July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.

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July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.
July-August 2020
July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.
July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.
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July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.
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                                       July-August 2020




                                                                                           Tel: (8620) 8365 2811
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                                                                                           Chief Operating Officer: LC Chau
                                                                                           Consulting Director: Allan Au
                                                                                           Editing Consultant: May Guan
                                                                                           Editor in Chief: William C
                                                                                           Guest Editor: Ben Chu
                                                                                           Financial Controller: Takuto S.
                                                                                           Marketing Director:
                                                                                           Ambro Chow, Stephanie Deng
                                                                                           Area Marketing Manager:
06   cover story                                                                           Kitty Chik, Shirley Tse, Purple Lau
                                                                                           Creative Director: Rita Shi
     With countries easing their quarantines and
                                                                                           Publication Co-coordinator: Nana Au
     lockdowns, and reopening their borders, Paper
     Magazine explores how the COVID-19 has
                                                                                           Leona, Purple, AP
     reshaped the rules of travel and hospitality.

10   city window                                                                           Contributors:
                                                                                           Allan CW Au, Gregory Louraichi, GiGi Chik,
12   fortune                                                                               Jessie Huang, John Chu, Kenny Tan, Kee Lee,
                                                                                           Lena Liu, Peter Fenton, Roy Moorfield,
14   jetsetter                                                                             Sukanya Mukherjee, Yuyao.K.

                                                          20   eureka
                                                          21   athlete
                                                          22   star chef              31       out n about
                                                          23   yummy
     With Thailand already gotten the COVID-19
     under control, and very likely to open its borders
     to tourists over the coming months, Paper
     Magazine brings you on a journey to the northern
     Thai cultural enclave of Chiang Mai.

16   auto
18   muse                                                                             32       destination
                                                                                      34       education
                                                                                               enlightenment living
                                                                  24   cheers         35       cotchin
                                                                  26   cru                     witty wine
                                                                  28   fighting fit   36       supremos
                                                                  29   mice                    The Trade Commissioner of the Italian
                                                                                               Trade Agency in Guangzhou, Ms.
                                                                  30   living                  Cecilia Costantino, shares her views on
                                                                                               the reasons for the popularity of Italian
                                                                                               products and the future of Sino-Italian

                                                                                      38       bulletin
                                                                                      41       diary
July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.

No. 9 Yankui Road, Dameisha Yantian District,
Shenzhen, 518083,
Mainland China

+86-755-8888 6688
July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.
cover story

        TUR E

     F U     L
     R  AV E
O F T        T Y
        T ALI
  HO S
                                           he travel and hospitality industries are going through
                                           unprecedented times when entire countries are closing their
                                           borders, and large-scale social distancing is the new global
                                           mandate of governments worldwide. With the pandemic, the
                                           ways in which we operate and connect with one another and the

  The pandemic has                         world around us have changed dramatically. Nowhere is this more
                                apparent than when looking at the current state of the world’s travel and
                                tourism industries.
  reshaped the rules and        Even as the pandemic measures are gradually eased, the world is unlikely

  trends of global travel and   to revert to the good old days anytime soon, at least not until a vaccine
                                is found. While it’s impossible to predict with complete certainty what
                                the future may bring, the following trends are likely to shape the ways
  hospitality forever           people engage with travel around the world.
July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.

The lone wolf traveler
Group tours are out, and solo travel is in as
social distancing becomes the new buzzword
in the global dictionary. In the days before the
pandemic, Chinese tourists have traditionally
preferred travelling in groups. As a result of the
new lifestyle changes being brought about,
group tours will no longer be the preferred

Packaged tours with everyone crowded
together on the plane or squeezing to get into popular tourist
destinations will no longer be viable as most people will
increasingly opt for free-and-easy, independent travel with
maximum freedom over travel tours.

Staycations and domestic tourism
The restrictions on international travel and the feeling of
insecurity associated with flights and airports will make tourism
turn its focus towards the domestic market. Increasingly,
travellers will be more keen to explore staycations in their
own countries. Even if they decide to venture outside of their
countries, they may pick destinations that are not too far away
from home.

A recent survey in China also showed that more than 90 per
cent of respondents would opt for domestic tours in their
immediate travel plans. Instead of the usual big annual trip,
they will probably be replaced by multiple short-haul trips that
are closer to home throughout the year.
July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.
cover story

More focus on hygiene and reservations
Dining-in at eateries has proven to be a highly
infectious activity as there has been one too many
instances where several people got infected
because they gathered in groups for meals.

With the heightened awareness of health and
wellness and also the requirement for social
distancing, the demand for more hygiene and
sanitation in tourist destinations will grow.

Restaurants in hotels may start presenting
personal serving spoons when delivering a shared
dish, promoting contactless delivery for in-room
dining, and designing menus in single portions
rather than a sharing size. In a bid to reduce cross-
contamination, food may also come with covers
or lids or be separated into portions before they
arrive at the dining table.

                                                        More far-flung and lesser known destinations
                                                        Due to the pandemic, many experts predict that
                                                        many more travellers will actively seek out less
                                                        crowded trips, searching for privacy and a greater
                                                        sense of calm and peacefulness. Off-the-beaten
                                                        track and natural destinations are sure to become
                                                        even more in demand. This type of tourism will
                                                        allow them to adhere to social distancing rules, as
Additionally, diners can expect to sit apart from       well as discover and reconnect with nature, which
your loved ones at restaurants, nightclubs, and         many travellers have been unable to benefit from
other entertainment venues as part of the new           in recent weeks.
rules at public places. Reservations will also be
encouraged to prevent crowds from forming, and          It is likely that as a result of the pandemic,
so that restaurants can anticipate the number           people will look for travel experiences to go a
of diners and prepare the requisite seating             little deeper. People will want to seek out private
arrangements.                                           sanctuaries as compared to queuing up with the
                                                        crowds at the Vatican. They will be more likely to
Hotels will also have to increase the frequency         prefer experiences over well-known destinations.
of their sanitation regime. Dean Winter, Group          Simply put, "The new luxury is finding the answer
Director of Operations at Swire Hotels predicts         to the question: what are you searching for when
"that people’s attention to and demand for              you travel?"
hygiene and cleanliness will increase.” Dean also
elucidates that “people won’t change how they
travel but will expect hotels and airlines to be
increasing sanitisation measures.”
July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.

The increased uptake of Health And Wellness          No more last-minute getaways
Tourism                                              With increased uncertainty around flights and
If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us,    cancellations, plus longer check-in times due to
it is that health is wealth. Covid-19 has further    temperature screening, you won’t be able to just
emphasised the importance of health, and we          hop on the plane and get away for the weekend.
predict that travellers will prefer travel plans     Instead, travellers will now have to plan their
with health and wellness in mind. Resorts and        itinerary carefully and way in advance to prevent
hospitality brands need to prepare bathtubs,         disruption.
revamp their spa experiences and increase the
quality and variety of their fitness classes to      Air tickets will also likely no longer be as
provide tourists with more compelling reasons to     affordable as before as airline are toying with the
travel.                                              idea of leaving a space between passengers. This
                                                     means that the passengers on the flight might
Travellers increasingly want to indulge in           have to pay higher ticket prices to cover the cost
experiences and learning in order to feel good.      of the flight.
Wellness covers all aspects of our lives, from
mental to emotional, and of course, physical. It’s
not only your guests who will reap the benefits
of your services, because if you can change their
lives by introducing them to a new passion or by                                                           While many economic sectors are
teaching them new skills, they will be more likely                                                         expected to recover once restrictive
remember you and recommend you to others.
                                                                                                           measures are lifted, the pandemic will
                                                                                                           probably have a longer lasting effect
                                                                                                           on international travel. Recovery for
                                                                                                           tourism will be different for different
                                                                                                           countries. Some countries are still
                                                                                                           battling Covid-19 while others are
                                                                                                           reopening its borders to tourists as
                                                                                                           early as end of June and early July.

