Page created by Byron Goodwin
                                RESEARCH AND SURVIVAL
                                  AT THE CONSERVANCY’S
                                REMOTE PACIFIC OUTPOST

                                54           46              28
                        VENEZUELA’S      HIDDEN     DOGS RESCUE
“This is a critically important book                                                                                                                                                                        contents

that comes at just the right moment.”
                                                                                                                                 FEATURES                                                                                 CONSERVANCY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MARCH / APRIL 2013

                       —Walter Isaacson, President and CEO, The Aspen Institute, and author of Steve Jobs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2 In Focus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               6 From the President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8 About Us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               12 Contributors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               14 Member Forum

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               19 News
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               An accord to revive the Colo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               rado River Delta; plus, a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               home for Kenya’s hirola

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               22 Good Work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Helping Puget Sound, protect-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ing land along the Mississippi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and other good news

                                                                                                                                                                   CO V ER STO R Y                                             26 Interview
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Meet Conservancy coral

   “The environmental community needs to talk about nature using the language of business: assets, risks,
                                                                                                                                                30    Kingdom of the Hungry                                                    expert Stephanie Wear

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               28 Work in Progress
   and innovation. Nature’s Fortune is the guidebook that can move environmentalism to this next level.”                               Palmyra Atoll may be a Pacific paradise, but it is also one of                          Rescued dogs help
                                                             —Walter Isaacson, President and CEO,                                      the most active shark habitats in the world—a living labora-                            save salamanders
                                                              The Aspen Institute, and author of Steve Jobs
                                                                                                                                        tory for researchers working in an unforgiving wilderness.                             62 Just Published
   “In Nature’s Fortune, Mark Tercek and Jonathan Adams expertly articulate the interdependence of our                                                BY MATT JENKINS | Photographs by Tim Calver                              Books: Moonbird and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Power of Trees
   economy and nature’s economy, and the practiced ways both can be saved in perpetuity.”
                                               —Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University Research Professor,
                                                Emeritus, and author of The Social Conquest of Earth                                                       46    Hidden Gems                                                   64 Back Story
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The making of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               shark photograph
                                                                                                                                        These three wild places are alive and well and waiting for
   “This is an important book for environmentalists, investment bankers, and everyone else. It presents a
   compelling case that investing in nature is a great deal—not just morally but economically as well. It is in                          you, thanks to the work of The Nature Conservancy.
   all of our enlightened self-interest to take this book very seriously.”                                                                              BY HAL HERRING | Artwork by Stan Fellows
                                                             —Morton Schapiro, Professor of Economics
                                                              and President, Northwestern University
                                                                                                                                                     54    The Changing Land
                                                                                                                                        A new season has arrived in the vast Venezuelan prairies,
              From Mark R. Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy,
                and science writer and conservation biologist Jonathan S. Adams.                                                        where the Conservancy helped protect a million acres and
                                                                                                                                            the cultural heritage of local indigenous groups.
                                                                                                                  © TIM CALVER

                                                                                                                                                  BY VIRGINIA GLASS | Photographs by Antonio Briceño
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               On the cover:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kydd Pollock researching
          Basic Books · Available April 9 wherever books are sold                                                                               Above: Coconut palms seen from the water at Palmyra Atoll.                     blacktip sharks. © Tim Calver
          Autographed copies available at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        M A GA Z I NE .NA TURE .ORG            1
                                                                     Proceeds benefit The Nature Conservancy
in focus

                                                                              Conservancy research-
                                                                              ers interviewed people
                                                                              in communities through-
                                                                              out Venezuela’s Llanos
                                                                              grasslands—including in
                                                                              the village of Raicero—to
                                                                              support the designation
                                                                              of new protections for
                                                                              the region’s cultural and

                                                                              ecological heritage.

                                                                              Page 54: The Changing Land

                    2   NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013   M A GA Z I NE .NA TURE .ORG         3
in focus

                                                                         the Weather
                                                                         On a rainy day in the
                                                                         waters around Palmyra
                                                                         Atoll, researchers track
                                                                         the ocean’s salinity,
                                                                         temperature, carbon
                                                                         levels and acidity. A
                                                                         pole-mounted video
                                                                         camera is used to docu-
                                                                         ment the health of the
                                                                         corals below.

                                                                         Page 30: Kingdom of the Hungry

               4   NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013   M A GA Z I NE .NA TURE .ORG       5

                                                                            or business innovation. With this book I hope to draw
           Investing                                                        attention to the high returns available from invest-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  There’s no place like
           in Nature
                                                                            ments in nature, and to broaden awareness of why the
                                                                            work of The Nature Conservancy is so important.
                                                                               The Conservancy has long been a leader in de-
                                                                            veloping innovative ways to finance conservation.
                                                                                            We continue to explore new strate-
                                                                                            gies and to test new tools to pay for
                                                                     ”Investing             conservation and integrate it into
                                                                     in nature is           our local and global economies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               . 800.2Kansas, ext. NC
                                                                     the smartest           Water funds that we developed in
                                                                     decision any           Latin America, whereby urban water                                                                                 Vast, rolling hills that go on forever. Lush prairie grasses that wave like the sea.
                                                                     business or            users pay to protect the forests and                                                                                           Follow inflowers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the footprints  of history – whereand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         families braved
                                                                     government             grasslands that hold and filter cities’                                                                                       Native               dot the     landscape          bison   roam the plains.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            westward trails, soldiers guarded frontier outposts, and
                                                                     can make.”             freshwater, are now being replicated                                                                                                Visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the bloodyKansas     and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           battle for     feed was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      freedom    the fought
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and won. soul in you.
                                                                                            around the world—in Africa, Asia
                                                                     Water Source:          and the United States.
                                                                     Protecting lands that      We are also working hard to pursue
                                                                     supply drinking water
                                                                     in Ecuador supports    funding  from “impact investment”
                                                                     people and nature.     sources of capital. An exciting new
                                                                                            example is the Conservation Note,
                                                                                            which allows individuals to invest
Passionate supporters and generous                                          in Conservancy projects and generate a financial                                                                                                                  Full page (bleed)
philanthropists drive conservation forward. At The
Nature Conservancy, we appreciate our supporters
                                                                            return—as well as a return for nature and future
                                                                            generations. The Conservation Note represents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              8.375 in x 10.75 in
tremendously and are proud of all that you help us                          an expansion of opportunities for people who care
accomplish. Your commitment to conservation is vital.                       about our natural heritage and want to put their
Nevertheless, to advance our ambitious mission, we’ll                       money where their values are.
need support that reaches beyond philanthropy.                                 The need for innovation extends across all scales
   We’ll also need to persuade government and busi-                         and all sectors of our work. With that in mind, this
ness leaders to invest in nature. Natural capital—the                       issue of Nature Conservancy magazine also marks a
goods and services that nature provides—forms the                           change. For the first time, we are accepting appropri-
foundation of all economies and all human well-being.                       ate advertising to offset costs and to free up more
Broad investments in natural capital will secure impor-                     of your contributions to support our mission. In
tant benefits and will provide a powerful new source                        addition, we are returning to our former bimonthly
of funding and support for conservation.                                    schedule to keep you better informed—and, we hope,

