Beaver Beacon The Island Monthly Since 1955 - $2.75
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McDonough’s Market Since 1933 On America’s Beautiful “Emerald Isle” 38240 Michigan Avenue Beaver Island, MI 49782 (231) 448-2733 Full line of groceries. Custom-cut meat. Fresh produce, Beer, Wine, Liquor, Block & cube ice. Movie rentals. Post cards. Beaver Island clothing, Hardware, Toys, Public Telephone. Small & major appliances, Greeting cards, Notary service. Michigan lottery. Fax, Money Fresh bakery items daily, espresso, cappuccino, deli salads, orders & transfers, Island maps. sandwiches, pizza, ice cream, soft drinks, and much more! Eat in or take out. (231) 448-2736. ARTZFIS H W H ER SC STONEWORKS Quality Work Done on Time CARY CONCRETE LTD EXCAVATION MASONRY WELDING GREG CARY - OWNER LICENSED BUILDER ! Site Clearing ! Block Work ! Mig ! Driveways ! Flat Work ! Tig ! Automated ! Driveways ! Basements ! Basements ! Rock ! Aluminum Batch Plant ! Sidewalks ! Fireplaces ! Septic Retaining ! Stainless ! Redi-Mix ! Concrete ! Unlimited Systems Walls Steel & Insulated Pouring Masonry ! Pump Back ! Chimneys ! Plasma Foam Poured ! Garages & Cement Systems ! Stone Work Cutter Walls Supplies ! Screened ! Fieldstone ! Steel CALL NOW Top Soil Courtyards Fabrication FOR A FREE ESTIMATE D AVID S CHWARTZFISHER , O WNER 231.448.2242 27540 BARNEY ’ S L AKE R OAD , B EAVER I SLAND MI 49782 CARY CONCRETE LTD . 36520 KINGS HWY . BEAVER ISLAND, MI . 49782 (231) 448-2706 OR 448-2102
c o n t e n t s A u g u s t 2 0 0 7 The First Homecoming: 1932 News from the Townships ................................................................................ 4. Beaver Beacon BIPOA Annual Meeting - Shoreline owners asked to fight Phragmites ............ 6. the Island Monthly since 1955 Upcoming Island Events; PABI Sunset Picnic .................................................. 6. published by Blob, Glob, and Chuck tour Beaver Island ....................................................... 8. Paradise Bay Press Letters: School Building Proposal ................................................................... 9. Beaver Beacon Let's Build a Better Boardwalk: repairing ravages wrought by beavers ............ 13. Box 254 The Fine Art of Ferryboat Sleeping .................................................................. 14. Beaver Island, MI 49782 Museum Week 2007 ........................................................................................ 16. (231) 448-2476 On This Date .................................................................................................... 20. Welke FliesAmvets to see the Yankee Lady ..................................................... 24. Baroque On Beaver - four performances and music camp ................................ 26. editors/owners Irish Road Bowling comes to Beaver Island ..................................................... 28. Jeff Cashman The Mystery at Eleven Feet .............................................................................. 29. Gillingham Academic Center Dedicated .......................................................... 30. William Cashman One Hundred Years Ago ................................................................. 32. The Fourth of July Parade - Main Street’s heavy traffic .................. 34. contributors Boyne Thunder - skimming Lake Michigan for a good cause ....... 36. Joyce Bartels Antje Price New Langford Music Room Dedicated at the Library ................. 40. Dick Burris Frank Solle Paradise Bay Coffee Shop Electric Charging Station ................. 43. Lisa Gillespie Gail and Mike Pikes Prevail in Playoff; then Ladies find Perfection ................ 44. Penny Morse Weede The Beacon welcomes Island Stories, Articles, and Letters to the Editor, and would like to thank all who call and e-mail with news and events.
Now doing wells on Beaver Island! 4. News from the Townships Peaine Township St. James Township The Town Board had to revisit the St. James expected discussion on motion approving repairs at the phragmites but did not expect a large Municipal Airport (ceiling cracks in contingent of AmVets to appear, yet the terminal; faded center line on the they made up most of the 29 people in runways), redoing it as a resolution. attendance. They had held their own Most of the rest of the meeting was meeting about the Resale Shop, and given to a discussion of the approach expected the matter of their meeting WELL DRILLING CO. being taken to control phragmites. place to be resolved through a long- The DNR has obtained an Island-wide term contract with St. James giving (231) 228-5678 permit for spraying in September. them the use of the former Deputy’s 4” & Up Steel Wells Brian Mastenbrook has mapped all the living quarters, about 200 ft2. 5” PVC Wells infestations of the invader. Bids for They had to wait while other busi- Pump Sales & Service applying the herbicide were received, ness was conducted. The Municipal Well Repair ranging from $650/acre to over Airport motion was reconfirmed as a $2,000, and the low bidder has been resolution (low bids for the work Mark Zientek told he will have the work. This firm totaled around $19,000). Three road John Zientek uses botanists as its applicators. names were submitted by property NATIONAL WATER WELL ASSOC. Some money will come from a owners to replace Downer’s Road: Certified Contractor grant, but private property owners will Loch View, Limestone Ridge Trail, Fax (231) 228-5637 be asked to contribute. The estimate and Inglewood Trail; all had been 233 E. Kasson Rd. was, $100 for a 20' x 20' patch. (a checked for non-duplication in the Maple City, MI 49664 phragmites treatment permission form county–the Board will make a selec- is available at tion by the next meeting. HIGH PRESSURE WASHING, Those who are unsure if the invader Sarah McCafferty reported that INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING. has rooted on their land can take a sam- the possible HIPPA violation matter Experienced with references. Call (231) 448-2707 or (231) 838-8648 ple to CMU for confirmation. had been resolved, unfortunately by The large patch at Cable’s Bay was the resignation from the EMS by Joe burned off over the winter, but has Moore. come back stronger than ever–as some Jack Spanhak, president of the Pt. predicted. St. James POA, said his organization In other news, the Planning Com- would put up signs on its Donegal Bay mission was making cautiously slow Beach property warning the public to yet steady progress on the lengthy pro- use caution because no lifeguard cess of updating its Tower Ordinance, would be on duty, and these signs and had approved a windmill tower. would be placed where they could Peaine Township was commended broadcast their message to users of the by the Michigan Townships associa- adjacent township land. tion for its website, which was fea- $833.60 was collected in dona- tured on the MTA’s site for a week as a tions towards next year’s July 4th fire- good example of providing easily works. accessible information to the public. The phragmites project was also Note: Because both townships discussed. Letters to all shoreline prop- held their monthly meetings on the erty owners were to be sent soon, ask- same day (because of the conflict with ing for permission to spray and th July 4 ), after Peaine’s ended there requesting financial help. Even if it is was a road race to St. James’ Hall by completely eradicated, chances are it the media, by those wishing to discuss will reappear the same way it first something with both Boards (Pam arrived, and the problem will have to Grassmick), and citizens who simply be addressed again. If it's not want to stay abreast of developments addressed, now or in the future, the (such as Rod Nackerman). consequences to the Island’s ecology and economy could be disastrous. Disaster Trailer Coming The AmVets expected a 99-year BURRIS MASONRY - The Charlevoix County Disaster lease to be ready for them to sign, but Brick, Block, Stone. Trailer will be on Beaver Island from learned that the St. James attorney had (231) 448-2213. August 10th to 12th. declared that 99-year leases were
