APRIL 2021 - Bolton Priory Church
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MISSION A community seeking to live well with God, gathered around Jesus Christ in prayer and fellowship, and committed to welcome, worship and witness. The Church Office Bolton Abbey, Skipton BD23 6AL 01756 710587 office@boltonpriory.org.uk The Rector The Rectory, Bolton Abbey, Skipton BD23 6AL rector@boltonpriory.org.uk Website www.boltonpriory.church Bolton Priory has now re-opened for Sunday worship at 10.30. There will be a service of Holy Communion in Church each Sunday. Further restrictions will be lifted as and when it is safe to do so. Please book your place with the Church Office. The Tower of Bolton Priory is open for private prayer from 09.00 to 17.00 every day. Everyone is most welcome to come and say a prayer and light a candle. Access is restricted to the Tower, and we ask that no more than one individual or family group enters at one time. BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS and FUNERALS : By arrangement via the Church Office 3 4
Issue Number 480 PCC REPORT 09 MARCH 2021 April 2021 Apologies for absence were noted, there were no Matters Arising and the minutes from the previous meeting were approved. From Revd Nicholas Mercer The Electoral Roll remains at 120. On Friday 19 March my wife and I went to receive our COVID-19 The Treasurer’s Report was discussed. A debate ensued; two vaccinations at the Addingham Medical Centre. It was a triumphant payments of the Parish Share have been paid in 2021; a detailed moment. Human ingenuity had managed, not only to find a way of discussion followed regarding further payments. It was agreed that preventing infection from the virus, but also to scale up production to the Parish Share payment would be discussed at the next Finance such an extent that half the adult population could be vaccinated by Committee Meeting on 06 April. In the interim the payments have Easter. been stopped. At the beginning of April we find ourselves at the very end of Lent The ‘Lent Appeal’ has raised £9,972 to date. and in the middle of Holy Week. The darkness of Lent is receding Health and Safety is up to date. The lightning conductors had their behind us and we now walk with Christ in Holy Week. A week which annual check. There was a minor flood in the Church Office. The will take us into Jerusalem to the celebration of the Last Supper and hallway, office, photocopying room and toilet will be redecorated; thence to the Garden of Gethsemane and the desolation of the cross. the date still to be arranged. The ‘people counter’ is to be replaced. When all seems lost, we find the tomb empty but are able to Four bird boxes have been attached to trees in the top graveyard, as proclaim Christ’s resurrection on Easter Day. part of our environmental policy. They were purchased from a local The former Archbishop of Canterbury said of Holy Week: firm, Stepping Stones, Skipton. Safeguarding Training, mandatory for PCC members, and Risk ‘Jesus does not steer us away…and send us back into the holy silence Assessments were discussed and updated. This is essential for the of the desert…he keeps us close…and tells us that these are also the re-opening of the Priory and Tower, for Church Services commencing gates of heaven. If you recognise your involvement and prepare to on Palm Sunday 28 March. walk with Jesus into the city, to the cross and the tomb, there is a joy It was noted that Zoom meetings are not ideal and meetings in and a mystery at the end of the path... person will start as soon as restrictions allow. We stand not just at the gates of the city…where the Lord was The Priory has made an application to the Cultural Recovery Fund, to crucified…but also at the entrance to the Garden of Eden.’ cover re-opening expenses. We await notification of a decision. These words seem so appropriate for the times through which we are Guide Recruitment was discussed, as a possible re-opening date for living. Throughout the pandemic we have walked with Jesus. Many of the Priory is 21 June. This of course depends on Government advice us in this country, and around the world, have walked to the cross regarding the global Pandemic. and the tomb and have encountered utter desolation. However, Payment for candles for the recently refurbished chandeliers from there is ‘joy and mystery at the end of the path’. We stand today, not the Friends of Bolton Priory was noted. The gift was very generous just where Christ was crucified, but also at the entrance to Heaven and the Rector is sending a letter of thanks to the Friends. itself. This Easter let us proclaim once again, with confidence, that Webinar Talks were discussed as a possible fundraiser for the Priory. ‘Jesus Christ is risen indeed. Allelulia.’ Another possible fundraiser, the Moon project, is likely to be booked for October 2022. Grants and reaching out to the community were Nicholas both identified as important. The Rector concluded the meeting with the Grace. 5 6
