Program guide march - may - Spring 2022 - New Richmond Area Centre

Page created by Dana Daniel
Program guide march - may - Spring 2022 - New Richmond Area Centre
Spring 2022
        March - May

Program Guide
Program guide march - may - Spring 2022 - New Richmond Area Centre
About Us
                                                                          Program Registration Guidelines
                                                                          •   Registration can be completed online or registration forms are
                                                                              available on our website or at the Centre. Payment is required at
                                                                              time of registration.
                                                                          •   Registration deadline for all programs is one week prior to the
                                                                              event start date unless otherwise noted.
                                                                          •   Please make checks payable to The Centre.
                                                                          •   No refunds or credits will be given after the registration deadline.
                                                                          •   There are NO REFUNDS for classes missed in any program.
                                                                          •   To maintain the Centre Member rate for any program or service
                                                                              the person enrolled MUST be a member for the entire time the
                                                                              program is running. If you discontinue your membership with the
                                                                              Centre you will be asked to pay the Community Participant rate for
                                                                              the entire class. No prorated amounts will apply.
                                                                          •   Classes need a minimum level of participation to run. Sign up
                      If you shop on, there is a way for           early to help ensure that all classes offered are able to run. The
                      you to donate 0.5% of your purchase price (at           Centre reserves the right to cancel a class prior to the start of a
                      no cost to you) to your favorite nonprofit... the       session.
                      Centre! Simply go to and
                      start your shopping.                                Cell Phone, Camera, & Recording Device Policy
                                                                          The Centre is committed to providing a comfortable and safe
                                                                          environment for all members and guests. We restrict cell phone use to
Facility Hours
                                                                          our main lobby. Cameras and video recording devices, including cell
                      May - September             October - April
                                                                          phone cameras, are prohibited within the Centre except for approved
Monday - Friday       4:45 AM - 8:00 PM           4:45 AM - 9:00 PM
                                                                          special events. At no time will the use of cameras or cell phones be
Saturday - Sunday     6:00 AM - 6:00 PM           6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
                                                                          allowed in the locker rooms. Cell phones for the purpose of streaming
Program areas close 15 minutes prior to the Centre closing.
                                                                          music while in the fitness center is allowed.

Holiday Hours
                                                                          Weapons and Firearms
Kids Kove will be closed on Holidays
                                                                          No weapons or firearms allowed in the building UNDER § 943.13
New Year’s Eve		           7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
                                                                          WISCONSIN STATUTE.
New Year’s Day		           7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Easter			Closed
                                                                          For the safety of children, we ask parents to observe the following
Memorial Day		             7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Independence Day           7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                          •    Children 8 & 9 years old may be in the pool or building without
Labor Day		                7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                               direct supervision, but guardian must remain in the facility.
Thanksgiving		             7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                          •    Children 6 & 7 years old must have a guardian on pool deck and
Christmas Eve		            7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                               with them at all times in the facility. If guardian is not with them,
Christmas		 Closed
                                                                               children must be checked into Kids Kove.
                                                                          •    Children 5 and under must have a guardian in the pool with them
Kids Kove Hours
                                                                               within arm’s reach and with them at all times in the facility. If
Kids Kove will be closed on Holidays
                                                                               guardian is not with them, children must be checked into Kids
October - April
                                                                          •    For children ages 9 years and younger, guardians must be at least
Monday - Friday       8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
                                                                               16 years old.
Saturday              8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                          •    Children NOT potty trained must wear both a swim diaper AND
Sunday                10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
                                                                               plastic pants over the swim diaper in the pool. Both are available
                                                                               for purchase at the Welcome Center.
May - September
Monday - Friday       8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 6:45 PM
                                                                          Access to Centre Building May Be Obtained With:
Saturday              8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                          •   Centre Member key tag.
Sunday                Closed
                                                                          •   Centre Member with photo id or check in by Welcome Center
                                                                              staff verifying identification of the member through membership
Centre Cares Financial Assistance                                             software.
The Centre welcomes everyone who wishes to participate in programs        •   Child Care Participant Card.
and activities. We are committed to making that possible and provide      •   Day Pass registration for ALL participants. Minors MUST have the
financial assistance through our Centre Cares program. Please let             form filled out by a parent/guardian. This form will be updated
us know if we may serve you or your family in this way. For more              yearly. Welcome Center staff will verify a form is on file before
information please contact Brian Schroeder, Member Experience                 allowing entrance to the facility. For anyone over 16 years of age
Manager, at or 715-246-2252.                         a photo ID MUST be presented at the time of entrance even if a
                                                                              current Day Pass registration form is on file.

Program guide march - may - Spring 2022 - New Richmond Area Centre
Table of Contents
Health & Fitness                                             Child Care
Centre Studio                                      5         Centre 4K                                 19
Youth Fitness Orientations                         5         Centre 4K Wrap Around                     16
Group Fitness & AquaWorks Classes                  7         Centre 3 Year Old Preschool               19
5K Racing Series                                   7         Centre 3 Year Old Preschool Wrap Around   19
Crazy Core Challenge                               7         Kids Kove                                 21
Fastest to 500                                     7         GAP Before & After School Care            21
Cardio Room Calorie Challenge                      7         School’s Out Club                         21
500/1000 Pound Club                                7
Individual Personal Training                       9         Adult Enrichment
Small Group Personal Training                      9         Breakfast & Bingo                         23
                                                             Mix & Mingle Speed Dating for Seniors     23
Volunteer                                                    Pickleball                                23
Volunteer Opportunities                           10         Mah-Jongg                                 23

Sports                                                       Aquatics
3-on-3 Basketball Tournament                       11        Scuba Sunday                              25
PIckleball                                         11        Junior Lifeguard Camp                     25
Basketball Shooting Instructions                   11        Lifeguarding Certification                25
                                                             CPR/AED/First Aid                         25
Youth & Family                                               Private Swim Lessons                      27
Kids Kove Music & Movement                        12         Swim Checks                               27
Wee Basketball                                    12         Centre Swim School                        27
Leprechaun Shop                                   13         Centre Swim Tots                          29
Family Movie Night                                13         Centre Swim Preschool 1                   29
Take Me Out to the Centre                         13         Centre Swim Preschool 2                   29
Wee Soccer                                        13         Centre Swim Level 1                       29
Easter Eggstravaganza                             13         Centre Swim Level 2                       29
Crafting From the Heart                           14         Centre Swim Level 3                       29
Wee T-Ball                                        14         Centre Swim Level 4                       29
                                                             Centre Swim Level 5                       31
Teens                                                        Centre Swim Tsunami                       31
Teen Zone                                         15         Centre Swim School Class Schedule         31
Teen Zone: Bring a Friend                         15
Spring Fling Dance                                15
Have a Slice of “Pi”                              15
Tween & Teen Night                                15
No School Zone: MARCH                             16
Spring Break                                      16
Design Competition: 2022 Summer YCI Shirt         16
After Hours Party                                 16
No School Zone: APRIL                             17
American Red Cross Babysitter Training Program    17
Mother’s Day Cards in Teen Zone                   17
Up All Night                                      17
Centre Teen Leaders                               18

Program guide march - may - Spring 2022 - New Richmond Area Centre
Health & Fitness
Centre Studio                                                       Youth Fitness Orientations
42780-CD                                                            47280-DB

