Page created by Chester Schultz
ISSUE 47 MAY 2018




                                                     26 contents    ISSUE 47 - MAY 2018
                                                                    8       SELFLESS SERVICE
                                                                            Women with community spirit.
                                                                            Skara Bohny/Samantha Gee/Kat Pickford
                                                                    26      BUILDING ON A STORY
                                                                            Blending old with new in a Marlborough home.
                                                                            Maike van der Heide
                                                                    38      A CRAFTY IDEA
                                                                            Nelson-based MillyMac founder Kim MacDonald.
                                                                            Adrienne Matthews
                                                                    50      GOURD STUFF
                                                                            Artist Joyce Hyatt’s decorated gourds.
                                                                            Adrienne Matthews
                                                                    55      DEVOURING WELLINGTON
                                                                            Spending 48 hours in a foodie paradise.
                                                                            Samantha Gee

                                                                    14      PIONEERING STYLE
                                                                            Classic looks with a modern twist.

                                                                            Styled by Jacqui Jones
                                                                    21      ACCENT ON ACCESSORIES
                                                                            How to embrace feminine style.
                                                                            Jacqui Jones
In this month’s fashion spread we salute pioneering New
                                                                    AROUND TOWN
Zealand women. Taking inspiration from writer Katherine
                                                                    32      OUT AND ABOUT
Mansield, model Steph Le Gros is dressed in a top and jacket
                                                                            Marlborough and Nelson people
from Sassy’s, skirt and handbag from Frock n Soul, fur scarf from
                                                                            photographed enjoying life.
Cruellas, shoes from Taylors and earrings from Louise Douglas
Jewellery. Photographer Virginia Woolf. Stylist Jacqui Jones.       34      WHAT’S ON
                                                                            We’ll help you fill your calendar for May.
ISSUE 47 - MAY 2018

            Arnel’s Filipino Restaurant in Nelson.

            Adrienne Matthews

            Nelson restaurant Comida’s recipe for its
            popular Italian-style macaroni cheese.

            Mountainbiking from Porters Lodge, near
            Arthurs Pass. Michael Hayward

52          STRATEGIC FIT
            Little Boutique co-owner Julie Forbes explains
            why she loves her job.

56          HIP HIP HOORAY
            Using rosehips in the kitchen. Vanessa Phillips

58          FEMALES ON FILM
            What’s on at the cinema in May. Dave Manning

Editor            Vanessa Phillips
Fashion styling   Jacqui Jones
Contributors      Skara Bohny, Samantha Gee,
                  Michael Hayward, Jacqui Jones,
                  Dave Manning, Adrienne Matthews,                                                       WIN!
                  Kat Pickford, Maike van der Heide.                                                       We have three
                                                                                                           copies to give
CREATIVE                                                                                                   away of Light for a
Photographers     Michael Hayward, David James, Braden Fastier,
                                                                                                           Broken World, the
                  Ricky Wilson, Virginia Woolf
                                                                                                           new album from
Designers         Nicky Busch
                                                                                                            Nelson singer-
Print             Inkwise
                                                                                                            songwriter Jacquie
ADVERTISING                                                                                                 Walters. Her third
Sales manager     Bronwyn Waddington                                                                        solo album, it was
                  bronwyn.waddington@stuff.co.nz                  recorded at Bob Bickerton’s studio in Nelson and features
                                                                  the talents of guitarist and bass player James Wilkinson.
Digital edition - admiremag.co.nz
                                                                  To be in the draw to win, email your name and phone
Admire is published by Stuff Ltd.                                 number to winadmiremag@stuff.co.nz by May 31 and type
                                                                  Light for a Broken World in the subject line.

   Taking orders now

          Paul McKendry 021 428 773
          Stephen Overton 027 444 6140

                              here’s nothing quite like the
                              feeling you get from doing a
                              good turn for someone.
                          For years I was a blood donor,
                        and that simple act made me feel
                        great, but it was the times I was able
                        to help others on the spur of the
                        moment that created lasting special
                                                                             Painful, tired,
                        memories – like coming to a sudden
                        stop in my car in the pouring rain on                 heavy legs?
a Northland highway to help a car load of tourists from Bali
who had a tyre puncture, or helping an appreciative elderly
woman cross a busy road.
                                                                            Would you love to
  There are, of course, thousands of men and women
who devote a lot of their time to helping others in our
                                                                            wear shorts again?
community, which is richer for it.
  In this month’s issue of Admire we speak to several
community-minded women doing good stuff in the top of
the south. The efforts of the Angels Trio who prepare free
community meals and school lunches in Nelson, Kai Rescue
which distributes unwanted food to those in need, and Lapu
Oliver, who for decades has helped Pacific Island families
moving to Marlborough, are simply inspirational.
  We also salute pioneering New Zealand women in our
fashion spread, recreating their looks with a modern spin.

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               selfless service
           Every day hundreds of people are busy in the top of the south,
       volunteering their time to help others in the community. Admire speaks
            to women whose community spirit is driving positive change.

