2019 Summary of Benefits - Y0097_1304_M Accepted - NCDOI

Page created by Julio Fleming
2019 Summary of Benefits - Y0097_1304_M Accepted - NCDOI
2019 Summary of Benefits

Y0097_1304_M Accepted
2019 Summary of Benefits - Y0097_1304_M Accepted - NCDOI
How to Contact Gateway Health
1-877-GATEWAY (428-3929) (TTY 711)

How to Find a Provider or Pharmacy

Hours of Operation
From October 1 to March 31,            From April 1 to September 30,
you can call us 7 days a week from     you can call us Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.   from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.
2019 Summary of Benefits - Y0097_1304_M Accepted - NCDOI
Dual Eligible (D-SNP) Plans Highlights

              Medicare Assured                                          Medicare Assured
       DiamondSM (HMO SNP)†                                         RubySM (HMO SNP)†

         Monthly Plan Premium                                      Monthly Plan Premium
                   $0*                                                     $28.90
           Primary Care Visits                                       Primary Care Visits
              as low as $0                                              as low as $0
               Deductible                                                Deductible
                   $0                                                   as low as $0
             Preventive Care                                           Preventive Care
        Urgent & Emergency Care                                   Urgent & Emergency Care
           In and out-of-network                                     In and out-of-network
            Diagnostic Services/                                      Diagnostic Services/
               Labs/Imaging                                              Labs/Imaging
            Generic prescriptions                                     Generic prescriptions
                as low as $0                                              as low as $0

  To be eligible for the Diamond plan, you must have Medicare Parts A and B and Medical Assistance (Full or QMB). Also,
 you must live in our service area and–with limited exceptions–you must not have End-Stage Renal Disease.
   To be eligible for the Ruby plan, you must have Medicare Parts A and B and Medical Assistance (SLMB, QI or QDWI).
 Also, you must live in our service area and–with limited exceptions–you must not have End-Stage Renal Disease.

              Have Questions? 1-877-Gateway (428-3929) (TTY 711) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 7 days a week
2019 Summary of Benefits - Y0097_1304_M Accepted - NCDOI
2019 Summary of Benefits
Gateway Health Medicare Assured Diamond (HMO SNP)
Gateway Health Medicare Assured Ruby (HMO SNP)

This is a summary of drug and health benefits for
January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019

The benefit information provided is a summary of what we cover and what you pay. It does not list every
benefit that we cover or list every limit or exclusion. To get a complete list of benefits we cover, please
request the “Evidence of Coverage” by calling 1-877-Gateway (TTY users call 711). From October 1
to March 31, you can call us 7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. From April 1 to
September 30, you can call us Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.
You can also view or download the Evidence of Coverage at www.MedicareAssured.com
To join Gateway Health Medicare Assured Diamond (HMO SNP) or Gateway Health Medicare
Assured Ruby (HMO SNP), you must be entitled to Medicare Part A, be enrolled in Medicare Part B,
and live in our service area. Our service area includes the following counties:

 North Carolina County Service Area

 Beaufort                  Chowan                     Halifax                    Pitt
 Bertie                    Cumberland                 Hertford                   Polk
 Bladen                    Duplin                     Jones                      Sampson
 Caswell                   Durham                     Northampton                Warren
 Chatham                   Greene                     Orange

Gateway Health Medicare Assured Diamond and Ruby plans are Medicare Advantage HMO
Special Needs Plans with a Medicare contract. These plans are designed specifically for
people who have Medicare and who are also entitled to assistance from Medicaid.

More About Original Medicare
If you want to know more about the cost and coverage of Original Medicare, look in your current
"Medicare & You" handbook.

View it online at http://www.medicare.gov or get a copy by calling 1-800-MEDICARE
(1-800-633-4227), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048.

