Brownlow Integrated College Appointment of Principal Candidate Information Pack - Job Ref: P18008 - Education Authority

Page created by Lance Elliott
Brownlow Integrated College Appointment of Principal Candidate Information Pack - Job Ref: P18008 - Education Authority
Job Ref: P18008

Brownlow Integrated College
            Tullygally Road
            County Armagh
               BT65 5BS

 Appointment of Principal

              Group 3

   Leadership Scale Points 18 to 24
   (£58,676 to £67,962 per annum)

Candidate Information Pack
Brownlow Integrated College Appointment of Principal Candidate Information Pack - Job Ref: P18008 - Education Authority

Introductory letter

Section 1             Background and Context

Section 2             Information regarding the School

Section 3             Job Description

Section 4             Person Specification

Section 5             Selection Process Timetable

Section 6             Candidate Information
Brownlow Integrated College Appointment of Principal Candidate Information Pack - Job Ref: P18008 - Education Authority
                                       Tullygally Road
                                         BT65 5BS

                   Telephone: 028 38 342121            Fax: 028 38 646072

Dear Applicant

On behalf of the Board of Governors I wish to thank you for considering the post of Principal
of Brownlow Integrated College and I trust that this Candidate Information Pack will helpful
in considering your application.

In recruiting our new Principal we are seeking a postholder who lead the staff and students
of the College in the achievement of the College’s integrated vision and will work
collaboratively, with the Governors, staff team and other educational establishments, to
ensure the highest standard of curriculum and pastoral provision.

Working with the Board of Governors and the Senior Management Team, the Principal will
provide vision, leadership and direction in securing the further development of the College,
while ensuring it is managed and organised to meet its aims and targets.

We are seeking a Principal who will provide the vision and leadership that will enable the
College to continue to take advantage of the many opportunities that advances in education
and technology make available. The Principal will also ensure the College continues to be
true to its belief in the importance of positive, respectful and supportive relationships
throughout the College community, promoting at all times the Ethos of Integration.

I trust that the information provided will be of assistance to you in deciding whether to apply
for the position of Principal. If you are an outstanding post-primary teacher with proven
leadership qualities and experience, then I hope you will consider becoming part of our

Further information is available on the college’s website and in the
college’s prospectus.

Yours sincerely

Peter Anderson
Chairperson of the Board of Governors
Section 1 - Background and Context

The Education Authority (EA) wants every child to have an outstanding education. The EA
was established under the Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 and became operational
on 1 April 2015. It is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department of
Education and the Department for the Economy.

The EA is responsible for ensuring that high quality primary and secondary education
services are available to meet the needs of children and young people, and for support for
the provision of efficient and effective youth services. These services were previously
delivered by five Education and Library Boards (ELBs). The organisation employs over 39,000
people across Northern Ireland in a wide variety of roles including teachers in controlled
schools, school-based support staff and staff in administrative headquarters.

The work we do impacts the lives of tens of thousands of children, young people and their
families every day. The services we provide are essential in supporting, encouraging and
facilitating learning within our communities to develop generations of young people who are
equipped to succeed in life and work in the modern world. As a public sector organisation,
we must continue to deliver these vital services in a challenging environment of increasing
financial pressure and under intense public scrutiny.
Section 2 - Information regarding the School
  1. Introduction
     Brownlow Integrated College is a unique school within the Northern Ireland system
     of education. It opened as Brownlow High School in 1973 and in September 1991 it
     became Brownlow Integrated College, the first transformed integrated secondary
     school in Northern Ireland. In September 2016 we celebrated 25 years of
     ‘integration’ in Brownlow.

     Parents and pupils who opt for Brownlow are opting for integration but they are also
     opting for quality education. We believe the benefits of our child centred approach
     are reflected in the excellent GCSE results achieved by our pupils. The broad
     curriculum on offer is taught by a committed, hardworking staff who are dedicated to
     nurturing of individual talents. A wide range of extra-curricular and extended
     schools’ activities are on offer to enable pupils to enrich their experience of school

     At Brownlow Integrated College we welcome pupils from all traditions and abilities to
     learn together in a caring school where self-worth and mutual respect are highly
     valued. Achieving excellence in all we do is our aim.

  2. Integration
     Integration is central to the ethos of our school. We offer a unique opportunity to
     interact, question and discuss issues in society that may not be provided in other
     schools. In Brownlow Integrated College, we do this in a number of formal and
     informal ways. Integration is formally taught through tailored Personal Development
     lessons, including a module of Forgiveness Education delivered to each year group.
     We also celebrate events in our cultural calendar with assemblies and services, and
     participate in community celebrations and commemorations throughout the year,
     including Remembrance Sunday service and Ash Wednesday Mass. Informally,
     children from diverse backgrounds who are educated together every day in the same
     classrooms are afforded a greater opportunity to experience integration through
     friendships and interaction with their peers.

