Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...

Page created by Dave Coleman
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
                                  ISSUE 1

                                January 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Housekeeping Personnel Service

                                 Follow us on                                                                                                                                                                                    Don’t wait for spring
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                                NEWS P. 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Seaport Village
                                                                                 CLIENT                                     PROJECT         VERSION             CLIENT APPROVAL                    DATE
                                                                   SAN DIEGO
                                                                 DOWNTOWN NEWS
                                                                                                                         Logo Design          FINAL       X                                       1/9/12               continues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DAVE SCHWAB | Downtown News

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Plans to give Seaport Village
                         East Village’s new open spaces
                                         Children’s Park
                                              San Diego, CA
                                               July 20, 2017
                                            ATTACHMENT E
                                                                     S c hm idt Des ign Group, i nc.
                                                                     www.sc h mi dtdesi gn.c om
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a huge, distinctively San Diego
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “makeover” are still in play,

                                FASHION P. 4                                                           Emerging artists descend                                                                                        though it’s taking longer than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “A project of this size and nature

                                                                                                       on Ocean Beach                                                                                                  doesn’t just happen — it evolves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       over time,” said Yehudi “Gaf”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Gaffen, managing partner of
                                                                                                       for Springboard West                                                                                            Protea Waterfront Development,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the team behind Seaport San
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Diego, a re-imagining of the
                                                                                          Orange County band Undecided Future at 2019’s Springboard West (Photo by Collin Worrell Photography)                         39-year-old, 90,000-square-foot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Seaport Village waterfront shop-
                         50 years of textiles: Zandra                                                    LUCIA VITI | Downtown News       Founder and Director Barry             Crossing all music genres, this       ping and dining complex.
                         Rhodes                                                                                                         Coffing will showcase some of          nonprofit, sustainable arts ven-           “Our vision is to create a vi-
                                                                                             Springboard West 2020 – a                  the most talented – and undis-         ture isn’t about “making mon-           brant, experimental-based attrac-
                                                                                          music festival, band bootcamp                 covered – musicians in front           ey.” Mentors devote their time          tion near the water,” said Gaffen.
                                FEATURE P. 7                                              and beer crawl – returns to                   of the industry’s top execu-           as advisors while searching for         “Our goal is for this to be a legacy
                                                                                          Ocean Beach to celebrate some                 tives as a way to discover, give       musical phenoms as 40 musical           project for more than just San
                                                                                          of the world’s finest musical tal-            back and celebrate the future                                                  Diego, that’s going to be trans-
                                                                                          ent Jan. 9-11.                                of music.                                            SEE MUSIC FEST, Page 15   formational for the whole West
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Years in the making, the long-

                                                                                          ‘Danny’s Story’ of transphobia, assault                                                                                      term Seaport Village redevelop-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ment’s two major new attractions,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       an aquarium and an observation-

                         Organ donor honored in Rose
                                                                                          breeds empathy in local high schools                                                                                         al spire and platform, continue to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       anchor the project.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          However, Gaffen noted there
                                                                                                       KENDRA SITTON | Downtown News                                                                                   have been “enhancements” made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to the overall project concept,
                                DINING P. 9                                                 “I came here to feel normal,”                                                                                              which now includes construction
                                                                                          Danny laments as the audience                                                                                                of three, brand-new full-service
                                                                                          of San Diego High School stu-                                                                                                hotels as well as a “new genera-
                                                                                          dents watches him experience                                                                                                 tion” student hostel. The hostel
                                                                                          yet another instance of being                                                                                                will have beds in shared rooms
                                                                                          othered while at the fictional                                                                                               offering travelers less-expensive
                                                                                          high school he just transferred                                                                                              accommodations.
                                                                                          to in a play put on by Blindspot                                                                                                Another new feature of revital-
                                                                                          Collective.                                                                                                                  izing Seaport Village will be the
                                                                                            “Danny’s Story” details the                                                                                                introduction of a “butterfly won-
                         Animae’s interior, food delivers                                 experiences of transphobia and                                                                                               derland.” Gaffen said that project
                                                                                          eventual sexual assault of a trans                                                                                           is based on an existing butterfly
                                                                                          high school student. Blindspot                                                                                               exhibition in Scottsdale, Arizona,
                                                                                                            SEE DANNY’S STORY, Page 6   Danny is played by Jack Mason-Brase. (Photo by Kendra Sitton)                                         SEE SEAPORT, Page 11
                          Dining                                8
                          Puzzles                              11
                          Classifieds                          12
                                                                                                                                                 Thanks for Voting Us Best Breakfast! richardwalkers.com
                          Calendar                             13

                                Contact us
                                     858-270-3101 x136
                           San Diego Community Newspaper Group                                         Fresh Summer Rasberry Crepes
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
2   San Diego Downtown News
    January 2020              sdnews.com
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
sdnews.com             NEWS             San Diego Downtown News
                                                    January 2020 3
Plans in motion for major revamp of Children’s Park
City Council approves plans for $8 million improvement project                                                                                                        Council member Scott Sherman          “It’s for a good cause,” Sherman
                                                                                                                                                                    also went on record in support of     said. “I think it’s a win-win for
               DAVE FIDLIN | Downtown News                       Additionally, the construction                              “This was a big lift to get a mon-     the projects before the formal vote   everybody.”
                                                              project, set to wrap in summer                               umental new park facility into the       was taken. Sherman said the use         According to city officials, none
  It has been touted as a project                             2021, is to carve out new space                              East Village community,” Ward            of such funding sources as park       of the park’s $8 million worth of
years in the making, but ulti-                                for public art, a new walkway to                             said of the efforts to bring both pro-   district revenues and development     costs will be covered through the
mately was made official after just                           the adjacent Civic Pond, a lawn                              posals to reality. “This has been a      impact fees is a prudent use of the
minutes of discussion and unan-                               area and attendant-staffed public                            very much ongoing project.”              money.                                        SEE CHILDREN’S PARK, Page 11
imous support from San Diego                                  restrooms.
decision-makers.                                                 The City Council on Dec. 17
  Children’s Park, a largely un-                              issued several pivotal authoriza-
derutilized 1.4-acre green space                              tions linked to the project, includ-
at 326 W. Harbor Drive, is set                                ing approval of the overall plan
to undergo $8 million worth of                                and a compensation agreement
large-scale improvements that                                 with Civic San Diego, the agency
supporters say will give the site an                          that formerly handled all aspects
opportunity to live up to its name.                           of Downtown redevelopment.
  According to city documents,                                   C ou nci l memb er Ch r i s
the park’s refreshed array of fea-                            Ward, whose district includes
tures is to include a forest-themed                           Downtown, said he believes
playground area and picnic ame-                               Children’s Park and another close-
nities. Also in the works is an                               ly aligned endeavor — construc-
adult exercise equipment area,
off-leash dog running area and a
vendor building that could serve
                                                              tion of the first phase of the East
                                                              Village Green park project — will
                                                              net positive results in the years
as a platform for special events.                             ahead.                                                                   Enjoy Fine Dining At Our Authentic Italian Steakhouse!