The next PCC Meeting on 23 May follows the Annual General Parochial Church Meeting. Due to the continuing Coronavirus restrictions, the APCM is scheduled for Sunday 23 May 2021 at 12.30 in Bolton Abbey Village Hall. To attend the APCM only, booking is essential. A SEPARATE booking will also be required for the 10.30 morning Church Service. If you wish to attend both the service and the APCM you will therefore need to make two separate bookings. Please make your bookings via the Church Office, 01756 710587. Face masks ONLINE SERVICES DURING THE PANDEMIC AND BEYOND and social distancing will also be required. Online services have been the great success story of worship at Keep safe and keep smiling, as we look forward to spring and Bolton Priory during the pandemic. From the outset, we have summer. regularly attracted well over a hundred worshippers on a Sunday and Kate Templeton this has been sustained for the past twelve months. It has been a PCC Secretary remarkable achievement. This has been made possible, by Jonathan Dickson who edits the RECTORS’ ANNIVERSARY sound and adds the music, and by Paul Middleton who then adds the visual items before publishing the service on YouTube. I cannot thank Maundy Thursday, 01 April 2021 marks the occasion of the Second them enough for all they have done. This has been an extra-ordinary Anniversary of Nicholas's Installation as Rector of the Parish of Bolton chapter in the history of the Priory and has launched the Church of Priory. As we wish Nicholas, Aurora and his family well, we also England into a new and exciting digital age. continue to pray for the next phase of worship and ministry at the Priory as we very slowly emerge from the Worldwide Pandemic, and look forward with hope to the eventual full reopening of the Church However, such services do rely on just a handful of individuals who in Summer. work for many hours every week. Unfortunately, Paul Middleton is The Churchwardens shortly to undergo open heart surgery and will therefore be unable to continue with his work after Easter. Thereafter, we will simply be PARISH GIVING SCHEME (PGS) - GIFT FORMS publishing audio services instead on YouTube. I am hoping that these If you are thinking of joining the Parish Giving Scheme, and have not will continue until September when I am anticipating a full return to already done so, there is now a new PGS Gift Form. If anyone is Church services at the Priory. planning to join the PGS scheme please could they kindly request one of the forms from Peter Loweth, Gift Aid Secretary on 0777 6182 346 We all wish Paul well in his forthcoming operation and I would ask or peterloweth@yahoo.co.uk. It is also now possible to join PGS everyone to keep Paul, Val and their family in your prayers. directly by telephone on 0333 0021 271 or via the PGS website at www.parishgiving.org: Those who have already generously set up PGS Rector Direct Debit accounts do not need to take any further action. If you have not yet signed up to PGS to make regular donations to the Priory, I hope you will give it serious consideration in 2021. Peter Loweth 7 8
CHRIST’S SEVEN LAST WORDS As part of the Priory Church’s online service for the Good Friday Devotions on 02 April this year, a short Cantata, based on the Biblical account in St John’s Gospel of Christ’s Seven Last Words at his Crucifixion on Mount Golgotha has been included. Three or so years ago I started to write this Cantata. Initially, it was THE PARISH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING difficult to find the right way to portray it, and I had a number of false The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 23 May at 12.30, starts. Eventually, late last year, I decided on an approach. The Biblical in Bolton Abbey Village Hall following the 10.30 service. texts surrounding each of the Seven Last Words are read by an orator. The words are supported by soft and sombre organ background To attend the APCM only, booking is essential. A SEPARATE booking music. This music also includes a chromatic scale signifying Christ’s will also be required for the 10.30 morning Church Service. If you climbing up the steps of Golgotha, dragging his Cross. (I am always wish to attend both the service and the APCM you will need to make reminded of that wonderfully moving scene in the film Ben Hur, when two separate bookings. Ben Hur gives water to Christ, as he climbs the steps to his Please make your bookings via the Church Office, 01756 710587. Face Crucifixion.) The climb culminates in four crashing chords as Christ’s masks and social distancing will also be required. hands and feet are nailed to the Cross, and a fifth chord as the Cross is COLLECT YOUR POSTAGE STAMPS FOR CHARITY then stood up on the