APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online

Page created by Jessica Dominguez
APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
APRIL 3, 2022

CONTACT US!                          MASS SCHEDULE
750 BRIGHT ROAD                      PC:
                                     PC Mon.—Fri. 6:45 AM
FINDLAY, OH 45840                    DC Wed. 12:10 PM
P: 419.422.2646                      PC Sat. 8:00 AM
F: 419.422.2602                      WEEKEND LITURGIES
findlaystmichael.org                  PC Sat. 4:30 PM
parish@findlaystmichael.org           PC Sun. 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM,
                                        NOON & 6:00 PM
DOWNTOWN CHAPEL (DC)                 DC Sun. 9:00 AM

                 Facebook.com                Search St. Michael
                 /FindlayStMichael           the Archangel Parish
APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
02 About Our Parish
PARISH STAFF                                                         SACRAMENTS
Fr. Adam Hertzfeld                                                   Instruction is necessary when this
Pastor                                                               is your first child, there are more
Fr. Peter Grodi                                                      than 3 years between children or
Parochial Vicar                                                      the    baptism    instruction  was
Msgr. Mike Hohenbrink                                                completed at another parish. To
Pastor Emeritus
                                                                     arrange a baptism, please contact
David Sadler
                                                                     the Parish Office.
Mike Eier
Deacon/Asst. Principal                                               Marriage
Keith Talbert                                                        Please contact the Parish Office six
Deacon/Outreach Coordinator                                          months in advance to start
Armando Gonzalez                             WELCOME                 planning your wedding. Email:
Deacon                            To everyone who has joined us      cpopenberg@findlaystmichael.org
Matt Kettinger
Deacon                            today, whether you are here on
                                      your own or with family or     Reconciliation (Confession)
Dave Gerardi
Deacon/Parish Life Coordinator     friends, we want you to feel at   Parish Church:
Sharon Dalvi                                   home.                 Saturday
Admin. Asst. PLC, & Compliance                                       8:30 AM
Dow Campbell                                                         3:00-4:00 PM
Chief of Staff                                                        Downtown Chapel:
Suzanne Nickerson                      Table of Contents             Wednesday
                                  PG     CONTENT                     11:30—11:50 AM
Geri Leibfarth
Director of Religious Education   2      About Our Parish
Rachel Henley                     3      From Our Pastor             Anointing of the Sick
Young Adult/Youth Director        4      From Our Pastor             Please call the Parish Office if you
Ryan Neal                         5      From Our Pastor             need a Priest to perform the
Director of Music and Liturgy     6      Dominican Sisters of Mary   Anointing of the Sick or Last Rites.
Cynthia Ramsdell                  7      Holy Week Schedule          If calling after hours, there will be a
Assistant Director of Music       8      St. Michael School          number available for you.
Lee Scott
                                  9      Parish Events & Info.
Director of Facilities
                                  10     Liturgy Corner              Eucharistic Adoration
Erica Gurney
Technology Coordinator            11     Mass Readings &             Tuesday        7:30 AM—8:00 PM
Donna Zoll                               Liturgies                   First Friday   7:30 AM to
Admin. Asst., Bulletin Editor     12     Spiritual Enrichment                       7:30 AM Saturday
Denise Burkin                     13     Downtown Chapel News
Admin. Asst.
Mara Drais
Evening Receptionist
Courtney Popenberg                                                                    St. Michael the
Wedding Coordinator                                                                     Archangel
Chris Turner                                                                          Catholic Parish

   Parish Office Hours
        Monday — Thursday:                                            Change of Nursery Schedule
        8:00 AM—
             AM—5:00 PM                                                    For The Holiday:
              Friday                                                  The 10:00 AM nursery will be closed
        8:00 AM—
             AM—4:00 PM
                                                                      on Palm Sunday, April 10 and also
         Saturday - Sunday
                                                                      on Easter Sunday, April 17.

APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
From our pastor               03
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

        I thank you in advance for reading this       our ability to assist vulnerable
article regarding the diocesan capital campaign       and underserved populations.
to its conclusion. At first, it may seem like                  While the regular
“boiler plate”. If you read it all the way through,   sources of revenue must
however, you will see that it is not. Instead, the    continue (i.e., the ACA and
following words are a window into my mind and         parish assessments), this
heart regarding this initiative and its connection    campaign seeks to build up
to the broader challenges we face as Catholic         the diocese’s “savings”, so to
Christians in the Diocese of Toledo.                  speak, so as to provide
        As mentioned in previous bulletin articles,   additional financial resources to meet the needs
the diocesan capital campaign has now begun           of the Church in northwest Ohio for the long
in our parish. The title of the campaign is           run. The endowments this campaign establishes
“Living Christ”. Every parish in the diocese will     will function like other endowments, meaning
participate in this campaign and every                that the monies raised will be invested so that
registered member of the diocese will be asked        the earnings can be spent on the needed
to support it. Each parish is assigned a goal         programs.
based on an average of Sunday/Christmas/                      To be honest, the Church has been
Easter offertory over the past three years. Our        hindered in her work of saving souls by all kinds
parish goal is a little over $2.5 million. This is    of headwinds over the last several decades.
our share of the overall diocesan goal of             One significant headwind has been the abuse
approximately $65 million. This is, of course, a      scandal, which was compounded by certain
lot of money, and raising it is not presumed. It      bishops covering the issue up and moving
will only be raised if we, the Catholic faithful,     abusive priests to new assignments rather than
understand the need and are willing to support        removing them from ministry. Praise God, the
it.                                                   bishops of Toledo, from James Hoffman to
        This campaign has been developed              Leonard Blair to Daniel Thomas, did not engage
carefully over several years. The reason the          in such cover-up. This is why our diocese,
diocese needs this campaign is because                which has sadly suffered the pain of abusive
administrative cuts to reduce overhead have           priests, has not also suffered debilitating fiscal
finally reached “bone”. By that, I mean that           penalties, the likes of which have caused a few
Bishop Thomas has been fiscally responsible            other dioceses to go bankrupt.
and has cut all spending that is not supported                Another headwind the Church has faced
by current means. Unfortunately, current              has been moral and religious indifference. I
means, which consist primarily of the ACA and         argue that moral indifference—the attitude of
an annual parish assessment, are such that even       justifying away all moral evil—is a significant
essential services have been reduced to a             root of cultural decay. I believe that moral
minimal level. I see the effects of this regularly.    indifference has created a population of people
For example, our diocesan Schools Office,               who do not like the moral restrictions that
which provides much needed guidance and               Christianity requires and so they have
support to our parish schools, has experienced a      abandoned the Church Christ founded, rather
significant reduction in staff. This reduction          than staying so as to be purified by God’s grace
means that our school administrators must wait        and be enabled to make the Church better.
much longer to get responses to important                     A third significant headwind that
questions. This is also true for Catholic             prevents the Church from doing the work Christ
Charities. When I was ordained almost 20 years        has charged her with is fear of persecution for
ago, Catholic Charities had a robust program          standing up for what she actually believes. We,
providing various works of mercy throughout           the ministers, are largely to blame for that, since
the diocese. Many of those programs have              we are often fainthearted in defending the
been eliminated or exist in name only, affecting       teachings of the Church. Because of that, in the

