BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329

Page created by William Williams
BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
MARCH 2021 329

 what’s happening in your community
BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
IN THIS ISSUE                               from the
   From the Community Centre
   Library News
                                        4      COMMUNITY
   Local Interview - Ingrid Gotlieb
   BRC Charitable Trust
                                        6      CENTRE
   WCC Update                           7      BROOKLYN COMMUNITY CENTRE
   Friends of Central Park             10      PHONE 384 6799
   Vogelmorn Precinct                  12
   Brooklyn Junior Football            13
                                               Hello and welcome to the first home delivered
                                               edition of the Brooklyn Tattler for 2021. The
   What’s On                        14-15
                                               Tattler is produced each month by the Brooklyn
   School News                         16
                                               Community Association who run the Brooklyn
   Feldenkrais Classes                 16      Community Centre in Harrison Street. Twice
   Brooklyn School Update              17      a year, we deliver the Tattler to homes in the
   Friends of Owhiro Stream            18      greater Brooklyn area. Every month you will
   Residents Association               19      find Tattlers at the community centre; the
   Capital Montessori              20-21       library; Penthouse Cinema; and local businesses.    Debbie Goodwin from Friends of Central Park speaking to the Friday Circle Group.
   Cats Protection Wellington          23      The Tattler is also available online. Our thanks
   History                         24-25       go to Brooklyn Scouts for delivering the Tattler    around half an hour on a Friday afternoon. If      of course lots of stalls, including some great
   Community Groups                26-27       this month. We are back in the swing of things      you, or someone you know, would like to join       new ones, selling a wide range of goods.
                                               after the summer break with all our regular         our friendly group, please get in touch for more
                                                                                                                                                      Anzac Day
  This month’s cover photo is of the           groups and activities having restarted. Check       details. Cost is $5 to cover lunch.
  Brooklyn Early Childhood Centre                                                                                                                     We are all set to host Anzac Day here
                                               out the centre pages for a comprehensive listing
  (BECC) at St Matthew’s Church.                                                                   Neighbours’ Day Aotearoa 2021                      at the Community Centre on 25 April
                                               of what is currently on offer here. Our Before
  With the Church now sold, the BECC                                                               Neighbours Day Aotearoa is a nationwide            which this year falls on a Sunday. We
                                               School Care and After School Care services
  need to find new premises ASAP.                                                                  event held annually to encourage people to get     need volunteers to help out in the kitchen
                                               are also up and running; welcome back to our
  Being community run, it needs to be                                                              to know their neighbours better. This year’s       on the day so if you are available, please
  affordable and available between             existing families and a warm welcome to our
                                                                                                   theme is ‘The Great Plant Swap’ which runs         contact us here at the Centre.
  8am - 3pm Monday to Friday.                  new families that have joined us this term.
                                                                                                   from 20 – 30 March. Go to
  Temporary venues considered. Email                                                                                                                  Brooklyn Walkers
                                               Friday Circle guest speakers and           for details.
  ideas to                                                                                                                 The Walking Group have their latest list of
                                               musicians needed
  Photo credit: Euan Harris                                                                        Market                                             walks out covering the period from April to
                                               Our seniors group meets from 11am each
                                                                                                   To coincide with Neighbours’ Day, our next         September this year. You can pick up a copy
                                               Friday during school terms in the lounge of the
                                                                                                   community market is on Saturday 20 March           from us at the Community Centre office
   April 2021 copy due no later than           Community Centre for companionship over a
                                                                                                   from 12pm – 4pm and is a great opportunity         or we can email it to you. The Brooklyn
   5pm Tuesday 23 March                        cup of tea, lunch, and after lunch activities. We
                                                                                                   to come and connect with your neighbours.          Walkers meet Monday mornings (except
   Email your contribution to                  are looking for people to come along at 1pm to                                                          Jordy from Juice on the Loose will be here         public holidays) outside the Brooklyn Library
                                               give an informal talk about their work, hobby,
                                                                                                   with his free trade coffees, teas, juices, and     at around 9:30am depending on the walks
                                               community news, groups, or anything that
   Brooklyn Tattler is published by the                                                            smoothies; Susanna from Lemarks Delish             planned. For more details phone Susannah
                                               would be of interest. The talk is more of a chat
   Brooklyn Community Association Inc.                                                             will be selling her yummy Eastern European         on 384 7412 or Clare on 384 9054.
   18 Harrison Street, Brooklyn. Association   followed by questions and answers. We would
                                                                                                   pastries; we have toasted sandwiches; a sausage
   members accept no liability for the         also love to hear from musicians and singers                                                                                      Have a good month
   contents which have been prepared in                                                            sizzle, vegan goodies and other treats to tempt
                                               who can perform for us. Please contact Euan
   good faith. Printed by Pivotal.                                                                 the taste-buds; a face painter and bouncy castle                                    Julie and Euan
                                               at the Community Centre if you can spare
                                                                                                   for the kids; Andrew the knife sharpener; and

