Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ...

Page created by Ruth Moreno
Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ...
Child's Name ___________________________________
                       Summer Library Challenge Log                                                     Phone Number _________________________________
                                                                                                                        June 7- August 22
                                                                                                                       Read to Me (Ages 0-3)

Reading Log: Your child receives a free board book after 30 minutes read to them, and after earning the Completion
Badge your child receives a goody bag. Also, for every 30 minutes you read to your child and after completing an           Read and complete activities to earn prizes and a
                                                                                                                           free book for you. Enter drawings and have fun!
Activity Badge, your child receives an entry into the Grand Prize Drawing of a $20 gift card to Lake Kids or a $20 gift
                                                                                                                                      TURN IN LOG by August 22
card to Usborne Books. Starting the week of June 14, there will be a weekly drawing for prizes if you've read to your      If you have any difficulty accessing the internet,
child for at least 30 minutes. Check or color in the box(es) to let us know how much you've read.                           please contact us for ideas or for substitutions.

     30        60        90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

                      StoryWalk®                                                                                           Sing a classic nursery song with your child along with
               Complete 3 of the 6 activities to earn an
                                                                                     Sing                                  the movements. Place a one word description for the
                                                                         Complete 3 of the 5 activities to earn an         song. ____________________________________
               entry into a drawing for a $20 Lake Kids
                                                                         entry into a drawing for a a $20 Lake Kids        Sing one the songs listed on the website below. When
               gift card or a $20 gift card from Usborne
                                                                         gift card or a $20 Usborne Books gift card.       you do, type a short description of the song. For
                                                                    Play some dancing music and sing and dance             example, for the song "Monkeys on the Bed," you
Walk & read the StoryWalk® trail behind the library and
                                                                    along with your child. What is the title of the        could type Monkey or Bed. _____________________
enter the code word listed on the fifth page on the dates
                                                                    song? ______________________________         
listed below.
         Between June 7 and June 19.                                Have your child learn and sing a finger action
                                                                    song such as "Head, Shoulders, Knees and
         ______________________                                                                                            m_term=39289696
                                                                    Toes" or "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Tell us what song
         Between June 20 and July 3.                                they sang. ____________________________                Have your child sing the ABC song.
         Between July 4 and July 17.

