Firstline Health PR Reimagined Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team

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Firstline Health PR Reimagined Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team
Health PR Reimagined
Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team
                                                                                   Autumn 2018

Parkinson’s patients                                                                            The campaign received positive
                                                                                                media coverage across all major
missing out on support in                                                                       news outlets in the region including
the Illawarra                                                                                   Channel 9 News Illawarra, WIN TV
Parkinson’s advocates are concerned                                                             Wollongong, ABC Radio Illawarra,
patients – particularly those living in                                                         The Illawarra Mercury, 2ST Nowra
regional areas and those dealing with                                                           and numerous other outlets. The
advanced stages of the condition – are                                                          video resource has achieved over
not always aware there may be local                                                             250,000 impressions and 30,000
support services available to them.                                                             views. Feedback from all participants
                                                                                                was extremely positive and a new
To help raise awareness of the local                                                            patient support group was formed
support services available in the                                                               in the Kiama area off the back of the
Illawarra, the Palin team worked with             Neurology Nurse Educator Nina Cheyne shares   launch.
client AbbVie Australia and leading               an emotional story during her speech at the
patient group Parkinson’s NSW to                  Act on Parkinson’s launch event.
develop a hyper-local CSA-style                                                                 HAE Australasia shines a
                                                  The Hon. Sharon Bird MP, Federal
patient education campaign called
                                                  Member for Cunningham hosted
                                                                                                light on Rare Disease Day
Act on Parkinson’s. The campaign
aimed to embolden people living                   a meeting of Parkinson’s disease              2018
with Parkinson’s disease and their                advocates and experts at Wollongong           Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is a
carers to play an active role in the              Town Hall to celebrate the launch of          rare and potentially life-threatening
management of their illness and to be             the campaign.                                 disease that affects an estimated 500
better informed about all the available           The campaign incorporated content             Australians.
management and treatment options                  development and video production,             Research by HAE Australasia – a
by speaking with their healthcare                 media relations, event management,            not-for-profit patient advocacy
professional.                                     social and digital amplification and          organisation dedicated to serving
                                                  radio promotion including a video             people with HAE in Australia and New
                                                  message from Narrawallee resident             Zealand – found Australia was lagging
                                                  Christene Jones who has been living           behind other countries in diagnosing
                                                  with Parkinson’s for over 20 years.           and treating the disease.
                                                  Thanks to proper management and
                                                  treatment Christene was able to               To leverage Rare Disease Day 2018
                                                  go skydiving to celebrate her 56th            (28th February), the Palin team
                                                  birthday.                                     worked with HAE Australasia on a
                                                                                                media relations campaign to help
                                                  A list of resources and support for           raise awareness of the condition and
                                                  people with Parkinson’s disease               the impact on patients living with the
                                                  in the Illawarra/Shoalhaven region            disease across Australia and New
                                                  was developed and is available to             Zealand.
                                                  download here. People interested in                                       MORE >>>
                                                  further information can also visit
                                                  where a symptom checklist is also
 Nurse Nina, patient Christene and Neurologist
                 Dr Taneja at the launch event.   available for download.
Firstline Health PR Reimagined Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team
The campaign achieved more than
                                                 761,000 opportunities to see
                                                 messages about HAE Australasia
                                                 and Rare Disease Day 2018 and
                                                 shared the stories of HAE patients
                                                 across Australia and New Zealand to
                                                 help shine a light on the condition.

                                                 Thompson’s Hemp Range
                                                 hits high notes with
                                                 Australian launch
  Faye Wilson and her son both suffer from the
                           rare disease, HAE.    Hemp seeds are considered one of
                                                 the world’s most nutritious plant-based
Fiona Wardman, CEO of HAE                        foods and are the latest in a wave of
Australasia (who is also personally              “super foods” to make it to Australia.          added to sweet and savoury recipes
affected by the condition) said, “The                                                            from smoothies to hummus and even
reality is most people don’t receive             Palin Communications worked with
adequate diagnosis, treatment and                Thompson’s Nutrition to capitalise on
management of rare conditions                    changes to recent hemp legislation in           Thompson’s hemp ambassador,
like HAE. Rare Disease Day is an                 Australia to launch their new range of          leading Australian nutritionist and
opportunity to call for equality across          hemp food products.                             chef Zoe Bingley-Pullin spoke at
disease areas so that people who                                                                 the packed launch event for key
                                                 The company’s range includes hemp
live with HAE can expect and receive                                                             media and lifestyle influencers about
                                                 seeds, hemp seed oil and hemp
the same level of care and access to                                                             the ongoing campaign to educate
                                                 wholefood powder (chocolate and
treatment as those who suffer from                                                               Australians about the nutritional
                                                 unflavoured), which can be easily
more common diseases.”                                                                           benefits of hemp foods

