KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand

Page created by Joel Hampton
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand

Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Kawau Island Kookaburra
       “To publish the Kawau Island Kookaburra as a means of communication
         and as an outlet for news and articles written by interested persons”
            Kawau Island Residents & Ratepayers Association Rule 3(g)

                       Correspondence and contributions to:
                  Michael Marris: editor@kirra.org.nz 021 739 973

                          Advertising managed by:
               Jude Wood: advertising@kirra.org.nz 021 529 633

                         KIRRA membership is invited:
         Contact Nikki Porteous: secretary@kirra.org.nz 021 0270 8953

           Membership includes four issues of Kookaburra each year
          Check out our Kawau Island website: www.kawauisland.org

                          KIRRA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
                                     2018 - 2019
     Chairman: Les Mellars                                       022 0443940
     Secretary: Nikki Porteous                                 021 0270 8953
     Treasurer: Sally Ostick                                     021 2234268

     Gael Archer                                                 021 052 9002
     Colin Bright                                                 09 524 6189
     Peter Buckton                                                   422 3520
     Pam Dallow                                                   09 444 3378
     Shelley Futcher                                             021 231 1372
     Andrew Fyfe                                                  021 622 231
     Alan Marshall                                             021 0837 1266
     Lin Pardey                                                      422 8997
     Paul (Taz) Strauss                                          027 333 6676
     Mandy Weaver (seconded)
     Carl Weaver (seconded)                                     0274 572 640

KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                           1
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Contents                                                                       Comment
Cover Photos: Karina & Luke; Robyn Lee                                                                                                                        Michael Marris
                                                                               Our Kawau Island community will be able              sums, stoats, rats…… but we remain divided
Comment                           3   RIP Dick Souness                    39
                                                                               to look back on 2018 with pride, and right-          around wallabies. This could be a major obsta-
   Michael Marris                         Peter Cunningham                     fully see it as being a successful year. Within      cle but as a community if we could develop a
Vivian Bay News                   4   Dotterels Back In VB                40   ourselves we are cohesive and our sense of           situation where wallabies were contained and
     Fay Richardson & Lyn Hume            Staniland West                       neighbourly spirit is high. Externally we have       managed then that might prove to be an ac-
                                                                               to a significant degree fended off efforts at en-    ceptable compromise for all of us, and to allow
Pembles Bay News                  6   The Kawau Zoo                       46   croachment by mainland bureaucracy. At the           Kawau Island to achieve a profound ecological
   Andrew Fyfe                            John and Shirley Pettit              same time we have been instrumental in recent        and environmental victory.
North Cove News                   8   Afloat Around Kawau                 50   decisions made by Auckland Council to com-
    Ross West                              Lin Pardey                          pletely clean up the long-term disgrace of the       As part of our increasing recognition as a real-
                                                                               rubbish chaos at Sandspit. Car park prices are       life proxy leaning towards an “Independent Is-
Stockyard Bay News               13   Bardot & Brando: Who We Are         53   reasonable and the system seems to be work-          land Nation State”, in particular from mainland
     Shelley Futcher                      Suz and Bex                          ing well. We are pressuring to have charges          bureaucratic agencies including both central
South Cove News                  14   Poem: The Holiday Bach              54   reduced even further, as an incentive to those       and local government, we must offer tribute to
    Andrew Stone                                                               people who park up Brick Bay Drive.                  Beth Houlbrooke and Greg Sayers, and Mark
                                          Lois E Hunter
                                                                                                                                    Mitchell. As our local political representatives
Customary Rights Issue           16   Bookworms                           57   We are still under siege from some quarters:         they have consistently advocated in Kawau Is-
    on behalf of KIRRA                    Karen Carding                        the major push by Auckland Council to totally        land interests. Their collective commitment,
Camp Bentzon Report              18   LegaSea                             58   upgrade our private sewerage facilities, and         and their collective influence, is demonstrable
   Peter and Erin Hyde                    Scott Macindoe                       the “train coming down the track” scenario           and significant. As recently as last week when
                                                                               of the 20 or more Māori customary marine             AT again drastically sought to close off the
Rodney Local Board               20   Park Notes                          60   rights claims that have been lodged against          public landing spaces on Sandspit wharf Beth
    Beth Houlbrooke, Chair                 Jen Seel                            Kawau Island. KIRRA has allocated a signifi-         Houlbrooke stepped in, and within 24 hours
The Beach House                  22   Wyatts: Who We Are                  63   cant amount of money to ensure we have legal         the situation has been totally reversed.
                                          Dave Wyatt                           representation, and formed a special subcom-
    Karina & Luke
                                                                               mittee to manage that latter situation. It will      This coming year will undoubtedly provide
Salt-stained Thanksgiving        26   Bon Accord Bar & Bistro             66   affect all Kawau Island landowners in ways yet       further bureaucratic challenges. But we have
     Cap’n Fatty Goodlander               Robyn and Davo Lee                   undetermined, but particularly likely to signif-     well enough demonstrated over time that we
                                      Poem: Piwakawaka                   70    icantly encroach on the administration of our        are up to these. Our community is undergoing
Water Tank Trauma…Again          30
                                                                               sea walls and jetties – inevitably accompanied       generational replenishment which is healthy
    Kawau Girl                            Peter Newson                                                                              and the effects of this are already evident
                                                                               by dollar signs......which, unlike the tides, will
Gardening Matters                32   Pohutukawa Trust                    72   only flow one way. A fuller description is else-     within KIRRA. New faces with fresh ideas and
    Jane Myhre                            Carl Weaver                          where in this issue.                                 a younger enthusiasm have brought another
                                                                                                                                    focus to KIRRA executive deliberations, which
A Christmas Message              34   KIRRA Executive Minutes             74   The new national environmental policy to             augers so well for the future.
    Cr Greg Sayers                        Nikki Porteous, Secretary            more effectively manage predators has resulted
Our New Chooks                   38   KIRRA Executive Minutes             76   in Kawau Island being identified as a unique         We remain a cohesive, focused and environ-
    The Two Jens                          Nikki Porteous, Secretary            circumstance in the world, with the possibil-        mentally sensitive community. We will always
                                                                               ity of making us the first inhabited island ever     be the best stewards of our precious Island and
                                                                               to be totally predator-free. As a community we       the best decision-makers of our own destiny.
                                                                               are totally as one around animals such as pos-       Our independence remains assured.

