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Editorial Dear Readers, There cannot be many of us who will regret the passing of 2021. In 1992 the Queen used the expression annus horribilis in her Christmas broadcast. We can only hope that 2022 will not attract the same epithet! Tennyson’s poem In Memoriam rings all the more true: Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Covid has changed all of our lives and may well do so for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, it has shown how resilient people can be and that the people of the Blackdowns are not easily intimidated by the scare we have all had. So, as we go headlong into the New Year, may you all have a healthy and prosperous 2022 with the constant hope that we will soon return to some sort of normality. With all our best wishes for the season Jon, Josh & Dave While the editor welcomes material for publication in the CBO News, it is not guaranteed that any item will be included or will appear in a particular edition. The right to edit or shorten any items which are used is reserved. 3 of content or agreement with views expressed. Publication is in good faith and does not imply accuracy
Blackdown Benefice Services - January 2022 All are Benefice services 2nd January 1030 Corfe - Holy Communion - (CW) Epiphany 1700 Zoom Second Sunday of Christ mas (W) 9th January 1030 Buckland St Mary - Holy Communion (CW) First Sunday 1700 Zoom of Epiphany (W) 16th January 1030 Otterford - Holy Communion (CW) Second Sunday 1700 Zoom of Epiphany (W) 23rd January 1030 Churchstanton (CW) Third Sunday 1700 Zoom of Epiphany (W) 30th January Candlemas 1030 Pitminster (CW) Fourth Sunday 1700 Zoom of Epiphany (W) Please wear a mask. In case you forget masks are available in our churches. Details of our services and Zoom links for 5pm Evening Worship each Sunday can be found on our website, http://www.blackdownbenefice.org Bishopswood Chapel The Chapel Missionary Offering on 9th January is for Somerset Camps 2nd January 1030 - Prayer & Praise 9th January 1030 - Speaker Jay Lanchbury 16th January 1030 - Speaker Tim Beard (C) 23rd January 1030 - Alan Blake 30th January 1030 - Speaker TBA Tea together 5pm - Speaker Peter Gibson 1800 For further details please contact Chris Sussex - 01460 234270 4
Nick’s Thought As I sit at my desk to write this we are in the middle of Advent. Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation, waiting and anticipating the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, on Christmas day. Consequently, having missed the chance last month to wish you all a Merry Christmas, may I convey my hope that it came with joyous celebration, and that you were able to gather with friends and family to share in some fellowship and enjoy some downtime before returning to the rhythms of everyday life. On the whole I think we Brits do waiting fairly well. We stand in the Post Office queue or bus stop and exchange polite conversation with the person next to us. Or maybe we take the chance to check our phones for the sports results, or these days, listening to our favourite podcast or audio book on our headphones. Nevertheless, most of the time we patiently occupy ourselves until the real work of the day can continue. Consequently, this waiting time is put to good use catching up with friends, enjoying a hobby or feeding our minds. But, waiting is not always like this. Sometimes, we’re not prepared to wait and we want to race, metaphorically, to the front of the queue. I think that’s especially the case in January when we set our goals and plans, and make resolutions for a new and better year. However, in doing so we become so focused on the end result, and many of us get quickly disheartened when we don’t see immediate results. Let’s be honest, 2021 hasn’t been the year we were expecting! There have been moments, when I’m sure we’ve all become disheartened and it feels a bit like we are not seeing the results of the precautions and vaccination programmes. Accordingly, in these moments, we’ve all had to learn to be a little more patient. But, as we begin a new year there’s an opportunity to reflect on those moments that we thought were times of inactivity and waiting. In doing so, what we might actually start to discover is that they were in fact times of enormous activity and enrichment, as we learnt new things about ourselves, and the people and places around us. Things, that if we’d been racing to the front of the queue we would have missed along the way. 5
And through these discoveries, some of us may have in fact, gained a renewed lease for life and hope for a brighter future. In his letter written to the very first Roman church, St Paul uses the following words to encourage the fledgling Christian community as they began to get disheartened, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation.” Easier said than done, I know! But it’s in this hope that our faith in Jesus is founded that, in time, we will enjoy a better future, and in our case, a return to a greater sense of normality. So as we enter this new year and begin to set out our goals and plans for the future, let us do so with a transformed sense of anticipation and hope; but also with a renewed patient outlook, embracing the wait, and the enrichment of the queue! Let me finish by wishing you all a happy New Year, and offering my prayers and best wishes for the a prosperous and enriching 2022. Nick A letter from Bishop Ruth The light of a star to guide us What will 2022 bring I wonder? Two years ago Covid was just a vague murmur coming from the East. How could we have known it would have such an impact or for so long? How might this year be different? Well, there is much to look forward to. We expect to have a new diocesan bishop joining us. We will be celebrating 70 years of the Queen’s reign. The World Cup is on … and we have a chance! And then there are all the other excitements of anniversaries, milestones and hopes and dreams we all have. As we begin this new year my mind turns to those Eastern travellers long ago who saw a star in the sky, set out on an uncharted journey which took maybe up to two years, and eventually found a King. Not the sort of king expected but One who opened up new horizons for the whole world. One who offers us love, forgiveness and a way back to God. 6
At this time when we are asking questions that search for deeper meaning, this seems a story which resonates. What sort of journey will you take this year? At a recent clergy pre-Advent retreat we were reminded that it is not so much us walking with God but rather God walking with us. So, no matter what twists and turns the road takes, or even if we slip from following in God’s Way, He will never give up on us and will never let us walk alone. This year, as last, we shall be seeking to dwell on some words from scripture and allow them to permeate into our being. The following verses from that passage, seem to offer us the light of a star to guide us as we navigate our journey in the year to come. ‘Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 4: 4-7) May you know God’s presence and grace as He walks with you into this New Year! With love +Ruth Taunton 8
Churchinford & District Community Shop Before you go to town, try the Churchinford Community Shop Over 2000 items in stock & competitive pricing! Daily deliveries of quality Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Milk & other Dairy Bread, Cakes, Sandwiches & Pasties Fresh Local Meat, Free Range Eggs Beers, Wines & Ciders News and Stationery Plants and Compost Over 25 local suppliers Post Office Mon – Fri 9am-3.30pm Mail, Banking, Withdrawal & Deposits, Health Lottery, Bill Payment Mini Rural Information Centre Why not enjoy a Coffee/Tea & Treat offer in our coffee shop with indoor and outdoor seating. FREE use of Community Computer & Wi-Fi Book Exchange, Local Art, Cards Open Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm Sat 8.30am-2pm Sun Closed Churchinford & District Community Shop Churchinford TA3 7DJ Tel: 01823 601026 Email: shopmanager@churchinfordshop.co.uk www.churchinfordshop.co.uk 9
Speak up to stop rural crime. Criminals gangs exploit our local wildlife, environment and communities. Your voice can make a difference. Have information on rural crime? You can speak up and remain 100% anonymous. Always. crimestoppers-uk.org Campaign Partner logo partners 11
Blackdown Ladies The Blackdown Hillbillies opened the December evening with a rendition of Bye Bye Loneliness. It certainly was farewell to isolation as husbands, partners and visitors joined in with songs from the past Robert Garret gave a very informative talk about his passion – The Honiton Pottery that was based at the top of Honiton High Street Pre-1914 Foster and Hunt, who made household ware and mugs, owned it. In 1918 Charles Collard, a talented potter and artist from Torquay purchased the business. He put it on the map with his new hand-painted designs and shapes. The business changed hands several times over the years. In its heyday it counted Selfridges and Next among its prestigious customers and had 45 employees. During the golden days of coach travel Honiton was a stopping place for coaches travelling to the Southwest. Passengers eagerly bought souvenirs made by the pottery. After the close of the factory in the 1990s Honiton Pottery became ‘collectable’. The convivial evening continued with more music, singing and a shared supper served by Cindy Beaumont, Nicky and Philip Needham. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the meeting so enjoyable. Overall we are disappointed that many former members have not joined us since lockdown. It was decided the Blackdown Ladies will have a break until March 3rd 2022 when the future of the club will be discussed. Janet Grabham 12
0330 229 1700 8am-11pm 7 days a week LISTENING CHAPLAINCY PHONELINE Serving Bristol, Somerset and South Gloucestershire We are a faith-based service offering chaplaincy support for people of all faiths and none in mes of emergency Are you recently bereaved or concerned about end of life issues? Are you a key worker overwhelmed by what you are facing or dealing with at work? Are you worried about someone who is seriously ill, especially if you can’t visit them? Are you anxious about the effect that the COVID 19 crisis is having on your life? Maybe you would just like someone from the faith communi es to talk to. If you live in the Bristol, Somerset or South Gloucestershire area: Call 0330 229 1700 ● 8am-11pm ● 7 days a week CARING and CONFIDENTIAL The Faith Communi es Major Emergencies Team serving Bristol, Somerset and South Gloucestershire 13
Otterford Snippets Otterford Community Defibrillators Located at The Candlelight Inn and at the Parish Hall, both in Bishopswood, and at The Holman Clavel Inn at Culmhead. In the event of an emergency you must telephone 999 first, to request assistance from the Ambulance Service. Then either go to collect the nearest defibrillator from the box (the code is C123X), or ‘phone PETS – see below – to ask someone to do it for you. Otterford ‘Parish Emergency Telephone System’ (PETS) This is a community run system available to residents of Otterford parish only, which, in an emergency (whether a cardiac arrest or other), enables a number of local residents to be contacted to ask for assistance - in particular collection of a defibrillator - pending the arrival of the emergency services. If you live in Otterford parish and need this assistance, the number to dial is 01460 455155. At the moment PETS volunteers cannot enter other people’s homes. Otterford Certificated First Aiders Tanya Hetherington 01460 234706 Penny Hart 01460 234639 John Matthews 01460 234062 (The above have First Aid Kits) Philip & Nicky Needham 01460 Edwina & George Wakely 234101 01460 234477 Kathy Shovelton 01460 234958 Books About Otterford History of Otterford (£10). The history of the Parish up to 1900 View from the Milking Stool (£8). An autobiography by Frederica Tyrrell, detailing life in Otterford and the Blackdown Hills 60+ years ago. We now have only a few left – buy now if you want one. Otterford Remembered (£5). Detailing the lives of Otterford men who fought and died, or came home, in World War I. 14
