describe your average day.
                                                                                                                                  I wake up at 5am, and then walk over to the centre
                                                                                        What was your first job role?             from my house in Chiswell Green. I start work at
                                                                                        When I started working here, I was a      6am and the first task is to do a handover with the
                                                                                        security guard as part of the security    nightguard, then go round do some checks, only a
                                                                                        team.                                     quick walk around, check for break-ins, health and
                                                                                                                                  safety, deal with any hazards or cleaning.
                                                                                        What have been some highlights
                                                                                        over the years?                           How do you spend your free time?
                                                                                        I really love the shopping centre and     I enjoy going for walks around the city.
                                                                                        of course the customers. It’s a fairly
                                                                                        small site so it’s usually easy to keep   How have you kept yourself busy during the
                                                                                        on top of things and feel orderly. I      lockdowns?
                                                                                        love working with everyone in the         Deep cleaning all areas, including the whole mall
                                                                                        team, especially the very friendly        and the entire car park, fixing any issues that may
                                                                                        and welcoming Centre Manager,             have caused problems in the future, and making
                        Image: Hobbs                                                    Catherine Morris.                         sure we were ready for a smooth return to a fully
                                                                                                                                  opened centre.

4         CP Magazine                                                                                                                                                 CP Magazine     5
                                                                                                       pieces that
                                                                                                       are far from

                        New Foundations
                                                                                                       Everyday pieces that
                                                                                                       are far from everyday,
                                                                                                       Whistles’ latest drop
                                                                                                       works in tandem with

                        Spring Summer 21
                                                                                                       the failsafe styles you
                                                                                                       already own. Now is
                                                                                                       the time to buy less
                                                                                                       but better—think new

                                                                                                       wardrobe foundations
                        Spring and summer are upon us and with them, a sense
                                                                                                       for a world tuned into
                        of hope. Crisp linens and sunshine-imbued prints make
                                                                                                       a more considered
                        for a warm weather wardrobe steeped in optimism, and                           frequency.
                        who better to represent this collection than model and
                        nutritionist Rosemary Ferguson—a woman for whom
                        positivity is innate.

                        A collective shift in mindset      As we slowly reemerge from
                        has meant a fundamental            our homes, Whistles’ spring-
                        change in the way that we          summer collection lends itself
                        dress. Time spent at home has      to days rediscovering the city.
                        placed a new focus on comfort      Put a fresh foot forward in
                        and ease, burgeoning a relaxed     this season’s most covetable
                        silhouette—yet one that is still   chunky sandals, typified by
                        tailored, crisp and defined        their deep footbeds and wide
                        at its edges; a silhouette         straps—ease of wearability
                        that moves with, rather than       being more crucial than ever.
A shopping              against you, giving the wearer     Clean and neutral tones of
destination             long-lasting functionality.        blush, stone, ecru and classic
for the busy,                                              camel cleanse the palette after
                        True style autonomy has
woman,                  arrived in the form of linen       a season of moodier colours,
we create               co-ords, featherlight shirting,    with buoyant top notes of
timeless                unstructured summer dresses        ochre, magenta and Yves Klein
pieces with
                        in souvenir prints and versatile   blue permeating through and
an intelligent
sense of                light-wash denim pieces            lifting the spirit.
design.                 designed to be cherished.

 6        CP Magazine                                                                                                   CP Magazine   7
Your portal
    to personal                                     A new solution
    Struggling to focus
                                                    for the work-
    at home? We’ve been

    Unlike coffee shops
    and co-working

    spaces, we created
    Pluto to help you
    focus on what really

    Whether you’re
    starting a business,
    a side project or                               Pluto offers cleverly designed, covid safe, workspace
    studying an online                              pods for the 'work from home' generation. Perhaps
    course: Pluto pods
    guarantee personal,                             you're a consultant, writer or a stressed-out parent in
    private space that                              need of peace - Pluto is the ideal workspace for you.
    helps you focus and
    get more done.
                                                    The sound proofed work pods offer high speed Wi-Fi
                                                    and a community of like-minded professionals to
                                                    connect with. With members being given access to a
                                                    range of local benefits and experiences exclusive to
                                                    them, why not go and try a 7 Day Free Trial and see
                                                    how your productivity elevates in a matter of hours in
                                                    a Pluto pod.