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BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
UPDATE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LOCAL INTERVIEW

from the                                                 happenings in the library over the years. Brooklyn
                                                         Library was one of the first branch libraries in New
                                                                                                                                                                                                      OUT & ABOUT IN
 LIBRARY                                                 Zealand and it is fantastic to see the library still being so
                                                         strongly supported today. We love working here and
                                                         being a small part of this awesome community.
                                                         WCC Funding News                                                                                                                             T his mont h Euan Harris talks
                                                         You may have heard that Council is looking to cut                                                                                            to Ing rid Gotlieb, landscape
                                                         the library purchasing budget by 40 percent. The                                                                                             designer and ar tist
                                                         Council will be opening public consultation in early                                                                                         Ingrid Gotlieb has managed to combine her
                                                         April for a few weeks so have your say on this and                                                                                           interests of gardening and art into a career as a self-
                                                         other issues that affect Brooklyn.                                                                                                           employed landscape designer which has taken her           working as a landscape designer contractor
                                                         More staff changes                                                                                                                           to many homes, to consult, design and enhance             for a company in Melbourne. Then she
                                                         Sadly, we are losing the wonderful Sue who is                                                                                                people’s gardens. Ingrid says that ‘Every person and      came back to Wellington and fell on her feet
Kia ora                                                  going on secondment to Waitohi, Johnsonville                                                                                                 every garden is unique.’ Two memorable projects           working with California Garden Centre, as a
                                                         for 15 months. Alas, we are also losing Asha,                                                                                                have included gardening on Great Barrier Island,          freelance landscape designer where a lot of
Hopefully, we are still having summer and                                                                                                                                                             where plants were ferried across by boat, and
                                                         almost before she began. She heads back to the                                                                                                                                                         work came her way, generating enough
everyone is out banking some sunshine!                                                                                                                                                                assisting to plant a roof top garden on top of the
                                                         Southeast cluster to take up a permanent roll.                                                                                                                                                         referrals to become self-employed.
Book and Magazine Sale - 8 March                                                                                                                                                                      Department of Conversation Building.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Nga mihi                                                                     Ingrid says that garden consultations are very
We are having a book sale at Brooklyn as we                                                                                                                                                           Ingrid and her younger brother Erik were born
                                                                                                                                                                        Heather and the team                                                                    popular as people often want advice for budget
need to make space for new books, therefore                                                                                                                                                           in Melbourne. Mum was Australian and Dad a                purposes. Some of the best advertising
a quantity of the older long un-issued books is                                                                                                                                                       New Zealander, which gave them connections                comes from good old-fashioned posters
up for sale. The sale will cover Children’s fiction
                                                                                                                                                   Katie Underwood
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to both countries. Over the years, Ingrid has             with contact tear tabs which David,
and non-fiction; Young adult fiction; Adult                                                                                                                                                           travelled to live and work in Australia and NZ,           her partner designed. Go online to
fiction, nonfiction, and magazines so come                                                                                                         THE QUIET ACHIEVER
                                                                                                                                                                                                      eventually deciding to settle in Brooklyn, where

                                                                                                                                                                              “Would you
along and stock up on your winter reading.                                                                                                                                                            she has owned her Harland Street house since              more info. Ingrid has a good mix of work and
                                                         Licensed Residential Sales Consultant | Leaders Real Estate City Limited (REA Act 2008)

Library Website                                                                                                                                                                                       1997. At the age of nine, Ingrid and her family           leisure in her life. As well as ongoing landscape
Further to last month’s “what’s new” page, an update                                                                                                                                                  relocated to Austinmer, a surf beach town south           design projects, she carries out regular garden
                                                                                                                                                                              like to know            of Sydney. After two years the family came to
has been added for eBooks and e-Audiobooks. It                                                                                                                                                                                                                  maintenance for six clients and is a member of
also brings together content from Overdrive and                                                                                                                            how much your              NZ for a fresh start, where Ingrid attended               the Brooklyn Food Group and a trustee of the
BorrowBox, so have a browse. has been                                                                                                                            house is worth?            Wellington Girls College and then moved to                Lilburn Residence Trust house in Thorndon. As
migrated to LinkedIn Learning but can still be                                                                                                                                 It would be            her aunt’s in Adelaide for her final college year.        an artist she has exhibited locally and overseas.
accessed using your library login details.                                                                                                                                                            Ingrid’s high marks in art encouraged her to    
                                                                                                                                                                            my pleasure to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      enrol in the School of Fine Art at Dunedin                Ingrid has lived in many suburbs with
go/wellingtoncitylibraries                                                                                                                                                 offer you a free           Polytech. Going from living in Adelaide to                Brooklyn being her favourite. She appreciates
                                                                                                                                                                                 appraisal.           Dunedin was a bit of a shock at first, but Ingrid

If you had previously completed courses, this                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the easy access to the city and south coast,
Information should become available to you                                                                                                                                                            loved the landscape, spending time in Central             and the village feel with the library and
in LinkedIn Learning very soon. Login with                                                                                                                                                            Otago and visiting Stewart Island. Her income             Penthouse Cinema close by. Most of all,
your Library card and have a look around.                                                                                                                                                             was supplemented by part time library work.               Ingrid loves the uninterrupted lines of the
                                                                                                                                                                                  Contact me on:
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Further education included design studies at              hills against the skyline viewed from the top
Brooklyn Library Display                                                                                                                                                          m: 027 248 2061
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unitec in Auckland and a garden design course
                                                                                                                                                                                  t: 04 894 3717                                                                of Brooklyn, with its beautiful vista of the
We have our display up celebrating 115 years as a                                                                                                                                                     in Wellington. By this time, Ingrid had begun
                                                                                                                                                                                 e: katie.underwood                                                             harbour and Ruahine Ranges in the distance.
branch library, and 60 years in our current building.                                                                                                                          garden maintenance, followed by experience
There have been a few laughs as people reminisce about
4  MARCH 2021 BROOKLYN TATTLER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BROOKLYN TATTLER MARCH 2021  5
BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
UPDATE                                                                                                                                                                                             WCC UPDATE