All books are available from Otterford Parish Council - Contact Penny Hart on 01460 234639. Otterford Repair Café The next Otterford Repair Café will be held on Sunday 9th January, between 11am and 2.30pm. See separate advert for full details. (Covid permitting!) New Year’s Quiz A welcome return for the New Year’s Quiz which will be held on Saturday 29th January, starting at 7.30pm. See full details in advert in Pink Pages. (Covid permitting!) Otterford Church - Places Quiz Of the 145 quizzes sold, I am delighted to report that 26 were returned. I am also pleased that all the questions were answered by someone; the most challenging were 25 - minute prick - PINHOE and 45 - tell on a mate, take them for a ride - BLAGDON. A copy of the answers is displayed at Churchinford Shop, Churchinford, Buckland St Mary and Otterford Parish Halls. Shirley Haydon, a former winner has done it again, scoring 49 out of 50, with runners up, Penny Gale, Sylvia Pike and Beryl Salisbury scoring 48. Marks obtained out of 50 are as follows: 47 Mary Copp & family / Marion Nichols 46 Barbara Board / Shirley Prout 45 Dorothy Feehan / Nicky & Philip Needham 44 Geraldine Field / Ann Hales / Ann Salisbury / Victoria Southcott / Norah Smith /Nicola Welch 43 Jane Welsh / Alice Hodges 42 Maggie North / Lucinda & Imogen Wood / Happy Wright 41 John Wallis 16
Take control of your wellness with MindfulnessUK Online courses to MindfulnessUK is a relieve stress: leading mindfulness and Mindfulness-Based Stress compassion teacher training Reduction (MBSR) organisation, teaching Our 8-week evidence-based course is a good introduction to mindfulness accredited courses online. and compassion. This course will give you the tools you need to manage stress, anxiety, and pain. Compassionate Mindful Resilience (CMR) This unique 4-week online course will teach you simple practices and techniques to deve a develop resilience and enhance wel wellbeing. Mindful Yog g Yoga Join Karen Atkinson, w who has over 30 years of yoga and mmindfulness Tuesday from experience, every Tue 9.30-10.45am (via zoom). zo Tune into your body, practice meditation techniques and create a feeling of relaxation and e ease. All 3 courses are open to everyone, and no prior mindfulness experience is needed. For more information and to enrol go to www.mindfulnessuk.com or give us a call on 01823 697890 Email info@mindfulnessuk.com MWC0379 CK MIndfulness Combined advert A5.indd 1 06/09/2021 16:56 17
40 Sam Grabham 38 Carol Jones / Margaret Bollom 20 Francie Spiller I would like to thank my loyal team of sellers, purchasers and participants; £218 was raised for Otterford Church Funds. All the best, Janet Grabham Otterford Church 100 Club – Winners for November 2021 81 Penny Hart £20 41 Gwen Manning £15 87 Mr J W Sumption £10 45 Mrs H N Sumption £5 Otterford Parish Council OPC met in Otterford Parish Hall on Tuesday 14 December. Attending were OPC Councillors Mike Canham (Chairman), Charlie Field (Vice Chairman), John Marsden, Lucy Montgomery, Phil Wright, SCC Councillor John Thorne, and the Clerk. This was another very short meeting. Report from County Councillor Extracts from SCC Councillor Thorne’s report: COVID – the Omicron variant of Covid has now been confirmed as being present in Somerset – it isn’t yet clear how many cases there are. Vaccination remains the best form of defence against COVID. Extra walk-in clinics have been held at weekends to help boost the number of vaccinations being given, including some pop-up clinics. The Vaccination centre at Firepool in Taunton is open until 10pm until at least the end of December. More information can be found here: www.somersetccg.nhs.uk/health/local- services/health-services-during-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccinations-in- somerset. Additionally the Somerset Coronavirus helpline 0300 790 6275 is open from 8 am to 6 pm every day. 18
According to Age UK, more than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone, and more than a million older people say they can go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member. People can become socially isolated for a variety of reasons, such as getting older or weaker, no longer being the hub of their family, retiring, the death of a spouse or friend, or through illness or disability. Loneliness affects the health and wellbeing of many older people in the UK and is one the biggest issues of today. The Blackdown Healthy Living & Activity Centre has launched ‘The Riverside Club’ to help combat loneliness. The aim of the Riverside Club is to bring people together to have fun, mentally and physically; laugher is the best medicine. A typical day would start with a cuppa and biscuits, a themed quick- fire quiz or word wheel, followed by an art, craft, baking, musical, travel or historical activity, then some gentle exercise followed by a two-course lunch. The afternoon might include some lively activities such as balloon tennis, seated basketball or skittles, giant board games, group games or some external entertainment. It’s different every week as our days are planned/themed appropriately to fit the time of year. The Riverside Club is open on Mondays and Thursdays, from 9.30am to 3pm. If you would like more information or wish to join us, please contact Lynn Pulman on 01823 680687 or email riverside@bhlac.org.uk 19
Road defects reporting – Online reporting of road defects has been changed and you can now report 21 different issues via www.somerset.gov.uk/roads- and-transport/report-a-problem-on-the-road. Take a photo of the defect if it is safe and legal to do so, upload it to the site and mark it on an interactive map. An engineer will be informed and they have three days to visit it and assess it. The fault will then be either repaired within 28 days (quicker if it is an emergency), or added to a works programme, or monitored. You get an email confirmation that the report has been received, a link which allows you to track the progress of the job and an email conformation when the repair has been completed. You can report: potholes/road damage, blocked drain/gully, damaged pavement/cycle path, damaged signage/ bollard, overgrown vegetation, problem with crossings, signal fault, bridge/ wall damage, damaged drain covers, flooding, hazards, mud, problems with markings, pavement/road obstruction, weeds on pavement, snow/ice, problem with roadworks, flyposting/graffiti, parking issues, problem with road closures. There is no longer any need to email or phone the council to report these issues. New Somerset Council - elections to the new unitary council will be held in May 2022. Parish council elections are being brought forward a year to be held at the same time. Next year’s unitary elections will be on existing divisional boundaries with two councillors being returned from each division, so the total number of councillors will double from 55 to 110. The number will be reduced to 85 by 2027 after a boundary commission review to redraw the divisions which will then be called wards. The unitary will be a ‘continuing authority’ which means SCC effectively continues under a new name and absorbs the district authorities making it easier for staff to transfer and contracts to be moved across. Broadband - The delivery of superfast broadband via CDS has been rated ‘Red’ in a Quarter Two performance review presented to SCC’s cabinet. Translated, this means the project is behind. Councillor Thorne is pressing for answers as to whether steps are being taken to improve matters. The sorry tale continues. Meanwhile, Bishopswood residents interested in pursuing the voucher scheme cannot as Otterford is included in the Airband contract, which makes us ineligible! 20
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Planning Matters There were no new or refused applications this month. Granted applications: 29/21/0010 Erection of a porch to the front of the detached garage/store at Hillview Cottage, Bishopswood (retention of works already undertaken). 29/21/0008 Erection of a 2 storey extension to the side and single storey extension to the rear of 1 Brook Cottages, Bishopswood. The Council is working with SWAT’s planning department to resolve issues over a planning application to restore Cobblers Cottage in Bishopswood. Road Safety Plans (but sadly not the provision of ‘STOP’ signs) to improve road safety at the Corfe Hill crossroads are currently being drawn up by SCC Highways. Separately, after three accidents in as many weeks, Highways will be visiting the two crossroads above the Holman Clavel to consider if any additional works should be carried out. (They should read, or reread, the Parish Council’s various approaches over the last 6-7 years – all the answers are there!). Climate & The Environment Project There are still some free compost bins (for Otterford parishioners) needing a home if anyone wants one. There was no further news on SCC’s extended Climate Grant. The Biodiversity Diary Project has now been launched – take a look at the information on the roadside outside Neates House in Bishopswood (near the Candlelight). Trees for the orchard – which we plan to plant in the field opposite the Holman Clavel – should be arriving in the next 2-3 weeks. There is still time to volunteer to assist with planting! Date & Time of next meeting: Tuesday 11 January at 7.30pm in the Wright Room, Otterford Parish Hall. NB: This is not a comprehensive note of the meeting but a summary of discussions and matters thought to be of interest to readers. A full copy of the minutes will be on the website (otterfordparishcouncil.org) after the January meeting. Penny Hart 22
The following Blackdown Support Group services continue to be available for anyone in the Blackdown Hills who needs them: # Transport to medical appointments (including Covid vaccination appointments) for anyone who doesn’t drive or have other means of transport. # Prescription delivery, shopping support/errands for anyone shielding, high risk or with limited mobility. # Telephone support for those living alone or struggling to cope. # Advice and guidance on other support services available. If you know someone in need or if you would like to support us as a volunteer please contact us: 01823 681 036 d-ccg.bsgadmin@nhs.net Please note our volunteer telephone befrienders can work from home. Shopping/delivery volunteers are out in the community. Medical Transport volunteers use their own car to transport passengers to important appointments; PPE and infection control guidance are provided. Transport volunteers also require a DBS check. Thank you. 23
Churchinford Weather 24
Churchstanton Primary School “A unique Place to begin your child’s education.” Our School Vision and Values We work together to support our children to become Respectful, Responsible, Resilient, Risk-takers with a caring attitude to the world around them; each with an enquiring mind setting them ready to be educated citizens. We achieve this by: x setting and achieving high educational standards through a creative, ambitious enquiry-based curriculum supporting our children to reach their full potential. x fully exploiting our rural setting to inspire creativity and embrace outdoor learning opportunities. x providing an exciting and inclusive environment for our children to learn and develop, nurturing their health, emotional and social 27 well-being. x empowering children for the next step of their learning journey. x collaborating with children, staff, governors, parents and friends to become positive members of our wider community. If this sounds like the start in life you want for your child, then do book a visit via the school office on 01823 601354. More information and details about our curriculum can be found on our website - https://churchstanton.somerset.sch.uk/ We look forward to hearing from you. Mrs. C. Halstead, Headteacher.