     We believe that the integrated approach to education can be used as a corporate
     approach to issues such as racism, sectarianism, sexism, homophobia and other
     prejudiced behaviours. Whilst the behaviours themselves will be dealt with in line
     with the school’s Positive Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy, we would also
     seek to address the underlying causes of the behaviour. Our minimum expectation
     of each pupil is tolerance of others. Our goal is to foster the growth of every pupil,
     promoting their self-esteem, understanding and respect for each other.

  3. Curriculum
     Brownlow Integrated College provides an unbroken education from 11 to 16 years of
     age for pupils of all abilities. We offer a varied and challenging range of subjects at
     Key Stage 3 and 4 incorporating the full NI entitlement framework. Excellent teacher
     pupil ratios ensure smaller class sizes with invaluable additional support from a range
     of classroom assistants. At Key Stage 4 we offer 24 courses that are driven by pupil
     choice and career pathways. As an all ability school, we offer a range of courses to
     meet the needs of the individual. We offer both GCSEs and vocational qualifications
     at level 2. It is our aim that all pupils leave Brownlow Integrated College well
prepared for further education and future employment with qualifications that
   reflect their knowledge, attributes and skills.

4. Learning, Teaching and Assessment
   Fundamental to our philosophy at Brownlow Integrated College is the notion that
   pupils will be better motivated by success. Therefore, teaching at Brownlow works to
   ensure that each pupil, irrespective of his/her abilities, experiences the intrinsic
   pleasure and satisfaction that comes from reaching a realistic, yet challenging goal.

   All pupils are involved in a SMART Target pupil mentoring programme. The
   mentoring programme is closely linked to Academic Target Setting and Tracking.
   Each pupil is assigned a personal teacher mentor who they meet with on assigned
   mentoring days. Three days per year for Key Stage 4 pupils, and two days per year
   for Key Stage 3 pupils. Parents are invited and strongly encouraged to attend these
   sessions with their son/daughter.

   Running alongside this programme Brownlow Integrated College offers an enhanced
   mentoring programme to a core group of pupils across all year groups. This
   enhanced programme allows pupils to meet regularly with teacher mentors in school
   to discuss progress and target set for improvement.

5. Pastoral Care
   We define Pastoral Care as the created ethos through which our pupils develop and
   learn to their optimum potential. We provide the opportunity for every pupil to
   develop into responsible, self-aware, confident, and capable young people equipped
   to cope with the challenges of the 21st century. This work is supported by both an in-
   depth taught pastoral curriculum and strong networks of relevant professionals from
   the wider community.

   Our college believes that Pastoral Care must form the basis of, permeate, all aspects
   of the curriculum. Our college subscribes to the view that every pupil has a right to
   feel safe and secure on all levels. We will actively promote a Pastoral Care ethos
   which allows for the development of the whole person, and which leads to every
   pupil making good choices which will form the basis for a healthy and positive
   lifestyle. We have significant links with a wide range of outside agencies to offer
   tailored support to children and their families facing challenging issues. Additionally,
   we have two college counsellors who come in and offer one to one support to pupils
   when faced with challenge or crisis.

6. Special Education
   Special Educational Needs in Brownlow Integrated College embraces those pupils
   who, have been identified as having general, moderate or specific learning

   It is felt that children with learning difficulties can be best helped by being placed in
   smaller teaching groups and depending on resources available, being supported in
   the classroom.

   In order to meet the additional needs of each pupil, there is on-going, close liaison
   and co-ordination between class teachers, pupils, parents, peripatetic staff, support
   assistants, Education Authority and any other outside agencies considered
Section 3 - Job Description
The professional duties of a Principal shall include:

     (1)    Formulating the overall aims and objectives of the school and policies for
            their implementation;

     (2)    The promotion of the distinctive integrated ethos of the College;

     (3)    Participating in the selection and appointment of the teaching and non-
            teaching staff of the school;

     (4)    (a)   Deploying and managing all teaching and non- teaching staff of the
                  school and allocating particular duties to them (including such duties
                  of the principal as may properly be delegated to the Vice-Principal or
                  other members of the staff), in a manner consistent with their
                  terms and conditions of employment, maintaining a reasonable
                  balance for each employee;

