Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly

Page created by Dennis Ramirez
Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
VOL 44 • ISSUE 15 • 28 June - 4 July 2021   NEWS FOR ASIA’S TRAVEL PLANNERS   NEWS UPDATES at www.ttrweekly.com

       Centara sells safe place
       to work

   SQ opens bookings                           China hits its                   Emirates prepares for
   for Manchester flight                       vaccination target               a busy summer
Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
28 June - 4 July 2021

   SQ opens bookings for
   Manchester flight
   Singapore Airlines opens                  resuming its direct service               Covid-19 list meaning                    SQ destinations
   bookings for its three                    from Manchester next                      citizens and residents
   weekly flights to Manches-                month. Singapore Airlines                 can visit with minimum                   July to September
   ter that resume 16 July.                  is one of our longest-                    restrictions and entry rules.            From 16 July 2021,
                                             serving airlines, and we                                                           Singapore Airlines will
                                                                                                                                reinstate services to
   Singapore Airlines resumes                know its routes have been                 Before you depart                        Manchester and Rome.
   three weekly nonstop                      extremely popular with                    for the UK                               It continues to operate
   flights to Manchester in                  passengers from across                    • Take a Covid-19 test.
   northern England effective                the North over the years,                                                          flights to the following
                                                                                       • Book and pay for a day                 regions and countries:
   16 July using an A350-900                 both in terms of leisure                    two Covid-19 test – to
   aircraft.                                 and business travel. We                                                            Southeast Asia
                                                                                         be taken after arrival in              • Brunei; Cambodia;
       The airline’s website                 look forward to working                     England.
   is open for bookings                      with our colleagues at                                                                 Indonesia*; Malaysia;
                                                                                       • Complete a passenger                       Myanmar; the
   with the lowest oneway                    Singapore Airlines to make                  locator form
   Economy Lite fare starting                this returning service a                                                               Philippines; Thailand;
   at SGD654. The service will               success, especially given                                                              Vietnam.
   operate every Wednesday,                  the destination’s inclusion
                                                                                       On arrival in the                        North Asia
   Friday and Saturday.                      on the UK Government’s                    UK                                       • China; Hong Kong SAR,
       The airline suspended                 green list. Together,                     • You must take a                            China; Japan; South
   98% of its international                  we hope to be able to                       Covid-19 test on or                        Korea; Taiwan, China
   flights during the height                 relaunch the popular                        before day two after                   West Asia and Africa.
   of the Covid-19 pandemic                  Houston service as soon as                  you arrive.                            • Bangladesh; the
   last year.                                possible once travel to and               • Children aged four and                     Maldives; Nepal; South
       It announced it was                   from the United States is                   under do not need to                       Africa; Sri Lanka; the
   returning to Manchester                   opened up.”                                 take this test. You do                     United Arab Emirates.
   on 8 June as the airline                      The airline extended                    not need to quarantine                 South West Pacific
   celebrated its 50th                       the Singapore-Manchester                    unless the test result is              • Australia; New Zealand.
   anniversary of flying to                  route to Houston, Texas,                    positive.                              Europe
   the UK.                                   in 2016 with five weekly                  • You must quarantine                    • Denmark; France;
       Manchester Airport’s                  flights but no immediate                    if you that you                            Germany; Italy; the
   managing director, Karen                  plans to resume the trans-                  travelled to England                       Netherlands; Russia;
   Smart, said at the time:                  Atlantic sector.                            with someone who                           Spain; Switzerland;
   “We are pleased to hear                       Singapore is a green                    has tested positive for                    Turkey; the UK.
   Singapore Airlines will be                light country on the UK                     Covid-19.

                             Follow us on:

TTR Weekly is a controlled circulation newspaper for the travel industry specialising in Thailand and the Mekong region. Published every Wednesday, alternatively in
English, the publication is distributed free to travel agents. Available on subscription outside this qualifying category. Published by Ross Publishing Ltd.

Managing editor: Don Ross: donr@ttrweekly.com

EDITORIAL: news@rossttr.com                              MARKETING: sales@ttrweekly.com                                      PRODUCTION:
Editor: Don Ross                                         Content editor: Danai Stephen Ross                                  Creative director: Danai Stephen Ross
                                                         Publishing director: Lars Magnusson                                 Graphics: Suradej Chatsomsiri,
                                                                                                                                       Kamolapat Sriveriwan

                                    Ross Publishing Ltd. 92/347 Moo 2, Lak Hok, Muang, Pathumtanee 12000 Tel: 66(0) 896 882 289.
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Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
28 June - 4 July 2021
Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
28 June - 4 July 2021