 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN                    Children’s Park
                                                  San Diego, CA                          S c hm idt Des ign Group, i nc.
                                                   July 20, 2017                         www.sch midtdesign.co m

                                                ATTACHMENT E

A rendering of the planned Children’s Park (Photo courtesy Schmidt Design Group)

                                                                                                                                                                                     Enjoy à la carte menus, chef’s

East Village Green                                                                                                                                                                   tasting menus, private dinners at
                                                                                                                                                                                     the Chef’s Table, and a beautifully
                                                                                                                                                                                     designed setting with an outdoor
gets the green light                                                                                                                                                                 patio.
                                                                                                                                                                     From homemade pasta dishes to
 Art on the Land                                                                                                                                                     prime cut steaks, fall in love with our
                                                                                                                                                                     chef’s recipes, transporting your
By DELLE WILLETT                                                                                                                                                     senses to Italy. Match every dish
                                                                                                                                                                     with perfectly paired selections
   I wrote about East Village Green in                                                                                           from a carefully curated wine collection. The bar proudly serves a
October 2016 and am pleased to see                                                                                               unique, specially crafted cocktail menu with house-infused spirits, and
that the park now has a green light to                                                                                           fresh, organic ingredients.
break ground in the summer of 2020,
with the first phase ready by summer                          East Village Green’s west block                                    Opening on February 14, just in time for Valentine’s Day! Make your
of 2022. In case you missed my col-                           includes a new community center,                                   reservation today by calling: 1(800) LEGACY9.
umn, I’m sharing it with you now.                             event lawn, café space and
                                                              children’s park. (Courtesy photos)
   Where some people might see

vacant lots and utility infrastruc-
ture, Nathan Elliott sees oppor-                              the city’s Park and Recreation
tunity. Elliott is a principal with                           Department and a team of local                                    O
OJB Landscape Architecture, a                                 consultants, Elliott has led OJB’s
national landscape architecture                               preparation of East Village Green’s                                Casual American Cuisine With Unique Twists That You’ll Love!
firm with a San Diego presence                                General Development Plan (GDP),                                                                          Fountains restaurant boasts an all-day menu,
since 2003.                                                   and his team is currently prepar-
                                                                                                                                                                       with healthy, delicious, and convenient grab
   Working with Civic San Diego,                              ing to begin the design process
                                                              that will ultimately lead to the                                                                         ‘n go options. Located in the Legacy Pavilion,
                                                              park’s construction.                                                                                     the outdoor patio is considered the best
                                                                “Our work takes us across the                                                                          perch in the house. Enjoy the ease of casual
                                                              country to pursue and develop                                                                            cuisine as you enjoy San Diego sunshine
                                                              these kinds of projects and it is                                                                        views and our very own Bellagio-inspired
                                                              extremely gratifying to work on
                                                              such an important project in our
                                                                                                                                                                       Legacy Fountains.
                                                              own hometown,” said Elliott.                                                                             For more information, call: 1(800) LEGACY9.
                                                                Anticipated as a three-phase
A multi-use sport court and community                         project, East Village Green’s GDP
room will support a wide range of                                                                                                875 HOTEL CIRCLE SOUTH • SAN DIEGO • LEGACYSANDIEGO.COM
public programming and events.                                      SEE EAST VILLAGE GREEN, Page 14
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
4                      FASHION
            San Diego Downtown News
            January 2020                                                                                                                                                  sdnews.com

San Diego celebrates Zandra Rhodes, pets
 Fashion Files                      Dec. 15, at Martin Luther King, Jr.   prizes. The first 350 pet entrants    Fifth Avenue to E Street
                                    Promenade. This year, the event       received a complimentary good-        and came back down
                                    was sponsored by Just Food For        ie bag.                               Fourth Avenue along
By DIANA CAVAGNARO                  Dogs and had a pet expo with ma-         All the furry critters came        with marching bands,
                                    ny vendors that were all pet-relat-   dressed in their favorite costumes,   dignitaries and pets and
GASLAMP HOLIDAY PET                 ed. They had a fun contest to go      some matching their owners’ cos-      their owners. Not all the
PARADE                              around to all the booths and have     tumes and many of the partici-        entrants were dogs, some
 The 12th annual Gaslamp            your program stamped and then         pants put together creative floats.   pets were cats, chickens, Best in Show and grand marshal for 2020
Holiday Pet Parade took place on    put into a drawing for many fun       At 2 p.m., the parade marched up      bunnies, and pigs. When (Photos by Diana Cavagnaro)
                                                                                                                they arrived back at MLK

                                      CALI Strong                                                               Promenade, prizes were
                                                                                                                given for the best in the
                             The California Sports Company                                                      following categories.
                                                                                                                   This year’s awards
                                                                                                                went to:
                                   789 West Harbor Drive (next to Puesto)                                          • Best Ugly Holiday
                                        San Diego, California 92101                                             Sweater: Ollie, the West
                                   Park in Seaport Village and we validate                                      Highland Terrier, with
                                                                                                                handler Victoria Brunzell.
                                                                                                                   • Cutest Cr it ter:
                                                                                                                Chicka the chicken, Astro Mutt
                                                                                                                Gingerale the chicken,
                                                                                                                and Waffles the rabbit,
                                                                                                                with handlers Mikey
                                                                                                                Johnson, Hunter Johnson
                                                                                                                and Grace Green (“Alice
                                                                                                                in Wonderland”).
                                                                                                                   • Best Pet Costume:
                                                                                                                Leuke, with handler Viki
                                                                                                                   • Best Non-Canine
                                                                                                                Pet Costume Jazzy the
  Fre e $13 S o cks w ith e ver y item                                                                          dog, and Maya the cat,
                                                                                                                with handlers Greyfield
                                                                                                                Nguyen and Angela
                                                                                                                   • Best Pet Holiday Furst place winner
                                                                                                                Costume: Sir Ruffles Von
                                                                                                                Vicious (Ruffy), with handler Jan    • Best in Show: Zachary and
                                                                                                                Savage (Feliz Navidog).            Belle the dogs, with handlers the
                                                                                                                   • Best Costumed Duo: Tia Hoeberecht family (they will be

                            San Diego BRAND
                                                                                                                the dog, with handler Jaimie the event’s grand marshals next
              LOCAL                                                                                             Flores (Queen Tia).
                                                                                                                   • Best Costumed group:
                                                                                                                                                     • Charity Advocate Canine
                                                                                                                Kylo-Ren the dog, with handlers Tucker Doodle received the
                                                                                                                the Andrews Family (“Where’s GreyFriars Bobby Award. If you

                                                        25% Off
                                                          Bring this in to get a 25%
                                                                                                                Waldo”).                           missed this fur ball gathering, be
                                                                                                                   • Best Float: Lucy the Boston sure to put it on your calendar for
                                                                                                                Terrier, with handler George next year.
                                                                                                                Pisano (Harry Potter).
                                                                                                                                                      ‘50 FABULOUS YEARS’
                                                          Discount off any one item                                                                      The House of Zandra Rhodes
                                                                                                                                                      presented a special luncheon and
                                                         including T-shirt, Hoodie,                                                                   rooftop terrace party celebrating
                                                         Jacket, Shoe or Skateboard.                                                                  five iconic decades of the Fashion
                                                                                                                                                      House of Zandra Rhodes. This
                                                                                                                                                      event took place on Dec. 11, at the
                                                                    Exp. 11/30/2109                                                                   L’Auberge Del Mar. Zandra spoke
                                                                                                                                                      about the most pivotal moments
   Free $70 shoes with ever y skateboard                                                                                                              in her career. Models showed the
                                                                                                                                                      audience one-of-a-kind vintage
                                                                                                                                                      Zandra Rhodes garments that
                                                                                                                                                      swept the fashion scene during
                                                                                                                                                      the last 50 years. Everyone was
                                                                                                                                                      given a private viewing of the
                                                                                                                                                      upcoming film “Zandra with a
                                                                                                                                                      Zee,” a documentary highlighting
                                                                                                                                                      Rhodes’ life in fashion.
                                                                                                                Best Pet Holiday Costume                 The event had a special auction
                                                                                                                                                      where guests could procure vin-
                                                                                                                                                      tage garments and other Rhodes
                                                                                                                  Upcoming Events
                                                                                                                                                      items such as handbags, pillows,
                                                                                                                  Jan. 5, 2020 - San Diego            and artwork. The afternoon was
                                                                                                                  Wedding Party Expo The              finished with an after-party on
                                                                                                                  US Grant, a Luxury Collection
                                                                                                                                                      the Beachside Rooftop Terrace.
                                                                                                                  Hotel with fashion show,
                                                                                                                                                      For more information about
                                                                                                                  vendors, and wedding experts.
                                                                                                                  For more information visit:         this fashion icon, visit zandrar-
                                                                                                                  theUSGrantSanDiego.com              hodes.com.
                                                                                                                  Jan. 12, 2020 - Bridal Bazaar
                                                                                                                  at the San Diego Convention
                                                                                                                                                      THE GOLDEN HOUR
                                                                                                                  Center with three fashion
                                                                                                                                                        The Westgate Hotel and Dame
                                                                                                                  shows produced by Gretchen          Zandra Rhodes presented a fash-