2                                                     KOOKABURRA Summer 2018   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                            3
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Vivian Bay News                                                                                         the continuation of the Argentine ants exter-
                                                                                                        mination programme which has been running
                                                                                                        for several years now. Camp Bentzon have
                                                           Fay Richardson & Lyn Hume
                                                                                                        also been delighted with the response they
Fay writes…..                                                                                           have received for the ability of their staff to ac-
                                                                                                        company school groups over the property to
Isn’t it wonderful to return to Kawau after a                                                           visit both Vivian and Rocky Bays.
holiday and know home is the best.
                                                                                                        To go back to the Argentine ant extermination
We have just returned from a wonderful week                                                             programme, it is with delight that we can re-
staying with Helen and Dave Jeffery in Mapua                                                            port only one nest was found this time and this
and visited Abel Tasman National Park, Fare-                                                            was located at the top of the concrete driveway.
well Spit and the surrounding area. It was so                                                           A very important find however as the nest con-
enjoyable exploring all these places we have                                                            tained hundreds of queens about to trail out
watched and read about over the years and to                                                            and start new nests. It is wonderful that we
stand on Awaroa Spit that the NZers saved for        Bay to write about for this column – not so for    have had such a wonderful and dedicated team
us all to enjoy, was special. The snow fell on the   this issue.                                        at AC Biosecurity and Key Industries under-
ranges and the water was too cold for swim-                                                             taking this clean up. We came very close to
ming, but the day hikes were easy.                   First, we would like to give our condolences to    having this week’s monitoring cancelled be-
                                                     the family of Rick Paine who passed away early     cause of suspected inclement weather which
On our arrival home as we boated out of Sand-        October after several years of loving care while   would have been really hard to catch up on the
spit, an orca and calf appeared beside us, wel-      he gradually slipped away with Alzheimer’s.        new migrations. Fortunately, the correct call         he is hoping to supply us with a poem written
coming us home. The rain kept the garden well                                                           was made to go ahead and everyone is feel-            by Capt Ninnis re his nine daughters.
watered and the strawberries were so fat.            We would also like to pay tribute to Ted Swales    ing quite triumphant. A small group from the
                                                     who was the owner for many years of Kawati         team intend to come back in the first couple of       Have a great Christmas everyone and we look
Labour weekend saw Vivian Bay filled with                                                               months of 2019 to do a further check.                 forward to seeing you all at various times.
                                                     Point (commonly known locally as Wallaby
boaties enjoying the sunshine, apart from one
                                                     Point throughout his tenure). Many interest-
unfortunate person whose boat sank after                                                                A timely reminder to all Islanders: PLEASE
                                                     ing and amusing tales were told at his funeral
hitting something. It was pushed up on the                                                              CHECK ANY PLANTS YOU ARE BRING-
                                                     by his family of his exploits during his work-
beach above the high tide to be rescued later                                                           ING FROM THE MAINLAND. Just stand the
                                                     ing life with the Ports of Auckland and I know
in the week. Karina and Luke surprised Dave                                                             pot in water for a few hours and any Argentine
                                                     many will be remembered by those in Vivian
on his birthday with a song and cake. What a                                                            ants that are in the pot will come to the surface
                                                     Bay. It is hoped that Ted’s family will come
thoughtful couple we have as the managers of                                                            and can be disposed of.
                                                     back to the Bay with Ted’s ashes and for a me-
The Beach House.
                                                     morial service for him.
                                                                                                        Lastly, it is fun to record that wherever we go in
The new deck is just waiting for novalight and                                                          the world we often come to meet people who
will be finished for the holiday season, one can     Kawati Point is also in the local and Island
                                                     news this month following the successful sale      have an enjoyable connection with our Island.
never have enough decks on Kawau.                                                                       For me another instance occurred whilst on
                                                     of all that area to the Spencer family. Any peo-
                                                     ple that we have spoken to are delighted with      holiday in Brisbane recently. At an afternoon
Wishing everyone a fun filled Christmas and                                                             ‘meet and greet’ drinks session held by the
New Year with lots of sunshine                       their purchase and we look forward to a happy
                                                     and constructive relationship between all.         place we were staying at I found I was sitting
                                                                                                        next to Roger Knightly, a direct descendent of
Lyn writes….
                                                     This last week of November we have already         none other than Captain Ninnis the first man-
Sometimes we feel there has been nothing of          been shown this by the ongoing work of the         ager of the Kawau copper mining company.
interest to others about happenings in Vivian        AC Biosecurity team with the new owners for        Roger and his wife Jill will keep in touch and

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KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Pembles Bay News                                                                                        Till then, the dishes will be done the old fash-
                                                                                                        ioned way.
                                                                                 Andrew Fyfe            Our cliff-face people’s lift has finally been re-
The Stuarts Renaissance                                                                                 paired. A corroded wire meant that it didn’t
                                                                                                        always work and on occasions (especially af-
The Stuarts transformed Scotland from an im-                                                            ter rain) we were forced to carry everything
provised feudal country into a wealthy, mod-                                                            up and down the 94 steps from the jetty to the
ern centralised state. This spring, one of their                                                        landing. We Fyfes have become very soft.
descendants - Dean Stuart - has had a similarly
dramatic effect on Pembles Bay. Taking an un-                                                           Lachlan and I are off to Cape Town this Christ-
developed, neglected section from its previous                                                          mas to enjoy the festive season with his moth-
long-absent owners and landscaping it into a                                                            er’s family. Jeanne-Marie has moved to Mel-
site capable of realising its potential.                                                                bourne, so I have stepped into the breach in
                                                                                                        her place. Willingly so, but sadly our return to    Vivian and Pembles Bays. Richard’s funeral
Dean and Amanda are a wonderfully compli-                                                               Kawau probably won’t be until February.             was held on Thanksgiving Day and the Kawau
mentary couple. Put Dean in a bulldozer and                                                                                                                 community turned out in force to celebrate a
you put a smile on his face and a vision in his                                                         On a much sadder note, we recently lost a           Kawau icon and early settler from our perspec-
head. Within days, an overgrown section be-                                                             treasured friend and neighbour Dick Souness.        tive.
comes transformed into a future building site.                                                          His magnificent property is on the cliff-face
Amanda then employs her interior design                                                                 between the Cunningham’s and the Wheat-             Our thoughts are with his wife Cathy and his
skills to give shape to their shared plan. Nerv-                                                        crofts, overlooking an unnamed bay between          two daughters.
ous neighbours can relax. Their stylish North
Cove property is testament to their taste and
commitment to quality.

There is nothing the Scots like more than a
good deal. Even their watered down descend-
ants appreciate a win-win situation. So when,
                                                   of mature logs Dean expertly bulldozed over to
Dean offered all the mature kanuka from their
                                                   us, cutting them into trailer size, and transport-
property in exchange for its removal, I jumped
                                                   ing them along the beach with our quad bike.
at the prospect of many years of guaranteed
                                                   Possession is everything. Now safely stored on
firewood. With the help of Amanda’s brother
                                                   Fyfe land, they await eventual cutting to size
Tim (and my son Lachlan), we took the dozens
                                                   and a future warming of The White House. The
                                                   offcuts will flavour all the fish brother Gregor
                                                   loads into our smoker for the foreseeable fu-
                                                   ture. Och aye, what a deal.