Churchstanton Parish Council December 2021 Finance – Balance of Accounts as at 30th November 2021 - £16,465.23 The 2022/23 parish council budget was discussed and approved taking in to account the priorities of the parish council in the next financial year. Parish Precept - The proposed parish precept for 2022/23 will increase by 4.32% to £11,987 Planning Applications • 10/21/0030 - Change of use of land from agricultural to domestic with formation of parking area and replacement of single storey extension to the side of The Old Smithy, Church Road, Churchinford - ‘The parish council support this application’ • 10/21/0028 - Erection of 1 No. rural workers dwelling at Fairfield Stables, Moor Lane, Churchinford - ‘The parish council object to this application’ - Full details of the parish council’s response to SW&T planning department for this application can be found on the parish council website or by contacting the parish clerk. The Quarry – The Outdoor Space Management Group (OSMG) have been meeting with contractors in order to organise the installation of gates and fencing on the site. Highways • Somerset Bus Partnership (SBP) – The parish council would like to thank Hugh Waters who has very kindly agreed to become the parish council representative to the SBP. The parish clerk has been in touch with the SBP regarding the out-of-date timetable on the bus stop. This will be updated by the relevant bus service providers. • Public Paths Liaison Officer (PPLO) – The parish PPLO had informed Somerset County Council (SCC) that a gate in Churchinford needs replacing. SCC have however advised that this gate is the responsibility of the landowner and therefore the parish council will ensure that they are advised accordingly. 28
• Speed Indicator Devices (SID) in Churchinford – Somerset Highways have recommended that to proceed with the possible provision of a Speed Indicator Device, the parish council should consider having a data collection survey completed by the Somerset County Council Highways department. This will provide the parish council with up-to- date information regarding the scale of the problem of speeding vehicles through the village. The parish council agreed to proceed with this in Spring 2022. • Community Speed Watch (CSW) – Cllr. Carter has now registered the parish council with Community Speed Watch UK and has completed the training. Once clearance has been provided by CSW new / additional members of the community will be able to join the group. Parish Event - The parish council are looking for volunteers from the parish to form a planning group to assist with the organisation of an event in June 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. If you would like to get involved and help to plan and organise this exciting day, please contact the parish clerk. Christmas Tree Festival, St Peter & St Paul Parish Church, Churchstanton - The parish council would like to thank Hannah Foxwell and Theo, Felix and Megan Foxwell for providing our Christmas Tree at the Christmas Tree Festival this year. Well done! Julie Wardle Parish Clerk 30
Bishopswood Maintenance Property and Garden Services Mark C Kemp BEFORE AFTER Hard Landscaping Transforming Your Outdoor Living SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WE ONLY HAVE ONE REPUTATION! The Firs - Bishopswood – Chard – Somerset – TA20 3RU Tel: 01460 234076 E: mark@avtgroup.biz 31
Winners of the Cricket Pavilion Bonus Ball in October and November October 2nd 43 Elsie Taylor 9th 55 16th 22 23rd 19 30th 17 Andy Browne November 6th 19 13th 56 20th 53 27th 9 Linda Willing Smeatharpe W.I. On 25.11.21 Smeatharpe WI met at Churchinford Village Hall. Carole Long, our President welcomed everyone and after the formal part of our evening, Andy Lucker, our guest speaker, was introduced to us. Andy spoke to us about, “Catching Baggage Thieves at Heathrow Airport”. Andy, now a retired Detective Constable for the Metropolitan Police worked for the British Transport Police at Heathrow Airport for the CID as a plain clothes officer. He helped catch numerous luggage thieves. Andy featured in the television documentary “Airport” 15 years ago. Andy screened an half hour recording of the programme for us all to see him at work. His talk certainly opened our eyes up to the tricks fraudsters use to try and steal baggage. He advised us not to carry designer luggage but stick to good quality luggage. More information from: Carole Long, President Tel: 01823 601382 Linda Sandy, Secretary Tel: 01823 602876 32
Shelly’s Care Local Microprovider with 30 years care experience. Are you looking for help that is tailored to your needs? Shelly’s care may be just what you’re looking for. I’m offering support for people with a learning disabilities or the elderly. I have a DBS, insurance, and car business insurance. I offer the following services: Personal care, shopping, cooking, sitting service, support to appointments, company and much more. For more information contact Michelle Reed: 07853281411 33
Blackdown Hills Gardening Club The November Meeting was a moving feast in more than one way. We enjoyed our Christmas social with wine and other beverages but instead of sharing food had to eat the food we had each brought. Unfortunately, our booked speaker Duncan Small had a Covid scare and thought it best not to come. Fortunately, our President Graham Salmon was able to present a very interesting talk ‘Flora of the Silk Road – Turkey to China’. The plant photographs were spectacular and it proved a useful geography lesson as we learnt which plants come from which Countries along the ancient trade routes. Churchinford Christmas Market The spirit of Christmas-giving was in the air at Churchinford Christmas market on December 10th. Each year a number of lucky prize winners win Christmas Bonus prizes in Churchinford Village Hall’s ‘Hall for All’ draw, and this year twelve lucky recipients each won £20.21. We welcome new subscribers for £2 a month payable six-monthly or yearly. Half of all money raised goes to support the Village Hall while the other half goes out in prizes. Application forms are available in the main Hall and the foyer, or can be emailed to you by contacting Caroline Nix on caroline.nix@btopenworld. com 34
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Buckland St Mary Parish Council 4th November 2021 County Councillor and District Councillor reports County Councillor Brown had circulated her monthly report, which detailed the following: There was a renewed call for people to step forward and become Covid Community Champions, who share messages about Covid 19 and how to stay healthy, happy and safe with their colleagues, family and friends. The scheme is funded by Somerset County Council and delivered by a partnership between Spark Somerset and SASP. Details were given of the flooding which occurred in the wider area following heavy rain on the 20th October 2022. New free online resources were now available for both professionals and the public to help spot the signs and reduce the risk of becoming a victim of domestic abuse and modern slavery. Learning modules could be found at https://training.somersetsurvivors.co.uk/ A new Facebook page was being launched by Somerset County Council’s Central Volunteer Team to keep people informed of volunteer opportunities District Councillor Wale reported that the date for the unitary elections would be known by the end of the month and it appeared likely that parishes will have their elections next year. District Councillor Wale also agreed to check when the annual clearing of drains was due in Buckland St Mary and report back to the Clerk. Planning (i) Application 21/01669/FUL No. Applicant Mr & Mrs Norton 36
Proposal Construction of a new terrace area adjacent the southwest elevation of Buckland House, installation of new French doors in lieu of an existing window to southwest elevation of Buckland House, restoration of outbuilding, restoration of paths within the walled garden and the formation of a new swimming pool and surrounding patio. Location Buckland House Fairend Lane Buckland St Mary Chard After a full discussion, there were no objections to this application or to (ii) below. (ii) Application 21/01670/LBC No. Applicant Mr & Mrs Norton 37
Proposal Construction of a new terrace area adjacent the southwest elevation of Buckland House, installation of new French doors in lieu of an existing window to southwest elevation of Buckland House, restoration of outbuilding, restoration of paths within the walled garden and the formation of a new swimming pool and surrounding patio. Location Buckland House Fairend Lane Buckland St Mary Chard (iii) Application 21/02961/HOU No. Applicant Mr and Mrs Wallis Proposal Single storey rear extension and erection of new entrance porch to existing detached dwelling Location Birchwood House Birchwood Road Buckland St Mary TA20 3QH After a full discussion, there were no objections to this application. Platinum Jubilee – 2nd and 3rd June 2022 Councillor Parsons reported that he had a meeting with the Waffle Shop in Axminster in two weeks’ time to discuss them supplying the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Councillor Barton reported that Mike Canham had outline plans at this stage. It was suggested that mugs should be given to children of the village to mark this momentous occasion and possibly there could be a competition at the school to design a suitable mug. This would be discussed again at the next meeting. Meeting dates for 2022 Meeting dates for 2022 were agreed and are as follows. All meetings start at 8.00 pm unless stated otherwise, and will be held in the Village Hall. 6th January 3rd February 3rd March 39
7th April, preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30 pm 12th May, which is the Annual Parish Council meeting, followed by the monthly Parish Council meeting 2nd June 7th July August – no meeting 1st September 6th October 3rd November December – no meeting Matters for report Potholes were reported outside Russell Farm. There was also a large pothole coming out on to the A 303 from Otter Wood. Also, drains were completely blocked outside Blindmoor Farm. These would be reported to SSDC. The Clerk was asked to chase the dog fouling signs which were promised when the dog litter bin was erected in the village. 11/21/11 Date and time of next meeting The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 6th January 2022, at 8.00 pm. Veronica Moore 41
Somerset West and Taunton Council fund a not-for-profit loan scheme for homeowners and landlords*. We understand the expense of maintaining your home and we work with you to take the stress out of funding repairs, improvements or adaptations. We see you as an individual, not a credit score. Our knowledgeable team of advisers will guide you through the process of applying for a home improvement loan. For a no-obligation assessment or more information visit www.lendology.org.uk or call 01823 461099 Heatherton Park Studios, Bradford on Tone, Taunton, TA4 1EU *subject to eligibility 42