                                                                        The Angels Trio - Lovey Paul,
8                                                                 Chanel Faapui and Vera Manawaiti.


             hen you refuse to accept
             failure, success is the only
   Three women started with passion
and an idea, and now they’re feeding
hundreds of school children every week
and hosting community dinners every
Sunday in Nelson.
   The Angels Trio, made up of Chanel
Faapui, Lovey Paul, and Vera Manawaiti,
say their success comes down to keeping
on going.
   “We are not prepared to accept
failure,” Vera says.
   “If we don’t pull through, then kids
are going to school hungry. Kids can’t
learn when they’re hungry.”
   In any given week they make up more
than 200 lunches, each packed with
fruit, a muesli bar, yoghurt, a sandwich,     The angels have been working in the          They are working slowly but surely
and a “treat” - some chips for a snack.     community for two years and are now         towards opening their own cafe, which
   Things have come a long way from         spreading their wings.                      they aim to use as a source of funding
their humble beginnings. They can             In March, the trio were awarded           for more lunches and community meals.
make 100 school lunches in an hour,         $5000 from The Car Company $10,000             Vera says as soon as they have a
and they can deliver them to the eight      Charity Drive, giving them the means        commercial kitchen they can start
Nelson schools involved in the scheme       to make even more lunches. They are         baking their own treats to put into the
before morning tea break. Their first       planning to speak to intermediate           lunches, instead of using bought ones.
lunch making efforts took an entire day     schools in Nelson to offer their lunches       Chanel says their big dream would be
to prepare.                                 to more hungry kids.                        to help rehome the homeless.
   They also have a lot more lunches to       It was also in March that the three          “That’s if we win Lotto. We could get
make, after they devised a shame-free       realised the real impact of their work in   some shipping containers, and make
way of signing up for a meal: texting.      the community. They were recognised as      them into places people could stay for a
   “It can be really hard to say you need   Pou Toru champions by Te Pūtahitanga       while. We could help find people social
something, or to ask,” Lovey says.          o Te Waipounamu, a Whānau Ora              workers, if they needed it, help people
   “We don’t ever have to see the kids or   organisation representing a partnership     get back into society.”
the parents. We just put a notice out at    of all nine iwi of the South Island.           “A lot of people focus on the
the school and they can text us a name        Their championship is in their work to    school lunches, which is great, but our
and a room number, that’s all we need,”     “enable all whānau to taste life to the    community meals get people from all
Chanel adds.                                utmost”.                                    walks of life,” she says.
   There was a noticeable jump in             Chanel says everyone at the                  “We recognise the regulars. If
their lunch orders after this layer of      symposium knew of the Angels Trio,          someone misses a meal we ask their
anonymity was added to the process          and it was an incredible moment for all     friends where they are, we give them
- though the three mums never judge         three.                                      something to give them if they couldn’t
anyone for receiving the lunches or           “We get recognised a lot in Nelson,       make it.”
coming to the community dinners.            but to think all these people from             The three pride themselves on
   The trio make school lunches for         around the country had heard about us       never letting anyone go hungry. They
two days a week - Mondays and               was amazing,” she says.                     encourage people to have seconds if
Wednesdays.                                   Vera says it really brought home how      they need it, to take leftovers with
   “We did our homework when we             important their work is.                    them or even prepare a plate to take.
started,” Chanel says.                        “It wasn’t until then that we realised       Having come through the hard yards
   “If you’re on the benefit, Mondays       we mattered.”                               of establishing themselves, Chanel,
are hard. The kids have eaten                 Even though the work the three do         Lovey, and Vera are ready for the next
everything over the weekend, and            to keep kids and their community fed        step of their journey.
your payment hasn’t come in yet. And        has been making waves in Nelson and            “I’ve got a vision - dominate Nelson,
Wednesdays is for the people whose          around the South Island, it still isn’t     then the South Island, then the whole
benefit comes in on Thursdays.”             enough for the trio.                        country, and then the world,” Vera says.


                                Kai Rescue driver Jenny Holden, left,
                                 and Ecoland manager Karen Driver.

WASTE NOT, WANT NOT                           volunteers sort through what has                 “We knew there was a lot of food
                                              already been received.                        going into landfill. Some of it would
                                                She works part time, but fills in if they   have been going to pigs but quite a lot
                                              are short of volunteers.                      wouldn’t have been, and we still think

   n a small space within Ecoland on            “It’s just a roll the sleeves up kind of    edible food should go to people, not
   Nelson’s Vanguard St, volunteers are       mentality around here.”                       pigs.”
   busy weighing, sorting and repacking         Karen says most people understand              Despite their efforts, Karen thinks the
food.                                         there is “something wrong” with               organisation is collecting a “really small
   Freshly picked apples, recently baked      edible food going in the bin and that         proportion” of the total edible food
bread and a variety of vegetables come        there is huge demand for a service like       waste in Nelson.
in the door and are sorted into boxes         Kai Rescue.                                      “We still suspect there is quite a bit
for different charities to collect.             The food they collect might have            of food out in the community that
   Karen Driver, Jenny Holden and             passed its best before date, which is         gets dumped and could be going to
Gileen Caughey are the women behind           about quality, not safety. Karen says         charities,” says Jenny.
the food rescue organisation, Kai             anything past its use by date is not             While she was pleased to be tackling
Rescue, supported by a loyal band of          redistributed.                                the issue of food waste, Karen says in an
volunteers.                                     She says people often can’t believe         ideal world, there wouldn’t be a need
   The service began last March, to try       how much food comes into the charity          for Kai Rescue.
and save some of the perfectly edible         on a daily basis.                                “That there is no food being wasted
food that is unwanted by supermarkets           Having Kai Rescue as a separate             and there is no need for people to get
from ending up in the dump.                   distribution unit to collect the food and     free food, that is my ideal but we are a
   In its first year, more than 75 tonnes     distribute it means charities themselves      long, long way away from that.”
of food was redistributed to more than        can focus on their work.                         Achieving this would involve a large
40 charities and organisations in need.         “The feedback we get from all the           scale shift in thinking, but Karen thinks
   “It is very purposeful work,” says         groups is just so positive,” says Karen.      it is possible.
Jenny, who starts each week day in the          Kai Rescue was started with the                “It is all about not creating waste in
Kai Rescue van, collecting food from          help of former Nelson Environment             the first place.”
supermarkets in Nelson, Stoke and             Centre manager Ruth Seabright, who
Richmond. There are also several local        had previous experience in setting up           *Anyone interested in donating
food producers who donate different           the Kaivolution food rescue service in          food or money, or volunteering
items when they have an excess.               Hamilton.                                       time to Kai Rescue can contact the
   Some days, after dropping off the            When the idea was first suggested at          organisation on 03 545 9176 or
first load, Jenny will head out on a          a community meeting, the response was           email info@nec.org.nz.
second run to collect more food while         overwhelming, says Karen.