                                                                                                              Pluto is now open at Christopher
    Nothing is more important than the health                                                                 Place Shopping Centre, St Albans.
    and wellbeing of our community. From our
    Purifi™ air filtration technology to enhanced                                                             To book a time to come and visit,
    cleaning and control measures.                                                                  

8        CP Magazine                                                                                                         CP Magazine      9
Leafy has opened their first
                   Scandi-inspired salad bar in
                   Christopher Place shopping
                   Bringing healthy and                 The perfect choice for the
                   sustainable salad bowls, as          health-conscious people of St
                   well as a multi-award-winning        Albans this summer!
                   Kiss the Hippo Coffee to the
                   city.                                You’ll find our full selection of
                                                        salads, hot & cold drinks and
                                                        our full range of very unique
                                                        gifts to purchase.

                   Now open at Christopher Place

                   Their is limited seating available outside. Please come in to
                   purchase your salad before sitting down outside.

                   For click & collect and delivery, as well as opening times visit:

10   CP Magazine                                                                            CP Magazine   11
                       Hobbs' Spring Summer collection is
                       full of effortless styles to bring joy
                       to your summer outfits.

                       Think uplifting shades of yellow and
                                                                    Imbued with an
3                      green alongside cheerful florals and
                       playful lemon prints. Here's what
                       we're coveting this season...
                                                                    sense of optimism
                                                                4   1   THE BRIGHT SUN DRESS                                               1
                                                                        In vibrant green and a contemporary
                                                                        silhouette, the Tillie dress embodies
                                                                        this season's upbeat mood.

                                                                    2   THE PLAYFUL PRINTED SHIRT
                                                                        Showcasing an exclusive hand-
                                                                        painted lemon print, the Livia linen
                                                                        shirt brings a playful touch to white

                                                                    3   THE FRESH GINGHAM TUNIC
                                                                        Simply chic, the versatile Marciella
                                                                        tunic makes wearing summer's
                                                                        quintessential check easier than

                                                                    4   THE CHIC SHIRT DRESS
                                                                        Dressed up or styled with sandals,
                                                                        the Leona shirt dress puts a fresh
                                                                        spin on classic polka dots.

                                                                    5   THE ELEGANT ESPADRILLE
                                                                        Teamed with dresses, shorts or
                                                                6       jeans, a pair of espadrilles always
                                                                        lend a certain riviera chic to any

                                                                    6   THE WOVEN TOTE
                                                                        Nothing speaks of summer quite like
                                                                        an artisanal basket bag – and the
                                                                        Camber tote is a seasonal essential.

    12   CP Magazine                                                                                                    CP Magazine   13
A Simple
                                                                                                          Cocktail for
                                                                                                          the Summer

                       Tomoka Spirits
                                                                                                          Short and fragrant. Big love
                                                                                                          to legendary bartender Dick
                                                                                                          Bradsell, the creator.
                                                                                                          You’ll need:

                                                                                                          • 40ml Gin (Try Brixton Gin)
                                                                                                          • 25ml sugar syrup
                                                                                                          • 25ml lemon juice
                                                                                                          • 10ml Cassis (Chambord)
                                                                                                          • Berries or lemon zest
                                                                                                            for garnish
                       Summer is here and one drink that always screams
                                                                                                          Take a large measure of dry gin
                       Summer is... Gin. There is nothing better to quench a                              and shake together with the
                       thirst on a hot summer’s day than a delicious Gin & Tonic,                         lemon and sugar syrup, pour
                       maybe even a cheeky cocktail (with Gin of course).                                 over crushed ice and drizzle
                                                                                                          the cassis through the drink.

                                                                                                          Garnish with a lemon zest or
                       Brixton Gin – 45% abv                 Tarquins Hibiscus & Lemon –                  some fresh seasonal berries. A
                                                             42% abv                                      true party pleaser.
                       Brixton Gin includes local
                       ingredients such as honey             The Tarquin's Gin team down in
                       from nearby apiary, Brixton           Cornwall have gone and made an
                       Bees! Juniper and citrus are          expression that is just perfect if
                       combined with some more               you love bright, vibrant, exciting
                       unusual botanicals - wood             floral flavours in your gin.
                       violets and hibiscus are also in      Feast your eyes upon Tarquin's
                       the mix for a wonderfully floral      Hibiscus and Lemon Gin!
                       twist on a classic London Dry
                       Gin.                                  It's distilled using many of the
                                                             original botanicals but with
                       The bottle has some fabulous          the addition of lemon, along
Here are their
                       drawings on the label, including      with a helping of rose, and then
top 2 Gins
for Summer             Gustav Grais – a showman,             delicately infused with hibiscus.
2021 (all              famous in Brixton for his             Serve with tonic, drop in a fresh
available from         original choice of transport – a      strawberry, and enjoy!
Tomoka Spirits         zebra-drawn carriage.
Boutique).                                                   Taste: Fragrant hibiscus sits up
                       Taste: Crisp citrus and dry           front followed by subtle sweetness
                       juniper with gentle wafts of floral   and red fruits, followed by soft
                       honey and blossom on the nose         lemon flashes and a touch of
                       and finish. Sweet Parma Violets       juniper to round everything off.
                       contrasted with citrus really
                       make this a delight for the palate.