We believe health is for everyone regardless of age, body type,     The Centre Youth Fitness Policy promotes a safe and positive
or experience level and we offer a variety of different class       environment for all members. Youth must be a Centre Member
                                                                    to obtain Youth Fitness Orientation and can sign up for an
styles and levels to meet everyone’s ability.
                                                                    orientation in the Fitness Center.
                                                                    • Youth ages 9 and under will not be allowed in the Fitness
Centre Studio, opened in May 2021 and located at 228                    Center.
Paperjack Drive, was originally founded in May 2017. With           • Youth ages 10 - 15 can use the Fitness Center only after
the addition of Centre Studio to your membership, you have              completing a Youth Fitness Orientation and obtaining a
unlimited access to classes at the studio as well as a 20%              colored wristband each visit.
discount on any studio special events.                              • For youth ages 10 - 15, guardians must be at least 18 years
One of the things that make the studio space truly unique is an
infrared heating system. These heaters are used to heat up the      Level 1, 10 - 11 years old, Green Wristband
studio allowing for us to offer hot or heated yoga, barre and       This level can attend select Group Fitness Classes with a
other fitness classes. We also offer classes that are not heated.   parent/guardian and use:
                                                                    • Bikes
                                                                    • Elliptical/Arc Trainers
Top 5 Health Benefits of Infrared Heat for Yoga
                                                                    • Rowing Machines
• Increased flexibility                                             • UBE (hand bike)
• Pain relief
• Detoxifying sweat                                                 Level 2, 12 - 14 years old, Yellow Wristband
• Weight loss                                                       Must complete Level 1 orientation prior to Level 2 orientation.
• Increased circulation                                             This level can attend select Group Fitness Classes with a
                                                                    parent/guardian and use:
Visit for more information.                • Bikes
                                                                    • Elliptical/Arc Trainers
Age:    12+ years old                                               • Rowing Machines
Cost:   $50.00 per month per Centre Member, includes:               • UBE (hand bike)
                                                                    • Treadmills with a parent/guardian
        • unlimited classes
                                                                    • Stairclimber with a parent/guardian
        • 1 free Guest Pass per month
                                                                    • Free Weights with a parent/guardian
        • 20% off events and workshops                              • Leg Press with a parent/guardian
        Cancellation requires 15 day notice prior to draft date.    • Leg Extension
                                                                    • Leg Curl
        $15.00 per drop-In class                                    • Seated Row
                                                                    • Triceps Extension
        $69.00 5 class punch card or $130.00 for 10 class           • Bicep Curl
        punch card. Please ask about a discount for Centre          • Chest Press
        Members. Punch card valid for 12 months, not valid          • Seated leg press
        for events.                                                 • Shoulder press
                                                                    • Lat pulldown
        Members can cancel a class registration at any time         • Pectoral fly/rear deltoid
                                                                    • Hip adduction
        however a cancel within 2 hours of the scheduled start
                                                                    • Hip abduction
        time of the class or a no-show results in a $15 fee
                                                                    • Abdominal crunch
        when a class is waitlisted. Punch card participants and     • Back extension
        drop-in participants are not refunded for the punch or      • Assisted dip/pull up
        the class with a cancel within 2 hours of the scheduled     • Dip bar/pull up bar
        start time of the class.
                                                                    Level 3, 15 years old, Purple Wristband
                                                                    Must complete Level 1 and Level 2 orientations.
                                                                    This level can use:
                                                                    • Entire Fitness Center
                                                                    • Cross Training Rig with a parent/guardian

Health & Fitness
Group Fitness & AquaWorks Classes                                    Crazy Core Challenge
The Centre offers land and water group fitness classes every
week that are included with membership. Classes are offered          Challenge your core all month long with a variety of different
at a variety of times, so no matter when you work out, you have      exercises! We will work on anti-rotation, anti-flexion, and anti-
an opportunity to participate in a class. Class options range        extension movements for a rock solid core!
from cardio classes to strength classes or mind/body classes.
Change it up and try a water class. For the schedule of our          Age:    10+ years old
Group Fitness & AquaWorks classes, visit our website: www.           Date: March 1 - 30                                       Cost: FREE for Centre Members
                                                                     Registration Deadline: Friday, February 25
Cost:      FREE for Centre Members
           $10.00 day pass for Community Participants                Fastest to 500
5K Racing Series
47375-DL                                                             How fast can you row? This fitness center challenge features
                                                                     the row machine. Get on and see how fast you can row 500
Decide. Commit. Succeed. Don’t let your training suffer in the       meters. Try as many times as you want throughout the month
off months, train all year! The course will be adjusted for each     and see if you can get your name on the top of the leaderboard.
race to provide some variety in the runs.
                                                                     Age:    10+ years old
January 15 Racers will receive warm hot chocolate at the end         Date: April 1 - 30
of the race.                                                         Cost: FREE for Centre Members
February 12 Bring a family member you love to run with and           Registration Deadline: Saturday, April 30
they will walk/run for free. Runners will receive chocolate hearts
at the finish line.                                                  Cardio Room Calorie Challenge
March 12 National Pi Day is March 14th, we will celebrate early.     42780-BS
Keep an eye out at mile marker 3.14 for an apple pie bar.
April 9 Wear your favorite pastels and enjoy the decorated           Let’s see how many calories we can burn in the Centre cardio
Easter eggs along the route. Hard boiled eggs at the finish line.    room during the month of May. After your workout check the
                                                                     machine and complete a form at the fitness desk. The Centre
Age:   10+ years old                                                 Member that burns the most in each age category (10-18, 19-30,
Date:  Saturdays, October 30                                         30-55, and 56+) will win a Centre prize package.
       November 20
       December 18                                                   Age:    10+ years old
       January 15                                                    Date: May 1 - 31
       February 12                                                   Cost: FREE for Centre Members
       March 12                                                      Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 1
       April 9
Time: 8:30 AM registration, 9:00 AM 5K (November - April)            500/1000 Pound Club
       5:30 PM registration, 6:00 PM 5K (October)                    42780-BS
Cost: $30.00 per participant
       Price includes long sleeve shirt, as supplies last            Think you can lift a total of 500/1000 pounds between 3
Place: Centre                                                        different lifts? We will add together your total weight from the
                                                                     bench, squat, and deadlift. Schedule a day during the week of
                                                                     the challenge to Max Out with one of our staff and see if you
                                                                     can reach your goal and be on our 500/1000 Pound Club board
                                                                     in the fitness hallway!

                                                                     Age:    18+ years old
                                                                     Date: June 13 - 17
                                                                     Cost: FREE for Centre Members
                                                                     Registration Deadline: Friday, June 10

Health & Fitness
Individual Personal Training

Take your training to the next level. Work one-on-one with
one of the Centre’s personal trainers. A personal trainer will
conduct a personal consultation and a fitness assessment to
aid in the design of your program. He or she will also help you
set realistic goals based on your fitness level and interests.
Start with a consultation and begin on the road to meeting your
health and wellness goals.