                                                   It’s also been a busy spring with significant
                                                   changes at the southern end of Pembles Bay.
                                                   Our Lockwood next to the Bulls’ property is
                                                   now a communal guesthouse for friends and
                                                   family. ‘St. Brennans’ now boasts a brand new
                                                   roof and wood burner. Just in time for Christ-
                                                   mas. All we now require is a new dishwasher.

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KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
North Cove News                                                                                          to the metre and half sticking out the back and
                                                                                                         headed south.

                                                                                     Ross West           An early start after a stopover in Belgium
                                                                                                         got them to the yard with sufficient time in
Labour weekend was a cracker and those who’d         not seem disappointed when he had to cram           hand to get the shaft and prop fitted before
made it to North Cove for the three-day break        into a kayak cockpit designed for one with Ol-      the weekend and finally their boat was back
revelled in the fine weather. Since then we’ve       ivia Moore from Schoolhouse Bay. She expert-        in the water.
enjoyed a typical spring mix of weather which        ly paddled them both to shore where Doug was
has included some wonderful clear sunny days.        able to reclaim both his dinghy and dignity.        Lin Pardey and David Haig returned to the
Overall, however, there has been very little                                                             Island late October to attend to business and
rain. The ground is hard and already starting        Paul and Elise Harper are back on the Island        lay on the Thanksgiving Day dinner which
to crack where the clay has shrunk.                  after four months in France chugging around         has taken place at Lin’s for many years. De-
                                                     the French waterways in what was a very hot         spite the rain and wind more hungry and
Sadly, my bees have not returned this year.          summer with temperatures reaching close to          thirsty souls turned out for the feast than ever
Snells Beach beekeeper Paul Castensen has fi-        40 degrees in late afternoon. Their canal boat is   before. Everyone, some thirty-seven, had to
nally had to accept it’s not a paying proposition.   steel which didn’t help so Paul bought a port-      be seated inside and a variety of tables were
Although he took over two tonnes of honey            able AC unit and they huddled around that           pushed end to end, covered with tablecloths,
laden frames earlier this year it didn’t cover the   when below. This year’s cruise got off to a slow    food and drink for make the perfect setting
poor years and the honey was predominantly           start when in his final email to the yard near      for a magnificent banquet.                         But Phil has done it and the boat is now
pohutukawa which is of low value. My neigh-          Dijon Paul incorrectly put their arrival date                                                          turned over and ready to be glassed and
bours and I will miss them even though they          one month later than intended. He had listed        As is usual, this was a most interesting mix-      painted with a launch date set for Easter next
splattered anything under their flight path.         it correctly in all his previous communication      ture of locals, of longstanding Pardey friends     year. These boats were an English answer to
                                                     but this time got it wrong and the yard pre-        and of bluewater sailors who had travelled         the famous American Chris Craft vessels, al-
Several weeks ago, on a full tide and in glorious    sumed they had changed their plans.                 the oceans over many decades. There was            beit smaller with a fraction of the horsepower.
sunshine I went for a row in my Swampscott                                                               laughter, there was music, there was catch-        Their publicity shots show an example being
dory Eclaire. Neighbour Doug Marsden had             Of course, when they arrived their boat was         ing-up.....there was a joyous atmosphere.          towed by a 100/6 Healey. Obviously, a must at
set out earlier to go out to his ketch and wrestle   still in the back of the shed so to make the best                                                      the time for the Englishman with everything.
with a blocked toilet. As I made my way out of       of things they bought rail tickets and set off to   Lin and David left for Queensland at the end       Phil can’t run to the vehicular version of his
the arm and into the harbour, I was surprised        explore Europe by train covering a lot more         of November where they’ll get aboard David’s       boat but fortunately retired rally driver and
to see Doug’s dinghy on the shoreline but            ground than you would in a year on the canals       yacht Sahula and make their way south to the       sometime sailor Wally Simpson, whose place
presumed he’d forgotten something and had            moving at a stately four knots. On return to the    Wooden Boat Festival in Hobart, via Sydney,        is more or less across the inlet, has one.
elected to walk home rather than row. There          yard all was not well. The prop shaft was badly     for Christmas. This adventurous couple will
was no sign of life on board Kariel other than       worn and its replacement was still in the hands     return to Kawau by air in April next year.         Wally recently bought a fine example from
the sound of RNZ coming from a radio below           of its Dutch manufacturers. It had to be crated                                                        a Nelson collector who’d had the car up on
decks so I carried on my way. He was, howev-         and shipped to France by which time the yard’s      A couple of years ago Starboard Arm’s Phil         blocks for the last thirty years. Although it’s
er, on board and certainly without his dinghy        boatbuilders would have headed home for the         Shaw bought a 1956 runabout build by the           an aluminium-bodied four-cylinder version
which for some reason had failed to tie up!          weekend.                                            English sports car company Austin Healey.          it will do fine for a prelaunch photo shoot at
                                                                                                         He invited me to look it over and I saw what       Sandspit looking splendid in red with wire
Fortunately, he was able to attract the attention    Paul was having none of this, hired an Opel         looked like a long and complicated repair to       wheels. Wally has been enjoying running
of someone working at Kawau Lodge who im-            two-door hatchback, offered up the old shaft        restore the hull to original or better. All the    around Northland with the hood down and
mediately launched a kayak. Doug assumed it          to see that most of it would fit inside and with    important frames were cracked and had been         wind in his hair but says the drum brakes and
would be Marcus Bossert but as the paddler           Elise left for Holland. They got to the manufac-    repaired by running coach bolts (now rusted        handling are appalling. I can vouch for this as
got closer the figure looked much shorter and        tures twenty minutes before they shut for the       in place) through the hull skin and frame          I raced one back in the sixties until the crank-
had blonde hair. It’s fair to say that Doug did      day, loaded up the new shaft, tied a red T-shirt    timber.                                            shaft broke at Levin.

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KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Stockyard Bay News
                                                                                                            Shelley Futcher
                              We are a boring lot in Stockyard Bay, noth-
                              ing very much happens that is news worthy.
                              However, 2018 has been a real exception with
                              a number of changes.

                              For those of you that don’t know, Stockyard
                              Bay actually consists of three bays: Duders
                              (Pohutukawa Bay), Poplar and Stockyard.

                              So…. starting at the northern end, we have
                              a new build going on up behind Duders and
                              next door to Drew Gilpin who has been on
                              Kawau for a couple of years now.                    home in Smelting House Bay when she was a
                                                                                  child so she is already a local before she starts.
                              In Poplar Bay most of you know that Ruth and
                              Ian Henderson have left Kawau and we extend         Then…. sadly, we have lost the two matriarchs
                              a warm welcome to Guy and Rebecca Warman            of the Bay. Val and Anne have been coming to
                              and their two girls who shifted in to their holi-   Kawau for over 70 years. They often had ani-
                              day home over Labour weekend.                       mated discussions on who was here first and
                                                                                  have left behind ongoing generations to con-
                              In Stockyard Bay the Cranwells have departed        tinue to enjoy our beautiful Island. They will
                              after nearly 20 years and we are very pleased to    both be hugely missed.
                              welcome Joe and Lisa into the Bay. They have
                              already been catching fish off their deck on the    As I have said, nothing much happens in
                              high tide. Lisa is a Lidgard and spent holidays     Stockyard Bay, and you will probably not hear
                              with her grandmother Irene at the Lidgard’s         from us for another 20 years.