Fiona Wardman CEO of HAE                                                                         A multifaceted, integrated launch
Australasia, Immunologist and                                                                    campaign was executed including
Allergy Expert Dr Connie Katelaris                                                               media relations, sponsored influencer
along with several HAE patients                                                                  activity, content creation and event
helped personalise the story for                                                                 management.
consumer media.                                                                                  The range has been featured on
Coverage included a Channel 9                                                                    Channel 7’s Sunrise and Weekend
NBN TV story, a story in the Daily                                                               Sunrise, Channel 10’s Studio 10 and
Telegraph that was syndicated to 13                                                              in the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph’s
other News Ltd titles and a Brisbane                                                             Kidspot, Men’s Health, OK Magazine,
Times story that was syndicated                                                                  3AW Melbourne, 6PR Perth, Best
across Fairfax outlets nationally. There                                                         Recipes and a variety of other media
were also numerous online and radio                                                              outlets.
stories.                                                                                         The Thompson’s Hemp Foods
Earned editorial coverage was                    Media and influencers heard from Zoe Bingley-   range is currently flying off the
                                                 Pullin about the many nutritional benefits of   shelves of pharmacies and health
generated in over 60 publications.               hemp foods and (top right) sampled a bespoke
                                                                                                 food stores across Australia.
                                                 hemp menu @ The Grounds of Alexandria.
Firstline Health PR Reimagined Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team
Australia joins global                   of Epidemiology and Preventative
                                         Medicine School of Public Health at
cancer initiative                        Monash University – and Richard
Many Australian patients find            Vines – Chief Executive Officer of
themselves navigating complicated        Rare Cancer Australia. The Steering
health system processes following        Committee has been structured
a cancer diagnosis. Cancer and           to include representatives from
health experts around the world are      patient organisations, consumer
uniting to identify ways to improve      health groups, oncologists, nurses,
efficiencies in cancer care.             pharmacists, hospitals, health
                                         economists and university faculties.
On World Cancer Day (4 February)
Australia officially joined All.Can,     The Palin team is working with
a powerful global initiative that is     Bristol-Myers Squibb, who is the
bringing together cancer stakeholders    lead sponsor for All.Can, to oversee
to gather insights from the cancer       the implementation of the initiative in   Palin is excited to announce Hamish Walsh as
                                                                                   the newest member of the team!
community and sharpen the focus on       Australia and to act as secretariat to
value-based care for patients.           the Steering Committee.
                                         The focus for the Australian              off to continue her next health PR
                                         Steering Committee is to develop          adventure in the UK.
                                         a research report that is a system-
                                         wide evaluation of cancer care and        This is a sad period for the Palin team
                                         provides insights into key stages of      because Ishtar is greatly loved and
                                         the patient journey. The Australian       respected here. But she leaves, of
                                         chapter is also making progress in        course, with our very best wishes.
                                         participating in an All.Can global        With this change comes a bright new
                                         patient survey that will capture          face for the team as well. Hamish
                                         patient’s own insights to identify        Walsh has joined as the newest
                                         where they see waste and inefficiency     member of the Palin team as an
                                         occurring in the health system.           Account Executive. Hamish brings a
                                         For all the latest updates on the All.    knowledge of media relations activity
                                         Can Australian initiative and to view     and a keen interest in online and
                                         full details of the Steering Committee,   digital platforms from his time working
Australia is the latest country to                                                 in communications with The Salvation
join the initiative, which launched in                                             Army.
European parliament in December
2016.                                                                              We are excited to welcome him to the
                                                                                   team and know you will appreciate
The All.Can Australian initiative is     New recruit at Palin HQ                   his energy, enthusiasm and expertise.
represented by an expert Steering        After six productive, enjoyable
Committee, co-chaired by Professor       and professional years at Palin
John Zalcberg – Head of the Cancer       Communications, Account Director
Research Program, Department             Ishtar Schneider recently headed

                                                                                   For more information
                                                                                   or call Martin Palin on 02 9412 2255
                                                                                   or email to
                                                                                   or follow us at
Firstline Health PR Reimagined Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team Firstline Health PR Reimagined Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team Firstline Health PR Reimagined Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team Firstline Health PR Reimagined Quarterly news from the Palin Communications team
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