Personal Consultation
• meet one-on-one with a Centre Personal Trainer for 30
• discuss your fitness, nutrition, and wellness goals; learn
    more about the services that will help you meet these goals

Fitness Assessment
• meet one-on-one with a Centre Personal Trainer for 30
• get an assessment of your current physical state so you can
    measure progress as you work toward your goals
• establish a fitness baseline to monitor progress and
    establish goals
Packages         Length         Price        Cost/Session
1 session        30 minutes     $38.00       $38.00
4 sessions       30 minutes     $136.00      $34.00
8 sessions       30 minutes     $248.00      $31.00
12 sessions      30 minutes     $336.00      $28.00
16 sessions      30 minutes     $400.00      $25.00
20 sessions      30 minutes     $440.00      $22.00
1 session        60 minutes     $58.00       $58.00
4 sessions       60 minutes     $212.00      $53.00
8 sessions       60 minutes     $408.00      $51.00
12 sessions      60 minutes     $588.00      $49.00
16 sessions      60 minutes     $752.00      $47.00
20 sessions      60 minutes     $900.00      $45.00

Small Group Personal Training

Train in a small group! Work out with 1 or 2 friends and a Centre
personal trainer. You will get a tailored plan to stay motivated
and reach your shared fitness, nutrition, and wellness goals.
This is a fully customizable schedule for how often and how
long you work together. All prices are per participant.
Packages         Length         Price        Cost/Session
1 session        30 minutes     $25.00       $25.00
4 sessions       30 minutes     $96.00       $24.00
8 sessions       30 minutes     $184.00      $23.00
12 sessions      30 minutes     $240.00      $20.00
1 session        60 minutes     $35.00       $35.00
4 sessions       60 minutes     $136.00      $34.00
8 sessions       60 minutes     $264.00      $33.00
12 sessions      60 minutes     $360.00      $30.00

Personal Training packages must be used within 6 months of purchase
date and are for Centre Members 10+ years old. Rates are subject to
change. For more information please contact the Centre at 715-246-

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament                                       Basketball Shooting Instructions
47212-DL                                                           47211-KC

Join us for a 3-vs-3 basketball tournament. Max of 5 players per   Taught by Jay Wolf, professional shooting instructor and
team. Games will be to 21, win by 2 or whoever is winning after    president of the Star Shooter Company LLC, instruction is for all
15 minutes. Double Elimination. 2 half court games played at a     skill levels from beginners to professionals and includes:
time. We will have concessions open during breaks in play time.    • Proper mechanics of the one-hand shot.
Each team member must register individual. The winning team        • Video analysis of shooting mechanics.
will receive a champion t-shirt.                                   • Personalized drills designed to coordinate with
                                                                         results from the analysis.
Age:    14 - 18 years old                                          • Quick release instruction.
Date:   Saturday, April 23                                         • How to shoot free throws at 90% and higher.
Time:   12:00 PM - 5:00 PM                                         • Best way to practice.
Cost:   $15.00 per Centre Member
        $20.00 per Community Participant                           Age:   5th grade and older, including adults
Place: Centre Gymnasium, Centre Community Room                     Date:  Lessons are by appointment, contact the Centre
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 1                             Cost:  FREE for Centre Members
Maximum Participants: 50                                                  $5.00 day pass for youth, $10.00 day pass for adults
                                                                   Place: Centre Gymnasium

Learn, play, and enjoy one of the fastest growing sports in the
country. Pickleball is a racquet sport that is a cross between
tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It can be played by all ages
and will provide the opportunity to meet friends, be physically
active, and have fun! The Centre will provide the nets and if
you don’t have your own, the paddles and pickleballs as well.

Age:   All ages
Date:  December - February
Time:  10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Monday
       10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Wednesday
       8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Friday
       10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Saturday - Beginner/Intermediate
       4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Sunday - Beginner/Intermediate
Cost: FREE for Centre Members
       $10.00 day pass for Community Participants OR
       $20.00 5-visit punch card for adults 55+ years old
Place: Centre Gymnasium

Youth & Family
               Kids Kove Music & Movement

               Join us for our music and movement class where kids will be
               engaged in physical fitness such as yoga and dancing but also
               get their brains working learning new concepts and working on
               body control.

               Reasons music and movement are beneficial for development:
               • Works the left and right side of the brain
               • Fosters creativity and self expression
               • Helps develop gross motor and fine motor skills
               • Improves body control
               • Improves cognitive function and development

               Each class kids will be engaging in yoga, movement songs,
               dancing, and conversations about our bodies and how our
               bodies feel and why they need to move.

               Age:    2 - 9 years old
               Date:   Wednesdays & Thursdays, February 23 - April 14
               Time:   5:30 PM - 6:00 PM Wednesdays
                       9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Thursdays
               Cost: $4.00 per session for Centre Members
               Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session
               Maximum participants: 10 participants

               Wee Basketball

               Do you have a little one interested in basketball? This 4-week
               introduction might be just the ticket. Kids will learn new skills
               each week from dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense.
               Parents can be hands-on during the class or watch from the
               sidelines. The last class we will play 2 half court games to
               test out all the skills we have learned. Players will need to
               bring a basketball and waterbottle. We are always looking for
               volunteers to help out and if you are interested please contact
               Deonna Lamberty at or 715-243-

               Age:    4 - 8 years old
               Date:   Tuesdays, March 1 - 22
               Time:   5:30 PM - 6:00 PM (4 year olds)
                       6:15 PM - 6:45 PM (5 - 8 year olds)
               Cost: $25.00 per Centre Member
                       $36.00 per Community Participant
               Place: Centre Gymnasium
               Registration Deadline: Tuesday, February 22
               Minimum/Maximum Participants: 10/20

Youth & Family
Leprechaun Shop                                                      Take Me Out to the Centre
47190-DL                                                             47190-DL

Parents, while you working out or going to BodyPump, your            The “Charge” song will play 4 times a day for the duration of
kids can chase a pot of gold in this arts and crafts packed class!   the “Score on Opening Day” membership promotion. Whoever
We will make a St Paddy’s Day inspired treat and several craft       is present at the time of the tune being played will receive
projects. We will make a pot of gold, noodle necklaces, dot          a prize. Could be Centre shirts, tattoos, stickers, free items
rainbows, marshmallow shamrocks, leprechaun poop treats,             from concessions such as hot dog, slushie, popcorn, peanuts,
and pot of gold snacks. Everyone will receive a goodie bag           pretzels, or sunflower seeds. You won’t want to miss this one.
filled with surprises at the end of class.
                                                                     Age:       All ages
Age:    3 - 5 years old                                              Date:      April 1 - 14
Date:   Thursday, March 17                                           Cost:      FREE for Centre Members
Time:   8:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Cost:   $15.00 per Centre Member                                     Wee Soccer
        $20.00 per Community Participant                             47212-DL
Place: Centre Community Room
Registration Deadline: Thursday, March 10                            Get to know the game of soccer with this 4-week introduction
Maximum Participants: 12                                             to the sport of soccer. Each week we will focus on passing,
                                                                     trapping, shooting, defensive drills, and goalie drills. Parents
Family Movie Night                                                   can be hands-on during the class or watch from the sidelines.
47219-DL                                                             The last class we will play a soccer game (outside weather
                                                                     permitting). Players will need to bring a soccer ball and water
Join us at the Centre for Family Movie Night. We will continue       bottle. We are always looking for volunteers to help out and
the Toy Story series on the big screen and pop some popcorn!         if you are interested please contact Deonna Lamberty at
Before the movie you can swim, make crafts, or grab a bite  or 715-243-0847.
to eat from the concession stand. Concession items range
in price from $1 - $5. The movie will start at 6:00 PM. Your         Age:    4 - 8 years old
registration includes your ticket to the movie, unlimited            Date:   Tuesdays, April 5 - 26
popcorn, swimming, and crafts. We will have our concession           Time:   5:30 PM - 6:00 PM (4 year olds)
stand open for purchases.                                                    6:15 PM - 6:45 PM (5 - 8 year olds)
                                                                     Cost: $25.00 per Centre Member
Age:    All ages                                                             $36.00 per Community Participant
Date:   Friday, March 25                                             Place: Centre Gymnasium
Time:   5:00 PM - 6:00 PM swimming, crafts, concessions              Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 29
        6:00 PM - 7:45 PM Toy Story 3                                Minimum/Maximum Participants: 10/20
Cost: $4.00 per Centre Member
        $6.00 per Community Participant                              Easter Eggstravaganza
Place: Centre Community Room, Westfield Studio                       47219-BS
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 18
Minimum/Maximum Participants: 30/250                                 Join us for our 14th annual Easter Eggstravaganza. There will
                                                                     be tons of fun for the kids including crafts, games and our world
Age:    All ages                                                     famous Easter Egg Hunt. Remember to bring your basket to
Date:   Friday, April 29                                             haul all of your candy and prizes.
Time:   5:00 PM - 6:00 PM swimming, crafts, concessions
        6:00 PM - 7:45 PM Toy Story 4
Cost: $4.00 per Centre Member
        $6.00 per Community Participant
Place: Centre Community Room, Westfield Studio                       Ages:      All ages
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 22                              Date:      Saturday, April 9
Minimum/Maximum Participants: 30/250                                 Time:      10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                     Cost:      FREE for all participants
                                                                     Place:     Centre