                                     A Community Notice
                                     shifting patterns of communication in our society. Kookaburra and emails
                                     remain central avenues, but our spread now also includes:

                                                •    New website (www.kawauisland.org)
                                                •    Facebook page (kawau island)
                                                •    Instagram posting page (kawauisland)
                                     Please access these and use them regularly. Already the website is attract-
                                     ing over 3000 unique visitors each month, of which more than half are from
                                     overseas. Instagram has 162 followers and the Facebook pages are highly
                                     utilised. Enjoy some sumer browsing!

12   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                             13
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
South Cove News
                                                                              Andrew Stone
At the top of one of the biggest pines in South
Cove an internet dish has survived years of
rugged Gulf weather. Installed a few years back,
the dish collects a signal from Snells Beach and
sends it round our community, delivering high
speed broadband to subscribers. For $6 a week
we get a service which is yet to reach parts of
the mainland. The setup is straightforward and
has given us an asset we take for granted across
the water.

Last month the metal saucer attracted some-
thing besides radio waves. A gang of raucous
kaka took up residence in the crown. It was the
first time l had seen more than a solitary kaka
and it was a thrill. These striking parrots make
a din in the canopy and good for them. They
have survived against the odds and clearly en-     of the might East Ridge pine. The collective
joy their existence.                               description for these birds is a pandemonium
                                                                                                       of flax. Wallabies chewed a few down to the
Because they were so high - perhaps 30m - it
was not possible to make out any bands, which
                                                   of parrots and how true it is for these high fli-
                                                   ers. Their presence would seem to confirm the
                                                   availability of suitable food. Kaka like fruit,
                                                                                                       ground but most have survived. By this time
                                                                                                       next year, the plants should be dug in and an
could be the case if they were part of a popula-                                                       arrangement of wooden walkways, which
                                                   seeds, and insects. Their incredibly strong
tion from say Tiri or Little Barrier. But what a
coup if the indigenous parrot set up shop on       beak is designed to pry open closed objects.
                                                                                                       wrap round the slope, will have a silver patina     • Installed • Serviced
                                                                                                       and be hidden by the vegetation.
Kawau. If they did become a permanent fixture      They make short work of kauri cones. Perhaps                                                                    • Lifted
                                                   they were feasting on pine cones. They might
it would indicate that the habitat is relatively
safe for the vulnerable species, now largely       be shaking up some of the regular natives, such
                                                                                                       The other unmistakable feature in the Cove is      • Inspected • Repaired
                                                                                                       Bryce’s new place. Nearing completion, this
confined to offshore islands and mainland          as tui and letting the mynas know there’s a new     sizeable addition to the housing stock will pro-
sanctuaries.                                       bird on the block.                                  vide its occupants with some big views. There           Based at Sandspit
Three centuries ago, before stoats became part     Down on the ground some changes to report.
                                                                                                       may well be an avian orchestra in the back-              RDC registered
                                                                                                       ground. The big pine taken over by the kakas is
of the pest army, kaka were everywhere. Syd-       The grounds of Mark and Sophie’s place have
                                                                                                       just 50m from the western outlook!
ney Parkinson, the artist with Cook’s Endeav-      been reshaped. Two flat areas have been cre-
our, wrote that when the bark arrived in Queen     ated. The project is a work-in-progress for a                                                          RODNEY MOORING
Charlotte Sound, the forest was full of “diverse   special event next year. With all the rain and
kinds of birds such as parrots.” Conservation-     warmer weather, the terraces could be fully
ists believe the birds Parkinson saw - and most    grassed in time for the celebration. JP at the                                                                 Phone Tony
certainly heard - were kaka.                       end of Hall Head has worked wonders on the                                                                    027 459 0006
                                                   family property. From the water the headland
                                                                                                                                                          Email: info@rodneymooring.co.nz
Whether he did or not, there was no mistak-        seems to be wearing a dark grey blanket. The
ing the screeching pack playing in the crown       cover is weed mat, planted out with heaps
14                                                                   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018            KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                               15
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Customary Rights Issue                                                                                  To ensure that the voice of Kawau Islanders
                                                                                                        was entitled to be heard when decisions were
                                                                                                                                                           teria is going to be required to prove CMT. In
                                                                                                                                                           that regard, they propose that the High Court
                                                                       on behalf of KIRRA               being made that could affect Kawau Islanders,      state a case to the Māori Appellate Court. It has
                                                                                                        KIRRA sought to give notice as an interested       been referred to as a “test case”.
TAKUTAI MOANA: CUSTOMARY RIGHTS                    gain recognition of their customary interests,       party for all applications that might affect the
IN THE MARINE AND COASTAL AREA                     if they took their claim to the government or        coastal and marine areas around Kawau.             That application has now been before the High
(FORESHORE AND SEABED)                             the courts by April 2017.                                                                               Court for some time and on the 3rd of De-
                                                                                                        The High Court later directed that separate        cember, the Judge issued a minute which said
Introduction and background                        Exactly what area are we talking about here?         applications from interested parties claiming      (amongst other things) “As I endeavoured to
                                                                                                        to be affected and wishing to be heard, had to     prepare a decision on the basis of the written
Te Takutai Moana Act 2011 has provided ways        Te takutai moana (the marine and coastal             filed in respect of each application.              submissions and affidavits, it became apparent
for Māori to get legal recognition of their cus-   area) is the area starting from the mean (av-                                                           that the issues raised by the application for a
tomary rights in te takutai moana (the marine      erage) high-tide mark, and ending 12 nautical        In regard to any, and all applications which       “test case” are complex and are more suited to
and coastal area), either through an agreement     miles out to sea. In other words, it includes the    have sought recognition of claims to Custom-       an oral hearing during which propositions can
with the government or by a High Court order.      wet part of the beach, and the seabed up to 12       ary Marine Titles over the coastal and marine      be fully tested and explored”.
However, to do this they had to give notice to     nautical miles out. It also includes the beds of     areas around Kawau (“the CMT Applica-
the government or apply to the High Court no                                                            tions”), just the lodging of the CMT Applica-      That application is now to proceed to an urgent
                                                   rivers, going upstream from the river mouth
later than 3rd April 2017.                                                                              tions already affects KIRRA members. That is       oral fixture in the early part of 2019.
                                                   for a distance that is five times the width of the
                                                                                                        because the lodging of the CMT Applications
                                                   river mouth, but not more than one kilometre                                                            If that application were to be successful it could
The full title of Te Takutai Moana Act is the                                                           and the terms of the Act mean that before the
                                                   upstream.                                                                                               potentially have a major impact and influence
“Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana)                                                                Auckland Council can now accept for filing
Act 2011” (“the Act”).                                                                                  any resource consent application that impacts      on the decisions to be made on all of the appli-
                                                   Te takutai moana doesn’t include the seawater                                                           cations. As a consequence, Colin regards it as
                                                                                                        the coastal and marine areas around Kawau,
Background to the Act                              and river water itself (sometimes called “the                                                           really important that KIRRA continues to be
                                                                                                        the resource consent applicants are required
                                                   water column”).                                                                                         involved and to closely monitor the progress of
                                                                                                        to notify the CMT Applicants about their in-
In 2003 the Court of Appeal surprised the gov-                                                          tended resource consent application and to         all of the proceedings where KIRRA has filed
ernment of the day by ruling that Māori might      Te takutai moana is called the “marine and                                                              notices that it is an interested party.
                                                                                                        seek the views of those groups on the resource
be able to show customary ownership of areas       coastal area” in the Act. This means the same
                                                                                                        consent application.
of te takutai moana and that the Māori Land        as the “foreshore and seabed”, the term used in                                                         KIRRA will continue to keep the Kawau Is-
Court had the power to consider this question      the previous Act.                                    Before accepting resource consent applica-         land community informed of these significant
and then recognise that ownership. The gov-                                                             tions, the Auckland Council needs to be satis-     issues which have the potential to impact on
ernment responded with the Foreshore and           The Applications                                     fied that the views of the CMT Applicants have     almost all landowners and on all residents and
Seabed Act 2004 – this gave the government                                                              been sought on the applications.                   on many of our visitors – jetties and seawalls
(“the Crown”) legal ownership of the foreshore     By 3rd April 2017 over 200 applications had                                                             issues, in particular, will be an immediate fo-
and seabed, and extinguished (cancelled) any       been made to the High Court seeking either           The progress of the Applications                   cus.
rights that Māori might have, including the        Customary Marine Title rights or customary
ability to have ownership claims investigated.     rights. Some of the applications have sought         Colin Bright is of the view that the determi-
                                                   the recognition of such rights to the coast and      nation of some of the key issues upon which
After widespread protest from Māori, and           marine areas around Kawau.                           these applications will ultimately be deter-
criticism from the Waitangi Tribunal and the                                                            mined, could occur much more quickly than
Human Rights Commission, the Foreshore             Just what rights and powers would be con-            many people think. For example, right now
and Seabed Act was abolished and replaced          ferred on the applicants who are successful          one group of applicants (Ngapuhi) has made
with the Act in 2011. The new Act restored the     with their claims will be subject of a future        an application for one part of their application
possibility of customary title in the marine and   article, but those rights and powers are impor-      for a recognition order to “proceed expedi-
coastal area, and gave Māori some scope to         tant rights and powers.                              tiously” so that the Courts can decide what cri-