          fter almost 30 years working
          as the unofficial welcoming
          committee for Pacific Island
families moving to Marlborough, Lapu
Oliver is proud of the region’s thriving
Pasifika community.
   Lapu migrated from Samoa to New
Zealand in 1970, and trained to be an
accountant before meeting her husband
Dave Oliver in Christchurch.
   When the pair moved to Marlborough
after buying the Blenheim Motor Camp
and Backpackers in the 1990s, there
were only five Pasifika families in the
   The bubbly Samoan was homesick and
wanted some time to reconnect with the
customs and people of her home country,
so organised a get together for Pasifika
families in Pollard Park every Sunday.
   “We were two Samoan families, two
Tongan families and one Fijian family.
We couldn’t understand each other so
we spoke in English.
   “We ate and laughed and had a bit
of a sing along, it was just what we
needed,” Lapu says.
   As more Pasifika families moved to
Marlborough, their little gatherings
grew, but Lapu says many people
struggled to settle into their new way
                                              Lapu Oliver.
of life.
   “I’ve been there, I know what it’s like
to show up in a new country, where no        abuse and mental health issues were         leaders then shared this information
one speaks your language and you have        some of the problems some people were       with their community.
no idea what to do or where to go or         dealing with, and as a result Lapu got to     “It worked really well, because our
how to get help.”                            the know the Blenheim police and courts     trainers were able to go back and spread
   Lapu started meeting migrant families     well as she provided translation and        the knowledge in their own language
at the airport, ensuring they had a place    support for her residents who got into      and follow up and keep hammering it
to stay and helping them source warm         trouble with the law.                       home - life is just so different in New
clothes, furniture and food in the first       Recognising that Pasifika were not        Zealand compared to the islands.”
few days of their arrival.                   aware of the subtleties of New Zealand        Lapu Oliver became a Justice of the
   She would get them connected to           laws and customs, she began working         Peace in 2002 and in 2010 received a
power and phone, take them to enroll         with police and other agencies to           Kiwibank Local Hero medal for service
their children at the local school, find a   provide education for migrants on the       to the Marlborough community, in
GP to take them on, help them fill in IRD    dos and don’ts of life in New Zealand.      particular the Pacific Island community.
and bank forms and connect them with           Classes for English, filling out forms      Currently she is the Marlborough
any other support services they needed.      and gaining a driver licence at REAP        Pacific cultural advisor for Oranga
   During her time at the Blenheim           (Rural Education Activities Programme)      Tamariki, and continues to provide a
Motor Camp and Backpackers, she              followed, while representatives from        warm welcome to new Pacific Island
noticed many people moving to                agencies including Immigration, WINZ,       families arriving in Marlborough.
Marlborough - not just Pacific Islanders -   Marlborough Community Law, Women’s            “It brings me so much joy to help
were running away from their problems.       Refuge and Victim Support briefed           others. I’m very proud of where we are
But all too often their problems followed    Pasifika leaders on what support was        today - Pasifika literacy rates are much
them, she says.                              available, their rights and how to seek     better, the kids are doing really well at
   Domestic violence, alcohol and drug       help in times of need. The Pasifika         school and the community is thriving.”

page heading

                pioneering style
               125 years since the women’s suffrage movement won women the
               right to vote in New Zealand, we celebrate pioneering Kiwi ladies,
                            recreating their looks with a modern twist.

                                                                                      Inspired by Jean Batten
                                                                                       - New Zealand aviator.
                                                                                         Ali wears jacket and
                                                                                    jumpsuit from Dotti, scarf
                                                                                     and gloves from Cruellas
                                                                                      and boots from Taylors.

page heading

          Inspired by Kate Edger
    - first New Zealand woman
    to gain a university degree.
Ali wears cardigan from Frock n
  Soul, skirt and headscarf from
Trouble and Fox, jewellery from
  Louise Douglas Jewellery and
              shoes from Taylors.

page heading

               Inspired by Nancy Wake
                   - New Zealand-born
                         WWII heroine.
                Renee wears dress and
                   jacket from Jacqui E,
                hat and handbag from
                      Trouble & Fox, fur
                 stol from Cruellas and
                  jewellery from Louise
                     Douglas Jewellery.

page heading

Inspired by Dame Te
Atarangikaahu - Māori Queen.
Renee wears dress from Trouble
and Fox, feather cape from Dotti
and jewellery from Jewel Beetle.

page heading

                 Inspired by Kate Sheppard
                - New Zealand suffragette.
               Steph wears top from Dotti,
                  poncho from Sassy’s and
               necklace from Jewel Beetle.

1                                                    2                                                    3

                                               4                                                    5                                                    6

                                               7                                                    8                                                    9

         1. Reiker “Glade” boots in olive from Taylors. 2. Pearl Acorn gold earrings and Sea Pod crescent necklace from Louise Douglas Jewellery.
3. Rose Gold flower pearl pendant from Jewel Beetle. 4. Pearl cap gold ring from Louise Douglas Jewellery. 5. Wonders “Jessi” heels in taupe from Taylors.
                     6. Black and gold box handbag from Frock n Soul. 7. Greenstone and silver koru drop pendant from Jewel Beetle.
          8. Dove necklace from Louise Douglas Jewellery. 9. Black leather gloves from Cruellas and Brixton pack hat in Ivory from Trouble & Fox.

