Benefits of Reading Aloud

Page created by Annette Brooks
Benefits of Reading Aloud
Week 5 Term 2

                               Benefits of Reading Aloud
     One of the greatest gifts adults can
     give – to their offspring and to their                    4. Provides a safe way to explore strong emotions
     society –is to read to children–                          Reading aloud a story that explores particular emotions
     Carl Sagan                                                can help children to accept their own feelings and
                                                               understand how others feel. Reading stories aloud
Sharing stories often begins with reading                      together, can help children feel more comfortable
aloud. Reading aloud provides a number of                      when discussing their emotions with others.
opportunities and benefits for children of
all ages, from strengthening their                              5. Provides enjoyment
vocabulary to increasing their attention span.            Children generally enjoy being
Here are five important benefits of reading aloud with    read to and encourages them
children:                                                 to see and experience reading
1. Develops stronger vocabulary                           as a fun and positive activity.
Children acquire language primarily through listening.    Reading aloud makes them more
Reading aloud lets children regularly hear new words in   likely to become interested in
new contexts, which builds their vocabulary and helps     learning to read, which is likely
them develop a stronger awareness of the communicative    to spark a lifelong love of
possibilities of language.                                reading.
                   2. Builds connections between the
                   spoken and written word
                   When children hear words read aloud
                   they begin to see how printed words
                   are connected to spoken words. This
                   helps them recognise the difference                                        The      Word     Machine
                   between the arrangement of spoken                                          would be used to build
                   language and printed text.                                                 words found in activities
                                                                                              throughout the week,
                   3. Increases attention span                                                e.g. bat
Unlike watching television, reading or being read to                                          - Create letters a to z to
promotes a slower unfolding of events and ideas. This                                           stick on balls which will
encourages children to listen, pay attention, and                                               be used in the Word
concentrate, which can increase their overall attention                                         Machine.
span over time.                                                                               - Balls can be made with
                                                                                                used newspapers
                                                                                              - Make flashcards with
                Material: Paper rolls,                                                          the included words
                tape, crayons, newspaper,
                paper, pencil, tape,
                bucket, basket, box,
                cardboard, sticks, paints,                           Words for this week
                chair, cushions, large box
                and broomstick.                                 Bat, ball, net, run, goal, sport
Benefits of Reading Aloud
February 1-5, 2021 — Week 5 Term 2, Page 2

               Activities for three (3) and four (4) year olds—PART 1
Brian Lara: Cricket Hero
- Share information about Brian Lara as a                              Physical Activity: Play
  cricketing hero                                                      a game of Cricket
- Use a cereal box to create a bat                                     - Create a wicket as seen in
- Stuff the cereal box with crumpled                                     the picture from sticks,
  newspaper and use a paper towel roll for                               PVC pipes or pieces of
  handle                                                                 cardboard
- Cut out a photo of Brian Lara and stick                              - Take turns bowling, batting
  on bat                                                                 or fielding
- Use the information as seen in                                       - Count the number of runs
  the picture to decorate your bat

Picture Reading                                                                  Physical Activity: Goal Post
             Dwight Yorke: Football Hero                                         - Create a goal post using recyclable
                - Allow the child to look at the                                   materials e.g. sticks or PVC pipes
                  photo of Dwight Yorke and                                                               - Use it for
                  discuss what is seen                                                                      playing a game
                - On cardboard draw and cut a                                                               of football
                  t-shirt                                                                                 - Child can count
                - Paint one side in the National                                                            the number of
                  colours and the other side with the number 19                                             goals he/she
                  as seen in the picture                                                                    scores

Wednesday                                                         Parent Support
Making an Olympics Symbol -                                       - Use the recipe for salt dough to make a gold
Hasely Crawford: Track and                                          medal
Field Hero                                                        - After the medal is dried or
- Discuss Hasely Crawford - a                                       baked, paint in gold
  Trinidadian track runner who won                                - Mix brown, white, and yellow
  Trinidad and Tobago’s first and                                   paint to get gold
  only gold medal in the 100m race                                - Gold glitter can also be used
- Discuss the Olympic Games also called the Olympics              - Use ribbon, lacing or string for
- Show the child a picture of the Olympics symbol                   the neckpiece
- Use five disposable cups to create the image

           Physical Activity: Speed Race
                Create a start and finish line
                  - Set a timer for two minutes
                    - Encourage the child to run to the
                      finish line before the timer beeps
Benefits of Reading Aloud
February 1-5, 2021 — Week 5 Term 2, Page 3

               Activities for three (3) and four (4) year olds—PART 2
Creating Javelin Equipment                                                       Physical Activity: Javelin Throw
-   Tape 3-4 paper rolls together end to end                                     - Write numbers 1 – 5 two feet apart
-   Roll paper into a cone shape                                                 - Draw a line where the child will stand
-   Attach the cone to end of the paper roll                                       to throw the javelin
-   Tape to hold in place                                                        - Throw the javelin and identify the
-   Choose a space outdoors and write numbers 1-10                                 closest number to where it lands
-   Allow the child to name a numeral and toss the
    javelin to the number

                                                                        Physical Activity: Let us Play Netball
                                                                        - Create a netball hoop using a bucket/basket/box
Cookie Medal                                                              and attach to a wall or a post/ pole at a suitable
- Follow the                                                              height
 steps as seen in
 the picture to                                                         - Allow the child to stand in front of the pole then
 make either                                                              take 5 steps backwards
 medal                                                                  - Have the child attempt to shoot the ball into the
                                                                        - Child can count how many scores are made

                                                                           Remote Learning Daily Schedule
                              What is a Webquest?
                              A Webquest is an activity that                Time                       Activity
                              children complete using the Internet
                              to get information on a specific topic.                     Personal Awareness
                                                                         9:00 – 9:30
                                                                                          Preparation for the day
                            Select the link below to learn about
                            some iconic athletes of Trinidad and                          Circle Time (Online)
                            Tobago. The video showcases the             9:30 – 10:00      Discussion about values:
                            following iconic athletes - Hasely                            reading stories
                            Crawford, Eugenia Pierre (Jean
                            Pierre), Brian Lara, Dwight Yorke and
Keshorn Walcott. Highlighting a bit about their lives and the           10:00 – 10:15     Individual Activity (Online)
sporting achievements that made them famous.

Icons of Trinidad and Tobago                                            10:15 – 10:30     Fruit Time
                                                                        10:30 – 11:00     Outdoor Play
Next, go to the link below and view the video entitled “Athlete”
                                                                        11:00 – 11:30     Stories/Rhymes
                         Following the video, allow the child to
                          create his or her own video “If I                               Lunch Prep
                          was an Olympic athlete my sporting            11:30 – 12:30
                          event would be….”                                               Lunch Break & Clean up
                                                                                          Recall - Discussions based
                                                                        12:30 – 1 2:45
                                                                                          on the day’s activities
Benefits of Reading Aloud
February 1-5, 2021 — Week 5 Term 2, Page 4

         World Read Aloud Day
              February 3, 2021
World Read Aloud Day calls attention to the
importance of sharing stories by challenging
participants to grab a book, find an audience, and

                                                                       Global School Play Day
                                                                           February 3, 2021
                                                       Global School Play Day is a day to just let children play
                                                       and watch them play. No screens. No structure. All day long.
                                                       Spread toys out around the room or take them outside and just
Benefits of Reading Aloud Benefits of Reading Aloud Benefits of Reading Aloud Benefits of Reading Aloud Benefits of Reading Aloud Benefits of Reading Aloud
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