At Home Learning Activities: Specials

Page created by Andre Park
At Home Learning Activities: Specials

       Directions: Select one option each day from the column for your child’s grade level
       below. Have your caregiver initial the boxes you completed. Please return this sheet
       when you go back to school. If you cannot print the form, an adult can write what you

                    Name: ____________________________________________________

                           Art              Computers                Music                  P.E.                 Library

Kindergarten        Go Outside!           Build the Home        Music/Counseling     Set a timer and
                    Using sticks,         Row                   We have been         complete each           Initials _______
                                                                                     animal movement
                    create as many                              exploring            for 45 seconds,
                    shapes as you can     Use alphabet          instruments and      with 15 seconds of
                    directly on the       flashcards or         instrument           rest in between. Do
                    earth. Decorate it    make your own;        families. We were    as many as you          Go to Storyline
                    with things you       work on putting       currently            can!                    and choose the
                    find outside if       the letters of the    exploring the                                story Harry, the
                                                                                     Frog Jumps:
                    you like. When        home row in           percussion family.   Hop, hop, back and
                                                                                                             Dirty Dog and
                    done, sign your       order. Remember       Percussion           forth like a frog       listen to the story
                    artist name in the    that the home         instruments are      Bear Walk:              as it is read to
                    dirt using a stick    row has F and J.      any instruments      Hands and feet on       you. Can you
                    as your writing       Here is a ​sample     that are shaken,     the floor, hips high-   explain the
                    tool!                 Keyboard ​to help     hit, or scraped.     walk left and right     beginning, the
                                                                                     Gorilla Shuffle:
                                          you.                                       Sink into a low
                                                                                                             middle and the
                    Go Online!                                  In Counseling we     sumo squat, with        end? What is your
                    If you have access                          have been talking    hands on the floor,     favorite pet? Can
                    to the internet,      Type to Learn         about Citizenship    shuffle around the      you draw a
                    check out the                               and were about to    room                    picture of your
                    artist ​Andy          If you have access    discuss the          Starfish Jumps:         favorite pet? If
                                                                                     Jumping jacks as
                    Goldsworthy​,         to the internet       importance of        fast as you can, with
                                                                                                             you cannot get
                    a very famous         and a device with     recycling.           arms and legs           online, find a
                    earth artist. Also,   a keyboard you                             spread wide             book and read
                    follow me on          can practice your     *ACTIVITY*           Cheetah Run:            with your parent
                    Facebook. I will      typing!               Find something       Run in place, as        or older sibling
                    post one video                              around the house     FAST as you can!        and discuss the
                                                                                     Just like the fastest
                    talking about         Fill out this​ form   that can be          animal in the
                    each lesson and       to receive access     recycled/            Sahara
                    you can post          via email.            repurposed into a    Crab Crawl:
                    pictures of your                            percussion           Sit and place your
                    creation in the                             instrument. Some     palms flat on the
                    comments to           Initials _______      ideas might be a     floor behind you
                                                                                     near your hips. Lift
                    show me!                                    soda can/ bottle/    up off the ground
                                                                milk jug maraca.     and crawl
                    Initials _______                            Or a tin can drum    Elephant Stomps:
                                                                (after you have      March in place
                                                                eaten your           lifting your knees as
                                                                vegetables).         high as you can and

                                                                                Appleton City Elementary
                                                                                              March 2020
stomping the
                                                            Initials _______      ground as hard as
                                                                                  you can
                                                                                  Also get outside
                                                                                  and free play!
                                                                                  Initials _​_​_____