                                                                                                                                      © FLORIAN KOPPIMAGEBRO/AGE FOTOSTOCK; DAVE LAURDISEN
   Viewing nature through basic business principles                         inspired—about news and developments related to
focuses more attention on the benefits of conservation.                     our work in your backyard and around the world.
In my new book, Nature’s Fortune: How Business and Society
Thrive by Investing in Nature, I argue that such a perspec-
tive makes clear that protecting nature is a central and
important driver of economic activity—every bit as im-
portant as manufacturing, finance and agriculture.
   Investing in nature is the smartest decision any busi-
ness or government can make. The forests, floodplains                                           Mark R. Tercek
and oyster reefs often seen as raw materials or as obstacles                                    President & Chief Executive Officer
to be cleared in the name of progress are, instead, as
important to our future prosperity as technology or law                                                                                                                                             Flint Hills
                                                                                                                                                                                             Photo by Jim Richardson

6         NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013
about us

                                                                                                                                                               B OA RD O F D I R ECTO R S

                                                                                                                                                               Teresa Beck
                                                                                                                                                               Steven A. Denning
                                                                                                                                                               President &
                                                          WH AT W E DO                                                                                         Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                                               Mark R. Tercek
                                                                                                                                                               Vice Chair
                                                                                                                                                               Roberto Hernández Ramírez
                                                          The mission of The Nature Conservancy is
                                                          to conserve the lands and waters on which                                                            M E M B E RS
                                                          all life depends. We address the most urgent
                                                          conservation challenges at the largest scale
                                                          by pursuing nonconfrontational, pragmatic,                                                           David Blood
                                                                                                                                                               Shona L. Brown
                                                          market-based solutions. Our vision is to leave                                                       Gretchen C. Daily
                                                          a sustainable world for future generations.                                                          Joseph H. Gleberman
                                                                                                                                                               Jeremy Grantham
                                                                                                                                                               Frank E. Loy
                                                                                                                                                               Jack Ma
                                                                                                                                                               Craig O. McCaw
                                                                                                                                                               Thomas J. Meredith
    Top: Yosemite Valley; Yellowstone Falls;              CON TACT US                                                                                          Thomas S. Middleton
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    Jenny Lake, Grand Teton National Park                                                                    Adopt an Acre or a Coral
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                                                          4245 N. Fairfax Drive                                                                                Muneer A. Satter
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                          Grand Canyon
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                          Mt. Rushmore                    more about The Nature                                                                                Mark R. Tercek
                            Yellowstone                   Conservancy and what                               GIFT PLANNING
                                                                                                                                                               Chief Operating Officer
                                                                                                                                                               Brian McPeek
                                                          you can do to help.                                Learn how to put the
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                              Zion Park                   DONATE                                             estate plan,* give a charitable                   Director, Editorial Strategy
                                                          Use the envelope in the                            gift annuity, donate stock                        Elizabeth Ward
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       CAaMrERICA                                                                                            commitment and welcome you                                                                    The Nature Conservancy. We accept all types of property: homes, apartments or
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8              NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013                                                                                                                                                professional advisor before making a charitable gift. Image credit: © PHOPM130304001
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                                                                                                                           Financial information about The Nature Conser-
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                                                                                                                                                                                              ountry’s only National Park for the Performing Arts and a proud partner of
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                                           Research Director Susan Weiss                                                                                                                 re ognizing our ommitment to promote environmental responsibility in the performing arts.
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           by the authors do not necessarily reflect those of The Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy does not      summary from: Secretary of State, State Capitol,        Jennifer Holliday in Dreamgirls, Rock of Ages, the National Symphony Orchestra, and MANY MORE!
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at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         t hat

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pro y can
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    grow s!
your Giving                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tree
                                                                                                      C O NTRI B UTO RS

                                                                                                      COVER STORY
                                                                                                      Tim Calver

                                                                                            Photographer Tim Calver began
                                                                                            shooting underwater after meet-
                                                                                            ing free divers at Bimini Biological
                                                                                            Field Station in the Bahamas. There
                                                                                            he spent six years assisting graduate
                                                                                            students with shark research and
                                                                                            free diving with his camera to cap-
                                                                                            ture their experiences—skills that
T    he Nature Conservancy’s Donor
     Advised Fund offers a way to
simplify your charitable giving, receive
                                                                                            proved valuable at Palmyra Atoll
                                                      (“Kingdom of the Hungry,” page 30). “Free diving makes you quiet and
                                                      quick underwater,” he says. Fish and other species come much closer
enhanced tax benefits and save time                   to him that way, he says, because “there are no flashy bubbles.” Calver’s
and money. The fund offers many of                    work has appeared in Time and National Geographic magazines.
the benefits of a foundation, without
              1/3 vertical
the complexities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Full page (bleed)
You can create your fund with a
personal donation or, in many cases,                                                                                                                                                                                                        8.375 in x 10.75 in
by transferring assets from anin    x
foundation. The minimum initial gift
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Naturally, one of the greenest credit cards on earth.
is $100,000 in cash             in
                    or securities.
Real estate may also be accepted.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Introducing the BankAmericard Cash Rewards™ Visa® card benefiting The Nature Conservancy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Now, your everyday retail transactions can help support conservation. Already, this program has raised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       $13 million to protect lands and waters around the world.
                                                      Antonio Briceño               Hal Herring                      Matt Jenkins
Learn more at                         Antonio Briceño has           As a child in northern           Senior Editor Matt Jen-                                                                                                                      s    #ONSERVERESOURCESWITHACARDMADEPARTIALLYFROMRECYCLEDCONTENT
Or, contact Greg Sharkey:                             photographed indig-           Alabama, Hal Herring             kins spent an unforgetta-                                                                                                                    s    !UTOMATICALLYEARNCASHBACKONEVERYPURCHASE ANDATOTALOFCASH
PHONE: (614) 787-4739                                 enous groups for many         was fascinated by the            ble hour snorkeling with
                                                      years. He turned his lens     glimpses of nature avail-        10 baby blacktip sharks
TOLL-FREE: (877) 812-3698                             on the Pumé people            able to those willing to         during his reporting trip                                                                                                                          BONUSREWARDSONGROCERYANDGASPURCHASES 
EMAIL:                                 of Venezuela to docu-         explore. “Some of my             to Palmyra Atoll (“King-                                                                                                                     s    2ECEIVEACUSTOMERBONUSWHENYOUREDEEMREWARDSINTOA"ANKOF
                                                      ment the Conservancy’s        earliest memories are of         dom of the Hungry,” page                                                                                                                           !MERICA®CHECKINGORSAVINGSACCOUNT
The Nature Conservancy cannot render tax or           partnership in the Llanos     wading in springs, catch-        30). “The sharks were                                                                                                                        s    2ECEIVEAFREEONE YEARMEMBERSHIPTO4HE.ATURE#ONSERVANCYUPON
legal advice. Please consult with your professional   region (“The Chang-           ing the colorless craw-          only several weeks old,”                                                                                                                           APPROVALSTUDENTSNOTELIGIBLE  
advisor before making a charitable gift.              ing Land,” page 54).          dads and minnows that            says Jenkins. “But they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  s    (ELPPLANTTREES&OREACHYEARTHATYOUAREANACTIVECARDHOLDER "ANKOF
                                                      “Normally, when we            spend their lives under-         were full of curiosity,
                                                                                                                                                 COURTESY OF CONTRIBUTORS (3); © TIM CALVER