5. being phased out, and recommended a Charlevoix PC is Coming 3-year, automatically renewed lease be The Charlevoix County Planning offered instead. It would dictate 1) no Commission will be holding a regular remodeling without permission; 2) the monthly meeting on Thursday Sep- Township would not be responsible for tember 13th, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the any loss of goods; 3) the space must be Peaine Township Hall on Beaver maintained; 4) the AmVets would have to have liability insurance; 5) the lease would be non-transferable; and 6) the Island. Earlier in the day, the Planning Commission will be touring the Island and visiting sites (yet to be deter- Inland Auto Mobile and Land Based Repair lease amount would reflect utility con- mined) in order to view recent, pro- 27 years experience in the business sumption. posed new, and potential future devel- Fire Chief and Board member Tim opment. Both the tour and the meeting Friendly Service McDonough apologized for not hav- are open to the public. All local elected Michigan master certified in ing communicated better as the spruc- and appointed officials and interested automotive light and heavy trucks ing up of the donated trailers was being citizens are encouraged to join the tour We repair heavy equipment. done and the realization that there was as well as the meeting, during which not enough space for both the Resale there will be an opportunity to ask ques- Jeff Connor Proprietor Shop and the AmVets was forming. tions and discuss issues of local, The AmVets were generally favor- able but wanted to be assured that if they accepted this compromise, they countywide, and regional concern. A tour itinerary and meeting agenda will be available in early September in 231- 448-3132 would not be kicked out by a newly- advance of the visit. Please watch for elected Board in the future. The Town- postings at the Peaine and St. James ship could only agree to supply protec- Township Halls and the county tive language, and passed a provi- website at sional motion to do its best to satisfy If you have any questions, the AmVets in this regard. After please contact the Charlevoix twenty-minutes of discussion the mat- County Planning Department at ter was settled to everyone’s relative (231) 547-7234 or send an email to satisfaction. Health Center: Good News At its July 21 st meeting, the for expanding its telemedicine facility BIRHC Board discussed and passed under the umbrella of a broad grant Deluxe Motel Units its budget for the coming year. It sear ch bein g unde rtak en by the and Two bedroom Condominiums announced that it’s Endowment Fund Charlevoix Hospital, which will be with Full Kitchens. has now reached 7-figure status. And it strengthened by our inclusion. Located next to the Boat has decided to place its funding hopes and Ferry Docks. Overnight or Weekly Swimming Pool, Cable TV Ron Wojan - General Contractor Inc. For Reservations Contact: Harbor View Motel Quality Built Homes with P.O. Box 104 Beaver Island, MI 49782 attention to detail and (231) 448-2201 customer satisfaction. We build a variety of projects from small cabins to Lodges. We are a licensed builder with over 25 years experience on Beaver Island. (231) 448-2400 36869 Kings Highway Beaver Island Michigan 49782
6. BIPOA Annual Meeting The Beaver Island Property Own- commissioned by Peaine Township, ers’ Association held its Annual Meet- Invasive Phragmites, was shown by ing in late July, and proved itself to be filmmaker Barbara Lucas. Running the kind of unifying force our two town- about 15 minutes, it describes both the ships need when confronted by a non- problem and the cure. standard threat. Copies were for sale at $1.50. The The evening began inauspiciously Library also has copies, and Peaine has enough with a Treasurer’s Report, been passing some out. which showed the organization to be Brian Mastenbrook was there to fiscally responsible: they have over describe the proposed eradication. The $9,850 in total assets. The organization plant spreads by rhizome growth; these decided against changing its name, at runners can quickly reach 20'. Once least for the time being, because none they’ve gotten their tentacles into the of the proposed new names captured its ground, they’re extremely difficult to FREE Deluxe Continental Breakfast mission with greater accuracy or had pull out. Usually pieces break off, and, In-room Refrigerator & Microwave sufficient cachet. like starfish, begin regenerating multi- Wireless Internet Access (free) The real purpose of the meeting ple plants. Outdoor Pool * Indoor Hot Tub Spa Tower was to discuss the necessity and means So the only cure is to poison them. All Rooms have 25” TV/VCRs for mobilizing Beaver Island property This must be done in the right manner RATES FROM $47.00 off season owners, particularly of lakefront land, with the right chemical at the right time to fight the tenacious invasion of of year. For us, the time is August 25th – phragmites australis, the 10' +-tall reed September 25th. The operation would that has recently started to devour our take a team two weeks. Bids were put beaches. Towards that end the DVD out; the low bidder will charge W Wanted: Used Pontoon boat And Some- Island Events th th one to drive/jet 2 pilings, 30-40 feet of por- Rita Gillespie Blood Drive - August Soccer Camp - August 13 -17 table dock, max depth of water 3 feet. 2nd; let’s make this the best ever! Charlevoix County Commission on 448-3088(cell.) Mitch Ryan - Aug 2nd at 6:00 at the Aging - B. I. Senior Appreciation Day Gregg Fellowship Center on August 20th Livingstone Studio Artists’ Reception, BIHS Annual Meeting - August 23rd at Martin Well Drilling Show, and Sale with more than 17 Livingstone Studio artists! - Aug 4th from 7:30 p.m. at Peaine Township Hall Charlevoix Planning Commission: & Residential and 4:00–8:00 p.m. Meets at Peaine Hall, Sept. 13th, 7:00 p.m. Commercial PABI Sunset Picnic - August 5th 6:00. Celtic Games - September 15th th & Water Wells: 4", 5", Vote on School Millage: August 7 , at Bite of Beaver Island and the Island and larger St. James Town Hall, all day Boodle 5k/Run/Walk - October 6th & Modern Rotary Well Rig Also ... & Pump Installations Charlevoix & Well Repairs If you want a well now, Sta t e B a n k I have the equipment. 38230 Michigan Ave. Beaver Island, MI 49782 Call Bud @ 448-2197 (Member FDIC) or 448-2397 Open 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. MARTIN Monday thru Friday (231) 448-2190