         _____________________                                            Complete 2 of the 4 activities to earn an
                                                                          entry into a drawing for a $20 Lake Kids gift   Virtual & Radio Programs
         Between July 18 and July 31.
                                                                          card or a $20 gift card from Usborne Books.
         ______________________________                                                                                        Make a craft with your child from our booklet,
         Between August 1 and August 14.                               Go on one of the Story Walks® behind the                virtual programming or one you found on your
                                                                       library. Let us know the code word.                     own. Send us a photo if you can. What craft
         __________________________                                    ______________________________                          did you make? ____________________
         Between August 1 and August 14.                               Watch one of the Page Turner Events. Let                Listen to story time on the radio (WOJB 88.9
         __________________________                                    us know what show you watched.                          FM) on Friday @ 10:30 am. Let us know the
                                                                       ________________________                                code word.
Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ...
June 7 - August 22
                                                                                                          Summer Library Challenge Log
                             Read to Me (Ages 0-3)
                                                                                                                           Challenge Completion Badge
                   Senses                                      Check out these safe activities and tell us which
   Complete 3 of the 5 activities to earn an entry into a      was your child's favorite. ___________                    Congratulations for reading 90 minutes and
   drawing for a $20 Lake Kids gift card or a $20 Usborne              earning the Beanstalk Activity Badge! Contact us
   Books gift card.                                            play-activities/                                          to set up a time for you to receive a goody bag!
                                                                                                                         Don't stop now! Keep up the good work and earn
Try creating one of these sensory boxes for your child. In a                                                             more chances to win a Grand Prize!
few words tell us what you made.                               Blow bubbles with your child and tell us their
_____________________________                                  reaction. ___________________________
sensory-boxes-for-toddlers-and-babies/                         Make a sensory bag for your child. Here's a link
Create some edible paint and tell us what color is your
                                                               to give you some ideas. Tell us what you did in                  FAmily Activites
                                                               a few words. ____________________                              Complete 3 of the 5 activities to earn an
child's favorite. ____________                                                                                                entry into a drawing for a $20 Lake Kids
                                                                                                                                      gift card or a $20 Usborne Books gift
                                                                                                                         Draw a picture of each member of your
                                                                                                                         family or use photos, each on a separate
                  Move it!                                                       STorytelling                            sheet of paper for your child. Write the name
        Complete 3 of the 5 activities to earn an                            Complete 3 of the 5 activities to           of the person under the picture or write “I
        entry into a drawing for a a $20 Lake                                earn an entry into a drawing for a          love... because…” Have your child finish the
        Kids gift card or a $20 Usborne Books gift                           $20 Lake Kids gift card or a $20            sentences. Help them write or write for them.
        card.                                                                Usborne Books gift card.                    Staple the pages together into a book and
 Go outside and draw a chalk line to skip, hop,                                                                          read it together.
 run on, or put down a string or rope to do the                   Learn and teach your child some classic               Go for a family walk. Have your child look for
 same.                                                            Nursery Rhymes, simple songs and/or finger            shapes, colors, numbers, or letters (or for
 Make an indoor or outdoor obstacle course of                     plays.                                                very young children you can point out things
 things to climb over, under, around and through                                                                        you see and name them.)
 with things found in your house, garage, or yard.                Build a fort inside or outside and read books         Make some simple musical instruments
                                                                  together by flashlight or lantern.                    (drums, maracas, clappers etc.) or use pots
 Make a list of nature objects to find outside,                                                                         and pans, bells etc… to make your own
                                                                  Point to the pictures in a book and ask
 then go on a nature scavenger hunt. What are                                                                           family band. Play along to a favorite song.
                                                                  questions like: What color is this? What shape
 3 things that you found?                                                                                               Then have a dance party.
                                                                  is this? Is this big or small? Is it tall or short?
 Check out the cute animal yoga poses Nicole                                                                  
                                                                  What does this animal say? Or ask your child
 Nathan from Hayward Fitness Fanatics put                                                                               instruments/slide/1
                                                                  where is the ...? AND have them point to
 together just for our Library Families. Learn some
                                                                  things. (Even if they are too young to respond        Play simple games together: Peek a Boo,
 simple yoga poses together. What pose did you
                                                                  yet, you can point and respond for them.) Tell        Hide-and-Seek with a stuffed animal, Pat-a-
 child like?
                                                                  us one book you used for this.                        Cake, musical chairs or freeze dance, Simon
 Make a toss game with containers, balls,                                                                               Says, hallway bowling, Candyland, Chutes
 boxes or whatever you have on hand, count                        Use different voices when reading aloud to
                                                                                                                        and Ladders, Hi Ho Cherry-o or do a puzzle.
 “baskets” you make, objects in each                              your child. Have them copy you or tell you
 container, test out different objects to toss                    what the voice should sound like.                     Call or set up a video to meet up with family or
 and/or add points to the containers and work                                                                           friends you haven’t seen in awhile or who live
                                                                  Make some puppets and put on a show.                  far away.
 on simple math.
Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ...
Imagination                                                                                                 Complete 3 of the 8 activities to earn an entry into a
          Complete 3 of the 5 activities to earn an                                     Library Activities drawing for                     a $20 Lake Kids gift card or a $20 Usborne
          entry into a drawing for a $20 Lake Kids                                                                            Books gift card.
          gift card or a $20 Usborne Books gift
                                                                              Is your child signed up for the 1000 Books                  Write a note, or share photos and/or videos on
   Cut out different shapes and have your child
                                                                              Before Kindergarten         program at the                  what you've been doing for a Summer Reading
   rearrange them into a picture of something. Or
                                                                              Library? If not, talk to a librarian about                  Challenge:
   just let them tear, cut, hole punch, fold or
                                                                              getting signed up. If you are, check off this               Email:
   crumple paper to make their own picture.
                                                                              activity and don't forget to count the books      ,
   Make a “home” for plastic animals, people or                               read for the challenge as a part of your                    Mail to: P.O. Box 917, Hayward, WI 53843,
   other small toys you have. Use objects found                               1000 books.                                                 drop in the book drop, or share on Facebook.
   outside, boxes, paper, recycled materials
   (cans, paper tubes, jars, containers etc…) Or                              Attend the Outdoor Storytime presented by                   Attend one of the programs at the library
   let them make a home for an animal they                                    Northwest Connection Family Resources at                    presented by the Cable Natural History
   make up.                                                                   the library on Tuesday mornings at 10:15                    Museum, Northwoods Humane Society, Titus
    Make a magic wand and pretend to turn others                              am What story did you listen to?                            Salon or the Sawyer County Search and
    into certain animals - the person “transformed”                           ___________                                                 Rescue Team. What program did you attend?
    then needs to act like that animal - move like                                                                                        _____________________________________
    them, sounds like them. Take turns with the                               Share a photo of you and your child
                                                                              "caught reading" together by emailing us at                 Every week we will have Sherman the Mouse
                                                                                             in a new shirt hidden in our window in the
   Make a mini golf course using found objects, a                                                                                         children's room window visible from inside or
   stick and a piece of cardboard as a club, any                                                                                          outside. Let us know what day you saw him
   small ball for the golf ball. Use your                                                                                                 and what color his shirt was and the number
                                                                              Take a local StoryWalk®. What was the
   imagination.                                                                                                                           on the book. Be sure to email us the
                                                                              code word you found on the book?
   Set up an indoor camping site: make a                                                                                                  information to
   campfire, pretend to make s’mores, tell stories                                                                               or by
   around the campfire, pretend to fish or take a                                                                                         dropping off the color of the shirt along with
   hike. Or pretend to go on a rocket ship, a                                                                                             your contact information in the marked jar in
   boat, or whatever other fun place you could                                Attend one of our two Outdoor Movies either                 the library.
   pretend to be/go.                                                          on July 1 or August 195. What movie did you
                                                                              watch?______________________________                                                                1

                                    Have your child draw a picture of                   Have your child practice the letters in their              Have your child tell you 5-10 things
Write Your Story                    themself and then interview your child              name by drawing the letters in pudding,                    they love about themselves and
                                    and ask them about their favorites -                whipped cream, sand, sugar, flour, hair gel,               about you, and/or tell your child what
         Complete 3 of the 5        color, food, story, etc… If your child              shaving cream, whatever you have on hand. If               you love about them.
         activities to earn an      isn’t old enough to tell you, take some             your child is really little just let them play.
         entry into a drawing       time to write down some things about                                                                           Talk with your child about what
         for a a $20 Lake           them at the age they are along with a               Stack as many objects as you can to see if                 makes them feel mad, sad, happy
         Kids gift card or a        hand print or a current photo.                      you can make a tower that is the same height               and what each feeling feels like in
         $20 Usborne Books                                                              as your child is. Or can you make it even                  their body. Help them learn ways to
         gift card.                                                                     taller?                                                    regulate these emotions.
Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ...
Child's Name ___________________________________
 June 7 - August 22     Phone Number _________________________________
Read to Me (Ages 0-3)   Summer Library Challenge Log
Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ... Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ... Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ... Child's Name _ Phone Number _ - Sherman and Ruth Weiss ...
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