                                     Hair: Leonie Whittaker. Makeup: Kim Hill from Between Miroirs Hair and Beauty.
                                           Special thanks to Founders Heritage Park for our photoshoot venue.
                         Stockists Cruellas - www.cruellas.co.nz Dotti - www.dotti.com.au Frock and Soul - www.frockandsoul.nz
                Jacqui E - www.jacquie.com.au Jewel Beetle - www.jewelbeetle.co.nz Louise Douglas Jewellery - www.louisedouglas.com
                         Sassy’s - www.sassys.co.nz Taylors - www.weloveshoes.co.nz Trouble and Fox - www.troubleandfox.co.nz
                              Our fashion content is brought to you by the Admire team with the support of our advertisers.


                     accent on accessories
                           How do you embrace feminine style? Accessorise, accessorise,

                                                                                                                                      Photo 123RF
                                accessorise, writes Admire stylist Jacqui Jones.

      eminine style has historically been       vertical balance.                             to uninstall society’s ‘genderfication’ of
      viewed with extreme opposing                 So, knowing your body shape and            colour from their brains.
      images.                                   proportions, you can accessorise in the          Knowing what colours suit you best is
   On one hand there is the vision of the       right way to showcase your best assets        crucial to looking your best and glowing
‘girly-girl’, who only wears pretty pink        and create a more feminine shape for          with confidence. I look positively ghastly
dresses, curls her hair and paints her nails.   yourself.                                     in pink (‘‘that’s a girl colour mum’’).
   And then there is the bra-burning,           2. SHOW YOUR FEMININE PERSONALITY             However, whenever I wear khaki green
hairy armpit, embroidered flares and            THROUGH JEWELLERY Are you the                 (considered by my boys as a ‘boy colour’) I
crochet top feminist hippy.                     traditional and elegant type to go            always receive compliments on how great
   However, there is one common aspect          for pearls? Or are you more bold and          it looks on me. Know your best colours
with these two opposing historical              charismatic and prefer something with         and rock them.
images of feminine style, and that is a         more bling? Do you consider yourself          4. DON’T OVERDO IT There is a common
woman’s ability to accessorise.                 vivacious and fun, opting for statement       mistake with accessories and that
   The main difference between                  costume jewellery?                            is we tend to overdo it. In general,
masculine and feminine style is this               Even if you are a sporty active            choose one thing as your focal piece,
ability to accessorise, so here are five        women, you can still wear a pair of stud      whether that be a pop of colour, a
tips for accessorising to embrace your          earrings that say something about your        bold patterned handbag or statement
femininity.                                     personality.                                  necklace. Let that one thing shine,
1. KNOW YOUR BODY SHAPE AND                        “Jewellery has the power to be the         rather than compete with five other
PROPORTIONS Accessories are often               one little thing that makes you feel          accessories you’re draped in. The well-
used to draw your attention to your best        unique.” – Elizabeth Taylor.                  used quote of Coco Chanel is oh so
features (or draw your eye away from               Jewellery is hugely personal and often     true in this case: “Before you leave the
your not so best features). For example,        has strong sentimental value, which all       house, look in the mirror and take one
the shape of your handbag should                tells a story of who you are as a woman       thing off.”
generally be opposite to your body shape        and what you consider to be feminine.         5. THE INVISIBLE ACCESSORY… PERFUME
to create balance to your outfit. If you’re     3. COLOUR IS KEY TO YOUR                      “No elegance is possible without
curvy, choose a square shaped handbag,          ACCESSORIES Colour is an easy but             perfume. It is the unseen, unforgettable
or if you’re slim or tall go for a rounded      effective way to accessorise. Adding          ultimate accessory.” - Coco Chanel
bag to add curves.                              a pop of colour, such as a contrasting           Research shows that perfume can
   If you have a short torso, then add a        coloured shoe, scarf or belt can really add   boost your confidence and put you in a
low-slung belt to give the illusion of a        that feminine style to your outfit.           happier mood. What is more powerful
longer torso. If you have a long torso,            My two young sons often refer to           than embracing your femininity with a
choosing a mid-length necklace rather           colours as being a ‘girl colour’ or a ‘boy    scent of confidence and happiness? It is
than a long necklace will give you              colour’, to which I am continually trying     the final accessory to your outfit.

         WORKSHOP                      TH   2018
                JUNE 9
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                        or email: cushla.fabrics@xtra.co.nz








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                                   Looking for something different? The
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                                                  With an extensive range of
                                                 quality fabric samples from
                                                                                    SIMPLY NEW ZEALAND STORE
                                                well-known suppliers such           Sometimes we just need a little friend to brighten
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Clarke & Clarke you are sure to find a perfect fabric to suit your needs. We        your backpack, attached to your car keys or
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                                                                                    New Zealand and we love to gift wrap.
                                                                                    Find us at Millers Acre by the I Site 39 Halifax
                                                                                    Street Nelson 035457501
Warm up into your winter knitting with this
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Socks, Gloves and Hats to keep warm this winter.
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                           JEWEL BEETLE                                             NELSON PEARL CO.
                             The Florence design is one of our most popular         Fashion is transient At Nelson Pearl Co. style
                             rings. We’ve made this classic, timeless design        is Enduring. If you love unique cultured pearl
                            in all combinations of precious metals and              bracelets, necklaces and earrings all lovingly
                           gemstones including diamonds, sapphires and              handcrafted using Tahitian, South Sea, Keshi,
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                                       SPARKLE WHITE TEETH NELSON
                                       Would you like whiter teeth? Regain your confidence with a special teeth whitening offer
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                                       of the trusted nationwide franchise. Rose will consult and match an appropriate tooth shade for
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                                       Rose today for more information and to book! Member of NZ Teeth Whitening Association.
                                       Elliott Cottage, 33 Trafalgar Street, Nelson 027 246 2449 www.sparklewhite.co.nz