Yarty Gardening Club We really started to get in the mood for Christmas at our November meeting when our speaker, Angie, from Cottage Flowers in Ilminster, showed us how to get creative with flowers and foliage. She began by making a beautiful table decoration; taking its creation step by step to show us how we could do something similar. Angie’s decoration was created on a bent wire framework attached to a birch log, but any framework shape would work too. Moss was wired onto the framework and then sloe twigs, adorned with lichen were pushed into the moss, distributed along its length. Around these twigs, Angie wove some battery powered LED lights to form the base of the decoration. It was then a matter of adding the adornments; some berried stems of Skimmia and dried hydrangea flower heads, a few red rose heads and some green baubles. The finishing flourish of leaf shine on the Skimmia leaves brought the decoration to life. As she worked, Angie kept us amused with anecdotes about her journey into floristry and lots of useful hints and tips. She said that dried hydrangea heads are a great addition to any arrangement at this time of year. Paniculata varieties are very good but any type can be dried by picking the flowers in September or October before the frost and then hanging them upside down in a warm, dry shed. The next arrangement was an Advent ring which was supported on a glass cake stand. The basis of this design was of course the five candles, pushed into an oasis ring. Around the candle bases, was a bed of Skimmia leaves with added foliage to give a variety of colours. This decoration had a palate of soft peach supplied by carnation heads together with pale pink roses. Some brown baubles, dried hydrangea heads and berried sprigs of hypericum gave the arrangement depth and some beautiful white orchid heads added glamour. The Advent ring was completed by the addition of some grasses for movement and asparagus fern fronds dipped in platinum. We all agreed that the finished decoration, though not using the traditional Christmas colours of reds, greens, and golds, was very evocative of the Christmas 43
season. Perhaps we should all experiment more with colour at this time of year. Angie then gave us a demonstration of how to make a traditional Christmas wreath for the front door. She laid out her materials along the table to start with, explaining that she normally chose 10 pieces of whatever foliage she was intending to use. These included a variety of conifers such as spruce, cyprus, bits of Xmas tree, bay, variegated holly, eucalyptus, ivy, and grevillea leaves dipped in red. The base for the wreath was a straw ring which can be pre-dipped in a water butt before wreath construction begins. [Using a straw ring instead of florist’s foam is better for the environment because oasis doesn’t fully dissolve in water or degrade in landfill or soil but instead, it just breaks down into smaller and smaller micro-plastics.] Angie demonstrated how to gather a bunch of foliage, using one of each of the collected items, and wire it into the wreath at 12 o’clock. By rotating the wreath as she went and adding special extra bits occasionally, she soon had the wreath finished. The special additions were beech leaves sprayed copper, sprigs of bottlebrush tree, pheasant feathers, ribbons and berries. Fir cones were wired in separately as were cinnamon sticks and orange slices. The whole wreath was beautifully finished with a large bow. I’m expecting to come across a lot of professional looking wreaths on local front doors over the season, although I’m sure it is not quite as easy as Angie makes it look! She finished off the evening by showing us how to make a beautiful hand tied bouquet, using a variety of lilies, carnations, roses, antirrhinums, berries, bay, pittosporum, and grasses dipped in copper. We were all really inspired to ‘have a go’ ourselves. The club will not be holding a meeting this month. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 17th February when we will be looking at ponds and water features. Details to follow in the next magazine. Pauline Bartlett 44
The Pink Pages A DIARY OF MONTHLY COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES IN JANUARY 2022 PINK DATE ACTIVITY TIME VENUE PAGE Churchinford & District Cinema Club - Nowhere Special (12) 2.30pm 1430/ Wed 5 CVH v (doors open 2.00pm) and 7.30pm (doors open at 6.45pm) 1930 Thur 6 Buckland St Mary Parish Council meeting 2000 OPH - “Winter Walk” followed by Soup & a roll + pudding in Sat 8 Churchinford & District Village Hall. See Pink Page viii for full 1030 CVH viii details. Otterford Repair Café. Free admission, donations welcomed for Sun 9 repairs, Refreshments Venue: Otterford Parish Hall, in Bishopswood – OPH ix from 11.00am to 2.00pm Otterford Parish Council Meeting It is intended the meeting will be held in the Wright Room in the Parish Tues 11 1930 CVH iv Hall. If you plan to attend please check with the Parish Clerk (see page iv) before travelling. Wed 12 Churchstanton Parish Council Meeting 1930 CVH - Smeatharpe WI will meet at Smeatharpe Village Hall. Thur 26 1930 SVH vii Full details of the meeting can be found on page vii New Year’s Quiz Tables of 6 (maximum of 14 tables – book early!), £6 per person, to Sat 29 include a light Ploughman’s Supper. PAY BAR To book contact Marian 1930 OPH x Spon on otterfordphbookings@gmail.com or 01460 234606 Venue: Otterford Parish Hall in Bishopswood: starts 7.30pm Wed 2 Churchinford & District Cinema Club - The Courier (12A) 2.30pm 1430/ CVH v Feb. (doors open 2.00pm) and 7.30pm (doors open at 6.45pm) 1930 Key to venues: CVH = Churchinford Village Hall: SVH = Smeatharpe Village Hall: BC = Bishopswood Chapel: OPH = Otterford Parish Hall: BVH = Buckland St Mary Village Hall: CC = Ch’stanton Church: BSMC = BSM Church: BSMS = Buckland St. Mary School: CCP = Churchinford Cricket Pavilion: VSC = Village Shop Café. i
Below is a directory of clubs & societies who meet & activities which take place each month in & around the parishes of Churchinford, Buckland and Otterford. NB. Whilst every effort is made to ensure these details are accurate we do advise to double check with the organisers before attending an activity for the first time. MONDAY Buckland Nursery School 01460 234251 9.00-2.55 BSM Primary School 9.00am-3.00pm closed Friday. Phone for details. Churchinford Pre-School Pre-School staff Churchinford Pre-School Building Soft Tennis, Table Tennis Cindy Beaumont 5.30pm-7.30pm (soft tennis , table tennis) and Badminton 01460 234351 7.30pm-10pm Badminton – Otterford Parish Hall Jane Garlick Kids 6.00pm-7.15pm, Adults 7.30pm-9.00pm Steel Band 01460 234221 Churchinford Cricket Club Pavilion Short Mat Bowling Penny Powe 01460 234150 1pm Otterford Parish Hall Morning Coffee, charity Linda Knowles 10am - 12.00noon every Monday except Bank fund raiser & informal get 01823 602742 Holidays - Charity changes weekly together Iyengar Yoga Tanya Devonshire-Jones Otterford Parish Hall 10.00 - 11.30am (Level 2 Class) 07903 079939 TUESDAY Buckland Nursery School 01460 234251 9.00-2.55 BSM Primary School 9.00am-3.00pm closed Friday. Phone for details. Churchinford Pre-School Pre-School staff Churchinford Pre-School Building Line Dancing £4 per session. 7.00pm-8.30pm BSM Village hall Intermediate) 01460 65007 Cathy Popham Country Dancing 7.30pm-9.00pm Churchinford Village Hall 01823 602859 Clerk to PC - Penny Hart 7.30pm Otterford Parish Hall - 2nd Tuesday Otterford PC Meeting 01460 234639 every month Board Games Club Ruth Strange 01823 601565 Suspended until further notice due to Covid (Informal) Jill Fussell 01823 601654 virus. WEDNESDAY Buckland Nursery School 01460 234251 9.00-2.55 BSM Primary School 9.00am-3.00pm closed Friday. Phone for details. Churchinford Pre-School Pre-School staff Churchinford Pre-School Building Heather 07561498365 Fitness for Fun 9.30am-10.30am Otterford Parish Hall 01823 601282 Tea & Cake Party - free Jon Mayled 1.45pm-3.45pm Buckland St Mary Church with Post Office 01460 234181 Blackdown Hills The Club is suspended & will be re-opening in the springtime. Wednesday Club Blackdown Hills Tim Allen 7.30pm Churchinford Village Hall - 3rd Gardening Club 01823 601022 Wednesday in the month Churchstanton Parish Clerk: Julie Wardle 7.30pm Churchinford Village Hall - 2nd Council Meeting cpc@csemail.co.uk Wednesday every month Frances Aitken Weekly from 0915-1015hrs. In Churchinford Pilates Class Tel.: 07970 872449 Village Hall Iyengar Yoga Tanya Devonshire-Jones Otterford Parish Hall 5.30pm - 7.00pm (Level 1 Class) 07903 079939 Smeatharpe Women’s Secretary: Carole Long 7.30pm Smeatharpe Village Hall on the 4th Institute. 01823 601382 Wednesday in each month. ii
THURSDAY Buckland Nursery 01460 234251 9.00am-2.55pm BSM Primary School School Blackdown Ladies Rosemary Viant - Chair. Otterford Parish Hall 7.30pm -10.00pm 1st meeting 01460234734 Thursday of each month 9.00am-3.00pm closed Friday. Phone for Churchinford Pre-School Pre-School staff details. Churchinford Pre-School Building Buckland St Mary Baby Melanie Tuffill 9.00am - 11.30am Otterford Parish Hall - & Toddler Group . 01460 234325 (Bishopswood) - 2nd & 4th Thurs. monthly Yarty Garden Club (3rd Pauline Bartlett - Chair 7.30pm Alternate months at Buckland St Mary Thursday of each Month) 01460 234778 Village Hall and Otterford Parish Hall Steel Band Jane Garlick 01460 234221 Adults 7.30pm – 9.00pm C’ford CC Pavilion Pregnancy Yoga Helen Humble 01460 602702 Otterford Parish Hall, 5,15-6.30pm Yoga Helen Humble 01460 602702 Otterford Parish Hall, 7-9pm. Most Thursdays Buckland St Mary Parish Clerk to the PC Veronica 8pm BSM Village Hall - 1st Thurs. of the month Council meeting Moore 01823 442109 except Aug & Dec Frances Aitken Weekly from 6.15pm - 7.15pm Pilates Class 07970872449 Churchinford Village Hall FRIDAY Buckland Nursery 01460 234251 9.00am -2.55pm BSM Primary School School 7pm– 9.30pm Samba Band Jane Garlick 01460 234221 Churchinford Cricket Club Pavilion Tanya Devonshire –Jones Iyengar ® Yoga (Level 1) 10am - 11.30am Otterford Parish Hall 07903 079939 Frances Aiken Weekly from 9.15am - 10.15am & 10..45pm - Pilates Class 07970 872449 11.45 Churchinford Village Hall. SATURDAY Churchinford Village 1st Saturday in each month at Churchinford Colvin Parry 01823 601224 Market Village Hall. 10.00am - Noon Buckland St Mary Coffee Margery Harkness 2nd Saturday in each month in the Church in Morning 01460 234599 Buckland St Mary 10.30am - Noon and in CORFE VILLAGE HALL … Sewing Group: 9.30am - 12 noon MONDAYS Quilting: 2pm - 4pm Contact Sue Ford on 01823 421769 TUESDAYS Parish Council: 6.00pm bi monthly – see Parish Notice Board for details Pilates: 10am. Contact Alison on 07850507489 Sewing Group: 7pm (Weekly except 1st Wednesday in month) WEDNESDAYS Gardening Club: 7pm on 1st Wednesday in month. Contact: Sheila, Email: s.andrews808@btinternet.com or text 07880 793066 THURSDAYS Toddler Group: 9.30am FRIDAYS Short Mat Bowling 10am - 12.30pm. Contact: Chris Bradbeer 01823 421513 iii
