WHAT''S HAPPENING AT RPS - Rutherglen Primary School
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TERM 1 - 5 FEBRUARY 2021 WHAT''S HAPPENING AT RPS Rutherglen Primary School Newsletter DatesDATES TO to Remember: W e l c ome back to what i s g o i n g t o b e a y ea r o f g r e a t t h i n g s a t REMEMBER R u t h erglen Primary. It’s b e en a very positi v e s t a r t t o t h e y e a r a n d o u r s t u d e n t s s h o u l d Friday 12th February Book Club due by today be p r oud of the way th e y h a v e s e t t l e d i n t o t h e i r n e w c l a s s e s a n d the p layground, and ha v e d e v e l o p e d a n u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e Tuesday 15th & Wednesday stru c tures and routine s w i t h i n t h e i r U n i t . A v e r y s p e c i a l w e l c o m e 16th February to o u r new Foundation s t u d e n t s , a n d o t h e r n e w s t u d e n t s a c r o s s First Aid in Schools program F-6 vari o us year levels an d t h e i r f a m i l i e s . W e h o p e y o u a l l e n j o y FREE bein g a part of our RP S c o m m u n i t y . Last year was certainl y a c h a l l e n g e f o r e v e r y o n e , a n d I t h a n k a l l Tuesday 16th February our f amilies for suppo r t i n g u s a s a s c h o o l a n d y o u r c h i l d r e n School Council 6:30pm duri n g the many COVI D r e s t r i c t i o n s t h a t w er e i n p l a c e . It i s s o Friday 19th March grea t to have families b a c k o n s i t e a n d I t h a n k y o u a l l f o r Assembly 2-4 building and via prep a ring your childre n s o w e l l f o r t h e i r s t a r t t o s c h o o l i n 2 0 2 1 . Google Meet 3pm O u r t e ache rs and othe r s t a f f h a v e d o n e a n am a z i n g j o b i n sett i ng up classrooms a n d l e a r n i n g s p a c e s r e a d y f o r o u r Monday 1st March stud e nts' return. The cl a s s r o o m s a r e p u r p o se f u l a n d r e a d y t o Steve Herrick author visit Year enga g e and challenge o u r l e a r n e r s . 3-6 FREE This year as part of our w h o l e s c h o o l u n d e rt a k i n g o f S c h o o l - W i d e Friday 5th March P o s i t i ve B ehaviour Su p p o r t ( S W P B S ) , w e ha v e i n t r o d u c e d t o o u r Schools Clean Up Australia Day stud e nts during the firs t f e w d a y s o f s c h o o l o u r n e w s c h o o l - w i d e 9am - families welcome to join expe c tations and matri x . This sits alongside ou r s c h o o l v a l u e s in. and i s a set of expect a t i o n s t h a t w a s c o - d e v e l o p e d w i t h o u r S t u d ent Voice - Studen t L e a d e r s h i p T e a m i n T e r m 4 l a s t y e a r . Monday 8th March O u r t h ree e xpectation s o f a l l m e m b e r s o f o ur s c h o o l c o m m u n i t y Labour Day Public holiday - NO is t o SCHOOL & NO Out of School Hours Care BE S A F E BE R E S P ECTFUL BE R E P S ONSIBLE O u r school-wide expe c t a t i o n s m a t r i x i s i n c l ud e d i n t h i s news l etter, and we enc o u r a g e y o u t o m a k e y o u r s e l f a w a r e o f Thursday 1st April this , a nd to disc u ss this with your c h i l d / r e n . Last day of Term 1. 2:30pm finish RESPECT - RESPONSIBILITY - INTEGRITY - EMPATHY
CANTEEN 2020 Canteen will begin operating as of Wednesday 10th Feb and will be REMINDERS provided by Caffeine n Machine, Rutherglen. This will operate Mon - Wed - Fri with the menu available listed below. Weekly specials will be communicated through our school Facebook page and Compass. We thank Meg, Nick & the Team for supporting this service for our students and families. If for any reason your child was scheduled to travel home on the bus and you pick them instead, please notify the Office by 3:25 or go to the bus meeting point at the back of the school near the oval and notify our bus duty teacher Alan Spithill, so that buses are not held waiting while we look for students who had at the start of the day been marked as travelling home on the bus. Please ensure your child knows each day if they are going home on the bus or not. LATE ARRIVAL / EARLY DEPARTURE If your child is late or needs to be picked up early parents/carers must sign them in/out at the front office BELL TIMES The music starts to play at 8:50am to signal the time for students to move inside and prepare for the day. It is in the best interests of students in setting themselves up for a successful day that they are at school by this time. Students should not be arriving at school prior to 8:40am. Staff are not on supervision duty until this time and we ask for your support in not having your child arrive prior to 8:40am. regards Karryn RESPECT - RESPONSIBILITY - INTEGRITY - EMPATHY
Welcome to our New Staff A very warm welcome to the 8 new staff who have joined our RPS team this year or are returning in a new role. Please say hello to them when you see them, and make them feel welcome. Gabby Potter 5-6P Lucy Turner 2-3T Ella Kinnear F-1K Lucy Brown 3-4G & Year 5-6s on Thursdays Sara Pfeiffer - Rob Hill - Kate Ross Nick Taylor Education Support Education Support Learning Tutor - School Chaplain Tutor Learning Initiative Introducing our... School Captains - 2021 L-R Jack Chandler, Ebony Brunskill-Mills, Bryce Maloney & Harry Chandler
Introducing our... 2021 SPORTS CAPTAIN S RED KANGAROOS Abbey Collis & Ella Neuman BLUE KOALAS Malakye Pinn & Meg Pearson YELLOW POSSUMS Indigo Decker & Brodie Walters GREEN ECHIDNAS Laurie Nelson & Bill Linden
TUTOR LEARING INITIATIVE The Department of Education has launched a “catch-up” learning program in response to the impact on student learning in 2020. All schools across the state of Victoria have been partially funded and directed to implement a tutoring program for eligible students, with our schools having to co-contribute to this. Our school has begun this initiative already and has appointed Kate Ross to this role. Kate will work alongside teaching staff and other ES to provide essential support to students who meet the criteria. We are very fortunate to have this initiative put forward by the Education Dept. and to be able to to run this level of support in our school. We will be communicating further information to families in the coming weeks, but if your child talks about being in a small group or individual session with a teacher other than their classroom teacher, it may be the TLI Tutor or an Education Support team member.
