PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

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PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

            Continuing to provide a future focused
            education for all our students

                        At our coeducational, two year school catering for about 550 local
                        and international students aged 11-13 years, we strive to provide
                        the best possible education for each child.

                         Early adolescence is a unique and special time of immense
                         physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. These
                         changes create specific needs and challenges that are significantly
different from the needs of younger children or older adolescents. Our outstanding team
of highly qualified, experienced and skilled teachers are specialists in working with students
in their early adolescence. There are high expectations for every aspect of the operation of
our school, and our teaching and learning programmes.

Our school is strongly based on valuing diversity, integrity, creativity and excellence.
We want every student to thrive to be the best they can be in an environment where there
is real emphasis on supportive, caring and encouraging relationships.

A key focus in all learning programmes is the development of skills, knowledge and
attitudes needed for all our students to be successful, lifelong learners.

We welcome international students to our school community. We believe all our students
benefit by learning and developing alongside students from a wide range of cultures and

Andrea Knight
PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

Principal                                         Deputy Principal                                      Second Deputy Principal                          Assistant Principal
Andrea Knight BA(Hons), MBA Cant, MEd,            Sarah Cumming MEd Cant, DipT CCE                      Wendy Edge BTchLn Cant, HDipT CCE                Tim Evers BA CSU
PGDipEdPs Otago, DipT CCE                         International students’ coordinator,                  Year 7 coordinator                               Specialist teacher sport/P.E.
                                                  Lead teacher literacy

Teaching Staff                                                                                                                                           Support Staff
Lisa Andersen BSc(Hons) Cant, DipT CCE            Aine Elliott BSc UON, MBA PC, GDipT NZGSE            Richard Oswin MA Auck, ATCL, LRSM, DipTchg        Robyn Albury-Sipeli BA Cant, PGCertTESOL Cant
Teacher release                                   Specialist teacher digital technologies,             Instrumental music teacher                        Teacher aide
                                                  Lead teacher ICT
Rachel Bates BSc(Hons) Cant, DipT CCE                                                                  Boss Phanpho BCom(Tourism), PGDipPR&TM Lincoln,   Jane Boniface BA Otago, GDipTInfoMan Melbourne
Mathematics extension teacher                     Tim Evers BA CSU                                     GradDipTchLn CCE                                  Learning resource centre coordinator, Future
                                                  Specialist teacher sport/P.E., Assistant Principal   Class teacher                                     problem solving coordinator
Jarrad Brown BSc Otago, DipT Otago
Specialist teacher science                        Mark Greaves BEd DCE, CertCarp Aoraki Poly           Gaye Roberts BEd Massey, DipT Massey              Jane Boyle BTchLn CCE
                                                  Specialist teacher hard materials                    Class teacher, Gifted and talented coordinator,   Teacher aide
Chrissy Calder BA Cant, DipT CCE                                                                       Trainee teacher coordinator
Te Reo Māori teacher / teacher release            Joan Green BS Florida, GDipT NZGSE                                                                     Warren Elliott
                                                  Class teacher, Future problem                        Susan Rogers BEd Cant, DipIT CPIT, HDipT CCE      Assistant maintenance and grounds
Emily Caygill BA Cant, GDip NZGSE                 solving coordinator                                  Class teacher, Otahuna house leader,
Class teacher                                                                                          Year 8 coordinator, Lead teacher maths            Joelene Feneon
                                                  Jenny Halligan BTchLn CCE, DipT CCE                                                                    Canteen manager
Nicci Christie BTchLn CCE                         Class teacher, Elmwood house leader                  Katy Smeele BA Otago, BEd Otago, DipT Otago
Class teacher                                                                                          Specialist teacher food/fibre technologies,       Anne-Marie Grigg
                                                  Janiene Hill BA Cant, CertTESOL IPC, DipT CCE        Lead teacher specialist teachers                  Executive officer
Kit Clarkson BS ASU, MPRTM Lincoln, GDipT NZGSE   Specialist teacher performing arts
Class teacher                                                                                          Fiona Taylor BFA Oxon, PGCE                       Jane Newton
                                                  Christina Just BA Cant, GDipT CCE                    Specialist teacher visual arts                    Teacher aide, Itinerant music coordinator
Sam Colvin BA Cant, GradDipTchLn Cant             Class teacher, Purau house leader
Class teacher                                                                                          Lucy Watson BA Cant, GDipT Victoria               Riley Newton
                                                  Kelsey Knipshild BA Rhodes, MSA Queens               Class teacher, Tikao house leader                 Teacher aide
Ross Cooper BSc Hull, GDipT NZGSE                 Class teacher
Class teacher, Rhodes house leader                                                                     Adelaide Wilson BTchLn Cant                       Margaret Noble-Laffey
                                                  Catherine Mundy BEd Cant, CertTESOL CCE,             Class teacher                                     Office assistant
Paula Doré TTC CCE                                GDipTchLn CCE
Learning support coordinator                      ESOL teacher                                                                                           Christine Rutherford BA Cant, DipT
                                                                                                                                                         Teacher aide
Tory Earl BA WLU, GDipT NZGSE                     Jason Naidoo BTchLn CCE, NatDipAdmn SA
Class teacher                                     Class teacher, Lead teacher health                                                                     Emma Smith
                                                                                                                                                         Teacher aide
Wendy Edge BTchLn Cant, HDipT CCE                 Abby Nattrass BA, LLP Cant, GDipT NZGSE
Class teacher, Lansdowne house leader,            Class teacher                                                                                          Sue Sugrue
Year 7 coordinator, Deputy Principal                                                                                                                     Office administrator
                                                                                                                                                         Dean Terris
                                                                                                                                                         Maintenance and grounds coordinator
PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