The Lafont range of optical eyewear frames are luxurious feminine pieces for
women with a strong emphasis on elegance. They are handmade in France with
unparalleled expertise, and with over 90 years’ experience they are backed by a
name you can depend on. Lafont frames are superb Parisian optical eyewear –
check them out now instore at Harrington Eyecare 205 Queen Street, Richmond
03 544 9160 55 Halifax Street, Nelson 03 546 9160 www.harringtoneyecare.co.nz

                                                    KIWI ORIGINALS
                                                    Treat yourself to the warmth and comfort of possum,
                                                    merino and silk Glovelets to warm up your Winter. In
                                                    a wide range of fresh new season colours, along
                                                    with matching Scarves, Hats and Ponchos. View
                                                    our NZ made range of woolen products and
                                                    accessories at Kiwi Originals
                                                    153 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

                                                    LITTLE BEEHIVE CO-OP
                                                    Natty is a Wellington based design duo. Besides their beautiful handmade
                                                    Rimu jewellery range, Natty also design and produce hand-printed textiles,
LITTLE BOUTIQUE                                     illustrated gift cards and prints. The latest range celebrates Aotearoa, and
                                                    includes a beautiful selection of tea towels and pillowcases, which are lightly
FANTASIE lingerie one of the prettiest
                                                    packaged for easy convenience and shipping offshore as a thoughtful gift from
and most comfortable ranges we stock,
                                                    home. You’ll find a selection of their products in store at Little Beehive co-op
specialising in cup sizes up to JJ, Pop in
                                                    123 Hardy St, Nelson, 7010
and see all our beautiful NZ made MERINO
undergarments and a huge range of snuggly
winter sleepwear. Over the winter months
we carry a selection of swimwear and resort
wear for those lucky enough to be going to
a warmer destination. We specialise in bra
fitting, maternity, mastectomy and protheses
pocketed bras. MOH registered. we also stock
a small range of babywear and gifts.
51 Bridge Street, Nelson 03 548 3943

                                                                      Infinity Country Cable Scarf. Now that
                                                                      the weather is cooling down it’s time
                                                                      to get the knitting needles out! This
                                                                      stylish Infinity Scarf is easy to knit
                                                                      with 10 ply worsted wool and only
                                                                      takes three 100g balls. These yarns
                                                                      are designed by NZ Boutique
                                                                      Wool Company, Outlaw Yarns
                                                                      and are exclusive to Broomfields
                                                                      & Co. Call in and check out the
GLEN JAMES JEWELLERS                                                  range of eight beautiful colors and
Glen James, knows no boundaries and loves taking jewellery to         get started. Also you can visit their
even higher limits.                                                   website and check out their stunning
161 Trafalgar St, Nelson, opposite Westpac bank.                      handcraft supplies.
www.glenjames.co.nz 035484523                                         42 Halifax Street, Nelson
open 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 3pm Saturday                Phone 548 0903 www.broomfields.co.nz


                   building on a story
                    Maike van der Heide visits a much loved Marlborough home which
                      blends old with new, and where every object evokes a memory.
                                                     PHOTOS DAVID JAMES

           was not prepared for the beautiful view I would enjoy     fireplaces, stairs, large basement and half acre section for a
           standing behind my kitchen sink.”                         lifestyle and domestic workload more suited to their stage
             Lorraine Sutherland gazes out over the dining           of life.
table into her cozy lounge and past a wall splashed with deep           They subdivided, engaged Jennian Homes and transformed
colours, then onto her patio and green garden.                       years of Lorraine’s notes and ideas to solid building plans.
   It’s a far cry from her former kitchen when she first moved       Those plans included level floors and wide doorways to
into her old house. It was squirrelled away out of sight, built      accommodate wheelchairs, not needed now, but there just
in a time when it was used by household maids.                       in case.
   So when she planned her new Blenheim house with                      The couple closely supervised the build from their old house
husband Ron, Lorraine knew she wanted an open plan area              before moving in 2016. They were thrilled when a family with
where she could cook and socialise simultaneously. Two years         young children bought the old place, somewhat easing the
on, the appeal has not worn off.                                     tough emotional transition.
   Lorraine’s old kitchen, in a rather grand timber two-storey          They took some elements of the past, such as a higher than
structure hailing from 1920, is just over the fence: The             standard stud and much of their existing furniture, to blend
Sutherlands built their new house in their old garden.               seamlessly with the new.
   It was placed on the former full-size tennis court, on the lawn      “I think old and new go together perfectly,” says Lorraine,
where their daughter was married, and planned with a very            standing under a modern light at her great aunt’s dining
practical insight into what the future may yet have in store.        table, purchased with wedding money by the 21-year-old
   With their two daughters grown and gone, Lorraine                 bride in 1920. Lorraine pulls out a chair to show the new
and Ron concluded it was time to downsize and trade the              cowhide upholstery.


