BIGLEAGUEEst. 1920 - MEDIA KIT - The highest selling Rugby League publication in Australia

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BIGLEAGUEEst. 1920 - MEDIA KIT - The highest selling Rugby League publication in Australia
BIGLEAGUE                                           Est. 1920

The highest selling Rugby League publication in Australia

         MEDIA KIT
BIGLEAGUEEst. 1920 - MEDIA KIT - The highest selling Rugby League publication in Australia
                                                    Launched as The Rugby League News
                                                    in 1920, it was “a journal devoted to the
                                                    interests of Rugby League Football, and
                                                    containing the only authorised list of Names,
                                                    Numbers, Colours and Positions of Players”
                                                    In 1974, The Rugby League News was
                                                    rebranded Big League and remains
                                                    the longest established Rugby League
                                                    Publication in Australia.
                                                    Big League Magazine is the Official
                                                    Publication of the NRL and is sold nationally
                                                    at Newsagents, Woolworths, Coles, BIG W,
                                                    and other selected retail outlets.
                                                    Big League is the only Rugby league Publication
                                                    sold at all NRL games each weekend, including
FROM THE                                            the Finals Series, State of Origin and Test

                                                    match fixtures. Copies are also distributed to
                                                    Stadium Corporate, VIP and media areas, plus
                                                    Rugby League and Sport commentators.
As we slowly make our way towards our               Big League readers can now purchase their
100th anniversary of publication, Big League        digital copy from their home computer, iPad
remains as important to the rugby league            or Android tablet.
public as it has ever been.
   As the official magazine of the NRL, Big         All advertisements that appear in the weekly
League can be relied on by every fan for the        print version will be included in the digital
most comprehensive match-day information            version Free of Charge.
you’ll find, as well as in-depth interviews, news
and feature stories with the personalities,         Big League digital Issues can be purchased
coaches and players they love.                      weekly or as a discounted yearly subscription at
   Fans can find us at the ground, supermarkets
and in newsagencies every week as well as
plug into to our massive social media presence.     Also available on Apple NewsStand & Google Play.
They know they have a resource that will
supply team and player statistics they crave,
insight into form and performance, as well as a     READERSHIP:
one-stop shop for coverage of the Under-20s,
Intrust Super Premiership, Intrust Super Cup        168,000
and Ron Massey Cup – plus all the official team     (SOURCE EMMA – JUNE 2016)
lists for the weekend’s NRL games.
   Whether you’re a fan with a growing interest
in the game of a lifelong devotee, Big League
has something for everyone, including our
famous Little League section which helps kids       10,695 ISSUES PER WEEK*
learn more about the game they love in a fun        (SOURCE ABC AUDIT – JUNE 2016) *THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE 3000 COPIES DISTRIBUTED
environment.                                        TO NRL GROUND CORPORATE AREAS EVERY WEEK.

   Our expert team live and breathe rugby
league and feel as passionately about it as the
fans that pick up our magazine. Simply put, we
love footy. Bring on 2017.
BIGLEAGUEEst. 1920 - MEDIA KIT - The highest selling Rugby League publication in Australia
          2017 SEASON GUIDE                      2017 OFFICIAL GRAND
          (HANDBOOK)                             FINAL PROGRAM
          244 PAGES                              100 PAGES
          ON SALE 9TH FEBRUARY 2017              ON SALE 28TH SEPTEMBER 2017
          The Complete 2016 NRL Season           The Official 2016 Grand Final
          Guide. Contains Player Profiles for    Program is sold nationally and at
          Telstra Premiership & NYC teams        the 2016 Telstra Premiership Grand
          for all NRL Clubs, Squad Stats, Club   Final. The comprehensive Gameday
          Draws & Records. The ultimate          Program for the biggest event on
          source of everything Rugby League      the 2016 Rugby League calendar.
          for the 2016 NRL & NYC season.

          2017 SEASON PREVIEW                    2017 SEASON REVIEW
          92 PAGES                               64 PAGES
          ON SALE 16TH FEBRUARY                  ON SALE 5TH OCTOBER 2017
          Big League Magazine previews           Big League reviews the
          all 16 x NRL club line-ups and         performance of all 16 x clubs in
          predictions for the 2016 Season.       the Telstra and NYC premiership
          Issue includes Player features, and    and gives a comprehensive
          in depth analysis and statistics       breakdown of the teams 2016
          for all teams including NYC            season.

          2017 WEEKLY ISSUES                     2017 OFFICIAL RUGBY
          ROUNDS 1 TO FINALS WEEK 3              LEAGUE ANNUAL
          64 PAGES                               288 PAGES
          On Sale every Thursday commencing      ON SALE DECEMBER 2017
          2nd March 2016.                        Complied by David Middleton, the
          Big League weekly issues contain       Rugby League Annual is the most
          Team/Player features, Official         comprehensive compilation of Rugby
          Gameday Team Lists, Player Posters,    League statistics in Australia. This
          Updated player and team statistics     publication is a collectable for all
          and much more.                         Rugby league fans.

