IRELAND AND EUROPEANA - An overview 14 January 2019 - Europeana Collections

Page created by Angel Haynes
IRELAND AND EUROPEANA - An overview 14 January 2019 - Europeana Collections
An overview            St. Patrick’s Day, 1853 |
                               George Thomas
14 January 2019   Irish Traditional Music Archive
                                  Public Domain
IRELAND AND EUROPEANA - An overview 14 January 2019 - Europeana Collections
Ireland and Europeana: an overview

Table of contents


   Intro                                  3

   Presidency of the Council of the
   European Union                         4

   Highlights                             4

   Funding and projects                   5

   Professional participation -
   Europeana Network Association          6

   Ireland’s culture showcased
   in Europeana Collections               6

   Ireland in Europeana Collections       8

   End notes                              10
IRELAND AND EUROPEANA - An overview 14 January 2019 - Europeana Collections
Ireland and Europeana: an overview


    The Europeana Initiative drives digital         available through Europeana Collections.
    transformation and is responsible for           With content from every EU country (and
    Europeana Collections - Europe’s                beyond), an interface available in every
    platform for digital cultural heritage. It is   EU language, and an award-winning
    financed by the European Union’s                series of APIs that give access to its
    Connecting Europe Facility and                  content, Europeana Collections is the
    European Union Member States.                   only place that offers up Europe’s
                                                    treasure trove of cultural heritage to the
    Ireland and its cultural heritage               world. By encouraging open licensing,
    institutions are indispensable partners,        the Europeana Initiative makes more
    supporting the Europeana Initiative and         culture available to more people, so it
    Europeana Foundation financially, and           can be used in education, research and
    contributing to the diversity of content        the creative industries.

                       Europeana Collections, Europeana, 2018, Public Domain

IRELAND AND EUROPEANA - An overview 14 January 2019 - Europeana Collections
Ireland and Europeana: an overview

Presidency of the Council of the
European Union
   The closing conference of the European     also presented DX 10: case studies of
   Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 was         impact in the age of digital transformation
   organised jointly by the Austrian          including Europeana Transcribe,
   Presidency of the Council of the           Europeana Migration, SmartSquare,
   European Union and the European            GLAM-WIKI , SMK Open within the
   Commission on 6 and 7 December. The        meet-up session ‘The Impact of Cultural
   Europeana Foundation contributed           Heritage: a case study’.
   through an engaging co-creation
   transcribathon at the Austrian National
   Library where participants transcribed
   handwritten material from the First
   World War. The Europeana Foundation

   The Europeana Migration campaign, as       Collection day events throughout Europe
   part of the European Year of Cultural      have been complemented with
   Heritage 2018, took place throughout       exhibitions, panel discussions, lectures
   2018 with four collection day events in    and more, and have been attended by
   Ireland. Europeana Foundation              more than 3000 people. Overall, 106
   organised the events with partner          stories from Ireland about migration
   cultural heritage institutions, EPIC The   have been shared with the campaign,
   Irish Emigration Museum and The Hunt       with 81 published on Europeana
   Museum, Limerick, where public were        Collections so far. The stories from
   invited to share their memories, stories   Ireland comprise 119 objects, and are
   and objects relating to migration.         about 154 people and cover connections
                                              to various countries worldwide.

Ireland and Europeana: an overview

Funding and projects

                                                                     Since 2008, Ireland has contributed

                                                                     To date, €863,120 from the budget
                                                                     provided by the EU to fund Europeana
                                                                     Initiative projects has contributed to
                                                                     activities in Ireland.

                                                                     Europeana Initiative projects with partial
                                                                     EU funding in country since 2008 are listed

                 PARTNER                                       PROJECT                                  COMPLETED

An Chomhairle Leabharlanna                   Europeana Local                              176,259       Completed

Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann Friendly         Europeana Sounds
                                                                                           83,312       Completed

Deparment of Tourism, Culture and Sport      Europeana v2.0                                49,220       Completed

Department of Arts, Heritage and the         Europeana Awareness
                                                                                           50,760       Completed

Irish Traditional Music Archive/Taisce       Europeana Sounds
                                                                                           71,955       Completed
Cheol Duchais Eireann LBG

Local Government Management                  Europeana Food & Drink
Agency-An Ghniomhaireacht                                                                  87,818       Completed
Bainistiochta Rialtais Aitiuil LGMA

The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars    Europeana Cloud, Common Culture
& The Other Members of Board of the                                                                       Common
College of the Holy & Undivided trinity of                                                                 Ongoing
Queen Elizabeth near Dublin

Connecting Archaeology and Architecture      DSI41                                         89,130         Ongoing
in Europe

Ireland and Europeana: an overview

Professional participation - Europeana
Network Association
   The Europeana Network Association is a     The Europeana Network Association
   strong and democratic community of         elects a Members Council which plays a
   experts working in the field of digital    crucial role across all the Europeana
   heritage, united by a shared mission to    Initiative’s activities. The Members
   expand and improve access to Europe’s      Council is made up of 36 people,
   digital cultural heritage.                 including Killian Downing from The
                                              National Archives of Ireland.
   Currently, 70 people from Ireland are a
   Europeana Network Association
   member, and as such are involved in a
   range of activities, sharing best
   practices, learning and collaborating
   within the cultural heritage sector.

