BLACK (2018) By Keith Saha Bronze Arts Award Workbook

Page created by Teresa Fischer
BLACK (2018) By Keith Saha Bronze Arts Award Workbook
BLACK (2018)
By Keith Saha
Bronze Arts Award Workbook

BLACK (2018) By Keith Saha Bronze Arts Award Workbook
What is Arts Award?
Do you want to learn new skills?
Find your own creative path?
Experience a great piece of theatre?

All of these can be done with Arts Award – a nationally recognised qualification
that’s great for those wanting to develop careers in the arts.

You can use the following worksheets alongside BLACK to work towards your
Bronze Arts Award. For more information on Arts Award and how to sign up, go to:

 Bronze Arts Award
     o   Part A – Take Part
     o   Part B – Be in the audience for BLACK
     o   Part C – Your Arts Inspiration
     o   Part D – Share Your Arts Skill

Part A: Take Part
Pick an arts activity – one that you want to
develop your skills in.

Are you a budding writer, actor, MC or poet?
                                                 Evidence – Part A
                                                  o Describe your activity
                                                  o Evidence of your chosen activity
Why not try writing your own monologue? You         (photos, drawings, writing, videos etc.)
could even perform it!                            o What you have learnt and have
Can you write some music or a rap to an
existing track?

Or do you want to share other people’s stories
like the actors in BLACK?

BLACK (2018) By Keith Saha Bronze Arts Award Workbook
Top Tips!
                                        If you’re looking for inspiration, check out the
                                                          links below:


The skill I have chosen to develop is…

What new things have you learnt about your skill?

                                                   Add photos, sketches, diagrams…
                                                    anything that shows evidence of
                                                    your work in these yellow boxes!

List 3 things you have enjoyed doing whilst developing your arts skill (don’t forget to
say why you enjoyed them too!)…




BLACK (2018) By Keith Saha Bronze Arts Award Workbook
Explain how you have improved at your

PSST!... The boxes above can be used to stick down anything related to how you developed your
skills – photographs, pictures, diagrams, sketches… you decide! We love to hear from you too so
Tweet, Facebook and Instagram away (@20Storieshigh) ... you could use our hash tag
#BLACKtheplay too.

Part B: Be the Audience for
Now it’s time to watch and review the            Evidence - Part B
show!                                               o A brief description of the show, the art-
                                                      forms used and your trip to see it
What did you think of it?                           o Evidence you saw the show – ticket
                                                      stubs, flyers, photos at the theatre
Which part did you enjoy the most?                  o Your review of the show
                                                    o Where did you share your review –
                                                      Facebook? Online arts forum? With
Use this worksheet to help you
                                                      the company? With your arts group?
complete a review of BLACK.

BLACK (2018) By Keith Saha Bronze Arts Award Workbook
When you fill in this worksheet, don’t forget to think about Poetry, Music,
Design (costume/props/set) and the performance.

I went to see Black on (date)

at (venue)...

It was about…

And they told the story using …

The best thing about the show was…

But if I was to direct/perform in it, I might try…

I would/wouldn’t recommend it to others (explain your reasons why!)…

PSST!... Use the blank sheets at the end of this pack to continue your work on.

How did BLACK use the following art forms?
Make some notes about the parts of the show that used each art form – you could
also note down how the art forms were used and why you think this was done/if you
thought it was effective.

               Acting                               Rap


Sharing your review…
Think about how you would like to share your review of BLACK.

Do you have a blog or a vlog?

Are you on any relevant social media pages about theatre and the performing arts?

Could you share it in a display or presentation at school, college or your youth club?

If you share your review online, we’d love to see it! Tag us with @20StoriesHigh

How did you share your review of

What feedback did people have about
your review?

PSST!... Don’t forget to add evidence how your shared your review – photos of you presenting it to
your group, links to where you posted online or even screenshots of it on social media or your
blog. There’s more space to continue your work at the end of this pack.