16                                                                    KOOKABURRA Summer 2018            KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                            17
Camp Bentzon Report                                                                                                                                            Block One Camp Concert 2018
                                                                                                                                                               (to the tune of Mull Of Kintyre)
                                                                                                                                                               Camp Bentzon, the Island where we are
                                                                        Peter and Erin Hyde                                                                    now, together how special these days have
Orcas for Buckland School Visit                                                                                                                                been.

The orcas timed it perfectly to arrive. (See pho-                                                                                                              Far have we travelled and much have we
                                                                                                                                                               done, out in the rain and under the sun.
to on centre pages). We had just finished an
activity rotation so all the students and parents                                                                                                              %RDWLQJDQG¿VKLQJWKHGD\VKDYHEHHQORQJ
had an experience that many people will never                                                                                                                  and oh too soon the week has gone!
get to have. The orca (three calves with them)
were chasing stingrays between Camp Bentzon                                                                                                                    Camp Bentzon, the Island where we are
and a neighbour’s wharf for around 15 min-                                                                                                                     now, together how special these days have
                                                                                                          has had to change her camp in line with health       been
utes, so plenty of opportunity to view, with the                                                          and safety regulations, which she has done,
pod swimming between the pontoon and the                                                                  with our persuasion, and with a smile on her         Kayaks we’ve paddled and optimists sailed,
boat shed under the platform we were stand-                                                               face but I know at times with a certain amount       out past the wharf and into the gale.
ing on and back again many times. After their                                                             of frustration, as all those “spontaneous fun
visit a school of nine eagle rays kept cruising                                                                                                                Back to the shore, where others did stand
                                                     “Legless” the Weka                                   things” are difficult to fit into the culture we
up and down the beach for around five hours,                                                                                                                   and the dads were there ready, with their
                                                                                                          now must have. Judy puts a lot of preparation        helping hands!
we assume looking for their mother/father etc.       Some of you may remember the story of the            and work into her camps and is very passion-
It did mean we had to stop the raft building,        one-legged weka. For those that do not, a re-        ate about what they achieve.                         Camp Bentzon, the Island where we are
however the students enjoyed the close-up ob-        fresher: he broke his leg, went to the vet, had it                                                        now, together how special these days have
servation of eagle rays which is something you       in a bird cast for six weeks at the vets, then was   The stories I have heard about the camps back        been
would generally only get to observe when they        returned to Kawau by the vet and released. A         then are so far removed from what we have
are in captivity for such an extended period in                                                           now, it’ s a pity we have not been able to re-       Plough through the water, the ferry will come,
                                                     few months later his leg dropped off. However,                                                            tomorrow to take us back to our homes.
shallow water.                                       he became a very strong weka on one leg, and         tain some of the experiences they could give
                                                     literally stood his own for six years. Sadly, in     the students back then. Anyway, the song Judy        Memories will linger through all of our lives,
Plastic                                                                                                   wrote and sang this year summarised a week
                                                     July/August/September he was not to be seen                                                               of nights and the days on Kawau Isle!
We frequently use the plastic woven bags to          and every group asked after him. Three weeks         at Camp Bentzon this year so I am sharing it
transport gravel, bark etc to Camp Bentzon           ago, he turned up very skinny but a welcome          with you.                                            Together how special these days have been.
from the mainland. Sometimes with the gravel         sight. Now, after three weeks and much love
                                                                                                                   Have a fun and safe Christmas break!        www.campbentzon.co.nz
we do not shift it off the beach until several       and attention from everyone – especially our
tides later. In some cases it has been quite a       regular caterers with hand feeding and spe-
while and the bags have shown signs of dete-         cially prepared meals - Legless is back to his
rioration. Both Peter and I were dismayed to         usual self. Did anyone see him over this time?
see washed up in front of the boat shed last
week seaweed containing plastic which is the
                                                     He is quite identifiable with one large leg and
                                                     hops around.
                                                                                                          Tackle and Outdoor                            Boating           Fishing            Outdoor
size and shape that these are woven out of. It                                                                                                          Anchors                 Fishing Lines Beach trolleys
made us realise that we too have contributed         Judy Carter- Wairau School                                                                         Chandlery               Lures & jigs     Boots
to this plastic litter in the past by our unaware-                                                          12/14 Elizabeth St, Warkworth               /LIHMDFNHWV1HWV JDႇV௘&KLOO\EDJV
ness of how much plastic comes off these bags        Judy has been bringing classes to Camp Bent-                                                       Rod holders Reels                        Clothing
once they start to break down. I know none of        zon for many many years (I will not say how             Ph: 09 425 7994                            Ropes                   Rods             Home smokers
us would want this unnecessary plastic along         many years as she keeps her age very discrete.                                                     7DFNOHEDJV.LWFKHQLWHPV
                                                                                                             www.tackleandoutdoor.co                                            Terminal tackle Waders
our shoreline so thought it would be good to         Let’s just say she could have retired a long time
let other people know too.                           ago on Super). Obviously over the years Judy