             Have Questions? 1-877-Gateway (428-3929) (TTY 711) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 7 days a week
Gateway Health Medicare                       Gateway Health Medicare
Plan Benefits                      Assured DiamondSM (HMO SNP)                   Assured RubySM (HMO SNP)
Monthly Plan Premium               $0 Monthly Plan Premium*                      $28.90 Monthly Plan Premium*
                                                                                 $0 or $85 per year for Part D for co-pay
Deductible                         $0
                                                                                 level 4, based on level of extra help
Maximum Out-of-Pocket
                                      $3,400 Out-of-Pocket Limit for             $6,700 Out-of-Pocket Limit for
                                      In-Network Medicare-covered Services       In-Network Medicare-covered Services
(does not include prescription drugs)
                                                                                 $275 Copay Days 1 to 5 and
Inpatient Hospital Coverage^       $0 Copay per day for days 1-90
                                                                                 $0 Copay Days 6 to 90
                                                                                 $200 Copay for Outpatient and
Outpatient Hospital Coverage^      $0 and Authorization required
                                                                                 $275 Copay for Observation Services

Doctor Visits                      $0* for PCP and Specialist visits             $0 PCP visits and $35* Specialist visits

Preventive Care                    $0                                            $0
                                                                                 $90* Copay will not be waived if admitted
Emergency Care                     $0*                                           to Hospital and cannot be applied towards
                                                                                 $45* Copay will not be waived if admitted
Urgently Needed Services           $0*                                           to Hospital and cannot be applied towards
Lab Services & Diagnostic
                                   $0* and Authorization required                $0* and Authorization required
X-rays / Complex Imaging^
                                   $0* and Authorization required                $35* Copay
(e.g., CT scan/MRI)

Hearing Exam                       $0* for routine exams                         $0* for routine exams
                                   $3,000 Maximum Every two years                $750 Maximum Every two years
Hearing Aid
                                   Both ears combined                            Both ears combined
Preventive Dental Services         One cleaning & oral exam. One dental x-ray/
                                                                                 One dental x-ray every six months
                                   one panoramic x-ray every 5 years. Filings,
(every six months)                                                               One panoramic x-ray every 5 years
                                   simple extractions and two crowns per year.
                                   1 Exam Every year                             1 Exam Every year $35 Copay
                                   Supplemental Eyewear: Limited to one          Supplemental Eyewear: Limited to one
                                   (1) pair of glasses or Contact Lenses each    (1) pair of glasses or Contact Lenses each
Vision Services                    year. Vendor frames and standard lenses       year. Vendor frames and standard lenses
                                   or standard contact lenses at no cost per     or standard contact lenses at no cost per
(Davis Vision Network)             calendar year when purchased from Davis       calendar year when purchased from Davis
                                   vision collection. $200 toward non-vendor     vision collection. $90 toward non-vendor
                                   frames or $200 toward non vendor contact      frames or $100 toward non vendor contact
                                   lenses per calendar year.                     lenses per calendar year.
Mental Health Services             $0* for Individual and Group Sessions         $35* Copay for Individual and Group Sessions
Gateway Health Medicare                           Gateway Health Medicare
    Plan Benefits                    Assured DiamondSM (HMO SNP)                       Assured RubySM (HMO SNP)
                                                                                       $0 Copay Days 1 to 20 and
    Skilled Nursing Facility^        $0
                                                                                       $172* Copay Days 21 to 100
    Physical Therapy^                $0* and Authorization required                    $35* Copay
                                     $0* for Ground and Air.                           $200* Copay for Ground and Air.
    Ambulance   ^
                                     Authorization required for Non-Emergency          Authorization required for Non-Emergency
                                     Medicare Services                                 Medicare Services
                                     50 trips, one way, Every year in Plan-            24 trips, one way, Every year in Plan-
                                     approved Location. Requires 72 hour notice        approved Location. Requires 72 hour notice
                                     Transportation services are for medical           Transportation services are for medical
                                     related reasons only as defined by the plan.      related reasons only as defined by the plan.
    Transportation^                  Mode of transportation also includes car.         Mode of transportation also includes car.
                                     Authorization (based on criteria established      Authorization (based on criteria established
                                     by Gateway Health) and scheduling                 by Gateway Health) and scheduling
                                     rules apply. Beneficiary must call noted          rules apply. Beneficiary must call noted
                                     transportation vendor to receive service.         transportation vendor to receive service.
                                     $0 and Prior authorization required for certain 20% Coinsurance and Prior authorization
    Medicare Part B Drugs^
                                     Part B/Chemo drugs                              required for certain Part B/Chemo drugs
    Foot Care^ (podiatry services)   $0 and Authorization required                     $35 and Authorization required
    Medical Equipment/Supplies
                                     $0* and Authorization required                    20%* Coinsurance and Authorization required
    & Prosthetics^
    Diabetic Testing Supplies        $0 and Authorization required                     20%* Coinsurance and Authorization required
    Lab/Diagnostic Tests (Phys
                                     $0                                                $0
    Office or Freestanding Lab)
    Lab/Diagnostic Tests
                                     $0 and Authorization required                     $0 and Authorization required
    (Outpatient Facility)
    Therapeutic and                                                                    $175 Copay for Diagnostic
                                     $0 and Authorization required
    Radiology Services                                                                 $60 for Therapeutic $35 for X-Ray
    X-Rays                           $0                                                $35 Copay
    Cardiac and Pulmonary                                                              $35 Copay for Cardiac Rehab,
    Rehabilitation Services                                                            $30 Copay for Pulmonary Rehab
                                     Toll-free telephonic coaching and nurse           Toll-free telephonic coaching and nurse
                                     advice from trained clinicians, 24 hours a day,   advice from trained clinicians, 24 hours a day,
                                     7 days a week regarding a recent diagnosis,       7 days a week regarding a recent diagnosis,
    Nursing Hotline                  treatment options or surgery, current             treatment options or surgery, current
                                     symptoms, self-care home treatments, when         symptoms, self-care home treatments, when
                                     to go to the doctor, when to go to the Urgent     to go to the doctor, when to go to the Urgent
                                     Care Center or Emergency Room, preventive         Care Center or Emergency Room, preventive
                                     care and lab tests.                               care and lab tests.
                                                                                                   Benefits continued on next page
 Depending on your level of Medicaid eligibility and/or level of Extra Help #Once you pay $5,100 out-of-pocket,
the plan will pay all or most of the drug costs for the remainder of the calendar year. ^Prior authorization may be required