                                                    Each year two funding rounds will occur (in March
                                                    and September to coincide with the Brooklyn
                                                    Tattler delivery to all households) and be advertised
                                                    through this column and community notice boards.
                                                     Opening            Closing           Trust Board
                                                     Date for           Date for          meets
                                                     Applications       Applications
                                                     1 March            31 March          April                    1 September 30 September October
It’s official: The BRC Charitable Trust has been    Any not-for-profit community organisation,
incorporated and registered with the appropriate    group, or incorporated charity that provides an
agencies and funds are in the process of being      activity, programme, or service for the benefit of
transferred to the new entity. We are pleased       people in the wider Brooklyn area can apply (with a
to announce we are in a position to distribute      maximum funding of $5,000 for each project).
grants in the local community.                      To apply for a grant from The BRC Charitable
The BRC Charitable Trust (formerly The BRC          Trust, applicants can request funding information
Society Inc and the Brooklyn Resource Centre)       by email at: .
has operated in the Brooklyn community for          An application form and guidelines will be emailed
over 40 years. After the sale of our premises in    by the secretary. Please post your application
Jefferson Street at the end of 2017, proceeds       form and supporting documentation back. If
were invested in a managed investment portfolio.    you’re unsure whether you are eligible to apply for
                                                                                                                                                                  space how they find the temporary change, and
Earnings from this investment will be distributed
to benefit groups and organisations in the wider
                                                    funding, please contact us to discuss your project.
                                                                        The BRC Charitable Trust
                                                                                                            BROOKLYN HILL                                         making adjustments along the way.   
Brooklyn area.                                                                                              Temporary road c hanges to see                        The Brooklyn Hill project looks at the space
                                                                                                            what works best                                       from Webb Street to Ohiro Road. We have had
                                                                                                            Wellington City Council wants to work with            an initial co-design session with members of
                                                                                                            the people of Brooklyn to try out a couple of         the community which provided us with some
                                                                                                            ideas for making it safe and nice to get from the     feedback, from which we have created options for
                                                                                                            bottom to the top of Brooklyn Hill for people         a temporary cycleway that we would like to share
                                                                                                            walking or biking, in cars, or on buses. It is part   with the wider community. These options will be
                                                                                                            of the Innovating Streets programme funded by         displayed on storyboards and placed at the Brooklyn
                                                                                                            Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.                      Community Centre from Monday 15 March until
                                                                                                                                                                  Monday 22 March. We would love your feedback!
                                                                                                            These projects are about trying out quick,            Alternatively, please head to our website
                                                                                                            low-cost, scalable improvements that help create from Monday
                                                                                                            more vibrant, people-friendly spaces in our           15 March until Monday 22 March to share
                                                                                                            neighbourhoods. These can be done through             your view if you can’t make it in person. We are
                                                                                                            pilots, or temporary spaces that can become           also setting these storyboards at the Central Park
                                                                                                            permanent based on community feedback.                Apartments for tenants to comment on.
                                                                                                            Innovating Streets is a different way of involving
                                                                                                            the community – talking about ideas, giving           We look forward to hearing your thoughts
                                                                                                            different ideas a go, asking people using the         and thank you in advance for your time.

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BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329

                                                 that comes with a job well done. If you
                                                 love Central Park and would like to
                                                 maintain its beauty and diversity, come
                                                 join us. See the working-bee details below.
                                                 Bring your own mug and gloves - we
                                                 provide hot drinks and home-baking.
                                                 Next working bees
                                                 Thursday 11 March 10am – 12pm and
friends of                                       every second Thursday of the month
                                                 Meet at the playground.
CENTRAL PARK                                     Sunday 28 March 10am – 12.30pm Then
                                                 the last Sunday of every month.
Not a kumara
                                                 Meet at the playground.
You could be forgiven for mistaking the
tuber held by local, Chris Rabey, for a          Check
kumara. That’s exactly what one of our           for confirmation of meeting place.
members thought when she came across
it while weeding in Central Park years
ago. Maybe it was a descendant from the
gardens local iwi maintained in the area.        Contact Lynne at
Alas, that’s not the case.                       Everyone welcome!
We’ve added Climbing Dock (Rumex
sagittatus) to the list of weeds with a talent
for survival in Central Park. Climbing
dock sends out runners beneath the earth,
makes new tubers, then sends up vines
that look a lot like kumara leaves above                     Visit us at
the ground. It threads through the roots of
existing plants making it hard to remove
without disturbing the local inhabitants. A             The Vogelmorn Foundation has
lover of sun, this weed scrambles quickly              commenced distributing funds to
over plants, climbing to three plus metres            local organisations and individuals.
high and blocks the establishment of native
On the plus side, if there were no weeds,
Upstream Friends of Central Park wouldn’t
have a reason to meet so frequently. As               For more information or to apply for
reasons go, that’s not one of our favourites.          funding please visit our website.
Ask anyone who hacked away at blackberry              Applications MUST be made online.
at the last working bee.
                                                             PO Box 14-330, Kilbirnie
However, as always, there was home-                             Wellington, 6022
baking, conversation and the good feeling             

BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
UPDATE                                                                                                                                                                                LOCAL CLUB

VOGELMORN                                  on our Instagram, Facebook page,
                                           and website over the next week for