Centara sells safe
place to work
Centara Extends “Work From Hotel”       fingertips.                               Pattaya, where guests can enjoy
Long Stay Offer in City and beach           The long-stay special, applicable     rates from THB 11,500 net for a
destinations.                           for stays of at least a week, starts      7-night stay in a Deluxe Ocean
                                        from THB 4,550 for a 7-night stay         Facing, or THB 28,000 net for the
Centara Hotels & Resorts, Thailand’s    and THB 15,000 for a one-month            luxury of even greater personal
leading hotel operator, extends         stay, inclusive of daily breakfast        space in a Family Residence Suite.
its “Work from Hotel at Centara”        for two guests in select hotels and       Nearby in Sriracha, a Family
                                        resorts.                                  Residence at Centara Sonrisa
                                            At a time when offices are            Residences & Suites Sriracha starts
                                        encouraging remote working,               at THB 12,600 net for a 7-night
                                        and educational institutions are          beachfront stay in a spacious suite
                                        continuing to conduct their teaching      complete with a children’s area
                                        online, Centara offers the chance         with bunk beds and balcony, while
                                        for guests to do just that from a full-   further east, the beachfront Centara
                                        service hotel or a beachfront resort      Q Resort Rayong starts at just THB
                                        while enjoying the clean sea air.         9,500 for a one-week stay.
                                            Guests enjoy a selection of              Up to two children stay free
                                        spacious rooms, suites, pools             when sharing existing bedding with
                                        villas, and beachfront pool villas at     parents. It makes the offer also
                                        participating Centara properties, all     suitable for families looking for a
                                        equipped with convenient in-room          change of scenery and to enjoy the
                                        facilities, including high-speed Wifi     fresh sea breeze whilst following
                                        access.                                   government practices to remain
                                            “Work from Hotel at Centara” is       safe and well.
                                                                                     Implemented across all
                                                                                  Centara properties is the “Centara
                                                                                  Compete Care” hygiene and
                                                                                  safety programme, developed in
                                                                                  adherence to guidelines set by the
                                                                                  World Health Organisation (WHO),
                                                                                  the World Travel and Tourism
                                                                                  Council (WTTC) and Thailand’s
                                                                                  health authorities.
                                                                                     The stringent programme was
                                                                                  designed in close collaboration with
                                                                                  Ecolab, a global leader in water
                                                                                  and hygiene technologies, and
                                                                                  Swiss firm SGS, the world’s leading
                                                                                  inspection, verification, testing and
offer due to sustained demand           available at select hotels and resorts    certification company.
from guests looking for a safe place    in urban and resort destinations,            The “Work from Hotel at
to work remotely and for families       including in Bangkok, Udon Thani,         Centara” offer can be booked from
looking for a change of scenery         Chiang Mai and Krabi, as well as          now until 31 August 2021 for stays
while engaged in online learning.       in seaside towns within driving           by 20 December 2021.
   Guests can switch up their           distance to the capital, including
workspace or study space to a           Hua Hin, Cha-Am, Pattaya, Sriracha           For more information and
choice of hotels and resorts across     and Rayong.                               reservations, visit https://www.
Thailand and enjoy full service and        Participating resorts include          centarahotelsresorts.com/featured-
a choice of culinary options at their   Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort         packages/work-from-hotel/
Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
THE PLACE TO BE                                                                    28 June - 4 July 2021

                 Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Krabi                                    Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket

Join us as we celebrate the reopening of our hotels in Phuket and Krabi, where your
clients can enjoy up to 100% of the room rate as daily hotel credits, redeemable
immediately on arrival.

At Centara Grand Resort Phuket, your guests can use the hotel credit for a room
upgrade, ease into their holiday with a relaxing spa treatment, or indulge in a culinary
experience before heading to the resort water park.

Nestled within its own secluded bay, Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Krabi invites              BOOK NOW
travellers to check in and chill out with a choice of four restaurants and rejuvenating
spa rituals at SPA Cenvaree.

Rates from THB          3,315 per night

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Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
28 June - 4 July 2021

China hits its
vaccination target
China’s vaccination programme hits       China’s Hunan, East China’s Anhui       travellers could return to Thailand
half-year goal dispensing 1.23 billion   and South China’s Guangxi Zhuang        as early as this October. That is
doses and on target to jab 70% of        Autonomous Region also confirmed        wishful thinking on their part.
the population by year-end.              that they had finished ahead of the     There are no hints or clues that
                                         Wednesday target date.                  would suggest an early reopening
China puts the vaccine rollout              According to the National Health     of China’s outbound travel market
elsewhere in Asia in perspective         Commission, China administered          as the country tourism industry
as it confirms this week dose            about 1.23 billion doses of Covid-19    can prosper on dominant domestic
delivery hit the half-year target on     vaccines as of Tuesday. That was        travel demand.
Wednesday.                               nearly half of the 3 billion doses          China’s vaccination success is
                                                                                 based on the government’s strong
                                                                                 organising and operating capacity
                                                                                 and the growing public willingness
                                                                                 to get vaccinated, given recent
                                                                                 outbreaks. Once China has reached
                                                                                 the 70% vaccination target, so-
                                                                                 called herd immunity should kick in,
                                                                                 and that would probably signal the
                                                                                 gradual return of outbound travel
                                                                                 first to Asian destinations.
                                                                                     But the Global Times report said:
                                                                                 “Given the large population in China
                                                                                 and the threat of the Delta variant,
                                                                                 China’s top epidemiologist Zhong
                                                                                 Nanshan estimated that it would
                                                                                 require at least 80% of Chinese
                                                                                 people – about 1.12 billion – to be
                                                                                 vaccinated to reach herd immunity.
                                                                                     China’s National Health
                                                                                 Commission on 25 June said that
                                                                                 more than 630 million people in
                                                                                 China had taken at least one shot,
                                                                                 meaning the vaccination coverage
                                                                                 has reached over 40% of the 1.4
                                                                                 billion population.
                                                                                     Statista says: “Scientists initially
                                                                                 estimated that 60 to 70% of a
   Global Times, an official English     administered globally.                  population would have to acquire
language media channel, reported             Global Times claimed China          resistance to Covid-19 in order
the country had reached its goal         achieved a breakneck vaccination        for herd immunity to take effect,
of vaccinating about 40% of the          speed, which will now make it           a threshold that has been revised
population.                              possible for China to achieve its       upwards since the start of the
   Some provinces managed to             2021 goal of vaccinating 70% of         year with 80 to 85% quoted in
reach the target early. Northeast        its population by December. If it       some cases. As the Delta variant of
China’s Heilongjiang Province            reaches its target by year-end, it is   Covid-19 generates fresh concern,
passed the mark on Monday,               likely China will reopen outbound       the race towards full vaccination has
recording 3.2 million doses              travel, possibly in phases in early     become increasingly urgent, and
administered to about 1.7 million        2022. Thai tourism officials are        Israel has led the way, according to
people. Other provinces like Central     optimistically claiming Chinese         Our World in Data.” (Statista)
Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
28 June - 4 July 2021