Image credit: © Theresa Green                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           !MERICAWILLPLANTATREEIN"RAZILS!TLANTIC&OREST
PHOPM130305001                                        think about nomadic           ground and only briefly          hovering face-to-face
                                                      indigenous groups, we         come out into the light,”        with us even as an adult                                                                                                                     s    %NJOYA,OW)NTRODUCTORY!02OFFER†
                                                      think about the Amazon        he says. Visiting the 1,000      blacktip patrolled the
                                                      forest,” he says. “It was     Springs Complex in Idaho         deeper channel just
                                                      fantastic to get in contact   (“Hidden Gems,” page             behind us.” Teaming with
                                                      with people from the          46) was a chance, on a           sharks and other preda-                                                                                    | 1.800.438.6262 | Priority code: VABIB7
                                                      flat Llanos grasslands.”      grand scale, to rekindle         tors, the remote island’s
                                                      Briceño has had more          that appreciation for hid-       waters offer a rare                                                      †
                                                                                                                                                                                               &ORINFORMATIONABOUTTHERATES FEES OTHERCOSTSANDBENElTSASSOCIATEDWITHTHEUSEOFTHISCARDORTOAPPLY CALLTHETOLL FREENUMBERORVISITTHEWEBSITELISTEDABOVE 4HE
                                                      than 30 solo exhibitions      den waters. Herring is a         glimpse into the past.                                                   CASHBACKONGROCERYPURCHASESANDCASHBACKONGASPURCHASESAPPLIESTOTHElRST INCOMBINEDPURCHASESINTHESECATEGORIESEACHQUARTER!FTERTHAT THEBASE
                                                      and more than 70 inter-       contributing editor at Field     “This is the edge of the                                                 EARNRATEAPPLIESTOTHOSEPURCHASES 9OUWILLQUALIFYFORAONE YEARMEMBERSHIPTO4HE.ATURE#ONSERVANCYUPONAPPROVALOFYOURNEWACCOUNT,IMITONE ITEMPERNEWAC
                                                      national group shows.         and Stream magazine.             truly wild,” he says.                                                    COUNT4HISPROMOTIONISLIMITEDTONEWCUSTOMERSOPENINGANACCOUNTINRESPONSETOTHISOFFER&EDERALLAWPREVENTSSTUDENTSFROMRECEIVINGAPREMIUM4HISCREDITCARDPROGRAMIS
                                                                                                                                                                                              ISSUEDANDADMINISTEREDBY&)!#ARD3ERVICES .!6ISAAND6ISA3IGNATUREAREREGISTEREDTRADEMARKSOF6ISA)NTERNATIONAL3ERVICE!SSOCIATIONANDAREUSEDBYTHEISSUERPURSUANT
                                                                                             O NL I NE :
                                                                                             M A I L : Nature Conservancy Magazine
                                                                                             4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
                         Readers Respond to: 2012/ISSUE 4                                    Arlington, VA 22203

                                                                                             C HA NGE O F A DDRE S S

                                                                                             Visit and click on “Contact
                                                                                             Us” or call (800) 628-6860.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        HIGHWAY IN NORWEGIAN
                                                                                              READER SAYS

                                                                                             “With so much focus on
                                                                                             grand-scale projects, it was
                                                                                             refreshing to read about a
                                                                                             small success story.”
                                                                                             —Sondra Wolferman
On the Cover
While the lady and her dog on the cover of 2012 issue 4 are                                  1990s] does not mention that thanks                                                                                                                              Full page (bleed)
very photogenic, they were barely in the story, “The Missing                                 to those efforts, Chileans now have                                                                                                                              8.375 in x 10.75 in
Link” (page 46). I can go along with having people on the                                    two new national parks: the magnifi-
cover of the magazine, but it would be nice if they played a                                 cent Corcovado and Pumalin National
prominent part in the article to which the cover refers.                                     Parks. Both of these gifts promoted the
Otherwise, the magazine was, as usual, wonderful.                                            protection of additional government
S. Gelabert, New Smyrna Beach, Florida                                                       land to create very large parks. [Tomp-
                                                                                             kins’s efforts have helped protect an
                                                                                             estimated 2 million acres in Chile.]
The Land and the Furor                                                                           While indeed there was some

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Photo: Per Eide/
As a trustee of the Conservancy’s                                                            furor in early days, these two fine
Vermont chapter, a longtime member                                                           protected areas—plus other lands

(more than 35 years) and a Legacy                                                            that Tompkins has conserved—have