            (b)   Ensuring that the duty of providing cover for absent teachers, as set
                  out in paragraph 3(9) of Schedule 3 of the Teachers’ Terms and
                  Conditions of Employment Regulations (NI) 1987 is shared equitably
                  among all teachers in the school, taking account of their teaching
                  and other duties;

     (5)    Maintaining relationships, as appropriate, with organisations representing
            teachers and other persons on the staff of the school;

     (6)    Promoting links with the Craigavon Area Learning Community and beyond, for
            the mutual benefit of the College and the community, including the business

     (7)    Promoting and developing links with the College’s ‘Shared Education’ partners
            and feeder Primary Schools;

     (8)    Determining, organising and implementing an appropriate curriculum for the
            school, having regard to the needs, experience, interests, aptitudes and
            stage of development of the pupils and the resources available to the

     (9)    Keeping under review the work and organisation of the school;
     (10)   Evaluating the standards of teaching and learning in the school, and ensuring
            that proper standards of professional performance are established and
     (11)   Providing information about the work and performance of the staff employed
            at the school where this is relevant to their future employment;

     (12)   (a)   Participating in any scheme of staff development and performance
                  review of teachers who teach in the school;
            (b)   Ensuring that all staff in the school have access to advice and training
                  appropriate to their needs, in accordance with the policies of the
                  employing authority for the development of staff;

     (13)   Ensuring that the progress of the pupils of the school is monitored and
(14)   Determining and ensuring the implementation of a policy for the pastoral care
       of the pupils;

(15)   Determining, in accordance with any written statement of general principles
       provided for him/her by the employing authority and, in the case of a
       controlled school, the Board of Governors, measures to be taken with a view
       to promoting, among the pupils, self-discipline and proper regard for
       authority, encouraging good behaviour on the part of the pupils, securing
       that the standard of behaviour of the pupils is acceptable, and otherwise
       regulating the conduct of the pupils; making such measures generally
       known within the school, and ensuring that they are implemented;

(16)   In accordance with the policy of the employing authority having
        responsibility for good order and discipline on the school premises
        whenever pupils are present, including the mid-day break;

(17)   Making arrangements for parents to be given regular information about
       the school curriculum, the progress of their children and other matters
       affecting the school, so as to promote common understanding of its aim;

(18)   Promoting effective relationships with persons and bodies outside the
       school as may be approved by the employing authority;

(19)   Advising and assisting the Board of Governors in the exercise of their
       functions, including attending meetings of the Board of Governors and
       making such reports to it in connection with the discharge of his/her
       functions as it may properly require either on a regular basis or from time
       to time;

(20)   Undertaking the financial management of the College ensuring sound financial
       practice and regular monitoring of process and procedures including regularly
       updating 3-year financial plans and identifying areas for income generation and

(21)   Providing for liaison and co-operation with the employing authority;
       making such reports to the employing authority in connection with the
       discharge of his/her functions as it may properly require either on a regular
       basis or from time to time;

(22)   Maintaining liaison with other schools and institutions of further education
       with which the school has a relationship;

(23)   Allocating, controlling and accounting for those financial and material
       resources of the school which are under the control of the principal;

(24)   Making arrangements in co-operation with the employing authority, for the
       security and effective supervision of the school buildings and their contents
       and of the school grounds; and ensuring (if so required) that any lack of
       maintenance is promptly reported to the Board of Governors;

(25)   (a)   Participating in any scheme of staff development and performance
             review of principals;
       (b)   Participating in the identification of areas in which he/she would
             benefit from further training and undergoing such training;

(26)   Arranging for a Vice-Principal or, if the Vice-Principal is not available,
another suitable person to assume responsibility for the discharge of his/her
       functions as principal at any time when he/she is absent from the school;

(27)   Participating, to such extent as may be appropriate having regard to
       his/her other duties, in the teaching of the pupils at the school, including the
       provision of cover for absent teachers;

(28)   To participate in the Performance Review and Staff Development (PRSD) for
A successful candidate will be able to demonstrate relevant experience, knowledge and skills
associated with the following key areas.

Shaping the Future

• Keep abreast of and anticipate educational trends;
• Think strategically to build and communicate a shared coherent vision;
• Create an ethos and provide direction, which promotes a culture of high expectation,
  successful learning and achievement;
• Inspire, challenge, motivate and empower others to carry the vision and ethos forward;
• Model the values and integrated ethos of the college.