   www.cali-strong.com @calistrongusa
                                                                                                                  Productions. For more info, call:   ion show and luncheon downtown
                                                                                                                                                               SEE ZANDRA RHODES, Page 14
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
sdnews.com           BUSINESS        San Diego Downtown News
                                                 January 2020 5
Cross Campus caters to Downtown professionals
      VINCE MEEHAN | Downtown News     use us once a week, or a couple      searching for a meeting room in
                                       of times a month, so it’s flexible   an unfamiliar city and makes the
   Briana Tovey is the senior cam-     office space. We cater to startups   reservation process fast and easy.
pus manager of Cross Campus, a         who are growing and don’t know          Tovey agrees that Deskpass is a
coworking hub located in Little        exactly where they’ll be in a year   key tool for travelers to locate co-
Italy where professionals can          and don’t want to commit to a        working spaces and works well in
rent workstations or offices by        long-term lease, and we also cater   directing people to Cross Campus.
the hour, day, week or even lon-       to a lot of remote workers.”         “It’s great for us, because if peo-
ger. She serves as the point person       These remote workers can be in    ple are traveling and they want
at this brick building that used to    San Diego on a business trip and     to do coworking, they can set it up
be a major furniture warehouse         need to book a conference room       on Deskpass. And they can even
on India Street near Laurel.           for a few hours or can be consul-    bring a guest if they want, so it’s
   The concept is simple; working      tants that need a fast and easy      more exposure for us, and serves
professionals can have access          workspace for the day. Many find     as another platform that draws
to workstations and conference         these coworking spaces through       people into our space.”
rooms without having to commit         phone apps such as Deskpass,            Cross Campus features vari-
to a long-term lease.                  which recently added San Diego       ous amenities that young pro-
   There are a growing number          to its network.                      fessionals gravitate to including
of coworking spaces in San Diego          Sam Rosen is the co-founder       wall-mounted bicycle racks, a ful-     Cross Campus Senior Campus Manager Briana Tovey in the dining area.
and the nation. “Coworking pac-        and CEO of Deskpass and says         ly functioning kitchen and dining      (Photos by Vince Meehan)
es are set up for a lot of different   that San Diego is a perfect target   area, and even beer on tap. The
reasons, one being smaller com-        for his company due to the influx    ambiance is fun and casual with           The workers must provide their       workspace. She checks in on people
mitments for office space,” Tovey      of professionals who come to the     many professionals choosing to         own computer, so the work tool of       and makes sure that everybody is
explains. “And there are also          city and prefer coworking set-ups.   work together at large tables as       choice for the clients are typically    happy. She enjoys the camaraderie
options for people to drop in and      His site takes the legwork out of    opposed to hiding in a cubicle.        laptops. However, if you require        that Cross Campus intentionally
                                                                                                                   multiple monitors, Cross Campus         generates for its workers. Large
                                                                                                                   can provide you with them.              common areas bring workers
                                                                                                                   Tovey elaborated on how easy it         together and creates a prime en-
                                                                                                                   is for workers to do this. “We don’t    vironment for collaboration. She
                                                                                                                   provide computers – most people         adds that this brings a smile to her
                                                                                                                   work off their laptops – but we do      face when she sees it happen. “It’s
                                                                                                                   lend people monitors. So if you         a great place for cross-pollination
                                                                                                                   come with your laptop, but you’re       because there are people here who
                                                                                                                   a graphic or web designer and you       do a little bit of everything. There’s
                                                                                                                   need two screens, you just check        a very wide array of ages and back-
                                                                                                                   one out – it’s free – you borrow it     grounds represented here; I love it
                                                                                                                   for the day, you bring it back when     when I see people working togeth-
                                                                                                                   you’re done.”                           er – it’s my favorite!”
                                                                                                                      Tovey definitely enjoys her job at
                                                                                                                   Cross Campus and her enthusiasm             —Vince Meehan can be reached
Bikes are encouraged as a green alternative to cars.     Conference rooms are available to rent.                   is infectious as she roams the large    at vinniemeehan@gmail.com.v

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                                                                                                   rainy season.
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
6                OPINION / FEATURE
               San Diego Downtown News
               January 2020                                                                                                                                                                        sdnews.com