                                                                                                           Meanwhile, the entire world is awaiting
                                                                                                           the arrival of the vaccine. Until the
                                                                                                           world is declared COVID-free, the
                                                                                                           landscape of travel and hospitality will
                                                                                                           continue to be reshaped radically.
July-August 2020 - Guangzhou Neo Ads. Co. Ltd.
10 / City Window               PAPER MAGAZINE

Passengers can now use Alipay                 Immersive interactive experience              More integrated services by                  Nansha Library set for opening
to take the train                             ‘teamLab SuperNature Macao’ to                Chinese airlines                             Covering about 11,000 sqm, as well as a
Guangdong residents can now take the          open at The Venetian Macao                    China Southern Airlines and Sichuan          building area of around 25,000 sqm, the
train as conveniently as taking the metro.    teamLab SuperNature Macao represents          Airlines has announced a major collabo-      new Nansha Library is set to be open to
Passengers will be able to use Alipay         one of Sands China Ltd.’s largest invest-     ration where more air express routes will    the public soon. Located at the central
to take three intercity routes, includ-       ment in non-gaming attractions. It is a       be created between Guangzhou, Shen-          area of the Jiaomen River in Nansha, the
ing the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Intercity          permanent exhibition at The Venetian          zhen, Chengdu and Beijing to provide         library covers six floors, including two
Railway, Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing            Macao’s Cotai Expo. At over 5,000 square      more travel convenience for passengers       underground floors. The design includes
Intercity Railway, and Guangzhou-Hu-          metres of labyrinthine floor space and        starting from July. According to the         1000 seats and an overall collection of
izhou Intercity Railway, without needing      with impressive eight-metre high ceil-        plan, the number of flights operated by      900,000 books, expecting to serve about
to purchase paper tickets in advance.         ings, the monumental ‘body immersive’         the two major Chinese airlines between       1 million users. The library will employ AI
A total of 51 railway stations in 6 cities,   interactive complex offers an amazing         Chengdu and Beijing will reach an aver-      Facial Recognition technology as a form
including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dong-          experience for families and visitors of all   age of 16 a day, while the daily number      of identification for visitors. It librarians
guan, Huizhou, Foshan, and Zhaoqing           ages.                                         of flights between Chengdu and Guang-        will also wear special augmented reality
have adopted the mobile payment, which                                                      zhou will come to 14. The daily number of    glasses during daily patrols, which will
will greatly improve the transportation       Valley of Flowers and People: Lost, Im-       flights between Chengdu and Shenzhen         be the first trial in China’s libraries, to see
convenience of the Guangdong-Hong             mersed and Reborn                             will reach 7. Additionally, passengers who   various kinds of information, such as the
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. If your                                                        change flights between the two airlines      readers’ reservations and the books they
mobile phone runs out of power, you           Photo credit:                                 will be exempted from change fees or         borrowed, to offer better services for
may exit the station through the manual       teamLab, 2020, Interactive Digital Instal-    refund fees.                                 visitors.
channel where you can ask a staff to re-      lation, Endless
cord the outbound information and pay         Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
the fare later on Alipay.                     © teamLab

Spanish artist launches exhibi-               Lang Lang set to perform in                   Bright Scholar to open Fettes                Mexican Deputy Secretary Jesús
tion at Guangzhou K11 Art Mall                Guangzhou                                     College in Guangzhou                         Seade presents candidacy to
Guangzhou K11’s new exhibition “Kaos          It’s official. World-famous Chinese pianist   Founded in 1870 by Sir William Fettes,       head the WTO
Trip: A Color Journey By Okuda San            Lang Lang will give a piano recital at        Fettes College (the “College”) is one        Mexican President Andrés Manuel López
Miguel” is set to open on July 10 at chi      Guangzhou Opera House on August 20th.         of UK’s leading co-ed boarding schools       Obrador has announced Deputy Secre-
K11 Art Space. Spanish artist Okuda San       He will perform ‘J.S. Bach: Goldberg Var-     steeped in rich heritage with over 150       tary Jesús Seade’s nomination to the post
Miguel will present his art masterpieces      iations, BWV 988’ only. In 1999, 17-year-     years of history in education. The College   of Director-General of the World Trade
for the first time in China, with as many     old Lang Lang captivated the world            has been home to world inspirational         Organization (WTO). The current chief
as 17 exhibits, and some of them will         with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra           leaders including Former U.K. Prime          USMCA negotiator held a virtual press
debut for the first time, weaving a surreal   at Ravinia as a last-minute replacement.      Minister Tony Blair, 2015 Nobel Prize for    conference with national reporters and
visual experience with an organic fusion      After the concert, he was invited back to     Economy Laureate Angus Deaton and the        foreign correspondents to explain the
of colors and geometric figures. The var-     the stage and performed the complete          founder of Ogilvy & Mather, “the Father      candidacy of the deputy secretary, who
ious compositions, characters, graphics       Goldberg Variations by reciting the music     of Advertising” David Ogilvy. Operated by    has had a long and prominent career, as
and landscapes in the artist’s work not       scores. The piano prodigy walked away         Bright Scholar, Fettes College Guangzhou     the next step needed to strengthen the
only reflect the diversity and creativity     an international superstar and was hyped      is the first overseas campus of Fettes       World Trade Organization, specifically,
of technology, but also convey multiple       as ‘the future of classical music.’ The       College for students aged 3 to 18. FCG’s     and the global multilateral architecture,
thoughts and musings about life. Okuda’s      concert tickets are now open for booking      educational model combines Chinese           overall. As Mexico’s ambassador to the
unique color patterns cover the floor of      and available at the theater or through       academic excellence with the vibrancy        GATT, Deputy Secretary Seade gave it
the entire space, making the audience         the theatre’s official website (www.          of international education and the broad     important victories in trade disputes over
feel that they are part of the work from      gzdjy.org) or WeChat account (WeChat          education approach of Fettes College.        antidumping duties on cement and the
the moment they step in to give them an       ID: gzdjywx).                                 The annual tuition and fees for students     tuna embargo. He also represented Mexi-
immersive experience.                                                                       range from approximately RMB200,000          co as chief negotiator to the Uruguay
                                                                                            to RMB300,000.                               Round, the origin of the current WTO.
                                                                                                                                         The nomination of Undersecretary Seade
                                                                                                                                         to the post of WTO Director-General by
                                                                                                                                         the Government of Mexico comes in
                                                                                                                                         recognition of his experience and abilities
                                                                                                                                         but, above all, is a sign of the country’s
                                                                                                                                         commitment to the multilateral order.

Opening up the Financial
Industry, Promoting Integration
            May 14, 2020, the People’s Bank of
            China, along with three other central
            authorities, unveiled new guidelines
to support the financial reform and opening-up of
the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay
Area (“GBA”).

The Opinions Concerning Financial Support
for the Establishment of the Guangdong-Hong
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (“the guidelines”)
transcribe a series of 26 new measures aimed at
liberalizing China’s controls on foreign exchange
and foreign currency remittance, to boost cross-
border capital flows in the GBA.

