Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung der energiepolitischen Rahmenbedingungen des Erneuerbare-Energien-Sektors in der EU in Hinblick auf die 2020 ...
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Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung der energiepolitischen Rahmenbedingungen des Erneuerbare-Energien-Sektors in der EU in Hinblick auf die 2020 Zielerreichung Authors: Lukas Liebmann, Gustav Resch Energy Economics Group, TU Wien Contact: Web: http://eeg.tuwien.ac.at Email: liebmann@eeg.tuwien.ac.at Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 1
Motivation und zentrale Fragestellung • Wie entsprechen der historische Verlauf und die Szenarienergebnisse des erneuerbaren Elektrizitäts-, Wärme- und Verkehrssektors den selbstgesteckten Zielen der nationalen Aktionspläne der 28 Mitgliedsstaaten? • Welche Ergebnisse liefern modellbasierte Evaluierungen der energiepolitischen Rahmenbedingungen für den Sektor der Erneuerbaren Energien der 28 EU Mitgliedsstaaten in Hinblick auf die 2020 Zielerreichung eins 20% Anteils am Bruttoendenergieverbrauch? • Ein Vergleich von verschiedenen Ausbauszenarien des Green-X Modells soll ein detailliertes Verständnis für den Stand, die Aussichten und Herausforderungen des Erneuerbare-Energien-Sektors innerhalb der EU und deren 28 Mitgliedsstaaten liefern. Legal disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 2
(1) Status Quo (In 2 0 1 4 ) 2014 2014 2014 2014 à 24 MS on track regarding NREAP targets, and 4 underachieved. à 27 MS have met the 2013/2014 RES directives interim trajectory milestone. Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: All MS NREAPS, EUROSTAT Shares (2016) and Resch et al. (2015) Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 3
(1) Status Quo 25% 20% 15% 10% actual overall RES share 5% NREAP overall RES trajectory minimum trajectory defined in RES dirctive 0% 2019 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 40% 35% 30% 25% actual RES-E share 20% NREAP RES-E trajectory 15% actual RES-H&C share 10% NREAP RES-H&C trajectory actual RES-T share 5% NREAP RES-T trajectory 0% 2008 2020 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: All MS NREAPS and EUROSTAT Shares (2016) Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 4
(1) Status Quo 14.0% 14.0% 14.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% Electricity Heat Transport Overall Electricity Heat Transport Overall 0.0% Electricity 2010-2014 Electricity 2014-2020 Heating & Cooling 2010-2014 Heating & Cooling 2014-2020 Transport 2010-2014 Transport 2014-2020 Overall 2010-2014 Overall 2014-2020 Electricity Heating & Cooling Transport Overall Growth rates of RES 2010-2013 [%/a] versus average annual growth rates [%/a] required from 2014 to 2020 to achieve the 2020 target. Source: All MS NREAPS and EUROSTAT Shares (2016) Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 5
(2) Ergebnisse einer modellbasierten Evaluierung ► Key assumptions … by use of a specialised energy system model (Green-X) a quantitative assessment was conducted to assess feasible RES developments up to 2020 according to the defined policy pathways, indicating feasible RES deployment at country level that can be expected in the near future as well as related impacts on costs and benefits in a brief manner. Main input sources for scenario parameters Based on PRIMES Based on Green-X database Defined for this assessment Primary energy prices RES cost (investment, fuel, O&M) RES policy framework Conventional supply portfolio RES potential Reference electricity prices and conversion efficiencies Modified data on energy demand CO2 intensity of sectors Biomass trade specification by sector, impacted by energy efficiency* Default data on energy demand Technology diffusion / Non-economic by sector barriers Learning rates *Primes scenario used: Reference case (as of 2013) Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 6
(2) Ergebnisse einer modellbasierten Evaluierung This MS is expected to achieve its 2020 target Results: “Business as usual” (BAU) scenario There are doubts whether this Business-as-usual scenario MS may achieve its 2020 target … 2020 RES target This MS is not well on track to achieve its 2020 target achievement ► 9 MSs appear being well on track ► In another 4 MSs there are doubts whether 2020 targets are reached ► 14 MSs can be classified as “not well on track”! Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: Green-X – Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 7 Keep on Track! scenarios (2014)
(2) Ergebnisse einer modellbasierten Evaluierung This MS is expected to achieve its 2020 target Results: “Business as usual” (BAU) scenario There are doubts whether this Business-as-usual scenario MS may achieve its 2020 target … 2020 RES target This MS is not well on track to achieve its 2020 target achievement ► 10 MSs appear being well on track ► In another 3 MSs there are doubts whether 2020 targets are reached ► 15 MSs can be classified as “not well on track”! Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: Green-X – Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 8 Keep on Track! scenarios (2015)
