Parents Newsle er - Cantrell Primary and ...

Page created by Kelly Harrington
Parents Newsle er - Cantrell Primary and ...
Summer 2021
         Nottingham Catering

Parents Newsletter
       It has been brilliant to see all the children back in school after the lockdowns we have
       had this year and we hope the children enjoy their summer holidays.

       In this issue we want to tell you about our exciting food displays and tasters for the
       “Eat Them to Defeat Them,” campaign, TastEd (Taste Education) and lots more. We
       also have some job opportunities.

       Our catering teams are very excited about starting another academic year in Septem-
       ber; we have new menus, exciting new theme days and a range of activities all hap-
       pening for the new school year.

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Parents Newsle er - Cantrell Primary and ...
Summer 2021
           Nottingham Catering

 Swap It campaign

                                                     Carbon Neutral Nottingham 2028

                                                    As part of Nottingham City Council’s commit-
                                                    ment to becoming carbon neutral we have
                                                    engaged with three Nottingham Trent Univer-
                                                    sity (NTU) students that have worked with us
                                                    for a 16 week placement. They have looked
We ran a ‘Swap It’ campaign in May encourag-        at ways to measure our carbon footprint,
ing children to swap their usual meat school        identified areas needing change and are
meal for a vegetarian meal to help reduce           going to suggest possible solutions.
carbon dioxide emissions.

Rufford Primary School achieved 431 swaps             Food Vouchers and Free Fun
over the course of a month thanks to the
brilliant work of their catering team. The          FREE Fun and Food is on offer this Summer
pupils at Rufford Primary regularly eat vege-       for children entitled to Free School Meals.
tarian meals as our catered schools usually         Supermarket e-vouchers will be sent out
have one meat free day a week throughout            through schools offering £15 per pupil
the year.                                           for each week of the holidays. Please ask
                                                    your school for details.
Kumar Murugan, who works at Rufford Prima-
ry School as a chef supervisor said: “I like to     Holiday Activity Clubs will be providing FREE
engage with the children and I always have a        outdoor activity sessions and
chat with them when they come up to the             packed lunches during the holidays - find a
hatch so when I told them about ‘Swap It’ a         session near you by visiting
lot of the children really got on board with it.”   
Read more about our Quorn Swap It cam-
paign at 

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Parents Newsle er - Cantrell Primary and ...
Summer 2021
         Nottingham Catering
                            We have some very exciting
                            displays and tasters for schools
                            as part of the Eat Them to
                            Defeat Them campaign to get
                            our children eating more veg.

Tomatoes transformed into spiders, evil peppers turned
into pumpkin masks and veg in all sorts of other guises
have been appearing in participating schools.

Featuring the vegetable of the week looking and tasting
not quite like they’ve ever known it before, the children
at Welbeck Primary School have been enjoying six weeks
of displays and tasters.

Deputy Head, Ronan Cobbe said: “Eat Them to Defeat
Them has been a roaring success at Welbeck! It’s given
the children the chance to try veg in lots of different
taster dishes and the majority of the children have been
trying the foods and collecting rewards.

Ronan added: “Children have been tracking how much veg they eat at home too. The displays
have been really creative and fun and shown how veg look as they grow.”

Veg character, Podster the pea came along to peas week where children enjoyed savoury pea
pancakes, chilli and black pastry tarts with mint pea topping, sugar snap peas with a sea-
soned pea dip and stir fry with spring onion, chilli, peas and sugar snap pea.

Here’s what the children had
to say:
“I love Eat Them to Defeat Them!”
“I don’t usually like veg but when the
school makes them I like them.”
“The spiders were great and the peppers
looked scary with the eyes.”
“I have to eat my veg to get my stickers!”

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Summer 2021
          Nottingham Catering

TastEd (Taste Education)                             Our Food Development Chefs are bringing a
                                                     fresh fruit and vegetable experience into the

                                                     Encouraging children to explore food by
                                                     looking, smelling, touching, listening to and
                                                     tasting the food, TastEd (Taste Education)
                                                     classes inspire children to be adventurous
                                                     with trying new flavours.

                                                     The children, turned ‘Food Explorers’ in
                                                     reception classes at Seely Primary School
                                                     have been enjoying an hour of Taste Ed for
                                                     six days.

Rebecca Hughes, Design and Technology
Lead, said: “I think the children absolutely
loved TastEd. They could not stop talking
about it during the week and they are still
talking about it now.

To focus on listening, the ‘Food Explorers’ put
a piece of celery in their mouths and then
covered their ears so they could listen to the
noise it made as they ate it, next up was
banana and sugar snap peas.