                                                    Understanding the renewed focus on the Greater        Policymakers are now addressing this. The latest
                                                    Bay Area                                              guidelines are some of the most important
                                                    The guidelines will encourage more cross-border       reforms targeting the GBA, since early 2019, and
                                                    business activities between Hong Kong, Macao,         lay out a blueprint for the structural transformation
                                                    and mainland China to optimize the allocation of      of and deeper cooperation within the regional
                                                    financial resources in the region, and to improve     financial industry.
                                                    its individual efficiency and quality over time.
                                                                                                          26 measures to facilitate financial cooperation
                                                    As a result, new opportunities now exist for          The guiding document lays out a series of 26
                                                    businesses operating in the insurance, securities,    measures, that are guided by five policy goals
                                                    and wealth management sectors. Additionally,          and supported by the overarching objective of
                                                    businesses in fintech, blockchain, big data, and      deepening the financial cooperation between
                                                    artificial intelligence (AI) will also benefit. The   Hong Kong, Macao, and nine cities in the Pearl
                                                    government is keen to promote the use of new          River Delta region.
                                                    technology and business models to facilitate the
                                                    growth of emerging industries.                        On a macro-level, the document introduces
                                                                                                          measures to promote the offshore use of RMB in
                                                    Already, the Greater Bay Area (GBA) is one            Hong Kong and Macao, while strengthening the
                                                    of China’s most important financial hubs - it         leading role of Hong Kong and Macao as financial
                                                    includes Hong Kong (a well-established                hubs.
                                                    international financial center) and Shenzhen (an
                                                    emerging global financial powerhouse home             At a more micro-level, the guiding document
                                                    to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and some               introduces new pilot programs that will test new
                                                    of the world’s leading fintech and technology         reform measures, such as Chinese bank account
                                                    companies).                                           reforms to allow the pooling of multiple currencies
                                                                                                          in one account. Most notably, the document looks
                                                    However, integration has long been a sticking         at common recurring hurdles for businesses like
                                                    point as the region uses three different currencies   cross-border foreign exchange, foreign currency
                                                    (the Hong Kong Dollar, Macanese Pataca, and           cash pooling, internationalization of RMB, and the
                                                    Chinese Yuan) and is governed under three             cross-border exchange of financial products.
                                                    distinct administrative systems.
Further integration will increase opportunities in
the GBA
The Greater Bay Area is an ambitious national
plan aimed at integrating the two Special
Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao,
together with the nine cities across the Pearl River
Delta, namely Guangzhou, Huizhou, Dongguan,
Shenzhen, Jiangmen, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Foshan,
and Zhaoqing.

The GBA region encompasses a total population
of 71 million people and has an economy worth
an estimated US$1.6 trillion - making it the world’s
13th-largest if it were a stand-alone economic
entity. The principal goal of the region is to ease
the flow of goods, people, and capital within the

Under the newly released guidelines, the financial     and trade. Together, the new measures are well-
industry, which already plays a prominent role         placed to allow the GBA to rival other well-known
here, will receive more support for its cross-border   city clusters, such as the San Francisco Bay Area
financial services, transactions, and investments      and the Tokyo Bay area.
through relaxation of restrictions, piloting cross-
border processes, and upgrading financial              Foreign businesses should act now to leverage
infrastructure.                                        the growing opportunities within the GBA as the
                                                       plans in the blueprint start to come into fruition.
This boost in intraregional connectivity and           Businesses that tailor their strategy to the plan’s
more cross-border transactions will spur on            priorities will be best placed to benefit from its
other dominant industries in the region as well,       ambitious agenda.
including advanced manufacturing, technology


     This Thai northern city offers an escape from the hustle and

                         bustle of Bangkok
         ar away from its culturally drained southern counterparts is the captivating treasure of
         Chiang Mai. The city’s position in the middle of the Thai Highlands has allowed Chiang
         Mai to preserve much of its unmistakable charm throughout history, earning it the
         nickname, ‘the Rose of the North’. There's a cultural vibe in the city that captivates those
         who visit, whether they seek a trekking adventure or a spiritual awakening as they travel
         from temple to temple. With Thailand already gotten the COVID-19 under control, and
very likely to open its borders to tourists over the coming months, Paper Magazine brings you on
a journey to the northern Thai cultural enclave of Chiang Mai.

                                                     Stand in awe of the Wat Phra That Doi Suthep
                                                     This mountaintop temple is a must-visit in Chiang
                                                     Mai. Wat Doi Suthep's central shrine contains a
                                                     much-revered seated Buddha and is one of the
                                                     most popular tourist attractions in the city. You
                                                     can reach the temple by hiking up the mountain,
                                                     renting a motorbike, or hopping into a songthaew
                                                     (red trucks which serve as communal cabs).

                                                     Brace yourself for the climb because the staircase      Embark on a cultural odyssey at Doi Pui
                                                     is steep, but the effort is well worth it. Statues of   Hmong Tribal Village
                                                     two demons guard the entrance to the temple             Doi Pui Hmong Tribal Village is located on Doi
                                                     precinct. Usually, only two of the six gates leading    Suthep, a 1676-metre high mountain that is the
                                                     to the gallery and the chedis are open. The gallery     focal point of Doi Suthep and Doi Pui National
                                                     is adorned with statues of Buddha in the Chiang         Park. The village is about 4 kilometres away from
                                                     Mai and Sukhothai styles. The temple itself is          Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep and despite being a key
                                                     ornate, with many representations of the Buddha,        tourist attraction, and therefore probably not as
                                                     detailed dragon statues, and elephant carvings.         authentic as it could be, it still offers an insight
                                                     There is also a small museum on the premises.           into how Thailand tribes live.

                                                     After the wholesome cultural immersion, you will        The villagers wear traditional Hmong clothes,
                                                     be rewarded with spectacular views of the entire        sell traditional Hmong handicrafts, and live in
                                                     city.                                                   traditional Hmong-style homes. However, those
                                                                                                             looking for a less contrived view of the Hmong
                                                                                                             may have to go deeper into Chiang Mai! Worth
                                                                                                             a visit if you have the time. A visit to the Tribal
                                                                                                             Village is often combined with a visit to Wat
                                                                                                             Phrathat Doi Suthep and some of the waterfalls
                                                                                                             in the area, as well as a jaunt to the Hilltribes

                                                                                                             The village is committed to educating visitors on
                                                                                                             Hmong culture and customs; When the foreign
                                                                                                             tourists seem more interested in the cultural
                                                                                                             aspects while Thai tourists are more interested in
                                                                                                             nature. The community is committed to keeping
                                                                                                             their traditions and culture alive and have a rule
                                                                                                             forbidding exploitation by tourists. A must-visit for
                                                                                                             culture buffs and budding anthropologists.

