ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 The Next Phase

Page created by Victor Burton
ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 The Next Phase
ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 – 2021
The Next Phase
ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 The Next Phase
ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 – 2021
The Next Phase
The ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 – 2021: The Next Phase ('the Plan')
will guide the College in a distinctly identifiable period of
development for the organisation, building on its history and
outlining the priorities for the College to ensure it remains
relevant in a contemporary and complex operating environment.

The previous three year plan, in a time of changing expectations of both internal and external
stakeholders, led to some significant changes to the way in which ACEM views its place in the world. It
examined the ways in which the College is governed and managed, and the way in which it functions to
achieve its strategic and associated operational objectives.

We now take this work forward.

The Plan draws on knowledge held by the College as a result of experience, and extends and reinforces
some significant activities already commenced. It seeks to embed organisational cultural change and to
harness work underway through the collaborative efforts of members, trainees and staff.

The Plan is a combination of the essential work the College must do and includes what has been clearly
indicated by key stakeholders, as well as continuing the work we are already doing in priority areas. It
has been brought together making use of a number of key documents and activities, including:

    ++ The 2018 ACEM Membership Engagement Survey.

    ++ The Discrimination, Bullying and Sexual Harassment (DBSH) Action Plan.

    ++ The Expert Advisory Group on Discrimination (EAG) Action Plan.

    ++ The reaccreditation of the College conducted in 2017, and the report of that activity that
       was received in mid-2018, in relation to the College’s FACEM Training Program and specialist
       Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program.

    ++ The College's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and Manaaki Mana Strategy.

    ++ The 2018 restructure of the entities of the Council of Advocacy, Practice and Partnerships

    ++ The College’s Risk Register.

These documents and associated activities and processes represent validation of what the College is
doing well and provide clear outlines of what are and will represent challenges for the College in the
short- to medium-term. They provide information from multiple perspectives of what the College is
expected to do in order to ensure its vision, mission and constitutional objects are met.
ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 The Next Phase
As a specialist medical college ACEM operates within a social, political, economic and regulatory
environment – both historical and contemporary – that necessarily influences its strategic direction and
activities. The challenges emergency medicine faces in Australia and New Zealand include:

    ++ Complex workforce challenges and resource constraints, often exacerbated in rural, remote
       and specialised areas of practice, that affect the capacity to deliver high quality, accessible
       and culturally appropriate healthcare to all communities in Australia and New Zealand.

    ++ Increased demand for emergency medicine services as a result of shifting demographics,
       disease patterns and community expectations.

    ++ Tension between the need to balance quality medical outcomes and performance against
       time-based ‘targets’, and the need to design realistic targets based on current experience
       and research.

    ++ Ongoing ‘Access block’ due to increasing pressure on the health system, notably in patients
       presenting with mental health issues.

    ++ Hospital overcrowding, which is often driven by outdated models of care.

    ++ The need for ongoing and effective health system stewardship.

    ++ The need to ensure effective and sustainable College resourcing and operations in a manner
       that represents an increasingly clear value proposition for members and trainees.

    ++ The need to ensure that College members, trainees and staff appreciate and understand the
       requirements of regulatory bodies and other external stakeholders in the conduct of College

On behalf of the ACEM Board I commend this document to all members, trainees, staff and external
stakeholders, and l look forward to working with you to achieve the strategic priorities and outcomes
articulated in the Plan.

                                                           Dr Simon Judkins
ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 The Next Phase
Our Vision and Mission
           ACEM has adopted a vision and mission
      to provide overarching direction to its operations.

                      Our Vision
       ‘Be the trusted authority for
   ensuring clinical, professional and
 training standards in the provision of
quality, patient-focused emergency care.’

                    Our Mission
 ‘Promote excellence in the delivery of
    quality emergency care to all our
       communities through our
         committed and expert
ACEM Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 The Next Phase
Strategic Priorities

    ACEM will, with a focus on quality
   improvement, facilitate and support                   ACEM will ensure high quality data
       the education, training and                       analysis, evaluation and research
CPD of emergency medicine professionals                 informs and supports our activities,
 in a way that ensures the production of                  and will work to strengthen the
   a high-quality workforce that meets                     culture, profile, skills base and
         the needs of the diverse                              capacity of emergency
         populations in Australia                                medicine research.
            and New Zealand.

     Member Support                                              Standards
      and Wellbeing                                          ACEM will set, monitor and
   ACEM will represent and support                      maintain standards for the provision
  members in their professional life in                of quality emergency medicine care in
  a manner that enables longevity of                 Australia and New Zealand, and will foster
  emergency medicine professionals                   increased participation, commitment and
    and sustainability of the wider                   provision of expertise by members and
        emergency medicine                                trainees in emergency medicine
              workforce.                                        related patient safety

       Equity through                                       Organisational
         Advocacy                                            Sustainability
                                                            and Awareness
      ACEM will, through advice and
    proactive advocacy, influence key                   ACEM will ensure that its obligations
       decision makers to achieve                     as a leading contemporary organisation
     improved access and outcomes                      in its sector are well understood, and
       for people who have need                            consolidate the governance and
            to use emergency                              management arrangements and
              departments.                                       processes necessary
                                                                    to enable this.
Education                                   Member Support                           Equity through
                                              and Wellbeing                            Advocacy

To achieve this we will                    To achieve this we will                   To achieve this we will