                                              APRIL 3, 2022
APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
04         From our pastor (cont’d)
popular mindset, Catholicism is caricatured as         successful, with every parish exceeding their
a paltry set of rules that inhibit people’s            established goal. Fr. Scott Woods is pastor of
happiness, instead of being seen as for what it        two of these pilot phase parishes and he freely
really is, namely the incarnation of the               shares his very positive testimony about the
covenantal relationship of love between God            campaign. As part of phase one, our parish is
and his chosen people—membership to which              now beginning to organize so that we can visit
is open to all who are willing to conform their        with as many active parishioners as possible
lives to the freedom and splendor of the               over the next several months. We hope to
Gospel. These headwinds and others have                accomplish these visits either by meeting one-
resulted in a smaller Church, perhaps not yet          on-one or in a group setting. There is no exact
smaller on the books but smaller in the number         science to this, except that we realize that
of actual participants. All of us know this is         many of you are used to the group setting that
true because we see it daily in our own family         has characterized fundraising in the parish in
and friends.                                           the past. We also realize that these kinds of
        But our situation is not without its bright    conversations work best when they happen
spots, and for those who choose to remain in           among friends, so that questions can be asked
the Church, these are exciting times. God              freely and answered competently, all within a
meets the challenges of today by pouring out           congenial context. Please be kind and
a super-abundance of his grace into the hearts         receptive if you are contacted by a parish
of all who are willing to cooperate with his           volunteer to meet and discuss the campaign.
desire for a humanity transformed in Christ.           It may be that some people might get missed,
Our parish is a great example of that grace at         and this could be due to any number of
work. Last weekend I celebrated four of our            reasons. For example, someone may not be
six Masses. At all four, multiple babies were          currently registered with the parish, or
crying. Such sounds (while distracting!) are           someone may choose not to give in the
the sounds of a parish fully alive in Christ, with a   Sunday offertory in a way that can be tracked,
future full of hope.                                   which is how the campaign consultants
       I support the diocesan campaign                 generate their list of potential donors. Please
because I see a strong commitment on the               let me know if, after a month or so, you feel
part of the diocese to do what is needed to            you got missed. We will be happy to make a
meet the challenges we face and promote the            visit!
work of the Holy Spirit among us. First, the                  Another thing to keep in mind is that
fiscal responsibility that Bishop Thomas has            this campaign has a parish component to the
strongly insisted upon gives me confidence              monies raised. 35% of all monies raised gets
that my donations will not be wasted. Second,          returned to the parish for local use. Our local
the Bishop and the staff of the diocese are             use has been designated for three areas: (1)
very committed to Jesus Christ and his Church          maintaining our current facilities, (2) air
and to the mission of saving souls. I am happy         conditioning our downtown church, and (3)
to support people like Rodney Schuster, who            completing and enhancing the sacred art in the
runs Catholic Charities, Sister Rose Marie             main church. These three things were
Timmer, who is our Chancellor, and Matt                specified by parishioners who responded to
Daniels, who is our Senior Director of Catholic        my request for ideas back in the fall when this
Education. These earthen vessels carry within          campaign was just beginning to be discussed.
them a tremendous zeal for the Gospel and a            These designations were then subsequently
love for God’s faithful and beyond. Their good         vetted by pastoral council and the parish staff
work is making a difference.                            and through various other small group
       Now, on to more practical points. This          discussions. I thank all those who took the
campaign was kicked-off months ago with                 time to reach out to me last fall when I made
several parishes participating in a pilot phase.       this request or who have given me their
The pilot phase has now concluded. The pilot           feedback since.
phase parishes have been extremely

                                              APRIL 3, 2022
APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
FROM our pastor (cont’d)                  05
An additional concern is what are we                I am sorry this article is so long, but I hope
expected to give. Our gifts are intended to be      that it has been helpful. The nature of this
over and above our regular offertory and our         kind of campaign requires that the message
regular gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal.         be repeated multiple times and in multiple
These steady donations are needed to keep           ways so that it can be heard by all. Thus, I
operations functioning normally. The gift to        apologize in advance for future
the campaign is therefore “sacrificial”,             communications that may repeat the message.
meaning over and above our usual giving.            The diocese has produced a brochure that will
Gifts are able to spread out over time, the         explain more fully what types of things the
suggested period being five years. This allows       endowments will support. These will be
us to commit to more than we otherwise              provided through the individual or group
might consider giving. The campaign                 visits. Again, you are welcome to call us if you
consultants have a process of suggesting a          think you might get overlooked or if you are
gift size to consider based on our                  interested in scheduling your visit sooner
contributions to offertory, etc. As I said in a      rather than later. We will do our best to
previous article, this number is only a             accommodate. God bless you for your current
suggestion. No one knows our financial               generosity to the Church and thank you for
situation but ourselves. For some, the              your consideration of this campaign.
suggested amount will be too high. For
others, it will be too low. For some, it will be    Yours in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
just right. What we ask is that we simply
consider what God may be prompting us to            Fr. Hertzfeld
do. Every gift is appreciated, every gift
counts, and every gift will help create a
stronger Church in Northwest Ohio.

APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
06 Dominican sisters of mary, mother of the eucharist
This past month St. Michael School has been growing in its knowledge and
love for the Mass. We have been celebrating Mass Appreciation Month,
“March Massness,” with the goal to increase appreciation, love, and
attendance at Mass among our school families. The theme has been
“Receive the Treasure”. As Catholics, the Eucharist is the source and
summit of our faith. In the Eucharist, we find the “hidden” treasure of
Christ’s body and blood, poured out for love of each of us. Students made
their own Mass dictionaries, and are now working on finishing their own
missals. The School also had a writing contest. Students shared why the
Mass is important to them and why it is a treasure. Here are some of their
beautiful responses. After you‘re finished reading, I encourage you to
reflect on why the Mass is a treasure and precious in your life.

 “There is no place that I find greater peace then when I am seated in a
pew, confessing my love for the man who died for our sins. We take for
granted the marvelous wonder that is the miracle of the mass. Our Lord
gave his everything to save us from sin, an ultimate sacrifice of life. He will
forever bear the marking of this act.” Delia, 7th grade.
 “One of the video searches on YouTube that gets the most views is “How can I be happier?” The funny
thing is usually you leave those videos with no answers… That’s because the answer isn’t ever in a video.
No one ever says going to Mass will make you happier, and that’s a shame because it does.” Samantha,
8 th grade
“At Mass Jesus gives us His heart, and His heart and our heart become one.” Leo, 1st grade
 “The Mass is a miracle because the priest takes bread and wine, and turns it into our savior’s body and
blood. He died for you; He’d be willing to do it again, or endlessly for that matter, and we get a chance to
receive Him every day. Does it happen by chance that this seemingly useless piece of unleavened bread
and this chalice of wine would turn into our savior, God, Messiah, and Shepherd? NO! God and Thousands
of angels and saints are present at one Mass! If you ask me that is truly a miracle.” Rosalynn, 7th grade
“I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life then the Mass” Nico, 5th grade
“After Mass I know that Jesus is within me, that I am a living tabernacle.” Leah 7th grade
“Just being there, watching the bread and blood turn into the Body and Blood is a gift.” Sebastian,
5th grade

“If you really think about it, God is only asking one hour a week. He is always saying He loves us, it is now
our turn to respond and say we love Him back, and Mass is a perfect opportunity. Go to Mass and worship
Him, for He gave you everything, you might as well give Him your everything in Thanksgiving.” Mya,
7 th grade

“Did you know God is my best friend? I meet him at Mass every weekend.” Molly 5th

                                     Receive the Treasure Prayer
                               Jesus, our Bread of Life, we love you and we thank you
                          for the gift of Your Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist.

                               Open our eyes to see more fully Your beauty.
                       Enlighten our minds to understand more deeply Your mystery.
                          Enflame our hearts to worship You in spirit and in truth,
                        so that with the Apostle Thomas we may adore you saying:
                                           My Lord and my God!

                                            Heavenly Father,
                   may we receive the treasure of your love at every Holy Mass . Amen.

APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
Holy week schedule            07

APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
08   St. Michael the archangel catholic school

                        APRIL 3, 2022
APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
Parish events & information            09
         K OF C EASTER EGG HUNT                                      K OF C FISH FRY

Your packet of Sunday
envelopes contains an envelope
dedicated for donations to help
defray the cost of operating our
cemetery*. We are blessed to
have a Parish cemetery to
provide honor and respect to
our deceased loved ones. It is
also a very special and sacred place available to the
living for their prayerful and spiritual healing.

Our Parish Cemetery provides us with a wonderful
opportunity to honor our deceased loved ones
through proper burial and prayer as stated in the
Corporal Works of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of
Mercy. In this merciful spirit, please consider
donating to the St. Michael’s Cemetery.

* Please note: If you do not have a dedicated
cemetery envelope, you may send cash or a check
to the Parish Office with a note inside marked

   Thank you from the St. Michael the
Archangel Cemetery Board of Managers.