                                                                                                             Try being an elephant keeper at the Elephant
                                                                                                             Nature Park
                                                                                                             Due to its Buddhist influences, elephants are
                                                                                                             sacred animals in Thailand, which probably
                                                                                                             explains why Chiang Mai’s Elephant Nature Park
                                                                                                             is one of the most revered elephant conservation

parks in Thailand, home to many of the country’s                                                          The stunning scenery of this huge reservoir is
elephants which were rescued from poachers.                                                               one of the highlights of Huay Tung Tao Lake. It
Once they come to this park, they are no longer                                                           is surrounded by wonderful nature and there’s a
exploited, and are treated humanely, so do not                                                            sand coast along the reservoir which is beautiful
worry about the credentials of this park.                                                                 like seashores. If you are a fishing lover, you
                                                                                                          will love water rafts provided for fishing activity.
Visitors are invited to spend a day volunteering                                                          Moreover, you can look forward to a variety of
with the elephants, feeding them, and bathing                                                             activities such as a parachute jump, game zones,
them in the river. A day spent here is an eye-                                                            paintball, ATV car ride, zipline and so on.
opening experience, as you get to spend time         vendors selling handcrafted lamps, dolls, soaps,
up close with the elephants and learn about          jewellery, clothes, Christmas ornaments, local       WHERE TO STAY
their plight. The cost of volunteering includes      handicrafts, and just about every other keepsake     Villa Mahabhirom
transportation and lunch, and the money goes         you can imagine. Be sure to take the whole           Set inside a lush garden, this small but opulent
toward maintaining the grounds and providing for     evening to practise your skills in bargaining and    property consists of 23 historical Thai houses
the animals. Be sure to book in advance, as the      negotiation.                                         sourced from villages in the central region.
volunteer spots do fill up ahead of time.                                                                 Each one was dismantled, then meticulously
                                                     As you reach the end of the first block of           reconstructed and fitted with mod-cons such as
If you are lucky enough, some visitors have          Rachadamnoen, you'll find yourself flanked by        Italian marble bathrooms with high-tech Toto
reportedly snapped photos with the elephants         two temples. The courtyards of both are filled       toilets. Surrounding the villas, a carefully selected
which smiled for the cameras.                        with food stalls offering a grand mix of pad         mix of antiques, contemporary furniture, and
                                                     Thai, Japanese curry, sushi for 15 cents apiece,     artworks from the owner’s private collection
                                                     samosas, fried bananas, and dumplings. We            adorn the common areas. Dining options include
                                                     would like to advise foreign visitors to exercise    the chic Mahabhirom Tea Room and the Krua
                                                     caution here with the street food, as not everyone   Mahabhirom restaurant, specializing in Thai home-
                                                     has the stomach for Thai exotic flavours.            style cuisine with a focus on fresh, locally sourced
                                                                                                          ingredients. The hotel’s khao soi, a northern Thai
                                                     Relax and chill out by the lake                      coconut curry soup, will blow your palate away.
                                                     Huay Tung Tao Lake is a giant man-made reservoir
                                                     located at the foot of Doi Suthep. The shallow       Address: 62 Moo. 10, Suthep, Muang, Chiang Mai,
                                                     lake’s good for swimming and the grassy banks        50200 Chiang Mai, Thailand
                                                     are dotted by little wooden huts for picnic areas,   Tel: +66 53 271 200
                                                     drink and food stalls plus the view are awesome.
                                                                                                          HOW TO GET THERE
                                                                                                          Pre-COVID-19, there are direct flights from
                                                                                                          Guangzhou to Chiang Mai but we would advise
                                                                                                          travellers to check the flight schedules for regular
Get a glimpse of Chiang Mai’s version of the                                                              updates due to COVID-19 flight disruptions.
“farmer’s market”                                                                                         Travellers should also consult the Thai consulate
Every country has its own rendition of the                                                                in Guangzhou as to resumption of travel between
“farmer’s market” and Thailand is no exception.                                                           China and Thailand.

                                                                              CHIANG MAI
For Chiang Mai, this would be the Sunday Walking
Street, a place for grabbing your Thai street food
and shopping for souvenirs and all kinds of Thai
fashion wear and gadgets. The main market
thoroughfare is Rachadamnoen Road, which
begins just behind Thapae Gate, where you'll find

                                            PRIVATE LUXURY ON THE HIGH SEA:
                                            Ferretti Yachts 720
                                            A perfect
                                              perfect blend
                                                      blend of
                                                            of luxury
                                                                luxury and
                                                                       and privacy
                                                                           privacy in
                                                                                    in aa superyacht

         illionaires like Jeff Bezos and David
         Geffen are rumoured to be isolating
         themselves in the privacy of their luxury
         yachts on the high seas, away from the
clutches of COVID-19. With cruise liners reeling
from new social distancing rules and regulations,
the demand for private luxury yachts has
skyrocketed since the pandemic.

Designed by architect Filippo Salvetti. in
collaboration with Ferretti Group, the Ferretti
Yachts 720, makes you feel right at home with
all the comforts of a yacht at sea with style and
a sense of wellbeing never experienced before,
and setting a new standard on your navigation
and sea adventure experiences. Sporting a
more luxurious and trendier exterior, it retains
the hallmarks of the same highly popular
aerodynamic design revolving around taut, finely
poised forms that help to make the deckhouse
lines extremely clean.
                                                     EXTERIORS                                             The spacious 31m² flybridge, made of carbon fibre
                                                     At the swim platform, a large door swings open        and composite material, is fitted with a second
                                                     to reveal a convivial area at sea level that can be   helm station in the forward-starboard area, framed
                                                     further expanded by making use of the electro-        by a massive sea-facing sun pad. Amidships, a
                                                     hydraulically controlled swim platform that reveals   central dinette is served by the bar area.
                                                     further steps down to the transom, making it
                                                     possible to house a tender up to 3.95 metres long     INTERIORS
                                                     or a three-seat jet ski.                              At the cockpit, an aft sofa accompanies a table
                                                                                                           for 8. The convivial zone can be further expanded
                                                     The external forward area stands out for its ample,   by adding another sofa or a small bar unit on the
                                                     interchangeable living spaces that make it possible   right-hand side adjacent to the glass door leading
                                                     to have an area that can be transformed from a        to the full-beam lounge. The lounge is a 27m²
                                                     large sun pad into a comfortable dining space with    open space, with ceiling heights that exceed 2
                                                     central table. Or simply have your own private        metres, divided into 3 zones: the living area with
                                                     BBQ gathering at sea.                                 two large facing sofas; the open space layout
affords enough room for a transverse table for 8; forward, behind the
dining area, is the galley, conceived as an open, minimalist space, which
features a cooking top facing a hidden sink.

Next to the helm station are the stairways that lead down to the lower
deck, which has a 4-cabin layout. Here, too, the ceiling heights exceed 2
metres. Amidships, the owner’s suite, situated on a dedicated level, is a full-
beam space of 20m², preceded by a space for relaxation with a large sofa.
These then lead to the bed and, behind it, towards the stern, a walk-in
closet on the port side and a large bathroom to starboard with two basins
and separate head and shower.

Regardless of whichever adventures you seek on the high seas, Ferretti
Yachts 720 gives birth to high-end sailing, an unprecedented experience
of luxury, comfort, and well-being, the result of meticulous attention to the
quality of the design, the furnishings, and the details.

  The Enduring Legacy of
                       ore than just designers, the creative brains at Hermès are better recognised as seasoned storytellers.
                       From its whimsical storefronts to the artisanal production of its handstitched leather gloves and bags,
                       each carefully crafted item or product carries a tale of the artists behind the fantastical designs,
                       techniques used by Hermès craftsmen, or simply an imaginative concept that has captivated the
                       brand’s tastemakers.

       Since its inception as a harness workshop in Paris in 1837 by founder, Thierry Hermès, the Hermès brand has become
      synonymous with luxury fashion with an extensive portfolio including i leather goods, lifestyle accessories, perfumes
      and ready-to-wear fashion pieces. Today, the brand enjoys an iconic status in the world of luxury due to its combination
      of rich heritage, exquisite craftsmanship, eye for detail and high levels of quality and professionalism through the entire
      manufacturing process.