   Lorraine’s scullery, too, had its modern lines and details        views and the light, while remaining perfectly private.
softened with an ornate wooden linen cupboard.                          Lorraine’s favourite area is the north-facing patio, where
   She has greatly enjoyed putting this eclectic and personal        the home’s concrete-like rock coat complements schist walls
stamp on the house, filling it with art and photographs              that separate lawn from raised garden beds.
from years of extensive travels – images of grand European              “The old house has a lovely north facing balcony and I
cathedrals and Venetian masks in the lounge, a costume from          wanted to repeat it because I love outdoor eating and a glass
Tibet above the stairs, roosters from Hong Kong and Tuscany          of wine outside, and this is so well positioned that in the
in the kitchen.                                                      wintertime you can have lunch out here.”
   Each item has a story behind it, which to Lorraine is far            A great advantage to building in her garden was that it was
more important than creating a “designer” space.                     already long established, she adds. An existing pergola was
   “I love a house that reflects a person’s life and personality.”   shortened and the wisteria which already grew there was left
   The couple chose a neutral colour scheme for the interior -       to carry on its winding way.
Resene White Pointer single to triple, adapted to the light in          “The established trees are something that was important
each room - and Resene Double Stack for the outside.                 because when you’re old you don’t have time for trees to
   It was a palette that allowed Lorraine to bring in splashes       grow. The Gleditsia our friend gave for our silver wedding,
of colour and texture throughout the home, starting with a           and the camellia I planted and they’re 20 years old now.”
block of vibrant wallpaper from Cinnamon House that greets              Back at Lorraine’s kitchen sink with its pleasing view,
anyone who enters the dining room from the hall.                     attention turns to the lights which she took great care to
   “My daughters said, ‘it’s just you mum’.”                         choose and avoid down lights, or “holes in the ceiling”.
   On the other side of the bright wall, a more subdued                 The patio light was brought back from Morocco in
striped pattern reflects the relaxed, “more masculine” sitting       Lorraine’s backpack, “stuffed with my clothes and things”
area with leather furniture where Ron enjoys watching sports.        while in the lounge hangs a vintage American chandelier
   In a deliberate move to create ease in their older years,         found in Nelson - its stories told in the pits in the brass fitting.
the couple live entirely on the bottom floor while the top’s            Lorraine’s lounge is made cosy with a gas fire – no more
purpose is to welcome visiting children and grandchildren.           lugging firewood – surrounded by aerated concrete which
   The master bedroom, while next door to the kitchen, is truly      Marlborough company Zorite moulded, to her surprise, on site
a retreat. Shutters frame a lush green garden outlook and the        right before her eyes.
black rococo bedhead forms the main feature.                            Although leaving their old family home was tough, Lorraine
   “I don’t want a bedroom colour scheme to be loud. It has to       says she would not change a thing about the house she
be calm.”                                                            and Ron built for their future on a solid foundation of life
   The generous ensuite was built to draw in the same garden         experience, knowledge and memories.

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                                    Book and deposit by 5 June


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   04/06/19, WLP 27/05/19 & WBN 16/06/19), has limited availability per departure and is only available for cabin categories E, D, B, A & P. Not combinable with the Air Credit offer. These offers are valid for new 2019 Europe bookings made from 07/02/18 - 24/04/18 (or until
   sold out). To secure reservation a non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of $500per person/per cruise is required within 7 days of booking (or by 24/04/18; whichever comes first). The Air Credit will be processed as a discount off the booking invoice at time of reservation.
   Should you cancel or change your cruise, this Air Credit becomes null and void and the full cost of any airfare purchased or any associated change fees will be your responsibility. All airline payment and cancellation terms are completely independent of Avalon Waterways.
   Avalon Waterways is not responsible for any booking element of the airfare which you have utilised the credit for, even if SafetyNet Protection has been purchased. Avalon Waterways cancellation penalties apply as per standard terms and conditions. SafetyNet Protection may
   be purchased, standard conditions apply. SafetyNet Protection cover relates only to the Avalon Waterways portion of the booking and does not cover any associated airfares booked in conjunction with this offer. The Air Credit is 100% non-refundable and non-transferable under
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   special conditions apply. Offers can be withdrawn or amended at any time. Additional restrictions may apply. Full Avalon 2019 terms & conditions apply, please ensure you read these prior to booking – see the 2019 Avalon Waterways brochure or visit avalonwaterways.co.nz.

  H O U S E O F T R AV E L R I C H M O N D 2 24 Q U E E N S T R E E T, R I C H M O N D I 0 3 5 4 3 9 76 0 I R I C H M O N D @ H OT.C O. NZ
  H O U S E O F T R AV E L N E L S O N 25 6 T R A FA LG A R S T R E E T, N E L S O N I 0 3 5 4 6 878 0 I N E L S O N @ H OT.C O. NZ

 1. Arabella Hayter and Patricia Millar
 2. Annie Gowland and Rae Watson
 3. Jacqui Randall, Olivia Parkinson and
    Fiona Robb
 4. Sierra Cadman and Daniel Lukomski
 5. Becks Hide and Andy Colley
 6. Suzy Hyde, Pip Hiles and Pip Lovell of the
    Mapua Mother Pluckers Ukulele Group
 7. Arwen, Gillian and Erinn Hawkley                                                  2
 Photos Virginia Woolf


 3                                                  4                                 5

 6                                                                 7

 We invite you to Quench your dining desires in comfort & style.
         Quench Restaurant & Wine Bar - in the heart of
                     Chateau Marlborough.
                Thursdays - Music by Sam Merrall

            Open daily from 7am-10am for breakfast
              and from 5.30pm for evening dining.                      Cnr High & Henry Sts, Blenheim • 03 578 0064
1. Jill Abernethy
2. Daniel Jung and Jungeun Lim
3. Meghan and Kelvin Deaker
4. Sharyn White
5. Bill, Liz, and Jill Knowles, with
   Alison Morrison
6. Judy and Mike Ham
Photos Ricky Wilson                        1                                2