Youth & Family
               Crafting From the Heart

               Handmade gifts are the best, especially ones that come from
               little hands. Sign up for our 2nd Annual Crafting From the Heart
               to make a special Mother’s Day gift. I won’t give any details
               away because we want it to be a surprise, but we will make 3
               gifts during our class.

               Age:    5 - 8 years old
               Date:   Monday, May 2
               Time:   6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
               Cost:   $20.00 per Centre Member
                       $30.00 per Community Participant
               Place: Centre Community Room
               Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 26
               Minimum/Maximum Participants: 6/12

               Wee T-Ball

               Get to know the game of T-Ball with this 4-week introduction
               to the sport. Each week we will focus on catching, throwing,
               batting, and fielding. Parents can be hands-on during the class
               or watch from the sidelines. The last class we will play a game
               of t-ball to test out all the skills we have learned in the previous
               weeks. Players will need to bring a glove and water bottle.
               We are always looking for volunteers to help out and if you are
               interested please contact Deonna Lamberty at dlamberty@
      or 715-243-0847.

               Age:    4 - 8 years old
               Date:   Tuesdays, May 10 - 31
               Time:   5:30 PM - 6:00 PM (4 year olds)
                       6:15 PM - 6:45 PM (5 - 8 year olds)
               Cost: $25.00 per Centre Member
                       $36.00 per Community Participant
               Place: Centre Gymnasium
               Registration Deadline: Tuesday, May 3
               Minimum/Maximum Participants: 10/20

Teen Zone                                                           Have a Slice of “Pi”
47190-DL                                                            47190-DL

Hang out in Teen Zone after school! Teen Zone offers a safe         March 14 we will serve free Pi slices to kids in the Teen Zone.
place for your child to walk to after school and hang out with      Stop in for an apple, pecan, or pumpkin Pi while supplies last!
friends. We’ll have weekly concession specials and games.
                                                                    Age:       All ages
Age:   10+ years old                                                Date:      Tuesday, March 14
Date:  Monday - Friday, September 7 - June 2 on school days         Time:      3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Time:  3:00 PM - 5:00 PM                                            Cost:      FREE for Centre Members
Cost:  FREE for Centre Members                                      Place:     Centre Community Room
       $5.00 day pass for Community Participants
Place: Centre Community Room                                        Tween & Teen Night
Teen Zone: Bring a Friend
47190-DL                                                            Calling all Tweens and Teens to join us on Friday night for a
                                                                    dodgeball tournament, gaga ball, ping pong tournament, dance
Bring a new friend to Teen Zone for a chance at prizes. Each        off, swimming, video games, and board games! We will open
new friend you bring means one ticket for you and one ticket        up the concessions for purchase of your favorite candy, soda,
for your friend in the prize drawing. At 4:30 PM each day we will   pretzels, or nachos. Concession prices range from $1 - $5.
draw a winner. The winner on Thursday will receive a free pass      Walking from the middle school to the Teen Zone? Tween &
to the Spring Fling Dance on March 5!                               Teen Night extends the Teen Zone hours so you can continue
                                                                    to enjoy the fun without having to go home. Wear green and
Age:       10 - 14 years old                                        receive a free bag of popcorn from the concession stand. Make
Date:      Tuesday - Friday, March 1 - 4                            sure to get registered to participate in this fun night!
Time:      3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Cost:      FREE for Centre Members                                  Age:    9 - 14 years old
Place:     Centre Community Room                                    Date:   Friday, March 18
                                                                    Time:   5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Spring Fling Dance                                                  Cost:   FREE for all participants, registration required
47214-DL                                                            Place:  Centre Community Room, Westfields Studio,
                                                                            Centre Pool, Centre Gymnasium
The Centre invites you to our first Spring Fling Dance. Get         Registration Deadline: Friday, March 11
dressed and a group of friends together to dance the night          Minimum/Maximum Participants: 15/250
away. There will be music, cupcakes, photo props, and tons
of memories to be made. Concessions will be available for           Age:    9 - 14 years old
purchase.                                                           Date:   Friday, April 22
                                                                    Time:   5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Age:    6th - 8th graders (11 - 14 years old)                       Cost:   FREE for all participants, registration required
Date:   Saturday, March 5                                           Place:  Centre Community Room, Westfields Studio,
Time:   8:00 PM - 11:00 PM                                                  Centre Pool, Centre Gymnasium
Cost:   $10.00 per Centre Member                                    Registration Deadline: Friday, April 15
        $15.00 per Community Participant                            Minimum/Maximum Participants: 15/250
Place: Centre Gymnasium, Centre Community Room
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 25
Minimum/Maximum Participants: 25/250

No School Zone: MARCH                                               Design Competition: 2022 Summer YCI Shirt
47190-DL                                                            47190-DL