Part C: Who is your Arts
Is there an artist that inspires you?
                                           Evidence - Part C
Maybe its one of the performers from          o Who inspires you and why?
BLACK?                                        o Research into their arts career,
                                                life and work
Or maybe it’s someone from another            o Your own summary of their
Theatre piece?                                  artistic career

Use this worksheet to explore who
inspires you and why…

                                           Abby Melia

                   Chunky (Craig Shanda)

  Find out more about the artists from BLACK at:
The artist I’m most inspired by is…

They inspire me because…

List 10 interesting facts about your inspirational artist (make sure you note
down where you found out the info from!)…











PSST!... Remember to evidence your work with photos, sketches, diagrams, ticket stubs etc.
You can add these to the blank pages at the end of the workbook.

Part D: Share Your Arts Skill
Now you’ve chosen a skill, watched a
show and been inspired, it’s time to share
it with the world!                            Evidence - Part D
Think about creative ways you could             o Choose a way to share your new
share your skills and newfound                    skill
knowledge.                                      o Plan the event
                                                o Share your skill!
Maybe you could run a workshop?
                                                o Reflect on how it went
Or perhaps present your new skills on
your YouTube channel vlog?

You could even write a monologue or a
short scene explaining your journey and perform it.
The skill I have chosen to share is...

I am going to teach it to...

By the end, the group/individual should know how to...

I will record evidence of the session by...

My session plan is...(include here things like timings spent on each thing, any warm
ups, cool downs or explanations that might need to happen!)

Did the participants successfully learn the new skill you taught?

What did the group think of my session? Ask two people to fill in the speech
bubbles below with what they liked and what you could improve on for next time:

Three things I thought went well were…



Three things I would like to improve on for next time are…



PSST!... Run out of space? Use the blank sheet on the following pages to continue your work.

Part A – continued

Part B– continued

Part C – continued

Part D – continued

About 20 Stories High
20 Stories High make theatre with…

… young people from excluded communities, emerging & world-class artists…

… to tell stories that are…

gritty, lyrical, melodic, rebellious,
contemporary, mashed-up, authentic, original,
visual, challenging, youthful, tender
anarchic, diverse, surprising, booming,
political, funny, collaborative and heart-felt.

We bring young people into theatre venues and go out into their communities.

We hail from Liverpool, but our reach is international.

We believe everybody’s got a story to tell... and their own way of telling it...

Founded in 2006, 20 Stories High has established itself as one of the leading young people’s
theatre companies nationally, and has won a series of prestigious awards and commissions. 20
Stories High tours to theatres, schools venues and community spaces and run a range of
participatory projects.

20 Stories High an Arts Council England National Portfolio funded organisation.

Awards and Nominations
The Broke ‘N’ Beat Collective by Keith Saha and Sue Buckmaster
2016 ASSITEJ Festival of Theatre for Young Audiences Young Critics Choice Award

The National Theatre Foundation’s Jenny Harris Award
2016 In recognition of our work with young people in theatre

WHOLE by Philip Osment
2013 Writers Guild of Great Britain Best Play for Young People

Ghost Boy by Keith Saha
2011 Brian Way Award for UK’s Best New Play for Young People
2010 Liverpool Daily Post Arts Award for Best Touring Production

Blackberry Trout Face by Laurence Wilson
2010 Brian Way Award for UK’s Best New Play for Young People
2009 Shortlisted for Manchester Evening News for Best New Play

By Keith Saha

A hard-hitting show about racial tensions in the U.K. today.

Nikki doesn't think that her Dad is a racist, he just cares deeply about his community.

But when a Zimbabwean family move in over the road, the dog won’t stop barking, the local kids
start lobbing stones, and her Dad starts laying down the law.

This provocative and engaging show from 20 Stories High digs deep at the heart of racial tensions
in the UK today.

Written by award winning writer Keith Saha, with lyricism and live DJ soundscapes from Chunky
(Riot Jazz /Hoya Hoya) and the raw talent of Abby Melia – this is a vital and challenging piece of

BLACK was first performed as part of HEADZ in 2014. A subsequent full-length version went on a
national tour in 2015.


Nikki               Abby Melia
Precious            Craig Shanda (Chunky/Riot Jazz))

Creative Team
Writer              Keith Saha
Director            Julia Samuels
Designer            Miriam Nabarro
Music               Chunky (aka Craig Shanda) & Keith Saha

Production Team
Producer            Leanne Jones
Assist Producers    Laura Orchard and Siofra McKeon-Carter
Stage Manager       Nathan Johnson

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