                                                 APRIL 3, 2022
APRIL 3, 2022 - Parishes Online
10 Liturgy corner

Mass Readings and liturgies                              11
WEEKLY LITURGIES                                      Readings for the week
Monday, April 4                                       of April 3, 2022
6:45 AM (MH)PC      Larry McGrain

Tuesday, April 5                                      Sunday: Is 43:16-21/Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Phil 3:8-
6:45 AM (AH)PC      Richard Funkhouser                14/Jn 8:1-11

Wednesday, April 6                                    Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/Ps
6:45 AM (PG)PC      Richard Edelbrock                 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5-6/Jn 8:12-20
                    Sally Blackburn                   Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21/Jn 8:21-30
12:10 PM (AH)DC     Sue Stein
                                                      Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55,
Thursday, April 7                                     56/Jn 8:31-42
6:45 AM (PG)PC      William Fleck
                                                      Thursday: Gn 17:3-9/Ps 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9/Jn 8:51-59
                    Doug Kroetz
                                                      Friday: Jer 20:10-13/Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7/Jn 10:31-
8:35 AM (AH)PC      Tami Aldrich
Friday, April 8                                       Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13/Jn 11:45-
6:45 AM (PG)PC      For the Holy Souls In             56
                    Purgatory and those who
                    have died in the Ukraine          Next Sunday: Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-18,
                    conflict and their families        19-20, 23-24 [2a]/Phil 2:6-11/Lk 22:14—23:56 or 23:1-49

8:35 AM (AH)PC      Sharon Wilhelm

Saturday, April 9
8:00 AM (MH)PC      Don Flanagan                                   In Memoriam
                    Larry Leibold
4:30 PM (AH)PC      Al Ball                                              John Knight
                    Kenneth & Ardella Russell                            Paul Sanchez
                    Gary Scherger                                        Matt Dysinger
                    Al Gonzalez
                    Marilyn Boney
                    Eugene Weber
                    Rosalie Romaker

Sunday, April 10
8:00 AM (AH)PC      Tom Steinman
                    Joe & Jeanne Costa

9:00 AM (PG)DC      Edward Meyer Family
                    Mary Rieman Family
                    Santo Ilardi Family
                    Domenica LaGiudice Family
10:00 AM (AH)PC     Margaret Rieker
                    Susan Fox
12:00 PM (PG)PC     Chuck & Marilyn Koch
                    Michael Whalen
6:00 PM (MH)PC      For the People Of The Parish

                                                 APRIL 3, 2022
12        Spiritual Enrichment
                              ST. BENEDICT THE AFRICAN | APRIL 4
                                                          independent hermit society, Benedict joined the
                    St. Benedict the African (1524-       Order of Friars Minor and he was sent to Palermo, to
                    1589), was born in San Fratello,      the Franciscan Friary of St. Mary of Jesus.
                    Sicily to Cristoforo and Diana
                    Manasseri, Africans who had
                                                          There Benedict worked in the kitchens and despite
                    been taken as slaves. Some
                                                          being illiterate and a lay brother (not a priest), he
                    accounts claim that because of
                                                          also served as Master of Novices, and as Guardian
                    his parents’ loyal service that
                                                          of the Community. St. Benedict was known
                    Benedict was given his freedom
                                                          throughout his life as a brilliant cook under whose
                    at birth, other sources say that
                                                          hands food seemed to multiply miraculously, a
                    his freedom was granted when
                                                          healer, and a spiritual leader with profound
he turned 18. At 21 Benedict joined a society of
                                                          understanding. He is recognized as the patron saint
hermits living under the rule of St. Francis of Assisi.
                                                          of African Americans.
Eventually he succeeded his friend, Jerome Lanze,
as their leader. When the Pope disbanded the

                                            COUPLES CORNER
Today’s Psalm, “With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption,” makes me think
of the times when I need to say, “I was wrong, forgive me, I need your help.” We often
need to do this in our marriage. Differences in opinion can occur in all relationships which
can lead to arguments. Arguments can be healthy for relationships, though. They allow
you to communicate and get to know each other better. With time you will learn which
buttons you push in others to get a wanted or sometimes an unwanted response.
You should talk out your frustrations so that you do not have to act them out. You usually
find out that there is another underlying issue to deal with that can build your relationship
and both of you grow closer together. And like the Psalm says, with mercy there is
redemption and often after things are worked out, the making up is fun to do.

Downtown chapel news   13

APRIL 3, 2022
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                      3-D-4-3        For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com                                                                                                               14-1742
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