Declutter your life for a stress-free 2020
     KATHI BURNS | addSpace To Your Life   take right now to start this new       When you try on a piece of         plastic bins. You can also em-                    1621 Grand Ave. Suite C
                                           decade feeling like your life is    clothing and take it off right        ploy baskets to serve as quick                     San Diego, CA 92109
   2020 marks the beginning of             under control!                      away — this is a good indica-         and easy dividers in deep draw-                        858-270-3103
a new decade and if you want                  The first organizing tactic is   tion that you no longer really        ers. Use pre-made plastic draw-          Facebook.com/sandiegodowntownnews
to embrace it with 20/20 vision            to set up a permanent donation      like it. We only wear 20% of          er bins for instant cabinets                  Twitter: @sddowntownnews
and clarity, this is the perfect           box in your home.                   the clothes in our closet so this     within cabinets.                            Instagram: @sd_downtownnews
time to begin decluttering and                It is important to position      might be the perfect time to             For instance, my bedside
organizing your life.                      your donation bin in a place        get real with yourself. If you        drawer has a few different cad-
   The average U.S. home con-              that is quick and easy to access.   don’t want to wear it today,          dies within. One caddie holds
tains more than 300,000 pos-               A hall closet or right inside the   why would you want to wear it         pens and notepads, another
sessions. It is no wonder why              garage door typically trumps        tomorrow?                             holds vitamins, my extra cables
we sometimes feel like our pos-            other locations.                       If in doubt and you just can’t     are stashed inside a plastic bag                              EDITOR               COPY EDITOR
sessions are possessing us!                   Once you set up a permanent      talk yourself into tossing it         and the last container holds my                      Kendra Sitton              Dustin Lothspeich
   Most of us spend a great deal           donation bin for items you no       immediately, place the hanger         reading glasses.                               858-270-3103 x136
                                                                                                                                                                                                 WEB / SOCIAL MEDIA
of time buying, maintaining,               longer want, use, or love, your     backward onto the rod. In a              This strategy follows the                kendra@sdnews.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jeff Clemetson
storing, trying to access and              life will become less cluttered     few months, check to see if you       principle of containing ‘like
keeping track of our items.                with less effort. Develop your      ever wore it again. If not, toss it   with like’ that you will often                                                     ADVERTISING
                                                                                                                                                                       CONTRIBUTING                    CONSULTANTS
   When your life is overrun               new habit of releasing unwant-      onto your donation bin quickly        hear professional organizers
                                                                                                                                                                                 EDITORS              Mike Rosensteel
with clutter, you are not be able          ed items into this bin for four     and be done with it!                  like myself teaching. The rea-               Jeff Clemetson x130                   (619) 961-1958
to see clearly what you need to            to six weeks until it becomes          Once you have a donation           son we love this organizing tac-                Tom Melville x131             miker@sdnews.com
do to create more success or to            automatic.                          station set up inside your            tic is simply when similar items           Emily Blackwood x 133               Heather Fine, x107
simply have more free time.                   It doesn’t really matter what    home, it is time to start the         ‘live’ in the same location, they             Dave Schwab x 132
                                                                                                                                                                                               MARKETING DIRECTOR
   The great news is that when             type of bin you use for your un-    purging process.                      are much easier to find when                                                  Francisco Tamayo
your home and your life be-                wanted items. It can be as sim-        Your next step will be to          needed.                                                                           (619) 961-1958
come organized and declut-                 ple as a plastic tub or old box.    assess each space every time             One super important declut-
                                                                                                                                                                                 WRITERS      BUSINESS CONSULTANT
tered, you will automatically              The main requirement is that it     you open a door or drawer. Do         tering strategy is to purge your
                                                                                                                                                                            Kathi Burns                 David Mannis
have extra room for new ex-                stays vertical on its own. This     a quick scan to check if there is     home on a regular basis. The                     Diana Cavagnaro                  (619) 961-1951
periences and will also expe-              way it is super easy to open the    anything inside that you have         beginning of each year is the                         Tom Cesarini            david@sdcnn.com
rience a greater sense of peace            closet door and toss items in as    not used for the last six months      ideal time. The beginning of a                             Dave Fidlin
and well-being.                            soon as you decide they are no      or a year                             new decade makes decluttering                                                      ACCOUNTING
                                                                                                                                                                         Vince Meehan
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Heather Humble x120
   When we waste time search-              longer needed, used or loved.          A pro organizing tip: It is        even more significant. Start                    Frank Sabatini Jr.
ing for things we know we own,                To guarantee success, once       easier to make decisions if you       this decade with systems put                         Dave Schwab
but cannot find, we become                 your donation bin is full, you      empty the drawer. Seeing all          into place and remove all clut-                             Lucia Viti                 PUBLISHER
                                                                                                                                                                        Sandee Wilhoit                  Julie Main x106
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These steps are simple but not             process going!                      think about how you might be          ly receive the bonus of more            of the publisher or staff.
necessarily easy. Keep in mind,               Adding a second donation         able to optimize that space. This     free time for fun!                      SUBMISSIONS/NEWS TIPS: Press releases and story
there is no one end result — it            bin inside your master closet       area will be better organized                                                 ideas are welcomed. Send press releases, tips, photos or
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Danny’s Story
                                           said. “This is about
                                           the community and
                                           coming to where
                                                                                                                     students’ goal was to use Gionni
                                                                                                                     to stop the bully and perpetra-
                                                                                                                     tor, Adam (Marc Caro-Willcox),
                                           these folks are. This is                                                  before his behavior escalated to
Collective created the piece and           the foundational thing                                                    that level.
has taken it on two tours in San           that anchors me in the                                                       The piece of forum theater has
Diego high schools. Its latest tour        room.”                                                                    helped students find tangible
finished with three shows at San              After the discus-                                                      ways to recognize and combat
Diego High School on Dec. 20.              sion, the performers                                                      transphobia and other forms of
The play gives an intimate look            run through several                                                       bullying. It also requires the large-
at the struggles Danny, played             scenes again. This The cast plays songs including Lady Gaga’s             ly LGBT+ performers relinquish
by trans actor Jack Mason-Brase,           time, when some- “Born this Way” as students file into the theater        control of their characters — and
faces after moving to San Diego            thing goes wrong, a to see “Danny’s Story.” (Photo by Kendra Sitton)      the conversation — to young
to start over. In its efforts to build     volunteer from the                                                        people who may have never been
empathy, create accessible con-            audience steps in for an actor to who come up yelling and ready           exposed to this issue before.
versations for young people, and           try and write a better outcome to fight. As extreme as I’ve seen             “Every process is completely
help high school students prac-            for Danny. Often, the high school some of the responses, more of-         different depending on who’s
tice how to stand up for someone           students transform Danny’s ten than not, the things that I                in the room. What’s beautiful
else, the second half of the pre-          friend Gionni from a bystander see inspire me to be a good friend         about the process is that we give
sentation involves audience inter-         into an advocate who stands up in the face of oppression.”                it over to our audience. We say,
action with the six-person cast.           for Danny.                            In other places, the students       ‘we’re gonna show you a piece.’
   Wilfred Paloma’s joker, the MC             “The hardest part about play- practice how Danny could share           We don’t exactly know who they
and moderator in forum theater             ing this role is that she is in- his experiences with his family          are — how supportive of the
pieces, facilitates conversations          tentionally a bystander,” Sofia and friends so they can help him.         trans conversations they are,
with the high school students              Zaragoza, who originated the          Paloma navigates these diffi-       how curious, how judgmental,
where they can discuss what                role of Gionni, explained. In real cult conversations with finesse        but we’re trusting them to bring                LA JOLLA

motivated the characters and the           life, she hopes she would stand by carefully explaining that              their perceptions and questions,”
different oppressions Danny faces.         up for someone. “To me, it’s Danny is never at fault for being            said Catherine Hanna Schrock,
   “One thing I strive to bring to         really empowering to get to be a victim but there are still ways          “Danny’s Story” playwright and
the room is whatever is said in the        that person people want to step in which he can use his power             Blindspot Collective cofounder.
room, is whatever is said in the           in for. I feel like I’ve seen every to stand up for himself. To em-       “We’re illuminating an oppres-
room. We’re going to acknowl-              shade of response people can do phasize that a victim is never            sion we think is very important
edge it and treat it with the same         — from the person who comes to blame, the final scene of the              for people to be aware of.”
amount of weight as any other              up dropping wisdom bombs cool sexual assault was not redone
bit of the conversation,” Paloma           and collectedly to the people with students’ participation. The                    SEE DANNY’S STORY, Page 14
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
sdnews.com               FEATURE                                                                                                                  San Diego Downtown News
                                                                                                                                                              January 2020           7
San Diego organ donor honored in                                                                                   Little Italy updates
Rose Parade                                                                                                         Little Italy
                                                                                                                    Culture & Heritage
                                                                                                                                                         information at conviviosociety.