3                                                               4

5                                                                   6

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 MAY 10 TO 13                                                     MAY 12
 FEAST MARLBOROUGH                                                MUMS MEET MUMS
 Feast Marlborough is a four day foodie extravaganza              Mums who are pregnant or who have a child under three
 celebrating wonderful Marlborough food and wine, and             can head along to Port Nelson Mums Meet Mums to
 the talented people behind it. There are various events,         connect with other mums over a high tea. There are also
 including the Friday Night Feast with its street party vibe      pamper stations, spot prizes and goodie bags. Five dollars
 on May 11 at Market Square in Blenheim’s CBD (3pm to             from every ticket is donated to Perinatal Support Nelson.
 7pm and free entry).                                             12.30pm to 4pm. The Granary, Founders Park. Tickets
 For more information on Feast Marlborough events visit           $30, via www.socialbubs.co.nz or www.facebook.com/
 www.feastmarlborough.nz                                          socialbubs

 MAY 14                                                           MAY 20
 LUMINA                                                           TRAMP THE NED
 Direct from shows in Paris and Liverpool, The New Zealand        Get your walking shoes on and enjoy the fantastic views
 Dance Company presents one of its most celebrated                over the Wairau, Awatere, Cook Strait and into the dryland
 programmes - Lumina, which was first performed to critical       forest on Tempello Farm during Waterforce Tramp the Ned,
 acclaim in 2015. Set to a visceral and charismatic soundscape,   a fundraiser for Fairhall School. The Ned is a 909m peak
 the connective force of light is used to bring together three    which is a defining feature of the Marlborough skyline.
 pieces of contemporary dance.                                    Registration 8.30am to 9.45am, Taylor Pass Rd entrance to
 7.30pm. Theatre Royal Nelson. Tickets range from $15 to          Tempello Farm, Blenheim. Adult $15, school-age child $10.
 $79, from Theatre Royal Nelson.                                  www.trampthened.co.nz

also on...
                                                            MAY 4 AND 5
                                                            KAIPUPU AUTUMN PLANT SALE
                                                            Spruce up your garden with locally grown native
                                                            plants and herbs at great prices, to support the
                                                            Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary at the head of the Picton
                                                            May 4, 9am to 5pm. May 5, 9am to 3pm. Picton
                                                            PowerHouse Maritime Heritage Reserve, 8 Wairau Rd,
                                                            Picton. Free entry.

MAY 12                                                      MAY 5
Cheer on entrants in this annual event, which is an off-    WITH MS FIZZBERRY
road journey running or walking through 21 Marlborough
                                                            Celebrate Takaka Library’s 10th birthday with a
vineyards. The views from the course are stunning,
                                                            marvellous magic show from Ms Fizzberry. Head along
including the Richmond Ranges in the background
                                                            to this family event dressed as your favourite book
and vines in beautiful autumn colours. There will be
                                                            character and parade through the Saturday market.
designated spectator spots.
                                                            The two best costumes win a prize.
9am to 3pm. Start/finish, Saint Clair Cellar Door, Selmes
Rd, Blenheim.                                               10.30am to 11.30am. Takaka Memorial Library.
                                                            Free event.

                                                            MAY 12 (NELSON) AND MAY 13 (MARLBOROUGH)
                                                            THE NUTCRACKER
                                                            Moscow Ballet La Classique presents the jewel
                                                            of classical ballet, Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece The
                                                            Nutcracker. The performance takes the audience on
                                                            a journey back in time to the frost-covered, gas lit
                                                            world of Clara, her beloved nutcracker doll and the
                                                            magician Drosselmeyer.
                                                            Nelson - 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Theatre Royal. Tickets,
                                                            from Theatre Royal/TicketDirect - adult $95, senior $85,
                                                            child $70.
                                                            Marlborough - 7.30pm. ASB Theatre Marlborough.
                                                            Tickets, from Ticketek - adult $90, senior $80, child $65.

MAY 26                                                      MAY 13
DANCING FOR A CAUSE                                         MAPUA MAKERS MARKET
Enjoy a glamorous evening of entertainment to raise         Contemporary craft and handcrafted items will be on
funds for Nelson Hospice. Eight Nelson personalities        offer at the Mapua Makers Market, which features a
will be partnered with a trained ballroom dancer and        wide variety of stalls. Many of the local craftspeople
will perform in front of a panel of judges to try and win   do no sell anywhere else. There will also be gourmet
Nelson’s first Dancing For A Cause.                         food items for sale.
7pm. Trafalgar Centre, Nelson. Tickets range from $15 to
                                                            10am to 3pm. Mapua Community Hall. Free entry.
$80, from Theatre Royal/TicketDirect.


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                                           Nadine achieves the best results for her
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Living Light Candles                       Claire McKendry
                        Jude is            Associate, Gascoigne Wicks
                        genuinely          Raised and educated in Marlborough, Claire
                        passionate         returned to her roots to practise law in 2003
                        about helping
                                           and has more recently commenced work at
                                           Gascoigne Wicks. She enjoys the varied work
                        find the
                        perfect            and challenges that arise in a busy provincial
                        product for        firm and aims to achieve her clients’ goals
                        their home         efficiently and sensitively, irrespective of
                        or loved           whether those involve large-scale property
                        ones . This        transactions or more personal matters such
passion for people and the exquisite
                                           as the preparation of Wills. She greatly
handpoured products that continue to
                                           appreciates the trust that clients place in
evolve and change, has seen Jude stay
enthused and inspired in her role as       her and the firm with the care of their
Manager for the past 6 years.              affairs and hopes to maintain long-standing
Jude@livinglight.co.nz                     connections with those clients as their lives
www.livinglight.co.nz                      change over time. cmckendry@gwlaw.co.nz

                                                                          Downing Creative Marketing
                                                                          In the 24 years that Downing Creative Marketing has
                                                                          been in business, our qualified and creative team of
                                                                          professionals have completed over 25,000 successful
                                                                          communication projects for some of New Zealand’s
                                                                          leading businesses and organisations.
                                                                           We offer a fully integrated range of marketing and
                                                                          creative services that cover every aspect of promotion
                                                                          for your organisation.
                                                                           This includes brands, graphic design, websites,
                                                                          and advertising. Our creative team are passionate
                                                                          about producing ideas that will help you stand out
                                                                          in the most appealing way possible and our account
                                                                          managers ensure that your work is completed on time
From left to right – Holly Barnes, Sarah Thomas, Vanessa Downing,         and produced to the highest standards.
Megan Dayman, Oriwa Hytongue                                              Visit our website at downing.nz
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                                  *This offer is only valid between May 14 and June 30
                               2018, not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.

