Trade Controls in the EU: COVID-19 Measures at a Glance - Jones Day

Page created by Walter Mckinney
Trade Controls in the EU: COVID-19 Measures at a Glance - Jones Day
May 2020

Trade Controls in the EU: COVID-19 Measures
at a Glance
In response to the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic, the European Union (“EU”),
various Member States and the United Kingdom have adopted trade control mea-
sures aimed at avoiding shortages and ensuring the availability and quality of certain
essential medicines and medical equipment. Specifically, at the EU level, the European
Commission adopted a Regulation making the export of certain products subject to an
export authorisation. The Member States have implemented this export licensing require-
ment, as well as the United Kingdom. In addition, a number of Member States have
introduced further trade control measures on an individual basis, including export bans,
notification requirements for exports, import requirements to ensure product safety and
the power to seize goods.

                        EU                 1

                        Belgium            1

                        France             3

                        Germany            3

                        Italy              4

                        The Netherlands    5

                        Spain              5

                        United Kingdom     6

                        Lawyer Contacts    6

Jones Day White Paper

 Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure          Type of Measure             Product Scope              Competent Authority        Application Form
 Commission Implementing Export restriction:              Protective Personal        Competent Member           Yes. The license
 Regulation (EU) 2020/568                                 Equipment (“PPE”):         State Authority            application is contained
                            • Licensing requirement
 of 23 April 2020 making                                                                                        in Annex II to the
                                                          • Protective spectacles
 the exportation of certain                                                                                     Regulation
                                                            and visors
 products subject to the
 production of an export                                  • Mouth-nose-protection
 authorisation                                              equipment
                                                          • Protective garments


 Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure          Type of Measure             Product Scope              Competent Authority        Application Form
 Commission Implementing      Export restriction:         PPE:                       Belgian Federal Ministry   Yes. License application
 Regulation (EU) 2020/568                                                            of Economy                 available (in French):
                              • Licensing requirement     • Protective spectacles
 of 23 April 2020 making                                                                                        https://economie.fgov.
                                                            and visors
 the exportation of certain                                                                                     be/fr/themes/politique-
 products subject to the                                  • Mouth-nose-protection                               commerciale/licences/
 production of an export                                    equipment                                           licence-dexportation-de
 authorisation                                            • Protective garments
 Ministerial decree on        Inter alia, export ban to   PPE and                    Belgian Federal Ministry   N/A
 special measures in the      non-EU third countries      medical devices:           of Economy
 context of the SARS-
                              Inter alia, potential       • Surgical masks
 CoV-2 pandemic, based
                              export restrictions         • Screening material
 on Chapter XVIII of the
                              to EU countries             • Disinfectant wipes for
 Economic Law Code
                                                            medical use
 (In French):
                                                          • Ventilation equipment
 • Arrêté ministériel                                       and related aids and
   portant des mesures                                      accessories
   particulières                                          • Single use blood
 • dans le cadre la                                         pressure cuffs
   pandémie de SRAS-                                      • Self-adhesive ECG
   CoV-2 basées sur le                                      electrodes
 • livre XVIII du Code de                                 • Tools used for
   droit économique                                         bronchoalveolar lavage
                                                          • Aerosolization chamber
                                                            and disposable
                                                            bronchoscope mask
                                                          • FFP2 masks
                                                          • FFP3 masks
                                                          • Protective aprons,
                                                            permeable or not
                                                          • Protective
                                                            glasses and masks
                                                          • Gloves (nitrile),
                                                            long sleeve, at
                                                            least 300 mm
                                                          • 12% hydrogen
                                                            perioxide and
                                                            nebulizers (nocospray)
                                                                                                                      contined on next page

Jones Day White Paper
Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure          Type of Measure          Product Scope              Competent Authority      Application Form
 Royal Decree of 24 March Export restriction:          Certain medicines and      Belgian Federal Agency   Notification to be
 2020 on special measures                              raw materials, as listed   for Medicines and        sent by email to:
 to combat the shortage of • Notification              in the Annex to the        Health Products          coronashortages@
                               requirement for sales
 medicines in the context of                           Decision of the FAMHP                     
                               within the European
 the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
                               Economic Area (“EEA”)
 (In French):                • Notification
                               requirement with
 • Arrêté royal du 24 mars
                               potential refusal for
   2020 relative à des
                               exports outside the
   mesures spéciales de
   lutte contre la pénurie
   de médicaments dans le
   contexte de la pandémie
   de SARS-CoV-2
 • Implementing measure:
 • Decision of the Federal
   Agency for Medicines
   and Health Products
   (“FAMHP”) General
   Administrator on various
   urgent measures
   concerning specific
   medicines to combat the
   shortage of medicines
   in the context of the
   SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,
   as amended

 (In French):