mobilizing property owners to fight phragmites 7. Happy Homecoming $650/acre, and most individuals have a a few patches could be missed, and small fraction of an acre. Brian got the even if none were, more strands could from Montaage State to kick in $2,400 for state break away from the mainland or other beaches, and the townships are kicking islands and wind up here. So no matter in another $2,000 each, so there’s how successful this is, it will no doubt enough money to do almost 10 acres. have to be done again—but probably Preliminary estimates indicate the less extensively. infestation is greater than that, but we The most important thing that hap- aren’t sure. We had a choice: spend a pened probably was that the 68 people year figuring out exactly what’s here (while it continues to proliferate), or who attended shared this concern, and exuded a spirit of wanting to work MONTAAGE: start eradicating it right now. We chose together for the Island’s good. This Making Art the latter. kind of camaraderie will help us rise to A Part of Everyday Living A let ter-wr iti ng cam pai gn is the next challenge, which is already on underway (by BIPOA, the Townships, our doorstep: the algae that is clogging and Ed Wojan Realty) to convince all the shore water. lakefront property owners to at least Towards the end of the meeting give permission to eradicate any out- five new Board members were breaks on their land. Private property elected: Jane Dwyer, Paul Glendon, owners are being asked to contribute Peter Igoe, Bruce Jacobsen, and Craig $100 or so to make sure the entire Schrotenboer. Once the business was Island is treated. out of the way, everyone settled back to Even if every single beach owner enjoy another of Barb Lucas’s videos, Come to us for your home allowed the sprayers to treat their land, A Great Lakes Jewel. furnishings, unique gifts, rugs, carpeting, window Sunset Picnic treatments and other PABI Presents... Champagne Toast at sunset will be The 6th Annual Sunset Picnic will offered. We ask a minimum donation accessories. be held on Sunday, August 5th, at the of $25 per person and that you bring Port St. James Pavilion at Donegal your own beverage other than coffee È Bay. The evening begins at 6:00 p.m. and water. Reservations are suggested: and ends at dark. Music, food, and a call Sue at 448-2787. GREAT QUALITY at august Inland Lake Eco-Tours REASONABLE PRICES! August 8th, 9:00 a.m. Font Lake; August 26th, 2:00 p.m. Font Lake, and th th August 15 , 9:00 a.m. Barney’s Lake, August 29 , 9:00 a.m. Font Lake. Call August 22nd, 9:00 a.m. Fox Lake, 448-2221 or Select Your Own Furnishings and Fabrics Much to Choose From Satisfaction Guaranteed! Summer Hours: Open 6 Days a Week from 10:00 to 5:00 (closed on Sunday) For your convenience–call Judy, Liz or Nataly (448-2441); Nel (448-2495) or Betty (448-2922) – to meet you at another time
8. Blob, Glob, and Chuck tour Beaver Island B y now everyone knows that our intrepid pedicab driver, Levi Connor, is heavily involved in creating humorous, action-filled ani- mated shorts, but because of limited friends (Mike McCafferty, Jake Drost, and Matt Cull) supplied the voices, with Levi playing several roles—and staying in character for each. In addi- tion, and following his family’s lead, conversation with a skeleton, and fight- ing a duel. And that's just before break- fast–before it’s over, they have several more adventures. Levi started his filmmaking with equipment few have been able to view Levi used a number of instruments iMovie on a donated Mac, but moved to much of his footage. We were lucky (banjo, guitar, and harmonica) to add a a Roxio program on his PC. He works enough to see 18 minutes of his latest music track. In the end, it was not fast, but not as fast as new ideas come to claymation movie in which three poi- enough to spare his characters some mind. He's on track for a possible schol- gnant lumps, Blob, Glob, and Chuck, unfortunate turns of fate. Yet they sur- arship to the Interlochen Arts’ Acad- have a day right out of Beavis and vived, to boodle away another day. emy’s new film school in the fall; if he's Butthead’s chaotic life. This film included a chopper ride, a the one they choose, when he returns This movie required 3,800 still visit to a Lego castle, hasty wagers of next summer, he'll no doubt add a shots, all done on the floor of his studio vital clay, the loss of King Arthur, the pull-down viewing screen to his 1-mp with a Canon A540. Levi and his watching of Titanic as a needed break, a nimble yellow rig. ROBERT’S JOHN SERVICE, INC. Doing Quality Work for 15 Years Licensed and Insured NEW DRIVING RANGE . GOLF LEAGUES ] Plumbing 2 ND J ERRY S OWA G OLF O UTING — A UGUST 3 ] Heating ! Radiant In-floor Heat / Hydronic ! Forced Air ] Water-right / Water Conditioning ] House Opening / Closing ] Vac-u-flo / Central Vacuum Systems ] Great Lakes Hot Tubs dealer — sales and service. Call for a quote. POWER CARTS, CLUBS & BALLS AVAILABLE IN THE PRO SHOP (231) 448-2805 231.448-2301 . WWW.BEAVERISLANDGOLF.COM
a School building 9. to make the island proud To the Editor of the Beaver Beacon: science lab, and especially the pre- moving the office near the front door so We'd like to congratulate the school/kindergarten rooms are too all visitors who enter can be seen. We School Board for their excellent pre- small to work well (the science class- don’t need a surprise. sentation to the community on July 9th. room has no room for true lab work and We were impressed that the archi- We were especially impressed with the classroom activity, and the preschool tect and the Board had carefully ideas for the new building and their area is too small for the nine students planned for the budgeting of this new plans to include the community at all who will be attending and allows no building. With the current debt from the stages. space for growth). earlier bond referendum paid off this First we were given a tour of the Next we saw a presentation by the current project will not increase taxes at current school facilities, where some architect. He emphasized that this was all. The architect also emphasized that interesting facts were discussed; e.g. just a preliminary plan awaiting more he wanted to be fiscally responsible, but currently one boiler and six forced air community input. It featured a better wanted a building which would make furnaces heat the school. layout with larger, more spacious class- BI proud. The new plan would replace those rooms with more flexibility to accom- If BI wants to remain a vibrant com- six inefficient units with a modern effi- modate differing numbers of students at munity, it requires a school system that cient boiler, or perhaps a geothermal each grade level. keeps current school families on the unit (if that is what the BI community It improves safety for the students, Island and encourages, not discourages, decides). Also, the oldest section will relocating the service drive (the current people from relocating here. require a large amount of money just to drive goes through the playground), As taxpayers and property owners remain usable, as it needs a new roof consolidating the three play areas on BI it is our opinion that this plan will and many other repairs and updates. We which presently are impossible for a do that. saw that the current classrooms, single staff member to supervise, and – Jim and Lynne Flanagan a Farmer’s Market It may not be true that some people market!” But one is coming anyway, to All farmers and gardeners are were sitting around discussing what the Paradise Bay Coffee Shop starting invited to participate. For more infor- Beaver Island needed and the galoot in in August. It’ll be held each Thursday mation, phone Heidi Connor at 448- dungarees said, “I know! A farmer’s morning from 9 to 11 a.m. 3132. And get your garden growing! I f a t r ee f a ll s i n t he f o re s t , a nd n o o ne i s t h er e . . . you can still call Dan Rasch to clean up the mess Environmentally-friendly ISLAND TREE CARE Fully Insured - References Available * PROFESSIONAL * TREE REMOVAL TREE TRIMMING * FOR * LOT CLEARING EMERGENCIES, * STUMP We are REMOVAL AVAILABLE 24/7 or GRINDING FREE Consultation and Estimates equipment Custom or package homes available and Call Scot Latimer, Builder 25 Years Experience with Trees State Code Modular Homes Please Call 231-843-9230 or 231-690-2383 Dan Rasch, owner work Prompt Professional (231) 448-2167 P.O. Box 503 E-mail Service Beaver Island, MI 49782 or (231) 437-0062 Enhance your views — upgrade your trails