      KENDRA SITTON | Downtown News
                                                                                                                   By TOM CESARINI                       WALKING TOURS OF LITTLE
                                                                                                                                                         ITALY OFFER CULTURE AND
   A local business owner and or-                                                                                  ITALIAN CONSULATE                     CUISINE
gan donor was honored posthu-                                                                                      SERVICES COME TO LITTLE                  Experience the story of Little
mously in the Rose Parade on Jan.                                                                                  ITALY                                 Italy San Diego — a neighbor-
1. He was born in Italy but came                                                                                      The Italian honorary consul-       hood with an Italian presence
to San Diego on vacation and nev-                                                                                  ate of San Diego will be open-        since 1871! Our exclusive walk-
er left. Alessandro (Alle) Speroni                                                                                 ing its office in Little Italy at     ing tours of Little Italy resume
owned Soleluna Cafe in Cortez                                                                                      Amici House in the early part         with two morning tours in
Hill, where he met his wife Dana.                                                                                  of January. The office will be        January and February. Our Bel
   “Alle was the sun on a cloudy                                                                                   helping Italian co-nationals          Mattino (Beautiful Morning)
day. He could turn anyone’s day                                                                                    with consultations for dual citi-     Tour begins at Cafe Zucchero
around with his charm and wit-                                                Dana Speroni creating the floral     zenship, passport renewals, and       (inside Nonna, located at 1735
ty humor. He knew how to lis-           Cafe owner Alessandro Speroni         portrait of Alessandro Speroni.      vital records. Appointments can       India St.), for our continental
ten deeply and easily made one          (Photo courtesy Philip DeFalco)       (Photo courtesy Lifesharing)         be made online through the San        Sicilian breakfast, followed by
feel like there was no one else in                                                                                 Diego consulate website (which        the guided excursion through
the room,” Dana said. “He was a         and ended my day in his remain-          “I hope through Lifesharing       is in the works) and will be lo-      the neighborhood. Breakfast
man you want to know and strive         ing years,” Dana said.                I can continue to honor Alle’s       cated at sditalianconsulate.org.      includes a cappuccino, hot tea,
to be.”                                   The float was sponsored by          memory and encourage others to       The consulate primary phone           or Italian soda and an Iris — a
   In 2013 at age 41, Speroni died      Lifesharing, which is federally       follow in his footsteps to become    number is 619-800-7974. The           traditional Sicilian, ricotta-filled
suddenly from an aneurysm while         designated to coordinate San          donors and give others the gift of   Italian consulate of San Diego        pastry (more than half a pound!).
surfing— a tremendous loss for          Diego’s organ donations. In 2018,     life,” Dana said.                    works closely with the Italian        Ticket cost is $29 per person.
his wife, family and friends. Since     they saved a record 403 lives. Two                                         general consulate based in Los        More information on our tours
Speroni was a registered organ          thousand people are currently on          —Kendra Sitton can be reached    Angeles, which serves Southern        can be found at conviviosociety.
donor, through his death, he was        the transplant list in San Diego.     at kendra@sdnews.com.v               California, Nevada, Arizona, and      org/excursions.
able to save four lives with the                                                                                   New Mexico.
help of Lifesharing, who carried                                                                                                                             —Tom Cesarini is the executive
out his final wishes by finding                                                                                    LITTLE ITALY HISTORICAL               director and founder of Convivio and
recipients for his heart, liver, kid-                                                                              SOCIETY PRESERVES OUR                 also serves as the Italian honorary
neys and pancreas.                                                                                                 ITALIAN COMMUNITY                     consul of San Diego. Convivio cul-
   “Being a donor family, to me,                                                                                   STORIES                               tivates community and fellowship,
was a gift. It brought light to a                                                                                     Under the auspices of Convivio,    advances Italian cultural identity,
very dark time. Losing a loved one                                                                                 the Little Italy Historical Society   and fosters multicultural awareness
is tragic and life-altering; there is                                                                              — a Convivio auxiliary dedi-          across myriad disciplines through
very little I can say to describe                                                                                  cated to the Italian American         education and research, social en-
the moment you hear that your           Dana Speroni volunteered to help make the float in the Rose Parade that    narrative of San Diego’s Italian      richment, and innovative program-
loved one has passed. Devastating       honored her late husband. (Photos courtesy Lifesharing)                    quarter — will be embarking           ming. Visit: conviviosociety.org.
is an understatement. Knowing,                                                                                     on several new projects this          Follow along: @conviviosociety
however, that the one you love                                                                                     year including a documentary          (Facebook / Instagram / Twitter)v
can change someone else’s fate is                                                                                  series and new photographic ex-
game changing. The overwhelm-                                                                                      hibits. We are also continuing to
ing sadness turned into hope —                                                                                     add to our digital repository of
the hope that Alle’s organs would                                                                                  Italian American historical pho-
remain strong enough to save                                                                                       tographs, documents, and oral
someone’s life, the hope that he                                                                                   histories. Want to be a part of
could prevent another tragedy,                                                                                     preserving Little Italy’s unique          For up-to-date news
                                                                                                                                                                 follow us on
the hope that he could create a                                                                                    cultural assets before they dis-          Facebook and Twitter
miracle. That is everything he did      Dana Speroni and her brother Gil Pulde decorating the Donate Life Rose     appear altogether? Contact                    sdnews.com
and more; he saved four people’s        Parade float. (Photos courtesy Lifesharing)                                us to get involved or for more
lives,” Dana Speroni explained. “I
only hope they are living life the
way he would have.”
   The Donate Life float’s theme
was “Light in the Darkness” and
highlighted Southeast Asia’s
Festival of Lights — Diwali.
   “The greatest fear we have after
losing our loved ones is that they
will be forgotten. This is a memo-
rable event that is watched by so
many people. It gives me peace
to know his memory continues
to live on, his organs continue
to live on, and that his smile can
be shared with the world,” she
   A portrait of the cafe owner
was featured in the Rose Parade
in Los Angeles. Dana and family
created the floral portrait out of
coffee and spices. It showcases his
famous smile.
   “I miss everything about him,
but... I miss his smile the most.
That was the smile that won me
over. I met Alle at the coffee shop
he owned across the street from
my house. I was a regular and
there was never a day I would
walk in and not be greeted by that
warm, affectionate smile. It was
that same smile that both started
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
8        San Diego Downtown News
            January 2020                                                                   DINING                                                                                   sdnews.com
                                                                                     The newly opened Gaslamp Breakfast
                                                                                   Company has replaced The Dive SKC, and it
                                                                                   offers a menu of classic and creative dishes such
                                                                                   as steak and eggs, bacon or vegan omelets, or-
                                                                                   ange-thyme waffles, fried rice Benedict with
                                                                                   crispy ham, and more. There are also craft beers
                                                                                   and kombucha on tap, as well as cocktails made
                                                                                   with assorted fruits and vegetables.
                                                                                     Situated in a 3,148-square-foot space, the
                                                                                   restaurant is patterned after North Park                 The recently opened Metl Bar & Restaurant (Photo by
                                                                                   Breakfast Company, which opened sever-                   Arlene Ibarra)
                                                                                   al months ago at 3131 University Ave. Both
  Get your fix of Philly chees-                                                    are owned and operated by the Rise & Shine                  The original Aztec word for agave is “metl.” It’s
esteaks, burgers, beer, spirits                                                    Restaurant Group, which also runs Breakfast              also the name of a new Gaslamp Quarter bar and
and other creature comforts at                                                     Republic, Fig Tree Cafe, El Jardin Cantina,              restaurant specializing in mescals, tequila, whis-
the new Bottle Rocket in the                                                       and Feast & Fareway. 551 J St., 619-937-3074,            keys, creative cocktails and free live music.
East Village.                                                                      breakfast-company.com.                                      Metl Bar & Restaurant was launched by Jenna
  Formerly Monkey Paw, the                                                                                                                  Elskamp and her husband, Randy, in the space pre-
venture is owned in part by Matt                                                                                                            viously occupied by The Hopping Pig, of which
Guilbert, who is also a partner                                                                                                             Jenna had a small stake.
at The Regal Beagle in in                                                                                                                      “We never had a cover charge for live music at The
Middletown. (3659 India St.)                                                                                                                Hopping Pig and we want to continue allowing local
  The quaint space received a          Loaded cheesesteaks in the East                                                                      bands to pub themselves out there,” she said, noting
“visual facelift” featuring bright-    Village (Courtesy of Bottle Rocket)                                                                  that throughout the month of January bands are
er colors, said Guilbert. It’s open                                                                                                         booked on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Starting
from 11:30 a.m. to midnight,           and until 2 a.m. on Fridays and                                                                      in February, they’ll be featured on Wednesdays as well.
Sunday through Thursday,               Saturdays. 805 16th St.                                                                                 A regular menu of casual fare is also in place.
                                                                                                                                            It features everything from fish tacos and Buffalo
                                                                                   A new place for morning fare in the Gaslamp Quarter      wings to soups, flatbreads, burgers and steak frites.
  City Tacos will replace                                                          (Alternative Strategies)                                 748 Fifth Ave., 619-546-6424, metlsd.com.
the now-shuttered Larry’s
Deli near Petco Park in
the next two months, ac-                                                             What was known as The Grand         cocktail from a selection of spir-
cording to a manager from                                                          Lobby Bar inside Downtown’s           its, bitters, syrups and garnishes.
the original North Park                                                            towering Manchester Grand             From the revised food menu, cus-
location. Over the past de-                                                        Hyatt has remodeled and re-           tomers can also build their own
cade, the eatery has expand-                                                       named The Landing. The new,           charcuterie boards. The redo is
ed into La Mesa, Imperial                                                          modern design features custom         part of a completed property-wide
Beach and Encinitas. It is This lamb-leek taco and others are                      woodwork, marble tabletops and        renovation. 1 Market Place, 619-
lauded for its unique sauc- coming to a Downtown address soon.                     a glass centerpiece mural illus-      232-1234, manchestergrand.hy-
es and garnishes used in (Photo by Frank Sabatini Jr.)                             trating crystal-blue water.           att.com.
tacos filled with assorted                                                           The beverage lineup now focus-
proteins such as lamb, and veg- and portobello mushrooms. 324                      es on high-end wines, rare liquors       —Frank Sabatini Jr. can be         Build your own cocktail at The
etables such as sauteed spinach Seventh Ave., citytacossd.com.                     and the option of build your own      reached at fsabatini@san.rr.com.v     Landing (Facebook)

