OLW NEWS 2021 - Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury

Page created by Rene Castro
OLW NEWS 2021 - Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury
                           Tel: 9460 6684              YouTube: OLW Learning Channel
                                  Email: principal@olwkingsbury.catholic.edu.au
        Issue: 40                                           Date: Monday December 6 2021
Dear Parents & Families,                                 2022 FAMILY & LEVY FEES
         We are currently finalising staffing and        The School Fee for 2022 will be $1750 per
class placements for next year and although we           family and the levy will be $400 per child.
still have one teaching appointment to make,             ($50.00 will be refunded if families attend one
there will be a few internal changes in our staffing     working bee during the year). The annual rise in
and programs for the 2022 school year.                   fees is kept to a minimum and in line with, or just
         Anna Jongebloed is retiring at the end of       below CPI, to ensure that OLW remains
this year. Anna has worked at OLW since the              accessible for all families.
beginning of the 2001 school year and has seen                    Please remember that if you ever have
many families transition through the school and          any concerns over the payment of school fees,
then later return with their own children to attend      you should contact the office so that we can
OLW. She has been the first point of contact and         assist you with managing your situation.
a very familiar face around the school for a long                 Student Book Orders will be managed by
time and we wish her well in her retirement.             the school again this year. Families will not be
         Tony Mizzi will be taking LSL for the first     required to order any classroom books or
term and a half. It is planned that Deb Myers will       equipment for 2022. All books and requirements
take over the Year 3-6 Intervention Program and          for your child will be billed to your 2022 school fee
also introduce a new Music program in 2022.              account. However, there will be some optional
         As we also work through finalizing our          items that you will be required to provide or
classes, it is timely to remind parents that the staff   purchase such as pencils/ textas/ art smock etc.
are very aware of the needs of all students, and         A list of goods required to be brought from home
that classes are constructed to develop the              will be sent home once class arrangements have
optimum learning environment for all students at         been finalised in December.
their level taking into account gender balance and
                                                         SCHOOL SPORTS CARNIVAL
academic, behavioural, social/emotional and
                                                                 Our 2021 Sports Carnival will be held over
special learning needs. Therefore, we do not take
                                                         2 days this week with Year Prep – 2 competing in
requests for particular teachers from parents as
                                                         their events on Wednesday December 8 between
this goes against our belief of the value and
                                                         9 – 11am and Years 3 – 6 competing on Friday
importance of each individual child and may
                                                         December 10 between 11.30 – 3.00pm. Due to
unfairly imbalance a class. Our structure for our
                                                         COVID restrictions it will be students only onsite,
Classes and Specialist Programs will be:
                                                         but we will set up a viewing area outside the black
Prep – Jessica Penzo                                     fence to provide a space for parents who wish to
Year 1/2M – Lisa Micomonaco                              watch their child participating. BYO sunscreen,
Year 1/2S – Shirley Schroeder                            chair, shade and/or umbrella!
Year 3/4K – Melanie Kent                                 END OF YEAR DISMISSAL
Year 3/4L – Catherine Laycock                                    The 2021 school year closes on
Year 4/5 – TBA                                           Wednesday December 15 with our staggered
Year 6EJ – Jacqui Driscoll (0.4) & Erin Mithen           dismissal from 3.10 - 3.30pm. Our farewell to our
(0.6)                                                    Year 6 students will commence around 2.45pm.
Art & Library – Lisa Hrisikos
                                                                 Stay safe and enjoy the week!
Italian – Grace Ciorciari
                                                                                             Kevin Burke
Phys. Ed. – Lucy Van Ballegooy
Futurescapes – Huong Nguyen
                                                                     WORD OF THE WEEK
Music – Deb Myers
                                                          Congratulations to everyone who found out that
Literacy Coordinator – Allison Luff
                                                         versatile means ‘able to adapt or be adapted to
Intervention Year P – 2 – Allison Luff
                                                         many different functions or activities’.
Intervention Year 3 – 6 – Deb Myers
School Counsellor – Matthew Jones                                    Our word for this week is:
Deputy Principal – Learning & Diversity –                                    WATCHFUL
Allison Luff                                                    Find out it’s meaning and origin and see if
Deputy Principal – Curriculum & Innovation -               you can add this word to your vocabulary over
Huong Nguyen                                               the next week!