Emirates prepares for a
busy summer
Emirates gears up for the busy sum-      arrive at the airport at least three    formalities.
mer holiday travel period. Passen-       hours before their flight departure        Customers are also advised
gers strongly urged to arrive early at   to avoid delays. Passengers are         to make sure they get to their
Dubai International Airport.             encouraged to build in extra time       boarding gate on time. Gates open
                                         for their journey with expected         90 minutes before departure,
Emirates is expecting more than          heavy road traffic coming into          boarding starts 45 minutes before
450,000 passengers to travel from,       Terminal 3.                             each flight, and gates close 20
to and through Terminal 3 at Dubai          Customers are also reminded          minutes before departure.
International Airport over the           to review the latest travel
course of the next two                                                                     Emirates customers can
weekends on over 1,600                                                                     look forward to an easier
flights.                                                                                   and hassle-free airport
    The busiest days for                                                                   experience with contactless
the airline will be the next                                                               check-in, its biometric
two weekends, 2 to 3 July                                                                  path and enhanced digital
and 9 to 10 July, although                                                                 verification of Covid-19
high passenger traffic is                                                                  medical information. The
expected to start today and                                                                airline has sharpened its
will run through to 12 July.                                                               focus on technologies and
    In addition, close to                                                                  services that optimise
100,000 passengers will                                                                    passenger processing to
be arriving in Dubai on                                                                    minimise queues for a fast-
Emirates flights to start their          requirements to their booked            tracked experience that prioritises
summer holidays during that same         destination, including whether          safety and efficiency.
period.                                  forms, vaccination certificates or          Significantly reducing wait times,
    All Emirates and DXB touchpoints     negative PCR tests are required         Emirates’ contactless kiosks are
are fully prepared to manage the         on the Emirates Travel Hub, which       completely controlled by personal
increase in passenger traffic, with      has the latest information for          mobile devices without the need
measures and protocols in place          every country on the airline’s route    to touch the screens, providing
designed to enhance safety as            network.                                another way passengers can enjoy
customers move through Terminal             Customers can physically check-      a safe and efficient pre-boarding
3.                                       in and drop off their luggage at        experience. Along with check-in,
    This includes robust and             any Emirates counter 24 hours           customers can choose seats on
consistent cleaning protocols for        before departure.* All passengers       board, drop off their bags, and even
high traffic areas such as seats         physically checking in at the airport   pay for ancillary products like extra
and handrails; modern cleaning           are requested to check-in no later      baggage.
technologies for surfaces in             than 3 hours prior to departure.            Customers can also use Emirates’
Emirates’ dedicated lounges              Customers who present themselves        biometric path for a contactless
keeping them germ-free for longer;       less than 60 minutes prior to their     journey via 18 check-in desks and
social distancing measures through       scheduled flight departure will not     seven biometric boarding gates,
floor markings, signage and airport      be accepted for travel. They can        with virtually no document checks
employees safely managing the            also check-in online 48 hours to 90     and less queuing.
flow of passengers; hand sanitising      minutes before flight departure.            Emirates is also leading the
stations as well as Plexiglas            Those who opt to check-in online        way in providing more ways for
partitions at Emirates check-in desks    are reminded to visit the Emirates      its customers to fulfil their pre-
and in Emirates Lounges, amongst         check-in counters or contactless        departure health requirements
numerous other measures.                 kiosks to complete the required         through digital verification.
    Customers are strongly urged to      travel documentation checks and             *Except for flights to the USA.
Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
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Centara sells safe place to work - SQ opens bookings for Manchester flight - TTR Weekly
28 June - 4 July 2021
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