10. Sizzle into Summer I t may not have been New York City. Or Paris. Or Rome. (Who wears that stuff anyway?) No, this time it was Holy ver Island. And this time it was an exciting introduction to the sizzling hot fashions once again stylishly provided by Donna and Louise King of the annual Fashion Show. Year in and year out our two fashion mavens go well beyond the local tradition of Beaver Island being laid back, wonderful models who wore them. As the lovely models moved from the stage down to the main floor during each round, they were aided by the Cross Hall, right here on Bea- Beaver Boat-tiq ue for the cut off, and halter topped, confident and steady hand of offering living proof that fash- Ken McDonald. Between ion and comfort can go hand- each fashion round the crowd in-hand. was entertained by Sheri This year’s show, again Timsak performing songs run by the good folks at the from her recent CD. Preservation Association The opening round fea- (PABI), was eloquently tured truly sizzling summer emceed by Lisa Gillespie (be- fun, led off by classically cool decked in a bright flower- Jayne Bailey in a turquoise highlighted dress and coordi- swimsuit. As the models nated red hat), gloriously deco- rotated through each round, rated by Sally Fogg with lav- we next were treated to long ish floral arrangements plus and lithe Elaine West in a sand-filled metal beach buck- capri-length pants suit in a mix ets complete with votive can- of light blues, demonstrating dles, which were later raffled the wide variety of options Ride the boat ... to Beaver Island off, and deliciously catered available at the Boat-tique. (sans charge no less) by Dusty The second round raised Cushman. the fashion bar a bit higher, Of course the highlights highlighted by the snazzy of the afternoon show were the sophistication of Nels five rounds of fashions and the Worsfold in a shear black and T he best way to discover Beaver Island... by sailing past the lighthouse and into Paradise Bay aboard the Emerald Isle or Beaver Islander from Round Lake in Charlevoix. Affordable transportation to the Island for people, freight, and vehicles. And the best way to arrive on the Island! Photographs by Frank Solle BEAVER ISLAND BOAT COMPANY 103 BRIDGE PARK DRIVE . CHARLEVOIX, MI 49720 PHONE: 231-547-2311 . TOLL FREE: 1-888-446-4095 WWW.BIBCO.COM . INFO@BIBCO.COM 231-448-2500 for Island Tour information & reservations Cruise to Mackinaw on August 5th
by Frank Solle 11. white combination ensemble. it brilliant red slacks and a jun- Following a curtain call cla ime d hap pil y by Ski p This round was capped by the gle-patterned print top with for the models and the fashion McDonough. Everyone had a demurely delightful Andrea le op ar d sp ot s an d ze br a hosts, a number of prizes were great time, for a good cause. Moore in another shade of stripes. Nels also had a pat- drawn, including the center- So who needs New York light blue, this time in a long, terned approach, albeit much piece buckets and a $100 gift when we've got Beaver soft cotton dress with summer more understated in the trim of certificate at the Boat-tique, Island? top that tastefully matched her light, white pants suit. plaids and flower patterns. As usual, the final round The third round was sim- featured fabulous fall apparel. ply ‘Here Comes Summer.’ Nels opened the finale in dark And here again was Jayne in red pants with a black sweater another swimsuit, this time in fe at ur in g me rl ot gr ap es , Wendy Fogg black with gold leaf patterns accessorizing with a wine 38195 Michigan Avenue and a matching beige shirt. glass as she meandered around Beaver Island, Michigan 49782 The final model of the show, th e ap pr ec ia ti ve cr ow d. phone: 231-448-2490 each time demonstrating out- Andrea's black slacks were cell: 231-838-6462 fits to match her pert practical- accompanied with a burgundy email: ity, was Angel Welke who pre- top and beige jacket. Elaine’s sented an orange sherbet top colorful pink skirt with swaths Call us for party planning, catering, interior design and organizing... with black slacks and match- of blue and green was topped your life, your home, your office. Reasonable rates for exceptional service. ing accessories. Elaine's white with a denim jacket, while slacks, yellow top, and match- Ang el' s bla ck out fit was ing sandals this time around adorned with a glittery pea- seemed as though they came cock feather. Jayne's muted straight from her personal col- gray skirt was contrasted by a lection for fit and style. pin k, zip per ed swe ats hir t The ‘Summer Transi- jacket putting a colorful wrap tions’ round brought Jayne out to another terrific show. Commercial & Residential Construction specializing in custom wood homes ERNEST MARTIN phone: 231-922-0000 or 231-448-2074 cellular: 231-499-0136
Meet More than 17 of the Livingstone Studio Artists August 4th from 4:00 to 8:00 Join us for food, wine, and fun at the Artists’ Reception, Show, & Sale Located at 37900 Michigan Ave, in two of the Rustic Villa cabins... Just past the Toy Museum on your way to the Lighthouse. Pottery, Textiles, Collage, Art Dolls, Wood Sculpture, Paintings Handcrafted Jewelry, Lampwork Glass, Painted Floor Cloths, Photography, Papier Maché 448 . 2975 Open 10:30 - 5:00 Monday - Saturday and 11:00 - 4:00 Sunday
Let 's Build a Better Boardwalk 13. Interested in putting in a little hard Additional boardwalk construction work to benefit local hiking trails at the dates are yet to be determined for the Little Sand Bay Preserve? The Little week of August 13th. Please call Traverse Conservancy is working in 231.347.0991 for more information. partnership with Beaver Island resi- Where: Meet at the parking area at dents and volunteers to rebuild the the Little Sand Bay Nature Preserve boardwalks at the preserve that were What: This will be strenuous damaged by beaver activity. work. The bulk of it will be hauling The Little Traverse Conservancy’s lumber. If you can come for an hour or 60-acre Little Sand Bay Preserve is several hours, all help is welcome! You located near the Welke airport off East will be joining a crew of staff and Side Drive. A mix of conifer forest, vancy staff and volunteers haul in volunteers from the Little Traverse thick cedar swamp, and sand dune lumber for the new boardwalk. The Conservancy. Refreshments will be habitats are found at this property, following week of August 13th, actual provided. For more information or to let which includes 1,300' of sandy Lake boardwalk construction will take place. us know you'll be coming, please Michigan frontage. When: Friday,August 10th: 9 am contact the Little Traverse