                                      The California Restaurant Association Presents

                            January 19-26

              Are you ready to explore
             Restaurant Week your way?
                      Customize your Restaurant Week experience
                       and craft your own combination of entrées,
                 appetizers, drinks and desserts, or enjoy the classic
                          3-course offerings with Prix Fixe menus.



                                                    SPONSORED BY:
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
sdnews.com                                                                             DINING                                                                                       San Diego Downtown News
                                                                                                                                                                                                January 2020                            9
The return of swank
 Restaurant Review                      duty the night of our visit, which
                                        might explain why the black gar-
                                        lic udon noodles with lobster we
By FRANK SABATINI JR.                   ordered didn’t rank among our
                                        meal’s epic dishes. More on that
   In the occasional attempts           in a moment.
made by San Diego restaurants              Several starters, however, were
(steakhouses in particular) to cre-     spellbinding.
ate luxurious atmospheres beck-            A snow pea salad with Japanese
oning to the days of formal dining,     mustard greens, fresh mint and          Cushy seating and swagged fabrics define Animae’s interior (Photos by Dustin Bailey)
something always seems amiss.           crunchy bits of garlic offered an
Either the seats aren’t cushy           orchestra of flavors tied together      working under the partial di- served over beef carpaccio — dish-              —Frank Sabatini Jr. is the author
enough, the lighting is harsh, the      by nori-vinaigrette. Refreshing,        rection of a showman-chef like es on my radar for a second visit.         of ‘Secret San Diego’ (ECW Press)
use of steel and concrete is exces-     grassy and teasingly tangy, the         Malarkey. Their offerings are         Better yet, the ambiance with- and began his local writing career
sive, or most often, soundproofing      medley was as ultra-healthy as it       meant to deliver flavor surprises, in this high-ceiling space returns more than two decades ago as a staff-
is sorely lacking.                      was delicious.                          whether it’s in a whole fried snap- you to the glory days of fine dining, er for the former San Diego Tribune.
                                           A bowl of Baja-inspired street       per accented with citrus, fennel and with just the right amount of You can reach him at fsabatini@san.
                                        corn tossed in almonds, Japanese        and
                                                                                      Phaseor   butter
                                                                                              7__San   dumplings
                                                                                                     Diego          whimsy
                                                                                                            Community        tossed into
                                                                                                                      News Network:      the mix.
                                                                                                                                      Uptown    News_RUN: rr.com. v
                                                                                                                                                          01/01/2020__TRIM:    6.1” x 10.96”
                                        chili spice (togarashi) and kim-
  969 Pacific Highway                   chi aioli is the mother of all corn
  619-432-1225, animaesd.com            recipes with its varied textures,
  Prices: Starters (hot and cold), $7   zesty kick, and buttery essence
  to $22; noodle and rice dishes,       obtained by finely grated Cotija
  $16 to $34; meat and seafood          cheese. The Mexican-Asian fusion
  entrees, $27 to $160                  worked seamlessly.
                                           Nutty-tasting “forbidden black
                                        rice” is the bedding for kung
   At the splendidly designed
Animae, such faux pas are avoid-
                                        pao prawns, which are given a
                                        Hawaiian twist with sun-dried
ed. It’s where diners can sink their
tushies into $5.5 million worth
                                        pineapple. Broccolini, lotus root,
                                        chilies and white sesame seeds
                                                                                                 FOR TAKING
of comfort while supping on pan-
Asian cuisine stamped largely
                                        played keenly into the scheme
                                        while elevating it way above ho-
                                                                                                 THE TIME
with big, complex flavors.
   Heavy draperies and plush car-
                                        hum versions of Chinese kung pao.
                                           As a lover of meats cooked over
                                                                                                 TO SAVE.
peting flow amid furnishings and        charcoal, the honey-lime chick-
décor that brilliantly mesh togeth-     en skewer sent me over the moon.
er accents from the Art Deco and        The charred flavor of the meat (all
midcentury periods. Compared            thigh pieces) ran deep — almost
to so many hyped restaurants            more so than chicken cooked over
that have hit the local scene over      briquettes at backyard barbecues.
the past couple decades, Animae         Lively papaya slaw underneath
defies them all in style and com-       was a fitting bonus.
fort. Even in a full house, there’s        Yet my craving for udon noo-
enough space between tables and         dles was met with disappoint-
circular booths to allow for audi-      ment. Cloaked in an appealing
ble conversation.                       bisque-like sauce and strewn with
   Staying true to fine-dining          chunks of lobster — some of them
haunts from a century ago, there        overcooked — the noodles were
is no open kitchen. So what you         too dense and clumpy for my lik-
don’t see are the charcoal-fueled       ing. Served al dente, a friend who                    You did it, San Diego. More than 600,000 of you
grill and oven working their mag-       ordered the same dish a week later
ic on various proteins, or the noo-     said her noodles were also overly                     are thinking about energy differently. By using less
dle-making skills of executive chef     weighty. And the promise of black
Joe Magnanelli, who partnered           garlic went missing.                                  electricity from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., you’ve helped save
with designer-entrepreneur Chris           Our desserts returned us to the                    energy and contributed to a cleaner environment
Puffer and celebrity chef Brian         level of sensationalism from which
Malarkey to open Animae late            we began. A long, rectangular                         for us all. Because of you, when is truly in. Visit
last year.                              platter was the vessel for “East
   The venture falls into the           meets West” featuring a lineup                        us online for tips on how to continue your success
portfolio of the Puffer Malarkey
Collective, which owns Herb &
                                        of petite confections such as chai
                                        cookies, rum-soaked butter cake,
                                                                                              with Time-of-Use.
Wood, Herb & Eatery, Farmer &           ponzu caramels, a matcha made-
The Seahorse, and Herb & Sea. It is     leine, and more.
anchored in Downtown’s spank-              Equally ravishing was a fluffy
ing new Pacific Gate luxury condo       puck of chocolate pavlova with
building.                               yuzu mousse and coconut-lime
   Magnanelli honed his pasta           ice cream. Every forkful tasted
                                                                                                                       Find tips at sdge.com/whenmatters
skills while working as executive       delightfully different from the last.
chef for San Diego’s Urban Kitchen         Animae’s menu is a study in
Group, which operates a fleet of        originality, which one should ex-
Italian-style “Cucina” establish-       pect when a European-leaning
ments. Although he wasn’t on            chef like Magnanelli finds himself

                                                                                                                                                                    Time to save.

