Beech Class Home Learning

Page created by Matthew Conner
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

 Beech Class Home Learning

Please use the link below to access videos which relate to the home learning, plus some
songs and stories for you to enjoy!

Morning work
Each morning, we practice mindfulness, our PLIMS targets and do some exercise. Below are
links for you to use. We also do Literacy, Phonics and Maths daily. Below is a range of
activities for each subject. You can choose an activity to do from each subject each day.
Mindfulness - GoNoodle (we like Bubble Breath and Get Back
on Track but there are lots on there!) Login: Password:
See your PLIMs targets for activities you can do to practice.
Exercise - Joe Wicks
 - Shake your Sillies Out
 - Move and Freeze
 - Spiderman Joe Wicks
 - Dance Workout
Literacy – This term, we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I have included a link
below to a folder on OneDrive which contains videos relating to this week’s home learning
and a video of the book being read aloud. https://citacademiesuk-
 - Beech class are working on our communication skills when reading. Talk about
 the story with another person. How would you react if you found a golden ticket?
 You could hide golden tickets in the house and try to find them. Could you wrap
 up a golden ticket and work on your fine motor skills?
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

- Reading with your child will enable them to increase their communication and
 comprehension skills. Choose a favourite book to read; try to sound out some
 key sounds and words. This week it is World Book Day. Dress up as your favourite
 character and share a book. Don’t forget to send us pictures! I am looking
 forward to seeing your lovely costumes.
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

- Practice your pencil control. Here is a link to Twinkl containing lots of useful
 pencil control sheets. You could make this
 easier by tracing vertical and horizontal lines in mark making trays using rice,
 cornflour, icing sugar, hot chocolate or any other dry foods you have! You could
 make this harder by tracing key words relating to the topic or having a go at
 writing them yourself. You could make this more challenging by tracing the key
 word cards below then trying to write them yourself. You could also write your
 own golden ticket! I have included a blank one below. Talk with an adult about
 the different things you will want to include (e.g. what time to arrive, where it is,
 what the special prize is!). Remember, you can always practice your handwriting
 on the internet. Here are some links to games to help you practice: Sky Writer
 game Writing
 Music Letter Tracing
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

 - Beech class are also working on our comprehension skills. Answer questions
 about the book verbally or written down (e.g. What happened to Augustus
 Gloop?). You could make this easier by finding pictures to answer the questions.
 You could make this harder by creating a short summary of the book or retelling
 the story to another person using your own words and the commenting chart

Phonics – This week, we are focusing on the sound /l/.
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

 - Use the resources on Oxford Owl to listen to words containing this sound and
 arrange sounds to make words. Login: willow beech Password: password01
 - Match pictures of /l/ words and repeat the sounds or words.
 - Draw things beginning with /l/ on BusyThings → Year 2 set up → Art → Make
 a… → Drawing → Something beginning with… Login: home1621 Password:
- Practice pencil control using the sound /l/. Twinkl have some great workbooks You could use paper
 resources or try messy mark making in different dry foods or paint. You could use
 different objects around the house to mark make with, e.g. can you make an /l/
 shape using lolly sticks or long spaghetti?
 - Go on a hunt for objects beginning with or containing the sound /l/. You
 could make this easier by choosing from 2 objects. You could make this
 harder by writing down or saying the names of the objects you find. Is the /l/
 sound at the beginning, middle or end of the
 - Play games on PhonicsPlay to extend your
 learning. User: jan21 Password: home
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

Maths - This term, Beech class are focusing on number, 2D shapes and mass.
 - Here are links to some of our favourite songs: Count to 100 by 1s Count to 20 and
 Workout The Counting
 by 2s Song The Shapes
 - TopMarks have some fantastic counting and number recognition games
 - TopMarks also have some great shapes games, like the Shape Monster game
 - ABCYa have some great Maths games
 - BusyThings Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 set ups have lots of excellent games
 working on number. Login: home1621 Password: green259
 - BusyThings Reception and Year 1 set ups have good shape naming games,
 they also look at counting sides and corners. Login: home1621 Password:
 - Practice matching numerals 1-3 in the different fonts. If you can match the
 numbers, try to sequence them, can you identify which number we start
 with? Which comes next? Use the cards below to help you. If you are feeling
 confident with sequencing your numbers, use the number line below to find
 1 less than a given number to 10. You can either roll a dice, pull a number out
 of a hat or choose a number from 1-10 at random and see if you can find 1
 less on a number line.
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

- Print off and cut out the first set of shapes below, can you find all of the
 triangles when they are placed in a sensory tray? If you are confident finding
 all of the triangles, try sorting circles, triangles and squares. You could make
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

 this more challenging by using the second set of shapes below. If you can sort
 the shapes in set 2, try to match the names circle and square to the shapes.
Set 1