Conser- The trail building process will Saturday,August 11th: 9 am vancy. begin on Friday, August 10th as Conser- Sunday,August 12th: 9 am Let's outwork those darn beavers! Coming Attractions at the Beaver Island Rural Health Center Auction By now you may have noticed that Elaine and Steve West, and Don summer auction with two big Oscar- nine features have been shown with Mooney! Don't forget to check out winning finales: “Titanic” (the BIBCo nine winners announced! The BIRHC Connie Wojan, Pete and Sandy Lodico, crew, Eula and Bill Thomas, and Eric Silent Auction is still going strong, with and John Roberts starring in “Maid to and Dana Hodgson) and “Gone with many more attractions in August. If you Order” with supporting cast T h e r e s a the Wind” (starring Paul and Angel have been (or have a desire to go) to and Larry Laurain. This ends on Aug. Welke and the Island Airways crew, as “The Island” (Squaw Island), check 17th. “SAW!!!” will run through Aug. well as the staff at the Weathervane Res- An Affair to Remember out this Oscar-worthy performance by 17th with a premiere performance by taurant, and the Weathervane Terrace Ray and Nina which will take a final bid Dr.Charles Creasser. Inn in Charlevoix). We will announce on Aug. 3 rd! “Arachniphobia” is show- We end up August’s showings with all the winners of July and August pack- ing until the 3rd of August also, starring these classics: “The Lake House”: ages (through 8/17) in the September Ken Hogarth and his crew as well as romantic comedy (or drama!!) with Beacon as well as the enormous thank supporting cast Liam and Marilyn Donna and Larry Kubic and a cameo yous to all our donors, and fundraising Racine (Stoney Acre Grill)! ap pe ar an ce fr om Je n J ac ob so n team. Final thanks will come in October Then on Aug. 10th two more fea- Stevenson! (Final showing 8/24) as due to deadline of the Beacon. Have fun tures end, “Toy Story” (starring Bill well as “With Two you get Eggrolls” and keep on bidding. Let's make it a Freese and Mary Scholl), and “The starring the BIRHC staff, Kathy Speck, success!! – Leonor Jacobson Burbs” with Betty and Bob Hudgins, and Colleen Martin. We complete our Auction Chairwoman A Camp Quality Thank-you to the Island! Thirteen teenage cancer survivors Lions Club, Ironton Congregational Caitlin), Ken and Betty Scoggin all had a great time on Beaver Island Church, Island Airways, Gordon’s Auto pitched in. Musicians came from far thanks to your generosity and good Clinic, the Beachcomber, Stoney Acre, and near to perform everything from sense of humor. The kidnaping by the Dalwhinnie, the Toy Museum, Beaver traditional Irish Island music to rock- costumed crew of the Emerald Isle, the Is la nd Ma ri ne , Da dd y Fr an k’s , and-roll. We really enjoyed Danny and treasure hunt and cookout on Garden McDonough’s Market, and Lakesports. Danny, Brendan, Edward and Hilary, Island, bike riding around St. James, an Several individuals added special Rich, Cindy, Danielle, Jeremy, Cory, all-Island musical spectacular, and a events. The Island Beaver welcomed us and Keith. road rally poker run with local Island with gift bags. Tina Walker, Mary And we certainly cannot leave out teens all made this camp truly memora- Scholl, Eric and Dana Hodgson, John all the wonderful Island bakers who ble. We would like to thank the busi- Works, John and Carol Runberg, Mike provided goodies for the concert. nesses, groups, and individuals who Coll ins, Dian e McDo noug h, Bud Thank you for helping us enjoy the helped: Beaver Island Boat Company, Rouch, Darrel l and Chris Butler, perfect weather and Island hospitality. Beaver Island Historical Society, Michelle LaFreniere and the girls – Eleanor, Nancy, Charlevoix State Bank, Charlevoix (Emma, Maeve, Brenna, Leaha, Emily, and the Camp Quality Teens
14. The Fine Art of Ferryboat Sleeping by Penny Morse T he Be av er Is la nd Boat Company runs an amazin gly effi- cient operation, but then they've had many years lower than the windows so it's hard to be distracted, and there are no open doors in this area to chill you with a breeze. Tilt your chair back to perfect this profession. and let yourself be lulled to If you've ever observed sleep by the constant and th e e mp lo ye es lo ad or gentle rumble of powerful unload vehicles, cargo and engines doing their job. passengers, you'll agree Next is the sitting nap it is like watching a well- position, using any seat on choreographed work team. either ferry. Best done with a There is minimal talk among baseball cap on to shade your employees and an economy eyes, but a parka hood pulled of movement as every step around the face can work. counts toward sending the ferry off on by watching the sun sparkling on Let your chin sink toward your chest time. waves, or the clouds scudding across and sway slightly with the ferry rhythm. In addition, like any good ship, the overcast skies. There is nothing you can Now let go and doze. If necessary, pre- decks and seating areas are sparkling do for the next two plus hours, so relax tend you are back in lecture hall. Or clean, and this includes the rest rooms. and select one of the following napping bring a book which you leave open in Excuse me, I mean the heads. methods. your lap. This often fools some people We're in competent and experi- Using the larger, newer ferry, the into thinking you are seriously study- enced hands every time we ride the Emerald Isle, for these examples, the ing, until you suddenly give yourself ferry, so go ahead and have that nap. first and most obvious is to sit in one of whiplash by jerking awake. After you've waved good-bye from the cushioned lounge chairs. This is a The solid bench nap is done in the either shore, let your eyes grow weary no-brainer for napping. You're sitting open air on the upper deck and is for the MacEachmharcaigh Construction when you want to deal with someone you can trust, there’s Dan McCafferty license # 2101179333 26275 McCafferty Lane 231-448-2238 “A lifetime in construction has taught me the value of honesty, communication, and dedication to craftsmanship.” MB MOONEY / BELLOWS Maid-To-Order EC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Do you need help this summer? Call me if you need any of the following: “We’re Not In the Business To Shock You” General House Cleaning—House Closings/Openings— Grocery Shopping & Delivery—Rides—Checking Your Home Don Mooney and Taking Digital Photos Over 35 Years Experience Call me for any of your needs and I will give you a FREE estimate. Electrical Repair & Troubleshooting Residential & Commercial Wiring SANDY LATIMER P.O. Box 94, Beaver Island Michigan 49782 231-448-2317 (231) 448-2456 or email