(2) Ergebnisse einer modellbasierten Evaluierung Results: This MS is expected to exceed its (PR) scenario 2020 target domestically and acts as Policy recommendations a (possible) seller within in the RES cooperation mechanism in 2020 scenario (incl. complementary This MS is expected to achieve its activities to improve energy 2020 target through a combination efficiency) of domestic action and RES “Policy recommendations” … 2020 RES target cooperation, acting as a buyer for meeting the remaining gap achievement ► All MSs achieve their 2020 RES targets ► The majority of MSs even exceeds its obligations – there are good reasons doing so! (Supply security, local employment, …) ► 3 MSs make use of cooperation mechanisms as a buyer while all other act as (possible) seller Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: Green-X – Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 9 Keep on Track! scenarios (2015)
(3) Ein Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Ausbauszenarien Results: RES-H share development and absolute RES deployment at EU level 25% Historic and expected future 23,7% RES-H 23.3% RES developments developments & energy finaldemand 20% 2020 RES target 20% 19,5% BAU 16,5% 18.4% fulfillment PR energy [%] BAU Historic deployment in gross 15% PR demand 16.0% sharefinal Datenreihen3 [%] 2020 RES target in gross 10% Breakdown of RES-H Biofuels for transport RES generation RES share 5% RES-heating & cooling RES-electricity by sector 3,500 Energy production from RES [TWh/a] 0% 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 3,000 291.0 2,500 238.6 RES share in gross final energy demand 2,000 152.6 1362.5 at EU level 1,500 1017.4 1226.6 according to the BAU and PR case 1,000 1262.5 500 871.5 1036.9 0 2014 2020 (BAU) 2020 (PR) Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: Green-X – Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 10 Keep on Track! scenarios (2015)
(3) Ein Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Ausbauszenarien Results: Comparison of sector-specific RES deployment by 2020 at EU level 2020 (BAU) 2020 (PR) Breakdwon (of generation) Breakdwon (of generation) Biogas 2013 Biomass* by RES-H&C technology by RES-E technology 3% 6% 5% Geothermal 2% 6% Large hydro 8% Small hydro 13% 12% 12% PV 25% 30% 29% CSP 25% Tidal & wave 10% 31% 37% 11% Wind onshore 15% Wind offshore 6% 5% 4% 2013 2020 (BAU) 2020 (PR) 8% 3% 3% 2% 3% 3% 4% 1% 11% 12% Biogas 1% 1% Biomass* Geothermal Solar thermal 86% 82% 80% Heat pumps Breakdown (of generation) by RES-E and RES-H&C technology for EU-28 according to the BAU and PR case Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: Green-X – Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 11 Keep on Track! scenarios (2015)
(3) Ein Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Ausbauszenarien Results: Investments, costs & benefits of RES deployment at EU level Avoided expenses for CO2 emission allowances Avoided expenses for fossil fuel (imports) Support expenditures RES (installed 2011 to 2020) at EU level [billion €] Capital expenditures Indicators on yearly average (2011 to 2020) costs and benefits of as well as investments in new 90 80 70 60 50 40 80.8 4.9 30 56.8 1.9 20 28.7 30.1 30.7 26.2 10 0 Business as usaul (BAU) Policy recommendations (PR) Investments, selected costs & benefits according to the BAU case (left) and the “Policy recommendations” (PR) case Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: Green-X – Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 12 Keep on Track! scenarios (2013)
(3) Ein Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Ausbauszenarien Results: RES-H share development and absolute RES deployment in Austria 25% 45% Historic and expected future 41.3% 23,7% RES-H 23.3% RES developments developments & energy finaldemand 40% 36.9% 20% 2020 RES target 20% 35% 19,5% BAU 16,5% 34% 18.4% fulfillment 33.1% PR energy [%] 30% BAU Historic deployment in gross 15% BAU PR demand 25% 16.0% sharefinal PR Datenreihen3 [%] 20% Datenreihen3 2020 RES target in gross 10% 2020 RES target 15% Breakdown of RES-H Biofuels for transport RES share 10% RES-heating & cooling RES generation 5% RES-electricity by sector 5% 3,500 140 Energy production from RES [TWh/a] 0% 3,000 120 6.9 7.9 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 291.0 2,500 100 6.2 238.6 59.4 61.4 RES share in gross final energy demand 80 2,000 152.6 49.7 1362.5 at EU level 60 1,500 1017.4 1226.6 according to the BAU and PR case 40 1,000 49.6 56.8 57.6 1262.5 20 500 871.5 1036.9 00 2014 2014 2020 2020(BAU) (BAU) 2020 2020 (PR) (PR) Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: Green-X – Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 13 Keep on Track! scenarios (2015)