18                                                                      KOOKABURRA Summer 2018            KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                              19
Rodney Local Board                                                                                     The Sandspit RRA have requested that the
                                                                                                       Brick Bay Drive reserve be protected from at
                                                                                                       least winter parking, and our parks staff agree.
                                                                 Beth Houlbrooke, Chair
                                                                                                       We are considering options of bollard installa-
How lucky am I? Can it really be called “work”,                                                        tion, or bollard and chain. Also being investi-
to have to come to Kawau as one of your Rod-                                                           gated are some no stopping restrictions along
ney Local Board representatives? All that fresh                                                        one side of Brick Bay Drive. I don’t expect
sea air, sunshine, distinctive alluring jade wa-                                                       these changes will be popular with Island-
ter, and Island hospitality. It’s almost a pleas-                                                      ers who currently leave their cars and trailers
ure to hear and share your frustrations with                                                           there, but this is the heads up – changes are
Auckland Council! Equally fortunate for you,                                                           afoot. At the end of the day we could “pave
is that you have some very effective representa-                                                       paradise” to provide more parking but it would     targeted rate is a ten year programme of local
tives in – among other organisations – KIRRA                                                           still fill up. We need to respect the ecology of   transport improvements not otherwise funded
and KIAC, who bring the Island’s issues and                                                            the Spit and balance this with the needs of lo-    by AT.
concerns to Council via Cr Greg Sayers and                                                             cal residents, Islanders, and visitors.
yours truly.                                                                                                                                              In recent years we have provided grants to the
                                                                                                       Auckland Transport have recently com-              Kawau Boating Club for the refurbishment of
The Local Board’s involvement on Kawau                                                                 menced a public transport service from Algies      their toilet and shower facilities, and towards
is limited in the respect that we do not have                                                          Bay to Warkworth, with connections to Silver-      the new deck and pontoon, and to “Music in
any public space there under our control –                                                             dale or Matakana/Omaha. The route currently        the Gardens”. Currently our community grants
no parks, playgrounds, public toilets or other                                                         bypasses Sandspit but I am pushing for a stop      programme has been trimmed for higher pri-
                                                    I have worked with KIRRA, KIAC, the Sand-
amenities. Most of the open space is under                                                             in the vicinity of Sharp Road. This has the po-    orities. This may change in the future but in
                                                    spit Residents and Ratepayers Association, and
DOC control, and only two wharves are under                                                            tential to bring more business to the Island,      the meantime please put any requests through
                                                    Auckland Transport (AT), to address main-
the administration of Auckland Transport.                                                              particularly if local operators might consider     me and I will see what we can do to help.
                                                    tenance issues on the wharf and sea wall this      operating a shuttle for their customers from
But there are wider issues we are involved in       past year. A more permanent structure than         that point.                                        This summer look out for me in my runabout
that affect all Islanders. Some of these are the    the concrete blocks that have been temporarily                                                        Just the Ticket, bringing visitors over for walks,
more visible and tangible ones associated with      put in place on the western side of the Spit, is   Eventually if there is good uptake of the ser-     picnics, swims, meals and refreshments at the
Sandspit and its reserves. This year we will be     expected this year.                                vice, we can request a re-route down to the        Boating Club, or equally as happy on my own
refurbishing the public toilets, and removing                                                          wharf. The Local Board also has plans to pro-      with so many familiar faces to stop and say
the molok bins. The latter have attracted ongo-     Parking continues to be a source of complaint      vide a footpath down Sandspit Road, from the       hello.
ing illegal dumping, an eyesore with unpleas-       from all sides. For Sandspit residents, parking    turnoff to meet the existing path, funded from
ant odours.                                                                                            the transport targeted rate. It won’t happen       Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year in
                                                    on berms and grassed reserves, and partial
                                                                                                       overnight, but it will happen! The transport       Island-style!
                                                    blocking of driveways particularly with boat
Last summer we tested the phenomenon of
                                                    trailers, is an immense source of frustration.
“the bigger the bin, the bigger the pile of ille-
gal dumping left alongside it”, by not providing    Apart from the busiest holiday period though,
a skip. Dumping reduced! Early in the year          the AT carpark is often underutilised. I have
these will be replaced with an enclosed rub-        therefore asked for a further price review by
bish and recycling facility with keyed access for   AT, to try to find that sweet spot where avoid-
Kawau Island ratepayers. For everyone else we       ance behaviour will reduce, as the convenience
will operate a pack in/pack out policy or direct    and proximity of a secure parking lot becomes
them to the transfer station. We hope these         more attractive than a long walk from half way
improvements will enhance the visitor experi-       up Brick Bay Drive! Surely it is better to have
ence for those coming to Kawau through this         the carpark full, gathering revenue to help with
gateway.                                            its upkeep, than almost empty.

20                                                                    KOOKABURRA Summer 2018           KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                            21
The Beach House
                                                                             Karina & Luke
We are over the moon as we spied our first kiwi
in the wild, we are referring to the kiwi bird as
we have spotted many kiwi people already in
their element here at The Beach House.

Finding the kiwi bird was no easy feat, we
were ill-equipped and merrily making our
way home from the Bon Accord Bistro having
shared a toast to a successful season with Ro-
byn, Davo and the team.