                    Have Questions? 1-877-Gateway (428-3929) (TTY 711) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 7 days a week
Gateway Health Medicare                      Gateway Health Medicare
Plan Benefits                  Assured DiamondSM (HMO SNP)                  Assured RubySM (HMO SNP)
                            Benefit coordinated through Gateway
Personal Emergency Response Health Case Management Department.
                                                                            Not Covered
System (PERS)               Limited to one PERS device per member
                            per lifetime.
Inpatient Mental Health Care   Days 1-150: $0 copay                         Days 1-5: $275 copay per day

Chiropractic Services          $0                                           $20 Copay and Authorization required

Diabetes Programs and          $0 and Authorization required for diabetes   $0 and Authorization required for diabetes
                               self-management training, monitoring         self-management training, 20% monitoring
Supplies                       supplies, therapeutic shoes or inserts       supplies, therapeutic shoes or inserts
                                       Outpatient Prescription Drugs
                               Part D Deductible: $0 to $85*                Part D Deductible: $0 to $85*
                               Initial Coverage Limit: $3,820               Initial Coverage Limit: $3,820
                               Out-of-Pocket: $5,100#                       Out-of-Pocket: $5,100#
                               30-Day Supply                                30-Day Supply
                               Tier 1 – Preferred Generic Drugs             Tier 1 – Preferred Generic Drugs
                               All drugs – $0.00                            All drugs – $0.00

                               Tier 2 – Generic Drugs                       Tier 2 – Generic Drugs
                               All drugs – $0.00, $1.25, or $3.40           All drugs – $0.00, $1.25, or $3.40,
                                           or 15% of the cost                           or 15% of the cost