                                                                                     © 2019 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved. Actual savings may vary and will
                                                                                     depend on various factors, including geographic location, weather conditions, equipment installed, usage rates and similar factors.
(l-r) Baja-Asian street corn; Hawaiian Kung Pao prawns (Photos by Frank
Sabatini Jr.)
Emerging artists descend on Ocean Beach for Springboard West - San Diego ...
10   San Diego Downtown News
     January 2020                            HISTORY                                                                                               sdnews.com

                                            Reaching for the stars
                                                 SANDEE WILHOIT | Downtown News

                                               Some buildings naturally take
                                            your breath away, but the inte-
                                            riors turn out to be less stellar.
                               sdnews.com   Others are largely utilitarian on
                                            the outside but are quite lovely on
                                            the inside. The Watts-Robinson,
                                            San Diego’s first Chicago-style sky-
                                            scraper, is both. I am, of course,
                                            referring to the second Watts-
                                            Robinson building. Although the
                                            first building was no slouch, it
                                            could not rival the elegance and
                                            splendor of the second structure.
                                               Early owners of the lot were
                                            Judge Charles B. Richards, later
                                            director of the San Diego Savings
                                            Bank and Dr. Thomas C. Stockton,       A look at the details of the Watts-Robinson Building (Photos by Tim Trevaskis)
                                            the physician who assisted Nurse
                                            Anna Scheper at the Davis-Horton       imposing 11-story building in               The Watts-Robinson
                                            House. By 1885, the property was       the style of the Chicago School             Building
                                            owned by Robert Johnson, who           of Architecture. The projected
                                            set about constructing the first       structure would have 10 stories
                                            building at the site. It consisted     above the ground and two below.             Northeast corner of Fifth and E
                                            of a 48-foot frontage on Fifth and     The basement excavation alone               Street
                                            an 80-foot frontage on E Street.       cost $4,557, with the building              Architects: Leonard T. Bristow &
                                            The first floor was divided into       contractor, the F.O. Engstrum               John B. Lyman, Jr.
                                            two large stores with the upper        Company, receiving $142,000.                Architectural Style: Romanesque
                                            floor divided into eleven offices.     The Thomas Haverty Company                  Revival
                                            Unfortunately, Mr. Johnson be-         was the plumber and charged
                                            came ill and passed away before        the sum of $18,446, while the Van
                                            his project was finished. All of his   Emon Elevator Company received           adding more marble and new el-
                                            property was sold after probate        the bid for installing elevators for     evators. In 1944, Mrs. Settle sold
                                            and the new owner was Henry            $297,000.                                the property to Isadore, Betty,
                                            Watts.                                    The depth from the street level       Abraham and Florence Tamara
                                               Mr. Watts continued to rent         to the footings was 35 feet, mak-        Teacher. Isadore was a jeweler,
                                            out the upper floors as offices,       ing it the deepest of any business       which very likely influenced the
                                            while half of the ground floor         in the city. The sub-basement            many jewelers who consequent-
                                            now housed a wholesale liquor          housed all of the building ma-           ly occupied the building. The
                                            store and the other half served as     chinery, which included the boiler       Teachers were a very colorful
                                            a grocery store. The land boom         room, vacuum cleaning system,            family. Isadore was acquitted of
                                            of the 1880s encouraged real es-       compressed air plant and elevator        charges of receiving stolen goods,
                                            tate speculation, and several real     apparatus. The San Diego Savings         but later convicted of income tax
                                            estate offices also opened in the      Bank secured the entire basement         evasion. He received a full par-
                                            building.                              and first floor, as their new bank-      don from President Dwight D.
                                               Although business was boom-         ing quarters.                            Eisenhower in 1960. His sister,
                                            ing, Mr. Watt’s health was ap-            The building was of steel rein-       Florence Tamara, did not fare so
                                            parently suffering, and he passed      forced concrete and hollow tile.         well. She was murdered in her
                                            away on Feb. 25, 1889, at the          The exterior was finished with cut       home in Mission Hills in 1976.
                                            Florence Hotel. His estate passed      limestone and granite and cement           By 1951, the Watts Building
                                            to H.C. Watts. Under Watts, a          plaster.                                 had once more changed hands. It
                                            different type of clientele occu-         The 130 offices above the first       was sold to Joseph H. Norman, a
                                            pied the building. They included       floor were equipped with hot             broker from Texas and California.
                                            dentists, the Postal Telegraph         and cold water and special waste         He promptly turned the property
                                            Company, and a theosophist.            outlets. Additionally, there were        once again, and the new own-
                                            Upon his death in 1889, his son        compressed air, gas and electric         ers were a group of attorneys
                                            Nathan, a real estate agent,           outlets for the use of doctors and       from San Francisco, led by a Mr.
                                            took over the building. Nathan         dentists. Additional amenities in-       Robinson. It then became the
                                            rented to a variety of clients and     cluded steam heat, mail chutes,          Watts-Robinson Building, the
                                            also opened the building to sev-       vacuum cleaning systems and              name by which it is now known.
                                            eral service firms, including the      two high-speed elevators with            The structure continued to house
                                            Chicago Barber Shop, a photog-         uniformed attendants. The inte-          doctors, lawyers, jewelers, photog-
                                            rapher’s studio, and the Blockman      rior corridors were wainscoted           raphers and importers.
                                            Banking Company.                       with white marble and Australian           The building continued to
                                               By 1912, Nathan aspired to          gumwood and featured tiled               change hands throughout the
                                            something grander. He com-             floors. The halls and offices were       ensuing years until 1988, when
                                            pletely demolished his 26-year-        well-lighted and ventilated.             the Gaslamp Plaza Suites opened
                                            old building to make way for an           The San Diego Savings Bank            as an elegant 60-suite hotel. The
                                                                                   opened its doors on Nov. 22, 1913,       Gaslamp Plaza Suites remains
                                                                                   although the date of completion is       and was joined by the Melting Pot
                                                                                   listed as Dec. 11, 1913. Thousands       Restaurant.
                                                                                   of visitors thronged the magnif-           Many of the original architec-
                                                                                   icent new headquarters of San            tural aspects are still evident, in-
                                                                                   Diego’s foremost financial institu-      cluding the marble wainscoting,
                                                                                   tion, which stayed at this location      elaborate ceilings, brass elevator
                                                                                   until 1927.                              doors, gumwood carpentry and
                                                                                      In 1926, Nathan Watts died and        etched glass windows and doors.
                                                                                   his sister, Pauline Watts Settle, a      They provide an echo of slower,
                                                                                   prominent socialite, took over the       more elegant and formal times.
                                                                                   property. It was her father-in-law,
                                                                                   a judge, who nominated General               —Sandee Wilhoit is the historian
                                                                                   Ulysses S. Grant for the presiden-       for the Gaslamp Quarter Historical
                                            The Watts-Robinson Building from       cy. She remodeled the building in        Foundation. She can be reached at
                                            across the street                      1937 after the Great Depression,         swilhoit@gaslampfoundatin.org.v
sdnews.com                                                                 NEWS / PUZZLES                                                                               San Diego Downtown News
                                                                                                                                                                                    January 2020                        11

which he described as “a magi-
cal, educational and entertain-
ing experience for both kids and
   Additionally, Gaffen noted the
number of hotels in the project
has now grown from three up to
as many as six.
   Meanwhile, the transition from
old to new at Seaport Village con-
tinues. In October 2018, the Port
of San Diego became the owner/
landlord of Seaport Village, with
Protea Property Management,             An old rendering of a view of Seaport Village. An updated rendering is
Inc. (Protea) managing and op-          expected in March. (Photo courtesy Manolatos Newlson Murphy) S E A P O R T   V I EW   1