Let’s start the day with everyone helping to cook ourselves a       Youth 9 - 14 years old can pick up a blank t-shirt to use for
breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns,           designing our 2022 Summer YCI shirts. During those two
and toast. After breakfast we will try and escape the room so       weeks, create an amazing design that might be developed into
we can get the bouncers out, have a relay race, and play some       our next shirt to be worn by kids this summer. Voting will be
gaga ball. We should work up quite an appetite after all the        done by Centre Staff. The winner will receive bragging rights
morning fun, making a PIZZA PARTY the perfect lunch!! We            and one free week of YCI.
will eat pizza, breadsticks, soda, and a sweet treat. After lunch
we will head to the pool for some water games and wrap up           Age:   9 - 14 years old
our day in the Teen Zone where concessions will be open for         Date: April 1 - 15
one of our delicious slushies or other treats. Concession prices    Submission Deadline: April 15
range from $1 - $5.
                                                                    After Hours Party
Age:    9 - 14 years old                                            47214-DL
Date:   Monday, March 21
Time:   6:00 AM - 8:00 AM Before Care                               Calling all 7th and 8th graders to an After Hours Party! Lets take
        8:00 AM - 4:00 PM No School Zone                            the Centre over!! The doors will lock at 6:00 PM. We will play
        4:00 PM - 6:00 PM After Care                                games in the pool, swim, have the slide running, rock climbing
Cost: $25.00 per Centre Member                                      wall, and AquaObstacle Course up and running. Pizza for dinner
        $35.00 per Community Participant                            is included with your registration. Grab a paddle and play in our
Place: Centre Community Room, Westfields Studio,                    first ping pong tournament.... winner takes home a prize. The
        Centre Pool, Centre Gymnasium                               gymnasium will be open for basketball and gaga ball. We’ll have
Registration Deadline: Monday, March 14                             a dodgeball tournament and a fun game of guess that food
Minimum/Maximum Participants: 6/200                                 featuring gross and sweet treats. Don’t miss the hourly raffle
                                                                    drawings... the grand prize winner will walk away with a 24”
Spring Break                                                        TV!!!
                                                                    Age:    7th - 8th graders (12 - 13 years old)
Lets get sporty for spring break!! Monday will be all about         Date:   Saturday, April 2
soccer, Tuesday black light mini golfing, Wednesday Flag            Time:   6:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Football, and Thursday Seaquest. Friday we will have pizza          Cost:   $15.00 per Centre Member
and a movie. During our lunch break we will open up the                     $20.00 per Community Participant
concessions, bring out the gaming systems, and play pingpong.       Place: Centre Community Room, Centre Pool,
                                                                            Centre Gymnasium
Age:    9 - 14 years old                                            Registration Deadline: Friday, March 25
Date:   Monday - Friday, March 28 - April 1                         Minimum/Maximum Participants: 56/250
Time:   6:00 AM - 8:00 AM Before Care
        8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Spring Break
        4:00 PM - 6:00 PM After Care
Cost: $25.00 per day per Centre Member
        $35.00 per day per Community Participant
Place: Centre Community Room, Centre Pool, Centre
        Gymnasium, Westfields Studio
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 18
Minimum/Maximum Participants: 8/50

No School Zone: APRIL                                               American Red Cross Babysitter Training
47190-DL                                                            Program
On Friday, we’ll start the day with everyone helping to cook
ourselves a breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, hash       Youth who are planning to babysit can gain the knowledge
browns, and toast. After breakfast we will play board games,        and skills necessary to safely and responsibly provide care for
card games, and BINGO before heading to the gym. We should          children and infants. This training will help participants develop
work up quite an appetite after all the morning fun, making a       leadership skills, learn how to develop a babysitting business,
PIZZA PARTY the perfect lunch!! We will eat pizza, breadsticks,     keep themselves and others safe, and help children behave.
soda, and a sweet treat. After lunch we will head to the pool for   Participants will learn basic child care and basic first aid. The
some water games.                                                   training is designed for ages 11 - 15.

For Monday, we will all help make biscuits and gravy for            Age:    11 - 15 years old
breakfast. After breakfast, we’ll cross our fingers that the        Date:   Monday, April 18
weather is nice and we can walk to Mary’s Park for the morning.     Time:   9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
We’ll return to the Centre for lunch of hot dogs, pop, and chips.   Cost:   $46.00 for Centre Members
We will open up the “Centre Theatre” to watch a movie and                   $49.00 for Community Participants
have some popcorn. We will hit up the pool for some fun on the      Place: Centre Classroom
rock climbing wall and aqua glide.                                  Registration Deadline: Monday, April 11
                                                                    Minimum/Maximum Participants: 4/8 participants
Wrap up for both days will be in the Teen Zone where
concessions will be open for one of our delicious slushies or       Mother’s Day Cards in Teen Zone
other treats. Concession prices range from $1 - $5.                 47190-DL

Age:    9 - 14 years old                                            The week before Mother’s Day, Teen Zone will have supplies to
Date:   Friday, April 15 & Monday, April 18                         make Mother’s Day cards.
Time:   6:00 AM - 8:00 AM Before Care
        8:00 AM - 4:00 PM No School Zone                            Age:       10 - 14 years old
        4:00 PM - 6:00 PM After Care                                Date:      Monday - Friday, May 2 - 6
Cost: $50.00 per Centre Member                                      Time:      3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
        $70.00 per Community Participant                            Cost:      FREE for Centre Members
        Registration is for both days                               Place:     Centre Community Room
Place: Centre Community Room, Center Pool, RCU Studio,
        Centre Gymnasium                                            Up All Night
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 8                              47214-DL
Minimum/Maximum Participants: 8/250
                                                                    Aloha! It’s a luau! Come to the last up all night before summer
                                                                    begins. We will have music, games, prizes, bingo, and luau
                                                                    inspired concessions. We’ll also have a dodgeball tournament,
                                                                    relay races, and raffle drawings every hour with a grand prize
                                                                    $50 Visa gift card.

                                                                    Age:    9 - 14 years old
                                                                    Date:   Friday, May 20
                                                                    Time:   9:00 PM - 6:00 AM
                                                                    Cost:   $10.00 per Centre Member
                                                                            $15.00 per Community Participant
                                                                    Place: Centre
                                                                    Registration Deadline: Thursday, May 19
                                                                    Minimum/Maximum Participants: 50/250

               Centre Teen Leaders

               What are Teen Leaders? Centre Teen Leaders (CTL) is a group
               of teen volunteers who help the community and take on an
               active leadership role in planning, participating, and maintaining
               teen programs at the Centre.

               Centre Teen Leaders will meet and discuss planning and
               implementing teen programs. CTLs will commit to volunteering
               in our community and should attend as many meetings as
               possible. You do not need experience to join, but you do need
               to be able to attend meetings, come in for extra projects, and
               work well with the team. If you aren’t sure, join and test it out!

               CTLs will largely focus on how to make the Teen Zone a place
               teens want to be. Planning concession menu specials, new
               concession items, and teen zone activities. CTLs will help in the
               planning of Tween and Teen Nights and Up All Nights.

               CTLs will have the opportunity to volunteer within the Centre
               and in the community and develop leadership skills, increase
               self-confidence, develop both personally and professionally.

               Age:       6th - 8th graders (11 - 14 years old)
               Date:      Every other Wednesday, starting March 9 - June 1
               Time:      4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
               Cost:      FREE for Centre Members
               Place:     Centre Community Room

Child Care
Centre 4K                                                             Centre 3 Year Old Preschool
47221-AM                                                              47225-AM

Centre 4K programming is not just about academic readiness            The Centre 3 Year Old Preschool program offers a distinctive
but social and physical readiness as well. The day is broken into     learning experience in a safe and nurturing environment. Our
sessions where the children will participate in different learning    qualified teachers help guide children in the development of
activities that follow the 4K curriculum. The Centre focuses on       socialization, learning, and preparing for school success. Our
the whole child and we like to involve the entire family.             program offers children the opportunity to use our swimming
                                                                      pool and gymnasium as we work to develop the whole child
We offer an afternoon Wrap Around program as well as                  through our mission of health, fitness, and fun for all ages. This
Fantastic Fridays with licensed teachers. We are also able to         is a great opportunity for parents to utilize the Centre as well.
offer physical activities that include swim lessons, swim times in    Our program is licensed by the State of Wisconsin. An enriching
our zero-depth entry pool, kids fitness in our 6000 square foot       experience awaits your 3 year old at the Centre!
gymnasium, and time on our outdoor playground.
                                                                      Children must be potty trained to participate. Child enrolling
Please contact the New Richmond School District to receive            in Centre 3 Year Old Preschool must be a Centre Member to
detailed information on the 4K program.                               receive Centre Member rate.