top of the mountain. In between the orator’s The Support Dogs charity are collecting used stamps which will be words, the Seven Last Words of Christ are sung by the unaccompanied recycled, sold and turned into vital funds. Please help by collecting choir, firstly in Latin and then in English. stamps. Children and adults with autism, epilepsy and other I gave the Rector a copy, and he kindly agreed that, if I could get a disabilities can be helped by having a trained support dog. recording, it could possibly be used. But, and it was a big but, how to At the Priory we are collecting used stamps, please cut them from the create a recording during the current pandemic lockdown, with choral envelope and leave the postmark on. Sorting will be done when they singing effectively closed down? arrive at their destination. They can be left in the Tower, where In 2018 a fine concert at the Priory Church was performed by the there is a box or they can be posted through the office door. When Winter Choir of Halifax. I rang the choir’s leader, Caroline Bradley, and we have enough they will be sent to a collection point in one of their asked if she could help. She read through the score and agreed to put prepaid packages. together a group of eight of her choristers, two each of sopranos, altos, tenors and basses. Each chorister was provided with both the paper and sound music of his or her individual parts, which they learnt in their own homes. These were recorded separately, either at their home or, in some cases, over the telephone, and then Caroline combined them into separate music parts of Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass, which she emailed to me. I asked Edward Scott, a wonderful organist and choirmaster, to provide the organ background music. Edward occasionally takes over as a locum music master at the Priory, when our own music director is away. Edward kindly provided a recording, using his own organ at home, but, sadly, my music editing software could not handle the changes needed to ensure that the various volume levels could be set 11 12
correctly, when combining the separate recordings of organ, orator and choir. Therefore I split the composition into some thirty separate tracks and used the music which my composing software, Sibelius, provided. Our own Mike Vineall agreed to provide the orator recordings of the Biblical texts, which I mapped onto the Sibelius organ music, and I then mixed the SATB choral recordings, provided by Caroline, into full choir, setting the various volume levels at the same time. Finally, I joined the separate tracks into the one, to create the Cantata. Thus a ‘Lockdown’ recording of Christ’s Seven Last Words was created under extra-ordinary circumstances. It was a steep leaning curve! It was a great exercise. I must give enormous thanks to all the choristers, to their leader and co-ordinator, Caroline Bradley, to our orator, Mike Vineall and to organist, Edward Scott, for their time and expertise in helping to do this. The virus has kept all of us apart from each other and these contributions were spread over large parts of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Thank you again to all those involved. I hope that the result will give you pleasure when you listen to the Good Friday service via the Priory website:www.boltonpriory.org.uk Jonathan Dickson 13 14
A LONG WINTER AT HOME? Here's a great idea from one of our advertisers, Homeinstead Live Well, Stay Safe Remaining physically and mentally active is key to ageing well. Keeping your brain active not only helps your mental wellbeing but it can also prevent degenerative diseases from occurring in later life such as Dementia. With reduced opportunities for social interaction this year, now more than ever, it’s important that people maintain activities that help boost brain function. Local home care provider, Home Instead Senior Care, has produced a puzzle book to help combat the effects of social isolation and to keep the brain alert with stimulating activities. Suitable for everyone, including those living with dementia, this is a free booklet that can be posted to those living in our community. To receive your free copy of the puzzle book, please get in touch with their friendly team on 01943 662188. Eric Spencer has an Online Shopping Service which can be found at: www.ericspencer.co.uk 15 16