Karina first heard the rustling in the grass and
we could tell immediately it was too small to
be a wallaby. We stood still for 20 minutes or
more communicating only via facial expres-
sion until lo and behold a long beak making
headway as it came out of the long grass, it
searched around inquisitively showing no fear,      lunch and our sunset dégustation menus, we
as we went to follow it looked back at us as to     look forward to your reservations.
say ‘No, you stay here’ and scurried on its way.
                                                    Here’s to an enjoyable summer, see you soon.
Hosting the KIRRA meeting and lunch was                                                                    Boutique Lodge | Licenced Restaurant and Bar | Wedding
very successful, the weather did not prevail but                                                                   and Function Venue | Conference Centre
the friendly atmosphere and laughs certainly
did. Thank you to all attendees, new friends
and chairperson for your consideration.                                                                  $SULYDWHLVODQGHVFDSH7KH%HDFK+RXVH.DZDX,VODQGLVDERXWLTXHORGJH
We have three new members to the team here                                                               RIQDWLYHEXVK:HRႇHUGHOX[HEHDFKIURQWVXLWHVSOXVFRXUW\DUGDQGEXVK
at The Beach House: Anais and Giovanni have                                                              DFFRPPRGDWLRQLQDTXLQWHVVHQWLDOQDWXUDO1HZ=HDODQGVHWWLQJ.LFNRႇ\RXU
come direct from France. Come in and say                                                                    VKRHVDQGIHHOWKHVDQGEHWZHHQ\RXUWRHV±WLPHWRUHOD[DQGXQZLQG
bonjour! We also have Aoife (EE-ffa), who is
Irish, another chef for our team. Aoife (pic-                                                            ([FOXVLYHZHGGLQJVIXQFWLRQVDQGFRQIHUHQFHVDUHRXUVSHFLDOW\DQGZHDUH
tured at right) actually hails from the UK .                                                             GHGLFDWHGWRSHUVRQDOLVLQJ\RXUHYHQWWRHQVXUHDWUXO\PHPRUDEOHH[SHULHQFH

The last few months have been spent ensuring                                                             2XUIXOO\OLFHQFHGUHVWDXUDQWDQGEDULVWKHKHDUWRI7KH%HDFK+RXVH:H
everything is ready for the summer ahead, sev-                                                           WDNHJUHDWSULGHLQSURYLGLQJWKHEHVWRI1HZ=HDODQGFXLVLQH2XWVLGHYLVLWRUV
eral days were spent exploring the Island and                                                                       DUHZHOFRPHVXEMHFWWRDYDLODELOLW\±ERRNLQJVHVVHQWLDO
meeting new neighbours.
Don’t forget we are open for business. We have                                                          3KRQH_LQIR#NDZDXEHDFKKRXVHFRQ]_ZZZNDZDXEHDFKKRXVHFRQ]
our beach front breakfast, casual al fresco

22                                                                   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018        KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                   23
24   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018   25
Salt-stained Thanksgiving                                                                                  the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron—but
                                                                                                           fist-banged rum shops from Borneo to Mada-
                                                                     Cap’n Fatty Goodlander                gascar as well.

The trick to endlessly ocean voyaging—my wife                                                              This year (2018) there were 37 guests—and
Carolyn and I are on our fourth circumnaviga-                                                              while some resided ashore, all shared a love of
tion and 48 years together as an offshore cruis-                                                           adventure and a love of Lin.
ing couple—is to not repeat yourself. Thus, we
always attempt to chart an entirely new course:                                                            How was the meal?
through the Red Sea one time, and around the
                                                                                                           The dueling turkeys were perfect, as were the
Cape of Good Hope the next. Of course, there
                                                                                                           dozen side dishes. And this year I had the wis-
are exceptions. We never miss Kawau in No-
                                                                                                           dom to only go back for three additional help-
vember for Lin Pardey’s Thanksgiving feast.
                                                                                                           ings of bird so that I’d have plenty of room for
Lin isn’t just a fellow American; Lin is a force                                                           the six (with homemade whipped cream!) des-
of nature—she has a ‘marlinespike’ on every                                                                serts.
finger, as we seadogs say. She’s a sailor’s sailor, a
                                                                                                           Where, in our humble opinion, is the best port
writer’s writer, a lady’s lady, and far more.
                                                                                                           on the planet for a sailor to spend an American
                                                                                                           Thanksgiving? Why, Kawau, of course.
I think of her as earth mother of the roving
marine community—the steady lighthouse of
our watery cruising tribe.

We go back a long way—while she and her
husband Larry were building Seraffyn in Cali-
fornia, Carolyn and I were rebuilding our Wil-
liam Atkin’s 1932 double-ender Corina in Chi-
cago. While Lin and Larry were setting off on
their first circ, we had begun building our own
dream vessel from scratch in Boston—ah, to be           Of course, as Lin and Larry sailed the world,
young again.                                            they searched for their own ultimate safe har-
                                                        bour—a place to finally rest from the sea. They
Lin and Larry were part inspiration, part prac-         found their Nirvana on a tiny rock in New
tical example, and part seagoing relationship           Zealand called Kawau.
role models within the global cruising com-
munity—full-blooded living heroes. Plus, they           Grateful for discovering their own Shangri-
were accessible. Lin penned her sea yarns.              la—they celebrated their first Thanksgiving on
Larry was always willing to lay down his wood           Kawau by having a great feast—and inviting
plane and chisels to gam (when sailors talk,            both their cruising friends and some locals.
they gam).
                                                        Thus began a culinary tradition that is not only
Legend is a word too often used—but not in re-          famous locally but in distant foreign ports as
lationship to Lin and Larry Pardey and the ma-          well. “We spent Turkey Day with the Pardey’s
rine community of America, Britain, France,             on Kawau,” is whispered with pride not only at
and the rest of the watery world.                       the NY and San Francisco Yacht Clubs—and

26                                                                        KOOKABURRA Summer 2018           KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                             27
.DZDX%RDWLQJ&OXE                                                      Moving earth, or moving mountains,

                                                                                               Russell’s your man.





                                                                                                    With a long family history on Kawau, Russell Goodhue and his company, Kawau
                                                                                                   Earthmovers have bases in North Cove and Schoolhouse Bay servicing all island
                                                                                                locations. With diggers ranging from 1.5 to 5 tonne, a Bobcat and a 4WD tractor with
                                                                                               a tipping trailer, Russell is equipped to do just about anything - landscaping, driveways,
                                                                                                auger drilling for poles and retaining walls, drainage, site preparation etc. So whether
                                                                                                ޜսÀiœœŽˆ˜}̜w˜`Ü >̽ëœÃÈLiœÀÜ >̽Ã>vvœÀ`>Li]ÕÃÌ}ˆÛi,ÕÃÃi>V>°"Àˆv
 1HZPHQXLWHPVDUHRQOLQHIRUVXPPHUDQGZH                                                                you have an adminstrative question, feel free to call Jen Seel.

                                                                                                                                   Ƃ,/"6 ,-
                                                                                                                     Call Russell on 021 0266 9116 or 09 945 0775,
                                                                                                                              or Jen Seel on 021 222 1951.

28                                                                KOOKABURRA Summer 2018    KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                             29
Water Tank Trauma…Again
                                                                                        Kawau Girl
Early in October on a lovely sunny weekend
No. 1 son took his family to the cottage to
check if all ok.