14       CP Magazine                                                                                                          CP Magazine   15
We’re Honest                Honest Burgers
                                 St Albans
     Burgers. We
     make British
     beef patties
     in our own
                                 Honest Burgers is a nationwide chain that makes incredible
     butchery and                British burgers, with an emphasis on celebrating and
     rosemary                    collaborating with local businesses.
     chips are cut
     and cooked
     daily.                      They have the locally brewed
                                 Sumo Pale Ale from Mad Squirrel
                                                                     Honest beef, pancetta, truffled
                                                                     taleggio, shoestring fries, honey-
                                 on tap, and celebrate our local     dijon mayo, watercress, and
                                 cuisine with their St Albans        balsamic pickles, served with
     Our restaurant is located
                                 Burger, in collaboration with The   homemade rosemary salted
     in Christopher Place
                                 Bishop's Cave.                      chips.
     Shopping Centre, just
     past the clock tower.
                                 See the mouth-watering              Available now exclusively from
                                 St Albans Burger above, made up     the Christopher Place restaurant.
     7-8 Christopher Place
     St Albans AL3 5DQ
     01727 649020

     Mon - Wed 11:30 – 21:30
     Thu - Sat 11:30 – 22:00
     Sun 11:30 – 21:00

16     CP Magazine                                                                                    CP Magazine   17
Wagamama launched their
                                            biggest vegan menu to date.
                                            Including your new favourite        guests + meat lovers alike!
                                            plant-based partner the vegan       Plus you can now enjoy the
                                            sticky ribs. Mushroom +             eagerly awaited, in-restaurant
                                            soya protein ‘ribs’, coated in      exclusive, vegan chilli squid.
                                            sweet + spicy sticky sauce.
                                            garnished with sesame seeds         Do believe the hype! Lightly
                                            + fresh spring onion.               battered pulled king oyster
                                                                                mushrooms, coated in
                                            Wagamama’s vegan sticky             shichimi + served with a sticky
                                            ribs have become a firm             dipping sauce.

                                            favourite for their plant-based

                   We’re committing
                   to making 50% of
                   our menu meat-free
                   by the end of 2021.
                   It’s not radical. It’s
                   necessary in 2021.
                   We promise a year
                   of positive action
                   by treading more
                   lightly on the earth.
                   this year + every
                                                               small changes. big difference
                   year that follows it.
                                                               Wagamama have created plant-based versions of some of their most
                                                               iconic dishes this summer and given some classics a vegan refresh.
                                                               There is no second-thought, token veggie options here. Only plant-
                                                               based heroes and powerhouse proteins!

18   CP Magazine                                                                                                                    CP Magazine   19
Visit Zizzi St Albans, an Italian restaurant
                   located on the High Street. We offer
                   outdoor dining area for sunny weather.
                   Book online and view our Italian menu.
                                                                  Italian food
                                                                  Zizzi is the perfect location for
                                                                  catching up with friends and
                                                                  family or for a much needed
                                                                  break after a shopping spree
                                                                  in Christopher Place this

                                                                  The restaurant serves tasty Italian
                                                                  dishes from pizza, pasta and
                                                                  risotto to salads and indulgent
                                                                  desserts – all in a uniquely
                                                                  designed restaurant. They have an
                                                                  extensive vegetarian, vegan and
                                                                  non-gluten menu offering, as well
                                                                  as their Bambini kids menu.

                                                                  They are open Monday – Sunday
                                                                  for lunch and dinner whether you
                                                                  are looking for a quick bite or
                                                                  leisurely meal. We recommend
                                                                  their 2-course lunch set menu for
                                                                  £11.95 available Monday – Friday
                                                                  and full of all your Zizzi favourites.

                                                                  You can also dine al fresco with
                                                                  their outdoor seating area to enjoy
                                                                  the sunny weather this summer!

