Our Lady of Lourdes High School - COVID-19 2021-2022 Reopening Plan
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Our Lady of Lourdes High School 131 Boardman Road Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 COVID-19 2021-2022 OLLHS Reopening Plan OBJECTIVE: The objective of the 2021/2022 Our Lady of Lourdes High School Reopening Plan is a continuation of the guidelines that were in place for the 2020/2021 school year. This document is an extension of the initial work produced by two strategic planning committees made up of our teachers, administrators, doctors, school nurse, athletic trainer, support staff, facilities operations staff, alumni, parents and Board of Trustee executives. Adjustments and amendments have been made to this document and it is updated to reflect a safe shift to five day in person instruction. This revised Reopening Plan is a result of guidance from the CDC, New York State Education Department, Dutchess County Department of Health, and the Archdiocese of New York. All recommendations from these entities have been carefully evaluated. The academic, emotional, spiritual and social well being of our community was the greatest priority in the decisions directing this plan. It is with great confidence that if the regulations outlined in this plan are followed that we will be able to provide our students with the best possible all around Lourdean experience. As we continue to work diligently in preparing the school building for the upcoming school year, our Catholic identity and tradition inspires us to assist our students in habits that bring about a disciplined and virtuous life. 1
The CDC states that, "Vaccination is the leading public health pre- vention strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Promoting vac- cination can help schools safely return to in-person learning as well as extra curricular activities and sports”. As stated so beautifully in the guidance from the Archdiocese of New York, we trust that Our Lord Jesus Christ will “calm the anxi- ety and uncertainty of His followers”. He calms the storm and en- courages us to work together towards safe havens. Pope Francis has stated that it is morally acceptable to take any of the vaccines and that we have the moral responsibility to get vaccinated. Car- dinal Dolan has said the same. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) 2 2
Focus Health and Safety of school facilities, students, and employees focused on the prevention and spread of the coronavirus. Concrete design for in person instruction that ensures a teaching and learning environment that prevents the spread of the virus while maintaining fluid and rigorous academic instruction. An instructional and operational plan to adapt to social distancing guidelines and provide opportunities for all students such that they may reach their highest learning potential and develop necessary skills for college and career readiness. Implement policy and procedure for an increase in the need for student support services and mental health counseling related to changes in instructional methods and school climate. Plan for Academic continuity that prepare students and parents for in person instruction and the possibility of periods of remote learning without instructional interruptions. Orientate and instruct students and parents for policy and procedures related to health and hygiene guidelines for reopening. Instruct and inform students, parents and employees of school protocols in the event there is a need to change plans for in-person instruction to remote instruction. Communicate updated and mandatory daily policies and procedures for students and teachers to ensure the prevention of the spread of disease while addressing individual needs and abilities. 3
2021-2022 Amended INSIDE Scheduling Plan STORY HEADLINE Remote Learning Our Lady of Lourdes High School will not be providing a remote learning option for students during the 2021/2022 school year. As stated by Dr. Betty A. Rosa, Commissioner of Education “So long as allowed by public health officials, schools should be open for in-person teaching and learning, and students should be in school”. Instructional Models Plan A - Traditional Model/ Initial School Opening September 8, 2021 Full time face-to-face instruction 5 days a week (beginning Sept. 8, 2021 with grade level orientations) Regular Schedule, all students in the building Plan B - if and when necessary Alternating Attendance schedule (If transmission rate in the area warrants a shift back to hybrid instruction) Cohort schedule with ½ the student body physically in the building (based alphabetically on last name) Remote learning for the other ½ that are not in the building (Combination of synchronous and asynchronous instruction) Plan C - if and when necessary Full time remote learning (If transmission rate within the school building causes for a pause in in-person learning) All students remain working remotely (Combination of synchronous and asynchronous instruction) 4
Amended COVID-19 Emergency Building Procedures Mask Protocol The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend universal indoor masking. All students, faculty and staff will be required to wear masks while in the building when Our Lady of Lourdes High School Reopens on September 7, 2021. This protocol will be in place for every person in the building regardless of vaccination status. This layer of precaution will assist in ensuring all members of the OLLL Community are provided with the safest and most productive academic, social, and spiritual experience for the 2021/2022 school year. This recommendation from the CDC, NYS, and the Archdiocese will limit disruptions to academic instruction, pauses in athletic practices and games, and cancelations of important social events. Quarantine Protocol (according to NYS) As of August 7, 2021, according to page 16 of the New York State Department of Education Health and Safety Guide, “The CDC guidance document defines a close contact in the K–12 indoor classroom setting, the close contact definition excludes students who were within 3 to 6 feet of an infected student (laboratory-confirmed or a clinically compatible illness) if both the infected student and the exposed student(s) correctly and consistently wore well-fitting masks the entire time”. Our local health department has advised that the quarantine protocol may change if they see a drastic increase in transmission rates within our county. We will continue to monitor transmission rates of our local districts and counties and comply with our local health department mandates. 5