Leading and Managing Staff

•   Provide high quality leadership to secure improvement;
•   Collaborate and network with others within and beyond the college;
•   Foster a culture of shared/ distributed leadership;
•   Develop, empower and sustain individuals and teams;
•   Support the development of an open, fair, equitable culture and manage conflict
•   Support and challenge performance in order to raise standards;
•   Work with others to lead professional development for all staff within the context of the
    college’s development plan in order to support effective teaching and learning.

Leading Learning and Teaching

•   Cultivate enthusiasm for and commitment to the learning process;
•   Lead and manage the development of an effective learning and teaching culture;
•   Lead and manage the self-evaluation process; work with staff and others to analyse a
    range of data, interpret outcomes and plan for improvement;
•   Ensure effective implementation of the NI Curriculum, share good practice and work
    with others to challenge and address pupil under-achievement.

Developing Brownlow Integrated College in the Community

•   Lead and manage the development and promotion of a positive image of the college
    within the local community and beyond;
•   Develop and maintain strong and effective relationships with parents and the local and
    wider community;
•   Ensure effective channels of communication are in place between the college and the
    local and wider community;
•   Listen to, reflect and act on community feedback;
•   Recognise and lead others to ensure that strategic planning takes account of the richness
    and diversity of the college’s communities and community feedback;
•   Work closely with other relevant statutory and voluntary agencies to enhance the
    education of all pupils.
Managing the Organisation

•   Prioritise, plan and organise themselves and others;
•   Think creatively to anticipate and solve problems;
•   Make sound decisions based on a range of informed judgments;
•   Establish and maintain appropriate structures and systems;
•   Lead and manage the development and implementation of the School Development
•   Delegate tasks and monitor their implementation;
•   Manage resources efficiently and effectively: human, physical and financial.

Ensuring Accountability

•   Create and develop a culture in which all Governors and staff recognise that they are
    accountable for the success of the college;
•   Combine the outcomes of regular self-evaluation, ETI inspection evidence and other
    external evaluations in order to develop the college;
•   Lead and manage the process of monitoring and evaluating effectively college outcomes,
    policies and procedures;
•   Work with the leadership team and others to recognise and disseminate effective
    practice and challenge and address unacceptable performance;
•   Work closely with and provide effective reports to Governors on the college’s progress
    and development.

Conditions of Service
The Conditions of Service for this post will be in accordance with the Regulations of the
Department of Education for Northern Ireland.
Section 4 - Person Specification
                                    ESSENTIAL                                DESIRABLE

 QUALIFICATIONS    The criteria that will be applied at            Preference may be given to
                   shortlisting is as follows:                     those applicants who:

                   Applicants must at the closing date for         •   Have successfully completed
                   applications:                                       an additional post graduate
                                                                       (or equivalent or higher)
                   1)    Hold a teaching qualification which           qualification in education.
                         meets the requirements for
                         recognition to teach in grant-aided
                         schools in Northern Ireland.

   EXPERIENCE      The criteria that will be applied at            Preference may be given to
                   shortlisting is as follows (please note that    those applicants who:
                   experience must be accrued by the closing
                   date for receipt of completed                   • Have experience of
                   applications):                                    involvement in staff
                                                                     development within school;
                   2)    Have a minimum of 7 years’ post           • Have experience of financial
                         qualification teaching experience in        and/or budgetary
                         post-primary education and/or               management within school.
                         experience in an affiliated educational
                         body working in an area that relates
                         to the post primary curriculum, within
                         the last 12 years;
                   3)    Currently hold or have held for a
                         minimum of 3 years, AND within the
                         last 6 years:

                   -     A promoted post of at least Teaching
                         Allowance 3*; and/or
                   -     A post of Principal or Vice-Principal;
                   -     A post with leadership and
                         management experience within an
                         affiliated educational body.

                        The above promoted posts may be in
                        an acting capacity.

                   * Excludes special needs allowances
                     awarded solely for teaching pupils with
                     Special Education Needs.
ESSENTIAL                               DESIRABLE

 EXPERIENCE   From your experience demonstrate:
              4) Evidence of having successfully led and
                 managed a key aspect of school
              5) Evidence of having held a leadership
                 role in strategic planning and/or
                 organisational management;
              6) Evidence of building a professional
                 learning community.


KNOWLEDGE     The successful candidate must be able to demonstrate extensive knowledge

              • The NI Curriculum and current policies and procedures;
              • Current educational developments and the ability to evaluate and respond
                to new educational challenges and manage change effectively;
              • Effective classroom pedagogy and how to ensure high standards of teaching,
                learning and achievement throughout the school;
              • Effective data management;
              • Effective organisational management including the appropriate deployment
                of resources;
              • Effective financial management;
              • Knowledge of sound financial governance.