DATE OTTERFORD DIARY - EVENTS & ACTIVITIES 2022 Otterford Repair Café 9 January 2022 Free admission, donations welcomed for repairs, Refreshments Venue: Otterford Parish Hall, in Bishopswood – from 11.00am to 2.00pm Otterford Parish Council Meeting 11 January It is intended the meeting will be held in the Wright Room in the Parish Hall. If you plan to 2022 attend please check with the Parish Clerk (see bottom) before travelling. New Year’s Quiz 29 January Tables of 6 (maximum of 14 tables – book early!), £6 per person, to include a light 2022 Ploughman’s Supper. PAY BAR To book contact Marian Spon on otterfordphbookings@gmail.com or 01460 234606 Venue: Otterford Parish Hall in Bishopswood: starts 7.30pm Otterford Parish Council Meeting 8 February It is intended the meeting will be held in the Wright Room in the Parish Hall. If you plan to 2022 attend please check with the Parish Clerk (see bottom) before travelling. Otterford Parish Council Meeting 8 March 2022 It is intended the meeting will be held in the Wright Room in the Parish Hall. If you plan to attend please check with the Parish Clerk (see bottom) before travelling. Otterford Parish Litter Pick – our twenty-third We hope to meet at the Parish Hall (in Bishopswood) at 9.30am, pick for a maximum of 19 March 2022 two hours, then back to the hall for a bacon butty (or veggie alternative) and a hot drink. But this is COVID dependent. Keep watching updates in CBO News and Otterford Update emails. 26 March 2022 BISHOPSWOOD BIG BREAKFAST – PROVISIONAL More details to follow. 2 to 5 June Platinum Jubilee Celebration Weekend (Possibly jointly with BSM PC) 2022 More details to follow Otterford Parish Litter Pick – our twenty-fourth We hope to meet at the Parish Hall (in Bishopswood) at 9.30am, pick for a maximum of 16 July 2022 two hours, then back to the hall for a bacon butty (or veggie alternative) and a hot drink. But this is COVID dependent. Keep watching updates in CBO News and Otterford Update emails. Otterford Parish Litter Pick – our twenty-fifth 26 November We hope to meet at the Parish Hall (in Bishopswood) at 9.30am, pick for a maximum of 2022 two hours, then back to the hall for a bacon butty (or veggie alternative) and a hot drink. But this is COVID dependent. Keep watching updates in CBO News and Otterford Update emails. Parish Council meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of every month in The Wright Room at the Parish Hall in Bishopswood. Everyone is welcome: please contact the Parish Clerk (01460 234639) if disabled access required. Community Time is at 7.30pm: meetings start by 7.50pm at the latest. PLEASE NOTE FACE TO FACE MEETINGS ARE CURRENTLY BEING HELD. WE MAY NEED TO REVERT TO ONLINE ‘ZOOM’ MEETINGS IF GOVERNMENT ADVICE CHANGES. We have now added most of our 2022 social activities and events. If organising events/ activities yourself – please try to avoid clashing with our dates. Any offers of assistance with preparation or during an activity, would be most wel- come. Please email: Mike Canham: mike.otterfordparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk iv
Churchinford and District Village Hall’s Cinema Club Presents the following films: Wednesday, January 5th at 2.30 pm (Doors open at 2 pm) and 7.30 pm (Doors open at 6.45 pm) Nowhere Special (12) From the Director of the wonderful Still Life (2013) and inspired by a true story, Nowhere Special features Janes Norton as 35 year old window cleaner John, who has dedicated his life to bringing up his son Michael (Daniel Lamont) after the child’s mother left them shortly after giving birth. When John is only given a few months to live, he attempts to find a new, perfect family for his four year old son determined to shield him from the terrible reality of the situation. Wednesday 2 February at 2.30 pm (Doors open at 2 pm) and 7.30 pm (Doors open at 6.45 pm) The Courier (12A) The true story of British businessman Greville Wynne (Benedict Cumberbatch) unwittingly recruited into one of the greatest international conflicts in history. Forming an unlikely partnership in the hope of preventing a nuclear confrontation, Wynne and soviet officer Oleg Penskovsky (Merab Ninidze) work together to provide the crucial Intelligence used to defuse the Cuban missile crisis. Why not have a take away from The York – fish and chips or something else to enjoy before the show with a drink from our bar. v
The Committee have been putting together the first six months Programme for 2022, an outline is set out below. Wednesday 19th January – A talk from Duncan Small from Charlton Orchards on the growing of Fruit Trees. Apple juices will be available to try and buy. Wednesday 16th February – A talk by Saul Walker entitled ‘My time as Show Manager at Chelsea’. This should be a fascinating insight into the running of such an important flower show. Saul is now the Head Gardener of Stonelands, a private House and Gardens in Dawlish. Wednesday 16th March – A talk by Andrea Rye from Coombe Garden Centre on colour through the year. Andrea is manager of the garden centre and we hope to arrange a visit to the centre and café in the future. Wednesday 20th April - to be confirmed. Outings planned are: Thursday 19th May – A day visit to the gardens at Mapperton House and Gardens, Beaminster, Dorset. We can do a tour of the House if more than ten are interested. Thursday 16th June - An evening visit to Devonshire Lavenders and Herbs. We will be guided by Cathy Lane. Thursday 21st July – An afternoon trip to Elworthy Cottage Plants, Exmoor, possibly visiting Triscombe Nursery on the way. We look forward to seeing you at Churchinford Village Hall for our meetings which start at 7.30 pm. Contact Tim Allen on 01823 601022 for further details of the Programme. vi
Smeatharpe WI Is looking only one month ahead for the foreseeable future. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 26 January 2022 at 7.30pm The venue will be Smeatharpe Village Hall A talk is planned By Jake Chant of the Devon Wildlife Trust when he will update us on the current status of the beavers on the River Otter. vii
Churchstanton Annual followed by lunch of Soup & Rolls + Pudding (served at approximately 12.30 pm) Saturday, 8th January 2022 meet at Churchinford Village Hall 10.30 am £6.00 per person (£3.00 per child) Do wear stout shoes! All welcome If you can’t walk, just come and have lunch! All proceeds to Churchstanton Church funds For further information please contact: Alice Hodges: 01823 601300 viii
OTTERFORD PARISH HALL COMMITTEE THE RETURN OF OUR ANNUAL NEW YEAR’S Saturday, 29th January 2022 Starts at 7.30pm Table of 6, £6 per person (includes a light Ploughman’s Supper) Pay Bar Call or email Marion Spon to reserve table 01460 234606, or otterfordphbookings@gmail.com LIMITED TO FOURTEEN TABLES – BOOK EARLY ! VENUE: OTTERFORD PARISH HALL IN BISHOPSWOOD, TA20 3RS x
Community Coffee Morning Buckland St. Mary Church 10am -12noon Saturday, 12th February Cake Sale and raffle (Donations of cakes welcome on the day or contact Lucinda wood - Thank you) ALL WELCOME Funds raised for Friends of Buckland School xi
To place a half or full page advert in the CBO News Pink Pages, please complete the form below and include the following: Send this form and your advert by email, post or personal delivery to the address below before the 7th of the month. To achieve the best quality printing we also need the original computer file used to create the advert. We can also accept your submission via our website — www.cbonews.org.uk Address for postal or hand-delivered submissions: CBO Advertising, Beech House, Bishopswood, TA20 3RS Tel. 01460 234144 or e-mail: adverts@cbonews.org.uk Name of person submitting the advertisement: ____________________________________ Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Post Code: __________________________________ email: ____________________________________________________________ Contact telephone number (please include area code): _________________________________ All prepared advertisements in Microsoft WORD or PUBLISHER please Size of advertisement required: tick box as appropriate ½ x A5 - (124mm wide x 91mm tall) @ £2.00 per month o full A5 - (124mm wide x 185mm tall) @ £4.00 per month o In which month do you want the advertisement to start: ______________________________ For how many months do you wish this advert to appear: __________ xii
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Buckland St Mary 100 Club Winners – November 2021 Amount Number Name £20 38 Paul Loveless £15 42 Margaret North £10 41 Jon Mayled £5 51 Richard Pym News from Musgrove Children who need care and treatment at Musgrove Park Hospital’s emergency department (ED) can often be frightened and confused about what is happening to them. While our colleagues in ED provide outstanding care for our younger patients, they don’t always have that extra bit of time to help with the non- clinical part of their care. Step in Sarah Smith – who has been appointed as our first ever play specialist in ED, complementing the excellent work done by the existing team of play specialists in our children’s unit. “I worked on Musgrove Park’s children’s unit for 12 years and on occasions colleagues on ED would request play specialist support,” she said. “I have always taken great pleasure in the positive outcomes of children I have supported and our children’s unit matron Louise Hill – formerly an ED sister – noticed my smile and satisfaction following an intervention one day – and that’s how this new role first came about. “My main role is to create a positive and welcoming environment for our younger patients who come into hospital in an emergency. “When the child first arrives in ED, I look to build a rapport and relationship with them based on their age and developmental level. “Working with colleagues in the department we track and support the child in ED and look at what we can do to enhance their time with us. That could be something as simple as giving them a colouring book or providing activities on an iPad. 46