                                                                                                                                                    Photo © Terje Rakke/Nordic Life/VisitNorway.c


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo © C. Hagelund/
Club member, I was happy and                                                                 set a fine example of private conser-
proud to read about the three large                                                          vation philanthropy.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo © Robin Strand/fjor
land-conservation ventures carried                                                           Larry Hamilton, Charlotte, Vermont                                                                                                                                                                                                      FJORD NORWAY
out as reported in the last issue of                                                         (Professor Hamilton is an advisor to the Interna-
the magazine. These great initiatives                                                        tional Union for the Conservation of Nature’s
included the Valdivian coastal range              one aspect: It leaves the impression       World Commission on Protected Areas.)
in Chile, Moosehead Lake in Maine                 that the land purchases in Chile by
and the Tollhouse/Tejon Ranch                     [businessman and conservationist]                                                                                                                                                             Bryggen, UNESCO             Oslo Opera House
                                                                                             Correction                                                                                               Stave churches
complex in California. Great maps,                Doug Tompkins (who was not men-            The Statement of Ownership, Management and                                                                                                        World Heritage Site
photos and writing!                               tioned by name) had only negative          Quarterly Circulation of Nature Conser-
   I do believe, however, that the                consequences—“a furor.” The article        vancy magazine that appeared in 2012/issue 4
article about Chile, “An Abundance                [which focused on the difficult climate    included an incorrect filing date. The date should   Explore Norway and you’ll return to nature with breathtaking scenery, dramatic waterfalls, and the
of Rarities” (page 28), was remiss in             for private conservation in Chile in the   have read September 28, 2012.                        freshest of mountain air. You’ll be amazed at the wonderful places to stay, historic cities, charming
                                                                                                                                                  villages, excellent cuisine, and fantastic hospitality. Whatever type of vacation you choose, you’ll
                                                                                                                                                  experience an overwhelming feeling of peace and tranquility that will remain with you forever.
14         NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013
Out of Line
                                                                                                          Vince Stanley’s letter (page 14) stating
                                                                                                          that sports fishermen are hounding
                                                                                                          bluefin tuna and swordfish to extinc-                                         J O I N    T O D AY .
                                                                                                          tion is way out of line.
                                                                                                             Sports fishermen’s catch and keep
                                                                                                          of those two species is tiny compared
                                                                                                          with commercial catches—one would
                                                                                                          have to call it insignificant in com-
                                                         Low-Tech Success                                 parison. But what is significant is the
                                                         Kudos to the magazine for “The                   positive effect that sports anglers
                                                         Mafia Birds” (page 40) on parasitic              have by providing the vast majority
                                                         cowbirds versus songbirds in the                 of information about these two pe-
                                                         Cache River Watershed of Illinois.               lagic fish that roam around the world.
                                                         With so much focus these days on                 Sports fishing catch-tag-and-release
                                                         grand-scale projects and high-tech               programs for bluefin tuna and sword-
                                                         solutions, it was refreshing to read             fish provide scientists with informa-
                                                         about a relatively small, localized              tion they never would be able to
                                                         conservation success story that could            acquire otherwise.
                                                         have a big impact on future conser-                 So please put a bit more research
                                                         vation decisions.                                into making the kind of statements
                                                            Using only “low-tech” equipment,              that can turn a very supportive group
          Picnic for Earth Day                           such as empty milk cartons and a                 of people into nonbelievers.                                                L A S T      G R E AT

          Grab your blanket and join us the
          weekend of April 20-22 for a global            bicycle rear-view mirror attached to             Dick Pinney, Greenland, New Hampshire
          picnic to celebrate and protect the            a paint-roller pole, scientists man-
          source of our food: nature. As part            aged to peer into the nests of an                                                                                                          SOCIETY
          of the All Hands On Earth move-
                                                         elusive bird and solve the mystery                                                                                                                              Full page (bleed)
          ment encouraging millions to help
          us save our land and water, The
          Nature Conservancy will celebrate
                                                         of how cowbirds are contributing to
                                                         the decline of songbird populations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         8.375 in x 10.75 in
          Earth Day by hosting picnic events             throughout the region.
          around the world. Share a meal
          with friends in recognition of com-
                                                            Even better, the scientists were
          munity and the natural resources               astute enough to realize that the                                                                                     “The world we live in is a fragile place, with threats to habitats, plants and wildlife,
          that sustain us all. Tweet a photo of          solution lies not in trying to eradi-
          your April picnic at #AHOEPicnic.              cate the cowbirds—they are simply                                                                                     and our climate. We have supported the Conservancy for many years, and as we
                                                         doing what they are biologically                 Magical Conservation                                                 have gotten to know the organization better, we have come to appreciate the way
                      CLICK: Find a picnic location      programmed to do—but in restoring                I enjoyed reading about the establish-
                      near you or sign up to host your
                      own at        habitat disturbed by human activ-                ment of reserves in Chile and Cali-                                  they   scientifically   manage      and     preserve     complex               We donate
                                                         ity so the songbirds have a fighting             fornia, but was perturbed that no                                    because we want to help them continue to do this                   for future generations. ”
                                                         chance at survival.                              mention was made as to the amount
                                                         Sondra Wolferman, Albrightsville, Pennsylvania   of monies spent. Conservation doesn’t                                                           - Christine & David Ve r nie r, Por t la nd, Oregon
                                                                                                          just magically happen; without the dol-
                                                         Another Perspective on Mafia Birds               lar amounts, it all seems a bit abstract.
                                                         While preparing for a bird-watching              Tom Carroux, Menlo Park, California
                                                                                                                                                                                         Members of the Last Great Places Society help protect nature’s abundant variety through
                                                         trip to Costa Rica, I read an article
                                                         concerning the impact of cowbirds on             The editor responds:                                                              their generous annual gifts of $10,000 or more. Make your conservation mark.
                                                         Montezuma oropendola fledglings.                 Thanks for the reminder to keep members fully
                                                            One cowbird chick in the nest                 informed. Here are the details from those deals:
                                                         increases the survival rate of oropen-           $7.5 million for the 147,000-acre Valdivian                                                                                  For more information:
                                                         dola chicks. Why? Because the large              Coastal Reserve in Chile, and $19.2 million                                                                                  Please contact Ryan Surber at
                                                                                                                                                             © KARINE AIGNER

                                                         cowbird chicks are better at keeping             to protect the Caliente, Tollhouse and Parker                                                                                (703) 841-7481 or
                                                         the parasitic insects under control.             ranches, a total of nearly 32,000 acres in                                                                                   or visit
                                                         Jim Vokac, Willow Springs, Missouri              Southern California.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Oregon coast photos © Mark P. Dawson; Design by Jen Newlin/TNC

16            NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013
you trust us with nature’s future.                                                                                                                                                                          INSIDE: Protecting part of the Old West     PAGE 20 ... Kenya’s new
                                                                                                                                                                                                            home for hirola PAGE 20 ... Bulldozers restore a bay PAGE 22 ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Who’s using Puget Sound? A closer look at species PAGE 22

let us help you plan for yours.

   “We wish we had known years ago how easy
    it would be to build funds for retirement
    and help protect the natural world. The
    Nature Conservancy gave us a wonderful
    way to provide for our old age and promote
    conservation too.”

