Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ...

Page created by Ricardo Garza
Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ...
                               Vol. 69                        January 5, 2022                                        No. 1

             This Saturday, January 8, 2022
                     Fellowship Hall
      This year we have a couple of volunteer shifts
                 for you to choose from:
                  9:00—10:00 am Set Up
       10:00 am—12:00 pm 1st Meal Packing Shift
         12:30—2:00 pm 2nd Meal Packing Shift
                 2:30—3:00 pm Clean Up

                   Register online at:                             Hey Youth (students in Grades 6-12)! Come meet
                        Brooke Reid, our new Minister to Youth and Young
                                                              Adults, as she kicks off the Spring semester of Sunday
                                                              Night Youth Fellowship this Sunday night, December 9,
                                                              from 5:00 – 7:00 pm in the Youth Room. There will be
                                                              food, fellowship, fun, and more as a new season of youth
                                                              ministry begins. Text your friends and tell them to meet
                                                              you there!
                                   Join in this new series         Brooke is a native Texan, growing up in Waxahachie.
                                   beginning January 5 at     In high school, she played on both the volleyball team and
                                         6:00 pm at           the golf team, and she continues to play both sports for
                                    The Neighborhood.         fun. Brooke then went to Baylor where she received a
                                                              Bachelor of Social Work degree with a minor in Corporate
                                                              Communication. As her time at Baylor drew to a close,
                                                              she began to feel a calling towards family ministry, which
                                                              led her to Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor. Over the
                                                              years, Brooke has served as a counselor and lifeguard at
                                                              Pine Cove Silverado, as an intern at the Methodist
                      First Friday at First                   Children’s Home in Waco, and as a youth leader with
                                                              Journey Christian Community in China Spring. Brooke is
                       The January edition of First Friday    in her final year at Truett Seminary and will earn her
                   at First Christian Church will be this     Masters of Divinity Degree, with a concentration in Family
                   Friday, January 7th, at 6:00 pm. You       Ministry, this August.
                   are invited to the Fellowship Hall for          P.S. If you want to get a jumpstart on getting to know
                   the movie “Encanto” and snacks!            Brooke, she’ll be at our Rise Against Hunger event on
                                                              Saturday. Come pack meals with Brooke and learn more
                                                              about her there!
Through the New Testament in a Year
                     It’s Not Too Late                         Manners Matter Etiquette Class
                     Join in an opportunity to grow your                                     Manners Matter is an
                faith by joining Dr. Bender for a year-long                              etiquette program for 5th and 6th
                Bible Study called Through the New                                       graders taught by the fun and
                Testament in a Year. Participants in this                                energetic Dee King. During this
                study will receive a book which divides the                              program students will learn
                New Testament into 365 daily readings.                                   simple        etiquette          like
                Additionally, participants will have the                                 handshakes, introductions, small
                opportunity to regularly gather with Dr.      talk, table manners, and cell phone/technology etiquette.
                Bender to go deeper into what you are              What to know: Dates: Thursdays, January 20-
                reading. Our first meeting will be this       February 17. Times: 6:30-8:00pm except February 17th
Sunday, January 9, at 6:00 pm in Room 310. If you are         which is 6:00-8:00pm. Location: First Christian Church.
interested in participating in this study and ordering the    Cost: $75. Registration is open to all. Slots are filling up!
book, call the church office or text NT to 940-310-5673 to                         Register online at:
Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ...
I share this story and counsel from Timothy Jones
Make Your Mark                                               because I think it provides a great starting point for
                                                             thinking about prayer. When many of us think about
   Dr. Mark R. Bender                                        praying, or improving our prayer life, or learning more
    Senior Minister                                          about prayer, our tendency is to think about eloquence.