“It can be frightening for a child to come into hospital and a little distraction, such as putting Peppa Pig on the TV or letting them hold and play with a familiar toy during an intervention, can really make a difference. “If a child has additional needs, we may create a care plan that explains to them in non-medical terms what’s going to happen to them while they are with us. “A boy came into ED over the summer with a badly broken arm and he had a pre-conception that we were either going to chop his arm off because it was no longer any good or that we would rip it open and stick the bones together! “It was only by having a conversation with him that we could work out what his fears were. I was able to work with our emergency nurse practitioner to develop a care plan where we supported him during the day, and this meant that he didn’t need to be admitted to hospital or even need general anaesthetic for the procedure. This completely changed his hospital experience. “Often the nurses who first see our patients at the ED front door will give me a call if they see a child struggling a bit and we can start working with them. “I’ve had great feedback so far from colleagues and patients/parents. Back during Easter time, a child with learning difficulties came in and I spent a long time breaking down his hospital journey and we even sorted out an Easter egg for his sister. His mum left a glowing review on a local Facebook page, which was really nice to see. “I feel so lucky to be one of those people who get up in the morning really looking forward to going to work as I know I’m likely to make a real difference to a child’s care and experience at hospital. “The pandemic has certainly been challenging to my role, not least having to thoroughly clean every toy after it has been played well. “We’ve also had great support from members of the public and most recently Andrew Whitehouse from the Historic Helicopters charity near Chard, kindly fundraised for iPads and other equipment for children to use in our ED.” 48
We work with our clients to We’re all about listening, understand their needs, support understanding and them effectively and deliver the best possible legal advice. advising Whether it’s commercial or personal matters you need help and advice with, the only thing that really matters is you. Call one of our nearby offices and let’s have a proper chat. WELLINGTON T: 01823 666622 TAUNTON T: 01823 625800 www.porterdodson.co.uk 49
Williams Pinto, a charge nurse at the hospital’s ED, said: “Sarah is often very humble when she talks about her role, but I’ve found her to be a breath of fresh air for our ED, not only in her own role, but how she also helps our nurses to take observations when a child is sick and needs attention straightaway. “Sarah is always positive and has a smile on her face. I’m sure that our colleagues and patients would say that the environment in our ED is always so much better when she is around.” 50
The Blackdown Healthy Living & Activity Centre – What’s on Riverside Mondays and Thursdays most weeks of the year, 9.30am – 3pm. Day of activities, entertainment Club and lunch for older residents of the Blackdown Hills. Contact Lynn Pulman (01823) 680687 Community Sundays and Mondays most weeks of the year, 10am – 4pm. The Shed is a place to pursue Shed practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending in a social setting. Contact Peta Dayus-Jones (01823) 680687 BSG Lunch First Wednesday of every month at 12.30pm, come and enjoy a low cost, nutritious and freshly- Club cooked two course meal. Contact Blackdown Support Group (01823) 681036 Memory Second Tuesday of the month, tea, coffee, company and gentle activities for anyone affected by Café memory loss and their carers. 10.30am – 12pm Contact Peta Dayus-Jones (01823) 680687 52 Monday Yoga 6.15pm – 7.45pm Julia Baldock Call 01823 680687 for Tuesday Yoga 9.30am – 11am Lea-Ann Furphy further information Pilates 6.30pm – 7.30pm Harriet Tubbs and details of our Wednesday Pilates (2 classes) 6pm & 7.15pm Harriet Tubbs classes or visit our new website Friday Pilates (2 classes) 9.30am & 10.45am Sarah Grey www.bhlac.org.uk Massage – Ruth Bell (07892 896895) Therapies Chiropractic – Sue Moore (07534 222031) Osteopathy – Martha Price (07734 431624) Massage – Rachel Ridler (07854 973276) Betonica Herbal Medicine Clinics – clinic@betonica.co.uk You can find the BHLAC at Riverside, Lower Millhayes, Hemyock, EX15 3SH 01823 680687 or centre@bhlac.org.uk
THE YORK INN Honiton Road, Churchinford. TA3 7RF 01823 601 333 NOW AVAILABLE: UPSTAIRS FUNCTION ROOM WITH WIFI, PROJECTOR & SCREEN IDEAL FOR MEETINGS, PRIVATE PARTIES Country Pub offering a warm welcome Log Fire. Large selection of Ales including local brews, Games Room, Large screen TV. Monthly Meat Draw. Lots of Special Events. Good wholesome food using local ingredients lunchtime & evenings. Specials board & Homemade Pie Board. Takeaway. Sunday Roasts. Saturday Breakfast. Parties catered for. Patio Area. Dogs Welcome Email:theyorkinn@yahoo.com www.yorkinn.co.uk 53
Looking for a keep-fit class …? Come along, socialise, meet new friends and have fun getting fit! WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 9.30-10.30am 6 - 7pm 9.30-10.30am The Village Hall West Monkton Village Hall Trident Hall Bishopswood Monkton Heathfield Galmington Nr Chard, TA20 3RS Taunton, TA2 8NE Taunton, TA1 5NN :HDUORRVHFRPIRUWDEOHFORWKHV WUDLQHUVRUQRQVOLSVKRHV %ULQJDPDWRUWRZHODQGDGULQNPLQXWHVUHJLVWUDWLRQIROORZHGE\ PLQXWHVRIDHURELFEDVHGH[HUFLVHVIRUDOOOHYHOVRIILWQHVV £6 per class HEATHER SPARKS TEL/TEXT: 07561 498365 Term Time Only EMAIL: No membership fees. fitness4fun@hotmail.co.uk RSA/OCR Qualified Instructor www.fitness4fun.wix.com/heather 54
Music Reviews Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – Friday, 19 November 7:30 pm University Great Hall, Exeter Kirill Karabits: conductor; Felix Klieser: horn; Amyn Merchant: leader. Mozart Divertimento in D K136 Just 25 string players of the BSO for this piece. These pieces can be played by string quartet. They are small symphonies for string only ensembles. Here the strings were on top form. Wonderful playing from the violins. On this occasion, the first and second violins opposite each other with the other strings in the middle. I would like to hear more Mozart small pieces. Mozart Horn Concerto No.4 These concertos are wonderful pieces made famous by the legendary horn player Dennis Brain whose recording is still the one to have. Here however we were in something very special. Felix Klieser is no ordinary player. He has no arms. To blow the horn he sits on a chair operating the valves with his feet. He produces a rich warm tone and his playing was something very special. The orchestra were on top form. We are lucky that Felix Klieser is the artist in residence for the next two seasons. Don’t miss any opportunity to hear him. You will be as amazed as I was and moved. This was his UK concert debut. What an evening. I would love to hear him play the horn concertos of Richard Strauss. Bruckner Symphony ‘0’. This is early Bruckner possibly experimental. Here we hear the thoughts and ideas that would come later. This performance was very special with wonderful playing from the whole orchestra with hints of the great things to come from this composer. I would love to hear Kirill Karabits conduct the orchestra in the mature symphonies of Bruckner, numbers four to nine. Would it be too much to hope that these might be recorded by Chandos? The next BSO concert is on 21 January in the University Great Hall Exeter. The main work in this concert is Rachmaninov’s Symphony No.2. We all love the second piano concerto and you will love this. The symphony had been cut by various conductors over the years. It was the late André Previn who restored it to its full length. This is now the version we have today. There 55
are however two recordings which are legendary André Previn conducting the LSO recorded in the Kingsway Hall in London (Great Recordings of the Century), and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic conducted by Vasily Petrenko (EMI 915 4732). If driving to Exeter is not your scene we can offer a coach journey. The pickup point is Lace Walk, Honiton at 5:15 pm, cost £10 return for all four concerts. For more information contact Mrs Carol Scott, 48 Livonian Road, Sidmouth (01935) 579716 or email Carolthearle@hotmail.com. Amici Saturday, December 4, 2021 – King’s College Chapel, Taunton – Conductor: Andrew Trewhella In terra pax – and on earth peace This concert opened with Gabriel Fauré’s Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11. A beautiful work here sung by Amici, back nearly to top form. This is a piece which needs to be better known. ‘God is asked pour on us his powerful grace. Fauré’s Requiem is a huge favourite of mine. Here we heard the lovely baritone voice of Gareth Dayus-Jones with Imogen Ball as the soprano soloist in the Piu Jesu. The work ends with the In Paradiso. Quite simply one of the most moving in the throat moments. Benjamin Britten is not my favourite composer. However, his Ceremony of Carols was here wonderfully sung. Beautiful playing from the harpist, Sioned Williams. Gerald Finzi – In terra pax. His very introspective views of life stems from the loss of his father and three brothers. The music is full of melancholy. The use of baritone and soprano, Gareth Dayus-Jones and Kate Barnes, was very moving. The work ends with ‘and on earth, peace goodwill to all men. Oh how we need it. John Rutter’s What Sweeter Music is something very special. Wonderfully sung by Amici with a small orchestra. A great evening of music to calm us all down. Amici’s next concerts are as follows: Saturday, 5 March 2022 to include Haydn’s ‘Nelson’ Mass venue TBA, Saturday, 18 June programme and venue to be advised. 57
SOLAR PANELS & HEAT PUMPS Your local, established, renewable energy installer www.lightworkenergy.co.uk patrick@lightworkenergy.co.uk 01460 234930 07909 111629 Elm End, Hare Lane, Buckland St. Mary, TA20 3JS 58
C.L.O.K.S. 11th of December 7:30 pm Combe St Nicholas Church When Sasha got swept up the chimney A musical journey through the magic of Christmas. This being the first new show for two years there were lots of new faces. For many their very first time on stage. However, The Fairey family put together a wonderful evening’s entertainment. Toe-tapping tunes aplenty. The younger ones an event to remember. Great fun was had by all. The church was full to capacity on both nights 10th and 11th. C.L.O.K.S. next show is Aladdin, 30 June, 1st & 2nd July 2022 at the Guildhall in Chard. www.cloks.org.uk Wanted promising young string players ages 9 to 16 (grades 2 to 8) Magdalen Farm Strings 10 to 16th of April 2022 Enquiries to Polly Orr-Ewing or Sarah Glendale info@magdalenfarmstrings.org, www.madelinefarmstrings.org Patron: Colin Matthews St Mary Magdalene Church, Taunton – afternoon tea concerts, admission free, retiring collection. Somerset Organists’ & Choirs’ Association. All concerts start at 3pm. Saturday, 22 January – John Young – organ Saturday 12 February – Matthew Redman – organ Saturday 12 March – The Skylark Wind Quintet Palm Sunday 10 April – Charlotte Stus – clarinet, Andrew Carter – piano Saturday, 14 May – Jonathan Del Briege – piano and organ Saturday 18 June – Stephen Bell – organ Saturday 16 July – François Cloette – organ Saturday 10 September – Miles Quick – organ Saturday 15 October – Chris Beechey – organ 59