OLW NEWS 2021 - Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury
Parish of Our Lady of the Way Kingsbury
                                          Presbytery: 13 Green Ave, Kingsbury, 3083

                             Parish Priest: Fr Terry Bergin           Tel: 0488 020 364          School Tel: 9460 6684
                             Email: terrybergin1@bigpond.com

                             Parish Website: OLW Kingsbury
                             Mass Timetable
                             Saturday – Vigil Mass:                             6.00PM
                             Sunday:                                            8.00AM and 10.00AM
                             Weekdays:                                          10.00AM
                             Sacrament of Reconciliation:                       Saturday from 5.15 to 5.45PM
                             Rosary Monday to Saturday:                         9.30AM
                             Divine Mercy Chaplet                               After Mass Daily
                             Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:               Friday from 9.00 to 9.30AM
                             Baptisms and Marriages by appointment:

Hello Everyone.

 Entrance Antiphon:                                               Communion Antiphon:
   O people of Sion, behold,                                        Jerusalem, arise and stand upon the heights,
   the Lord will come to save the nations,                          and behold the joy which comes to you from God.
   and the Lord will make the glory of his voice heard
   in the joy of your heart.

Vinnies Christmas Appeal: This year the Society is not doing Christmas Hampers but we are distributing vouchers. If any
parishioners can donate we would appreciate your financial help. Envelopes are available in the church foyer. If you require a
receipt, please fill in your name and address. Envelopes can be given to Fr Terry, a Vinnies rep or put in the Vinnies cash box
on the table in the foyer. Phone donations can be made by calling 131812 and confirming the name of the conference. A receipt
will be issued to you. Online donations can be made at vinnies.org.au Donors can allocate donations to a specific conference by
putting the conference name in the comments field. Receipts will be automatically emailed out to donors.

Please be advised we need to be double vaccinated & registered at the front entrance or sign in as per usual to attend mass.

Christmas Raffle: Tickets are 50 cents each. Many thanks to our parishioners for donating the prizes. Money raised will go
towards paying for the carpet. Last carpet we had was after the fire.

Ageing & Awakening: God’s surprising gifts!
We welcome, finally, Sr Kerin Caldwell to OLW to assist us in seeing new gifts in our lives as we age.
Dates: 2022        Jan 28th, Feb 11th & 25th, Mar 11th & 25th, Apr 8th.All Friday mornings 10.30am – 12.30pm. Anyone wishing to
attend this free seminar, please sign the page in the foyer titled Ageing & Awakening Seminar. It is available to sign in today.

Church & Presbytery Acc: $4266.50 as at 6/11/21

Reconciliation Rites OLW:
Tuesday 21st Dec at 7pm.

Christmas Masses OLW Kingsbury: Friday 24th Dec 5.30pm & 8.00pm
Sat 25th Dec      8.00am & 10.00am Sun 26th Dec 8.00am & 10.00am

Eucharistic Ministers:
Dec 4th: 6pm & Kath Zanini
Dec 5th: 8am Gerard Dowling 10am Maria & Nicola
Dec 11th: 6pm Pat Hearity
Dec 12th: 8am Martina Dowling 10am A Mattia & Margaret Leonard

Dec 4th: 6pm Helen Mills
Dec 5th: 8am Martina Dowling 10am Evelyn Ginger
Dec 11th: 6pm Jim Conway
Dec 12th: 8am Maria B 10am Evelyn Ginger

With thanks,
Father Terry.
OLW NEWS 2021 - Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury
OLW NEWS 2021 - Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury
OLW NEWS 2021 - Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury
OLW NEWS 2021 - Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury
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