       We strive to develop in our students a strong sense of community
       based on agreed values. It is important that students can work
       cooperatively in a team and be able to take a positive leadership
       role. We provide a wide range of opportunities for our students to
       contribute to our school and wider community.

The school is proudly made up of six          Every student has opportunities to
houses which are named after historic         participate in a wide range of sports,
connections with Sir Robert Heaton            cultural, music and academic activities.
Rhodes who donated the land for
the school and after whom the school          We are an environmentally aware school.
is named.                                     We believe it is important that our students
                                              are able to think beyond themselves and
The houses are Rhodes, Elmwood,
                                              develop a sense of global citizenship
Otahuna, Purau, Tikao and Lansdowne.          and responsibility. Our students work
The students and staff in each house select   on projects to promote sustainability in
six student leaders who take on leadership    our community.
roles within their house and school-wide.
Each house elects a head boy and head         We are proud to have students from over
girl who together form the School Council     30 different countries in our school. These
which works with our Principal on school      students enrich our learning community
and community projects. Boy and girl heads    through their contributions in many areas of
of school and deputies are selected by the    the school. Extensive support is provided for
Principal, Year 7 Coordinator and student     our international students.
                                              We are the first certificated Fair Trade
                                              School in Christchurch.
PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

       In partnership with families and our community, to develop
       students who are confident, respectful and motivated lifelong
       learners who can meet challenges, take responsibility for
       themselves and contribute to our community.

Respectful relationships between all members of our community are the
foundation and heart of our school.

Our programmes focus on developing the knowledge, understandings and
competencies our students need for success at all stages of their formal education
and as life long learners. In particular:

Having literacy and numeracy skills               Communicating confidently and
to a high level                                   thoughtfully with a wide range of people
                                                  as members of our global community
Using digital technologies in a timely
and confident way                                 Contributing effectively as a team member
                                                  and being able to take a leadership role
Caring for others and being active
participants in our community                     Becoming independent, responsible,
                                                  self-motivated learners
Applying critical thinking, problem
solving and reflection skills in a range          Being curious, optimistic, resilient, and
of contexts                                       knowing they can achieve

Developing their talents and abilities,           Enjoying learning, having fun, and taking
and striving for excellence                       new opportunities to develop and
                                                  accept challenges
PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

        We strongly encourage our students to value:

Excellence - Pai Rawa Aiming high, striving, hard work, persistence, resilience
“One of the best things about growing up in New Zealand is that if you are prepared to work hard
and have faith in yourself, truly anything is possible.” Sir Peter Jackson

Diversity - Rerenga Ketanga Tolerance, empathy, justice, inclusiveness
“They are us. But with that memory comes a responsibility. A responsibility to be the place that we
wish to be. A place that is diverse, that is welcoming, that is kind and compassionate. Those values
represent the very best of us.” Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern

Integrity - Ngakau Pono Honesty, responsibility, respect, fairness, accountability, courage
“Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s
life” Michelle Obama

Creativity - Auahatanga Openness, wonderment, fun, intuition, risk taking, originality, excitement
“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different
way” Edward de Bono

•   Being role models for our students through our relationships and actions
•   Ensuring there are learning opportunities across all areas of the school for
    students to explore and develop their personal values
•   Ensuring all our school systems, procedures and ways of doing things are
    consistent with our values.
PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

        Our students spend most of the day with
        their homeroom teachers for:

Reading, written language, oral language, library and research skills, interpreting visual information.

Numeracy and algebra, geometry and measurement, statistics, financial literacy.

Physical Education and Health
Fitness, physical and team skills, well-being, nutrition.

Digital Technology
The use of digital technologies is integrated into all curriculum areas as powerful and engaging
teaching and learning tools. Students can bring their own devices to school or they will have access
to a device in their classroom.

Outdoor Education
Learning in environments outside the school e.g. camping, sailing, abseiling, skiing, kayaking, visits
to the community.
PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

       A school-wide inquiry learning approach to teaching
       New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL)

Inquiry learning is not just a particular    Our school is part of the global initiative,
approach to just some teaching, it is a      New Pedagogies for Deep Learning
philosophy that underpins the way we         (NPDL), which involves seven countries
teach in all areas of our school.            and over 1000 schools. Focus is on the
                                             development of global competencies:
Inquiry learning is a student centred,       character, citizenship, creativity,
active learning approach focusing on         communication, collaboration and
questioning, critical thinking and problem   critical thinking.
solving. Every student needs these skills
so all classes are involved in our school    We have a Learning Resource Centre
wide inquiry learning programme.             (LRC) with a specialist coordinator, who
                                             has trained as a librarian and worked at
Students immerse themselves in the topic,    the University of Canterbury, supporting
context or situation they are studying.      students in how to conduct research,
The topic is one that is purposeful          evaluate information, think deeply about
and meaningful for our students. They        issues and problems, and develop
investigate the location, historical         creative solutions and ways to use their
background, current situation, issues and    new learning. These are the skills we are
problems associated with the topic. They     teaching our students through our inquiry
become highly knowledgeable on the           learning programme.
topic before beginning their own inquiry.
PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School
          The learning areas taught by specialist teachers in modules
          throughout the year to all Year 7 and Year 8 students are:

Performing Arts                           Sport and PE
•   Dance
•   Music                                 Te Reo Māori
•   Drama
                                          Specialist facilities include:
Visual Arts                               •   Performing Arts Centre
•   Drawing                               •   Science Room
•   Painting                              •   Art Room
•   Pottery                               •   Food Technology Room
•   Print Making                          •   Wood Technology Room
                                          •   Digital Technology Room
Technology                                •   Metal and Plastics Technology Room
•   Wood                                  •   Learning Resource Centre/Library
•   Metal and Plastics                    •   Learning Support Teaching Rooms
•   Food and Fibre                        •   ESOL Teaching Rooms
•   Digital Technology                    •   Hall/Sport Centre
                                          •   Canteen
•   Investigating, understanding and
    explaining our natural and physical
    world, and the wider universe.
PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 - NORMAL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Heaton Normal Intermediate School

          There is a range of extension opportunities
          available for all students:

Leadership                                        Mathematics
•   Student leaders                               •   Extension maths programme
•   Sports leaders                                •   Cantamath
•   Cultural leaders                              •   Otago Problem Challenge
•   School council                                •   Australian Mathematics Competition
•   Canteen monitors                              •   ICAS Mathematics
•   Road patrol                                   •   Computational and Algorithmic
•   Librarian                                         Thinking Competition
•   ICT technician                                Second Languages
•   Kapa haka leaders                             •   Te Reo Māori, French, Spanish,
•   PE monitors, art monitors                         Mandarin and Korean

Science                                           Digital Technology
•   Canterbury / Westland Science Fair            •   Code Club
•   ICAS science                                  •   ICAS Digital Technologies
•   Christ’s College Year 7 Science Competition