It’s barely a year since the last fix, inside tank all
that was left about six inches of water, the seam
of the tank had burst about 15 inches from the
bottom of tank, of course our precious water
had gone.
                                                         Do we expect too much?
M.O.T.H. and I were enjoying the warm Aus-
tralian sunshine not even thinking about the             Early Saturday morning very resourceful
wet, wet NZ winter when No. 1 son phoned                 M.O.T.H. and No. 3 son started the repair, much
with the bad news.                                       bad language and muttering and two grumpy
                                                         men. As the morning progressed and mood
Plans were then made for working party to
                                                         improved the repair was declared successful.
reconnoitre and plan for repairs or replace-
ment. Labour weekend, aptly named, was the               Now to wait for rain. Well it didn’t rain at all
set working date.                                        Labour weekend - it was just beautiful sunny
                                                         weather- a lovely start for summer.
Weather was so good prior the long week-
end M.O.T.H. and I decided to go over on the             About two weeks later after some heavy
Wednesday before the weekend: wasn’t that a              rain we went to check the tank, the water lev-
good idea!                                               el was up and it appears the tank repair is ok.
                                                         We had gained some water and tank appeared
M.O.T.H. tied boat to jetty, and was straight to
                                                         to be holding. Despite the awful weather with
the tank to assess the damage. Yes, split tank,
                                                         a heavy rain forecast M.O.T.H. and I came over
nothing we could do till repair materials came
with No. 3 son on Saturday so we went fishing.
                                                         on November 22nd to check on tank - it’s been
                                                         four weeks since the repair.
                                                                                                               .........Environmentally friendly sewage treatment
At least we had fish for dinner.                                                                               .........Aerated sewage treatment
Only one year had passed since the last repair
                                                                                                               .........Installed in New Zealand for over 25 years
to base of tank.                                         We now have a tank that is one third full. So,        .........Low power whisper blower
                                                         come on summer holidays.
We presume that with so much water in a very                                                                   $YDLODEOHZLWK¿EUHJODVVWDQNIRUGLI¿FXOWVLWHV
full tank, the pressure was too much and burst
the seam, the tank was a year 2000 model.

Is that getting old?

30                                                                         KOOKABURRA Summer 2018           KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                         31
Gardening Matters
                                                                                     Jane Myhre

Whatever is seeded will do its darnedest to
grow: it follows that a gardener must take up
arms against the brash, the vulgar, and the for-
eign, to protect the pretty, the rare, and the na-

We have a name for the unwanted: weeds.

It is possible however that ‘weeds’ may feel
themselves to be just as worthy as all the other
botanical inhabitants on this planet. Being
forcefully uprooted, poisoned, or worse, fed
through a mulching machine, will invite resist-

In return, I have no doubt humans will claim
we were created to regulate and choose. So
when warming weather coaxes tendrils of the
unwanted from seed to surface, homo sapiens
collectively get out the sprays, the hoes, and
                                                     Utu, you might say.
the forks.

I have been using the weed-eater to slash new        Conversely and delightfully, as in human life,
growth from the few arum lily rhizomes still         treasures sometimes appear unbidden in the
lurking beneath the surface of my ‘lawn’. At-        garden. Late last summer my guava tree play-
tractive as they are, arums spread as fast as gos-   fully tossed one of its fruits into the center of a
sip, and are even more poisonous. (Every part        nearby rotting pine stump, from which spring
of an arum will harm any animal, or human,           has gleefully brought forth a healthy guava
that ingests it.)                                    seedling.

32                                                                      KOOKABURRA Summer 2018             KOOKABURRA Summer 2018   33
A Christmas Message
                                                                                Cr Greg Sayers
Season’s greetings and wishing you and your
family a very Merry Christmas.

It’s an appropriate time to look into “Santa’s
sack” to see what wins have been achieved
with Auckland Council. Opening doors to the
right decision makers within Council to assist
KIRRA achieve their objectives has been very
important this year.

A recent description given by editor Mr Mi-
chael Marris that “KIRRA is a little organi-
sation with a big heart and deep passion for
Kawau Island,” is totally appropriate and as
your elected representative I can assure you
this community group works tirelessly for your
best interests. As does KIAC, the Kawau Island
Advisory Committee.

Sandspit wharf repairs to improve passenger
and vessel movements have been funded from
general rates – not from any extra local tar-
geted rates – which the Mayor tends to favour.
The work has been overseen by the Auckland
                                                      propriate maintenance contract designed by
Transport agency.
                                                      now jailed former Rodney District Council
Although there are small wins being achieved          employees. I have given clear instruction to
                                                      Auckland Transport to renegotiate the con-            On a positive note, and with able assistance      Throughout the year I have aimed to kept
by locals I still don’t believe Kawau is getting                                                            from the Rodney Local Board, the ongoing
                                                      tract to meet proper international standards                                                            myself above the city’s schoolyard politics,
a fair share of its rates, or targeted rates, being                                                         abuse of the waste bins provided by Council
                                                      for open market retendering with adequate                                                               remaining focused on making myself avail-
spent on projects which benefit Kawau. I will                                                               near the wharf are being reconfigured and se-
                                                      funding to be allocated to it. I will maintain the                                                      able and working hard for the best interests of
maintain political pressure to reverse this on                                                              cured in collaboration with KIRRA and the
your behalf.                                          political pressure until this occurs.                                                                   Rodney’s ratepayers - who pay my wages. Ac-
                                                                                                            Sandspit R&R Association to provide a con-
                                                                                                                                                              cordingly, I would like to take this opportunity
                                                                                                            venient ongoing rubbish service for Kawau
The Auckland Zoo remains extremely keen to            Equally I am bitterly disappointed that my bat-       Islanders.                                        the thank each and every person who has con-
find Kookaburra on the Island. The Council is         tle to win $89m from Council’s budgets for                                                              tacted me throughout the year for assistance.
                                                                                                            Another win was the introduction of a new
committed to protecting the species by rearing        the Matakana Link Road was reduced by the                                                               It has been an absolute privilege to assist you
                                                                                                            bus service provided for from the general rates
chicks but the zoo needs help to locate nesting       NZTA (government). Furthermore, the $23m                                                                and to meet you.
                                                                                                            rather than from any additional local targeted
areas and nesting trees.                              shaved off the project got allocated to CBD           rate. The service has some teething problems
                                                      projects, not to fixing Hill Street. That is a dis-   and I am happy to support KIRRA during the        In closing, I would like to wish you, and your
Contrariwise, the poor quality of our road            grace.                                                review Auckland Transport will conduct of this    family, a very Merry Christmas and a happy
maintenance I believe is the result of an inap-                                Continued on next page       new service to achieve the outcomes wanted.       New Year.

34                                                                       KOOKABURRA Summer 2018             KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                         35
“Specialists In Outdoor
                                                                                       Construction & Tight
                                                                                         Access Earthworks”


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                                              ‡   UHWDLQLQJZDOOV                   ‡      WUDFN SDWKFRQVWUXFWLRQ
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                                              ‡   GHFNVDQGERDUGZDONV              ‡      HGJLQJ
                                              ‡   VWHSV                             ‡      JDUGHQLQVWDOODWLRQ



                                             ORZV XV WR FRPSOHWH WKH MRE LQ WKH PRVW WLPHO\ DQG FRVW HIIHFWLYH



36   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018   KOOKABURRA Summer 2018                                                                          37
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