2021 - 2022 School Year                                               If your child turns 3 after September 1, please contact Ashley
Age:    Must be 4 years old by September 1, 2021                      Meyer, Child Care Manager, at or 715-
Date: Monday - Thursday with occasional Fridays, starting             243-0849.
        Wednesday, September 1
Time: 7:50 AM - 11:00 AM OR                                           2021 - 2022 School Year
        11:40 AM - 2:50 PM                                            Age:    Must be 3 years old before start date
                                                                      Date: Starts Wed, Sept 1 or Thurs, Sept 2
Cost: FREE
                                                                      Time: 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Mon & Wed AND/OR
Place: Centre 4K Classroom
                                                                              8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Tues & Thurs
Maximum participants: 24 participants for each class
                                                                              Contact us to find out about openings.
                                                                      Cost: $24.00 per week for Centre Members
Centre 4K Wrap Around                                                         $27.75 per week for Community Participants
                                                                      Place: Centre Preschool Classroom
                                                                      Maximum participants: 20 participants per class
The Centre 4K Wrap Around program follows the same
calendar as the Centre 4K program. The Centre provides
healthy snacks and drinks. Parents provide lunch and a drink.
                                                                      Centre 3 Year Old Preschool Wrap Around
Wrap Around helps supplement the day for families in need
of care for their child outside of 4K hours. In addition, we offer    The Centre 3 Year Old Wrap Around program follows the same
Fantastic Fridays and School’s Out Club for kids 3 - 8 years old      calendar as the 3 Year Old Preschool program. The Centre
on scheduled non-school days, both full day programs.                 provides healthy snacks and drinks. Parents provide lunch and
                                                                      a drink. Students may attend any of the days that they attend
Must be enrolled in the AM Centre 4K class to attend wrap             preschool. In addition, we offer Fantastic Fridays and School’s
around. Child enrolling must be a Centre Member to receive            Out Club for kids 3 - 8 years old on scheduled non-school
Centre Member rate.                                                   days, both full day programs Must be enrolled in 3 Year Old
2021 - 2022 School Year
Date: Monday - Friday                                                2021-2022 School Year
Time: 6:00 AM - 7:50 AM Before Care                                  Date: Monday - Thursday
        11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wrap Around                               Time: 6:00 AM - 8:30 AM Before Care
        4:00 PM - 6:00 PM After Care                                         11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wrap Around
Cost: $4.75 per child for Before Care                                        4:00 PM - 6:00 PM After Care
        $19.00 per child for Wrap Around                             Cost: $4.75 per child for Before Care
        $6.25 per child for After Care                                       $19.00 per child for Wrap Around
        Fantastic Fridays:                                                   $6.25 per child for After Care
        $30.00 per child for Centre Members                                  Fantastic Fridays:
        $37.00 per child for Community Participants                          $30.00 per day for Centre Members
Place: Centre 4K Classroom                                                   $37.00 per day for Community Participants
Maximum participants: 23 participants                                Place: Centre 4K Classroom
                                                                     Maximum participants: 10 participants
Child Care
Kids Kove                                                            Great Adventures Program (GAP) Before &
Kids Kove is a place for your child to have fun while you work       After School Care
out at the Centre. It is drop-in care for children ages 6 weeks up   47222-AM
to 10 years old. Your child will have the opportunity to play on
our Discovery Center as well as engage in games, imaginative         The mission of the GAP Program is to provide students with
play, storytelling, and crafts.                                      an inclusive before and after school program that is safe and
                                                                     nurturing in a fun and comfortable environment. Our curriculum
Kids Kove is free for Centre Members and their children.             promotes academic enhancement, creative play, and health
Members wanting to use Kids Kove for children who do not live        and fitness opportunities. Your child will have the opportunity to
in their household must use a guest pass, purchase a day pass,       have a snack, do their homework, try new activities, and make
                                                                     friends. Our staff is dedicated to providing the best possible
or the child must be a Centre Member.
                                                                     care for your children.
Parents must remain in the building while their children are
                                                                     We follow the New Richmond School District calendar. You do
in Kids Kove and there is a 2 hour time limit. Parents are
                                                                     not need to be a member of the Centre to register. Financial
responsible for diapering their children. No one under the age
                                                                     assistance is available. Contact the bus company to notify them
of 16 may check children in or out.                                  of bussing needs.

Kids Kove Hours                                                      2021 - 2022 School Year
Kids Kove will be closed on Holidays                                 Age:    5 - 8 years old
October - April                                                      Date: Monday - Friday, starting Thursday, Sept 2
Monday - Friday      8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM          Time: 6:00 AM - 8:15 AM Before Care
Saturday             8:00 AM - 12:00 PM                                      4:00 PM - 6:00 PM After Care
Sunday               10:30 AM - 1:00 PM                              Cost: $4.75 per child for Before Care
May - September                                                              $6.25 per child for After Care
Monday - Friday      8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 6:45 PM                  $12.00 per Early Out Day
Saturday             8:00 AM - 12:00 PM                              Place: Centre (Bus transportation will be provided to and
Sunday               Closed                                                  from school)
                                                                     Maximum participants: 17 participants

                                                                     Schools Out Club

                                                                     School’s Out Club is a fun and exciting day for your child on
                                                                     those days when school is not in session. Your child gets to
                                                                     spend the day participating in fun filled adventures, sports,
                                                                     games, and swimming. Each day your child will need a packed
                                                                     lunch, swim suit, towel, and outside play clothes.

                                                                     Age:    3 - 8 years old
                                                                     Date:   Monday, March 21
                                                                             Monday, March 28
                                                                             Tuesday, March 29, field trip to Hudson GNG
                                                                             Wednesday, March 30
                                                                             Thursday, March 31, field Trip to Seaquest Roseville
                                                                             Friday, April 1
                                                                             Friday, April 15
                                                                             Monday, April 18
                                                                     Time: 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
                                                                     Cost: Centre Members: $30.00 per day, $35.00 field trip
                                                                             Community Participants: $37.00 per day, $42.00 field trip
                                                                     Registration deadline: 1 week prior to program date
                                                                     Maximum participants: 34

Adult Enrichment
Breakfast & Bingo                                                   Pickleball
47275-DL                                                            47280-DL

Enjoy breakfast with friends and play some bingo. We will play      Learn, play, and enjoy one of the fastest growing sports in the
5 rounds of Bingo for prizes. The Centre will provide sausage,      country. Pickleball is a racquet sport that is a cross between
pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits, and gravy.                      tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It can be played by all ages
                                                                    and will provide the opportunity to meet friends, be physically
Age:    Adults                                                      active, and have fun! The Centre will provide the nets and if
Date:   Wednesday, March 9                                          you don’t have your own, the paddles and pickleballs as well.
        Wednesday, April 20
        Wednesday, May 25                                           Age:   All ages
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast                                   Date:  December - February
        9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Bingo                                    Time:  10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Monday
Cost: $5.00 per Centre Member per day                                      10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Wednesday
        $8.00 per Community Participant per day                            8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Friday
Place: Centre Community Room                                               10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Saturday - Beginner/Intermediate
Registration Deadline: 1 week before                                       4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Sunday - Beginner/Intermediate
Minimum/Maximum Participants: 19/75                                 Cost: FREE for Centre Members
                                                                           $10.00 day pass for Community Participants OR
Mix & Mingle Speed Dating for Seniors                                      $20.00 5-visit punch card for adults 55+ years old
47275-DL                                                            Place: Centre Gymnasium