•   Rotary speech competition
•   Children’s literacy quiz
•   ICAS English, Spelling and
    Writing competitions.
Music                                    Visual Arts
•   Choirs, chorale                      •   Fairtrade art exhibition,
•   Ensemble groups                          Art extension programme
•   Orchestra                            Sport
•   Chamber groups                       •   Enrichment sport
•   Rock bands                           •   Inter-intermediate school competitions in
•   Christchurch Music Festival              winter and summer sports
                                         •   Athletics
Performing Arts
                                         •   Swimming
•   School production
                                         •   Cross country
•   Jump Jam
                                         •   NZ AIMS Games
•   Kapa haka
                                         •   Ski camp
•   Theatre sports
                                         Learning Support and Special Needs
•   Interschool competitions             Students are identified who require learning
                                         support to improve their learning. Our team
Future Problem Solving                   that works with these students and their
                                         class teacher includes a specialist teacher
Instrumental Music Programme             and teacher aides. We have access to an
                                         educational psychologist, resource teachers of
Students can learn to play a musical     learning and behaviour (RTLBs) and a public
instrument through our itinerant music   health nurse. School staff are available for
programme:                               individual counseling.
•   Violin
•   Cello                                Gifted and Talented Programme
•   Flute                                Throughout the year, workshops are organised
                                         for our gifted and talented students in a range
•   Guitar                               of areas: science, visual arts, creative writing,
•   Clarinet                             learning a second language, film making,
•   Keyboard                             drama, speech writing.
•   Drums

       Participating in sport and physical education plays a very
       important role in the physical and social development of
       our students.

As well as ensuring our students are fit and healthy, physical activity promotes a
strong sense of belonging, well-being, builds friendships and relationships as well
as school spirit and pride.

Our students participate in all the inter-intermediate competitions in summer and
winter sport, athletics, gymnastics, swimming and cross-country. Teams and individuals
compete in the New Zealand Association of Intermediate and Middle Schools Games
(NZ AIMS), an international sporting competition held in Tauranga each year.

Sporting opportunities:

•   Rugby                   •   Swimming                 •   Squash
•   Netball                 •   Rock Climbing            •   Skiing
•   Football                •   Orienteering             •   Snowboarding
•   Hockey                  •   Table Tennis             •   Korfball
•   Athletics               •   Volleyball               •   Fencing
•   Touch                   •   Gymnastics               •   Golf
•   Futsal                  •   Triathlon                •   Jump Jam
•   Cricket                 •   Duathlon                 •   Boccia
•   Softball                •   Cross-Country            •   Equestrian
•   Water Polo              •   Basketball               •   Lawn Bowls
Mathematics                                    Science                                       • All Boys’ Jump Jam Competition:
• Cantamath Team Competition: 1st place        • Canterbury/Westland Science                   Heaton Havoc team 2nd place
  year 8, 2nd place year 7                       Fair: 1st equal for the Canterbury          • All-Star Jump Jam Competition: The
• Otago Problem Solving Challenge final:         University Research and Innovation            Great Heaton Party team: 2nd place
  year 8 student won 3rd prize.                  Award for the exhibit with the most         • Jump Jam 2019 Competition: The Great
                                                 commercial potential                          Heaton Party team: 2nd place South
• ICAS medal winner (perfect score and
  top student in NZ)                           • Year 8 Big Science Competition: one           Island, 4th place New Zealand
                                                 student gained high distinction             • Music Festival Senior Choir:
• ICAS (international competitions and
  assessments for schools): four students      • ICAS Science: two students gained             one student selected
  gained high distinction and nine               high distinction and eight students         • Music Festival Orchestra:
  students gained distinction.                   gained distinction                            five students selected
• Australian Mathematics Competition:          Digital Technology                            • Music Festival Orchestra: one student
  three students gained high distinction       • ICAS Techologies: four students               performed a cello solo with the
  and seven students gained distinction          gained distinction                            full orchestra
English                                                                                      • Music Festival Concert Band:
                                                                                               two students selected
• Rotary Speech Competition: highly            • ANZ Girls’ National Primary School
  commended award                                Cricket Shield: 1st place                   Visual Arts
• Intermediate Schools’ Speech                 • Anchor AIMS Games 11-a-side Girls’          • Two finalists in SCAPE Re:ACTIVATE
  Competition: 1st place                         Hockey: 1st place                             Aspiring Artists Junior Section
• NZ Intermediate Writers’ Award:                                                              Competition
                                               • Canterbury AIMS Rugby sevens:
  commended award received for essay             1st place                                   • Contributed to SCAPE Touchstone
• Toitoi (a journal for young writers and                                                      collaborative artwork in the Arts Centre
                                               • Canterbury AIMS Invitational A-Grade
  artists): writing of two students accepted                                                   Great Hall
                                                 Boys’ Basketball: 1st place
  for publication                                                                            • Year 8 Waka Korowai featured in
                                               • Canterbury AIMS 11-a-side Girls’
• ICAS English: eight students                                                                 Education Gazette
                                                 Hockey: 1st place
  gained distinction                                                                         Community
                                               • Canterbury AIMS Winter Sport
• ICAS Spelling Bee: three students              Competition: winners A-grade netball,       • Funds raised to support 40 Hour
  gained distinction                             A-grade rugby, A-grade boys’ football,        Famine, Papanui RSA, St John
• ICAS Writing: five students                    A-grade squash                                Ambulance workers, St Barnabas
  gained distinction                                                                           Church, Pink Shirt day, City Mission,
                                               Performing Arts
                                                                                               SPCA and Trees for Canterbury
Chess                                          • Tūhona Kapa Haka competition: Waiata
                                                                                             • Conservation Week Waimakariri River
• Qualified for Regional National Chess          Tira 1st place, Waiata ā-ringa 2nd place,
                                                                                               tree planting field trip
  Finals: intermediate division                  overall intermediate 2nd place
                                               • Strictly Jump Jam competition: Heaton       High School Scholarships
                                                 Ice team 1st place, All-Stars team          • Five students
                                                 3rd place