                                                                 Full page (bleed)
                                                                 8.375 in x 10.75 in
                                                                                                                        Self-employed, Orly Yadin and Bob
The Nature Conservancy understands the challenge of protecting precious resources                                       generate income for retirement.
                                                                                                                        Using funds from an inheritance,
                                                                                                                        Conservancy charitable remainder
WUHDVXUHVZLWKLQWHJULW\LQQRYDWLRQDQGLQVLJKW                                                                       WUXVWZKLFKJLYHVWKHPOLIHWLPH
(DFKGD\ZHXVHWKRVHVDPHTXDOLWLHVDQGORQJWHUPYLVLRQWRKHOSRXUGRQRUVSODQIRU                                 tax savings. Read their full story at
                                                                                                                                                                                                            WATER DIPLOMACY: A new deal will return more water to
ZRUNZLWK\RXRQHRQRQHWRGHYHORSDSHUVRQDOL]HGJLIWSODQWKDWnVULJKWIRU\RXrRQH                                                                                                                    the Colorado River Delta, now 10 percent of its former size.
WKDWUHÚHFWV\RXUÙQDQFLDOand philanthropic goals and values.

                                                                                                                                                                © PETER MCBRIDE/NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC STOCK
worldview                    NEWS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COLLEGE COURSES IN YOUR HOME OR CAR!

                                                                                                     WESTERN CRITTERS: The plains leopard
                                                                                                     frog (above) and the Texas horned lizard
                                                                                                     thrive in eastern Colorado’s grasslands.

SANCTUARY IN KENYA                                COLORADO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In Optimizing Brain Fitness,     In Museum Masterpieces:               In Experiencing Hubble:                              In The History of the Bible:

                                                 Old West Lives On
When Africa’s hirola pop-                                                                                                                                                                                                    award-winning Professor of       The Louvre, expert art critic         Understanding the Great-                             The Making of the New
ulation declined to less                                                                                                                                                                                                     Neurology Richard Restak         and historian Professor Richard       est Images of the Universe,                          Testament Canon, New York
than 500 in 2011, conser-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             teaches you how to improve       Brettell takes you on an unfor-       Professor and Director of the                        Times best-selling author and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             your memory, sharpen your        gettable journey through one of       Dearborn Observatory David                           Professor Bart D. Ehrman
vation officials proposed a                      YOU MAY NEVER VISIT THE 33,000-ACRE SMITH CANYON RANCH IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             attention, enhance your learn-   the world’s greatest museums.         M. Meyer unlocks the secrets                         reveals the secret history
radical idea: Build a preda-                     southeastern Colorado, but you know what it looks like. “This is the epicenter of Old
tor-free sanctuary (“Hirola                      West mythology,” says the Conservancy’s Matt Moorhead, who directs the Southeast
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ing and creativity, and even                           Full page (bleed)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              This 12-lecture series explores       of the universe. In this 12-lec-                     behind the making of the New
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ¿QHWXQH\RXUVHQVRU\DFXLW\   some of the most beautiful and        ture series, he discusses the                        Testament, including how and
Heroics,” 2011 issue 3). In
2012 that plan became a
                                                 Colorado program. The ranch is near the historic Sante Fe Trail, and countless movies
                                                 have been shot depicting the region’s grasslands and pinyon and juniper forests.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             —all by using one of the most                          8.375 in x 10.75 in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              renowned examples from the            most spectacular images ever                         when each book was written
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             revolutionary discoveries in     museum’s remarkable collec-           produced by the Hubble Space                         and why it was chosen to be
reality when Kenya’s                                With its purchase of the ranch last October, the Conservancy has now protected                                                                                           modern neuroscience.                                                   telescope.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tion of masterworks.                                                                       included.
Ishaqbini community,                             more than 300,000 acres of shortgrass prairie east of the Rockies, much of it in the
which considers the hirola                       past five years. These large tracts support declining grassland birds and a host of other                                                                                        Course No. 1651                    Course No. 7175                          Course No. 1884                                     Course No. 6299
sacred, worked with a co-                        species, such as black bear, mountain lion, pronghorn antelope and bighorn sheep.                                                                                                  12 Lectures                        12 Lectures                              12 Lectures                                         12 Lectures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (30 Minutes/Lecture)              (30 Minutes/Lecture)                      (30 Minutes/Lecture)                                (30 Minutes/Lecture)
alition of Conservancy                              Local ranching families have kept the land intact, says Moorhead, and after a
partners to fence off                            rest and the addition of a conservation easement to preclude development here, the

                                                                                                                                                  © JOEL SARTORE/NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC STOCK; iSTOCK/TEXCROC; DAVE SHOWALTER
10-square-miles and re-                          ranch will be sold back into working hands. —ERIK NESS
shuffle the food chain—
hirola in, cheetahs out.
After the 6-foot-tall fence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER!
was completed, the Kenya
Wildlife Service tranquil-                                                                                                                                                                                                            Over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Order any one of these                                                                                  ITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         D TIME OF
ized and airlifted 24 hirola
                                                                                                                            WHY                                                                                                                               BEST-SELLING COURSES for only:                                                                      M

                                                                                                                              WE                                                                                                   10,000,000

into the sanctuary, where                                                                                                   CARE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SAVE
they joined 24 already in-                                                                                                                                                                                                         courses sold               $199.95                      $9.95 on DVD                                                                 up to

side. Cheetahs were cap-
tured and moved safely
                                                                                                                            Grasslands like
                                                                                                                            those found in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   since 1990!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              $134.95                      $9.95 on CD                                                                $190
outside the preserve.                                                                                                       Colorado help to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              +$5 Shipping and Handling    All orders subject to approval.
With support from the                                                                                                       purify water and                                                                                                                  Priority Code: 80660
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Limit of one order per household.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cannot be combined with any other special offers or promotions.             ER BY J U NE
                                                                                                                            clean air—and                                                                                                                                                  Offer valid for new customers only.
Conservancy, the North-                                                                                                     host a broad array
ern Rangelands Trust and                                                                                                    of wildlife—but
                                                                                                                            they are one of the
others, the Ishaqbini will
manage the sanctuary.
                                                                                                                            least protected
                                                                                                                            habitats on Earth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ORDER TODAY! Sale Ends Wednesday, June 26, 2013!
20            NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013
worldview                   GOOD WORK

                                                                                                               PROTECTING PUGET
                                                                                                                SOUND’S SPECIES

                                                                                                                                                                                                   YOUR IMPACT.
                                                                                                        The dunlin is one of dozens of
                                                                                                        shorebird species that migrate
                                                                                                        through Port Susan Bay, a stop along
                                                                                                        the Pacific Flyway. Between 2007
                                                                                                        and 2011, annual counts ranged from
                                                                                                        30,000 to 57,000 shorebirds, many
                                                                                                        of them the dunlin and the western
WINTER STOPOVER: Thousands of shorebirds migrate through or overwinter in the marshes of Port Susan     sandpiper. With the arrival of spring,
Bay, Washington. Surveys in the mid-1990s found more than 20,000 shorebirds regularly gathering here.   the migrants depart for Alaska.