                               Tier 3 – Preferred Brand Drugs               Tier 3 – Preferred Brand Drugs
Part D Prescription Drugs      Generic drugs – $0.00, $1.25, or $3.40       Generic drugs – $0.00, $1.25, or $3.40,
Initial Coverage Period^                        or 15% of the cost                            or 15% of the cost
                               Brand drugs – $0.00, $3.70, or $8.50,        Brand drugs – $0.00, $3.70, or $8.50,
(Amounts also apply to                         or 15% of the cost                           or 15% of the cost
60 and 90-day supplies)
                               Tier 4 – Non-Preferred Drugs                 Tier 4 – Non-Preferred Drugs
                               Generic drugs – $0.00, $1.25, or $3.40,      Generic drugs – $0.00, $1.25, or $3.40,
                                                or 15% of the cost                           or 15% of the cost
                               Brand drugs – $0.00, $3.70, or $8.50,        Brand drugs – $0.00, $3.70, or $8.50,
                                              or 15% of the cost                           or 15% of the cost

                               Tier 5 – Specialty Tier Drugs                Tier 5 – Specialty Tier Drugs
                               Generic drugs – $0.00, $1.25, or $3.40,      Generic drugs – $0.00, $1.25, or $3.40,
                                                or 15% of the cost                           or 15% of the cost
                               Brand drugs – $0.00, $3.70, or $8.50,        Brand drugs – $0.00, $3.70, or $8.50,
                                              or 15% of the cost                           or 15% of the cost
Gateway Health Medicare                              Gateway Health Medicare
    Plan Benefits                   Assured DiamondSM (HMO SNP)                          Assured RubySM (HMO SNP)
                                            Optional Supplemental Benefits
                                    Disease Management Program featuring:
                                    • Health education materials, and
    Health Education                                                               Not Covered
                                    • Telephonic outreach for education and
                                    support from Plan Care Managers
                                    Provides membership at participating           Provides membership at participating
                                    network fitness centers at no cost, including: network fitness centers at no cost, including:
                                      • Basic fitness membership to Plan             • Basic fitness membership to Plan
                                         approved fitness facility                      approved fitness facility
    SilverSneakers                    • Orientation to the fitness center            • Orientation to the fitness center
    Fitness Program                      and instructions about how to use              and instructions about how to use
                                         equipment and services                         equipment and services
                                      • One @Home Pak per year for those             • One @Home Pak per year for those
                                         members with limited access to a               members with limited access to a
                                         network fitness center.                        network fitness center.

    Preventive Services,            $0 copay for all preventive services covered         $0 copay for all preventive services covered
    Wellness/Education              under Original Medicare at $0 sharing. Any           under Original Medicare at $0 sharing. Any
                                    additional preventive services approved by           additional preventive services approved by
    and other Supplemental          Medicare mid-year will be covered by the             Medicare mid-year will be covered by the
    Benefit Programs                plan or by Original Medicare.                        plan or by Original Medicare.
                                    $275 Maximum Every three months                      $25 Maximum Every three months
                                    Members will receive OTC catalog with                Members will receive OTC catalog with
                                    a quarterly limit for purchasing CMS-                a quarterly limit for purchasing CMS-
    Over-the-Counter Items          approved non-prescription over-the-counter           approved non-prescription over-the-counter
                                    medication and health-related items through          medication and health-related items through
    (no cough/cold)                 catalog purchasing.(Limits and shipping              catalog purchasing.(Limits and shipping
                                    restrictions may apply) Maximum Plan                 restrictions may apply) Maximum Plan
                                    Benefit Coverage carried forward expires at          Benefit Coverage carried forward expires at
                                    the end of the calendar year                         the end of the calendar year
                                    Plan provides two additional counseling
    Tobacco Cessation               visits per attempt, in addition to the               Not Covered
                                    Medicare-covered benefit.
                                    Benefit coordinated through Gateway Health
                                    Case Management Department.
    Bathroom/Home                   Limited to 4 in home safety devices per year.
                                    Items limited to: toilet seat riser, toilet safety   Not Covered
    Safety Devices                  arm support, tub grab bars, tub and shower
                                    anti slip treads, wall mount grab bars,
                                    reaching aid and rug anchors