Guitar Lessons Electric, Acoustic, Bass, Classical and Ukulele lessons available Lessons from a London College of Music Guitar Examiner, professional guitarist and contributor to Guitar Techniques Magazine Taught from dedicated space in Buckland St. Mary harrisonmarsh07@gmail.com 01460 234829. 07928 590269 www.harrisonmarsh.co.uk Upcoming Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Concerts – University Great Hall, Exeter 7.30pm 21 January – Glorious Rachmaninov Prokofiev Lieutenant Kijé Suite Rachmaninov Symphony No.2 Conductor: Kirill Karabits Recordings: André Previn’s recording of the Rachmaninov with the London Symphony Orchestra is legendary. Also recommended is Vasily Petrenko’s recording with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. 10 February – Drama & Romance Wagner Tannhäuser Overture Beethoven Piano Concerto No.4 Dvořák Symphony No.8 Conductor Case Scaglione Piano Federico Colli 60
Recordings: Beethoven Piano Concerto No.4 – Eric Lu – award winning performance at the Leeds International Piano Competition in 2018. Dvořák Symphony No.8 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conductor, Sir Thomas Beecham, Royal Festival Hall London 25th of October 1959. 24th February – Life Over Death Beethoven: The Creatures of Prometheus Overture Sibelius Violin Concerto Tchaikovsky Symphony No.6 ‘Pathétique’ Conductor: Gergely Madaras Violin: Simone Lamsma Recordings: Sibelius Violin Concerto – the recording I have chosen is a legendary one: Ida Haendel – violin, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, conductor – Simon Rattle recorded 7 September 1993, Royal Albert Hall, London. 7th April – Soviet Heritage Karayev Suite from The Seven Beauties Ali-Zadeh Cosmology (world première) Shostakovich Symphony No.12 ‘The Year 1917’ Conductor: Kirill Karabits Please note concerts are subject to change as a result of external restrictions. Best wishes for 2022 with great music-making Your Music Correspondent 62
JonDagger Cooker / Kitchen Appliance Engineer Based in Hemyock Over 35 years experience with many manufacturers inc. Rangemaster, Hotpoint, Cannon and most others Repairs to range-type or built-in or freestanding cookers, washing machines, dishwashers 07725 852322 63
IYENGAR ® YOGA Classes at Otterford Parish Hall with Tanya Devonshire-Jones *LY[PÄLK[LHJOLYVM0@,5.(9® yoga Suitable for young or old, stiff or flexible, fit or not! Mondays: HT 3L]LSJSHZZ Wednesdays: WT 3L]LSJSHZZ Fridays: HT 3L]LSJSHZZ Please bring a folded blanket and a yoga mat. Other equipment is available. Please pay via my website or contactless on the door. www.tanyayogateacher.co.uk Please phone or email me if you have any queries. 07903 079939 tanya.yogateacher@gmail.com ® used with permission of BKS IYENGAR, Trade Mark Owner. TM 64
Thank you to everyone who voted for us in the European Outdoor Conservation Association vote last month. We were one of six organisations shortlisted to be in with the opportunity of winning £12,000. Sadly in our category we were pipped to the post by just 79 votes - so nail-bitingly close which made it a bit difficult to swallow! On the plus side, we were pretty overwhelmed with how many of you took that one minute to place that one click. It’s so great to know that we can rely on you when it matters. Don’t forget that however small, sometimes taking that one action can make a real difference. How gorgeous is this? This is a rather beautiful meadow coral fungus which was discovered on our Ubley Warren reserve by one of our Senior Reserve managers whilst clearing some bramble. You can see where it gets its name from with its wonderful coral-like branches and fabulous colour. What a lovely find! The Somerset Nature Connections project team are back to help people learn new skills, meet people and feel great, with more FREE 6 week Nature and Wellbeing Courses in January. Learn self-care techniques such as mindfulness, have a go at practical conservation work and get busy with nature crafts and outdoor cooking. If you’re feeling a bit alone or experiencing low moods, anxiety or stress, check out the details. Places are limited so book a place quick! 65
The Blackdown Healthy Living & Activity Centre – What’s on Riverside Mondays and Thursdays most weeks of the year, 9.30am – 3pm. Day of activities, entertainment Club and lunch for older residents of the Blackdown Hills. Contact Lynn Pulman (01823) 680687 Community Sundays and Mondays most weeks of the year, 10am – 4pm. The Shed is a place to pursue Shed practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending in a social setting. Contact Peta Dayus-Jones (01823) 680687 BSG Lunch First Wednesday of every month at 12.30pm, come and enjoy a low cost, nutritious and freshly- Club cooked two course meal. Contact Blackdown Support Group (01823) 681036 Memory Second Tuesday of the month, tea, coffee, company and gentle activities for anyone affected by Café memory loss and their carers. 10.30am – 12pm Contact Peta Dayus-Jones (01823) 680687 66 Monday Yoga 6.15pm – 7.45pm Julia Baldock Call 01823 680687 for Tuesday Yoga 9.30am – 11am Lea-Ann Furphy further information Pilates 6.30pm – 7.30pm Harriet Tubbs and details of our Wednesday Pilates (2 classes) 6pm & 7.15pm Harriet Tubbs classes or visit our new website Friday Pilates (2 classes) 9.30am & 10.45am Sarah Grey www.bhlac.org.uk Massage – Ruth Bell (07892 896895) Therapies Chiropractic – Sue Moore (07534 222031) Osteopathy – Martha Price (07734 431624) Massage – Rachel Ridler (07854 973276) Betonica Herbal Medicine Clinics – clinic@betonica.co.uk You can find the BHLAC at Riverside, Lower Millhayes, Hemyock, EX15 3SH 01823 680687 or centre@bhlac.org.uk
Somerset village halls must innovate for the future says the Community Council for Somerset (CCS). Community buildings across the county will be challenged to do something different as part of Village Halls Week 2022 and make a pledge on social media. CCS will be raising awareness of the contribution village halls make to rural communities, as well as inspiring the volunteers who run them to get creative and improve their offer to local residents. #VillageHallsWeek is taking place Monday 24 January – Sunday 30th January 2022. It will be the fifth incarnation of the popular national campaign which last year saw 800 halls complete an online ‘Domesday Book’, to mark 100 years since their foundation. Village halls in Somerset are already doing many innovative things, such as making environmental improvements or taking steps to reduce isolation in their communities. Edington Village Hall have recently installed solar panels and Bicknoller Village Hall have put in place electric car charging points. CCS will be working with hall committees during 2022 to take further action on climate change. Stoke St Michael Village Hall set up a Community Fridge and Book Share scheme during the pandemic and are now working to ensure their hall is accessible to all, including the installation of a new ‘Changing Places’ Toilet. Sally Sargent, Community Buildings Adviser, said, “We’re pleased to be supporting Village Halls Week 2022 which will be a celebration of everything that village halls can, or could do, to improve their offer to the local community. With Action with Communities in Rural England, we’ve been highlighting the role and achievements of halls for some time – from combating loneliness to supporting local businesses. But this year’s campaign will be a bit different. We know there are some great examples of halls that’ve gone the extra mile by putting on new activities and services for residents, taking action on climate change or taking steps to become more 67
financially resilient. Along with other members of the ACRE Network, we’ll be celebrating these pioneering halls and challenging others to make pledges to get similarly creative. During Village Halls Week we will be holding two online events for halls trustees focused on the bringing the arts into community buildings and addressing climate change”. The volunteers who run these buildings – estimated to number more than 50,000 across England – are urged to contact their ACRE Network member to access a campaign pack or visit ACRE’s website where they will find more information about the campaign, along with ideas to help them get involved and a copy of the pledge form. End Piece Cocktail lounge, Norway: “Ladies are Requested Not to have Children in the Bar.” At a Budapest zoo: “PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS. If you have any suitable food, give it to the guard on duty.” Hotel. in Acapulco: “The Manager Has Personally Passed All the Water Served Here.” Car rental brochure, Tokyo: “When passenger of foot heave in sight, tootle the horn. Trumpet him melodiously at first, but if he still obstacles your passage then tootle him with vigour.” On an Athi River highway: “TAKE NOTICE: When this sign is under water, this road is impassable.” 69
BIRD TABLES & GARDEN PLANTERS Free local delivery Planters & Troughs Bat Boxes Bird Tables & Boxes Hedgehog Houses Log Stores www.blackdownwoodcrafts.co.uk 01823 601116 / 07711 504791 70
1895 - 2020 Taking care of your loved ones with the dignity and respect that they deserve Hemyock Funeral Directors Est 1895 4th Generation Independent Family Business A complete personal service to suit your wishes, arrangements can be made in the comfort of your own home. Serving the Blackdown Hills and Culm Valley 07860 390002 01884 32855 24 hours a day 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday Culmstock Road, 50 Fore Street, Hemyock, EX15 3RJ pringandson@aol.com Cullompton, EX15 1LB Proud provider of Golden Charter Plans www.pring-and-son-funeral-directors.co.uk t /722VBMJGLBUJPO t )PVTFLFFQJOH t 4IPQQJOH t 1FSTPOBM =BSD BU IPNF t .FBM 1SFQ t $PNQBOJPOTIJQ t %PH 8BMLJOH t 4JMMNH 4FSWJDF 73
RINGBOROUGH DESIGN AND PLANNING Helping you build your dream home Guillaume Dijon Telephone: 01823 421 049 Ringborough House Mobile: 07892 406 096 Churchinford, Taunton TA3 7EB Email: gdijon@consultant.com 78
Valid until 31.12.2022 81