Set 2
Beech Class Home Learning
Week commencing 1st March 2021

 Circle Square
Afternoon Work
After lunch, we practice yoga. Afternoon lessons are completed once per week. Below are
some activities for each subject. You can choose which 2 subjects to do each day.
Yoga – GoNoodle (we like Strengthen Your
Focus and Release Your Warrior, but there are lots to choose from).
Science – This term, Beech class are looking at grouping and classifying materials.
 - This week, we are exploring hard and soft. When an adult shows you 2 objects,
 can you find the hard/soft one? If you are confident doing this, try to sort the
 objects into hard and soft ones. If you can sort hard and soft materials, begin to
 look at rough/smooth/weak and strong materials. How do you know they are
 weak/strong? Can you correctly label the objects?
Week commencing 1st March 2021
Week commencing 1st March 2021
Week commencing 1st March 2021
Week commencing 1st March 2021
Week commencing 1st March 2021

Topic – Beech class are looking at Spring and chocolate
 - Listen to the song about the seasons (it is to the theme of Uptown Funk!)
 - Go through the TopMarks explanation of Spring and talk about this with
 somebody. Have you seen any of the Spring objects? Do you like Spring?
 - Create a field from cereals, flour or other substances, can you use a fork to
 plough the fields like a farmer does in Spring? Try to create different marks or
 make your line super straight!
 - You could plant a seed and watch it grow, take pictures of it and remember to
 water it!
 - Follow the link below to create a raincloud in a glass. Use shaving foam and
 drops of food colouring, then watch as the rain falls. You could make this more
 challenging by linking it back to what we already know about Spring (e.g. when
 the rain comes, how the rain helps crows grow)

R.E. – This term, we are looking at the Easter story and new life
 - Watch the video of the Christian Easter story
 - Use the pictures to sequence the Easter story. You could make this easier by
 choosing from 2 pictures to decide what happens next. You could make this more
Week commencing 1st March 2021

challenging by using the blank story board to create your own pictures and key
words about the Easter story.
Week commencing 1st March 2021
Week commencing 1st March 2021
Week commencing 1st March 2021

P.E. - Use GoNoodle or your favourite yoga / dance / exercise videos on YouTube to get up
and moving! Have fun with your exercise and you could even play hide and seek at home.
 - Use a ball to practice your passing, rolling and bouncing skills.
 - Use the Wakelet website for a variety of different sensory movement and games
 - The Telegraph is also providing P.E. activities
 home-athletics/ /
 - Here are links to P.E. activities being provided by both Loughborough College and
 Asmole Academy /
P.S.H.E. – Beech class are learning about keeping safe at school and strangers.
 - Listen to the song about stranger danger
 - Roleplay meeting a stranger, can you remember what to do? Use the symbols
 below to help you.

Computing – This term, Beech class are focusing on algorithms in recipes
 - Have a look at different utensils from last week, can you remember what
 they are used for? Do we use them to scoop/scrape/stab food?
 - Play a game of ‘What’s in the bag’ with an adult. Place different utensils
 and some chocolate items in a bag (be very careful of any sharp objects!)
 and shake the bag. Choose an object without looking. Before pulling it out
 of the bag, try to describe the object – how does it feel? What is it made
Week commencing 1st March 2021

of? Can you name the object? Use the symbol chart to help you.

Art – This term, we are looking at and exploring print and pattern
 - Look at the different patterns, which tool do you think made each pattern? Try to
 match them up.
Week commencing 1st March 2021
Week commencing 1st March 2021

- Use different objects around your house (e.g. sponges/cars/cutlery) to
 create different patterns on some paper. Try to describe the patterns you
 have made using the symbols. If you can describe your patterns, can you
 identify your favourite pattern and explain why it is your favourite?
Week commencing 1st March 2021

Music – We are exploring making music.
 - Choose a favourite song, can you make music to go with the song? Use
 instruments made of things around the house (here is a link to some instruments
 you can make at home:
 - If you are confident in following the beat of a familiar song, read the short story
 of Cinderella: Try to listen to
 the different sounds, can you match the sound to the character? You could make
 this more challenging by listening to the sounds and guessing the character
 without using the communication board. – triangle – drum – xylophone – cymbal – trumpet – handbell – maracas

Life Skills – Use this opportunity to learn all about cooking, cleaning up and doing your
fastenings. You could try helping with a meal but chopping, mixing and spooning food onto
plates. You could also spend some time learning how to fasten your zips, buttons and do up
your shoe laces.

Have a fantastic week and I can’t wait to see what you get up to!
Beech Class team 
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