STATEMENT OF INTENT | 2018 2019 - Whanganui And Partners
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword from our Chair 3 The purpose of the Statement of Intent 5 Governance 5 Our vision and mission 5 Our goals and principles 6 Key strategic priorities 7 Business as usual 8 Project progress 9 Performance measures 10 Reporting to shareholders 11 Innovation Quarter | 179 Saint Hill Street, Whanganui Whanganui & Partners Statement of Intent 2018 /19 Page | 2
FOREWORD FROM OUR CHAIR This Statement of Intent (SOI) sets out the Whanganui & Partners (W&P) strategic framework, activities and performance measures for the next financial year. Through the Letter of Expectation, Whanganui District Council outlines their expectations for W&P to lead, drive and facilitate economic growth for the district. W&P specific activities are expressed through this SOI. W&P is committed to retaining, growing and attracting people and business to Whanganui for the betterment of the community. Our vision is for Whanganui to be vibrant, prosperous and rich with opportunities. W&P will implement and deliver programmes, both new and existing, to secure the successful future of the district. The Board and the team at W&P are pleased to submit this Statement of Intent 2018/2019 as we look to build on past success and continue our work to deliver a better future for the Whanganui district. Myles Fothergill Chair
1. Purpose of Statement of Intent In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, this annual Statement of Intent (SOI) publicly states the activities and intentions of W&P for 2018/2019, and the objectives that these activities will focus on. This SOI takes shareholder comments into consideration and includes performance measures and targets as the basis of organisational accountability. Information contained in this statement shall comply with the requirements of Schedule 8, LGA 2002. Through the WDC Economic Development Strategy, the council has articulated an expectation that W&P will use its resources to lead, drive and facilitate the economic growth of the district. W&P specific activities are expressed through this SOI. 2. Governance The Board governs the activities of W&P in accordance with the Whanganui District Council CCO Governance Manual. 3. Our Vision and Mission Whanganui: vibrant, prosperous and rich with opportunity W&P has been created to lead and drive the districts economic growth. By bringing town and country together, our citizens and visitors are able to share in a wide range of opportunities and experiences. From the Awa to the sea, Whanganui has much to offer and our aim is to build pride by supporting events and growth within the district and share this with visitors and those who are considering, or making the move to Whanganui. Lead and drive richness and opportunity through education, lifestyle and commerce By identifying key pillars of influence, W&P can make a genuine difference to the community. Each has a broad focus including the retention of existing successes, while working towards growth and ensuring Whanganui is an attractive location to live, study and do business. Richness of lifestyle and prosperity for the district are not only linked to economic outcomes, although these will be a focus, especially for business. It will also include maintaining/supporting the vast range of events and experiences that make living in the Whanganui district a positive and fulfilling lifestyle. We will also work cooperatively with other agencies both inside the district and regionally to benefit Whanganui. Whanganui & Partners Statement of Intent 2018/2019 Page | 5
4. Our Goals and Principles Retain, grow, attract In order to maintain focus, these goals will inform our decision making, be it business, education, marketing of our destination or using innovation and communication. Partnership | Transformation | Innovation | Communication | Focus Using these principles we will strive to find the best methods to achieve our strategic outcomes. W&P are committed to the ongoing success of the district and will focus on measurable outcomes that lead and drive the growth of our community. We will work cooperatively with all those committed to the same outcomes, and apply the WDC culture and values to deliver on expectations. RETAIN Industry and employment opportunities Existing businesses Our usually resident population Our points of difference GROW Identify and develop key projects that will have a significant impact on the growth of the district Focus to ensure ‘runs on the Board’ Add value to existing and new opportunities Education and training offerings and capability ATTRACT More businesses New permanent residents More visitors to the district Events and conferences More students to study in Whanganui Whanganui & Partners Statement of Intent 2018/2019 Page | 6
5. Key Strategic Priorities Created to assist the district and its residents with continued growth and development, the key areas of focus are Business, Education, and Destination Marketing using Innovation and Communications to drive success. Key Projects 1. Business Whanganui & Partners will focus on business retention and succession planning, growth and attraction to seek the best possible outcomes from all projects, including the Port. 2. Education and training Working with both current providers and external options to identify opportunities to grow the capacity of current educational offerings and training. Consider the potential to become a regional or national hub for specific training options. Continue to work with industry, Industry Training Organization's and/or specific companies to identify needs, and if appropriate partner with a Private Training Enterprise to increase capacity for training in Whanganui. 3. Destination/Marketing Whanganui has a well-known river which also has its own personhood status. Work with current and potential providers to develop the focus from a city on a river to a river city. Research and identify best examples and, in conjunction with others with a similar focus, complete case studies for opportunities to improve the districts river focus. 4. Tourism Grow the potential for visitors to come to Whanganui and stay longer. Includes increased sector engagement, development of commissionable products, continued development of regional partnerships. Expand our focus to include international visitors, including for conferences and events. Research possibilities to secure a four star hotel in Whanganui. 5. Rural Enterprise Project Continue to develop this project, building on fledgling partnerships and planning already underway. Aim is to identify opportunities for new horticulture offerings plus value-add opportunities for existing producers. Supporting economic prosperity and opportunities through education, lifestyle and commerce, we aim to grow the district by bringing new residents while keeping those who enjoy our unique way of life. Whanganui & Partners Statement of Intent 2018/2019 Page | 7
