BPW 2021 Seminarprogramm Berlin - s u s week 2021 - Businessplan-Wettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg
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i n a b i lity susta 021 2 week BPW 2021 webin ar in Seminarprogramm Berlin Englis h Deine Idee | Dein Konzept | Dein Unternehmen
Sustainability as a Success Factor for Start-ups Philipp Kenel February 2nd 2021 4-6 pm Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability gGmbH is a partner of BPW and organizes sustainability-related webinars within the programme of BPW.
About us – and about you Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability gGmbH is a partner of BPW and organizes sustainability-related webinars within the programme of BPW.
What is your background, where do you stand? I am at growth stage and a sustainability champion Development/ stage of my start-up I have a rough business idea and little knowledge on sustainability Sustainability Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Today’s webinar 1 Introduction 2 What is sustainability? 3 Risks for start-ups when disregarding sustainability 4 Benefits of integrating sustainability aspects into your business model 5 “Sustainability tools” for businesses 6 Concluding remarks and goodbye Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Why caring about sustainability? The problem today: our current ways of producing and consuming goods and services require approximately 1.6 times of what the Earth is able to provide. World: 29th July Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de Source: https://www.overshootday.org/newsroom/country-overshoot-days/
Why caring about sustainability? Wall Street 2008 Rana Plaza 2013 Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
ex Sustainable development is defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” It seeks to reconcile economic development with the protection of social and environmental balance.“ ( Our Common Future` - report by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987, also named ‘Brundtland report’) Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Business (economy) Value creation and capital maintenance ma Regeln der int en an Dimensions of ce Nachhaltigkeit y nc of ci e hu i Sustainability eff ma o- nc Ec ap ita l Nature environmental justice People (ecology) (society) Maintenance of vital subsistence / natural goods guaranteeing capabilities
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Source: https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Focus areas for sustainable businesses Source: BPW manual, p. 14, https://www.b-p-w.de/fileadmin/b-p-w.de/BPW_2021/Download/201117_Handbuch_BPW_2021_en.pdf Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Why including Taking (social) responsibility Minimizing risks sustainability into your business model? à The business case for sustainability/ corporate social responsibility (CSR) Establishing competitive Cutting costs advantage
Damage to trust and image – loss of reputation Risks for start-ups when disregarding sustainability Loss of customers Risk to the stability of supply chains
Benefits of Vorteile und integrating Chancen bei sustainability erfolgreicher aspects Integration von into your business Nachhaltigkeits- model aspekten
„Green“ markets are growing markets A 2017 study by the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) shows that the market share of environmentally friendly products (consumer products) has increased from 3,6 % in 2012 to 7,6 % in 2015. The most important increases were measured in organic food and energy-efficient cars. Source: Umweltbundesamt (2017) Grüne Produkte in Deutschland 2017: Marktbeobachtungen für Umweltpolitik Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Market potential and developing new markets Source: International Trade Centre; European Comission (2019) The european union market for sustainable products: The retail perspective on sourcing policies and consumer demand Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Increasing revenue and profit Top 100 „Sustainable ESG criteria lead to a Companies“ have better Operational seen higher revenues Performance and profits (between 2006 and 2010) Companies discover sustainability as Customers show a competitive higher willingness to advantage for pay when it comes to increasing sales sustainable products Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Cutting costs Circular economy and cradle-to-cradle Efficient use of resources approaches in product design Supply chain management Efficient transportation Synergies when using infrastructure (Re-)using “waste”, “upcycling” Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Accessing (new sources of) investment Globally, sustainable 87 % of banks and financial investments have financial service providers increased by 34 % assume that sustainable between 2016 and investments will increase in 2018 the future The importance of non-financial Sustainable indicators has businesses have increased lower capital costs significantly Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Krisenresistenz Resilience in times of crisis
Qualified and highly motivated employees
Competitive advantage „companies that undertake true sustainable efforts outperform competitors who don’t. Investing $1 in 1993 grows to $28 in 2013 by investing in a portfolio of firms with good performance on material sustainability issues (…). In contrast, investing in a portfolio of firms with poor performance on material sustainability issues would return just over $14 during the same time period“. (Serafeim 2014) Source: Serafeim, George (2014) Turning a Profit While Doing Good: Aligning Sustainability With Corporate Performance Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Competitive advantage through sustainability as a core element of your business model from the very start?! Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
„Sustainability tools“ for businesses Integrating sustainability into Sustainability your business management model Borderstep Institut | XXX | xxx@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Tools for integrating sustainability aspects into your business model Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Business Innovation Kit and Sustainability Innovation Pack Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de Link: http://www.uxberlin.com/business_modelling_kit/