Friendship and love come at all ages and times. Join us for a       Mah-Jongg
potluck dinner and an evening where friendship and love can         47275-DL
begin. Once dinner has completed we will begin the speed
dating rounds. This event does require an equal number of men       Mah-Jongg was first played by the ruling class of China and
and women to be successful. You must pre-register to attend         dates back to the time of Confucius. Mah-Jongg is a game
this event. You will have 5 minutes to chat with each participant   played with 152 tiles or 152 Mah-Jongg Kards. The object of the
all while keeping a log of who you feel connected to. At the        game is to form combinations of suits.
end of the speed dating session, I as your host will collect all
the cards at the end and match people together based off the        Join us on Tuesday afternoons for some fun and games and of
information you have given me. Monday you will receive an           course a little bit of socializing.
email with your matches contact information to do with it what
you please. Please bring a dish to pass. The Centre will supply     New to Mah-Jongg or wanting to learn? Vanora Jorgenson
coffee, water, punch, and pie.                                      will give lessons on how to play this challenging yet fun game.
                                                                    Vanora has been actively playing and teaching Mah-Jongg
Age:    50 - 80 years old                                           since 1995.
Date:   Saturday, March 12
Time:   4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Dinner                                    Age:       Adults
        5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Speed Dating                              Date:      Tuesdays, October - February
Cost: $10.00 per Centre Member                                      Time:      12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
        $20.00 per Community Participant                            Cost:      FREE for Centre Member
Place: Centre Community Rooms                                       Place:     Centre Lobby
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 4
Minimum/Maximum Participants: 10/30

Scuba Sunday                                                          American Red Cross Lifeguarding
47295-KC                                                              Certification
Are you a certified diver? Planning a trip somewhere warm and
want to hit the water ready to go? At the Centre it’s 100’ viz, 85o   If you’re 15 or older and looking for a great job or challenging
water and the Centre is the only facility in the Twin Cities Metro    career that’s in demand, the Red Cross Lifeguarding program
area offering open scuba. Participants must provide their own         is the place to start. Through videos, group discussion, and
equipment and proof of certification to participate.                  hands-on practice, you’ll learn rescue and surveillance skills,
                                                                      first aid, and CPR/AED. Please bring a towel and swim suit.
Date:      Sundays, March - May
Time:      2:00 PM - 5:00 PM                                          Age:    15+ years old
Cost:      FREE for Centre Members                                    Date:   Friday - Sunday, March 4 - 6
           $10.00 per Community Participant                           Time:   4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Friday
                                                                              9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday
Junior Lifeguard Camp                                                         8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Sunday
47286-KC                                                              Cost: $175.00 for Centre Member
                                                                              $225.00 for Community Members
Interested in one day becoming a lifeguard? Ready to learn            Place: Centre Pool & Classroom
basic lifeguarding techniques? This is the class for you!             Registration Deadline: Friday, February 25
                                                                      Minimum/Maximum participants: 4/8
Youth who are planning to become future lifeguards will gain
the knowledge and skills to one day become a lifeguard. This          American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid
training program will help students develop swimming skills,          47286-KC
introduce participants to lifesaving skills such as in water
rescues and using a rescue tube, and learn First Aid, CPR, and        Participants will learn how to perform CPR and care for
AED.                                                                  breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults and how to
                                                                      prevent, recognize, and respond to cardiac and breathing
Age:    11 - 15 years old                                             emergencies in infants and children. Participants will learn how
Date:   Tuesday - Thursday, March 22 - 24                             to use AEDs (automatic external defibrillators) and learn to
Time:   4:00 PM - 5:30 PM                                             recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such
Cost:   $53.00 for Centre Members                                     as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, head, neck, and back
        $70.00 for Community Participants                             injuries, and heat and cold emergencies.
Place: Centre Pool & Classroom
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 15                              Age:    15+ years old
Minimum/Maximum participants: 4/8 participants                        Date:   Monday, March 14
                                                                      Time:   3:30 PM - 7:30 PM
                                                                      Cost:   $70.00 for Centre Members
                                                                              $100.00 for Community Participants
                                                                      Place: Centre Classroom
                                                                      Registration Deadline: Monday, March 7
                                                                      Minimum/Maximum participants: 4/8

                                                                      Age:    15+ years old
                                                                      Date:   Sunday, May 15
                                                                      Time:   8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                      Cost:   $70.00 for Centre Members
                                                                              $100.00 for Community Participants
                                                                      Place: Centre Classroom
                                                                      Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 8
                                                                      Minimum/Maximum participants: 4/8

Private Swim Lessons                                               Centre Swim School

                                                                   Centre Swim School is an innovative program designed to
Private swim lessons are structured to meet the needs and          teach the core swimming skills to both young and old. A
goals of each individual. They are offered for all ages and all    logical and consistent progression of swim skills will be taught,
ability levels. Small group private swim lessons are for groups    beginning with the basic fundamentals and concluding with
of 2 - 3 people. Sessions are 30 minutes in length and all         endurance training of strokes. Students will progress from level
prices are per participant.                                        to level as the necessary skills are learned and completed. We
                                                                   look forward to providing the highest quality program possible
Individual Private    Centre Member   Community Participant
                                                                   for you and your family.
Swim Sessions         Price           Price
1 session             $25.00          $40.00
3 sessions            $67.50          $108.00                      Goggles
6 sessions            $120.00         $192.00                      Children in Preschool 1, Preschool 2, and Level 1 should refrain
12 sessions           $216.00         $348.00                      from wearing goggles.
20 sessions           $320.00         $520.00

Small Group Private   Centre Member   Community Participant        Cell Phone, Camera, & Recording Device Policy
Swim Sessions         Price           Price                        The Centre is committed to providing a comfortable and safe
1 session             $20.00          $32.00                       environment for all members and guests. We restrict cell phone
6 sessions            $105.00         $168.00                      use to our main lobby. Cameras and video recording devices,
12 sessions           $180.00         $288.00
                                                                   including cell phone cameras, are prohibited within the Centre
                                                                   except for approved special events. At no time will the use
                                                                   of cameras or cell phones be allowed in the locker rooms.
Swim Checks                                                        Parents may bring a camera on the last day of lessons to get
                                                                   pictures and/or videos of their child in our swimmer showcase.
Are you not sure what level your swimmer is? Participants
learn best when they are placed in the appropriate class.          Parent Seating
Children less than 3 years old should be registered for Tots.      Parents are asked to find seating on the bleachers while
For children 3 - 4 years old, select the Preschool class based     viewing swim lessons as this enables swimmers and instructors
on their comfort in the water. Come in for a swim check, held      to focus on skills.
Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings after
the last swim lesson of the day. Check class schedule for times    Transfer/Cancellation Policy
and dates. Call ahead to let us know you need a swim check.        It is Centre policy that after the registration deadline,
Swim Checks are free for Centre Members and Community              registration is closed; no refunds and/or changes in classes.
Participants must purchase a day pass.
                                                                   Become a Centre Member
                                                                   Sign up to become a Centre Member before completing the
                                                                   class and we will credit you the difference between Centre
                                                                   Member and Community Participant Swim School rates. The
                                                                   credit will be used towards your Get Going Fee or your initial
                                                                   membership payment.