                                                             We              think
                                                             enhancement        to
Praying in 2022                                              our prayers will
     It started as an innocent comment. In a planning        come in the form
session last year, one of our staff members talked about     of articulation and
maybe using the Lenten season to talk about prayer. That     verbosity.        We
comment got me thinking about how to talk about, preach      believe    this     is
about, teach about, and experience prayer. And while we      critical       either
won’t be able to cover every aspect of prayer or exhaust     because we don’t
all of the resources related to prayer, we will be talking   want to seemingly
about prayer this year, and not just at Lent.                embarrass ourselves when we offer a prayer in public or
     Pastor and author Timothy Jones opens his book on       because we believe it takes just the right formula of words
the art of prayer with this story:                           strung together to make prayer powerful and effective. But
                                                             both of these thoughts miss the point.
          Never will I forget the terror of one night             Our own Sheri Sutton, in her book 40 Days: A
    several years ago.                                       Journey of Prayer, neatly expands our thinking about
          My wife and family and I were living in a          prayer. While noting that the reasons for prayer are
    second-story apartment in a suburb in the                limitless, she suggests that the action of prayer is
    Midwest. It would have been a typical bedtime,           important because:
    except my sons couldn’t seem to get settled. As              Prayer is an extraordinary connective force. It
    they jumped out of their bunk bed to use the                 binds us to a higher power, nature, and each
    bathroom one more time, the thudding sound of                other. It also changes our perspective.
    their small feet on the floor infuriated our                 Throughout the ages, many have survived
    downstairs neighbor, whose bedroom, we                       varying difficult and unthinkable circumstances
    suppose, was directly below theirs. He flew into             because of prayer. Prayer gives us courage
    a rage, ran up the stairs in our building, and               when we are fearful, hope when we are
    began pounding on our door.                                  hopeless, and strength when we are weak. It is
          “Open this door,” he screamed, “or I’ll kill           the part of life’s journey that allows us to find
    you!”                                                        answers to puzzling questions and solutions to
          With images of a fist (or worse) in my face, I         difficult situations. Prayer empowers us to do the
    refused. He ran back down the steps and out                  unexpected and raises our consciousness to be
    into the parking lot, where he stood below our               more in tune with ourselves, the world around
    window, yelling and bellowing his threats.                   us, and, most importantly, a power greater than
          With shaky hands, I dialed 911 for help. But           ourselves.
    just as intently and instinctively, I prayed. I don’t        My hope for this year is that our discussions and
    recall what I said, but my words surely made up          teachings on prayer (beginning in Lent) will help you
    in urgency what they lacked in eloquence. By             understand the connective, perspective-changing power
    the time the police came and settled our                 of prayer that starts not with flowery language and
    neighbor down, we had already gathered as a              incredible sentence construction, but with where we are
    family to pray aloud. Through trembling words,           and who we are. Because as the great theologian and
    the kids uttered prayers beautiful in directness         author D. Elton Trueblood said it, “At the profoundest
    and simplicity: “Keep us safe! Help us!”                 depths of life, people talk not about God but with [God].”
          Need often prompts me to turn to God; many             It was Abraham Lincoln who said:
    of my prayers over the years have arisen in                  I have been driven many times upon my knees
    similarly needy times… But occasionally I                    by the overwhelming conviction that I had
    wonder, Shouldn’t prayer have to do with loftier             nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of
    things? I notice how often my praying chronically
                                                                 all about me, seemed insufficient for that day.
    grows out of daily concerns – my vocation and
    work, our family budget, my children’s health.               We, too, know the limits of our own abilities and
    Does God mind if I come to him with my                   wisdom. But this year as we spend some time
    anxieties and everyday misfortunes?... Years of          intentionally thinking about prayer, perhaps it is this prayer
    praying have convinced me of the validity of             from Franḉois Fénelon that you need to pray:
    prayers born of desperation. My needy moments
    drive me to prayer, and I believe God is happy to                  Lord, I do not know what to ask of you;
    have me come to him. Not that I want such cries                          only you know what I need.
    for help to be the only form of prayer I turn to;                      I simply present myself to you;
    still…prayer begins where we are, not where we                              I open my heart to you.
    think we should be. Perhaps no other conviction              I have no other desire than to accomplish your will.
    has done more to free me to turn to God. I come                                Teach me to pray.