PRECINCT                                   line up announcements and tickets.
                                           Japanese Cinema Club at
                                           Vogelmorn, from 7.30pm on the last
                                           Wednesday of the month
                                           Brilliant and the bent dreams from a
                                           century of Japanese cinema.
                                           March Wednesday 31, Crazy Family
                                           April Wednesday 28, Kagero-za
                                           (Heat Haze Theatre)                      May Wednesday 26, The Naked Island
                                           June Wednesday 30, Porco Rosso
Fiesta Folklórica at Vogelmorn Bowling
                                           July Wednesday 28, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
Club, Saturday 6 March 6pm – 10pm
A Twilight Cumbia and World                Entry is free, we just ask that you
Music Fiesta on the Vogelmorn              RSVP through the Facebook event
Green to celebrate Cumbia
Blazera’s upcoming debut single
                                           which you’ll find on the Friends
                                           of Vogelmorn Facebook page or by                 BROOKLYN                                              BNUJFC continues for ages seven to 15, with
                                                                                                                                                  Mixed teams playing on Saturday mornings
release, the summer, music, dance,
good food and community.
                                           emailing us at
                                  .                          JUNIOR FOOTBALL                                       and Girls Only teams on Sundays. From age
                                                                                                                                                  seven upwards players are formed into teams,
                                                                                                                                                  have a weekly coached practice, and a game
Featuring in order of performance:         A Night in the Middle East, Saturday 13          Brooklyn Northern United Junior
The Night Kitchen, Banana                                                                                                                         each weekend. The club also offers additional
                                           March, from 6pm                                  Football Club (BNUJFC) is preparing for               weekly academy sessions for those keen to
Mundo, Cumbia Blazera (Debut               Join us at Vogelmorn Bowling                     a new 2021 Winter season.
Single Release), DJ:OE + Special                                                                                                                  enhance their skills development. These sessions
                                           Club on Saturday 13 March for                                                                          are coached by professional coaches and are
Guests ( The Overseas Experiment)                                                           An Open Day was held on Saturday 12
                                           a Middle Eastern Evening. We’ll                                                                        made available to BNUJFC players through
Games, football and activities for                                                          February at the Vogelmorn Green. The
                                           have dance per formances by                                                                            our Alliance with the Wellington United Club.
kids and big kids provided. Presales                                                        weather was great, enticing many existing and
                                           Miriam Caberlon and delicious                                                                          Players in mixed grades nine and above can
Only (will sell out) Entr y $20                                                             new players along to join us for an enjoyable
                                           Syrian food on offer from our                                                                          also trial for an Alliance team to play in the top
(Children free). Head to Event                                                              afternoon. We had a fun kick-a-round, sausage
                                           beloved Damascus. RSVPs are                                                                            regional premier league competition.
Finda for Tickets & more info.                                                              sizzle (courtesy of the Brooky), and a highly
                                           essential as spaces are limited
                                                                                            active boot swap to help players get ready for        Last season, the club introduced a hoodie for players
Save the Date - Vogelmorn Couch Sessions   - email damascusmanakesh@
                                                                                            the upcoming season. This year the season starts      and parents which has proven extremely popular, so
3.0 on 14 March                   and keep an eye on
                                                                                            on 10 April, the weekend after Easter.                we have opened up a further opportunity to order
We’re super excited to announce            the DamascusOK Facebook Page
that the date for our next Couch           for more info!                                   The club offers football for players from ages four   them this season. Have some fun with your own
Sessions event will be Sunday                                                               to 15. The First Kicks programme, for children        personalised wording, e.g. Call me Messi.
14 March. We are currently in                                                               turning five and six in 2021, runs on Sunday          New players are welcome at any age, so if you are
planning mode, chatting with a few                                                          mornings from 9am to 10am at Tanera Park. New         keen to join our community football club,
very talented Wellington musicians,                                                         players are always welcome to join up during the      check out “How to Join” on our website
and we can’t wait to let you know                                                           season. The fees for First Kicks are just $40 which and join up to be part
who we have lined up! Keep an eye                                                           includes a smart red club t-shirt to look the part.   of the beautiful game.

12  MARCH 2021 BROOKLYN TATTLER                                                                                                                              BROOKLYN TATTLER MARCH 2021  13
BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
           what’s on at your                                                                                      8 PM
                                                                                                                          TABLE               Inquiries Philip on 934 7445

                               18 Harrison Street
                                                                                                                          TENNIS              or email:

                                                                                                     10 AM - 12 PM                            Fortnightly crafters social group. Contact
                                                                                                                          CONNECTIONS         Louise email:


                                           Contact Adam Hendry, Childcare                                                                     Post natal classes for new mums and their
                                           Programme Manager.                                         10 - 11:30 AM KANGATRAINING             babies with Hannah Foley.
              AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMMES      Phone 385 0089 or email childcare@
                   HOLIDAY                                                                               5 - 6:30 PM KARATE                   Contact Patricia Reilly 027 297 6049.
                                                                                                                                              Contact Ferne on 389 1433 or email:
                                                                                                     6:30 - 7:30 PM TAI CHI                   ferne.david@xtra.
                                           Contact Liz Birkett on 027 503 0211 or
                       9 AM PILATES

                                                                                                                                              Contact Liz Birkett on 027 503 0211 or
                                           Improve your movement, posture &                                9 & 10 AM PILATES        
            10:30 - 11:30 AM FELDENKRAIS   breathing. Contact Toni McWhinnie on

                                           475 3355 or email                                        LA LECHE            Monthly on the last Friday. Contact
                                                                                                                10 AM               
                                           Contact Margaret 389 3028
                 6 - 7:30 PM BROWNIES      or email                                                                         Seniors Social Group, meets weekly
                                                                                                        11 AM - 2 PM                          for light lunch and activities. Contact
                                                                                                                          CIRCLE              Euan Harris, details at bottom of page
                               TABLE       Open to all ages and ability. Tables, bats
               9 AM - 12 PM                and balls provided. Contact Philip on 934                                  DANCE CLASSES

                               TENNIS      7445 or email:
                                                                                                            9 - 10 AM FOR CHILDREN
                                                                                                                                              or view online at

                               ST JOHN
                                                                                                            10:30 AM VINYASA
                                           During school terms. For details contact                                                           All levels welcome. Koha. BYO mat.
                 6:30 - 8 PM               Ross Young on 021 264 0440                                                                         Email: See Jenn’s
                               CADETS                                                                                YOGA                     updates on Facebook at ‘Blue Ocean Yoga’.