DEAR EDITOR, I meant to write to you after a recent article about artists visiting and painting Bolton Priory. One artist not featured in the article was Herbert F Royle 1870-1958, a British Impressionist painter of landscapes who lived at Nesfield, Ilkley. DATES FROM THE CHURCH CALENDAR In the 1920's , he obviously knew my great aunts, Annie and May Young as they had paintings executed by him. APRIL I'm attaching an image of an oil painting of the Priory in my possession. 01 Thursday Maundy Thursday I was amused at the reference to my aunt, Margaret Young, in the 02 Friday Good Friday piece in the March magazine about Richard Bull. She was mentioned 03 Saturday Easter Eve as 'trimming the edges of the grass with a pair of hand sheep 04 SUNDAY EASTER DAY shears'. I still have those shears! 11 SUNDAY EASTER 2 Best Wishes Chris Liddle 17 Saturday Marriage of Joss Stringwell and Emily Hodgson 18 SUNDAY EASTER 3 23 Friday St George 25 SUNDAY EASTER 4 26 Monday St Mark MAY O1 Saturday St Philip and St James 02 SUNDAY EASTER 5 13 Thursday Ascension Day 13.00 Marriage of Robert Brown and Katie Edridge 14 Friday St Matthias 16 SUNDAY SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION DAY Visiting Preacher On Sunday 25 April, at the 10.30 service, we welcome back the Revd Barry Overend to the Priory. Herbert Royle Barry will be taking the service. 17 18
BOLTON PRIORY OPEN FOR WORSHIP Bolton Priory has now re-opened for Sunday 10.30 worship. There will be a service of Holy Communion in Church each Sunday and restrictions will be lifted as and when it is safe to do so. Please book your place with the Church Office, 07156 710587. PLEASE NOTE Apart from the 10.30 service the Priory is now closed during lockdown but the Tower remains open for private prayer. For the Church Sunday audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine please look at our website www.boltonpriory.church BOXED WEEKLY GIVING ENVELOPES Envelopes are now available for those who donate by this method. If you are coming to Church the Sidesmen have them, or please contact the Church Office, 01756 710587, to arrange collection. POSTAL MAGAZINES A reminder to those readers who have the monthly magazine posted. The subscription year ends after the May magazine. The subscription of £10 covers the cost of postage and envelopes. To renew your postal service please send a cheque made out to The Priory Church, Bolton Abbey for £10 to the Church Office with your name and address included. If you would like to receive your magazine by post just let the Church Office know, 01756 710238. The cost is £10. You can also read it online at the Priory website.www.boltonpriory.org.uk THE PARISH MAGAZINE IS ALSO AVAILABLE AT BOLTON ABBEY POST OFFICE IN HARD COPY The Magazine is now available in a printed version. It is available from Bolton Abbey Post Office. PARISH MAGAZINE DEADLINE MAY MAGAZINE Please could we have any copy for the May magazine by 15 April. It can be sent to the Editor or the Church Office. Please send by email to either; priorymag@yahoo.co.uk or office@boltonpriory.org 19 20
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ANDREW WADE – ART FOR SALE EASTER QUIZ 1. What is the two-word name given to the Spanish ‘Holy Week’, which takes place during the last week of Lent? 2. ‘Śmigus-dyngus’, Wet Monday, is a celebration which takes place on Easter Monday where boys try to soak girls with water. Girls retaliate on Easter Tuesday. In which countries does it take place? 3. Easter Island forms part of which South American country? 4. ‘La Mona de Pascua’ is a festive Easter dish popular in Spain, but what type of food is it? 5. Which annual event for children and their parents is held on the White House’s South Lawn every Easter Monday? 6. In which country is ‘Capirotada’, a traditional food which resembles bread pudding, eaten on Good Friday? 7. ‘Påskeøl’ is a Danish beverage consumed at Easter. What is it? 8. The New York Easter Parade takes place on which famous street? 9. According to French tradition, which items are said to fly away to Rome and bring Easter eggs back to the children on their return? 10. In which British overseas territory is Good Friday kite-flying a As a Lockdown in Retirement project, Andrew Wade, in response to famous tradition? the present lack of access to Galleries and Exhibitions of Art societies, has committed over forty images of his paintings to a ‘virtual’ commission-free gallery. EASTER ANAGRAMS Many of Andrew’s paintings are from his extensive travels but several The following are anagrams of famous rabbits (and hares!) but can are of the Priory. They can all be viewed and are for sale on you identify which famous rabbits they are? Instagram. A few will be on the Priory website later this month. Instagram is an online ‘app’ designed for and used internationally by 1. The Rump 2. Nubby Guns individual photographers, artists, designers and creatives. 3. Bribe Patter 4. Crabby Yelk Andrew writes, ‘Instagram is understood and used extensively by the young’. Therefore, if you experience any problems the advice is to 5. Hitter With Babe 6. Brat Briber seek help from a grandchild or friendly teenager! Access to Andrew’s Instagram account, andrewwadeart is by personal 7. Teeny Sunbather 8. Riot Grabber user registration via the Instagram ‘app’, as below. 9. Very Ha 10. Heath Charmer To create an Instagram account to access the paintings: In your browser go to instagram.com. Click Sign up, enter your email ANSWERS address, create a username and password or click Log in with Can be found on page 33 Facebook to sign up with your Facebook account. If you register with an email, click Sign up. 23 24