          2017 OFFICIAL STATE
          64 PAGES
          Game 1 – 29th May 2017
          Game 2 – 19th June 2017
          Game 3 – 10th July 2017
BIGLEAGUEEst. 1920 - MEDIA KIT - The highest selling Rugby League publication in Australia
ISSUE                              AD BOOKING    AD MATERIAL    ON SALE
Season Guide                            12-Jan         19-Jan    09-Feb
Season Preview                          19-Jan         26-Jan    16-Feb
Round 1                                 17-Feb         24-Feb    02-Mar
Round 2                                 24-Feb         3-Mar     09-Mar
Round 3                                 3-Mar         10-Mar     16-Mar
Round 4                                10-Mar         17-Mar     23-Mar
Round 5                                17-Mar         24-Mar     30-Mar
Round 6                                24-Mar         30-Mar     06-Apr
Round 7                                30-Mar           7-Apr    13-Apr
Round 8                                  7-Apr         14-Apr    20-Apr
Round 9                                 14-Apr         21-Apr    27-Apr
Rep Round                               21-Apr         28-Apr    04-May
Round 10                                28-Apr         5-May     11-May
Round 11                                5-May         12-May     18‐May
Round 12                               12-May         19-May     25‐May
State of Origin 1                      12-May         19-May     29‐May
Round 13                               19-May         26-May      01-Jun
Round 14                               26-May           2-Jun     08-Jun
Round 15                                 2-Jun          9-Jun     15‐Jun
State of Origin 2                        2-Jun          9-Jun     19-Jun
Round 16                                 9-Jun         16-Jun     22‐Jun
Round 17                                16-Jun         23-Jun     29‐Jun
Round 18                                23-Jun         30-Jun      6‐Jul
State of Origin 3                       23-Jun         30-Jun     10‐Jul
Round 19                                30-Jun          7-Jul     13‐Jul
Round 20                                 7-Jul         14-Jul     20‐Jul
Round 21                                14-Jul         21-Jul     27‐Jul
Round 22                                21-Jul         28-Jul     3‐Aug
Round 23                                28-Jul         4-Aug     10‐Aug
Round 24                                4-Aug         11-Aug     17‐Aug
Round 25                               11-Aug         18-Aug     24‐Aug
Round 26                               18-Aug         25-Aug     31‐Aug
Finals Week 1                          25-Aug           1-Sep     7‐Sep
Finals Week 2                            1-Sep          8-Sep    14‐Sep
Finals Week 3                            8-Sep         15-Sep    21‐Sep
2017 Offical Grand Final Program        15-Sep         22-Sep    28-Sep
Season Review                           22-Sep         29-Sep      5-Oct
NRL Annual                             15-Nov         22-Nov     18-Dec
 ISSUES                                                  DPS              FULL PAGE        HALF PAGE        1/3 PAGE
 2017 SEASON GUIDE (HANDBOOK)                            $4,300           $2,400           N/A              N/A
 2017 SEASON PREVIEW                                     $6,480           $3,600           $2,160           N/A
 BIG LEAGUE WEEKLY ISSUES - ROUND 1 TO FINALS WEEK 3     $5,400           $3,000           $1,800           $1,350
 STATE OF ORIGIN PROGRAMS 1, 2 & 3                       $6,480           $3,600           $2,160           $1,620
 2017 GRAND FINAL PROGRAM                                $7,020           $3,900           $2,340           $1,755
 2017 SEASON REVIEW                                      $5,400           $3,000           $1,800           $1,350
 OFFICIAL 2017 RUGBY LEAGUE ANNUAL                       $6,480           $3,600           $2,160           $1,620

                   2017 SEASON GUIDE         g
                                              BIG LEAGUE WEEKLY        g
                                                                        2017 REP PROGRAM            g
                                                                                                     OFFICIAL 2017 RUGBY
                   (HANDBOOK)                 ISSUES - ROUND 1 TO      g
                                                                        2017 GF PROGRAM              LEAGUE ANNUAL
                                              FINALS WEEK 3            g
                                                                        2017 SEASON PREVIEW
                                              STATE OF ORIGIN
                                              PROGRAMS 1, 2 & 3
 DPS              210MM (H) X 300MM (W)                 275MM (H) X 420MM (W)                       297MM (H) X 440MM (W)
 FULL PAGE        210MM (H) X 150MM (W)                 275MM (H) X 210MM (W)                       297MM (H) X 220MM (W)
 HALF PAGE                                              138MM (H) X 210MM (W)                       138MM (H) X 220MM (W)
 1/3 PAGE                                               90MM (H) X 210MM (W)                        100MM (H) X 220MM (W)

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