(3) Ein Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Ausbauszenarien Results: Comparison of sector-specific RES deployment by 2020 in Austria 2020 (BAU) 2020 (PR) Breakdwon (of generation) Breakdwon (of generation) Biogas 2013 Biomass* 6% by RES-H&C technology by RES-E technology 2% 2% Geothermal 1% 1% 4% 4% Large hydro 9% 9% 11% 13% Small hydro 8% PV 13% 12% 11% CSP Tidal & wave Wind onshore 71% 62% 61% Wind offshore 2013 2020 (BAU) 2020 (PR) 3% 3% 5% 2% 4% 3% 1% 4% 6% 1% 1% 1% Biogas Biomass* Geothermal Solar thermal Heat pumps 91% 86% 89% Breakdown (of generation) by RES-E and RES-H&C technology for EU-28 according to the BAU and PR case Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Source: Green-X – Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 14 Keep on Track! scenarios (2015)
(3) Recommendations In the Communication of the Energy Union Package, the EU dedicated itself to becoming the world’s “number one in renewables”. This is a much welcomed commitment, especially at a time with global warming on the rise and the lingering question of security of energy supply, enhanced by the continuing geopolitical tensions between Russia and the EU. In order to truly achieve the goal of making the EU the number one in renewables, the EU must: ► Ensure the achievement of its 20% renewables target by 2020. ► Strive for an ambitious and binding 2030 renewable energy target which is significantly higher than 27%, alongside energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions targets. Adopt a strong governance framework to facilitate and ensure the achievement of these targets. ► Ensure a predictable and stable legislative framework for renewables at the national level and in particular to avoid any retroactive changes to existing support schemes. ► Establish an energy market design based on increasing shares of renewable energies. Remove all subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear. Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 15
Danke für Ihre Aufmersamkeit! Literatur [1] Richtlinie 2009/28/EG Des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 23. April 2009 zur Förderung der Nutzung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen und zur Änderung und anschließenden Aufhebung der Richtlinien 2001/77/EG und 2003/30/EG. [2] Hamelinck, C., de Lovinfosse, I., Koper, M., Beestermoeller, C., Nabe, C., Kimmel, M., van den Bos, A., Yildiz, I., Harteveld, M., Ragwitz, M., Steinhilber, S., Nysten, J., Fouquet, D., Resch, G., Liebmann, L., Ortner, A., Panzer, C., Walden, D., Diaz Chavez, R., Byers, B., Petrova, S., Kunen, E., Fischer, G. (2012) Renewable energy progress and biofuels sustainability, Ecofys: Utrecht, Niederlande [3] Hamelinck, C., Koper, M., Janeiro, L., Klessmann, C., Kuwahata, R., Nabe, C., Doering, M., Cuijpers, M., van den Bos, A., Spoettle, M., Alberici, S., Ragwitz, M., Steinhilber, S., Nysten, J., Fouquet, D., Resch, G., Liebmann, L., Ortner, A., Panzer, C., Johnson, F., Olsen, O., Godar, J., Karlberg, L., Fischer, G. (2014) Renewable energy progress and biofuels sustainability, Ecofys: Utrecht, Niederlande, Verfügbar unter https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/Final%20report%20-November%202014.pdf. [4] Resch, G., Liebmann, L., Ortner, A., Busch, S. (2014) 2020 RES scenarios for Europe - are Member States well on track for achieving 2020 RES targets?, Ein Bericht erstellt im Rahmen des Intelligent Energy Europe Projekts Keep-on-Track!, koordiniert von Eufores und Eclareon, Technische Universität Wien - Energy Economics Group (EEG): Wien, Österreich, Verfügbar unter www.keepontrack.eu. [5] Resch, G., Liebmann, L., Welisch, M. (2015) 2020 RES scenarios for Europe - are Member States well on track for achieving 2020 RES targets?, Ein Bericht erstellt im Rahmen des Intelligent Energy Europe Projekts Keep-on- Track!, koordiniert von Eufores und Eclareon, Technische Universität Wien - Energy Economics Group (EEG): Wien, Österreich, Verfügbar unter www.keepontrack.eu. Lukas Liebman Contact e-mail: liebmann@eeg.tuwien.ac.at phone: +43-1-58801-370 355 Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Energy Economics Graz, 10.2.2016… SlideGroup 16 (EEG), Vienna University of Technology, http://eeg.tuwien.ac.at
(2) Outlook towards 2020 … from “business as usual” (BAU) to improved RES policies ► Green-X modelling in accordance with a detailed qualitative assessment of expected future (2020) (“Policy recommendations” scenario) RES progress Policy recommendations scenario: BAU case: ◄ Meeting/Exceeding 20% RES by 2020 RES policies are as precondition applied as currently ◄ Continuation BUT fine-tuning implemented (increasing cost-efficiency & effectiveness) (without any of national RES policies: improving the design of adaptation) until RES policies but no change of the in prior chosen 2020, RES policy instrument type i.e. a business as ◄ Mitigation of non-cost barriers usual (BAU) ◄ RES cooperation comes into play in the forecast. exceptional case that pure national target fulfilment appears not feasible ◄ Increase in energy efficiency in accordance with 2020 energy efficiency targets www.green-x.at Eine modellbasierte Evaluierung des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Sekto rs, Graz, 10.2.2016… Slide 17
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