20   CP Magazine                                                                                           CP Magazine   21
Quirky Gifts
                                                                                                      Play Tent   Stacking Tower
                                                                                                         £8            £3

                                Quirky Gifts
                                & Accessories
                                Flying Tiger is the one stop shop to keep the kids
                                entertained this summer. With constantly changing
                                                                                                      Ping Pong     Water Gun
                                seasonal stock, it truly has something for everyone!
                                Here are some of our top picks this summer:                              £5            £8

                                      Beach Set                 Pelican Pong Game                       Plane
                                           £3                             £5                             £3
Get inspired by our
wild side and visit our

        22        CP Magazine                                                                                           CP Magazine   23
Whether you’re
                                              looking to improve
                                              your mind, body or
                                              overall health this
                                              summer, Fitness
                                              First, St Albans is
                                              here to help you
                                              smash every goal!
                                              With fantastic fitness facilities, friendly
                                              personal trainers, and motivational group
                                              exercises, Fitness First is here to give you a
                                              workout unlike any other.

                   OPENING TIMES:

                   The gym is open 7 days
                   a week from 6am to 9pm
                   Monday to Friday and 8am
                   to 6pm on the weekends.
                                                   Health       Tailored for you.
                                                                So, whether you’re looking to work up a sweat before sunrise, squeeze in some
                                                                midday deadlifts or smash it in one of our group fitness classes just before bed,
                                                                we can tailor to every timetable.

24   CP Magazine                                                                                                                   CP Magazine      25
Store Opening
Monday–Saturday: 9am–5pm         Monday–Saturday: 11:30am–8pm     Monday–Thursday: 11am–10pm
Sunday: 11am–4 pm                Sunday: 10:30am–7pm              Friday–Saturday: 11am–11pm
                                                                  Sunday: 11am–10pm
PHASE EIGHT                      THE WHITE COMPANY
Monday–Saturday: 10am–5pm        Monday–Saturday: 9:30am–5:30pm   WHITEWALL GALLERIES
Sunday: 11am–4pm                 Sunday: 11am–5pm                 Monday–Saturday: 9:30am–5:30pm
                                                                  Sunday: 11am–5pm
PLUTO                            TOMOKA SPIRITS BOUTIQUE
Monday–Thursday: 8am–8pm         Monday–Friday: 10am–5pm          DARLISH ICE CREAM
Friday: 9am–5pm                  Saturday: 10 am–5:30pm           Mondays & Tuesdays: Closed
Saturday: 8am–2pm                Sunday: 11am–4pm                 Wednesdays & Thursday: 12–6pm
Sunday: Closed                                                    Friday: 12–7pm
                                 WACKY BARBER                     Saturday: 12–7pm
ROSE NAILS                       Monday: 10am–6pm                 Sunday: 12–7pm
Monday–Saturday: 10am–7pm        Tuesday: 10am–7pm
Sunday: 11am–6 pm                Wednesday: 10am–6pm              FITNESS FIRST ST ALBANS
                                 Thursday: 10am–7pm               Monday–Friday: 6am–9pm
SPACE NK                         Friday: 10am– 6pm                Saturday – Sunday: 8am–6pm
Monday–Saturday: 9:30am–5:30pm   Saturday: 8:30am – 5:30pm        Bank holidays: 8am–6pm
Sunday: 11am–5pm                 Sunday: Closed
                                                                  HONEST BURGERS
SPECSAVERS                       FRENCH CONNECTION                Monday–Wednesday: 11:30am–9:30pm
Monday–Saturday: 9am–5:30pm      Monday–Saturday: 10am–5pm        Thursday–Saturday: 11:30am–10:00pm
Sunday: 10am–5pm                 Sunday: 11am–5pm                 Sunday: 11:30am–9pm

FLYING TIGER                     HOBBS                            LEAFY
Monday: 10am–6pm                 Monday–Saturday: 10am–5pm        Monday–Friday: 9am–4pm
Tuesday: 10am–6pm                Sunday: 11am–5pm                 Saturday: 9am–5pm
Wednesday: 9am–6pm                                                Sunday: 10am–4pm
Thursday: 10am–6pm               JOJO MAMAN BÉBÉ
Friday: 10am–6pm                 Monday–Saturday: 9:30am–5pm      ZIZZI
Saturday: 9am–6pm                Sunday: 11am–5pm                 Monday–Saturday: 11:30am–11pm
Sunday: 10am–5pm                                                  Sunday: 11:30am–10pm
SUSHIMANIA                       Monday–Saturday: 10am–5pm
Monday–Sunday: 12pm–11pm         Sunday: 11am–5pm                 (all times subject to change)*

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      26     CP Magazine
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