    “just as I am,” as an old gospel hymn has it. How                                   Amen.
    could any of us pray otherwise?                                                                         Mark
Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ...
           Welcome New Members!
                                  It was a joy to welcome
                            Duane & Dixie Williams into
                            our fellowship by transfer of
                            membership        from    First
                            Christian Church of Atchison
                            KS, on Sunday, December
                            26th, which was their 50th          Jesus had a family. So, are there lessons to be learned
                            Wedding Anniversary! We are          from Jesus’ family that speak to our modern families?
                            thrilled that Dixie has joined           Join us for this new Worship Series beginning
                            the Chancel Choir! Their                               Sunday, January 8.
contact information is 5110 Jamaica Dr., 76310, 913-426-
4954. Welcome, Duane & Dixie!
                                                                                           Stretch Class
   The Challenger is biweekly, with the next publication on                                    Wednesdays,
  Jan. 19! FCC Ministry News is sent by email every Tuesday.                              at 1:00 pm in the Parlor
                                                                                         $5.00 donation per session
     Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study! Bring a
friend and attend the FCC Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study
this Friday morning, January 14th, from 7:00-8:00 am, at                2022 Stewardship Update
the Hwy Café, 2808 Jacksboro Hwy.                                  We’ve still got some previous pledgers to follow up
   Pantry Sunday for Interfaith Outreach                       with, but so far – here’s what we’ve received toward our
Services: The January collected items will be:                 2022 budget in estimates-of-giving (thru 12/27/2021)…
pineapple, peanut butter and macaroni & cheese. You                This year’s totals – 108 estimates = $699,848.46 or
can continue to help keep the pantry shelves filled by:        $6,480.08 average estimate
Donating the monthly items or any type of food items
directly anytime into the large box on the porch by the            Last year’s final totals – 119 estimates = $716,377 or
Chapel entrance. If you would like to support Interfaith       $6,020 average estimate
with a financial gift, you may mail your donation to                That’s a 7.64% increase in our average estimate-of-
Interfaith (1101 11th St., Wichita Falls, TX 76301), or        giving…and there are about 15-previous pledgers we’ve
donate on their website.                                       not yet heard back from who estimated their 2021 gifts at
  Save The Date: Vacation Bible School                         46,580.00.
2022 has been set for July 11-14, from 9:00 am to Noon                 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT !!!
with a Food Truck theme.
    Member News:
     Military Deployed: Lieutenant Andrew Long, son of
Randy & Jane Long and grandson of Sara Anderson &
Donna Long, is now deployed until March 2022 as a
helicopter pilot for the United States Navy.
     Hospitalized: at Zale Lipshy is Margaret Scales; at
Midwestern Health Care Center is Jimmy Smriglio.
     Our sympathies are extended to Kimberly Judge &
Alisa Ratzlaff and Families on learning of the death of
their mother, Lela Burross, on December 22nd. Services
will be held on January 6th at 2:00 pm at Lunn’s Colonial
Funeral Home Chapel.
     Our condolences are extended to LaVeta Kaiser &
Family on learning of the death of her brother-in-law, Jim
Beers, on December 22nd. Services were held on January
4th in Owasso OK.
     We extend our sympathies to Diane Spiller & Linda
Gipson and Families on learning of the death of their
mother, Dorothy “Dot” Montgomery, on December 26th.
Services were held on December 31st.
     We extend our condolences to Stephanie Mitchell
Lindsay & Kellianne Frazier and Families on learning of            Registration for Midwinter Retreats
the death of their mother and former FCC member,                                 is Open!
JoBeth Mitchell, on December 26th. Services were held on
January 5that University United Methodist Church.                            1st-5th grades: January 28-30
     Congratulations to Ben Reynolds and Abby Jessell,                       6th-8th grades: February 4-6
who were married on January 1st in Stillwater OK. Ben is                    9 -12th grades: February 18-20

the son of Sheila & Craig Reynolds.                        
Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ...
     This Sunday:                                                                                               ELDERS
                                                                                          1/9: Kim Ballard, Scot Hafley; Jerry Johnson, Presiding
                                                                                       1/16: Ann Hunter, Alan Freeman; Richard Phillips, Presiding
                       “Jesus As A Child”                                                     JANUARY DIACONATE SERVERS
                          Luke 2:21-40                                     Maggy Anderson, Marc Cannedy, Leann Elder, Robert Hastings, Stacey Lingbeek,
                                                                           Julia Ward, Debi Ballard, Larry Ballard, Linda Gipson, bob Hayes, LyDora Martin,
                        Dr. Mark Bender                                    Nancy Smith, Hailey Wineinger.
                                                                               DIACONATE SCHEDULED FOR COMMUNION PREPARATION
                                                                              1/9: Leann Elder & Robert Hastings         1/16: Stacey Lingbeek & Julia Ward
                                                                                  DIACONATE SCHEDULED FOR COMMUNION VISITATION
                                                                                              1/9: Debi Ballard, Larry Ballard, Linda Gipson
                      OPPORTUNITIES                                                           1/16: Lydora Martin, Nancy Smith, Bob Hayes
Saturday, January 8, 2022
10:00-12:00 Rise Against Hunger Shift 1 (Fellowship Hall)                  THE CHURCH STAFF. . .
12:30-2:30 Rise Against Hunger Shift 2 (Fellowship Hall)                   Church Number           940-692-2282                   FAX Number 940-696-3085
Sunday, January 9, 2022                                                    Web Page: Church e-mail:
8:40 Worship (Chapel)                                                      Dr. Mark Bender, Senior Minister                                          692-2282
9:30 Sunday School / Journey Through Scripture                             Brooke Reid, Director of Youth & Young Adults                             692-2282
10:45 Worship (Sanctuary or Watch the Livestream on YouTube or             Claire Baer, Director of Children’s Ministries                            692-2282
                                              Jeanette Showalter, Director of Music Ministries                          763-8515
3:45 Chancel Ringers (High School-Adults) (Stratten Hall)                  Cheryl Appling, Business Administrator                                    691-7265
5:00 Young Disciples Choir (Grades K-5) (Stratten Hall)                    Ashli Fischer, Director of Children Come First                            687-2231
5:00 Youth Activities (Grades 6-12) (Rm 403/Gym)                           Alisa Gardner, Director of Young Ages School                              692-3640
6:00 Young Disciples (Grades K-5) (Rm 402/405)                             Rev. Margaret Scales, Common Ground Recovery Ministries                   337-1712
6:00 New Testament in a Year Meeting (Rm 310)                              Susan Marrs, Executive Secretary                 Tina Williams, Financial Secretary
Monday, January 10, 2022                                                   Karen Watson, Administrative Assistant                    Debbie Watson, Organist
7:30-6:00 Children Come First “CCF” (M-F)                                  Tim Williamson, Director of Digital Media
9:00-12:00 Young Ages Preschool “YAS” (M-F)
9:00-10:00 CCF Chapel (Chapel)                                              FOR THE RECORD. . .
