Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School

Page created by Mitchell Ryan
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
Cover Made by: Mary A.

             Warrior Word
              Back to School Edition
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
SEPTEMBER         2021 | VOL. 1


Inside September's Issue
Birthdays, Main Piece - 2
A message from an old friend & This month's riddle and strange
                                                                             This Month's Birthdays!
question - 3
Fun Page- 4                                                                        Elle Deegan

Book Reviews & Teacher Interviews - 5 & 6                                        Hank Cagnassola

Sports - 7                                                                         Austin Green

Comic by Addison Bond- 8                                                         Devin Thomassen

A New School Year                                                                  Ana Jimenez

                                                                                  Jeremiah Hewitt

Story by Ella Ross, 7th grader                                                     Jillian Hewitt

                                                                                  Benjamin Serra

Welcome to Warrior Word! This is the place where you can get the                  Emily Holbrook

latest news from St. Paul’s. There’s comedy, polls, riddles, sports,             Cameron Johnson

reading recommendations, and so much more!
                                                                                   Layla Russo

                                                                                 Matthew Legaspi
On August 11, 2021, St. Paul’s had its first day of school. With the new
                                                                                    Jack Baer
variant of COVID 19, we were unsure if we were going back to school in            Caleb Lowmen

person this year. Thanks to our incredible principal, Mrs. Thompson,               Gabriela Vata

we were lucky enough to come back to a hopefully normal school year.               Mason Kaye

Have you heard about the new teachers this year?! Can you believe we               Luke Warren

have five new teachers? We are so lucky to have them!                            Parker Hillegass

Speaking of new, the newest members of the boys and girls’ basketball              Korbin Moore

and cross country are here! If you want to find out more about the                Bodhi Whicker

sports of St. Paul’s, make sure to read the sports section of this
                                                                                   Colt Newman

                                                                                    Lily Hutnyk
                                                                                 Kenneth Rookey
Do you like to laugh? Well, if so, then you should check out our comic            Marlowe Alleva

strip. You’ll meet a little ball of fun named Warrior.                            Chloe Albertson

If you like to think, then check out our riddle. If you solve the riddle,           Jack Davis

then maybe try using it on someone else!                                           Skye Pearson

This school year is all about one thing, coming together. Together we               Luke Storz

will be able to get back to a normal life somewhat COVID free. We pray          Charlotte Liesegang

that we will make it through the school year with some of our normal             Tanner Liesegang

events, traditions, and more.
                                                                                   John Milford

                                                                                   Owen Milford
I’m sad to say that this concludes the first main page of the returning
                                                                                  James Kinchen

Warrior Word newspaper. But, trust me, there will be so much more                   Noah Park

throughout the school year! Maybe even some big events that make
history at St. Paul’s. But for now, all good things must come to an end.
Until next time...
                                                                            Collected by Lane Rowland
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
Congratulations to the newest staff of St.Paul’s Catholic School
         Warrior Word publication for the school year 2021-22! In
         1997-8, I was fortunate to be the mentor teacher for the
        publication of the same name. It highlighted the enormous
        talent of our middle school students! Years later, a former
       student and faculty member, Miss Alyssa George revived the
        publication! Now, another graduate of St.Paul’s, Ms.Hebert
         has recently revived the Warrior Word at a time when we
          need to hear our students’ voices through journalism! I
                  couldn’t be prouder to congratulate you!
                                 God Bless!

The Strange Question of the                                Why is the
          Month                                             plural of
      by: Margaux Schuh
                                                          "mangos" and
                                                           not mangi?

                 This Month's Riddle
                       I have keys but no locks.
                     I have space but no room.
                  You can enter but can't go inside.
  Answer:                     What am I?
A Keyboard
                                                Picked by: Aiden O'Donovan
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
Fact of the Month              This Month in History                Bible Verse of the Month
                                   September 8, 1565                    "For I know the plans I have for you,"
                                    St. Augustine was
   Lobsters taste
                                                                          declares the Lord, "The plans to
                                  founded by Spaniard
                                                                         prosper you and not to harm you,
                                 Don Pedro Menendez de
   with their feet!             Aviles as the first Catholic         plans to give you hope and a future".

                                   settlement in North                             Jeremiah 29: 11

                              Selected by: James Birr & Kane Cook                      Chosen by Chloe Johnson

                             This Month's Poll Question
                             Which is your favorite St. Paul's event?
                  Art Fest      Art Fest, Jingle Jog, or Carnival?

Jingle Jog                                                                    Fun Fact
                                                                          This year's kindergarten

                                                                          classes were 3 years old

                                                                           when we had our last


                                                                                Crazy right?

                                                   75.9%       Collected by : Annalise, Brooklyn,
                                                                        Marissa, Sloane

              Middle School Book Recommendations
                                                 7th:                            8th:
                                          Marin: White Fang               Caroline: We were
  Stella: Harry Potter
                                            Shawn: Refugee                       Liars
Matthew: Percy Jackson
  Avery: I am Malala                        Ryan: Ranger’s                  Connor: Harry
 Evie: Land of Stories                        Apprentice                  Potter: The Half
Madison: Catching Fire                   William: The Hunger                 Blood Prince
 Clara: Tale of Magic                           Games                     Sheridan: The Boy
  Mia: Dork Diaries                                                         in the Striped
Lorelei: Harry Potter:                                                          Pajamas
The Prisoner of Askaban                                                       Riley: Slam

Collected by Ella, Lane, Mae
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
Teacher Interviews

Mr. Hamaty    What would you want to be if you weren't a teacher?
                    :Travel/National Geographic photographer
                  Favorite sport: To watch, football. To play, golf.
               Favorite food: Lebanese food (kibbe, tabouleh, grape
                 leaves, and hummus) and Cuban food (masitas de
                      puerco fritas and black beans and rice.)
              Favorite vacation spot: If I'm looking to relax, it's hard
               to beat anywhere near the water. However, my travel
                bucket list is always growing, and I think next up is
                            either Colombia or Germany.
                   Favorite book: East of Eden by John Steinbeck
               Favorite Bible verse: Tough to pick just one! Romans
                                   8:38-39 is great.
                     Where would you want to live other than
                      Jacksonville?: Chattanooga, Tennessee

Mrs. Bunker

                  When did you start teaching at St.
                         Paul's?: 8 years ago
                 Favorite food: Gluten Free Brownies
                   Favorite Hobbies: Reading and
                           anything outside.
                   Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
                Favorite Field Trip: Sun Watch Indian
                    Village when I taught in Ohio.

                         Interviewed by Emily Utset
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
Sport News

                       St. Paul's

      Girls Basketball News           Boys Basketball News
  The girls basketball team has     The boys basketball team
 started off strong going 2-0 so   hasn't been playing around!
far this season! Their first game They're 3-0 this season so far.
vs Annunciation was a blow out        The boys have played
 25-12! The second game vs San Annunciation (44-5), San Juan
Juan Del Rio was a nail biter but
                                   Del Rio (46-11), & Guardian
    the girls fought hard and
                                  (45-26). They are dominating
         prevailed 31-25!
                                           on the court!

      The girl's and boy's
     also have some more
     upcoming games and
      we can't wait to see
       how well they do!
          Go Warriors!
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
       by Addison Bond
Back to School Edition - Cover Made by: Mary A - St. Paul's Catholic School
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