Academic Support for Students in Quarantine Quarantine for students at OLL will be unlikely due to masking protocol and social distance. In the event that students have to quarantine, the following academic service plan will be put in place: Students will work closely with their School Counselor to ensure the least amount of disruption to their academic experience. Students will be provided with classwork, in-class notes, in-class assignments, and homework through the Canvas LMS. Students will be provided tutoring sessions if necessary through Google Meet. In the event that students require additional academic support, after-school or lunch sessions can be provided when released from quarantine. Professional Development and Training All faculty and staff will be provided with an informational module with a variety of resources from important healthcare entities. Prior to re-opening the school building, the OLL Administration will communicate critical information to parents and students, including but not limited to: The importance of wearing masks and maintaining social distance in the school building. The importance of maintaining proper health and hygiene techniques, as well as monitoring personal health to identify when it is safe to attend school and when students should stay home. 6
Classrooms Classrooms are prepared for 3-6 ft social distancing as recommended by the CDC. Each classroom teacher will be provided with a fold up door stopper (FatIvan) for maximum ventilation. Each classroom is equipped with an air conditioner, air purifier, and box fan to maximize ventilation. Faculty will continue to minimize paper in classrooms to decrease transmission risk. Students' desks will remain socially distanced, 3-6 feet apart. Teachers will maintain an appropriate 3-6 feet distance from students. All desks will be facing the same way. Teachers will wear a combination of masks and face shields at all times while lecturing to accommodate academic needs. Students will avoid sharing communal supplies including textbooks, pens, pencils and paper. Teachers and students will sanitize and disinfect student desks and classroom touch points throughout the school day. All collaborative/group work will be conducted via socially distant methods. All classrooms will include small, sanitized, charging stations for Chromebooks. 7
Students with Accommodations INSIDE STORY HEADLINE In the event that we need to shift to Plan B, the Director of the Champagnat Learning Center will determine if a student should attend for 5 day in-person instruction. Meeting Social/Emotional Needs for students A comprehensive school counseling program will continue to be utilized to address and meet the current needs of the students. Differentiated counseling including Mental Health and Trauma Informed Counseling Techniques, Resilience Counseling, as well as Restorative Practice Techniques will be deployed. The School Counseling Department and Administration will review and revise the plan and develop and implement a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) if necessary. School Counselors will frequently meet with students in person in a social distanced fashion, as well as virtually to address specific mental, behavioral, and emotional health needs regarding the transition back to school and the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis. At risk students will be identified and met with more frequently to address their specific needs. School Counselors will check in with parents to identify behaviors occurring at home to address specific mental, behavioral, and emotional health needs regarding the transition back to school and the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis. Our Google Form- Referral Tool will be utilized for all Emotional Support Service referrals from teachers, staff, etc. Teachers will be encouraged to reach out to the School Counselors on a regular basis with any concern whether it be Academic or Social/Emotional so that a more proactive approach can be taken and the implementation of appropriate support services occurs. Resources will be available to all stakeholders via the school website, canvas page and weekly School Counseling newsletter. Campus Ministry Office/ School Chaplain will provide emotional support for faculty and staff as needed. 8
Student MovementINSIDE STORY HEADLINE Students will wear masks at all times when moving throughout the building including movement to bathrooms, busses, health office, cafeteria, school counseling appointments, etc. Students will refrain from loitering throughout the building. All student movements will be supervised. Stairwells will be labeled for one way movement and will be strictly enforced. Students will be permitted to use bathroom two at a time. Monitors will regulate student movement to and from the bathrooms. (Students will wear masks to, from, and while using bathroom facilities) In the event of emergency evacuations, all individuals within the school building will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing during the entire process. Emergency evacuation drills and procedures will be supervised by faculty and staff at all Cafeteria/Food Service The school will resume cafeteria service provided by C&C Pasta Inc. C&C Pasta will be responsible for instituting all food service health regulations as dictated by Dutchess County DOH. Juniors and Seniors will eat outdoors (weather permitting) Faculty will monitor student movement to, from and inside the cafeteria. Faculty will monitor mask wearing and social distancing during lunch periods. Students are permitted to bring a refillable water bottle labeled with name and grade. Touch less water stations are located throughout the building. 9