 • Décision de
   l’Administrateur général
   de l’AFMPS relative
   à diverses mesures
   urgentes concernant
   des médicaments
   spécifiques pour lutter
   contre la pénurie de
   médicaments dans le
   contexte de la pandémie
   de SARS-CoV-2
 • Décision de
   l’Administrateur général
   de l’AFMPS modifiant
   les diverses mesures
   urgentes concernant
   des médicaments
   spécifiques pour lutter
   contre la pénurie de
   médicaments dans le
   contexte de la pandémie
   de SARS-CoV-2

Jones Day White Paper

 Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure              Type of Measure             Product Scope               Competent Authority        Application Form
 Commission Implementing Export restriction:                  PPE:                    French Economy                 Yes. License application
 Regulation (EU) 2020/568                                                             Ministry, specifically         available (in French) at:
                            • Licensing requirement           • Protective spectacles
 of 23 April 2020 making                                                              French customs: dual           https://sbdu.entreprises.
                                                                and visors
 the exportation of certain                                                           use division (services
 products subject to the                                      • Mouth-nose-protection des biens à double             covid-19-autorisations-
 production of an export                                        equipment             usage (“SBDU”)                 d-exportation-des-biens-
 authorisation                                                • Protective garments                                  de-protection-medicale

                                                                                                                     See also Advice to the
                                                                                                                     Operator (NOR: ECO I
                                                                                                                     2008235) (in French):
 Decree n° 2020-314 of            Export ban outside the      Medicines:                  French Health Ministry     N/A
 25 March 2020 modifying          French national territory
                                                              • Pharmaceutical
 Decree n° 2020-293 of            (ban does not apply
                                                                specialties containing
 23 March 2020                    to any French oversea
                                                                the association of
                                  territory including New
                                                                lopinavir/ ritonavir or


 Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure              Type of Measure             Product Scope               Competent Authority        Application Form
 Commission Implementing Export restriction:                  PPE:                        The Federal Ministry for
                                                                                                              Applications can be
 Regulation (EU) 2020/568                                                                 Economic Affairs andsubmitted via the
                            • Licensing requirement           • Protective spectacles
 of 23 April 2020 making                                                                  Energy (“BMWi”) is the
                                                                                                              ELAN-K2 Export Portal.
                                                                and visors
 the exportation of certain                                                               competent ministry. Further information
 products subject to the                                      • Mouth-nose-protection                         and the application
                                                                equipment             The Federal Office for
 production of an export                                                                                      form are available at:
                                                              • Protective garments   Economic Affairs and
                                                                                      Export Control (“BAFA”) DE/Aussenwirtschaft/
                                                                                      is the competent agency Ausfuhrkontrolle/
                                                                                      for issuance of export  Coronavirus_
                                                                                      licenses for medical    Schutzausruestung/
                                                                                      and personal protective coronavirus_
                                                                                      equipment.              schutzausruestung_
                                                                                                                     Export ban-related
                                                                                                                     questions can be sent
                                                                                                                     to: schutzausruestung@
 Order of the Federal             Withdrawal of previous
 Ministry of Economics and        national export ban.
 Technology (“BMWi”) of           Thus, currently, no
 19 March 2020 (BAnz AT           coronavirus-related
 19.03.2020 B11), vgl. https://   national bans on the           export and movement
 DE/Downloads/B/                  of medical protective
 bundesanzeiger-                  equipment.
                                  Only the EU export ban
                                  applies (see above).

Jones Day White Paper

 Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure        Type of Measure           Product Scope            Competent Authority        Application Form
 Commission Implementing Export restriction:          PPE:                    Italian Ministry of         N/A
 Regulation (EU) 2020/568                                                     Foreign Affairs, DG of
                            • Licensing requirement   • Protective spectacles
 of 23 April 2020 making                                                      the European Union,
                                                        and visors
 the exportation of certain                                                   Unit X Markets Access
 products subject to the                              • Mouth-nose-protection and Trade Defence, Ms.
 production of an export                                equipment             Gabriella De Stradis
 authorisation                                        • Protective garments

                                                                               (Ministero degli
                                                                               affari esteri e della
                                                                               internazionale, DG per
                                                                               la Politica commerciale,
                                                                               Ufficio X Accesso ai
                                                                               mercati esteri e difesa
 Order of the Head of       Export restriction:       PPE:                     Presidency of the          N/A
 the Department of                                                             Council of Ministers:
                            • Licensing requirement   • Protective spectacles
 Civil Protection No 639
                            • Power to seize            and visors            • Department of Civil
 of 25 February 2020;
                              concerned goods         • Mouth-nose-protection   Protection
 Note of the Ministry of
 Health Number No 4373                                  equipment at least
 of 12 February 2020;                                   of type FFP2
 and Note of the Italian                              • Protective garment
 Customs No 93201/RU                                    type Tychem C
 of 17 March 2020                                     • Gloves
 Law Decree No 18 of        Power to seize            Any type of product     Presidency of the           N/A
 17 March 2020, Article 6   concerned goods           necessary to address    Council of Ministers:
                                                      the COVID-19 emergency
                                                                              • Department of Civil