      The meteoric rise of the Hermès brand can be attributed to many factors but one of its main contributing factors can
      be summarised by a quote from former CEO Jean-Louis Dumas - “We don’t have a policy of image, we have a policy of
     product”. The brand philosophy is deeply entrenched in the platforms of “quality” and “refinement”. It is for these very
     principles that the brand has always shunned mass production, manufacturing lines and outsourcing. For Hermès, each
     and every product coming out under the brand’s name should reflect the hard work put into it by the artisan.

     According to current CEO Axel Dumas, the main draw of the Hermès brand is the love for craftsmanship. This is further
  eschewed by Creative Director Pierre-Alexis Dumas, who was quoted saying “I think Hermès objects are desirable because
  they reconnect people to their humanity… Our customer feels the presence of the person who crafted the object, while at
  the same time, the object brings him back to his own sensitivity, because it gives him pleasure through his senses”.

  All Hermès products are made almost entirely in France in workshops (Ateliers Hermès), which places a strong emphasis on
  quality. Also, Hermès’ claims, in line with the comments from its CEO and Creative Director, that each product is entirely
  manufactured by hand by only one craftsman, exemplifies the quality of craftsmanship and uniqueness of its products. For
  instance, its silk scarves are only made from silk produced by Hermès farms in Brazil.

  This ultra-luxury brand has achieved phenomenal success through strong history, exquisite craftsmanship and superior
  quality. Even in times of COVID-19, the brand continues to thrive with its flagship store in Guangzhou's Taikoo Hui Mall
  reported to have made over RMB 19 million in its reopening after Guangzhou’s lockdown.

  The fact that it is considered to be the most innovative among all the luxury fashion houses is a testament to the company’s
  commitment to constantly manufacture and launch ultra-luxury products that are unique, have a strong sense of allure and
  have a distinct mark of superior craftsmanship.

                                  GoPro HERO8 Black Action Camera:
                                  World’s Best Action Camera
                                  It is summertime and the HERO8 Black by GoPro is the
                                  perfect action camera out there to capture your summer
                                   adventures. It's compact, effortlessly easy to operate,
                                       can capture 4K video at a barely believable 60 frames
                                         per second, or live stream your adventures in Full HD

Lifestyle Tech
                                                                                                    Huawei Band 4 Pro:
                                                                                                    Affordable High Tech Smart Band
                                                                                                    The Huawei Band 4 Pro is a stylish and colourful GPS band with
                                                                                                    a serious approach to fitness and training management. Fitness
                                                                                                    tracking, workout interpretations, recovery guidance and
                                                                                                    training plans powered by Firstbeat’s advanced performance
                                                                                                    analytics give you all the confidence you need to be at your best.
 Gadgets to let you live your life                                                                  All these at the affordable price of RMB399!
          to the fullest

                                 Gumdrop 'FoamTech' iPad Case:
                                 No More AppleCare
                                 Tired of paying hefty fees for AppleCare.
                                This revolutionary iPad Case comes with
                                thermoplastic polyurethane that has been
                                co-moulded with polycarbonate to protect
                                devices from scratches and drops. It is
                                also highly portable as the case features
                                a built-in handle that provides users with
                                a dedicated place to position their hand
                                during use, while also allowing for easy
                                carrying between locations.

Sony ZV-1 Vlogging Camera:
For Social Media Influencers                                                                                         HyperDrive DUO USB-C Hub:
Featuring a 28-70mm equivalent lens that enables an                                                                  Expanding Ports for Macbook Pro
f/1.8 aperture, and a 20.1MP stacked CMOS image                                                                      Macbook Pro owners are often frustrated by the
sensor within, this new device enable social                                                                         lack of port varieties but this device will expand your
media users to capture premium content for                                                                           Macbook Pro’s connectivity. The hub works by being
blogging and online sharing. With 4K shooting                                                                        magnetically connected to a laptop and connecting
capabilities and a microphone jack for audio,                                                                        into the existing USB-C ports to immediately add
you can make your own videos anytime and                                                                             in an array of older port formats such as USB-A,
anywhere.                                                                                                            SD, microSD and HDMI, while also providing USB-C
                                                                                                                     ports to accommodate newer solutions.

                                                                       Xiaomi Patoneer UVC Pen:
                                                                                Sterilizing Made Easy
                                                              The Xiaomi Patoneer UVC Sterilization Pen is an at-home
                                                          cleaning tool for those looking to eliminate germs from commonly
                                                                  used surfaces and areas without the use of harsh chemicals. It
                                                             utilises the power of UVC light with a 253.5nm wavelength that banish
                                                          bacteria and germs in either a 90-second or 60-minute mode, allowing users
                                                                               to sanitise a wide array of areas quickly and with minimal fuss.
Athlete / 21
                                                                                                                                 PAPER MAGAZINE

     The Japanese-American tennis star dethrones Serena Williams

  t’s official. The great Serena William has been      "To those outside the tennis world, Osaka is
  knocked off the tennis throne by 22-year-old         a relatively fresh face with a great back story,"
  tennis phenom, Naomi Osaka. Besides having           David Carter, a sports business professor at USC’s
  bagged 2 Grand Slams, the Japanese-American          Marshall School of Business said. "Combine that
is now officially a tennis superstar both on and off   with being youthful and bicultural, two attributes
the tennis court, having eclipsed Serena Williams      that help her resonate with younger, global
as the highest paid female athlete in the history      audiences, and the result is the emergence of a
of the world. With USD$37.4 million in prize           global sports marketing icon."
money and endorsements, Naomi Osaka broke
the all-time earnings record for a female athlete in   It also helped that Naomi Osaka’s performances
a single year, even besting the record previously      and achievements on the tennis court have
held by Maria Sharapova, who earned USD$29.7           garnered the attention of the tennis fraternity.
million in 2015.                                       Over the last few years, Osaka, whose parents
                                                       are from Japan and Haiti, was propelled into the
This record-breaking feat boils down to Osaka's        limelight when she won the 2018 U.S. Open and
broad appeal and unique presence in the sporting       the 2019 Australian Open. Her championship
world. In addition to the prize money she earned       victories enabled her to become world No. 1 in
in a hugely successful 2019-20 season, she also        the women's singles rankings in January 2019
inked a unique USD$10 million contract with Nike       after winning her second Grand Slam.
that, unlike the majority of their other athletes,
allowed her to wear patches of her other sponsors      Although the rising tennis star has had a few
on her playing gear. This allowed her to sign          setbacks recently with below-par performances,
"patch" deals with the likes of Nippon Airways,        the 22-year-old is looking forward to next year’s
MasterCard and Nissin Foods, adding to a               Olympic tournament. By officially choosing           of Japanese supporters cheering her on. This
lucrative list of sponsors she already had with the    Japanese citizenship over the USA ahead of           ensured that she continues to be a marketable
likes of Nissan, Shiseido and her racquet sponsor,     her 22nd birthday, Naomi Osaka will not only         name for the big commercial market in Asia.
Yonex.                                                 be competing on home ground, with millions           With the Tokyo Games imminent, many Olympic
                                                                                                            sponsors also tied up with her as she was the
                                                                                                            global face of the event.

