LERU-CE7 online seminar
Ljubljana, 17-06-2021

                                                THE EU
                                         RESEARCH & INNOVATION
                                              2021 – 2027

                                         Widening Participation
                                         and Strengthening the
                                         European Research Area
                                         (PART 1)
                                         Stijn DELAURE
                                         European Commisison, DG R&I
                          Research and
                                         R&I Actors and Research Careers

Contributing to
strengthening the
European Research

A stronger ERA for the Future

  What is needed             ERA objectives                     ERA tools                                             ERA outcome

   Leading the twin               Prioritising              Joint Programmes, Missions                           Joined up national-EU R&I
transitions & recovery           investments                       & Partnerships                                  investments & reforms
                                                                                              3% R&D
                                                                                          5% in joint actions

 Exploiting ERA in full                                     Reforms (PSF, TSI,                                  Upwards convergence in R&I,
                                Improving access to
                                                            RRF), cohesion policy,                                 EU as talent magnet
                                    excellence                                       50% R&D boost and
                                                                                     higher excellence for
                                                                                     laggard MS

                                                              EIC, InvestEU, industrial
  Competitiveness via          Translating R&I results                                                           Crowded-in business R&D,
                                                             roadmaps, pro-innovation
   breakthrough R&I             into economic value                                                                 robust ecosystems
                                                             regulation, ERA Hubs, IP

                                                            ERA4You, FAIR data, open
                                                             platforms, gender plans,                           Better careers, open science,
 Effective and creative
                                Deepening the ERA            HEI roadmap in synergy                              world-class infrastructures &
knowledge single market
                                                             EEA, careers framework                             universities, less gender gaps

                                                 Pact for     ERA Forum for
                          Governance              R&I           Transition
Pact for R&I: Principles of the new ERA

Upholding values                 Working better            Working together
• Ethics and integrity           • Free circulation,       • Coordination, coherence and
• Freedom of scientific research • Pursuit of excellence
                                                           • Global outreach
• Gender equality and equal      • Value creation
  opportunities                                            • Inclusiveness

                                                           • Societal responsibility
Pact for R&I: Priority areas

Deepening ERA                                         Broadening ERA and relevance
•   Open Science                                      •   Thematic ERAs
•   Research Infrastructures
                                                      • Synergies between ERA and EHEA/EEA Higher education
•   Gender and equal opportunities                      transformation
•   Careers and mobility of researchers               • R&I Ecosystems/ Knowledge valorisation
•   Research assessment and reward system             • Synergies between R&I and Industrial Policy (Common Industrial
                                                        Technology Roadmaps and Technology Infrastructures)
                                                      • Citizen engagement
Amplifying access to excellence
                                                      • Global engagement
• Support to R&I reforms
• Synergies between EU and national/regional          Advancing R&I investment & reforms
  investments and reforms
                                                      • Joint investments
• Collaborative links and closer integration of R&I
  agents                                              • Coordination of R&I investment
Pact for R&I: Investments and reforms

 Commission    3% EU GDP R&D investment target
               New 1.25% EU GDP public effort target to be achieved by Member
               States by 2030

               New 5% of national public R&D funding to joint programmes and
               European partnerships by 2030

               New 50% increase of total expenditure on R&D in the next 5 years by
               Member States lagging behind the EU average R&D expenditure over GDP

the ERA
Funding & tenders (
Widening participation/spreading excellence
                 National Contact          15 Member States and 9
                   Point (NCP)            outermost regions eligible
                     Support                                                        Recognition of
                                               for coordinators
                  Pre-proposal               At least 3.3% budget

                                              Foster participation
                  Match-making                                                          Hop-on
                                          Facilitate collaborative links

                                        Contribute to reducing R&I divide

                                                                            Excellence initiatives
                 Teaming    Twinning   ERA-Chairs    COST
                                                                              Brain circulation

€ 2,96 billion
Novelties for Widening under Horizon Europe (1/2)

• Full alignment with new ERA strategic priorities

• Continuation of core widening instruments Teaming, Twinning and ERA Chairs
  with some improvements in response to lessons learnt

• Research cost for CSA eligible under Teaming, Twinning and ERA Chairs

• More emphasis on developing research management capacities

• Full integration of COST under widening, 80% of actions must have significant
  widening dimension
Novelties for Widening under Horizon Europe (2/2)