WASHINGTON                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Full page (bleed)
Building a Better Bay                                                                                                                                                                              TAKE ADVANTAGE of your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8.375 in x 10.75 in
NOT MANY ECOSYSTEMS GET REPAIRED BY BULLDOZER, BUT HEAVY                                                                                                                                           company’s matching gift program.
machinery was the tool for the job this past year at The Nature Conservancy’s                           Juvenile chinook salmon transition
Port Susan Bay Preserve in Washington.                                                                  from river to sea at Port Susan Bay.
                                                                                                        After hatching in the Stillaguamish
   At Port Susan Bay, the freshwater currents of the Stillaguamish River mix                            River, young salmon swim to the bay
into the salt water of Puget Sound. Thousands of wintering shorebirds, juvenile                         where they will stay for up to six
                                                                                                        months. In the marshes, youngsters
salmon and young crabs feast in the relative safety of its marshes.                                     find food to eat and places to hide as
   At least that’s how things used to work. But in the 1950s, farmers diked an                          they adapt to salt water.
area at the mouth of the Stillaguamish, deflecting the river south. With that                                                                                                                      A matching gift means your contribution will go twice as far.
diversion in place, “not a lot of fresh water was getting into the northern part                                                                                                                   Many companies will double (or sometimes triple) the value of their employees’ gifts to
of the bay,” says Kat Morgan, who manages the Conservancy’s program at Port                                                                                                                        The Nature Conservancy. These matching gifts provide valuable funds, as we work to protect
Susan Bay. As a result, salinity levels rose while the bay’s native species declined.                                                                                                              important lands and waters around the world.
   The Conservancy launched a plan to turn things around. The first step, in                                                                     © BRIDGET BESAW. ILLUSTRATIONS: © STEVE SANFORD

2001, was buying the 4,000-acre preserve. The next step: Lose the dikes.                                                                                                                           To see if your company will match a gift to The Nature Conservancy,
   In autumn 2012 bulldozers breached the barriers separating the river from the                                                                                                                   visit or contact your company’s human resources department.
bay’s northern reaches. Workers restored a nearby pocket estuary, a small backwa-
ter perfect for juvenile salmon looking for food and good hiding spots. They also
reinforced a nearby dike to protect neighboring farms from flooding. Finally, the                       Young Dungeness crabs also prefer
Conservancy purchased a bluff that feeds critical sandbar-building sediment to                          the shallow estuary, where they live
                                                                                                        among eelgrass beds and feed on the
three miles of Port Susan Bay shoreline.                                                                plentiful invertebrates found in the
   Morgan figures it will take four years for these changes to produce measurable                       warm waters. The vegetation and debris
                                                                                                        of the estuary provide good cover from
results. But after decades of decline, this estuary is on its way back to health, she                   predators—including adult crabs, which
says. “This was the year of Port Susan Bay.” —BETH GEIGER                                               are known to cannibalize juveniles.                                                        Boardman grasslands harbor Oregon’s largest viable population
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the endangered Washington ground squirrel. © Rick McEwan

22           NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013
The Only Guest Ranch
worldview                  GOOD WORK
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Owned & Operated by
                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Nature Conservancy
                                             By the Numbers
                                                       New deals and developments                                                                                                                         As part of the Conservancy, we share a single mission. That’s
                                                     from the world of conservation                                                                                                                       why we have expert naturalists along as you ride and hike
                                                                                                                                                                                                          through our majestic Rocky Mountain setting. Our pool
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and showers are heated with solar energy, wind powers our

                                                                                                                                                                                                          office, and your sumptuous meals are made with ingredients

                                                                                                                                                                                                          fresh from our garden and nearby ranches. But, don’t worry,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          you won’t sacrifice a bit of comfort or fun!
                                                    Amount raised by The Nature Conser-
                                                    vancy in the United States and The
                                                                                               2.1             MILLION

                       2,000                        Nature Conservancy of Canada to help
                                                    pay for the permanent retirement of
                                                                                               Trees planted by the Conservancy’s
                                                                                               Plant a Billion Trees campaign, thanks

                                                                                                                                                                                                              PINE BUTTE

        Acres protected along the Upper             oil and mineral development rights on      to contributions from cosmetics
     Mississippi River in Minnesota. The            the headwaters of the Flathead River, a    giant Avon and its customers. Avon
      Conservancy provided critical sup-            project completed in September 2012.       launched its Hello Green Tomorrow                                                                                                                      Full page (bleed)
     port for an $11 million deal brokered                                                     program in 2010 and has since raised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8.375 in x 10.75 in
      by The Trust for Public Land, Crow
       Wing County and other entities to
       protect the property—a haven for
                                                                                               more than $2.7 million for the Conser-
                                                                                               vancy tree-planting project.                                                                                     GUEST RANCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                              In The Heart of Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front
     the state’s beloved walleye (above).

                                                                                               Acres encompassed by a new pro-
                                                                                               tected area established by Mexico
                                                                                               on and around the island of Cozumel.
     Proportion of the contiguous United                                                       With Conservancy help, local group

                                                                                                                                         © DESIGN56/VEER; ALEXRATHS/VEER. ILLUSTRATION: © STEVE SANFORD
        States encompassed by the Mis-                                                         Amigos de Sian Ka’an built the case for
     sissippi River basin. The 1.2-million-                                                    the September 2012 declaration.
        square-mile landmass discharges

       water into the Gulf of Mexico at a

                   rate of 600,000 cubic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2*+(# )*#( ) ")2
                          feet per second.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2 #(%$ #.'(&($)2
                                                    Jobs in Iowa created by outdoor                                                                                                                                                                                                           2&/.'( ,* %)2
                                                    recreation activities, which inject $717   Miles of Sulphur Creek in Idaho now
                   CLICK: Find out what’s           million into local economies, according    safeguarded by a conservation ease-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2 " %)- $$ %0) %$&(2
                   new in your neck of the
                   woods at             to a 2012 Iowa State University study      ment agreement between the Con-
                   wherewework.                     funded by the Conservancy. The state       servancy and the Page family, owners
                                                    legislature is considering a small sales   of Big Creek Ranch. The easement
                                                    tax increase to fund additional parks,     secures permanent water flows for
                                                    trails and soil conservation projects.     chinook salmon and native bull trout.                                                                                                    %!&.%## %#+) ,)+$$(,* &%&(&%&&+(*+(# )*&(.&(")&')
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ' %+**+)*(%&$                      
24         NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013                                                                                                                                                                                                         &+*&("&1&*+&%*%         3KRWR5REHUW*UDQ]RZ
interview               BY COURTNEY LEATHERMAN