 Depending on your level of Medicaid eligibility and/or level of Extra Help #Once you pay $5,100 out-of-pocket,
the plan will pay all or most of the drug costs for the remainder of the calendar year. ^Prior authorization may be required

                  Have Questions? 1-877-Gateway (428-3929) (TTY 711) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 7 days a week
Important Information
for Those Receiving Extra Help
                        Gateway Health Medicare Assured DiamondSM
                        and Gateway Health Medicare Assured RubySM
              Monthly Plan Premium for People who get Extra Help from Medicare
                         to Help Pay for their Prescription Drug Costs

If you get extra help from Medicare to help pay for your Medicare prescription drug plan costs,
your monthly plan premium will be lower than what it would be if you did not get extra help from
Medicare. The amount of extra help you get will determine your total monthly plan premium as a
member of our Plan.

This table shows you what your monthly plan premium will be if you get extra help.

                              Gateway Health                          Gateway Health
Your level of extra help
                              Medicare Assured DiamondSM*             Medicare Assured RubySM*

           100%               $0                                      $0

            75%               N/A                                     $7.20

            50%               N/A                                     $14.40

            25%               N/A                                     $21.70

*This does not include any Medicare Part B premium you may have to pay.

If you aren’t getting extra help, you can see if you qualify by calling:
 • 1-800-Medicare of TTY users call 1-877-486-2048 (24 hours a day/7 days a week),
 • Your State Medicaid Office, or
 • The Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213. TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778
   between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.

If you have any questions, please call Customer Service at 1-877-GATEWAY (428-3929), (TTY: 711)
from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 days a week.

              Have Questions? 1-877-Gateway (428-3929) (TTY 711) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 7 days a week
Pre-Enrollment Checklist
 Before making an enrollment decision, it is important that you fully understand our benefits and rules.
 If you have any questions, you can call and speak to a customer service representative at
 1-800-685-5209 (PA), 1-888-447-4505 (OH) or 1-855-847-6430 (NC). TTY users should call 711.

 Understanding the Benefits
           Review the full list of benefits found in the Evidence of Coverage (EOC), especially for those
           services that you routinely see a doctor. Visit GatewayHealthPlan.com or call 1-800-685-5209
           (PA), 1-888-447-4505 (OH) or 1-855-847-6430 (NC). TTY users should call 711 to view a copy
           of the EOC.

           Review the provider directory (or ask your doctor) to make sure the doctors you see now are
           in the network. If they are not listed, it means you will likely have to select a new doctor.

           Review the pharmacy directory to make sure the pharmacy you use for any prescription
           medicines is in the network. If the pharmacy is not listed, you will likely have to select a new
           pharmacy for your prescriptions.

 Understanding Important Rules
           In addition to your monthly plan premium, you must continue to pay your Medicare Part B
           premium. Depending on your level of extra help, part or all of this premium could be paid by
           Medicare. If Medicare pays only a portion of this premium, we will bill you for the amount that
           Medicare doesn’t cover. For more information about this extra help, contact your local Social
           Security office, or call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778.
           You can also apply for extra help online at www.socialsecurity.gov/prescriptionhelp.

           Benefits, premiums and/or copayments/co-insurance may change on January 1, 2019.

           Except in emergency or urgent situations, we do not cover services by out-of-network providers
           (doctors who are not listed in the provider directory).

           This plan is a dual eligible special needs plan (D-SNP). Your ability to enroll will be based on
           verification that you are entitled to both Medicare and medical assistance from a state plan under
           Medicaid. Other restrictions may apply.

Gateway HealthSM is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Gateway Health’s Diamond or Ruby plans depend on contract renewal.
This information is not a complete description of benefits. Call Member Service at 1-800-685-5209 (PA), 1-888-447-4505 (OH) or 1-855-847-6430 (NC).
TTY users should call 711 for more information.

                      Have Questions? 1-877-Gateway (428-3929) (TTY 711) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 7 days a week
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