                                                                                                            At only 22, Naomi Osaka is well-poised to smash
                                                                                                            more records both on and off the tennis court in
                                                                                                            the years to come.
22 / Star Chef
            PAPER MAGAZINE
                                                                                                                              GRAND HYATT GUANGZHOU

                                               FELIX LEE
                                                     Executive Chef of Grand Hyatt Guangzhou
                                                 SCALING NEW CULINARY HEIGHTS

        lthough he hails from a mechanical                                                                                    then awarded the Best Hotel Executive
        engineering background, Felix                                                                                         Chef of the Year by Best China Hotel Chef
        Lee detoured with his gastronomy                                                                                      Award in 2019.
passion at the age of 25 when he enrolled
as a student at the Le Cordon Bleu Culinary                                                                                   In 2020, Felix joined Grand Hyatt
Arts Institute. Being a student of Le Cordon                                                                                  Guangzhou as the Executive Chef,
Bleu is hard work, especially when Felix                                                                                      helming the kitchen operations of the
expedited his graduation within 1.5years                                                                                      hotel’s five restaurants and bars, as well as
- with 1-year study and half year working                                                                                     room service and banquet. Instead of pre-
experience in Michelin restaurants as part                                                                                    opening planning, Felix now relishes the
of his internship program.                                                                                                    new challenge of elevating the restaurants
                                                                                                                              to greater heights in a market with intense
Everyone enrolled at the Le Cordon Bleu                                                                                       competition.
starts with the most basic chores. His hard
work, however, paid dividends when Felix                                                                                      To gather inspirations, he spends a lot
eventually graduated as the second-best                                                                                       of time with his team to check out local
student. “Working in a Michelin restaurant                                                                                    restaurants and their preferred tastes.
from 8:30am to 12:00am is hard,” said                                                                                         “There are a lot that we can improve,” said
Felix, “but I saw(learned) a lot, which was                                                                                   Felix, “Yet, we need to pace ourselves and
very useful.”                                                                                                                 add new elements one at a time.”

On returning to Taiwan after his graduation                                                                                   Under his leadership, guests can look
in 1996, Felix Lee chose Grand Hyatt                                                                                          forward to the Ice-cream Station with
Taipei to kick off his culinary journey. He                                                                                   more ice-cream flavors, sauces and
prepared dishes during working hours and                                                                                      toppings. G at G, a mini cake shop which
sharpened his dessert-making skills during                                                                                    offers delicate dessert, coffee, and fresh
his spare time. His effort was recognized,                                                                                    bread, will be open at the end of July.
and he was promoted to Executive Chef                                                                                         Additionally, guests can look forward to
after four years.                                                                                                             a tailor-made set menu which fuses the
                                                                                                                              use of local seasonal ingredients with the
From there, he gained a lot of restaurant                                                                                     French art-de-vivre.
pre-opening experiences from a local
restaurant chain in Taipei, Mandarin                                                                                          “French cuisine should be simple and
Oriental, Grand Hyatt Chengdu and Xian.                                                                                       elegant,” said Felix, “The presentation is
After 6 years of working in China, Felix was                                                                                  important, and the taste speaks the truth.”

Crispy belly, fillet, apricot chutney, mustard seed sauce, quinoa

Iberico pork tenderloin      80g          Extra virgin olive oil        10cc
Iberico pork belly           100g         Crispy bacon                  5g
apricot chutney              50g          Red wine sauce                30cc
Cherry fresh seedless        2pc          Pommery mustard               5g
Crushed Pistachio            50g          Thyme                         5g
Quinoa                       30g          Garlic                        5g
Celery brunoise              10g          Salt and pepper for taste
Onion brunoise               10g

• Marinate the pork tenderloin with thyme and garlic Then,
  sear and cook in the 180-degree oven for 12 minutes.
• Cook the pork belly using Cantonese crispy style and
  then, cut it into 4x4 cm cubes.
• Boil quinoa in water and then season with salt & pepper
  before mixing with diced celery.
• Coat the fresh cherries with crushed Pistachio, and then
  deep fry the mixture.
• Plate the quinoa salad in the middle of the plate.
• Cut the pork tenderloin into 2 pieces.
• Reheat the red wine sauce and add to the mustard
  before dressing it around the plate.

                                     12 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China, 510623
                                                                       +86 20 8396 1234
Yummy / 23
                                                                                                                                      PAPER MAGAZINE

RECIPE: 1 Person
                                                                                           Casual Dining
Beef Fillet                GR  120
Olive Oil                  GR   5

                                                                                        Survive COVID-19?
Peach        GR                   40
Feta Cheese  GR                   20
Olive Oil    GR                    5
Oregan       GR                   0.2

Orange Juice GR                   45
Lemon Juice  GR                   20
Soy Sauce    GR                   15
Sesame       GR                    8
Olive Oil    GR                   10

                                              Shallot                    GR      30
                                              Oil                        GR     100

                                              Herbs                      GR

                                                                                               ue to the pandemic, social-distancing, coronavirus and Covid-19 are
                                                                                               three key phrases now permanently etched into our lexicon. There
                                            RECIPE                                             is no doubt that the food and drink industry is one of the worst hit
                                            1. Slice the beef and cook it in a pan.
                                            2. Add olive oil in a pan and cook each
                                                                                       by worldwide measures taken to combat the spread of the coronavirus. The
                                               side of the beef for 5 minutes.         lingering question remains, will restaurants survive this crisis?
                                            3. Ice the beef for a few seconds and
                                               place it on the absorb paper.           Before the onset of the
                                            4. TAKE THE BEEF AND START TO CUT          pandemic, food delivery apps in
                                               VERY THIN
                                            5. Clean and slice the peach.
                                                                                       China like Meituan and Ele.me
                                            6. Add the feta cheese, oilive oil and     have already revolutionised the
                                               dry oregan.                             food and beverage industry with
                                            7. Mix all the ingredients.                their seamless delivery services
 8. Peel and slice the shallot.
                                                                                       that can enable consumers to
 9. Add the olive oil in a sauce pan                                                   enjoy their meals with the tap
     and when the oil reach 150 degree                                                 of their finger or the click of a
     celsius, add the shallot.                                                         mouse. With the COVID-19 still
 10. After a few minutes, remove the pan                                               out there, food delivery apps
     for a while and then cook the oil at
     a higher temperature of 180 degree
                                                                                       have become indispensable with even hotel groups and Michelin restaurants
     celsius.                                                                          turning to these online platforms to Ensure their relevancy. This has led many
                                            11. Clean the herbs                        to predict a doom and gloom scenario for brick-and-mortar restaurants which
                                                and put them                           will be eliminated by central kitchens merely focusing on delivery services.
                                                on the absorb
                                                paper.                                 However, despite the threats to the brick-and-mortar restaurants, industry
                                                                                       experts think that restaurants with dining-in options are still relevant post
                                                                                       COVID-19, if they adhere to seating arrangements that adhere to social
                                                                                       distancing rules. If anything, the COVID-19 has actually compelled many
                                                                                       restaurants to adopt a stricter regime of food safety and sanitisation measures,
                                                                                       with greater transparency in the ingredients and food preparation so as
PRESENTATION                                                                           to assuage consumer worries. Some restaurant chains have even installed
• Add the sliced beef on a nice plate.                                                 disinfection machines at the entrance of their shopfronts so that patrons can
• Add the sauce followed by peach salad, fresh
   herbs, peanut crust and fried shallot.                                              undergo further disinfecting routines upon entry and exit.
• Add some flowers to enhance the colours of
   the dish.                                                                                                                      Moreover, dining out at a restaurant
                                                                                                                                  with its décor and ambience is an
                                                                                                                                  experience that somehow heightens
                                                                                                                                  your senses and enhances the flavours
                                                                                                                                  of your cuisine, something which
                                                                                                                                  dining at home via a delivery service
                                                                                                                                  will be very hard and tedious to
                                                                                                                                  replicate. Hence, experts believe that
                                                                                       restaurants will still be relevant (alongside online food platforms), if they can
                                                                                       offer diners a unique gastronomy experience. Therefore, instead of outright
                                                                                       lying replacing casual dining, restaurants should use the food delivery services
                                                                                       as an accompaniment to their dining-in options.
After subsequent stints with Sofitel in Dongguan and Xiamen, Gregory finally
decided to embark on his own entrepreneurial venture and start his own                 Despite the doomsday scenarios for the industry, restauranteurs remain
restaurant in Xiamen to promote creative and authentic French cuisines. Contact        optimistic that the situation will improve eventually, provided they can tide
Gregory at: Fuel by Greg Louraichi | Level 5, Party Pier Sector B (Take lift next to   over the next few months. Food connoisseurs have always been very fussy
7-11 convenience store), No. 118, Yue Jiang Xi Road | Tel: 020-80922169 | Greg's       about the entire gastronomy package and even COVID-19 is unlikely to
Restaurant | 1c, No.10 Hubin Bei Road, Xingang Square Xiamen, Fujian, P.R. China       change that anytime soon.
| TEL: (+86)592-5316600
24 / Yummy    PAPER MAGAZINE