                                                                   Open Swim
                                                                   Swim school students may choose to swim before and after
                                                                   class. Community Participants currently enrolled in Centre Swim
                                                                   School may swim for free during swim school hours but anyone
                                                                   that is not currently enrolled must purchase a day pass.
                                                                   • Children 5 and under must have a guardian in the pool with
                                                                        them within arm’s reach
                                                                   • Children 6 & 7 years old must have a guardian on pool
                                                                   • Children 8 & 9 years old must have a guardian in the facility

Centre Swim Tots                                                    Centre Swim Level 1
Age:     6 months - 3 years with parent in water                    Age:     5 - 12 years old
Prerequisites: child must be able to hold their head up             Prerequisites: none.
independently.                                                      Participants will practice basic exploration that will lead to
This class is designed to help children adjust to the pool with     independent swimming. The goal of level 1 is to allow swimmers
light submersion and back floats. Swimmers will learn the           to gain confidence in the water and be able to swim freestyle
following (depending on the age of the child):                      independently. Swimmers will learn:
• Bubble blowing                                                    • Front and back floats for 10 seconds, unassisted
• Body position                                                     • Front and back glides, unassisted
• Kicking                                                           • Flutter kicking with support
• Underwater submersion – up to 5 seconds                           • Freestyle for 4 arm strokes, unassisted
• Back float – assisted                                             • Elementary backstroke, unassisted
• Roll over technique
• Water safety                                                      Centre Swim Level 2
                                                                    Age:     5 - 12 years old
Centre Swim Preschool 1                                             Prerequisites: Pass level 1, face in the water, 10 comfortable
Age:     3 - 4 years old                                            bobs unassisted, 4 freestyle arm strokes unassisted, 10
Prerequisites: being able to listen to an instructor and            second front and back floats unassisted, 4 elementary
participate in a class setting without a parent.                    backstroke strokes unassisted.
Participants will practice basic swim skills including body         Participants will continue development of freestyle and
position, blowing bubbles, floating, kicking, deep water            elementary backstroke while developing their backstroke, and
adjustment, and independent swimming in a safe and positive         streamlining. Swimmers will learn:
environment. Parents are not in the water with the participants.    • Comfort jumping into 10 feet of water
Swimmers will learn:                                                • Front and back glides with flutter kick
• Shallow water adjustment                                          • Freestyle with rhythmic breathing for 10 yards
• Assisted flutter kicking                                          • Elementary backstroke for 10 yards
• Assisted front and back floats                                    • Backstroke for 10 yards
• Breath control with bobs and bubbles
                                                                    Centre Swim Level 3
Centre Swim Preschool 2                                             Age:    5 - 12 years old
Age:     3 - 4 years old                                            Prerequisites: Pass level 2, comfortable jumping into deep
Prerequisites: blowing bubbles with face underwater, 5 bobs,        water, 12 yards freestyle with rotary breathing unassisted, 12
and floating and kicking comfortably with assistance.               yards backstroke unassisted.
Participants will practice basic swim skills including body         The goal of this level is to refine freestyle with rhythmic
position, blowing bubbles, floating, kicking, deep water            breathing, backstroke, and elementary backstroke while
adjustment, and independent swimming in a safe and positive         gaining endurance. Swimmers will learn:
environment. Parents are not in the water with the participants.    • Freestyle with rhythmic breathing for 15 yards
Swimmers will learn:                                                • Backstroke for 15 yards
• Front and back floats for 10 seconds, unassisted                  • Elementary backstroke 25 yards
• Back glides and front glides                                      • Treading water for 15 seconds
• Breath control with bobs
• 4 Freestyle strokes, unassisted                                   Centre Swim Level 4
• 4 Elementary backstroke strokes, unassisted                       Age:     5 - 12 years old
                                                                    Prerequisites: Pass level 3, 15 yards freestyle with rhythmic
                                                                    breathing, 15 yards backstroke.
                                                                    Participants will continue development of freestyle and
                                                                    backstroke while increasing endurance. Swimmers will learn:
                                                                    • Breaststroke kick
                                                                    • Sitting/Kneeling dives
                                                                    • Scissor Kick
                                                                    • Freestyle 25 yards
                                                                    • Backstroke 25 yards
                                                                    • Treading water for 30 seconds

Centre Swim Level 5                                                       Centre Swim Tsunami
Age:     5 - 12 years old                                                 Age:      5 - 12 years old
Prerequisites: Pass level 4, 25 yards freestyle with rhythmic             Prerequisites: Pass level 5 or be able to continuously swim
breathing, 25 yards backstroke, 10 yards breaststroke kick,               50 yards, or 2 lengths, using both freestyle and backstroke
and 30 seconds of treading water.                                         with a basic knowledge of breaststroke.
Participants continue to develop freestyle and backstroke                 This is a 30 minute class focusing on endurance and refining
technique and endurance. It is common for participants to                 the 4 competitive strokes. Organized swimming workouts will
retake Level 5 to ensure readiness for Tsunami. Swimmers will             utilize the pace clock for interval training. Open and flip turns
learn:                                                                    will be taught as well as tuck and pike surface dives. The
• Standing dives                                                          instructor is not required to be in the water.
• Breaststroke 12 yards
• Sidestroke 12 yards
• Butterfly kick
• Freestyle 50 yards
• Backstroke 50 yards
• Treading water for 1 minute

                                                Centre Swim School Class Schedule
                                   Cost:   $18.00 for Centre Members, $36.00 for Community Participants
Sesssion 1                                      Sesssion 2                                     Sesssion 3
Tuesdays & Thursdays                            Tuesdays & Thursdays                           Tuesdays & Thursdays
March 1 - 17                                    April 5 - 21                                   May 3 - 19
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, February 22     Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 29       Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 26
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM     Tots                      5:00 PM - 5:30 PM      Tots                    5:00 PM - 5:30 PM     Tots
                      Presc 1, 2                                       Presc 1, 2                                    Presc 1, 2
                      Level 1                                          Level 1                                       Level 1
5:35 PM - 6:05 PM     Presc 1                   5:35 PM - 6:05 PM      Presc 1, 2              5:35 PM - 6:05 PM     Presc 1, 2
                      Level 1, 2, 3                                    Level 1, 2                                    Level 1, 2
6:10 PM - 6:40 PM     Presc 2                   6:10 PM - 6:40 PM      Level 3, 4, 5           6:10 PM - 6:40 PM     Level 3, 4, 5
                      Level 4, 5                                       Tsunami                                       Tsunami
March 5 - April 9
Registration Deadline: Saturday, February 26
9:25 AM - 9:55 AM     Presc 1, 2
                      Level 1
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Level 1, 2, 3

10:35 AM - 11:05 AM   Presc 2
                      Level 4, 5
March 6 - April 10
Registration Deadline: Sunday, February 27
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM     Presc 1, 2
                      Level 1
4:35 PM - 5:05 PM     Level 1, 2, 3

5:10 PM - 5:40 PM     Presc 2
                      Level 4, 5

Spring 2022
                                                                                    March - May

                                                      Program Guide

A Huge Thank You to Our Sponsors!

It is through the generous support of our sponsors that The
Centre is able to offer the variety of programs and services
to our members and the communities we serve. We thank
them for their commitment and for all they do for the New
Richmond area.

                                                                     entre                    425 E 5th Street
                                                                                       New Richmond WI 54017

 REGISTER                                                      HEALTH FITNESS & FUN FOR ALL AGES
Registration begins January 3 for Centre Members and                                                715-246-2252
January 17 for Community Participants.                                    Sign up for emails on

                                                                                                   Updated 02/18/2022
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