                                                                                                            12 - 4 PM QUARTERLY
                                                                                                                                              Brooklyn Market 20 March 2021 from
                                                                                                                                              12pm to 4pm. Contact 384 6799 or
                                           Contact Toni McWhinnie on 475 3355
                 10 - 11 AM FELDENKRAIS    or email

                                                                                                                          EKKAALLAM           Tamil Christian worship and service.

                                           Beginners Karate (5+ years). Contact                       10 AM - 12 PM                           Contact Robert
                             FAMILY FIT    Patricia Reilly on 027 297 6049 or 383
                                                                                                                          CHURCH              or 027 858 9916
              5:30 - 6:15 PM               9371. Email:
                             KARATE        Online:                                              FAMILY FIT
                                                                                                     5:30 - 7:30 PM                           Contact Sensei Patricia 027 297 6049.
                                           Cardio & Core strength workout (12+ years).
                7:30 - 8 PM GET FIT FAST   Contact Sensei Patricia 027 297 6049.                      To book Brooklyn Community Centre for classes, groups or events contact
                                                                                                     Euan Harris on 384 6799 or
BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
UPDATE                                                                                                                                                                               UPDATE

SCHOOL NEWS                                         Brooklyn School has lots of trips planned
                                                    for this term, including ones to Te Papa;
                                                    City and Sea Museum; Government
                                                                                                              BROOKLYN SCHOOL UPDATE
School is in full swing for the year now            House; Wainouiomata Pool for the annual                   We are now into the final stage of our building redevelopment, the re-
with lots of learning, fun … and building           school picnic; and the Southern Walkway.                  cladding of the admin block. The office is currently in the school hall which
works. While Brooklyn School is nearing             Their gardens are looking great, with                     can be accessed via the top playground.
the end of their years long redevelopment,          sunflowers brightening up the landscape
Ridgway School has just started their main                                                                    During the re-cladding, the area adjacent to the building will be very busy
                                                    and the vegetables growing in abundance.                  and construction vehicles will be using the main school entrance to access the
build. Naylor Love were given the contract          They recently had their first harvest for the
at the end of last year and began piling                                                                      site. While no vehicle movements are allowed directly before or after school
                                                    year comprising of beetroot and carrots.                  (between 8.20am – 9am and 3pm – 4pm), there will be construction vehicle
work on 18 February. This is expected to
take six weeks but the school is hopeful it         Easter is early this year which means the                 movements at other times. Therefore, we recommend that the alternative
will be completed in a month. Prior to the          Easter break will be during Term One. The                 access from Washington Avenue via the Moa block is used.
work beginning, the school held a blessing          term ends on Friday 16 April for all our                  New Mural
and walk around of the site.                        schools.
                                                                                            Julie Seevens

FELDENKRAIS®                                                                                                  Through a generous Vogelmorn Foundation Grant and the artistic talents

                                                                                                              of local illustrator, Debe Mansfield, and her assistant Clara Lindsay, who
                                                                                                              interpreted our students’ ideas through a ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar” lens, we

                                                                                                              now have a wonderful new mural around our Astroturf based on our school
                                                                                                              values. Going from the left to the right it means:

CENTRE 2021                                         physical and mental health. The realization that          Hiranga- 2 koru coming together striving towards excellence, Manaakitanga
A new year has begun and with it the opportunity    as we age we can continue to enjoy movement               – showing respect and respecting people’s feelings, wishes and rights, Pono-
to explore a new approach to improving your         and exercise, is a great pleasure.                        standing tall and showing integrity, Whanaungatanga- coming together,
movement, breathing and posture.                                                                              a sense of belonging and Niwha-coming against challenges, adapting and
                                                    The classes involve gentle movements with
My name is Toni McWhinnie and I teach                                                                         showing resilience.
                                                    an emphasis on use of the breath, so they
Feldenkrais Awareness Though Movement®              are suitable for all ages. They can enhance
classes at the Brooklyn Community Centre. I         everyday activities such as walking and
started going to classes over 20 years ago when     sitting; and also improve the performance of
I was a secondary school teacher with young         musicians, actors and sportspeople.
children. As well as finding the hour extremely
relaxing, I became fascinated to learn that as I    Classes are on Mondays 10.30am -
                                                                                                              On the right our school houses are represented on the Brooklyn Hill with
became more aware of how I moved, movement          11.30 am and Wednesdays 10am -11am.
                                                                                                              the Wind Turbine overlooking them. Nicholson- Blue, Sinclair- Red, Barret-
became easier and more pleasurable. As well as      The first class is free so you can come and try it out.   Yellow and Dorset- Green.
improving breathing, flexibility and posture,
classes can help to change movement patterns        For more information contact Toni at
that cause pain. We are, today, increasingly told
that keeping moving is vitally important for our    Or phone 021 178 2056 or (04) 4753355

16  MARCH 2021 BROOKLYN TATTLER                                                                                                                                BROOKLYN TATTLER MARCH 2021  17
BROOKLYN TATTLER what's happening in your community - MARCH 2021 329
UPDATE                                                                                                                                                                           UPDATE

                                                                                                                                                         Monthly update on issues
                                                                                                                                                         and projects involving our