Food Development Chef, Beth Marriot sparked the children’s imagination with questions about
the sounds and the tastes of the food. The children shared mini white boards to write down
what they thought: “Crunchy, salty, squishy, slimy, sweet and delicious!”

Teachers and parents have noticed the difference. Rebecca said:
“I have noticed that the children will now explore more food at lunch time, and they will at least
try something new. Even if they do not like it, they are proud they have tried it. Parents have told
me children have used the tasting skills when eating their dinner and a few parents said their
child tried a new food they would not touch before.”

Read more at 

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                                                                             Summer 2021
         Nottingham Catering

                                   Space Day – 20th May 2021
                                   We hope the children enjoyed Space Day!

                                   “It’s been great to see the Catering Teams getting on
                                   board with Space Day, their cakes and biscuits were very
                                   inventive,” - Lisa Fox, Education Catering Manager.

                                   We had some great feedback from Natasha Kelly, the
                                   Head Teacher at Rise Park, she said, “The catering team
                                   worked so hard on Space Day and the days preceding it,
                                   to make Space day a real success in school.”

  Upcoming Theme Days                              New Menus for September
  We are working on an exciting “Welcome           Our Development Chefs have been out
  Back” theme for September and supporting         taste testing the food and getting feedback
  all schools with welcoming the children back     so they can put together our exciting new
  to school meals and we’ll be celebrating the     menu, with a return to more warm meals for
  Goose Fair on 2nd October 2021, as well as       the autumn term. We’ve been sharing them
  Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas.             school and pupils as it’s a great way to
                                                   engage with your children to get their feed-
  New Starters                                     back.

  We’re looking forward to welcoming the new       Food for Life Served Here
  pupils starting school in September and have
  got our starter packs ready for them.            We’re delighted to have been awarded Gold
                                                   and Silver Food for Life Awards this year
  Job Opportunities                                showing that our school food is healthy,
                                                   ethical, and uses some local and organic
  We regularly have opportunities available        ingredients. We received the silver award in
  for people to join our school catering teams     57 school catering sites and have received
  at                     the gold award in two of our school catering
                                                   sites as we worked in partnership with the
                                                   school to gain their gold FFL certification.

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Parents Newsle er - Cantrell Primary and ...
Summer 2021
           Nottingham Catering
School  Chefof
                    Year                                      “That’s the good thing about food – you can
                                                              learn something every day.”
            Murugan,  ourour
                          Chef Supervisor
                             Chef            at Rufford
                                    Supervisor   at Rufford Primary School; competed at the regional
Primary    School;   competed   at the regional  finals      Food Development Chef, Ann Heath said,
  finals on Tuesday 6th July 2021 at Brooksby College, Melton Mowbray where he cooked his
    Tuesday                                                  “Kumar did really well and had great feedback
       course6th    July 2021
                 school   mealcooking    his two
                                along with    thecourse
                                                   other competitors.
                                                             from the judges. He’s learnt a lot from taking
school meal along with the other competitors.
  Unfortunately he’s not going through to the national       partfinal
                                                                        if hetogoes
                                                                                        for it on hisnext
                                                                                               again dessert
                                                                                                          year but
Unfortunately he’s not going through to the
  he said: “It has been a 100% positive experience and             definitely   gives  you   confidence   to
                                                             be in an excellent position for going through tothink
national final due to one point on his dessert.
  – yes, I can do this! It has been a really good exploring         different
                                                             the national       options with food and how it
  can be
Kumar       presented.
          said:           That’s
                “It has been      the good
                              a 100%          thing
                                        positive    about food – you can learn something every day.”
ence and definitely gives you confidence to think            NottsTV came in to cover the story with Kumar.
   yes, I Development      Chef,
          can do this! It has     Anna Heath
                               been             said, “Kumar You
                                       really good            did can  watch
                                                                   really  wellfrom
                                                                                and 13hadmins
                                                                                                    secs in:
  from thedifferent
exploring     judges.options
                        He’s learnt   a lotand
                                with food   fromhow  it part
          presented.                                           national final.”

                                 Free School Meals
   With Eat Culture lunchtime is the favourite part of the day! It’s a great way of get-
   ting children into healthy eating habits and trying new foods.

   Children have many choices, like lighter options, traditional roasts and delicious
   new dishes. All schools offer a vegetarian option every day and many of the city’s
   schools provide a halal menu.

   Our catering teams will ensure that there is something for everyone and children
   have unlimited salad, bread, fresh fruit and water at each sitting.

   Your child can enjoy free school meals if they are in:
   •     reception class
   •     year 1
   •     year 2

   And if you are in receipt of certain benefits your child can
   continue to have free school meals when they move into
   Key Stage 2.

   It’s easy to apply for Free School Meals.
   Apply Here:

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