   SKILLS     The successful candidate must demonstrate highly developed skills in order

              • Lead, motivate, manage, challenge and enthuse others;
              • Create an ethos and articulate a vision for the future of the school;
              • Develop good relationships at all levels and promote a collaborative and
                team approach among staff, pupils, parents and governors;
              • Lead strategically and develop self and others in order to achieve outcomes;
              • Promote, achieve, monitor and evaluate high standards of teaching, learning
                and achievement throughout the school;
              • Develop effective partnerships between the school and the local
              • Communicate effectively orally and in writing;
              • Organise and prioritise workload effectively;
              • Deal with staffing matters in accordance with EA policies and procedures;
              • Time management.

PERSONAL QUALITIES    The successful candidate must demonstrate:

                      •   Vision;
                      •   A sound value system;
                      •   Enthusiasm and motivation;
                      •   Assertiveness and confidence;
                      •   A caring child-centred approach;
                      •   Integrity;
                      •   Advocacy and empathy;
                      •   Discretion;
                      •   An ability to cope under pressure;
                      •   Tact and diplomacy;
                      •   Decisiveness;
                      •   Adaptability.

The Board of Governors reserves the right to enhance the essential criteria if necessary in
order to facilitate a manageable shortlist. Shortlisted applicants may be required to
complete an online OPQ test prior to interview.

Applicants must be registered with the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
(GTCNI) upon taking up employment.

Please note the onus is on candidates to provide sufficient detailed information on their
application forms in order to demonstrate how they meet each of the criteria. Failure to
do so may result in a candidate not being shortlisted since Selection Panels cannot make
assumptions in the absence of essential information.
Section 5 - Selection Process Timetable

Closing date for completed applications     Thursday 10 May 2018
Shortlisting                                Wednesday 16 May 2018
Stage 1 interviews                          Thursday 31 May 2018
Stage 2 interviews (if required)            Wednesday 6 June 2018 (provisional date)
School Visit                                Thursday 24 May 2018
Date of Membership and Teaching             Thursday 28 June 2018
Appointments Committee for ratification

Shortlisted candidates wishing to discuss any aspect of the appointment should contact:

Mr Keith Farrell
Human Resources
Education Authority
3 Charlemont Place
The Mall
Armagh, BT61 9AX
(Telephone: 02837512416)
Section 6 – Candidate Information

Application Pack

Please refer to the Applicant Guidance Notes prior to the completion of an application form.

Education Authority application forms and candidate information packs have been created
for use with Adobe Acrobat software only. If you do not have the software this may be
downloaded free of charge using the following link –

Failure to use Adobe Acrobat when completing or editing an application form may lead to
the fields you complete not showing up when the form is printed which may impact on
whether you are considered eligible for the post as the information required for shortlisting
may not show. You may also experience difficulties saving your completed application
form. Application forms must not be completed using a web browser i.e. Google Chrome or
Internet Explorer.

The Education Authority is unable to take responsibility for forms being completed using the
incorrect software.

Please complete and return your application form and Equal Opportunities Questionnaire by
post/hand delivering to the Equal Opportunities Unit, Education Authority,  or
alternatively by e-mail to no later than 2.00 pm on the closing
date for receipt of completed applications.

If you are returning your application form by e-mail please ensure that the subject line is
completed with the Job Reference Number which is identified on the first page of the
application form.

Late or faxed application forms will not be accepted


Any applicant who is found to have approached a panel member regarding a post with a
view to seeking favourable treatment will be disqualified.

Equal Opportunities

The Education Authority is fully committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity in
employment to all. We aim to select the best person for the job and all recruitment
decisions will be made objectively.

Issuing of Correspondence

All correspondence regarding the selection process will be forwarded to you via e-mail
where an e-mail address is provided on your application form. It is important that the e-mail
address you supply on your application form is your preferred e-mail address for receipt of

This appointment will be subject to satisfactory references being received. One reference
should be from a person who is able to comment on your suitability to work with
children/young people in an educational setting. The Education Authority (EA) will seek
references from present/previous employers for posts involving ‘regulated activity’.

Disclosure of Criminal Background

If you have been appointed for a post that involves ‘regulated activity’ under the
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007, the Education Authority will be required to
undertake an Enhanced Disclosure of Criminal Background. Please note that you WILL be
expected to meet the cost of an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate, which is currently £33.
Details of how to make payment will be sent to you at the pre-employment stage.

Further information can be accessed on
record-checks or

                 The Education Authority has adopted a ‘Policy on Smoking’
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