        Heaton Normal Intermediate School has an enrolment scheme
        to limit the roll and prevent overcrowding.

All students who live in-zone have an absolute right to enrol at our school. If you visit our website you will find our Heaton zone map, a description of our school zone and the enrolment form.

What if I live out of zone?             • Sixth Priority:                        What Happens After Enrolment is
                                          Will be given to all other students.   Confirmed?
If you live outside the home zone
                                          If there are more applicants in
for Heaton Normal Intermediate            priority groups 1-5 than there         In Term 4 you will receive
School, then you are still able to        are places available, selection        information about:
apply for enrolment. Students who         within the priority group must         •	opportunity for an interview with
apply out-of-zone will be accepted        be by ballot. To find out further         a member of our teaching staff to
in the following order of priority:       information on how the enrolment          share information about your child
                                          scheme operates and to                 •	our Heaton assessment to assist
• First Priority:
                                          understand your rights visit www.          us with class placement and our
  This priority is not applicable as
                                                             Year 7 teaching programmes
  Heaton does not run a special
  programme approved by the                                                      Once this information is compiled,
                                        Enrolment Process                        along with data gathered from your
  Secretary of Education.
                                        Application Form                         child’s current school, you will
• Second Priority:                                                               receive a letter at the end of
                                        Complete the online application
  Will be given to applicants who                                                the year about your child’s class
                                        form and include all requested
  are siblings of current students.                                              placement. Included in this will be
                                        documentation before the closing
• Third Priority:                       date, Friday 31st August.                information you will need about the
  Will be given to siblings of former                                            start of the school year.
                                        In-Zone Applicants
  students.                                                                      International Student Enrolment
                                        In-zone applicants will receive
• Fourth Priority:                      confirmation of their enrolment          See the International Student
  Will be given to children of former   within 7 days.                           Enrolment Pack and Insert at the
  students of the school.                                                        back of this prospectus.
                                        Out-of-Zone Applicants
• Fifth Priority:                       Out-of-zone applicants will receive a
  Will be given to children of          letter of receipt of their application
  board employees or children           within 7 days. By the end of Term
  of members of the board of            3, out-of-zone applicants will be
  the school.                           informed about whether a place in
                                        our school can be offered.

125/133 Heaton Street Merivale, Christchurch 8052
    P.O. Box 5242, Papanui Christchurch 8052
  p NZ 03 355 9555 e
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