CANADA EDITION 1st BIANNUAL 2020 - The Inglis Team

Page created by Andy Mcdaniel
CANADA EDITION 1st BIANNUAL 2020 - The Inglis Team
1st BIANNUAL 2020
CANADA EDITION 1st BIANNUAL 2020 - The Inglis Team
Welcome to 2020! Since the start of the new millennium,
    the real estate business has changed rapidly. The internet
    and social media now grant access to a whole world of
    information with just the tap of a screen. Yet even with all
    of this information, we still need a bit of help from time-
    to-time cutting through the noise and figuring out which
    trends really apply to our lives. With this in mind, Buffini &
    Company produces its biannual real estate market report
    – carefully curated with relevant, up-to-date information
                         that will enhance your market
                                                                     TABLE OF
                         knowledge. Dive into this guide to
                         learn all you need to know about            CONTENTS
                         what’s happening in your national
                         scene and with the industry in general.     State of the Market		       3

                                                                     Mortgage Stats			           4

                                                                     HELOC vs. Mortgage		        5

                                                                     The Cost of Homeownership   6

                                                                     Today’s Buyer Profile		     7

                                                                     Today’s Seller Profile		    8

                                                                     The State of the Agent      9

                                                                     Why I Work by Referral		    10

2   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report   CANADA EDITION
CANADA EDITION 1st BIANNUAL 2020 - The Inglis Team
                                                          66.3%                      Average MLS®
                                                                                     Home Price:
     The state of the market will differ
                                                          of Canadians                                                463,000
     depending on where you live. Still,
     you’ll want to pay attention to a few
                                                          own homes*                 $525,125                         units were
                                                                                                                      sold in 2019
     national trends.

                                                                       INVENTORY SNAPSHOT

                                                                   4.4        Months How long it would take
                                                                              for all homes on the market to sell.

                                                                   • This is the lowest level since April 2017,
                                                                     but inventory is still fairly balanced.
                                                                   • Long-term average: 5.3 months

                                                          INVESTMENT IN CONSTRUCTION IS
                                                          UP YEAR-OVER-YEAR**

                                                           +4.3%                        +13.0%                  +5.1%           Condo
                                                                     Semidetached                Row                            and rental
                                                                     homes                       homes                          apartments

                                                           -6.0%     Single-family               *As of January 2018. **Not seasonally adjusted, as of
                                                                                                 October 2019. SOURCES: Trading Economics, CREA,
                                                                     homes                          Royal Bank of Canada, Statista, Statistics Canada
3   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report   CANADA EDITION                                                              SOURCE: US Census Bureau, NAR
CANADA EDITION 1st BIANNUAL 2020 - The Inglis Team
         Obtaining a mortgage is a critical piece of the homebuying process. When financing a home or
         refinancing a current mortgage, consult with a trusted lender to review the best options.

                                         4.77%     4.56%
                    Median                                  4.23%                                                                      4.37%         4.27%
                                                                    4.13%       4.02%       3.73%         3.69%         3.74%

                                           10         11      12      13          14          15            16             17            18            19
                                         20         20      20      20          20          20            20             20            20            20

                                            5%                            33% of                          Most common mortgage for
                     Minimum down
                                                                       buyers made                        homebuyers and refinancers:
                     payment by law:
                                                                          a down                          • Fixed interest rate.
                                                                         payment                          • Five-year renewal term.
         Down payments under 20% require purchase                      that was less
                                                                                                          • 25-year amortization period.
         of mortgage default insurance                                   than 20%

                     61%        of homebuyers impacted
                     by the stress test purchased a
                                                                           An increase
                                                                             to 47%
                                                                                                                           55%         of refinancers
                                                                                                                           did so about 10 years
                     home that was smaller or less                          in 2018                                        after their original home
                     expensive as a result                                                                                 purchase

4   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report     CANADA EDITION
                                                                                         SOURCE: Statistics Canada, Bank of Canada (November 2019), 2019 CMHC Mortgage Consumer Survey
CANADA EDITION 1st BIANNUAL 2020 - The Inglis Team
                                                                                           Home Equity Line
                                                                                          of Credit (HELOC) —
                  Buyers with                    Combo of HELOC            HELOC           A loan in which the lender/
                 Mortgage Only                    and Mortgage              Only            bank uses the home as a
                                                                                          guarantee that money will be
                                                                                                    paid back.

                                                                                           • Requires higher equity or

                        76%                              17%               5%                minimum down payment
                                                                                                if used instead of a
                                                                                               traditional mortgage.