• Fixed list of eligible Member States to host the main beneficiary (EU13 + PT +
  EL) + Associated Countries

• EU Outermost Regions fully eligible to host the co-ordinator

• Full implementation of “Advancing Europe” package with a number of additional
  support schemes to boost participation of less research performing countries

• New initiatives for excellence in universities and innovation ecosystems

• Enhanced and more diversified actions for brain circulation

• More integrated policy approach and enhanced synergies with regional policy,
  transnational missions, regional smart specialisation strategies etc.
Destination #1: Improved access to excellence
 Objective: to create a portfolio of complementary actions that will build R&I capacities in
 Widening countries enabling them to advance to the competitive edge at European and
 international level.
Main impact:
• Increased science and innovation capacities for all actors                 ACTIONS
  in modernised and more competitive R&I systems in            • Teaming
  widening countries                                           • Twinning (incl. special call for
• Reformed institutions and increased attractiveness for         Western Balkan Countries)
                                                               • Excellence Hubs
• Higher participation success in Horizon Europe and more
  consortium leadership roles
                                                               • European Excellence Initiative for
                                                                 Higher Education Institutions
• Stronger linkages between academia and business and
  improved career permeability                                 • R&I Policy making in Western
• Strengthened role of the Higher Education sector in            Balkans
  research and innovation                                      • Hop-on facility
• Better involvement of regional actors in R&I process         • (under other actions) COST
• Improved outreach to international scale for all actors
Twinning (+ Western Balkans special)
• Policy Objective: strengthen a defined field of research in a university or research
  organization of the widening countries by linking it with at least two leading research
  institutions in other Member States or Associated Countries in the chosen scientific domain.

• Activities: short-term staff exchanges; expert visits; training; workshops; conference
  attendance; organisation of joint summer schools; dissemination and outreach activities;
  research projects (up to 30% of budget)

• The Partnership: (1) the coordinator from a "Widening" country (must be a national/regional
  authority, research funding agency, university or res. organisation) – (2) at least two
  universities or research organisations with an international reputation in R&I excellence (from
  all EU28 or AC)

• Changes compared to H2020: Making costs for research and equipment eligible (up to 30%
  of the total) – Focus on strengthening research management skills at coordinator – at least
  70% of research project cost to be incurred by coordinator

  Opening: 20-07-2021 – Closing: 18-01-2022      WB: Opening: 29-06-2021 – Closing: 05-10-2021
Excellence Hubs
Target groups:
• Placed based Innovation ecosystems based on the quadruple helix model (research
  institutions, firms, regional/local authorities, societal actors)

• Develop innovation excellence in a regional context in widening countries
• Strengthen linkages between science and business
• Elaborate cross border strategic R&I agendas
• Mobilise investments
                                                   Opening: 03-11-2021 – Closing: 15-03-2022
Core Activities:
• Joint strategic R&I agenda aligned with regional/national strategies and European policy
• Action and investment plans for strategy implementation
• R&I projects involving academia and business
• Planning of demonstrators and pilots
Destination #2: Attracting and mobilising the
best talents
Main impacts:
• Inciting institutional reforms in research
institutions in widening countries                               ACTIONS
• Better use existing research infrastructures
and populate them with excellent talents
                                                   • ERA Chairs
• Attract first-class talents and turn them into
game changers in institutions                      • Fostering balanced brain circulation:
                                                     ERA Fellowships
• Revert brain drain
• Improved linkages between academic and           • Fostering balanced brain circulation:
business, notably by overcoming sectoral             ERA Talents
• Free circulation of knowledge and expertise in
line with ERA priorities
Fostering Balanced Brain Circulation
Policy objective: to attract more R&I talents to Widening countries, part of the wider ERA policy
initiative on nurturing talents

Target groups: researchers, research facilitators, innovators,… (diverse audience), moving or
returning to host organisation in widening country and host organisations located in Widening


1. ERA Fellowships 2021-2022 – follow up of the Widening Fellowships pilot, builds on the MSCA
   Postdoctoral Fellowships
                                                   Opening: 29-06-2021 – Closing: 29-09-2021

2. ERA Talents 2022 – providing competitive grants for training and career development, promoting
   diversity of PhD careers, spreading attractive working and employment practices (pending
   outcome of an ongoing study on brain circulation)
Thank you!
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