++ Complete reviews of the FACEM           ++ Develop and support activities         ++ Advocate proactively to reduce
   Training Program and the associated        that contribute to the wellbeing          access block and overcrowding in
   ACEM Curriculum Framework and              of doctors and other health               Australian and New Zealand emergency
   implement the outcomes of both in a        professionals delivering emergency        departments.
   systematic and efficient manner.           medical care.                          ++ Work with members and wider
++ Undertake and complete a review of      ++ Develop and implement effective           stakeholders to develop and promote an
   the structure and function of the ACEM     and innovative avenues of                 ACEM strategy on the future emergency
   Emergency Medicine Certificate and         communication to members,                 workforce to address distribution
   Diploma to ensure they are able to meet    trainees and other stakeholders           challenges, with particular focus on
   the ongoing needs of all stakeholders      that ensure information about             the needs of regional, rural and remote
   across all stages of medical education.    the work of Emergency Medicine            communities.
++ Implement actions to ensure                Physicians, and the activities and     ++ Advocate on behalf of vulnerable and
   consistent delivery of high quality        achievements of the College are           excluded patient groups to improve
   College examinations and other             effectively communicated.                 timely access to appropriate care,
   assessments.                           ++ Ensure that ACEM provides                  including partnering with consumer
++ Ensure that supervisors and assessors     appropriate support to regional            organisations and other emergency care
   of trainees undertaking all ACEM          Faculties to ensure that members           professional groups, and exploring the
   training programs are fully aware         are engaged, have opportunities            capacity of emergency departments in
   of their responsibilities and are         to network with their peers, are           Australia and New Zealand to deliver
   appropriately trained for their tasks     able to influence policy within their      health promotion interventions to
   and their performance evaluated.          local jurisdictions, and can support       underserved populations.
                                             College education activities.           ++ Improve equity of access and outcomes,
++ Monitor the application of ACEM
   requirements for the accreditation of ++ Accomplish meaningful actions               and champion cultural safety for
   FACEM training sites and work with        arising from the DBSH Action Plan.         Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
   stakeholders to ensure consistent high ++ Ensure that we remain aware of             peoples, and Māori populations
   quality training experiences for FACEM    developments in the requirements           presenting to the emergency
   trainees.                                 of regulatory bodies and that              department.

++ Ensure that distinct areas of practice    College programs enable members         ++ Advocate for and improve the
   and other professional groups             to meet these requirements in an           preparedness of emergency
   associated with emergency medicine        efficient and effective manner.            departments in Australia and New
   that will benefit from structured       ++ Support excellence in ACEM events         Zealand to respond to surges caused by
   education and training programs are        to deliver leading edge education,        disasters, pandemic illnesses and other
   identified and supported appropriately.    scientific and networking                 phenomena, including those caused by
                                              opportunities for ACEM members            climate change.
++ Develop educational resources that are
   of recognised value to members and         and trainees.                          ++ Advocate for and deliver programs and
   trainees, and are able to be accessed                                                projects that focus on improved access
   in an efficient and cost-effective                                                   for all populations to quality emergency
   manner.                                                                              care in Australia, New Zealand, Pacific
                                                                                        Island communities and developing
                                                                                        countries utilising strategic partnerships
                                                                                        where appropriate.
Research                                  Standards                                  Organisational
                                                                                       and Awareness

To achieve this we will                   To achieve this we will                    To achieve this we will

++ Build an evidence base to support      ++ Ensure effective College processes      ++ Implement refinements to enable
   advocacy activities, particularly in      for the development, approval and          ongoing robust governance
   the areas of workforce planning,          ongoing review of external facing          arrangements that ensure
   patient demand and presentations          clinical practice standards, policies      responsible decision-making,
   to Australian and New Zealand             and guidelines.                            diversity of representation and
   emergency departments.                 ++ Ensure that there are effective            the development of future leaders
++ Monitor and assess ACEM education         mechanisms for integrating new             in the best interests of members,
   and training activities through           and existing clinical practice             trainees and other stakeholders.
   systematic processes with a Quality       standards with educational              ++ Provide proactive management of
   Improvement focus.                        resources and curricula as                 risk associated with issues that
++ Strengthen the culture, profile and       appropriate.                               have the potential for significant
   skills base of emergency medicine      ++ Explore the feasibility of ACEM-led        impact on the operations of the
   clinical research within the College      clinical guideline development.            College.
   through the work of an ACEM            ++ Review the College’s role with          ++ Ensure ongoing efficient
   Research Committee.                       respect to quality and safety in           management of College financial
++ Explore models to enhance                 emergency medicine in light of             resources, ensuring continued
   coordination of clinical networks in      existing regulatory frameworks.            financial sustainability of the
   emergency medicine to facilitate                                                     organisation and the capacity to
                                          ++ Develop specific emergency                 maximise benefits for members.
   multi-site research and increase          department quality and safety data
   funding opportunities for                 sources.                                ++ Ensure secure and effective
   emergency medicine research.                                                         management of College and
                                          ++ Provide active support for system-         members’ information.
++ Enhance research opportunities            wide initiatives aimed at achieving
   and support for trainees.                 improvements to resource                ++ Grow and sustain a collaborative
                                             sustainability and/or improved             culture that promotes engagement
                                             patient outcomes.                          within the organisation and the
                                                                                        provision of high quality member
                                                                                        support and services.
                                                                                     ++ Establish an environmentally and
                                                                                        socially responsible organisation
                                                                                        that is accountable to the broader
                                                                                        community for its social impact.
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