Once you have accessed Andrew’s account, you will ANSWERS TO THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE QUIZ find the paintings displayed There are 30 books of the Bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? on a grid. Simply tap on one This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an of the individual paintings airplane seat pocket, on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping and the dimensions, him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some medium and price will be friends...One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from shown. Andrew has very his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo, Elaine kindly agreed to donate Taylor, a columnist friend, was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her proceeds of any sale of his weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job of solving Priory paintings to the this puzzle so involving, she brews a cup of tea to help her church. If you do have a nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot. That's a problem Andrew can also fact. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in send photographs via email a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. at awade@awade.co.uk Truthfully, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or a scholar to see some of them at the worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this paragraph. During a recent THE HAPPY BIRD fund raising event, which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi The happy white throat on the sweeing bough lemonade booth set a new record. The local paper, Swayed by the impulse of the gadding wind The Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle That ushers in the showers of April – now was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As Daniel Humana humbly puts it, "The books are all right here in plain view hidden from Singeth right joyously and now reclined sight." Those able to find all of them will hear Croucheth and clingeth to her moving seat great lamentations from those who have to be shown. To keep her hold – and till the wind for rest One revelation that may help is that books Pauses – she mutters inward melodys like Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also, That seem her hearts rich thinkings to repeat keep in mind, that punctuation and spaces in the middle are normal. A And when the branch is still – her little breast chipper attitude will help you com pete really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember, there is no need for a Swells out in raptures gushing symphonys mad exodus, there really are 30 books of the Bible lurking And then against her blown wing softly prest somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found. God Bless The wind comes playing an enraptured guest Amos, Mark, Luke, John, Joel, Judges, Job, Hebrews, Esther, This way and that she swees – till gusts arise Acts, James, Ruth, Romans, Titus, Matthew, Genesis, More boisterous in their play – when off she flies Philomen, Chronicle, Daniel, Nahum, Hosea, Lamentations, John Clare (1793 – 1864) Revelation, Timothy, Samuel, This version follows the spelling and grammar given in Numbers, Malachi, Peter, Exodus, Kings John Clare, Major Works, OUP, 1984. Many thanks to Aurora Mercer 25 26
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MAGAZINE ARCHIVES 100 YEARS AGO – APRIL 1921 PAROCHIAL NOTES Good Friday Musical Service – A good congregation assembled in the Abbey on Good Friday evening for the rendering of Arthur Somervell’s Oratorio, ‘The Passion of Christ’. It is a devotional little work which breathes the true spirit of ‘Good Friday’ on every page and sends forth the Gospel message with no uncertain sound. The regular Abbey Choir was ably assisted by Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Parkinson, Miss S. Robinson, Miss Young, Miss Lambert, Miss E. Lambert and Mr. C. Downs, to all of whom the congregation owes a debt of gratitude. There was a crispness and decision about the choruses which was lacking when the same oratorio was sung in the Abbey two years ago. Mrs. Pollard was in excellent voice and did full justice to the soprano solos; the other soloists, Mrs. A. Holmes, Messrs. W. Hartley, G. Petyt, A. Holmes, E. Moorhouse and R. Wood, are all so well-known in the Parish that one need only say that they gave intelligent interpretations of the music and full proof that they had practised their parts with much care. Easter Day Services – There were about the same number of