Personal PropertyINSIDE STORY HEADLINE Students, faculty, and staff will limit the amount of personal property brought into the building. If students choose to wear cold-weather outerwear to school, it must be stored in their locker. Lockers will be distributed and utilized during the 2021/2022 school year. Physical Education clothing should be stored in locker. Physical Education/Art Classes Physical Education and Art Classes will return to traditional instruction. In the event that we move to either Plan B or C this will change. Masks will not need to be worn during Physical Education if they are outside. 10
Drop Off/Pickup/ INSIDE Transportation STORY HEADLINE Students must enter and exit the building with a mask, displaying their OLL identification card. All local school districts in the area have determined that students will have to wear masks on the bus. Plans and protocols for daily school activities, attendance policies, and procedures as outlined in student handbooks. Students do not have specific assigned entry points. They may use any of the following entrances. North West entrance (ramp near the AAC) South East entrance (main office entrance) South West entrance (Pontez science entrance) Parents will not be permitted to enter the building during drop off or dismissal. Paper notes will not be accepted by the attendance office. (notes from parents will be submitted by email) In the event that a student arrives late to school or needs to be dismissed early, one designated employee will be responsible for signing the student in and out of the building. All arrival and dismissal student movement will be monitored by faculty to ensure use of masks and distancing. Students should refrain from congregating in large groups before and after school. (should maintain 3-6ft of social distance) 11
Daily AttendanceINSIDE and Return to School STORY HEADLINE Though daily attendance is essential to student success, a student should stay home when the have any of the following active symptoms: When to Stay Home: Symptoms of Coronavirus Fever (100.00 F or above) or chills Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Muscle or body aches Headache New loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea 12
Return to School Protocol INSIDE STORY HEADLINE If a student exhibits symptoms related to the COVID-19 virus, they should contact their general practitioner for direction. If their primary doctor is concerned that the student has COVID-19 and suggests they should be tested, a student should not return to school until they have tested negative for the COVID-19 virus. Subsequently, if a student tests negative for the COVID-19 Virus they should not return to school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication. If a student tests positive for the COVID-19 virus, they should not return to school until we have received notification from a doctor that it is safe for them to return to school safely and a quarantine release from the Department of Health. Symptoms in School and Isolation If a student begins to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 at school, a parent will be notified and will need to pick their child up immediately. Please arrange for an emergency family plan if this issue should arise. Students will be asked to remain in a small isolation room in the nurse's office if they develop symptoms of COVID-19. Emergency Drills and Lockdowns Director of School Safety and Dean of Student Affairs will schedule and execute all state required drills safely. 13
After School Program INSIDE STORY HEADLINE Students should only stay after school in the event they require extra help with a teacher or are staying for an athletic practice or game. The supervised after school program will run on each typical school day from 2:15-4:45. Those students who are staying for an athletic practice or are participating in an athletic competition will report to the cafeteria and will sign in with the supervisor (students must be on an athletic roster). Those students who are staying after school for academic reasons or to participate in a club will report to a classroom TBD. Students in the after school program will occupy a faculty-supervised common space in which they will be required to maintain social distance. (outdoor patio weather permitting) Paper and pen sign in and sign out sheets will be utilized. The Supervisor of the after school program will be responsible to sign in and sign out the students. Sports/Field Trips/ Extracurricular Activities Field trips will resume for the 2021/2022 school year with proper health and safety protocol in place. Extracurricular activities will meet virtually or in person at the convenience of all involved. The 2021/2022 sport season is in session with guidance from NYSPHSAA, Section 1, and the Athletic Director of Our Lady of Lourdes High School. Spectator regulations at athletic events will be determined by the section and the OLL Athletic Director 14
Social Distancing in the Workplace INSIDE STORY HEADLINE Photocopying will be limited to only necessary materials and will be completed by a designated faculty or staff member. Requests for photocopies will need to be made in advance. 3 ft of social distancing will be maintained in the following common places, Faculty Room, Media Center, Chapel, Main Office, etc. School Liturgies School wide liturgies will be both live-streamed and in person monthly or on Holy Days into classrooms. School wide liturgies may also take place in the Arts and Athletic Center, maintaining 3 ft of social distancing. Masses during the school day could be offered for in the school chapel while maintaining 3ft social distancing. 15