EMPATHY RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY INTEGRITY RPS Values Awards acknowledges students who display our school values by the choices they make in their daily actions FOUNDATION - YEAR 1 Logan Saunders for consistently showing respect to everyone around you and for your fantastic efforts in your writing. Well done Logan! Paige Peuton for showing great leadership in your classroom and being a role model for your fellow classmates. Keep it up Paige! Stella Brown for settling quickly into Rutherglen Primary School and being a leader in our classroom Jack Frampton for challenging yourself, and drawing and counting 100 circles in Maths! YEAR 2-3 Ryeder Decker for consistently showing kindness and respect to those around you. Your delightful smile is infectious, Ryeder. You make us want to smile too! Alex Duursma for the impressive effort you put into your independent writing. We loved hearing your detailed, entertaining retell about your pet ferret having a bath! Jake Piuila-Hogan for your kindness in always being willing to help people in our classroom.Congratulations! Ellie Pertzel for your excellent efforts to complete your learning tasks. Well done! YEAR 3-4 Zavi e r M a n n s f o r m a k i n g a g reat start to th e school year. You have real l y s t e p p e d u p , a n d a r e showi n g s o m e emerging leadership qualities. Keep it up! Erica Harder - Setting a great example in the classroom, and helping those around you when they are struggling, or don’t know what to do. Well done, Erica! Michael Smith for an awesome start to the year! You have been focussed on your work and tried your hardest in all areas of your learning. Luke Chandler for being super organised with your learning materials. You are often the first to have everything ready to begin your tasks. Lachie Hawkey for being super organised with your learning materials. You are often the first to have everything ready to begin your tasks.
YEAR 5-6 Chilli Good - for being a kind and helpful member of our class and for displaying the qualities of a caring and supportive friend to others Bryce Maloney - for starting the year positively, working hard and giving your best effort in all that you do Milan Whyte for being such a positive person, always trying your best and kindly offering help to others. Ella Kelly for being a kind and patient person and always giving your best effort. Ebony Brunskill-Mills for always showing the school values and giving your best in your learning. Malakye Pinn for showing kindness and care towards your Foundation Buddy. Congratulations to our Playground Super Stars Be Safe for playing safely, respectfully and responsibly during lunch and recess Joseph Winkler, Michael Smith, Blair Livingston-Laing, Ellie Pertzel Be Respectful P rid e o f Be Responsible R P S w in n er... Introducing our School Chaplain 'Mr Nick' Nick Taylor or 'Mr Nick' as we like to call him, is returning to RPS this year in the role of School Chaplain which we successfully received Ellie Pertzel funding for, both for the 2021 and 2022 school year. Nick's role in supporting students will stay the same as it has over the past 2 years within our school where he will will work with small groups of students at a time, undertaking projects and jobs around the school, connecting this to their classroom learning. Through this time with Nick they have an opportunity to talk about things that are going well for them, or things that they might be a bit worried about, are bothered with, or just want to chat about. Nick will also run The Stride program for our year 5 & 6 boys and will continue to run the very popular Chess club at lunchtimes. Nick is also available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for parents/carers and staff who may just want to have a chat with him or may like to seek some guidance or support. No apointment is necessary.
News from the French room rench music ening to F List Puzz arou ling the nd t ir he w way orld Enjoying French sto ri written by our stud es ents Listening & writing in Fren ch
Check out our next newsletter to meet our Student Leadership Team Captains and the members of the Student Leadership Team, and learn all about their role in our school and what they have planned for 2021.
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