                                                                                                                                                                      of challenges do they face? When you talk     to involve corporations. How? I haven’t              When you were a kid, your family
                                                                                              “It’s irresponsible to                                                  about losing a reef, you’re ultimately los-   figured it out yet. I’m used to working              moved from Washington state to Vir-
                                                                                                                                                                      ing it to seaweed. It’s a battle between      with fishermen, people in the tour-
                                                                                              call it quits on such an                                                coral and seaweed, fighting for space.        ism industry, governments. Now we’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ginia for what your father described as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         work and church reasons. How did that
                                                                                              important habitat.”                                                     Seaweed and algae grow a lot faster [than     trying to identify the global drivers                affect you? My dad would never put it
                                                                                                                                                                      coral], so corals are at a disadvantage. We   that are affecting reefs, like pollution.            this way. I was born in a hippie Chris-
                                                                                              DETERMINED: Wear, a marine biologist                                    humans have done a tremendous job of          An example would be a sewage treat-                  tian commune. He would say it was
                                                                                              with The Nature Conservancy, spends                                     aggravating this by fishing the herbivores    ment company. Maybe we partner with                  “intentional living.” We moved for a
                                                                                              her time studying—and fighting for—
                                                                                              coral reefs around the world.                                           that keep the seaweed under control and       a company like that to make it more                  church that was really focused on out-
                                                                                                                                                                      by pumping nutrients into the system.         affordable to bring sewage treatment to              reach in the community, doing good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    countries that need it—protecting reefs              things for people, helping the weak
                                                                                              Speaking of which, you’ve had close calls                               And these reefs are even more at risk as      and helping people.                                  and poor. I was raised in this environ-
                                                                                              in the ocean, right? Yeah, I did have                                   the climate changes? Corals don’t live                                                             ment. Social causes were my founda-
                                                                                              a near-drowning experience. I was                                       well beyond a very narrow range of            You’ve traveled for work to many of those            tion. That continues to be my moral
                                                                                              working as an intern in St. Croix—my                                    temperatures. Even bumping tempera-           places—Palau, India, Guam—frequently                 compass. My focus just happens to be
                                                                                              first job for The Nature Conservancy.                                   tures by 1 to 2 degrees Celsius can be        with your two small kids in tow. Short of            the environment.
                                                                                              I was out on my own—everyone was                                        catastrophic for a reef.
                                                                                              spread out across the reef—and I
                                                                                              ended up getting cramps in both my                                      That sounds fairly hopeless—but not too
                                                                                              feet and legs. Before then I had been                                   long ago you castigated a New York Times
                                                                                              a lifeguard for five years, and I always                                opinion writer who said it was a waste of
                                                                                              thought I would just float and relax in                                 time and money to protect coral reefs.
                                                                                              that situation. But it was excruciating,                                Why? I strongly disagree with him that
                                                                                              and I panicked.                                                         there is no hope, that it’s a done deal.
                                                                                                  I started yelling, and fortunately                                  The respectable science is demonstrat-
                                                                                              Rob Weary—a competitive swimmer                                         ing lots of examples of recovery and
                                                                                              who also works at the Conservancy—                                      reasons for hope. I think it’s incredibly
                                                                                              saw me and came over. He got me on                                      irresponsible to call it quits on such an
                                                                                              my back and basically swam me 500                                       important habitat that so many people
                                                                                              yards over to the boat. To this day he                                  depend on.
                                                                                              jokes that I should have named my
                                                                                              firstborn after him.                                                    So what can be done for coral reefs? We
                                                                                                                                                                      as a global community have to figure out
                                                                                              And yet you haven’t been put off by the                                 how to get carbon dioxide emissions

Stephanie Wear                                                                                oceans and coral reefs. What is it about
                                                                                              them that you find so interesting? The
                                                                                              diversity—it’s hard to get bored. When
                                                                                                                                                                      down. That’s a tough order. Not impos-
                                                                                                                                                                      sible. In the meantime, if we could solve
                                                                                                                                                                      some of the other problems affecting          ALL IN THE FAMILY: Wear’s husband Brian Silliman—a marine ecologist himself—and two young
The Conservancy’s leading expert on coral reefs talks                                         I’m out in the water, I love looking                                    reefs—the way coastal areas are devel-        children frequently travel with her to coral conservation projects around the globe.
about her fear of scuba diving, nearly drowning and                                           under rocks for cryptic creatures. Tur-                                 oped, the way fisheries are managed,
why she’s hopeful about the future of coral reefs.                                            tles, sharks and dolphins are exciting,                                 sewage discharged—that would benefit          knocking them out with Benadryl, I’m                 Moral compass I get, but you’ve said
                                                                                              but I love to find the little things. It’s so                           other marine habitats as well. For me, it’s   not sure how you survive those trips. We             before that the ocean provides you with
I was surprised to learn that you, a              all the reefs; it was that I didn’t like    complex—the way everything interacts.                                   not just about losing habitats; it’s about    haven’t drugged them. My husband                     balance—even after all the trouble it’s
marine biologist, don’t scuba dive; you           the physical sensation. I didn’t like       As much as coral reefs have been stud-                                  losing all the things that those habitats     travels with me, and most of the time                given you? It’s not a simple relationship;
only snorkel. Why is that? I am actually          breathing pressurized air.                  ied, we still don’t totally understand                                  provide to people—essential resources         the trips work out. One of the biggest               it’s complex. I’ve had a few bumps and
                                                                                                                                              © KARINE AIGNER (ALL)

claustrophobic. I dove in grad school                                                         how they function.                                                      for human life.                               challenges is being OK with the fact                 scrapes and close calls, but nothing that
because I had to for my research.                 Doesn’t that make it hard to do your job?                                                                                                                         that your baby might cry, and it’s going             would send me to the mountains. The
I didn’t like it. It’s not that I didn’t          No. I actually know a famous marine         You know better than anyone, however,                                   You also are re-evaluating your approach      to bother other people. But everyone                 ocean makes me feel more good than
like being underwater and seeing                  biologist who doesn’t even swim.            that coral reefs are in trouble. What kinds                             to coral reef protection and are looking      around you was once a baby, too.                     bad—any day. •

26         NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013                                                                                                                                                                                                                              M AGA Z I NE .NA TURE .ORG   27
work in progress                        SCIENCE ON THE GROUND

Hot on the Trail
Conservationists call in the dogs to
help track down elusive salamanders.