                                                                                                           NEXT MEETING – all welcome!
                                                                                                        Tuesday 16 March 2021 – 7.30pm
                                                                                                  At the RSA Room, Brooklyn Community Centre,
                                                                                                                18 Harrison Street
friends of                                                                               Te Kopahou Track        WCC are developing a draft Track Network Plan for the Te Kopahou
OWHIRO STREAM                                                                            Network                 Reserve (hilly Brooklyn areas to South Coast). More information here:

On probably the most beautiful day in       Well, it stands for South Wellington
February, Friends of Owhiro Stream          Weed Action Coalition, and sounds            Bus Service             Are there any areas of the current bus services that residents
gathered for their first working bee of     a bit like “Swat!” and “Whack!” It                                   are particularly pleased or not pleased with? If so, please let us
the year. It was good to meet up with       consists of a loose coalition of several                             know.
our workmates again after the summer        groups, including FOOS; Southern
                                                                                         WCC Spatial Plan
break, and good too to be able to look      Environmental Association; Manawa
back at the end of the morning and feel     Karioi; and Paekawakawa Reserve, who                                 Written submissions on the plan are now closed. GBRAI
satisfaction at what had been achieved.     hope by combining together, to be able                               committee members gave an oral submission in mid-November
There was plenty of work done, but          to achieve greater results than you can by                           with requests for further engagement and a heritage assessment for
plenty of chat too, and not just at         swatting and whacking, which is basically                            Brooklyn. Any thoughts, comments or queries on this important
morning tea time. As when running,          what small groups do. SWWAC has the                                  issue, please let us know.
never work so hard you can’t talk! We       backing of Wellington City Council, and      Harrison Street         Building work is currently underway, and a proposed
were working at the site just south of      an application has been made for serious     Housing Rebuild         turnaround area can be seen on the council website:
Jamieson’s Towing, where we have the        funding through Jobs for Nature/Mahi
memorial seat to Sue Thawley, and some      mo te Taiao. This organisation manages                     
walking paths which we endeavour to         funding across multiple government                                   street-flats-redevelopment
keep clear, and hope to extend. This        agencies, to benefit the environment,
area makes a nice (relatively) sheltered    people, and the regions. Basically, a        WCC Southern Landfill   WCC Southern Landfill resource consent application for extension
spot on a fine day, for a picnic, or just   response to Covid19, to provide work,                                pushed back to early 2021.
to sit and contemplate the bush and         and help the environment at the same         Omāroro/ PoW Water      Latest work at Prince of Wales Park – excavation for reservoirs and pipe
stream.                                     time, so we are hopeful of a good result.    Reservoir               tunnels largely done – info and updates:
While there, Martin talked to us about                                 Janet Campbell                  
a group that had been recently formed                   for Friends of Owhiro Stream
                                                                                              Email us your ideas, queries or concerns, or to sign up to our newsletter at:
, calling themselves SWWAC. What!                      email
I hear you say, another acronym!

18  MARCH 2021 BROOKLYN TATTLER                                                                                                                     BROOKLYN TATTLER MARCH 2021  19
CAPITAL MONTESSORI                                                                          CAPITAL MONTESSORI

Enrolments are open at Capital
Montessori School, located amongst
the native trees in Kingston. If you
have ever wondered about a Montessori
education, now is the time to come and
see our authentic Montessori school.
We offer a facilitated playgroup
which runs each morning for children
aged 0-3 years. This is a wonderful
nurturing space for both children
and parents to discover all that a
Montessori classroom has to offer.
We also have a pre-school which
caters to children aged 3-6 years and
runs daily from 8.30am with pick
up options being 1pm or 3pm. Our
school operates on the school term
                                         schedule and we offer an after school
                                         care programme as well as a popular
                                         school holiday programme with
                                         trained Montessori teachers.
                                         We have had a lovely start to term one,
                                         with the children making the most of the
                                         sunny days by caring for the gardens and
                                         exploring the natural world. We have also
                                         welcomed Holly Cane on board as our
                                         new principal. Holly comes with a wealth
                                         of experience and has a real passion for
                                         all things Montessori.
                                         Our enrolments coordinator will
                                         happily show visitors around our
                                         lovely little nature school. Come and
                                         see our beautiful gardens and peaceful
                                         classrooms. Enquiries can be made by
                                         or phone: 04-389 2395.

20  MARCH 2021 BROOKLYN TATTLER                                                      BROOKLYN TATTLER MARCH 2021 21
UPDATE                                                                                                                                       CATS PROTECTION WELLINGTON

                                                                                       GENTLE GIANT
                                                                                       Mr Fitz is a big gentle giant who doesn’t
                                                                                       like to throw his weight around.
                                                                                       You’d think with his size advantage, he
                                                                                       could take on any cat with a single paw
                                                                                       – but he’s nervous of people he doesn’t
                                                                                       know, and stays out of the way of the
                                                                                       other cats in the shelter. He was sadly left
                                                                                       behind by someone living in a boarding         Check out Mr Fitz’s profile and picture
                                                                                       house, so we don’t know much about             gallery at,
                                                                                       his background. But if you approach            and call us on 04 389 9668
                                                                                       him gently, he does relax and enjoy chin       for an appointment.
                                                                                       scratches and head rubs.
                                                                                                                                      We’re open for adoptions on Saturday
                                                                                       Mr Fitz needs a quiet, patient home            and Sunday by appointment between
                                                                                       where he can take all the time he needs to     12pm and 3pm. From 3pm to 4pm,
                                                                                       become more confident. He will stick close     no appointment is needed, but there
                                                                                       to someone he trusts, and is a loyal and       are no adoptions at this time. You can
                                                                                       affectionate friend. If you’re looking for a   also follow us on Facebook, Instagram
                                                                                       loving boy who walks softly on large feet,     and YouTube for pictures, stories and
                                                                                       this is someone you should meet!               videos of cats in our shelter.