11:00 FCC Staff Mtg / Worship Planning (Rm 310)                             CGRM: (Tues., Dec. 28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did not meet
6:00 ComTech Ministry Mtg (Rm 310)                                          Neighborhood (Wed., Dec. 29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did not meet
7:30 Boy Scouts Troop 15 (Fellowship Hall)
Tuesday, January 11, 2022                                                   Sunday School (Sun. Jan. 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10:00 YAS Music (Rm 300)                                                    Worship (Jan. 2):   8:40am Worship Service. . . . . . 15
6:00 Membership Ministry Mtg (Parlor)                                                          10:45am Worship Service . . . . . 195
6:00 Property Ministry Mtg (Rm 310)                                                                         Total Worship. . . . . . . 210
6:00 Outreach Ministry Mtg (Fellowship Hall)                                Sunday Receipts Needed Per Week                                             $19,336.85
6:30 Common Ground Recovery Ministries “CGRM” Support Groups                Sunday Receipts for 1/2/22                                                  $10,471.00
7:00 Worship Ministry Mtg (Rm 200)                                          Through Dec. 27: Income $959,965.50                          Expenses $992,979.98
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
7:00 Elders’ Breakfast (Rm 405)
9:00 CCF Spanish (Rm 300)                                                      Don’t Forget                                                                                                                  Or “Follow
10:00 YAS Music (Rm 300)                                                       to “Like Us”                     Or “Subscribe                                                                                 Us” on
1:00 Stretch Class (Gym)                                                            on                            to Us” on
5:30 Brown Bag Fellowship (Fellowship Hall)
6:00 Neighborhood Worship Service (Fellowship Hall)
6:00 First Kidz (PreK-5th Grade) (Rm 402)
7:00 Youth Activities (Grades 6-12) (Rm 403/Gym)
7:00 Chancel Choir (High School-Adults) (Stratten Hall)
Friday, January 14, 2022
7:00 Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study (Hwy Café, 2808 Jacksboro Hwy)
9:00 CCF Music (Rm 300)
Sunday, January 16, 2022
8:40 Worship (Chapel)
9:30 Sunday School / Journey Through Scripture

                                                                                                                                      3701 Taft Boulevard | Wichita Falls TX 76308
                                                                                                                                                                               CHRISTIAN CHALLENGER
10:45 Worship (Sanctuary or Watch the Livestream on YouTube or
3:45 Chancel Ringers (High School-Adults) (Stratten Hall)
5:00 Young Disciples Choir (Grades K-5) (Stratten Hall)
5:00 Youth Activities (Grades 6-12) (Rm 403/Gym)
6:00 Young Disciples (Grades K-5) (Rm 402/405)
6:00 New Testament in a Year Meeting (Rm 310)
Monday, January 17, 2022
Children Come First & Young Ages Preschool Closed
11:00 FCC Staff Mtg / Worship Planning (Rm 310)
1:30 CWF Group 1 (Rm 310)
7:30 Boy Scouts Troop 15 (Fellowship Hall)
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
7:30-6:00 Children Come First “CCF” (M-F)
9:00-12:00 Young Ages Preschool “YAS” (M-F)
10:00 YAS Music (Rm 300)
11:30 Whirlwind Cluster Ministers’ Mtg (Bricktown, 3111 Midwestern Pkwy)
6:00 Faith Formation Ministry Mtg (Rm 405)
6:00 Stewardship Ministry Mtg (Rm 310)
6:30 Common Ground Recovery Ministries “CGRM” Support Groups
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Taft Blvd., Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2315.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Changes to Christian Challenger, 3701
                                                                                                                                                                                                      TX. – POSTMASTER: Send Address
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Periodical postage paid at Wichita Falls
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Taft Blvd., Wichita Falls TX 76308-2315.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      biweekly by First Christian Church, 3701
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pub. No. (USPS 559-820). Published
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THE CHRISTIAN CHALLENGER

Wednesday, January 19, 2022
7:00 Elders’ Breakfast (Rm 405)
9:00 CCF Spanish (Rm 300)
10:00 YAS Music (Rm 300)
1:00 Stretch Class (Gym)
5:30 Brown Bag Fellowship (Fellowship Hall)
6:00 Neighborhood Worship Service (Fellowship Hall)
6:00 First Kidz (PreK-5th Grade) (Rm 402)
7:00 Youth Activities (Grades 6-12) (Rm 403/Gym)
7:00 Chancel Choir (High School-Adults) (Stratten Hall)
Thursday, January 20, 2022
6:30-8:00 Manners Matter (Fellowship Hall)
Friday, January 21, 2022
9:00 CCF Music (Rm 300)
Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ... Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ... Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ... Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ... Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ... Challenger Christian - First Christian Church of ...
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