Jones Day White Paper

 Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure          Type of Measure           Product Scope              Competent Authority        Application Form
 Commission Implementing Export restriction:            PPE:                    The Health and Youth          Yes. License application
 Regulation (EU) 2020/568                                                       Care Inspectorate             available (in Dutch)
                            • Licensing requirement     • Protective spectacles
 of 23 April 2020 making                                                        (Inspectie Gezondheids        at: https://www.
                                                          and visors
 the exportation of certain                                                     org en Jeugd) is the
 products subject to the                                • Mouth-nose-protection competent authority           wps/wcm/connect/
 production of an export                                  equipment             under Article 1(1) of         bldcontentnl/
 authorisation                                          • Protective garments   Regulation 2020/402.          berichten/nieuws/
                                                                                   License applications are   uitvoervergunning-
                                                                                   processed by Customs       persoonlijke-
                                                                                   Central Import and         beschermingsmiddelen-
                                                                                   Export Office (“CDIU”)     beschikbaar
                                                                                   (Centrale Dienst In- en
                                                                                   Uitvoer). Applications
                                                                                   are submitted by
                                                                                   email to the CDIU at:


 Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure          Type of Measure           Product Scope              Competent Authority        Application Form
 Commission Implementing Export restriction:            PPE:                    Subdirección General          Yes. The model export
 Regulation (EU) 2020/568                                                       de Comercio de                license form is set out
                            • Licensing requirement     • Protective spectacles
 of 23 April 2020 making                                                        Mercancías de la              in Annex II to Regulation
                                                          and visors
 the exportation of certain                                                     Dirección de Política         2020/402.
 products subject to the                                • Mouth-nose-protection Comercial del Ministerio
                                                          equipment                                           A sworn statement may
 production of an export                                                        de Industria, Comercio
                                                        • Protective garments                                 also be presented by
 authorisation                                                                  y Turismo
                                                                                                              the exporter that the
                                                                                   License applications are   goods concerned are
                                                                                   submitted by email to:     not included in Annex I
                                                                                   vigilanciasiderurgica@     of the EU Regulation No
                                                                                         2020/402. This negative
                                                                                                              declaration should be
                                                                                                              indicated by code Y975
                                                                                                              in box 44 of the SAD.
 Order SND/233/2020,          There is no restriction on PPE and Diagnostics:      Spanish                    The obligation to send
 15 March, establishing       the export or import of                              Ministry of Health         information under this
 certain information          the concerned products. • Mouth-nose-protection                                 Order shall be fulfilled
 obligations in accordance                                                                                    by the reporting parties
                              However, there is an       • COVID-19 diagnostic
 with the provisions of                                                                                       completing the model
                              obligation to submit         PCR kits and their
 Royal Decree 463/2020,                                                                                       declaration in the Annex
                              information to the           consumables
 of 14 March, declaring                                                                                       of the Order.
                              Spanish Ministry           • Swabs
 the state of alert for the
                              of Health on the                                                                This form shall be
 management of the health                                • Protective glasses
                              possession of medical                                                           available on the website
 crisis situation caused
                              equipment and devices. • Nitrile gloves, with and                               of the Ministry of Health.
 by COVID-19                                               without powder
                                                         • Disposable and
                                                           waterproof gowns
                                                         • Hydroalcoholic solution
                                                         • Invasive mechanical
                                                           (“VMI”) devices
                                                         • Sanitary alcohols
                                                         • Chlorhexidine

Jones Day White Paper
(UK Guidance Update 29 April 2020)

 Regulatory /
 Legislative Measure                      Type of Measure                  Product Scope             Competent Authority       Application Form
 The UK Government          Export restriction:                            PPE:                      Department of Health      Yes. License application
 has implemented                                                                                     and Social Care           available at: https://www.
 Commission Implementing • Licensing requirement                           • Protective spectacles                   
                                                                             and visors
 Regulation (EU) 2020/568                                                                                                      publications/
 of 23 April 2020 making                                                   • Mouth-nose-protection                             personal-protective-
 the exportation of certain                                                  equipment                                         equipment-ppe-export-
 products subject to the                                                   • Protective garments                               control-process/
 production of an export                                                                                                       personal-protective-
 authorisation                                                                                                                 equipment-ppe-export-


Renato Antonini                                                Armelle Sandrin-Deforge                       Javier Moya
Brussels                                                       Paris                                         Madrid
+32.2.645.14.19                                                +                             +34.91.520.3959                                       

Cristiana Spontoni                                             Holger Neumann                                Rick van ’t Hullenaar
Brussels                                                       Frankfurt                                     Amsterdam
+32.2.645.14.48                                                +49.69.9726.3939                              +31.20.305.4223                                              

Eva Monard                                                     Christian B. Fulda                            Byron Maniatis, an associate in the
Brussels                                                       Munich                                        Brussels Office and Martin J. Wortmann,
+32.2.645.15.10                                                +                           an associate in the Frankfurt Office,                                                            contributed in the preparation of this
                                                                                                             White Paper.

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