Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year

Page created by Elmer Parsons
Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year
May 31, 2021.

 What’s Happening:
                           Bowden Grandview
 Friday, June 4
    No School

                     Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year
                     A message from the Su-         Moving learning forward      Thank you to our stu-
                     perintendent                   during the pandemic has      dents and staff for their
                     As the end of this school      required dedication from     hard work and dedication,
                     year draws to a close, the     every corner. We are par-    and to our parents and
                     Board of Trustees and          ticularly appreciative of    community partners who
                     Central Office team            the amazing perseverance     have engaged in learning
                     would like to express          shown by our students        alongside us throughout
                     their gratitude for the lev-   and their parents. Chi-      one of the most challeng-
                     el of success that has         nook’s Edge has retained     ing years in our history.
                     been achieved across the       positive momentum, with      We take tremendous
                     division. Everyone in Chi-     a sharp focus on the so-     pride in knowing that our
                     nook’s Edge has worked         cial emotional wellbeing     extra efforts still made a
                     to ensure meaningful           of our students. Our staff   significant difference in
                     learning has taken place,      have worked so hard, of-     the lives of our students.
                     knowing it required a sig-     ten during challenging       Please enjoy a safe and
                     nificant amount of flexi-      pauses from in-school        joyful summer.
                     bility and grit throughout     learning, to support over    Kurt Sacher,
                     the year.                      11,000 children and          Superintendent of
                                                    youth.                       Schools

                     Our BGS Kindergarten is
                     aflutter with Painted Lady
                     butterflies! Waiting on a
                     few slow hatch chrysalis-
                     es, we are hoping they can
                     be released all together
                     this week.
Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year
Page 2   Bowden Grandview School

         Literacy Corner
         Hug Your Cat Day is one        the cats in the world and       For the budding cat lov-
         of those pleasingly            shower them with love           ers in your life, here are
         straightforward holidays.      and attention. The more         some children’s
         The intention is not for       dedicated amongst them          books that are, dare I say,
         the day to be complicated      will not need this encour-      catastic.
         or over thought. Quite         agement, of course, but it
         simply, it is a day in which   is always good to be re-
         cat owners everywhere          minded of our feline
         are encouraged to hug          friends. On Friday, June
         their cats. It’s an oppor-     4th, give your cat that ex-
         tunity to give back to all     tra squish!

         Indigenous Education
         Brian Young’s powerful         a pretty uneventful sum-        the Navajo Creation Sto-
         debut novel tells of a         mer, with no electricity or     ry—a Water Monster—in
         seemingly ordinary Nava-       cell service. Still, he loves   need of help.
         jo boy who must save the       spending time with Nali
         life of a Water Monster—       and with his uncle Jet,
         and comes to realize he’s      though it’s clear when Jet
         a hero at heart.               arrives that he brings his
         When Nathan goes to            problems with him.
         visit his grandma, Nali, at    One night, while lost in
         her mobile summer home         the nearby desert, Nathan
         on the Navajo reserva-         finds someone extraordi-
         tion, he knows he’s in for     nary: a Holy Being from
Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year
Bowden Grandview School                                                                                       Page 3


“You may have heard that     haven’t already done so.       impact of the pandemic       alternate format) question-
the 2021 Census is under-    Census data helps govern-      and to better plan for the   naire, please call the Census
way. It has been a chal-     ments at all levels plan for   future. You can quickly      Help Line at 1-855-340-2021.
lenging year for families,   schools, transportation,       and easily complete your     Thank you for doing your
and the census might         community centres, li-         census questionnaire         part to help plan for a better
seem like another thing      braries and recreational       at using    future for all Canadians.”
on your busy to-do list.     activities. Data from the      the access code you re-
However, I would like to     2021 Census will be even       ceived in the mail. If you
encourage you to com-        more crucial, because it       need assistance, or would
plete your census, if you    will help to evaluate the      like to have a paper (or
Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year Bowden Grandview School - Reflecting with gratitude on an exceptional year
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