15. young and hardy whose bones haven't and let your troubles go while sleep the Beaver Islander is about the couple ached yet. Use a purse or backpack for knits up that raveled sleeve of care, as who brought a sleeping bag along. a pillow, pull up your sweatshirt or Shakespeare said when poor old They were regular ferry riders and had parka hood to shield and cover your Macbeth had guilt-induced insomnia. their routine down pat. She stepped into face. Close those gritty eyes and pass It's preferable that you know whose the bag; he zipped it up and positioned out. This is accomplished more easily shoulder you've just thunked your head her lying down on one of the outside if you have driven a few hours to get to onto. Actually, should you be traveling benches. Since it was a rough water Charlevoix, or if you partied all night with others of your ilk, you could all sit day, he proceeded to fasten the sleeping on either shore. in a row and form a chain of being, with bag, wife and all, to some toggle on the There are tables with benches each one sleeping on the shoulder of the wall. And there he kept her safely from under a ceiling cover on the upper deck, next. The odd one on the end must be rolling off the bench while she dreamed which gives some protection from sun strong and able to sleep sitting up. of well-remembered balmy Beaver and air. These benches are perfect for The Emerald Isle took her maiden Island days. the head-on-table napping position. voyage on May 23, 1998 so any glitches I think we take this no-fuss, no- Fold your arms on the table, cradle face or kinks have long been resolved. How- aggravation mode of transportation for in arms and snooze in fits and starts. ever, knowing that won't help at all if granted. Let's give thanks to the dedi- Block out the occasional yapping of a you can't sleep due to motion sickness. cated and skilled professionals who oper- dog, children running around, and the Eating hard candy or crackers, and wear- ate the world’s best ferry system. Barbara slap of playing cards on a nearby table. ing Dramamine patches, are recom- Swartzfisher, who manages the Beaver Wear your music ear phones if you have mended. Sitting anywhere outside the Island Transit Authority and Margo them. Imagine yourself floating on a lounges will give you lots of fresh air. Marks, the Beaver Island Boat Company cloud while Senior Captain Kevin Barf bags can be found in the heads. manager, deserve applause and apprecia- McDonough or any of the competent The Beaver Islander, the smaller, tion. Without their skillful leadership, we captains steer a steady ship. older ferry was put into service in 1962. might sit tense and vigilant on our ferry And the best is last: Lean over onto What a workhorse! The best ferry rides, instead of enjoying that much- someone’s shoulder, eyes drift closed, sleeping story we've encountered from needed nap. We are more than just a laundromat and carwash! We store boats, cars, campers, household items, construction materials... Offering Quality Architectural Design Services to YOU NAME IT, WE CAN STORE IT! Beaver Islanders for over 25 Years We have affordable month to month rates, 9 month rates, or yearly rates. Hurry, space is limited! Call us for more info at 448-2235 or 448-2050 FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED B. & A. SUNRISE CO. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAINTERS OWNER BOB H. AVERY BEAVER ISLAND 448-3211
16. M u s e u m W e e k Music In its 50th year of operation, the His- summer I backed into a Mercedes with and talented groups of musicians: Butch torical Society went all out to stage a my boom truck and crumbled its Ramsey’s grandkids, and the Gerrish great Museum Week. The many Island I thought I’d give it to him Brood. Barry Pischner sang and pro- visitors who set their vacations around as a gift.” His hands stayed busy, run- vided speakers and an amp, and Mike these week-long festivi- ning a chainsaw or Hurkmans, whose throat ties, as well as those who malleting a chisel, but was too raw for him to sing, just happened upon them people were so caught broug ht his equip ment. by accident, certainly had a up in his presence that Ma ny lo ca l fa vo ri te s good time. some were surprised performed—including the The week began with when a rough eagle sud- Com mun ity Cho ir, the Skip Duhamel’s Totem- denly appeared. Recordolerios, and a pole Carving— last year The evening’s fore- new group, the Jaunty Sail- his demonstration was cut cast was f or ra in, ors—but everyone was short by rain. Skip kept up a line of ban- which would have forced Music on the really waiting for a special surprise; for ter with the 60 onlookers. Someone Porch into the Parish Hall. But over 240 a grand finale, Martha Guth, direct from asked, “what are you going to do with people showed up anyway, and were the Santa Fe Opera House, sent shivers this totem pole?” “Well,” he said, “last rewarded with two very talented young up everyone’s spine.
on the Porch Once again Antje Price—the Nackerman in the audience: “My great treated with such awe and respect. No “Protar lady”—arrived from Pittsburg grandmother was in Au Sable when the wond er film make r Barb ara Luca s to talk about our Heaver-sent Friend, town caught fire. Many people retreated received an Emmy for other work. That and open his home. No one minds the onto a sand spit, and were trapped there, evening Andy Robbins played the first bats who live under the sid- until the Niko was sum- segment of the Beaver ing there, but now there’s a mone d. She back ed Island Music radio show wasp problem, which will into the sand, and there he’s been preparing for a be addressed as soon as was a mad scramble to fall broadcast on K-zoo’s cold weather comes. Yet get on board. She made NPR, and the large audi- almost 100 people stopped it, but before they were ence thought “he got it in to talk with Antje about all aboard the stern right; he captured our musi- Dr. Protar. caught fire and she had cal heritage to a T.” That evening Mike to leave. I always won- Thursday turned and Gail Weede held the crowd’s atten- dered what happened to her.”A Great gloomy, but the overcast skies couldn’t tion with their stories about diving on Lakes Jewel, the 15-minute video spon- deter over 150 people from attending various wrecks. One was the Niko, sored by BIPOA, was shown twice, and Jim Gillingham’s Amazing Amphibians which e licite d a stor y from R od everyone enjoyed seeing Beaver Island and Reptiles. Just as Jim raised his hand
jIM’S Amazing REPTILES & amphibians to motion at the harbor, a tumultuous a second book on Kee’s life. Mike could is of the few things she can’t do. She pounding hit the windows and a gust of see her on the shore, but there simply told some wonderful stories, set else- wind blew in the opened doors. People was no way to get her in the boat. Luck- where but pointed here, as did Pinky, rushed forward to find a deluge of rain ily, there was a standby plan: Stanette Butch Ramsey, and Ken Zick—who and hail—so many large hailstones that Amy, a Flint attorney and co-editor of had broken a finger earlier in the day a shovel was required to clear the way. the first book on Kee, arrived on the which he had to keep above his head. The wind too kicked up, hitting 30 5:30 ferry, and took Lee’s place. Butch talked about working as a boy for mph and producing four to six foot There were three special “general hardnosed Tony Wojan, who got so waves. That would’ve been okay on any Nature Walks” in the mornings, one for ticked at his crew over a minor infrac- other day, but this was the afternoon adults and two for the kids, conducted tion that he fired them all, but then had when Mike Weede was trying to pick up by Jim and his staff. Thursday saw a lit- to go roust them from the Shamrock to Lee Boisvert from the north shore of tle rain, but everyone took it in stride. give them their jobs back—because Garden Island so she could deliver a talk Someone said, “I didn’t know Doris there was no one else here who could do about Keewaydinoquay that evening; Larson was also a professional story- the work, Tony said, or maybe just no thanks to a grant, she’s midway through teller.” Well, with Doris, the shorter list one who’d put up with him.