CONTACT US                                    “How can such small movements
                                                make such a big difference?”
                                                   Help yourself:
Hall Hire and General Enquiries:               Learn to move with more     ease, balance and power
Childcare Programmes:
Manager:        Feldenkrais® classes in Brooklyn
Tattler:                                                 Mondays 10.30 am                  Wednesdays 10 am
                                                at the Brooklyn Community Centre
Market:                                            For more details contact Toni: or 021 178 2056
                                               Individual lessons are also available
Main Office: 04 384 6799                                                               Work has begun on the new community housing development in Harrison
Childcare Office: 04 385 0089                 See also          Street. Photo Credit: Euan Harris

22  MARCH 2021 BROOKLYN TATTLER                                                                                                                BROOKLYN TATTLER MARCH 2021  23
HISTORY                                                                                                                                                                    HISTORY

COTTAGE IN THE                              Gardiner of Cleveland Street, at a cost
                                            of 1,269 pounds, 15 shillings. A surety
                                                                                       of 205 pounds 16s 6d, the work being
                                                                                       carried out by Briscoe EW Mills (known
                                                                                                                                          caretaker, signing a tenancy agreement
                                                                                                                                          in September which had not been

PARK                                        for the work was submitted by George
                                            Jones of Seatoun. The cottage had
                                            been relocated from a site in Hayes
                                                                                       as Briscoes nowadays). To add to the
                                                                                       expense, after Clarke left the house it
                                                                                       was found to be infected with borer, so
                                                                                                                                          done previously. Meilink was the last
                                                                                                                                          caretaker to occupy the house and
                                                                                                                                          had previously lived in a house at the
If you walk up or down Ohiro Road to        Street (now McKinley Crescent). It,        Dingwall Timber Processes completed                top of Harrison Street. He was often
Aro Street, you will see, about halfway     plus another house, were required to       the work for 56 pounds. For three                  seen tending the flower beds, with his
down, a triangular flat clearing with       be removed when Mornington Road            months the place was empty to complete             faithful black Labrador at his side, by
a path north to south of the clearing.      was formed. Prior to this Hayes Street     all the additional work and repairs,               commuters walking to work.
Up until the early 1970s a cottage was      had ended just north of the dip in the     then in September 1945 Arthur Kettles
here, owned by the City Council and                                                                                                       By the end of the 60s, Wellington
                                            road we see nowadays at the top of Taft    took up the position. He took leave for
used as accommodation for the resident                                                                                                    City Council decided a caretaker was
                                            Street.                                    approximately six months in May 1956,
caretaker of Central Park. Once the                                                                                                       no longer needed as their contractors
                                                                                       however during that period his son and
park was fully established and the trees,   The first resident caretaker was Gilbert                                                      could carry out the maintenance works.
                                                                                       son-in-law occupied the house, and both
shrubbery and flowers were in place,        Clarke who resided there until 1945,                                                          The house was then relocated once
                                                                                       took on the caretaker role.
a caretaker was needed to maintain          when he retired on 7 May and vacated                                                          more, to Torquay Terrace in Newtown,
the flora plus the various tracks and       the cottage. Up until then the roof        Kettles and his family remained there              where it still remains, though it has
paths in the area. So, in 1925, the         was tiled, then it was replaced with a     for only a few years longer, until                 been greatly modified and is now
cottage was rebuilt by builder Walter       corrugated iron fibrolite roof at a cost   1959, when Colin Meilink became                    virtually unrecognisable.
                                                                                                                                                                        Chris Rabey

                                                                                                              04 384 6799
                                                                                                              18 Harrison Street

24  MARCH 2021 BROOKLYN TATTLER                                                                                                                       BROOKLYN TATTLER MARCH 2021  25
COMMUNITY GROUPS                                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITY GROUPS