First Grade    Go Outside!            Build the             Music/Counseling      Set a timer and
               Using sticks,          Keyboard              We have been          complete each           Initials _______
                                                                                  animal movement
               create a self                                exploring             for 45 seconds,
                                                                                                          Initials _______
               portrait, similar      Use alphabet          instruments and       with 15 seconds of      https://www.sto
               to cave art! This is   flashcards or         instrument            rest in between. Do
               your chance to         make your own;        families. We were     as many as you
               create a real          work on putting       currently             can!                    Go to Storyline
               “stick person!”        the letters of the    exploring the                                 and choose the
                                                                                  Frog Jumps:
               Try to still have a    keyboard in           percussion family.    Hop, hop, back and
                                                                                                          story Harry, the
               shirt/pants/ dress     order. Remember       Percussion            forth like a frog       Dirty Dog and
               etc and then           that the home         instruments are       Bear Walk:              listen to the story
               design your outfit     row has F and J.      any instruments       Hands and feet on       as it is read to
               using elements of      Here is a ​sample     that are shaken,      the floor, hips high-   you. Can you
               nature! This can       Keyboard ​to help     hit, or scraped.      walk left and right     explain the
                                                                                  Gorilla Shuffle:
               be created right       you.                                        Sink into a low
                                                                                                          beginning, the
               on the ground.                               In Counseling we      sumo squat, with        middle and the
               When done, sign                              have been talking     hands on the floor,     end? What is your
               your artist name       Type to Learn         about Citizenship     shuffle around the      favorite pet? Can
               in the dirt using                            and were about to     room                    you draw a
               the stick as your      If you have access    discuss the           Starfish Jumps:         picture of your
                                                                                  Jumping jacks as
               writing tool!          to the internet       importance of         fast as you can, with
                                                                                                          favorite pet?
                                      and a device with     recycling.            arms and legs           If you cannot get
               Go Online!             a keyboard you                              spread wide             online, find a
               If you have access     can practice your     *ACTIVITY*            Cheetah Run:            book and read
               to the internet,       typing!               Find something        Run in place, as        with your parent
               check out the                                around the house      FAST as you can!        or older sibling
                                                                                  Just like the fastest
               artist ​Andy           Fill out this​ form   that can be           animal in the
                                                                                                          and discuss the
               Goldsworthy​,          to receive access     recycled/             Sahara                  book!!
               a very famous          via email.            repurposed into a     Crab Crawl:
               earth artist. Also,                          percussion            Sit and place your
               follow me on                                 instrument. Some      palms flat on the
               Facebook. I will       Initials _______      ideas might be a      floor behind you
                                                                                  near your hips. Lift
               post one video                               soda can/ bottle/     up off the ground
               talking about                                milk jug maraca.      and crawl
               each lesson and                              Or a tin can drum     Elephant Stomps:
               you can post                                 (after you have       March in place
               pictures of your                             eaten your            lifting your knees as
               creation in the                              vegetables).          high as you can and
                                                                                  stomping the
               comments to                                                        ground as hard as
               show me!                                     Initials _______      you can

               Initials _______                                                   Also get outside
                                                                                  and free play!

                                                                                  Initials _______

Second Grade   Go Outside!            Build the             Music/Counseling      Set a timer and
               Using sticks,          Keyboard              We have been          complete each           Initials _______
                                                                                  animal movement
               create a building                            exploring             for 45 seconds,
                                                                                                          Initials _______
               i.e. store, house,     Use alphabet          instruments and       with 15 seconds of      https://www.sto
               hospital etc. Add      flashcards or         instrument            rest in between. Do
               items to this          make your own;        families. We were     as many as you
               scene to make it       work on putting       currently             can!                    Go to Storyline

                                                                               Appleton City Elementary
                                                                                             March 2020
come alive! This      the letters of the     exploring the                                 and choose the
              can be created        keyboard in            percussion family.    Frog Jumps:             story Carla’s
                                                                                 Hop, hop, back and
              right on the          order. Remember        Percussion            forth like a frog
                                                                                                         Sandwich and
              ground. When          that the home          instruments are       Bear Walk:              listen to the story
              done, sign your       row has F and J.       any instruments       Hands and feet on       as it is read to
              artist name in the    Here is a ​sample      that are shaken,      the floor, hips high-   you. Can you
              dirt using the        Keyboard ​to help      hit, or scraped.      walk left and right     explain the
              stick as your         you.                                         Gorilla Shuffle:        beginning, the
                                                                                 Sink into a low
              writing tool!                                In Counseling we      sumo squat, with
                                                                                                         middle and the
                                    Parts of the           have been talking     hands on the floor,     end? What would
              Go Online!            computer               about Citizenship     shuffle around the      be your favorite
              If you have access                           and were about to     room                    sandwich? Can
              to the internet,      Use the link below     discuss the           Starfish Jumps:         you describe how
              check out the         to review the          importance of         Jumping jacks as        to put it together?
                                                                                 fast as you can, with
              artist ​Andy          parts of the           recycling.            arms and legs
                                                                                                         Write down the
              Goldsworthy​,         computer                                     spread wide             directions and
              a very famous         PARTS of               *ACTIVITY*            Cheetah Run:            then go into the
              earth artist. Also,   COMPUTER               Find something        Run in place, as        kitchen and make
              follow me on                                 around the house      FAST as you can!        your favorite
              Facebook. I will      Type to Learn          that can be           Just like the fastest   sandwich -
                                                                                 animal in the
              post one video                               recycled/             Sahara
                                                                                                         FOLLOW YOUR
              talking about         If you have access     repurposed into a     Crab Crawl:             DIRECTIONS!!!!
              each lesson and       to the internet        percussion            Sit and place your      Did you leave out
              you can post          and a device with      instrument. Some      palms flat on the       any steps? Fix
              pictures of your      a keyboard you         ideas might be a      floor behind you        your list and try
              creation in the       can practice your      soda can/ bottle/     near your hips. Lift    again.
                                                                                 up off the ground
              comments to           typing!                milk jug maraca.      and crawl
                                                                                                         If you cannot get
              show me!                                     Or a tin can drum     Elephant Stomps:        on line, just find a
                                    Fill out this​ form    (after you have       March in place          book and READ!
              Initials _______      to receive access      eaten your            lifting your knees as   READ! READ!
                                    via email.             vegetables).          high as you can and
                                                                                 stomping the
                                                                                 ground as hard as
                                    Initials _______       Initials _______      you can