19. sKIP’S TOTEM POLE CARVING : THE ART SHOW Liz and Paul Niehaus have the abil- merchants who underwrote the week’s were amazed at their success. Total ity to make everyone feel special, which cost. It was a perfect night for bingo, sales were over $5,400. they did in Saturday’s Pet Show. Each and everyone was happy to have come. It was a wonderful week in the mid- entrant was given an award. Beaver The real hit of the week, though, dle of a wonderful summer, but it didn’t Island is ideal for pets, and people bond was the Art Show, for which the Chris- just happen. A hundred and thirty peo- with them more than elsewhere—as tian Church generously offered the use ple pitched in to achieve this success: was obvious in each child’s demeanor. of the new Gregg Fellowship Center. donating merchants; artists; musicians; We’re particularly worried about bees, Lois Stipp stepped in as manager, and docents; equipment people; presenters; and were delighted when Dyanne Tracy created a mood of conviviality. People and gophers were kept so busy that opened her Saturday beekeeping class came from every nook and cranny; a some of them weren’t able to take in at CMU to BIHS patrons. noted calligrapher arrived from China their favorite events. The Historical People arrived early for Pinky’s to see the show, departed again, but Society thanks them all from the bottom bingo game; perhaps they’d heard about turned around and came back for a sec- of its collective heart, and promises to the dozens of door-prizes and cash ond look. Twenty-six artists displayed do everything it can to make next year’s awards supplied by the generous local their work. Not everyone sold, but some Museum Week even better.
20. O n T h i s D at e Ten Years Ago The Beacon trum- first annual week-long campout on prop- reached 11 years before. peted the approval of a million dollar erty south of the Golf Course. Each Pat Rowley retired as school coun- ferry dock upgrade, thanks to a concerted morning the trumpet roused the scouts selor after a fine career. effort by local businessmen and state and at 7:00 a.m. for the beginning of a busy Marilyn Damstra organized and national government officials. Counting day, which included work towards merit presented the 14th Fashion Show for the the new Emerald Isle, the new terminal, badges. Glen Wagner spent a morning Med Center, drawing 98 guests. and other infrastructure improvements, teaching the scouts golf swings; Shawn Twenty Years Ago The August and ten million dollars had been spent in a Pellon taught swimming and water September Beacons for 1987 are miss- short time to improve life on the Island. safety; and Mike Russell supervised ing; if anyone has these issues, please De rm ot Ga ll ag he r, Ir el an d’s shotgun shooting lessons. John Works send copies for our archive. Ambassador to America, was expected taught basic pioneering skills; Karoly Thirty Years Ago Visitors arrived on August 16th. Kiss taught carving; and Bill Markey on the Island at a rate that set a record for An article commended the five- gave a night astronomy class. On the recent years. The library too (the school year-old Charlevoix County Community final day the group roasted a pig for library was open to the public during the Foundation, which had given $30,000 to themselves and their parents. summer) was setting a record: 44 hours various Island projects–including the Lit- Doug Tilly and Vince Pickhardt fin- open during the summer, 626 patrons, tle Sand Bay Nature Preserve, the new ished the new Cable’s Creek Bridge. and 725 books borrowed. tennis courts, the Community House, The next project was to be a wooden The Historical Society was having and the just-rennovated Med Center. walkway through a swamp crossed by trouble deciding on how to proceed with The Community House backers the Blue Trail. its planned “Post Office Addition” had received preliminary drawings The Allens and the Hanleys, who reconstruction. The first round of bids from the architect and engineer show- were sixty-year visitors (and full-time was too high, so new plans were drawn. ing the proposed new structure. residents in the beginning) celebrated a Then it was decided to proceed piece- Museum Week was a big success, large family reunion. meal, with different subcontractors with Antje Price talking about Protar Mike Russell reported that a new retained to perform different parts. Bill and John Hajicek discussing the still- Island Ambulance would arrive in Welke did the excavation, setting aside existing Strangite Community. Henry August. the removed soil for a later archaeologi- Hill presented stories from his book The person who vandalized the cal sifting, and Dick Burris built the about Nomad and Cable’s Bay, and Municipal Airport was caught, arrested, foundation. The plan was to rough-in Jayne Bailey answered the question on and sentenced to 30 days in jail. the addition even though there might not everyone’s lips, “What do you do on Lake Michigan was up 3" from the be enough money left to go any farther. Beaver Island in the winter?” previous year, and stood at 8" lower Claire Cull contributed a limb from The local Boy Scout troop held its than the all-time high, which had been the genealogical tree of James ‘Napper Your independently owned & managed REAL ESTATE AGENCY Ryan Smith Construction Licensed Contractor Remodels Integrity Planning to buy or sell? We’re here to help, with over thirty years experience. We know the island, Additions Efficiency and we’ll provide you with friendly, efficient and knowledgeable service. New Construction Quality Craftsmanship ROY ELSWORTH CHRISTY ALBIN Roofing, Siding, Replacement Windows Associate Broker Sales Associate MIKE COLLINS Sales Associate Island Property LLC Ryan Smith Located Just South of the Ferry 26260 Main St. Beaver Island, MI 49782 P.O. Box 331 . Beaver Island, MI 49782 (231) 448-3031 fax: 448-3036 email: online: (231) 448-2601