Maths Tuition GCSE and A level Maths Tuition from Maths Post Graduate with Ten Years Experience in One To One Tuition. All Lessons Tailored to the Individual, taught in a dedicated teaching space in Buckland St. Mary. DBS Checked. 01460 234829 07928 590269 harrisonmarsh07@gmail.com Subscription Information Even though we have now returned to print, a significant number of our readers have said that they like having CBO News sent directly to their emails. Please go to the website www.cbonews.org.uk and click on ‘Subscriptions’. This will take you to a page where in the left-hand column you need to click on ‘Register for CBO News’ Remember: CBO News online is free and in full colour 82
CBO News TO PAY SUBSCRIPTIONS ONLINE We have introduced BACS payments for those who wish to use this facility to pay their subscriptions. This is up and running and is merely an additional method of paying, it does NOT REPLACE CASH OR CHEQUES for those who still prefer to use them. TO MAKE A BACS PAYMENT Using your own bank’s online facilities, pay £10 into the account detailed as below. This is a single payment for 12 months and not a direct debit mandate. When making a payment, please use the following format as the reference number so that we know it is you who has subscribed: XXXPOSTCODE Where XXX is your three letter parish code followed by your postcode: • CHU for Churchinford and Churchstanton • BSM for Buckland and Blackwater • OTT for Otterford and Bishopswood • PIT for Pitminster and Corfe For example: for someone living in Churchinford, their payment reference would typically be as follows: CHUTA37RD For someone living in Buckland it would typically be like this: BSMTA203SJ For someone living in Otterford it would typically be like this: OTTTA203RS For a Pitminster subscriber it would typically be like this: PITTA37AZ If you are making payment for someone else or for more than one subscription, please tell your distributor that you will be doing so, as there is not the facility to add this extra detailed information to an online payment. Of course, we will continue to accept cash and cheques. It is just that for ease of processing, cheque or BACS/online payment is preferable, with cash payment being the more time-consuming method to process. The intention is to make subscribing more convenient for everyone who is comfortable using whatever means they prefer. Our account details for payments are as follows: Lloyds Bank Account name: CBO News Sort code: 30-98-97 Account No: 74317260 83
Advertising in the CBO News - Scale of Charges Size of advertisement in millimetres Monthly Annually Pink Pages B/W Colour (no commercial advertisements) (1/4 x A5 Size) 124w x 44h (Landscape) £7 £47 £80 N/A (1/4 x A5 Size) 61w x 91h (Portrait) £7 £47 £80 N/A (1/2 x A5 Size) 124w x 91h (Landscape) £16 £78 £150 £2 (A5 Size) 124w x 185h (Portrait) £23 £125 £280 £4 The CBO News accepts no liability for: 1. Any claims made by advertisers. 2. Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser. 3. Any legal action as a result of the advertisement. Acceptance of an advert into the Pink Pages is at the discretion of the CBO News editorial team. We seek to uphold the purpose of the Pink Pages - namely to support local charities, community groups and clubs, fund-raising activities, and non-commercial activities, either taking place in the CBO parishes, or in the wider area where they may be deemed to be of interest to our readers - by charging a nominal advertising fee that is reflective of the non-commercial nature of the event taking place. Copy deadlines for the February 2022 issue: Adverts: noon, Friday 7th January 2022 Editorial: noon, Friday 14th January 2022 Editor: Jon Mayled - 1 Stephens Cottages, Buckland St Mary, TA20 3SL email: editors@cbonews.org.uk Tel: 01460 234181 Advertising Manager & Josh Strickland - Beech House, Bishopswood, TA20 3RS Treasurer: e-mail: adverts@cbonews.org.uk Tel: 01460 234144 Pink Pages: Dave Jefferies - email: pinkpages@cbonews.org.uk Subscription Managers: Churchstanton - Pat Stenning - 1 Lambpark Court, Churchinford, TA3 7PL Tel: 01823 602926 Buckland St Mary - Bill Butt - Old Post Office, Buckland St Mary, Chard, TA20 3SJ Tel: 01460 234225 Otterford - Penny Gale - Lower Fyfett Barn, Otterford, Chard, TA20 3QP Tel: 01823 601577 Cover Photo: © Oliver Hellowell 2021 https://www.facebook.com/OliverHellowellPhotographer/ The CBO News team is nominated by the Parish Councils & Parochial Church Councils of Churchstanton, Buckland St Mary & Otterford. The Editor’s decision to publish is final. Opinions expressed are those of the contributors not the editorial team. 84
The Blackdown Practice Hemyock Surgery & DIspensary Churchinford Dunkeswell Monday: 08.00 - 18.30* 15.00 - 18.00 08.30 - 12.30 15.00 - 18.00 Tuesday: 08.00 - 18:30* 08.30 - 12.30 08.30 - 12.30 15.00 - 18.00 Wednesday: 08.00 - 18.30* 08.30 - 12.30 08.30 - 12.30 15.00 - 18.00 Thursday: 08.00 - 18.30* 08.30 - 12.30 08.30 - 12.30 15.00 - 18.00 Friday: 08.00 - 18.30* 08.30 - 12.30 08.30 - 12.30 Saturday: 08:00 - 11:00 * Hemyock dispensary is closed between 1.00 and 2.00. Hemyock: Appointments & enquiries 01823 680206 Dispensary 01823 680007 Fax (Repeat prescriptions) 01823 680680 Churchinford: Appointments & enquiries 01823 681700 Dunkeswell: Appointments & Dispensary 01823 681720 Blackdown Support Group: Elizabeth McNabb 01823 681036 Church View Surgery Monday: 8.00 - 6.30 Tuesday: 8.00 - 6.30 Wednesday: 8.00 - 6.30 Thursday: 8.00 - 6.30 Friday: 8.00 - 6.30 Appointments & enquiries 01460 55300 Dispensary 01460 55511 Hospitals: Musgrove Park 01823 333444 Chard & District 01460 238220 Honiton & District 01404 540540 St Margaret’s Hospice 01823 259394 Yeovil & District 01935 475122 Police Buckland St Mary (Chard Rural) Neighbourhood Police Team Sergeant: Rob Jameson Chard Rural PC: Alan Hollick Police Community Support Officers: Michelle Haines (Supervisor) Gareth Hallington Neighbourhood Watch: Neil Arnold - neil.j.arnold@gmx.co.uk Churchstanton & Otterford (East Taunton & Rural) Neighbourhood Police Team Sergeant: Charmaine Dyne Police Community Support Officers: Tony Wearmouth 07889 655312 Steve Chapman steve.chapman@avonand somerset.police.uk Partnership Support Office: Emma Tyson Non-urgent reporting: 101 - if something is URGENT (burglary / fight in progress etc.) ring 999 0800-55111 To report suspicious activity and intelligence matters anonymously through Crime stoppers Email: https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact-us/ Website: https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk Letters: Taunton Police Station, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1HE 85
Useful Contact Details Please contact us if you have any changes you would like us to make to this list. Churchstanton: http://www.churchstantonpc.co.uk Somerset West & Taunton District Councillor – Ross Henley 01823 665988 Cllr.r.henley@tauntondeane.gov.uk Chair of the Parish Council - Ian Firth Cllr.I.Firth@churchstantonpc.co.uk 0781 3214535 Clerk to the Parish Council - Julie Wardle clerk@churchstantonpc.co.uk 01823 299788 Village Hall bookings - Linda Knowles 07956960661 Churchinford Cricket Pavilion Bookings - Sue Fraser-Harris 01823 421395 Churchstanton Primary School: Head Teacher - Claire Halstead 01823 601354 SCH.105@educ.somerset.gov.uk Churchinford Community Shop 01823 601026 Churchwarden - Shirley Hooper 01823 601347 Tower Captain - Ian Hooper 01823 601347 Buckland St Mary: http://www.buckland-st-mary.org.uk South Somerset District Councillors – Jenny Kenton 07921 574019 jenny.kenton@southsomerset.gov.uk – Martin Wale 01460 65190 martin.wale@southsomerset.gov.uk Chair of the Parish Council - Keith Every 01460 234620 Clerk to the Parish Council - Veronica Moore vmmoore21@hotmail.co.uk Village Hall bookings - Barbara Board 01460 234200 Neighbourhood Watch - Neil Arnold 01460 234693 Buckland St Mary C.E. Primary School: CEO - Suzanne Flack 01460 234251 Executive Head of School - Steve Morton http://www.bucklandstmaryceprimaryschool.sch.uk Tower Captain - Keith Every 01460 234620 Otterford: http://otterfordparishcouncil.org Somerset West & Taunton District Councillor – Ross Henley 01823 665988 Cllr.r.henley@tauntondeane.gov.uk Chair of the Parish Council - Mike Canham 01460 234639 mike.otterfordparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk Clerk to the Parish Council - Penny Hart 01460 234639 Village Hall bookings - Marian Spon 01460 234606 otterfordphbookings@gmail.com The Hub - Communications - Peter Naylor 01823 601106 Churchwarden - David Ruthven 01823 601455 General: Somerset County Councillor (Buckland St Mary) - Amanda Broom 01460 62102 Somerset County Councillor (Otterford & Churchstanton) - John Thorne 01823 663146 JBThorne@somerset.gov.uk Bishopswood Chapel Chris Sussex 01460 234270 Blackdown Benefice Rector - Revd Jim Fallon revfallon@btinternet.com 01823 421757 Curate - Revd Nick Jerrett nickjerrett@yahoo.co.uk 07919 577250 Blackdown Hills AONB - Katherine Findlay 01823 680682 katherine.findlay@devon.gov.uk TDBC Health Response Unit 01823 356337 Wessex Water 0845 6004600 Bristol Water 0800 373501 86
The forward-thinking independent school creating caring, ambitious and well-educated boys and girls. A Centre of Excellence for Performing Arts At Queen’s we pride ourselves on achieving production quality far above that which is normally associated with the ‘school play’. • Dedicated teachers and practitioners with professional industry experience • In-house artistic director • 570 seat theatre – the largest in the region • Full blackout drama studio • Large, well-equipped dance studio Performing Arts and Music scholarships available. Contact our friendly admissions team “Queen’s truly nurtures talent and it has instilled within me a love 01823 340830 of performing and music that is sure admissions@queenscollege.org.uk to last a lifetime.” www.queenscollege.org.uk 87 N U R S E RY • P R E - P R E P • P R E P • S E N I O R • S I X T H F O R M
A club for all seasons Whether you’re looking for a special winter golf deal or a stunning place to eat, meet and celebrate, we’re here on your doorstep to chase away the winter blues 88 Ŷ Hearty English Breakfast & 18 holes of golf for Ŷ New Clubhouse menu and daily Specials served £30/person. Pre-booking required. throughout the day from 8.30am or simply relax in our club lounge over coffee & homemade cake. Ŷ Delicious Sunday Carveries and Wednesday Midweek Roasts served in our dining room boasting Ŷ Light, airy, rooms available for private parties spectacular views. Bookings essential. and celebrations or for local business, activity and community groups. Our dedicated staff guarantee a friendly, warm welcome and excellent service to customers old and new. Hope to see you soon. Follow us on and for our latest offers. Taunton & Pickeridge Golf Club, Corfe, Taunton TA3 7BY Telephone: 01823 421537 mail@tauntongolf.co.uk www.tauntongolf.co.uk
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