                                                                        CLICK: See Frehley
                                                                        the dog in action at

                                                                                                                                                         Full page (bleed)
                                                                                                                                    Between the mountain peaks of southern Colorado
                                                                                                                             and Great Sand Dunes National Park lies the 103,000-acre
                                                                                                                                                         8.375 in x 10.75 in

                                                                                                                           ZAPATA RANCH
Medieval lore has it that salamanders thrive in fire.           CONSERVATION CANINES:
If the legends were true, New Mexico’s endangered               A border collie named
                                                                Frehley helps field tech-                              Work side-by-side with cowboys,
Jemez Mountains salamander wouldn’t be struggling               nician Nathaniel “Bud”
now that climate change has brought bigger, more                Marks look for Jemez                                   observe the resident bison herd and
                                                                Mountains salamanders
intense wildfires to the region. To help the species            in the Santa Fe National                               explore the spectacular surroundings.
weather the changes, scientists working with the                Forest in New Mexico.
                                                                Frehley is one of many
Conservancy first need to know how many salaman-                dogs rescued from
ders there are and where they live. But finding them            shelters and trained to                                Enjoy comfortable accommodations in
isn’t easy—if you are human, that is.                           sniff out species from
                                                                mice to orcas.                                         renovated historic facilities.
    Yet for a canine tracker from the Center for Conser-
vation Biology, tailing salamanders can become second
nature. Assisted by dogs trained to sniff out hard-to-
                                                                                               © KARINE AIGNER (ALL)

                                                                                                                                                                                Cowgirl and bison images © Stephen G. Weaver
find species, a forestry team is surveying the salamander                                                              (888) 592-7282                                                             Zapata Ranch © Duke Phillips
population in New Mexico so that controlled burns and                                                                                                                              Ranch landscape and photographer images
other work to reduce the threat of intense wildfires
                                                                                                                                                                                   © Erika Nortemann/TNC

won’t harm the salamanders’ habitat. —HEATHER SISAN

28         NAT URE CON SER VAN CY MA R CH / APR IL 2013
                                                                        The Conservancy’s Palmyra Atoll
                                                                		             has become the ultimate living laboratory
                                                                for researchers who spend their days working
                                                                			                   in some of the healthiest—and
                                                                		              most dangerous—shark habitat in the world.

ALL HANDS ON DECK: Scientists aboard a research boat implant
a tracking transmitter on a gray reef shark at Palmyra Atoll.                                  BY MATT JENKINS / PHOTOGRAPHS BY TIM CALVER
                                                                     “His entire head was in her mouth,” says Amanda
                                                                  Meyer, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuge man-
                                                                  ager, who was scuba diving nearby. “You could hear the
                                                                  crunching underwater.”
                                                                     Then, unexpectedly, the shark backed up, spat him out,
                                                                  made one more glancing blow at his head and disappeared.
                                                                     The other divers heaved Pollock into one of their boats
                                                                  and raced back to the atoll’s research station, where they im-
                                                                  provised an emergency room in the science lab. Pollock was
                                                                  in shock and shaking, and covered in blood. “Both his eyelids
                                                                  were sliced,” says Meyer. “It was just a torn, ripped mess.”
                                                                     The nearest professional medical help was 1,000 miles
                                                                  away in Hawaii. Via satellite phone, research station man-
                                                                  ager Ned Brown reached doctors, who then coached Meyer
                                                                  and other Conservancy staff through the delicate process of
                                                                  closing his wounds with stitches and surgical staples.
                                                                     Miraculously, Pollock’s injuries were light enough
                                                                  that he was able to remain on the island for another
                                                                  month—and resume diving—before finally flying out to
FOR YEARS, KYDD POLLOCK HAS DIVED WITH SHARKS.                    Hawaii. But New Zealand’s Sunday News wasted no time
Yet even now he is awed by the animals’ ability to gather         in splashing grisly photos of Pollock under a headline that
together, like specters, seemingly from nowhere.                  screamed, “Kiwi’s Horror Shark Attack.”
    “I’ll scan around and see nothing,” he says. “And only           For Pollock, though, getting bitten was simply the cost of
moments later, I can look up again, and they’re right there.      trying to understand a world where sharks, not humans, are
They’re just amazing creatures.”                                  in charge. “Even the minute it happened, I’ve never seen it
    But on November 11, 2010, Pollock got a terrifying            as an attack,” he says. “Sure, the shark bit me. [But] it was us
glimpse of just how wild the animals can be. That day, Pollock,   that put the net down. It wasn’t the shark’s fault.”
the chief of marine operations at the Conservancy's Palmyra          Pollock was back in the water just 21 days after being
Atoll preserve in the central Pacific, accompanied several re-    bitten. Since then, he has racked up lots more dive time
searchers as they boated to the outskirts of the islands.         helping scientists carry out their research on Palmyra.
    The scientists hoped to corral a cantankerous Napo-                                        There is, in many ways, a sense
leon wrasse they called Big Eddie with a net. Once the                                     of rare opportunity on this group of
group moored their boats, the scientists pursued the fish                                  islands that make up the atoll. Nearly
with scuba gear. Suddenly, a pregnant six-and-a-half-foot                                  40 million sharks are killed world-
gray reef shark appeared—and, to everyone’s alarm, swam                                    wide each year, and the planet’s coral
straight into the researchers’ net.                                                        reefs have suffered widespread de-
    Pollock, who grew up working on his dad’s charter                                      struction. Yet Palmyra is different.
fishing boat in New Zealand and fishing and diving in the                                 >> CONTINUED ON PAGE 37
South Pacific’s Cook Islands, has been a big-fish wrangler
all his life. While the scientists worked to untangle the
shark, Pollock removed his scuba gear and snorkeled above                                 Occupational Hazards
to serve as a safety backup. Once free, the disoriented                                   Kydd Pollock recounts the shark bite
                                                                                          he sustained while working at Pal-
shark swam straight for another section of the net.                                       myra. He isn’t alone when it comes
    Pollock kicked through the water to pull the net out of                               to heart-stopping run-ins with ani-
the way, and the shark turned away, as if she were going to                               mals in the wild. We asked several
swim off. Then, as he gathered the net in his hands, Pollock                              Conservancy scientists to describe
                                                                                          their wildlife close-encounters and
looked over his shoulder and saw a terrifying sight.                                      how the experience intensified their
    “She had spun around and was coming at me, mouth                                      commitment to conservation.
wide open,” he says. “I was the only thing in her way.”
    The shark closed her jaw over Pollock’s head, grabbing                                               CLICK: Read these stories and
                                                                                                         share your own close encounters    COMMITMENT: Even after a gray reef shark bit him on the face and head, Pollock’s enthusiasm for working at
his face mask and skull with her teeth, and began forcing                                                at   Palmyra has not diminished. As the Conservancy’s chief of marine operations for Palmyra, he continues to dive
him deeper, violently shaking her head as she went.                                                                                                the reefs (top) and helps guide researchers who are studying sharks and ocean conservation.

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