21. Tandy’ Gallagher, born in Ireland in many bluegills. The solution: poison Fifty Years Ago The Historical 1798. The next generation added Greens, the lake, and then restock it with rain- Society was raising money to complete O'Donnells, and McCauleys. Then came bow trout. The poisoning was to be the restoration of the Print Shop by sell- Malloys, Boyles, Roddys, Piper done after Labor Day, and the restock- ing chances on a 10-hp outboard motor Gallaghers, and Salty Gallaghers. The ing via a special tank truck in the spring. and a short-wave radio. President R. J. fourth generation brought in Donlevys, A wild turkey hunt was planned for Hoffman announced that the location of McCanns, Lefts, and McCaffertys. Then early November; 100 permits were to the Island’s first chapel (near Baraga’s came Gillespies and Culls, followed in be issued. Landing) was registered with the Mich- the seventh generation by the people seen CMU held an Open House in late igan Historical Commission. Tasty reci- at this time on the streets of St. James. July, at which the projects completed by pes for the BIHS Cookbook continued The passing of Bishop McNeil was its students during their 10-week stay to arrive. reported. Born in Evanston in 1908, he were on display. The great great granddaughter of was posted to Wyoming, where he The harbormaster ’s wife, Kay John Comstock, who lived here during established many mission churches. In Hartzel, opened a beauty shop on the the Strangite Era, returned to see if any- 1949 he was transferred to Sault St. back beach. thing had changed. Marie, and then was made the Bishop of Movies were being shown every Sixteen pairs of new phone lines Western Michigan. He and his wife Monday evening at the Episcopal Mis- were being strung on new telephone became enamored of Beaver Island on sion. poles. Equipment to make radio contact their first visit, and soon acquired land Jack Connaghan resigned as Peaine with Petoskey was expected to be and built a cabin on the East Side Drive. Supervisor and was replaced by Frank installed behind the Gillespie home by Forty Years Ago Plans for Home- Schnaudigel. mid-September. coming were taking shape: a roast beef The Grand Rapids Club planned its The new fishing site on Lake dinner ($3.00), the ‘annual Homecom- second ‘Beaver Island Caper.’ Geneserath’s North Arm was com- ing parade,’ and a dance at the Parish An addition to the Main Street pleted. Campers at the East Side Camp- Hall. Prizes were to include a painting Power Plant was underway, to hold a new ground had come from as far away as of the harbor done by Allie McDonough diesel generator. Connecticut and Missouri. and a Shamrock Quilt made by the The American Central Corporation Homecoming was to include a ‘Big ladies of the Altar Society. was busy building new roads linking Dinner, Parade, and Dance.’ Agents from the Interior Depart- Font Lake, Donegal Bay, and Indian Nine boats from Petoskey’s ‘Cruis- ment’s Fisheries Division arrived to dis- Point, drawing a mixed response from ing Club’ stopped at Paradise Bay. cuss ‘the problem with Fox Lake.’ The Islanders. Francis Partridge, former teacher at previously planted brook trout had The Christian Brothers arrived for St. James, was appointed to the North developed gill lice, and the lake had too a 20-day retreat. American College in Rome. Beaver Island Marina VAN & GEO RENTAL PICK UP AT BOAT OR PLANE At Your Service: Transient Slips Fuel - Charts - Shipstore Auto & Boat Repair Licensed Mechanic Storage & More Multi-Day Discounts Gas Station and Car Rental 4 HR. Rates available Gold Card Savings Check out our ship store: Gifts, Bait, and More. Photograph by Alan and Kathy Brouard Call: 448-2300 25860 Main - P.O. Box 76 - Beaver Island, MI 49782 (231) 448-2300 - FAX (231) 448-2763 BEAVER ISLAND MARINA E-MAIL:
Skydive Beaver Island 22. L uther Kurtz and his skydiving team dropped in on Beaver Island’s Fourth of July festivities right on schedule, corkscrewing onto their target at the shore’s edge with grace and precision–even though a wayward wind seemed determined to blow them out to sea. Our resident canonmaster was ready to test the Security Fence to kick off the parade (his smoke went right through it) and boats began their courtly Harbor Dance shortly before dusk. ERIN MOTEL ! Beaver Island’s only motel with a beach open year-around. ! Adjacent to ferry dock, museums, restaurants, and stores. ! Car rentals available. ! Well-mannered pets are welcome. ! Bonfires on the beach, picnic tables & barbeques. phone 231-947-4598 ANDERSON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY e-mail (231) 448-2240
Clyde Fogg Memorial Boat Parade 23. The Parade of Boats is a stirring part of a well-coordinated group activ- increase the number of boats to three or sight to behold—and is even better if ity with an audience of hundreds on the four dozen in the next few years, and you’re on board one of the participating shore. This ritual has come and gone in devise some choreographed patterns, watercraft, festively illuminated and past eras, but plans are being made to double figure eights. Emerald Isle Hotel Very Nice Rooms with kitchens & Apartment Suites Right on the edge of Town, the Island’s newest Hotel Bicycle Rental on Site for reservations, phone 231.448.2376
24. W e l k e F l i e s I s l a n d A m v e t s o n June 30th, Paul Welke took the Island WWII veterans over to see a B-17 on display, the Yankee Lady. A staple of the war, this B-17G crew of 10: a pilot, co-pilot, navigator, bombardier, flight engineer (top turret gun ner ), rad io ope rat or, 2 wai st gunners, a tail gunner, and ball turret gunner. The B-17’s weight empty is 34,000 lbs; gross wartime weight was 13 Browning M-2 .50 caliber machine guns, firing 13 rounds per second. The maximum bomb load is 8,000 lbs, but with external racks it could carry up to 17,600 lbs. It has a top speed of 300 mph at 30,000' with a maximum “Flying Fortress” was built by Boeing and delivered on July 16, 1945. The 65,500 lbs; and with a fuel capacity of continuous speed of 263 mph at 25,000' plane has a wing span of 103'-9" and a 2,180 gallons it had a combat range of and a cruising speed 170 mph. The fuel length of 74'-4". The B-17 requires a 1,850 miles. The armament consisted of consumption is 200 gallons per hour, so Nine members of Beaver Island Museum’s restored B-17G bomber, the Beilman, and Steve West made the trip. Amvets Post 46 flew to Charlevoix as Yankee Lady. Beilman was the lone member to take a guests of Island Airways, who helped Doug Hartle, Chuck Schellenberg, flight in the “Flying Fortress.” While he sponsor this historic event, to see, tour, Brian Galla gher, Ed Eiche r, Phil had never flown in one before, his and in one case, fly, in the Yankee Air Gregg, Red Rowley, Carl Felix, Vince squad leader in the Air Force had flown
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