Address: 72F, Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou,
5 Zhujiang West Road Pearl River New City,
Guangzhou, Tianhe District 510623, China
Tel: +86 20 8883 3372
                                                 Kumoi                 New Age Japanese Cuisine
                                                                                                   uring a quick chat with Giancarlo di
                                                                                                   Francesco before my dinner, I was
                                                                                                   impressed with his experience and
                                                                                           knowledge of Japanese cuisine. When he talked
                                                                                           about the blue fin tuna, and even the Big Eye Tuna
                                                                                           and Big Eye Snapper, it enlightened me. As the
                                                                                           executive chef of Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou,
                                                                                           when it comes to Japanese food, he has all the

                                                                                           “Luxury Japanese cuisine uses premium products,
                                                                                           yet the variety is limited. We take off from here
                                                                                           to create the ‘new age’ Japanese cuisine, which
                                                                                           enlivens the traditional style.” Kumoi, located at
                                                                                           the 72th floor of Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou,
                                                                                           creates a fine dining experience with Japanese
                                                                                           cuisine. Kumoi means cloud in Japanese and here,
                                                                                           you can have a great view of Guangzhou through
                                                                                           its glass walls, and even feel like dining in the sky
                                                                                           because sometimes, the clouds are indeed under
                                                                                           your feet.

                                                                                           True to its Japanese decor style, the wooden chair
                                                                                           and the stone table at the entrance draws your
                                                                                           attention from the Hotel’s neoteric Lobby to the
                                                                                           oriental theme - a long sushi bar, sake bottles,
                                                                                           ceramic dining sets on wood-board table.

World Class Mixology and Entertainment:

                                                                                     LN Hotel Five Roo
                                                                                                     any veteran bar owners and restauranteurs
                                                                                                     will tell you just how difficult it is to
                                                                                                     achieve a fine balance between elegance
                                                                                           and playfulness, which was why the Roof Top Bar at
                                                                                           LN Hotel Five, Guangzhou completely took us by
                                                                                           surprise. Located on the 7th floor of LN Hotel Five,
                                                                                           one of the city’s most distinguished hospitality
                                                                                           icons, Roof Top Bar is open to both hotel guests
                                                                                           and visitors who are looking for an evening of fun
                                                                                           and laughs.

                                                                                           Upon reaching the bar, you cannot help but that
                                                                                           feel like you have been whisked to somewhere
                                                                                           special. With its vibrant graffiti walls blending
                                                                                           seamlessly with traditional Lingnan elements, the
                                                                                           venue is chic, while still managing to be colourful
                                                                                           and fun, affording its visitors sweeping views of
                                                                                           Guangzhou’s iconic Pearl River that will simply
                                                                                           take your breath away. The ambience and vibes
                                                                                           immediately set you at ease and you somehow
                                                                                           feel like you are in a friend’s penthouse apartment
 Address: 7th Floor, LN Hotel Five, 277 Yanjiang Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China   rather than a hotel bar.
 Tel: 86 20 8931 0505
We chose a set dinner menu: Eel and Cucumber
 Salad; Grill Black Cod Fish; Slow Cooked Beef
 Tongue Miso Soup; Grilled Prawn, Bell Pepper,
 and Mushroom; Teppanyaki Tenderloin Steak,
 Foie Gras, Carrot, Asparagus, Sweet Potato with
 assorted dipping; and “Dai-fuku Mochi” Rice
 Cake, and Seasonal Fruits.

 This smart combination is an amazing Japanese
 culinary expedition. All the premium products -
 eel, cod fish, beef tongue, prawn, tenderloin, foie      Teppanyaki Tenderloin Steak, Foie Gras, Carrot,
 gras - are prepared with different cooking skills.       Asparagus, Sweet Potato with Assort Dipping
 With the right potion and maximum varieties, this        In addition to all the teppanyaki selections on my
 delicate dinner set is a perfect option to taste all     plate, I have a dipping plate filled with the western
 the signature dishes from Kumoi. Among them,             style salt and pepper, and the Japanese-style
 these two dishes are my favorites.                       wasabi, mustard, and Teppanyaki sauce. This “free
                                                          style” indeed warmed up my palate. As suggested
 Grilled Black Cod Fish                                   by Giancarlo, I mixed wasabi and mustard with
 Kumoi imported fresh seafood from Japan weekly,          Teppanyaki sauce, and it brought out the
 so the black cod fish is really fresh and tender. With   freshness of the meat!
 light sweetness, the beautiful gingerroot on top
 spices up the flavour of the grilled cod, making it a    Last but not the least, all the dishes
 great first course after the salad.                      come with some extras - the seaweed
                                                          jelly adds a bit sour taste to the
                                                          salad, which opens up the palate;
                                                          the slow cooked beef tongue
                                                          increases the savoury of the
                                                          miso soup; the black pepper and
                                                          seasonings on the grilled prawn, the
                                                          bell pepper and mushroom leave
                                                          a wonderful aftertaste; and the tiny
                                                          orange cube inside the red bean pastry
                                                          wrapped in the mochi was a magical

                                                          With a bit of ‘extra’, Kumoi takes premium
                                                          Japanese cuisine to a new age, from ordinary to

                                                                                                                  Cheers / 25
                                                                                                                  PAPER MAGAZINE

of Top Bar
 Then, from a relaxed and chillax mode, you are
 transposed to a different space altogether when
 the hotel’s resident band – “Three Lines”, starts
 their performances. Every Tuesday to Saturday,
 from 7.30pm to 12am, the incredibly talented trio
 of April (Vocalist), Jake (Drummer) and Christian
 (Guitarist), have never failed to bring the house
 down with their impressive live performances
 featuring the latest hits or take you down memory
 lane with unique renditions of sentimental
                                                          crafted from bamboo sticks accompanied by a
 Cantonese ballads. It just makes you want to
                                                          bamboo canister, and each stick carved with the
 loosen your tie on an off-night in the summer.
                                                          name of a signature cocktail. Take your time and
                                                          have fun browsing and making your order. We
 Amidst the electric entertainment, the mixology
                                                          guarantee that you will definitely find something
 at this bar is as exclusive as the venue itself, with
                                                          to quench your thirst and elevate your spirits for a
 stunning cocktails being churned out by bartenders
                                                          night of ultimate chill.
 who practise molecular mixology alongside class
 cocktails. One of the unique cocktails that you
                                                          A chic rooftop retreat in Guangzhou, Roof
 must try is the bar’s signature Baijiu Cocktails
                                                          Top Bar will elevate you to cloud nine with its
 which energises you with its refreshing blend of
                                                          combination of sweeping views, unforgettable live
 eastern and western spirits. Guests will also be
                                                          entertainment and cocktails concocted with both
 fascinated by the unique drinks “list”, which is
                                                          skill and style. Cheers!