Sustainability Business Model Patterns Link: https://venturely.io/business_model_database/sustainable-business-models/ Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Sustainable Business Canvas Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de Link (only German): https://start-green.net/tools/sustainable-business-canvas/
Now it’s your turn! Time to work on your value proposition: https://start-green.net/tools/sustainable-business-canvas/5/nutzenversprechen 1. Describe your value proposition to Business customers/ users. Which problems do you (economy) help solve with your product/service? Value creation and ma capital int en maintenance 2. In which way does your value proposition an y nc ce touch upon aspects of sustainability? ci e of i eff hu o- ma Ec 3. Is there any added environmental and n ca pit societal value (positive effects)? al 4. Are there any potential negative effects concerning sustainability? Nature environmental justice People (ecology) (society) 5. Is it possible to increase client benefit by Maintenance of subsistence / integrating sustainability aspects? vital natural goods guaranteeing capabilities Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Sustainability management Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
What Risk Who Impact Management Project Contribution How much Links: https://impactmanagementproject.com/resources/?_sft_resources_doc_type=imp-guidance https://29kjwb3armds2g3gi4lq2sx1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/191209_IMP_Impact-of-an-enterprise-template-1.xlsx Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Sustainability Balanced Scorecard Link: https://60cf6ee0-8fa7-475a-b0ee-fe4799cefb69.filesusr.com/ugd/b67836_8d24e3a01e0141c3abaa18102399afee.pdf Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Remember? Focus areas for sustainable businesses (BPW manual) Source: BPW manual, p. 14, https://www.b-p-w.de/fileadmin/b-p-w.de/BPW_2021/Download/201117_Handbuch_BPW_2021_en.pdf Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Products Processes Systems ecocockpit Your company‘s CO2 footprint Link: https://ecocockpit.de/ Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Green-check-your- idea Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de Link: https://www.green-check-your-idea.com/start
Greencheck YOUR idea www.green- check-your- idea.com
In a nutshell • There are many tools that can help you and your business in order to integrate and manage sustainability aspects! • But each sustainability strategy and its implementation must be tailored to the individual company’s needs. There are no ‘one-size-fits-all’-solutions, you need to take into account the specific circumstances and the culture(s) of each business. • You should be patient. Sustainability (management) is an ongoing process – if we are being honest: it is a process that is never fully completed. • If possible: include different people and groups (stakeholders) when it comes to designing and implementing your sustainability strategy.
Overview: looking back at today’s webinar 1 Introduction 2 What is sustainability? 3 Risks for start-ups when disregarding sustainability 4 Benefits of integrating sustainability aspects into your business model 5 “Sustainability tools” for businesses 6 Concluding remarks and goodbye Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
What are your thoughts now? Is there any specific sustainability-related issue in your project/ business that you are going to tackle (next)? Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Discussion/ outlook: where are we heading (in terms of sustainable development)? Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
Sources https://www.wiwo.de/technologie/green/gewinne-steigern-durch- mehr-nachhaltigkeit-6-unternehmen-zeigen-wie-es-gehen- kann/13551384.html • Biesalski, Alexander (2016) Was ist gutes Gewissen wert? Die Wirkung von Nachhaltigkeit auf den Umsatz • Bonini , Sheila; Swartz, Steven (2014) Profits with purpose: How organizing for sustainability can benefit the bottomline. McKinsey & Company. • Bonini, Sheila; Görner, Stephan (2011) The business of sustainability: Putting it into practice • Borderstep Institut für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit (2019) Green Startup Monitor 2019 • Borderstep Institut für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit (2020) Green Startup Monitor 2020 • Clark, Gordon L.; Feiner, Andreas; Viehs, Michael (2015) From the Stockholder to the Stakeholder: How Sustainability can drive financial outperformance • Cofinpro (2019) Nachhhaltige Geldanlagen 2019 • D’heur, Michael (2015) 6 Unternehmen zeigen, wie es gehen kann, abgerufen am: 08.07.20, https://www.wiwo.de/technologie/green/gewinne-steigern-durch-mehr-nachhaltigkeit-6-unternehmen-zeigen-wie-es-gehen- kann/13551384.html • Global Sustainable Investment Allience (2018) Global Sustainable Investment Review 2018 • Green Building Council (2018) Capturing the value of sustainability: Identifying the links between sustainability and business value • International Trade Centre; European Comission (2019) The european union market for sustainable products: The retail perspective on sourcing policies and consumer demand • Serafeim, George (2014) Turning a Profit While Doing Good: Aligning Sustainability With Corporate Performance • Umweltbundesamt (2017) Grüne Produkte in Deutschland 2017: Marktbeobachtungen für Umweltpolitik • Whelan, Tensie; Fink, Carly (2016) The comprehensive business case for sustainability Pictures: Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash Borderstep Institut | Dr. Yasmin Olteanu | olteanu@borderstep.de | www.borderstep.de
BPW 2021 Wann? Wenn nicht jetzt! Hotline: 030 / 21 25 - 21 21 E-Mail: info@b-p-w.de Internet: www.b-p-w.de Förderer Der Businessplan-Wettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg wird gemeinsam durch die Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe des Landes Berlin und durch das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie des Landes Brandenburg unterstützt sowie aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) gefördert. Deine Idee | Dein Konzept | Dein Unternehmen
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