Ireland’s culture showcased in
Europeana Collections
   Europeana Collections features over 58     Cultural heritage institutions
   million objects of which 122,403 are
   provided by Irish institutions.            26 cultural heritage institutions in
                                              Ireland contribute collections to
   Aggregation                                Europeana. The largest partners are
                                              listed in the following table. A full
   All objects aggregated by Ireland can be   breakdown of institutions and objects
   found here2. The main point of contact     can be found here3.
   for Ireland is the National Library of

Ireland and Europeana: an overview

                                                                                   OBJECTS ON EUROPEANA
                                       DATA PARTNERS

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage                                                     40,530

National Library of Ireland                                                                      33,715

The Discovery Programme                                                                          15,102

Comhaltas Traditional Music Archive                                                              14,456

Irish Traditional Music Archive                                                                   6,257

University College Dublin, UCD Library                                                            3,619

Trinity College Dublin                                                                            2,557

Local Government Management Agency                                                                2,000

The Oireachtas Library & Research Service                                                         1,568

EuropeanaTravel                                                                                     725

Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ)                                                                       506

Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies                                                                456

The Royal Irish Academy                                                                             386

The Chester Beatty Library                                                                          186

Royal Irish Academy                                                                                 104

Crawford Gallery                                                                                      99

James Hardiman Library, NUI Galway                                                                    50

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann                                                                           22

ICM & Ard-Media                                                                                       21

National Print Museum                                                                                 10

         Openly licensed data                          6.4% of the 122,403 objects in
                                                       Europeana provided by Ireland are
         Openly licensed material can be               openly licensed4. 3% of these objects are
         promoted widely, reaching millions more       shown with the internationally
         people, and can be used in innovative         accredited Public Domain mark5, 1.6% is
         products, apps and services that bring        licensed under CC BY-SA6 and 1.8% is
         culture to the classroom, the newsroom,       licensed under CC07.
         the science lab and the kickstarters.

Ireland and Europeana: an overview

                       The Penny Bridge Dublin | Samuel Frederick Brocas, National Library of Ireland, Public Domain Marked

Ireland in Europeana Collections
                                                           2016                             2017                                 2018

Visits to Europeana Collections
                                                                  26,396                              23,753                              20,719
from Ireland

Total views of objects from Ireland
                                                                  74,499                              47,634                             37,1728

Most-viewed object from Ireland                        Burke's Landed                 Juno Confiding Io to               Thom’s Street Directory,
worldwide                                            Gentry Of Ireland9               the Care of Argus10                           Dublin City11

         9% of visits from Ireland browsed                                 affected by the depublication of datasets
         Europeana Collections in Irish, 89% in                            that don’t meet the minimum
         English, while 2% used other languages.                           requirements.

         Objects on thematic Collections:                                  We made efforts to mitigate the issue by
         Migration: 84                                                     working on the sitemap, introducing
         Art: 473                                                          more context to the data and making
         Natural History: 469                                              improvements in the curated content.
                                                                           We’ll continue this work in 2019 and
         Organic search provides an important                              implement a new editorial strategy
         traffic source for Europeana Collections,                         which will bring more traffic and visibility
         particularly to item pages. The amount                            to high-quality content.
         of organic search traffic we receive
         depends largely on the amount of pages                            The engagement and impressions on
         indexed by Google. Through 2018, we                               social media, and the downloads and
         experienced a drop in the number of                               impressions on third-party platforms
         indexed pages which contributed to a                              perform beyond expectations which
         decrease in overall traffic.                                      proves the power of curation and the
                                                                           potential of high-quality material.
         Specific countries may also have been
Ireland and Europeana: an overview

                                Robinson Crusoe quadrilles,
                                           cover | Levey, R.M.
                                Irish Traditional Music Archive
                                                 Public Domain

Ireland and Europeana: an overview

End notes

    Europeana DSI-4 is a continuation of           6
                                                    You are free to:
   the previous Europeana DSI projects.            Share — copy and redistribute the
   Europeana DSI-4 will fulfil Europeana’s         material in any medium or format
   2020 strategy and Business Plans as             Adapt — remix, transform, and build
   confirmed by the European Commis-               upon the material for any purpose, even
   sion’s Expert Group on Digital Cultural         commercially. - https://creativecom-
   Heritage and Europeana (DCHE), Euro-  
   pean Commission and Europeana
   Network Association. - https://pro.             7
                                                     The person who associated a work with            this deed has dedicated the work to the
                                                   public domain by waiving all of his or her
   2            rights to the work worldwide under
   search?f%5BCOUNTRY%5D%5B%5D=ire-                copyright law, including all related and
   land&locale=nl&per_                             neighboring rights, to the extent allowed
   page=96&q=%2A%3A%2A&view=grid                   by law.
                                                   You can copy, modify, distribute and
   3            perform the work, even for commercial
   search?f%5BCOUNTRY%5D%5B%5D=ire-                purposes, all without asking permission.
   land&locale=nl&per_                             -
   page=96&q=%2A%3A%2A&view=grid                   main/zero/1.0/

    Open data and content can be freely            8
                                                    Due to a technical error in our systems
   used, modified, and shared by anyone            we are unfortunately unable to provide
   for any purpose - http://opendefinition.        data for the period of October 2018 to
   org/                                            December 2018. The issue has been
                                                   resolved, and we will report accurate
     This work has been identified as being        data from January 2019 onwards
   free of known restrictions under copy-
   right law, including all related and            9
   neighboring rights.                             record/2023822/gv4_nbl_lh_nbl_show5_
   You can copy, modify, distribute and            php_id_051067.html
   perform the work, even for commercial
   purposes, all without asking permission.        10
   -         record/15407/192819259B63A637B5CE-
   main/mark/1.0/                                  5BEB01AD976361427408.html

Ireland and Europeana: an overview


Europeana is an initiative of the European Union, financed by
the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility and European
Union Member States. It is operated by a consortium led by
the Europeana Foundation, under a service contract with the
European Commission.

The sole responsibility for this publication lies with the author.
Neither the European Commission, nor any person acting on the
European Commission’s behalf, is responsible or liable for the
accuracy or use of the information in this publication.
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