erating the shopping and dining
center for the Port.                       New outdoor furniture that al-      Gaffen added that a “very com-
   “Working in close collaboration      lows for flexibility in seating and    prehensive environmental study
with our partners, the Port of San
Diego is revitalizing and enhanc-
ing the experience at Seaport
                                        uses of various spaces.
                                           Seaport Village tenants that
                                        have opened their doors since
                                                                               will have to be completed before
                                                                               the project can move forward, ex-
                                                                               pected by the end of summer next
                                                                                                                                  PUZZLES                                                            ANSWERS ON
                                                                                                                                                                                                     PAGE 13
Village for residents, visitors and     the start of the refit include:        year.”                                         SUDOKU
the businesses that operate within      Something Sweet confectionary,            Of the revised project, Gaffen              Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each number can appear only
                                                                                                                              once in each row, column and 3x3 block. Use logic and process elimination to
it,” said Garry Bonelli, San Diego      Introstem luxury skin-care prod-       added, “Nothing has been sub-                  solve the puzzle.
Board of Port Commissioners             ucts and Vino Stoppers novelty         tracted. Enhancements have been
chair. “Our goal is to create excite-   gift store and wine shop.              added, such as the observation
ment and energy within Seaport             New Seaport tenants opening in      tower which will now incorporate
Village, and also strengthen our        2020 include: Mike Hess Brewing        a hotel in the base.”
relationships with our tenants          with a beer tasting room and patio        Gaffen added the planned
while maximizing revenues for           area and full-service restaurant;      aquarium “has really become
the public’s benefit.”                  Mr. Moto Pizza; Spill the Beans        part of a blue campus integrating
   The port is presently revital-       specialty coffee and bagel shop;       learning- and blue-tech innova-
izing Seaport Village through a         and San Pasqual Wine Tasting           tion centers demonstrating the
variety of new and established          Room expansion.                        importance of the ocean in trying
entertainment, shopping and                There have, however, been           to correct climate change.”
dining options, along with site         some unanticipated “snags” en-            Best case, said Gaffen, the
enhancements and operational            countered in the Seaport Village       Seaport Village redo “will break
improvements.                           redo.                                  ground in 2024 with the project
   In February 2019, the board of          “Once we started underground-       being completed in 2029.”
Port Commissioners approved ap-         ing, we uncovered some pretty             Gaffen concluded Seaport
proximately $2.2 million in fund-       significant issues dealing with an     Village’s new look is going to have
ing to implement various repairs,       active earthquake fault, as well as    a new focus as well.                           CROSSWORD
maintenance and site enhance-           finding out that all utilities and        “Seaport Village has historically
ments including:                        electricity services, and every toi-   been more of a tourist destination,
   A brand refresh complete with        let in Coronado and North Island,      not really local,” he said. “We’re
an updated logo and colors that         flushes through our site,” said        interested in creating a much
have been, and will continue to         Gaffen. “So we had to go back to       more attractive place for locals.
be, incorporated into new signage       the drawing board to rethink the       We want it to be a place where
and refreshed painting through-         project which we then, in March        locals hang out. We want this to
out the center, promotional ma-         of 2018, presented to the public       really be the jewel in the crown for
terial, etc.                            for feedback.”                         Downtown San Diego.”
   New landscaping such as an              Noting he expects Seaport’s
urban beach and more native,            new re-imagining to be finalized          —Dave Schwab can be reached at
drought-resistant plants.               conceptually by summer 2020,           reporter@sdnews.com.v

Children’s Park
                                           “The many features that are
                                        planned for this park are incredi-
                                        bly needed and will go a long way
                                                                               why Civic San Diego is still in-
                                                                               volved in the future of Children’s
                                        in making East Village feel like a       “The operating agreement, re-
municipal operating budget.             livable community,” Peabody            sulting from a lawsuit settlement,
  In terms of sustaining the costs      Straw said.                            provides for Civic San Diego to im-
for the park, several speakers             The project also has the back-      plement the wind down of redevel-
shared their visions to keep the        ing of other groups, including the     opment activities and to provide
park’s maintenance and upkeep           San Diego Downtown Residents           the management and completion
directly off the city’s tax rolls.      Group.                                 of specific projects,” Bibler and
                                                                                                                              ACROSS                            27   Large, flightless bird          49   Swiss river
  “If it’s handled correctly, and we       “I can’t thank the staff enough,”   Richter wrote in the memo.                      1 Database management            28   Bread and whiskey are two       50   Restaurant item
                                                                                                                                  system                        29   Indicate pain or discomfort     51   Intense unhappiness
produce events, that will also gen-     Gary Smith, the organization’s           With the City Council’s stamp of              5 Soft blue-gray mineral         30   Worry                           53   Unit of loudness
erate some additional income,”          president, said. “The Children’s       approval in place, a timeline calls            11 Algerian coastal city          31   Wild goats                      54   Increase in velocity
                                                                                                                              12 A healthy redness              33   Belittle                        56   Mesoamerican religion
David Hazan, past president of the      Park — from being a grass noth-        for Civic San Diego to prepare con-            16 El __, border town             34   More supernatural               58   Early multimedia
                                                                                                                              17 Part of the mind               38   Wakes up                        59   Forearm bone
East Village Association, said at       ing if you look at the plans — will    struction documents in January                 18 Female body part               39   Intestinal pouches              60   An unprincipled person
the council meeting, in reference       actually become a place the com-       and award a contract in the first              19 Atrocities
                                                                                                                              24 You can call Paul Simon this
                                                                                                                                                                     Popular dance
                                                                                                                                                                     American state
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Swarming with
to rental income. “It’s been prov-      munity will want to go.”               half of the year. Further plans call           25 Copyread                       44   CSI actor                       65   Root of taro plant
                                                                                                                              26 Large integers                 45   Having a keen enthusiasm for
en that people will come into the          While the city and Civic San        for construction to begin in July or
East Village … for events that are      Diego formally severed ties            August, which should take close                DOWN                              22   Chai and chamomile are two      42   Female’s title
properly produced.”                     this summer in response to a           to a year to complete.                          1 More silly                     23   Lodging option                  44   EU predecessor
                                                                                                                               2 Adult beverage                 27   Geological times                45   Acutely insightful and wise
  Diane Peabody Straw, cur-             much-publicized court settlement         Children’s Park’s roots stretch               3 Iron used for lofting          29   Unit of electrical inductance   46   Disguised
                                                                                                                               4 Noses                               (abbr.)                         47   Improved the appearance of
rent president of the East Village      about relations between the two        back 25 years. The current ame-                 5 Smile                          30   Where G-men work                48   Generator
Association, said there will be         entities, collaborative efforts have   nities were installed in 1995.                  6 One who examines closely
                                                                                                                               7 Lethal dose
                                                                                                                                                                     Hot beverage
                                                                                                                                                                     One of the six noble gases
                                                                                                                                                                                                     50   The real __, the genuine
many benefactors of the park            since continued.                                                                       8 Denotes past                   33   Southern constellation          51   Male’s title
                                                                                                                               9 “This Is Us” actor Fitch       34   South American nation           52   Home of the Hawkeyes
improvements — including, as               In a jointly authored me-              —Dave Fidlin is a freelance jour-           10 Dabbling ducks                 35   Suitable for use as food        54   About aviation
she described them, the neigh-          mo, Christina Bibler and Brad          nalist with a special affinity for San         13 Polish beer
                                                                                                                              14 A type of cat
                                                                                                                                                                     The back
                                                                                                                                                                     I (German)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          At all times
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Military peace officer
borhood’s “15,000 four-legged           Richter of the city’s Economic         Diego and its people. Contact him at           15 Shows respect for              38   Blood group                     61   College degree
                                                                                                                              20 Of I                           40   Fit to stand trial              62   Indicates position
residents.”                             Development Department clarified       dave.fidlin@thinkpost.net.v                    21 Commercial                     41   Praise excessively
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