BROOKLYN BROWNIES,            BROOKLYN LOCAL HISTORY          BROOKLYN SMALLBORE              19 April – Southgate, Mt           Contact Celia Murphy at
GUIDES AND PIPPINS            GROUP                           RIFLE CLUB Ages 14+             Albert, Zoo, Newtown to                                    
                                                                                                                               THE KUNG FU SCHOOL   Next meeting at 2pm on          Sundays 6.30pm-8pm mid-         City. Catch 9:30 No 29 bus.      Learn Shaolin Kung Fu for           SCRABBLE WELLINGTON
Pippins                       Saturday 10 April in the        March to early October at
                                                                                              26 April – ANZAC Day             self defense and functional         Club nights every
Kathryn Lawrie 802 5049       Brooklyn Library. Contact       the Royal Tiger Range, 131
                                                                                              observed.                        fitness. Wellington Swords          Wednesday from 7pm in
Brownies                      Sharon Macintyre                Russell Terrace, Newtown.
                                                                                                                               Club Building, 2 Tanera             the cafe area upstairs at the
Margaret Jones 389 3028       027 634 4455 or 388 8088        To join contact Dianne          3 May – Central Park,            Crescent, Brooklyn.                 former Vogelmorn Bowling
Brooklyn Guides               sharonmacintyre42@gmail.        Grain on 0274 449 641           Tanera Gardens, Aro &            Contact Rob Young on 021            Club, 93 Mornington Road.
Kathryn Lawrie 802 5049       com or Chris Rabey 384              Norway Streets, Kelburn          408 521 or                          All abilities welcome! First
                              9293 ships.pubs@gmail.                 to City.
BROOKLYN FOOD GROUP                                                                                                        night free, otherwise $5/
Local food and                com for more information        BROOKLYN TABLE TENNIS                                               night. Contact Nick Ascroft
                                                                                              BROOKLYN JUNIOR CRICKET
community. Working bees       BROOKLYN MAINLY MUSIC           9am-12pm Tuesdays and           CLUB At the old Wellington                                           for more information. Email:
                                                                                                                               ST JOHN PENGUIN AND
held weekly on Monday         Fun affordable 30 minutes,      8pm Wednesdays at               Bowling Club, Tanera             YOUTH DIVISION            
evenings from 5:30 to 7 pm    for parents or care givers      Brooklyn Community              Crescent, Brooklyn. More         Penguin Program 6-8 yrs.            or phone/text 022 675 1399.
at the Brooklyn Orchard,      to enjoy with their pre-        Centre. We welcome new          details online at                Karen 389 4060
end of Harrison St.           schooler(s). Morning Tea        members of all ages and                                                       VOGELMORN TENNIS CLUB
                                                                                                                               Youth Division 8-18 yrs.
thebrooklynfoodgroup@         provided.                       ability. Tables, bats and                                                                            Welcomes players of
                                                                                                                               Carol 0274 321 204 or                  Wellington Reformed             balls provided. Phone           FRIENDS OF OWHIRO                                                    all ages and abilities. Join
                                                                                                                                  Church 34 Harrison St.          Philip on 934 7445.             STREAM Working bees                                                  our social, family-friendly
BrooklynFoodGroupNZ                                                                           on the second Saturday           TURBINE TALKERS                     club. Club days, competitive
                              Rachel 022 407 9652             BROOKLYN TOY LIBRARY            of the month 10am-               TOASTMASTERS CLUB Your              play, professional coaching.
BROOKLYN GARDEN CLUB          BROOKLYN NORTHERN UNITED        The Toy Library has re-         12:30pm. Contact                 local chapter of Toastmasters
Meets 1st Wednesday                                           opened in new premises at       Martin on 389 8995 or            International. Tuesdays   
                              JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB
7:30pm from March to                                          the Vogelmorn Precinct.         email: owhirostream@             7:15pm-9:15pm fortnightly           call in, or email
                              Email enquiries to info@
October at the reformed                                       You’ll find us immediately                        at the Reformed Church on 
                     or visit us
church on Harrison Street.                                    to the right-hand side as                                        Harrison St.
                              online at                                      PREDATOR FREE BROOKLYN                                               WELLINGTON SWORDS
New members and visitors                                      you enter the main gate                                          Sam Day 022 436 8715,
                              Season starts 10 April.                                         Hello Kaka, goodbye                                                  CLUB By the Tanera
welcome. Contact Ruth                                         on Mornington Road. We                                           Sylvie 022 197 3610
                                                                                              rats! We’re looking for                                              Park bowling greens off
Jeffery on 027 430 0964 or    BROOKLYN PLAYGROUP              have a fantastic range of                              
                                                                                              volunteers to host traps                                             Tanera Crescent. Contact
email: ruthjeffery2@gmail.    Fun group for parents &         toys for children aged 0-7                             
                                                                                              on their properties. If                                              Vicci Lamb - Head
com                           caregivers with preschool       years available to hire. Find
                                                                                              you’d like to help email         UPSTREAM – FRIENDS OF               Coach. Phone 970 7496
                              children. Meets Tuesdays        us on Facebook or visit our
BROOKLYN GECKOS                                                                                                                CENTRAL PARK Working                or email: bishop.lamb@
                              and Thursdays 9:30-11:30am      website:                        predatorfreebrooklyn@
HOCKEY FOR KIDS                                                                                                                                          
                                                                            Bees from 10am-12:30pm
Years 1-6 and new             during the school term at the
entrants. Fridays                                                                             RATA PLAYGROUP Calm              on the last Sunday of the           EVERY GIRLS’ & BOYS’
                              Korean Church - 184 Ohiro       BROOKLYN WALKERS
4-5:15pm at the Brooklyn                                                                      and nurturing place for          month. Contact Lynne                RALLY Thursdays during
                              Road. Turn up on the day.       Meet Monday mornings
Bowling Club astro turf                                       (except public holidays)        babies and toddlers 0-3          White at all.whites@xtra.           school terms from 7pm-
at Tanera Park,               BROOKLYN SCOUTS                                                 years to explore, learn and Come along for great          8:30pm at Ridgeway
                                                              outside Brooklyn Library.
8 Tanera Crescent.            Scout Hall, Harrison St.                                        socialise with a parent or       conversations, meet new             Christian Youth Centre, 117
                                                              Phone Susannah 384
Just turn up on               Scouting is for boys and        7412 or Clare 384 9054.         family member. Morning           people, delicious morning           The Ridgeway, Mornington
practice day http://          girls who love adventure.                                       sessions available at Capital    tea and contribute to the           for ages 8 - 12. Contact
                              Keas 5-7 yrs, Cubs 7-11yrs,     5 April – Easter Monday
brooklyngeckoshockey.                                                                         Montessori, Camrose Grove,       care of Central Park. We also       Evan Tyler 027 274 2631 or Come and          Scouts 11-14yrs, Venturers      12 April – Walk to Adelaide     Kingston.                        have a working bee from   
join us for free summer       14-18yrs. Contact Gillian       Rd via High School. Catch   10am-12pm on the second
hockey training.              Boyes 972 9904 or               No 1 bus to Island Bay.         or email                         Thursday of the month.
26  MARCH 2021 BROOKLYN TATTLER                                                                                                                             BROOKLYN TATTLER MARCH 2021  27
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