Instructional Program INSIDEConsiderations STORY HEADLINE If a transition needs to occur to Plan B or C during the school year, students should be equipped with chromebooks and access to wifi from home. A combination of synchronous and asynchronous will be utilized if Plan B or C is warranted. The Director of Technology will be available for all troubleshooting situations with devices and software. Faculty and Staff Return to School after Illness protocol If a faculty or staff member exhibits symptoms related to the COVID -19 virus, they should not return to school until they have tested negative for COVID-19. Subsequently, if he or she tests negative for the COVID-19 virus he or she should not return to school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication. Faculty or staff members will present a doctor’s note upon return to work indicating either an alternate diagnosis or a COVID-19 negative test. 16
Visitors to the School/Meetings INSIDE STORY HEADLINE Communicate COVID-19 health and safety requirements to all outside vendors and facilities maintenance with primary sanitation responsibilities. Limit all parent and non essential school third party school visitors. Parent/ teacher or parent/ school counselor communication will be conducted virtually. Main office monitored by staff and school security. 17
PPE and Daily Prevention Procedures All employees and students are to wear face masks/coverings in school and/or in all communal spaces and indoor settings. This includes both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Ensure cleaning protocol and products meet current CDC and DOH guidelines. School purchased and planned for providing masks for all employees in the event they do not have one. Students are asked to provide their own masks and wear them to school each day. The School will provide students with masks in the event that they do not have one. Gloves purchased for all employees for periodic use while conducting periodic touch point disinfecting classroom areas. Required daily parental thermometer checks for all students. OLL School Nurse @ ext 1131 will be responsible party for all communication regarding parent and employee reporting a positive test for coronavirus, guidance for returning to work and school, and reporting to confirmed cases to Dutchess County Department of Health. School facilities common areas upgraded for necessary sanitary upgrades in resources, products and equipment. Maintain handless faucets, soap dispensers, alcohol based hand sanitizing stations. Evaluated and renegotiated new & existing contracts with facilities cleaning vendors. (Sterile Med) Added a day porter to make daily rounds to disinfect touch points, bathrooms and common areas throughout the day. Purchased multiple Hydro Blast disinfectors to ensure workplace common areas and/or students areas stairwells etc. Receive additional cleaning on a regular basis with hydro disinfectant. Make cleaning/sanitizing supplies available to students and teachers and any essential third parties. (i.e., school visitors) 18
Communication of Health INSIDE andHEADLINE STORY Safety Standards Health Signage outside the building alerting all who enter to guidelines and expectations. Signage in bathroom for proper hand washing procedure and social distancing. Communicate heightened cleaning requirements and expectations for students and teacher/staff. Financing Upgrades, Materials and Resources Seek out opportunities for grants and any available reimbursement protocol to offset financial expenses to school. The President and Director of Finance will investigate and secure. 19
Communication INSIDE for Related STORYto Redesigned Employee HEADLINE Employee orientation and health and safety training will take place on September 7th, 2021. Communication to all stakeholders related to continuous facility upgrades, ventilation, sanitization and daily cleaning for the prevention of the spread of the virus. Require employees to take personal responsibility for sanitation. Communicate protocols for shared areas, tools, and equipment. Enforce sanitation and cleaning protocols. Prepare common areas, such as conference and break rooms and public spaces for limited capacity. Continuous analysis and evaluation of plan as guidance evolves and to maintain consistency with federal (OSHA, CDC, Arch NYSDEDetc.) and DC DOH. Evaluate unvaccinated employees’ duties and the physical positioning of work locations. 20
Supplies and Vendors INSIDE STORY HEADLINE Purchased and planned for potential supply shortages, Director of Finance created accounts with vendors for PPE and Cleaning Supplies. Reevaluated contract with Sterile Med to included additional summer cleaning and sanitization. OLL Facilities Management staff ventilated classrooms, heighten sanitization and renovated all athletic locker rooms, upgraded PE locker rooms, and student and faculty bathrooms. Air conditioning, air purifiers, and box fans have been supplied to each classroom. Create and display signage reminding employees and third parties of the importance of regular and proper hand washing. Resources CDC Guidance for Schools NYSED Guidance for Schools Archdiocese Guidance for Schools 21
Conclusion Due to the ever evolving nature of the Covid-19 Global Pandemic Our Lady of Lourdes High School is committed to constant communication with all stakeholders. In an effort to be clear, concise and committed to excellence in Catholic Education the administration, faculty and staff will provide students and parents continued support and information via email communication, Constant Contacts, virtual grade level orientations , virtual meetings, and the school website under the Parent section. 22
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