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                                     Tuesday 8 May
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                                   can be found on our website

                                 03 351 6169              Medbury School
                     office@medbury.school.nz             109 Clyde Road
                       www.medbury.school.nz              Fendalton, Christchurch

                                     a crafty idea
                        Adrienne Matthews catches up with Kim MacDonald, the
                       creator of Nelson-based MillyMac craft supplies and furniture
                     business, and an entrepreneur with a determined ‘can do’ attitude.
                                              PHOTOS BRADEN FASTIER

  first encountered MillyMac’s founder        “I badly needed to challenge my              Determined to succeed, she researched
  Kim at a trade fair where she was        brain,” she says. “I love learning new       another supplier, received the samples
  selling her wares to an enthusiastic     things so I enrolled in a Barbican small     and booked to attend the Canton Fair to
crowd of store owners from throughout      business and project management              meet them in person. However, before
New Zealand.                               course here in Nelson.”                      the fair she discovered that they had
  She had an effervescent personality         It was an opportunity to acquire          pulled out at the last minute.
that just glowed with passion for her      business skills, and by the end of the          “I felt like an absolute idiot going all
business.                                  year Kim had a master plan for a brand       that way and being let down again,”
  Kim’s story is one of careful            new business.                                she says.
preparation and planning, coincidences,       The following year she began to              A phone call to them, however, led to
travel into the unknown, a passion for     follow that plan, down to its smallest       good news. They offered to fly her to
learning and darned hard work.             detail. By July she had registered           their factory to meet them and see their
  Kim’s mother was a Hungarian             ‘MillyMac’ and was putting in her order      operation in action.
refugee, arriving on New Zealand           for the first line of products.                 “It was an absolute adventure,” she
shores soon after the Hungarian               “I had spent ages looking for a range     says, laughing. “Here I was in something
Revolution in 1956. Kim has inherited      of craft storage furniture,” she explains.   like the amazing race, dashing for trains
the love of fabric related crafts imbued   “I wanted to find something that             and planes before ending up in the
in the lives of many European women        crafters could store their treasures in.”    middle of the countryside and being
throughout the ages and is delightedly        Finding a company in China that           driven for two hours to goodness knows
encouraging New Zealand makers to          could make just what she required was        where. I couldn’t even find the place on
embrace the joy of hand-crafting.          an exciting start but her joy quickly        Google Maps.”
  Life as an entrepreneur began four       turned to disappointment when they              The experience proved to be a
years ago when she realised it was time    refused to sell her the small initial        wonderful turning point for MillyMac.
to move on from her various past roles     quantities she wanted.                       The factory which made goods out of
in early childhood, the Neighbourhood         “I had done so much investigation         timber grown in Government-owned
Support service and refugee                into import and entry requirements to        forests was in a small village where
resettlement and learn something           New Zealand. I was ready to go and this      the owner had grown up. After years
brand new.                                 was a big knock,” she says.                  studying and working away he had

decided to return to set up a business     house into a sea of
where the local people could have secure   shelving.
jobs. He now employs 100 people.             “There were a few things wrong with           Kim has been offered space at a
   “They were so lovely to me,” says       the first order but the company paid us      United States craft supplier fair but does
Kim. “I spent a day at the factory with    back for the mistakes,” says Kim. “I knew    not want to run before she can walk.
them and was pleased to see that the       then that they would be good to deal            “The next step is for me and my
working conditions were no different to    with and I have been proven right.”          husband Andy to go to China together. I
a factory in New Zealand.                    Blessed with a brother-in-law who          am so looking forward to the adventures
   “The machinery was modern and           understands the Chinese culture, his tips    I know we will have,” she says.
there were clearly good health and         were a godsend for Kim.                         The factory owner and his wife are
safety standards in place,” she says.        “It is so important to respect the         going to “show us their country”, she
   Although Kim could not speak their      customs of other countries and not           says excitedly. Then, later on, Kim and
language, a translator was available.      make a foolish mistake and I was             Andy are going to return the favour
   “We laughed a lot. They were very       blessed to have been schooled up well.”      when the couple visit New Zealand.
friendly.”                                   Kim is now at the very exciting stage         Kim has succeeded in establishing
   Back in Guangzhou she met the           where her business is expanding as           a firm footing for her business where
factory owner’s wife.                      people find all sorts of uses for her sets   so many don’t, thanks, she says, to the
   “They realised that New Zealand         of drawers.                                  excellent training she received from her
is very small but were keen to do my         “I have expanded my business to sell       Barbican course.
order. They also said that they wanted     patterns, notions and kits that come            A major key to Kim’s success, however,
me to come back and see more of their      from USA, Australian and Norwegian           is her personality. Open and bubbly,
country.”                                  designers,” she says.                        she exudes the joy that MillyMac has
   Four months later her first container     Her other son Liam is a concept            brought her.
arrived.                                   designer in Los Angeles and is now              “I’m growing a business I can do until
   “I gave my husband Andy and son         helping her develop the MillyMac brand.      I retire. It has fulfilled my passion for
Josh a box of screws and a pile of           “I can’t stand still,” she laughs. “I      learning and I’m never bored. It is my
discarded pallets and they miraculously    have to keep learning and explore            happy place.”
transformed the space beneath the          where this business will take me.”           www.millymac.com

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