people present as usual both morning and evening and within three of the number of Easter Communicants last year. The Rector managed to recover from an attack of influenza in time to carry out his duties on Easter Day, after being ‘hors-de-combat’ for a fortnight; but he was unfortunately compelled to give up the Good Friday Service this year at Barden, acting on Doctor’s orders. Bazaar Notes – A meeting of the Bazaar Committee was held shortly before Easter, when it was reported that neither the Marquis of Hartington nor Lord Richard Cavendish would be able to open the Bazaar, but that the Bishop of Bradford had agreed to act as Chairman at the opening on the first day and ‘our member’, Colonel Roundell, had promised to open the Bazaar on one of the two days. Preliminary arrangements were made about marquees to be fixed up, as on the last occasion when a Bazaar was held, near the Boyle Room. Much will depend on the weather and that is one of the reasons for holding the Bazaar on May 31st and June 1st when the days are longer and the weather, as a rule, is rather more stable; but in our dear old English climate we rarely know more than 24 hours ahead whether 29 30
we shall want great coats, or mackintoshes, or something light and ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT MARCH 2021 ‘summery’; we must hope for the best and make the best of it, if it Operation Bird Houses took place in March. Peter, Aurora and I should not be what we desire. attached four birdhouses to trees in the top graveyard, two robin In Memoriam – We regret to record the death of Mrs. Annie Watson boxes and two wren/ (nee Mitchell). Much sympathy has been manifested throughout the tit Boxes. Please keep Parish with Mr. Watson and the surviving members of the Mitchell an eye open for family; there was a large gathering at the funeral on March 11 th. residents moving in, hopefully this spring. THE PERILS OF PREDICTIVE TEXT The boxes are handmade by the team at Stepping Stones special needs nursery and workshop in Skipton. This is a non profit organisation which teaches skills to adults with special needs. If anyone would like to donate a bird box or hedgehog house to the Priory please get in touch with Elaine. You can support this charity by also buying bedding plants and Peter will be putting out a list of what they are going to have with contact details shortly. This is a great way of supporting this amazing community group . Elaine Adams-Lambert 01756 794542 31 32
BOLTON ABBEY LITTER PICK PRIORY DIRECTORY On Friday 12 Rector The Revd Nicholas Mercer 01756 710326 March the Bolton Abbey Estate litter Parish Administrator Margaret Cody 01756 710587 picking team Churchwardens Matthew Hey 07702 555339 braved the rain, Susan Barker 01756 711260 high winds and PCC Secretary Kate Templeton 01943 463150 sleet for the 2021 PCC Treasurer Michael Heatley 01423 509629 annual litter pick. Gift Aid Peter Loweth 01756 711129 The team were Director of Music Tim Raymond split over stanghan@aol.com 18 miles of Concert Coordinator Paul Middleton 07906 082037 roadside verges Works Committee Matthew Hey 07702 555339 Deanery Synod Susan Barker 01756 711260 across the estate and gathered a Peter Lambert 07985 136819 Verger Peter Lambert 07985 136819 total of 127 bin Sacristan Jennifer Hardaker bags of litter. Chalicists’ Rota Mike Vineall 01756 753013 We wondered whether the lockdown period would have meant less Liquid Worship Joan Mason 01943 608049 litter on the roadsides, disappointingly however, this didn’t appear to Electoral Roll Officer Rosemarie Fisher 07964 561959 be the case. Thank you to the staff at the Cavendish Pavilion for Environmental Officer Elaine Adams-Lambert 01756 794542 fuelling the team with bacon butties and brews before setting off into Contact for Young People Lorna Heatley 07772 498838 the wild weather! Parish Disability Officer Jean Crawford 07951 788909 Jen Duckworth Parish Safeguarding Jean Crawford Deputy Visitor Manager Sidesmen’s Rota Susan Whittaker 01943 831165 Flower Rota Lorna Freegard 01943 607907 ANSWERS TO THE EASTER QUIZ Welcome Team Leader Kate Templeton 01943 463150 1. Semana Santa 2. Poland and Ukraine Cleaning Rota Andrew Wade 01943 862614 3. Chile 4. Type of cake Website and Facebook Paul Middleton 01943 430654 Fund Raising Liz Clayton 07880 700339 5. Easter Egg Roll 6. Mexico 7. Easter beer 8. Fifth Avenue Friends of Bolton Priory Jill Riley 01943 830190 MAGAZINE TEAM 9. Church bells 10. Bermuda Editor Val Middleton 01943 430654 RABBIT ANAGRAMS priorymagazine@yahoo.co.uk 1. Thumper 2. Bugs Bunny Deputy Editor Judith Allen 01943 513275 3. Peter Rabbit 4. Blackberry Advertising Liz Clayton 07880 700339 5. The White Rabbit 6. Br’er Rabbit Distribution Gill Holme 01756 710482 7. The Easter Bunny 8. Roger Rabbit 9. Harvey 10. The March Hare 33 34
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