                                                                                 Also get outside
                                                                                 and free play!

                                                                                 Initials _______

Third Grade   Go Outside!           Create a               Music/Counseling      Let’s play rock,
              Using sticks,         Keyboard               We have been          paper, scissors         Initials _______
              create a                                     exploring             and shoot               Initials _______
              geometric design      Try to work on         instruments and       fitness. Start          https://www.sto
              directly on the       your own to fill       instrument            out with the  
              ground. This will     out a blank            families. We were     exercise being 4
              be a design that      keyboard on a          currently             of whatever is          Go to Storyline
              incorporates          piece of paper or      exploring the         chosen, push            and choose the
              geometric shapes      print this one off​.   percussion family.    ups, crunches,          story The House
              such as: squares,                            Percussion            jumping jacks,          that Jane Built
              circles, ovals,       Here is a ​sample      instruments are       toe touches,            and listen to the
              diamonds,             Keyboard​ to help      any instruments       squats,                 story as it is read
              triangles. This can   you.                   that are shaken,      mountain                to you. Can you
              be created right                             hit, or scraped.      climbers. Play          explain who Jane
              on the ground.        Parts of the                                 the best 3 out of       is and what she
              Fill in the open      desktop                In Counseling we      5 then add 2 to         did that was
              spaces with                                  have been talking     the number of           important? Draw
              things you find       Use the link below     about Citizenship     exercises that’s        a picture of your
              outside, keeping      to review the          and were about to     being done.             house? What
              in mind the use of    parts of the           discuss the           Continue this up        amazing things

                                                                              Appleton City Elementary
                                                                                            March 2020
colors and            desktop                importance of         to 10 exercises.    can you do inside
               pattern. When         Parts of the           recycling.                                of your house?
               done, sign your       Desktop                                      Next go outside     Make a list!
               artist name in the                           *ACTIVITY*            and free play!      If you cannot get
               dirt using the        Type to Learn          Find something                            on line, just find a
               stick as your                                around the house      Initials _______    book and READ!
               writing tool!         If you have access     that can be                               READ! READ!
                                     to the internet        recycled/
               Go Online!            and a device with      repurposed into a
               If you have access    a keyboard you         percussion
               to the internet,      can practice your      instrument. Some
               check out the         typing!                ideas might be a
               artist ​Andy                                 soda can/ bottle/
               Goldsworthy​,         Fill out this​ form    milk jug maraca.
               a very famous         to receive access      Or a tin can drum
               earth artist. Also,   via email.             (after you have
               follow me on                                 eaten your
               Facebook. I will                             vegetables).
               post one video        Initials _______
               talking about                                Initials _______
               each lesson and
               you can post
               pictures of your
               creation in the
               comments to
               show me!

               Initials _______

Fourth Grade   Go Outside!           Create a               Music/Counseling      Let’s play rock,
               Using sticks,         Keyboard               We have been          paper, scissors     Initials _______
               create an abstract                           exploring             and shoot           Initials _______
               form that can be      Try to work on         instruments and       fitness. Start      https://www.sto
               hung up outside!      your own to fill       instrument            out with the
               You will need to      out a blank            families. We were     exercise being 4
               use something to      keyboard on a          currently             of whatever is      Go to Storyline
               fasten them           piece of paper or      exploring the         chosen, push        and choose the
               together like tape,   print this one off​.   percussion family.    ups, crunches,      story Words that
               string, vines that                           Percussion            jumping jacks,      Flew By and
               are not poison,       Here is a ​sample      instruments are       toe touches,        listen to the story
               hot glue etc. If      Keyboard​ to help      any instruments       squats,             as it is read to
               you do not have       you.                   that are shaken,      mountain            you. Can you
               anything to                                  hit, or scraped.      climbers. Play      explain the
               fasten the sticks     Parts of the                                 the best 3 out of   beginning, the
               together then         desktop                In Counseling we      5 then add 2 to     middle and the
               create an organic                            have been talking     the number of       end? What is the
               design around a       Use the link below     about Citizenship     exercises that’s    problem and the
               tree or object        to review the          and were about to     being done.         solution? What
               outside similar to    parts of the           discuss the           Continue this up    questions do you
               Andy                  desktop                importance of         to 10 exercises.    have? How would
               Goldsworthy.          Parts of the           recycling.                                you feel if you
                                     Desktop                                      Next go outside     were in Henry’s
               Go Online!                                   *ACTIVITY*            and free play!      position? What
               If you have access    Type to Learn          Find something                            could you do if
               to the internet,                             around the house      Initials _______    you would find
               check out the         If you have access     that can be                               yourself in the
               artist ​Andy          to the internet        recycled/                                 position of
               Goldsworthy​,         and a device with      repurposed into a                         Henry? Describe
               a very famous         a keyboard you         percussion                                the importance of