6. Business as Usual With a full complement of staff in 2018, W&P has been able to build a highly committed and focused team that is working together to build on the current wave of positivity present in Whanganui. Each Strategic Lead (SL) has identified projects designed to take the district to the next level including: Business 1. Gain a better understanding how we can help existing business via “boots on the ground” survey 2. Design a range of collateral to appeal to all those involved in moving a business to Whanganui, including CEO’s, management, staff and families 3. Develop a process to support business idea walk-ins, including partnering with existing support networks 4. Investigate viability of mapping for business with financial and economic information 5. Pop Up Business School, continue follow up work to measure success and ROI and present a case to continue if effective Education 1. Continue to support and expand the pathways to work projects 2. Expand knowledge of local education providers, especially in relation to International Students and NZ domestic students 3. Identify opportunities to develop education for industry in partnership with SL Business Destination Marketing 1. Build the profile of the W&P customer facing brand (All you need and then some) via a new centralised website. This innovative new site will support a visitor, business and student friendly approach 2. Create a communications plan that uses the new central portal to share W&P news to ensure all stake-holders can see progress and feel engaged - and offer input, share ideas 3. Be the link to all SL’s areas of focus, using their content (written, photos, video, newsletters) to promote Whanganui via signage, social media, mainstream media, marketing campaigns and more 4. Conferences and events—continue to promote Whanganui as a destination for both. Support the development of a new event funding application and reporting focus to ensure a fair return on investment to ratepayers for all events 5. Mapping for Destination Marketing including identifying overlays for various aspects of Whanganui onto city and district maps Whanganui & Partners Statement of Intent 2018/2019 Page | 8
7. Project progress - 2017/2018 Statement of Intent Key Projects Description 1. Business Capability and Both have become part of business as usual (BAU) and supported by a range One More Job of projects that will continue to be rolled out this year. 2. Whanganui Special The Business Friendly group now meet regularly to assist and guide new and Economic Zone existing business with growth and relocation opportunities. This is a very successful partnership with relevant WDC departments including planning, infrastructure, and property. W&P continues to support the Town Centre Revitalisation project and advocate with Council (officers and elected officials) to assist with land use and infrastructure access for business. 3. Regional Economic With a new government and approach to regional funding W&P is meeting Development Summit with MBIE and others to identify the best ways to grow the region. 4. Innovation Quarter Now open and shared with Whanganui Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Te Mana Atatū (TMA) and 100% SWEET. First successful shared project, the Pop Up Business School was funded by TMA and hosted by W&P and Council. 5. Mobile Whanganui Has been updated to a more targeted approach of attending and hosting × events that promote Whanganui directly or in partnership with our neighbours. 6. Yellow digital project Constant change in the digital arena has seen this project shelved. Discussion × with central government around the challenges of moving a community to 100% digital access continue and ongoing collaboration is underway. 7. Te Pae Tawhiti/ Changes in government, funding for the port and rail and the Provincial Accelerate 25 Growth fund have taken some focus away from this. W & P is reviewing opportunities under Accelerate 25. 8. Skills for Industry WDETT are managing 100% SWEET in conjunction with our Strategic Lead Education and Youth. They have appointed staff to ensure that connections are made with all school leavers each year. Some will complete the Word Ready Passport, and have the opportunity to work with industry. Pathways to work continue to be a focus and we have identified a need for further post high school training opportunities. These are being explored with local and external providers with the goal of making Whanganui a hub for industry relevant training and education. 9. Whanganui Further work needs to be done to identify needs before fundraising begins. Development Fund Strategic Lead Business is progressing a project that will combine surveys with “boots on the ground” to establish the needs of local business; especially identifying those that need assistance with succession or growth planning. Once needs are established, all funding options including local investors and/or central government will be considered. 10. Gap Analysis Ongoing. This is a continuous process that is being addressed by all our Strategic Leads and the General Manager. Work continues in areas of improved communications, innovation to drive change and re-engagement with stakeholders to ensure a relevant and appropriate approach to growth. Whanganui & Partners Statement of Intent 2018/2019 Page | 9
8. Performance Measures It is expected that the combination of business as usual and new strategic priorities will support retention, while driving growth and attraction. Business 1. Increase in total number of available jobs 2. Number of net businesses established in the region is increased 3. Majority of businesses are satisfied with their relationship with W&P Education 1. Increase total funding for the education sector 2. Maintain/increase the number of students registered in tertiary/trades training 3. Increase the number of students choosing Whanganui as a study destination Destination/Marketing 1. Number of visitors to Whanganui tracking in line with national trends 2. Whanganui will have the same growth rate of tourism spend as the NZ average 3. Increase in positive media locally and nationally Whanganui & Partners Statement of Intent 2018/2019 Page | 10
9. Reporting to shareholders The Board reports on the activities and progress of W&P in accordance with the Whanganui District Council CCO governance manual. This includes a comprehensive bi-monthly written and verbal report. Whanganui & Partners Statement of Intent 2018/2019 Page | 11
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