                                                                                           The Quest For
                                                                                          China’s Bordeaux:
                                                                                    Silver Heights
                                                                                      A CHINESE VINEYARD’S MISSION TO
                                                                                             PUT CHINESE WINES
                                                                                            ON THE WORLD MAP

           early as 2008, England’s oldest             to grow any decent grapes in such challenging
           independent wine merchant Berry             terroir, but for Emma Gao, Chinese winery’s fast
           Brothers & Rudd waxed lyrical about         rising star, where there is a will, there is a way.
China’s wine-making potential and postulated
that China’s favourable soil and soaring domestic      The story of Silvery Heights began when her
demand gave it “all the essential ingredients to       father, Gao Lin experimented with planting
make fine wine to rival the best of Bordeaux.”         Cabernet Sauvignon vines from France, and
Although Chinese vineyards still have quite a          subsequently persuaded Emma to venture abroad
distance to go before producing vintages to rival      to Bordeaux and enrol in a Masters of Oenology
the Bordeaux, things have gotten quite interesting     program. She eventually made it back to Shanghai
over the last few years with the emergence of          where she started working for Spanish wine
daring wine entrepreneurs who have ventured            merchant, Torres. Her boss blind-tasted one of her
forth to try and put China on the wine map.            family’s wine, saw the potential in it, and the rest
                                                       is history.
One of the Chinese vineyards spearheading this
mission is the Silver Heights Vineyard, a privately-   From a mere 3000 bottles to more than 100,000
held winery in Ningxia, a dry and arid region          bottles a year, the winery, which is now located
which is predominantly more renowned for its coal      in Helanshan Mountains, also served as a model
production. It would seem like mission impossible      success story for the other winemakers around
Ningxia who started to emulate Silver Heights.                 While winemaking is transforming Ningxia’s
Back in the day, she recalled, “it was all barren              dusty belts into a hippy wine tourist meccas,
deserts, so hot that nothing could grow. There                 Silver Height’s ultimate goal is to evoke a visceral
were no buildings, no trees, only shrubs, the                  response to itswines and ignite a lasting emotional
type with tiny thorns.” But the elevation at 1,350             connection. Every detail of this small-scale,
meters is ideal for growing wine. What’s more,                 slow-spun operation is carefully considered. The
the Helanshan Mountains are positioned north to                result is the distinctive point of view-and standout
south, so the escarpment blocks the Siberian cold.             wines-that has seen Silver Heights challenge the
“The stones and sand washed down and settled                   status quo and compete with the world’s greatest
here for 100 million years,” Emma noted, “it’s a               estates.
treasured land with good Feng Shui.”
                                                               With the grapes primed for harvest, Emma is
Now, after more than a decade since she                        secure in the knowledge that she’s slowly building
produced her first vintage of 10 barrels, Gao’s                not just a business but a holistic wine experience
operation has grown to cover some 70 hectares,                 that has helped to transform this remote corner of
which produces, by her count, about 100,000                    China. Ningxia might still have some distance to
bottles. It remains a resolutely family affair: The            go before it can replicate the scale of Bordeaux or
signature Silver Heights Emma’s Reserve cabernet               Napa Valley, but with Silver Heights and Emma, it
sauvignon is affectionately called “Little Emma”               is slowly and surely getting there.
after her 12-year-old daughter, who Emma
imagines will eventually inherit the business.

    Tasty Destinations
     Contributed by Roy Moorfield

     T   here are two ways to get the best
         enjoyment from the flavors of wine:
     Surrounded by friends, at a meal where
                                                       Bordeaux is being recognized as the mini
                                                       Paris in France.The city has a lot to offer - art
                                                       galleries, restaurants and the stunning La Cité
                                                                                                           owns a great little
                                                                                                           restaurant, just a
                                                                                                           short walk from the Chateau.
     wine and food interact to produce pleasant        du Vin, which is a must-do wine experience.
     or contrasting combinations that create a         Bordeaux is also surrounded by some of              It might seem a stretch, but Melbourne
     memorable taste.                                  the most famous wine properties in the              has been called the Paris of the southern              Roy Moorfield is a wine
                                                       world.The new trend among the owners is             hemisphere. It nearly was, if French explorers              consultant based in
     The other way is to succumb to the                to group visit opportunities. It is worthwhile      Nicolas Baudin and Jules d’Urville had been            Melbourne. He has been
     ambience of the cellar. Everything about it       following them on their websites and social         a bit more proactive in the early 1800s. Like            a global wine industry
     makes wine tastes better.The aromas of            media.                                              Bordeaux, Melbourne is strong in the arts             authority and identity for
     the barrels and old wines permeate the                                                                and is recognized as the “foodies” capital of      42 years. Roy's influence on
     atmosphere.Your senses become alive; you          One enticing program on offer is from               Australia. It also has fine wine producers on         the Australian and Hong
     are experiencing something new. Simply put,       the revitalized Chateau Siran in Margaux.           its doorstep in every direction.                    Kong wine business cannot
     wine tastes better when you’re having fun!        The energetic Édouard Miailhe, one of the                                                             be underestimated. For many
                                                       owners, has currently grouped with four              It will probably be 2021 before it will fully        years, he has been a wine
     Modern winemakers know this so the                other properties: Ch Carbonnieux (Pressac-          open again, but some tasty destinations that          advisor to Cathay Pacific
     “cellar door” has become an import part of        Léognan), Ch de Ferrand (St Emilion), Ch            will welcome visitors. Mitchelton Winery                               Airways.
     their image and sales.Tourist wine regions        Lafon-Rochet (St Estéphe) and Ch Haut-              and Resort to the north has a great range of
     therefore offer this added bonus. So apart        Bages Libéral (Pauillac).They are offering a        wines and local foods. If you are interested in
     from enjoying the local sites, wine regions can   tasting tour package to explore their wines         Pinot Noir and Shiraz with a distinct leaning
     introduce you to the local cuisine and culture.   with the opportunity to taste the 2019              to the French weight and style, try the
                                                       vintage that is still in barrels.                   Bellarine Peninsula to the south.

                                                       Chateau Siran is a great place to start a tour      The world of wine awaits but remember
                                                       as it is close to Bordeaux. It boasts gardens       the rules to experience the best taste of the
                                                       and a panoramic rooftop tasting bar. It even        wines is to taste them in the ambience of
                                                       has a nuclear bomb shelter - converted to a         a cellar; or enjoy them with good food and
                                                       vintage wine collection cellar.The family also      good friends.
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