                                                                               Appleton City Elementary
                                                                                             March 2020
earth artist. Also,    can practice your      instrument. Some                          Civil Rights.
              follow me on           typing!                ideas might be a                          If you cannot get
              Facebook. I will                              soda can/ bottle/                         on line, just find a
              post one video         Fill out this​ form    milk jug maraca.                          book and READ!
              talking about          to receive access      Or a tin can drum                         READ! READ!
              each lesson and        via email.             (after you have
              you can post                                  eaten your
              pictures of your       Khan Academy           vegetables).
              creation in the
              comments to            Work on your           Initials _______
              show me!               coding lessons

              Initials _______       Initials _______

Fifth Grade   Go Outside!            Create a               Music/Counseling      Let’s play rock,
              You have two           Keyboard               We have been          paper, scissors     Initials _______
              options to pick                               exploring Jazz        and shoot           Initials _______
              from::                 Try to work on         musicians and the     fitness. Start      https://www.sto
              1)​Find one large      your own to fill       instruments they      out with the
              stick that could be    out a blank            played. We were       exercise being 4
              used as a pole for     keyboard on a          currently learning    of whatever is      Go to Storyline
              a flag. Decorate       piece of paper or      about a drummer       chosen, push        and choose the
              that stick with        print this one off​.   named Gene            ups, crunches,      story Words Fly
              whatever you                                  Krupa. Percussion     jumping jacks,      By and listen to
              have at home. On       Here is a ​sample      instruments are       toe touches,        the story as it is
              a separate piece       Keyboard​ to help      any instruments       squats,             read to you. Can
              of paper,              you.                   that are shaken,      mountain            you explain the
              newspaper, or                                 hit, or scraped.      climbers. Play      beginning, the
              cloth, design a        Parts of the                                 the best 3 out of   middle and the
              flag that supports     webpage                In Counseling we      5 then add 2 to     end? What is the
              protecting our                                have been talking     the number of       problem and the
              environment. For       Use the link below     about Citizenship     exercises that’s    solution? What
              example you can        to review the          and were about to     being done.         questions do you
              make a message         parts of the           discuss the           Continue this up    have? How would
              about pollution,       Webpage                importance of         to 10 exercises.    you feel if you
              recycling,                                    recycling.                                were in Henry’s
              hugging or             Parts of a                                   Next go outside     position? What
              planting trees etc.    webpage                *ACTIVITY*            and free play!      could you do if
              Attach this to the                            Find something                            you would find
              top of the stick       Type to Learn          around the house      Initials _______    yourself in the
              and wave it                                   that can be                               position of
              proudly! Stick the     If you have access     recycled/                                 Henry? Describe
              flag near a tree, a    to the internet        repurposed into a                         the importance of
              dumpster, garden       and a device with      percussion                                Civil Rights.
              etc and decorate       a keyboard you         instrument. Some                          If you cannot get
              around your flag       can practice your      ideas might be a                          on line, just find a
              using materials        typing!                soda can/ bottle/                         book and READ!
              you find outside                              milk jug maraca.                          READ! READ!
              and snap a pic!        Fill out this​ form    Or a tin can drum
              2) ​Build a 3D         to receive access      (after you have
              sculpture using        via email.             eaten your
              only sticks at least                          vegetables).
              1.5 feet long or       Khan Academy
              tall. You can paint                           Initials _______
              or add to the          Work on your
              sticks for color if    coding lessons
              you want. Make
              sure and snap a        Initials _______

                                                                               Appleton City Elementary
                                                                                             March 2020
Go Online!
If you have access
to the internet,
check out the
artist ​Andy
a very famous
earth artist. Also,
follow me on
Facebook. I will
post one video
talking about
each lesson and
you can post
pictures of your
creation in the
comments to
show me!

Initials _______

                      Appleton City Elementary
                                    March 2020
You can also read