             Buyers who obtained a                           Buyers who obtained a
             HELOC by recommendation                         HELOC with the intention
             of their bank, lawyer or                        of using it as a safety or
             broker increased:                               emergency fund decreased:

                                         26%                                48%

                         2018            2019                       2018    2019

5   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report      CANADA EDITION                                          SOURCE: 2019 CMHC Mortgage Consumer Survey
THE COST OF                                        National

         HOMEOWNERSHIP                                      Average
                                                           Home Price:

       Average Price by Province:
           Yukon: $450,275
           Northwest Territories: $352,086
           British Columbia: $722,700
           Alberta: $378,035
           Saskatchewan: $278,546
           Manitoba: $285,013
           Ontario: $631,844
           Quebec : $334,599
           Newfoundland and Labrador: $248,396
           New Brunswick: $180,383
           Prince Edward Island: $249,325
           Nova Scotia: $248,059

6   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report   CANADA EDITION            SOURCE: CREA (October 2019)

                                                                          47% 56%

         BUYER PROFILE                                                    of buyers
                                                                                            in 2018
                                                                          are first-time
         Many buyers — especially those new to the
                                                                          buyers                                           Ontario has the
         market — are looking to their real estate agent
         to help them find the best home at the greatest                                                                highest proportion
         value. Here’s a snapshot of where buyers stand in                                                              of first-time buyers
         the market and what they want to see.                                                      Trend to watch:         under age 34
                                                                                                The national First-time
                                                                                            Homebuyers Incentive could
                                                                                            attract more new buyers into
                                                Price/Affordability                               the market in 2020
        Top Three
        Buyer                                   Right Number of Rooms
        “Must-Haves”                                                       Main Buyer Concerns
                                                Close to Public Transit    Nearly half of homebuyers worry about the following:

                                                                            Unforeseen        Living                     Paying too
                                                                            housing           with home                  much for a
                                                                            costs             expenditures               home
                                    Homebuyers confident that

               87%                  their purchase is a sound
                                    long-term investment                   A great real estate pro will use their skills and
                                                                           knowledge to address these concerns and score
                                                                           you the best deal.

7   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report   CANADA EDITION                                                 SOURCES: 2019 CMHC Mortgage Consumer Survey
                                                                        SELLER PROFILE
                                                                                                                                            TOP 5
                                                                                                                                          MARKETS TO
             People sell
      their homes for many
         different reasons.
    Whether they’re upgrading,
    downsizing, moving closer                                                                                                                    4
    to family or relocating for                   Sales-to-new                                                                        5
                                                listings ratio hit                                                                3
     work, understanding the                                                                                                  2
     latest trends makes the
       process a bit easier.                    63.7%
                                             in 2019, leaning toward   1. Vancouver: Population growth and a strong economy are
                                                 a seller’s market          drawing buyers back in after a market correction in 2019.
                           Home resales             nationally         2.   Toronto: Strong economic growth and stabilizing home prices
                          shot up nearly                                    make for a healthy market.

                                            Still, the amount
                                             of new listings
                                             has decreased,

                                                                            Ottawa: Population is quickly increasing as Toronto residents
                                                                            seek more affordable housing.
                                                                            Halifax: Economy climbing steadily with record job growth
                           in late 2019         tightening                  over the past few years.
                                              inventory of             5.   Montreal: Stable and continued yet stable economic growth
                                             existing homes                 with a market catering toward retirees and millennials.
                                                                                                                                                *As of October 2019
                                                                                             SOURCES: CREA, RBC Economics (November 2019), Royal LePage National
8   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report     CANADA EDITION                                    Price Composite (October 2019), PwC Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2020
                                                                     THE AGENT
                                                                     The common disruption in
                                                                                                            Top Qualities of
                                                                     today’s real estate industry          an Excellent Real
                                                                     typically stems from                 Estate Professional
                                                                     dissatisfied customers. To
                                                                     succeed in the real estate          • Exceptional Sales Skills
                                                                                                         • Expert Industry
                                                                     market, an exceptional
                                                                     agent must stand out from
                                                                                                         • Superior Levels
                                                                     the crowd and provide an              of Service
                                                                     unparalleled level of service.

                                                Generational                   THE POWER OF REFERRALS
                                                Breakdown:                     • 91% of customers say they’d give referrals, but only
                                                                                 11% of salespeople ask for them.
                                               Reward Good Customer
                                            Service with Customer Loyalty      • Salespeople who actively seek out referrals earn 4
                                               Boomers: 62%                      to 5 times more than those who don’t.
                                               Gen Z: 65%
                                                                               • 47% of top performers ask for referrals consistently,
                                               Gen X: 68%                        versus only 26% of non-top performers.
                                               Millennials: 78%

9   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report   CANADA EDITION                                                            SOURCES: Closer IQ, HubSpot, Statista 2018
                 Relationships are more important
                 than transactions.
                 My business is built on relationships, so I work
                 to provide my clients with outstanding service
                 and care during and long after a transaction.

                 You control my business.
                 Your referrals are the foundation of
                 my business, so I aim to exceed your
                 expectations every step of the way.

                 Service that continues after the sale.
                 I am devoted to serving your needs even
                 after the sale is complete. If you need a
                 referral for a contractor, helpful advice or
                 an agent for your friend or family member,
                 I am here to help.
                                                                                                  “There is no lead more
                                                                                                     powerful than one

        MORE THAN 80%                                               90%         &   73%           referred from someone
                                                                                                   you know — someone
        of all transactions are conducted                           OF BUYERS       OF SELLERS     who knows you, trusts
        through a sphere of influence — the                         would use their agent again    you and will put their
        existing relationship leads to the sale                     or refer them to others
                                                                                                       name to you.”

                                                                                                       — BRIAN BUFFINI

10   Brian Buffini’s Real Estate Report   CANADA EDITION                                              SOURCES: 2019 CMHC Mortgage Consumer Survey
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